Res No 202-14-14296RESOLUTION NO.202-14-14296 A Resolution instructing the Planning Board to review and make recommendations for the land use and zoning of 7 lots that are west of Mount Olive Missionary Baptist Church of South Miami Inc. WHEREAS,there are three houses onsix(6)25footwidelots west of Mt.Olive Missionary Baptist Church.Of thosethreehousesonlyoneremainshabitable.In addition to those 6 lots,a seventh (7th)lot,located in that same area,is 50 feet wide and all are located ina RS-4 zoning district;and WHEREAS,the 7 properties in question are identified as follows: COOKIES &CRACKERS CORP 6353 SW 60AVE South Miami,FL 33143-2204 AMDPLATOFHAMLETPB 4-48S1/2 OFLOT4BLK 2L0T SIZE 25.000 X 96 Folio:09-4025-007-0150 MTOLIVEMISSIONARYBAPTIST6301 SW 60AVE South Miami,FL 33143-2204 AMDPLATOFHAMLETPB 4-48L0T 1BLK 2LOT SIZE 50.000 X 960R 19625-1147 04/2001 Folio:09-4025-007-0090 JANNIEM FERGUSON 6317 SW 60AVE South Miami,FL 33143-2204 AMDPLATOFHAMLETPB4-48N1/2OFLOT2BLK2LOT SIZE 25.000 X 960R 10771-752 0680 5 Folio:09-4025-007-0100 KATIELEEWILLIAMS 6319 SW 60AVE South Miami,FL 33143-2204 AMDPLATOFHAMLETPB 4-48 S1/2 OFLOT2BLK2LOT SIZE 25.000 X 96 Folio:09-4025-007-0110 JOHNPOWELL&WLEONA 6333 SW60AVE South Miami,FL 33143-2204 AMDPLATOFHAMLETPB4-48N1/2OFLOT3BLK2 LOT SIZE 25.000 X 96 Folio:09-4025-007-0120 MTOLIVEMISSIONARYBAPTISTCHRCH6335SW60AVESouth Miami,FL 33143-2204 AMDPLATOF HAMLET PB4-48S1/2LOT 3BLK2LOT SIZE 25.000 X 96 OR 19796-2598 07/2001 6 Folio:09-4025-007-0130 MT OLIVE MISSIONARY BAPTISTCHRCH6351SW60AVESouth Miami,FL33143-2204AMDPLATOF HAMLET PB4-48N1/2OF LOT4BLK2LOT SIZE 25.000 X96 OR 19796-2601 07/2001 6 Folio:09-4025-007-0140 WHEREAS,RS-4zoningrequiresthataparcelhaveaminimum60linealfeet of frontage,6,000 square feetofland,25'of front andrear setback,15'ofsidestreet setback,25'of maximum building height,30%maximum building coverage,45%maximum impervious coverageandon-site parking isrequired;and. WHEREAS,none of thehousesthatareonany of the7lotsthatarewest of MountOlive Missionary Baptist Church,if demolished,can be legally rebuilt onthe lots on which they presently stand;and WHEREAS,ifanyofthe property owner ofanyofthe7lotsin question,which are west ofMt.OliveMissionaryBaptistChurch,whowishtodemolishahousewouldhavetoassemble 3 contiguous 25'lots tobe able to rebuild his/her house. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The recitals set forth above inthis resolution arehereby adopted by reference andthePlanningBoardis hereby instructed toreviewandmake recommendations forthelanduseandzoningofthe7lots described inthisresolution. Page 1 of 2 Res.No.202-14-14296 Section 2.Severability.If any section clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution isfor any reason held invalid or unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,the holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 3.Effective Date.This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this7th day of October 2014. ATTEST: KEADJ^f^P^OVEDA^Tq FORM, LA^f^<GE,LEGALLY ANI :ufclQfo THERECfe Page 2 of 2 APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea