Res No 149-14-14243RESOLUTION NO.149-14-14243 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City and the Clerk of Courts,Miami Dade County,Florida,permitting the City of South Miami Parking Department use of a License Plate Recognition System (LPR). WHEREAS,intheCity'scontinuedeffortstoprovidethebestpossibleparking enforcement services supported by up-to-date technologies,theCityofSouth Miami ParkingDivision(Finance Department)is recommending the City adopt and execute the proposed Interlocal Agreement with the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts;and, WHEREAS,thisInterlocal Agreement will permit the Parking Division to continue to utilize,in a coordinated effortwiththeClerkof Courts this LPR Systemwhichisintendedto identify and apprehend Miami-Dade County scofflawsandvehicles otherwise subject to impoundment and immobilizationas determined by the Clerk of Courts and the lawsof the State ofFloridaandMiami-Dade County,including vehicles displaying astolen,fraudulent or unauthorizedlicenseplateandstolenvehicles. WHEREAS,the Clerk of Courts funds all acquisition costs associated with the purchase and subsequent maintenance of the LPR System. WHEREAS,the Inter-local Agreement will become effective when signedandwillbein effectforaninitial period of three years,andautomatically renewable for two successive terms of one year unless the Agreement is terminated. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT; Section I.TheMayorandCommissionoftheCityofSouth Miami herebyapproveto execute anInterlocalAgreementbetweentheCityandtheClerkof Courts,Miami DadeCounty,Florida, permittingtheCityofSouth Miami Parking Department useofaLicensePlateRecognitionSystem (LPR). Section 2.Effective Date.Thisresolution shall become effectiveimmediatelyuponadoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this22ndday of July ,2014 APPROVED:/i MAYOR ' COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Harris: Commissioner Welsh: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Edmond: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea fEST: South11 Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: From: Date: TheHonorableMayor&Members of the City Commission Steven Alexander,City Manager July 08,2014 Agenda ItemNo.:.IL Subject: Background: A Resolution authorizing the CityManager to execute anInterlocal Agreement between the Cityand the Clerk of Courts,Miami Dade County,Florida,permittingtheCityofSouth Miami Parking Department use of aLicensePlateRecognition System (LPR). In theCity'scontinuedeffortstoprovide the bestpossible parking enforcement servicessupportedbyup-to-datetechnologies,theCityof South Miami Parking Division (Finance Department)is recommending the CityadopttheproposedResolutionand execute theproposed Interlocal Agreement with the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts. ThisInterlocal Agreement willpermit the Parking Division to continue to utilize,inacoordinatedeffortwiththeClerkofCourtsthis LPR System whichisintended to identifyandapprehend Miami-Dade County scofflaws andvehicles otherwise subject to impoundment andimmobilizationas determined by the Clerk of Courts and the laws of the State of Floridaand Miami-Dade County,including vehicles displaying astolen,fraudulentor unauthorized licenseplateand stolen vehicles. The LPR Systemisoperatedfromamovingvehicleand scans license plates for comparison toCity and County records.The LPR System is avery effective tool indetectingandcapturing revenue fromscofflawsandstolen vehicles.TheClerkof Courts funds all acquisitioncostsassociatedwith the purchase and subsequent maintenance ofthe LPR System.The Parking Divisionwillneed a dedicated Parking Enforcement vehicleto the LPR System detail. The Inter-local Agreement will becomeeffectivewhen signed andwillbein effectfor an initial period ofthree years,and automatically renewable for two successive terms of one yearunless the Agreement is terminated. TheClerkofCourts LPR systemisdedicatedstrictlyforthedetectionand apprehension of scofflaws and/or stolen vehicles.A "scofflaw"is defined as avehicle registration witheither five ormore outstanding parking citations orone(I)outstanding disabled parking citation with an impound order Soutlf Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING Attachments: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM from a Magistrate.The Clerk of Courts LPR has been a very effective tool inthe detection andapprehensionof scofflaws. This Inter-local Agreement will permit the City to provide thebest possible parking enforcement services supported by up-to-date technologies with no acquisition or training cost associated withthe procurementandsubsequent maintenance ofthe LPR System.The LPR System will alsoprovidetheCitywith additional revenuesassociatedwith the apprehension ofscofflaws. Resolutionforapproval License Plate Recognition (LPR)System Interlocal Agreement AGREEMENT License Plate Recognition System THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ismadeand entered intoas of thisday of ,2014, byand between the Miami-Dade Clerk of Courts,(hereinafter referred toasthe "CLERK")andthe CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,a municipal corporation under theState of Florida,(hereinafter referred toasthe "CITY"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the CLERK is vested withthe intergovernmental jurisdiction to manage theParking ViolationsBureau,which proactively supports measuresthatensure efficient street level parking enforcement, whichoverseesthecollectionand disbursement of parkingviolationrevenues,andwhichisresponsiblefor reporting scofflaw violatorstotheState of Florida andfor providing alist of scofflaw violators to Miami-Dade County municipalities;and WHEREAS,in order to capture revenue lostdueto limitations in detecting scofflaws andstolenvehicles, andtoenhance scofflaw enforcement,andtoimproverecoveryefforts of stolen vehicles and fraudulent vehicle licensetags,theCLERK,incoordinationwiththeCITY,hasservedasthecatalystintheprocurementofa License Plate Recognition System;and WHEREAS,the CLERK has acquired a License Plate Recognition System (hereinafter referred toasthe "SYSTEM")bypayingthecostsfortheSYSTEMequipmentanditsmaintenance,atnoexpensetotheCITY exceptforthevehicle,personnelandtechnologicalinterfacethatwillbeprovidedbytheCITYtooperatethe SYSTEM.This acquisition isforusebythe CLERK andtheCITYina coordinated effortto identify and apprehendMiami-DadeCountyscofflawsandvehiclesotherwisesubjecttoimpoundmentandimmobilizationas determined bythe CLERK andthelawsoftheStateof Florida and Miami-Dade County,including vehicles displaying astolen,fraudulent or unauthorized licenseplateandstolenvehicleslistedinthestolenvehicle file;and WHEREAS,theCITYdesirestobeapartnerwithCLERKin operating theSYSTEM,andtheCITY intendstoprovidethevehicle,personneland technological interfaceneededtooperatetheSYSTEM,andcommit theseresourcestooperatingtheSYSTEM,atno additional expensetotheCLERK;and WHEREAS,theCLERKandtheCITYboth endeavor toprovidethecitizensof Miami-Dade County with thebestpossibleparking enforcement services supported by up-to-date technologies, NOWTHEREFORE,forandin consideration of themutualcovenantshereincontained,theCLERKand the CITY do hereby agreetofullyand faithfully abidebyandbe bound bythe following terms and conditions: ARTICLE ONE Responsibilities of the CLERK TheCLERKagreesto: 1.Maintain a License Plate Recognition System conditioned upon the provisions aforementioned and in relation toall equipment listed in ATTACHMENT A and any upgrade to those items listed. 2.Designate a person (hereinafter referred to as "Project Manager")who will be responsible for handling contract administration for the SYSTEM,administer the SYSTEM and handle all issues arising out of, under,orin connection with the SYSTEM,including but not limited to:processing change orders and modifications to the contract;coordinating implementation,installation and maintenance of all equipment necessary tothe satisfactory operation ofthe SYSTEM;and addressing all business and technical issues. 3.Provide trained and qualified personnel to support the SYSTEM at the CLERK'S Parking Violations Bureau and provide support tothe municipalities during the Bureau's regular working hours. ARTICLE TWO Responsibilities of the CITY TheCITYagreesto: 1.Accept from the CLERK and utilize the equipment detailed in ATTACHMENT Aandany upgrade thereto, which equipment and system will enable the CITY to identify and apprehend scofflaws,and exchange relatedinformationwiththeparkingviolationssystem. 2.Maintain all functional records and accounts that relate tothe SYSTEM in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principals (GAAP),andprovidetheCLERKaccesstosaid accounts andrecordsfor auditing purposes forthe duration of the AGREEMENT. 3.Ensure thatoncethe SYSTEM hasbeen tested andis fully operational,theCitywill make satisfactory arrangementswiththeCLERKtoensurethatthecomponents of theSYSTEMlistedinATTACHMENTA andanyupgradetheretowillbeservicedwhennecessary. 4.Providetrainedand qualified personnel to operate andsupportthe SYSTEM within Miami-Dade County. 5.Utilizeandoperatethe SYSTEM and participate inthe program as instructed bythe CLERK asfullyas possibleduringthetermsofthis AGREEMENT.TheCITYshallcareforandprotectallequipmentissued bythe CLERK for which the CITY receives custody.TheCITYshallnotifythe CLERK immediately regarding the mechanical failure of anycomponents of theSYSTEM. 6.Indemnify andtohold harmless theCLERK,andits employees,against anyandall,claims,actions, judgments,damages and expenses,including reasonable and necessary attorney's fees,tothe extent any such,claims,actions,judgments,damagesandexpensesresultfromthe CITY's,itsofficers,directors, agents and employees,use of the SYSTEM.TheCITYshallhaveno obligation to indemnify theCLERK, shouldanysuchclaims,actions,judgments,damagesandexpensesresult,inwholeorinpart,fromacts, omissions,willfulmisconductorgrossnegligence of theCLERK,itsofficers,directors,agentsand employees.Theseindemnitiesshallsurvivethetermination of thisAgreement. 7.Operateallcomponents of theSYSTEMinfullcompliancewithalloperationalmanuals,rulesand regulationsoftheCLERK,andtheTERMSANDCONDITIONS of the CLERK'S agreementwith GENETEC,Inc.(hereinafterreferredtoasthe"Contractor")forthepurposeofcarryingoutthisAgreement entitledATTACHMENTB;andtonotoperateanyofthecomponentsoftheSYSTEMinanegligent manner. 8.AccepttheCLERK'Sauthorityandresponsibilityforadministeringthecontracton behalf oftheCITY withtheContractor,andlettheClerkofCourts,orhisdesignee,actastheProjectManagerwhowillbethe CLERKandthe CITY's technicalrepresentativefortheSYSTEM. ARTICLE THREE Financing As stipulated in Article One "Responsibilities ofthe CLERK,"the CLERK willmakethe arrangements to finance the acquisition ofthe SYSTEM components described in ATTACHMENT Aandany upgrade thereto. ARTICLE FOUR Right to Offset Ifthe CITY fails to meet any ofits obligations asset forth in this AGREEMENT and as determined by the CLERK,andthe CLERK incurs costs,expenses or damages asaresultofsuch failure,the CLERK,in addition to any other remedies,reserves therighttooffsetany sums duethe CITY from any parking ticket revenue source inan amount equaltothe CLERK's costof equipment assigned tothe CITY,as described in ATTACHMENT A,but subject totheCITY's administrative andlegalrightsas provided in Article Seven. ARTICLE FIVE Cancellation Ifthe CLERK determines,inits sole discretion,to discontinue the PROGRAM in whole orin part,then the CLERK shall have the right to cancel this AGREEMENT,without penalty or stated cause,by giving the CITY ninety (90)DAYS ADVANCE WRITTEN NOTICE by certified mail. ARTICLE SIX Correspondence ItisunderstoodandagreedthatanyofficialnoticesthatresultfromorarerelatedtothisAGREEMENT mustbeinwritingandshallonlybe considered delivered whendonesoby certified mailto: CITY City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 Attention:StevenAlexander,CityManager CLERK OF COURTS Parking Violations Bureau 22 N.W.1st Street,4th Floor Miami,Florida 33128 Attention:CarlosEstrada,Operations and Information TechnologyManager ARTICLE SEVEN Settlement of Disputes Thepartiesagreethatthe Clerk of Courtsshallbethe administrator of this AGREEMENT andshalldecide all questions,difficulties and disputes,of whatever nature,whichmayariseunderorbyreasonofthis AGREEMENT andtherendering of servicesand performance ofobligationshereunder,andtheClerkofCourt's decisionshereundershallbebindinguponthepartieshereto.NothingcontainedinthisAGREEMENTprevents eitherpartyfromseekingsatisfactionthroughacourt of competentjurisdiction,providedthattheadministrative remedy of petitioning the Clerk of Courts isfirst exhausted. ARTICLE EIGHT Terms of the Agreement ThedurationofthisAGREEMENTshallbeforaninitialperiod of three(3)yearsandautomatically renewable fortwo(2)successive terms of oneyearunlessthe AGREEMENT is terminated bytheCLERKinits sole discretion.All of its terms and conditions shall remain in full force and effect until such time that the AGREEMENT isterminatedormodifiedbymutualconsentofthepartiestothis AGREEMENT. ARTICLE NINE Assignments The CITY's obligations hereunder arenotassignable.TheCITYshall not assign,transfer,pledge, hypothecate,surrender,or otherwise encumber ordispose of itsrights under this AGREEMENT,oranyinterestin any portion of same,without the prior written consent of the CLERK,which consent willnotbe unreasonably withheld. ARTICLE TEN Complete Agreement No representations or warranties shallbe binding upon either party unless expressed in writing herein. ARTICLE ELEVEN Modifications ThisAGREEMENTmaynotbealtered,changedormodifiedexceptbyorwiththe written consent of the parties and the CLERKS'S OFFICE as AGREEMENT administrator. ATTEST: By: Stevea-AIexander,City Manager CLERK OF COURTS MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA by:. Harvey Ruvin,Clerk of Courts Attachment A (Year 2014 Agreement) Hardware Inventory The CITY of SOUTH MIAMI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^fe^^M^^g^^ ^^S^P^^^^^^^^ Panasonic ToughbookComputerMonitor CF-19ADUAXDM TBD $6,000.00 AutoVu IntegratedComputerUnit(ICU)Sharp-X 1361 TBD $9,495.00 Autovu Sharp-XCamera (Left Mount)AU-X-XGA-W12780 TBD $3,500.00 Autovu Sharp-XCamera(RightMount)AU-X-XGA-W12780 TBD $3,500.00 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Dailyexcept Saturday.Sundayand Legal Holidays Mami.Miami-Dade Counly.Florida TATE OF FLORIDA OUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Beforetheundersignedauthoritypersonallyappeared MARIA MESA,whoonoathsaysthatheorsheisthe LEGAL CLERK.LegalNoticesofthe Miami DailyBusiness Reviewf/k/a Miami Review,adaily(exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegalHolidays)newspaper,publishedatMiamiinMiami-Dade County,Florida;thattheattachedcopyofadvertisement, beingaLegal Advertisement ofNoticeinthematterof CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 7/22/2014 intheXXXX Court, was published insaid newspaper inthe issues of AfliantfurthersaysthatthesaidMiamiDailyBusiness Reviewisa newspaper published atMiamiinsaidMiami-Dade County.Floridaandthatthesaid newspaper has heretoforebeencontinuouslypublishedinsaidMiami-DadeCounty, Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday.SundayandLegalHolidays) andhas been entered as second class mailmatteratthepost officeinMiamiinsaid Miami-DadeCounty.Florida,fora periodofoneyearnextprecedingthefirstpublicationofthe attachedcopyofadvertisement;andaffiantfurthersaysthatheor she hasneitherpaidnorpromisedany person,firmorcorporation any discojjni^ebert«r^©mcnissionorrefundforthepurpose ofs^tJnrigthis advertisements puBfteaJion inthesaid /ffewspaper. (SEAL) MARIA MESA pfer$onally£<nown tome o;**T/^>.MERCEDES ZALDIVAR MYCOMMISSION *FF029736 •s«[w *.?>••EXPtRES June20.2017 d07)398-0153 HoridaNeiarySoJvico.com bdh'eld.^H]^^rj^«r|$ .D^aiimOTt|»^i >n€6uthj MIAMI HERALD |MiamJHerald.com Hiuiera Schools CONTACT US NOW FOR AN ADMISSIONS VISIT (PRESCHOOL TO 12™GRADE) REGISTER NOW FOR Hiuiera ©ag Camp JUNIOR CAMPUS (PK-Gradc 2) SENIOR CAMPUS (Grades 3-10) 4 Sessions (June 9-August 1) All your SPECIALTY CAMPS in one place Basketball Camp Soccer Camp Volleyball Camp Dance Camp Art Camp AND MUCH,MUCH MORE... Swimming •Bounce House•Video Arcade FieldTrips•Color War •PingPong•SpecialEvents Riviera Day School 68(10 Ncrvia St..CoralGables.FL33146 Riviera Preparatory School V775 SW 87 Ave.Miami.FL33176 305.666.1856 I www.rivieraschools.com SE SUNDAY,JULY 13,2014|33SE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESYNOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission of the City of South Miami,Florida will conduct Public Hcaring(s) atitsregular CityCommission meeting scheduled for Tuesday.Tulv 22.2014 beginning at 7:00 p.m.,in the CityCommission Chambers, 6130SunsetDrive,to consider the following item(s): An Ordinance establishing anelectric franchise for installation ofcitystreet lighting within theCityof South Miami withFlorida Power & LightCompany. An Ordinance amending die City of South Miami's Code of Ordinances Chapter 5,Article 1,Section 5-1 to refine the City's designation asawildlife sanctuary. A Resolution authorizing theCityManager to enter into a five (5)year Interlocal Agreement withMiami Dade County for routine canal maintenance for the Ludlam Glades and Broad Canals for anamount of $38,902 annually,tobe funded from the Stormwater Trust Fund. /A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Interlocal Agreement between the City and the Clerk ofCourts,Miami Dade \/County,Florida,permitting the City ofSouth Miami Parking Department use ofaLicense Plate Recognition System (LPR).J A Resolution oftheMayor and City Commission oftheCityofSouth Miami,Florida,amending theCityCharter tochange theofficial City of South Miami election date from February tothe first Tuesday of April,starting in2018 and subject to approval bytheelectorate providing an effective date forthe amendment and directing theCityClerkto incorporate the amendment into die Charter andto file the revised charter with the Florida Department of State atareferendum tobeheld onNovember 4,2014;providing ballot language;directing the City Clerktotakeallnecessary actions to carry outthe provisions ofthis resolution. A Resolution ofthe Mayor and CityCommission oftheCityof South Miami,Florida,amending theCityCharter Clarification of article II section 6 subsection D1 and reduce the number of votes for anamendment to land useanddevelopment regulations from 5 votes to4 affirmative votes,except where theamendment would allow four ormore stories inheight orinexcess of24units per acre subject toapproval bythe electorate providing aneffective dateforthe amendment anddirecting theCityClerkto incorporate theamendment intotheCharter and to file the revised charter withthe Florida Department of State ata referendum tobe held on November 4,2014;providing ballot language;directing theCityClerk to take allnecessary actions to carry out tileprovisions ofthisresolution. A Resolution oftheMayor and CityCommission oftheCityof South Miami,Florida,proposing anamendment totheCityCharter to better define theroles of theCityCommission and CityManager that are standard under the Commission-Manager form of government byamending Art.II,Sec 5.(C)and Sec.9;ArtIV,Sec.2.Dand Sec 4.E;Art V,Sec 5.C;and ArtVI,Sec 6,including aneffective date for theamendment and,subject to approval bytheelectorate ata referendum tobeheld on November 4,2014,directing theCityClerk to incorporate the amendment into the Charter and to file the revised charter with the Florida Department of State;providing ballot language anddirecting theCityClerktotakeallnecessary actions to carry outthe provisions ofthisresolution. A Resolution oftheMayor and CityCommission oftheCityof South Miami,Florida,proposing an amendment tothe City Charter to increase financial flexibility,to improve auditing and facilitate responsiveness during and emergencies while maintaining Commission authority over theAdministration byamending Art.II,Sec 6.D.2;Art.Ill,Sec5.H;ArtIV,Sec2.,F.(1)and (2),including aneffective date for theamendment and,subject to approval bytheelectorate ata referendum tobeheld onNovember 4,2014,directing theCityClerk toincorporate the amendment into the Charter and tofile the revised charter with the Florida Department ofState;providing ballot language anddirecting theCityClerk to take allnecessary actions to carry outthe provisions ofthisresolution. A Resolution oftheMayor and City Commission oftheCityof South Miami,Florida,proposing anamendment totheCityCharter to correct language made obsolete bystate law orprevious charter changes,and toclarify existing Charter language without change in function or intent by amending Art.II,Sec.8A;ArtIII,Sec.3,Sec4 and Sec S.E;ArtIV,Sec2.B andSec 2.C;Art.V,Sec.l.B.(4)and (5), Sec.5.Band Sec 6,including an effective dateforthe amendment and,subject to approval bythe electorate ata referendum tobeheldon November 4,2014,directing theCityClerkto incorporate the amendment intothe Charter andto file the revised charter withthe Florida Department of State;providing ballot language and directing theCityClerk to take all necessary actions to carry outtheprovisions of this resolution. ALL interested parties arcinvitedtoattendandwillbe heard. Forfurther information,please contacttheCity Clerk's Officeat:305-663-6340. MariaM.Mencndez,CMC CityClerk Pursuant toFlorida Statutes 286.0105,the City hereby advises the public that ifaperson decides toappeal any decision made bythis Board,Agency or Commission with respect to any matter considered atits meeting or hearing,he orshewillneed a record ofthe proceedings,and that for such purpose,affected person may need toensure that averbatim record ofthe proceedings ismade which record includes the testimony and evidence upon whichthe appeal istobe based. Menendez,Maria M. From:Riverol,Alfredo Sent:Wednesday,November 19,2014 11:45 AM To:Payne,Nkenga Cc:Menendez,Maria M.;Shari Kamali Subject:RE:agreements f-/V-/Va H3 MiamiDadeCountyhas expressed that they arenotgoingto execute the Interlocal Agreement between the City and the Clerkof Courts,Miami Dade County,Florida,permitting the Cityof South MiamiParking Department use ofaLicense Plate Recognition System (LPR)until the City provides them with the make and model of the vehicle which the City intends to use for the LPR program. Miami-Dade County ITD isstill waiting for the agreement to be executed by the Miami-Dade CountyMayor. We requested an update and they replied that they are still waiting for the agreement to return from the Mayor's office.Once finance obtains the agreement wewillbe sure to forward it to the Clerk'soffice. From:Payne,Nkenga Sent:Tuesday,November 18,2014 2:27 PM To:Riverol,Alfredo Cc:Menendez,MariaM. Subject:agreements Good Afternoon, Pleaseletmeknow the status of the following agreements: 149-14-14243 11.AResolution authorizing the City Manager to execute anInterlocal Agreement between the City and the ClerkofCourts,MiamiDadeCounty,Florida,permitting the City ofSouth Miami Parking Department useofa License PlateRecognitionSystem (LPR). 3/5 (City Manager-Finance) 192-14-14286 8.A Resolution authorizing the City Managertoexecuteaone (1)year Interlocal Agreementwith Miami-Dade CountyforInformationTechnology maintenance and support servicesforan annual amount of $165,500.3/5 (City Manager) Thanks, Nkenga "Nikki"Payne,CMC Deputy CityClerk City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 (305)663-6340 office (305)663-6348 fax npavne@southmiamifl.aov M9-