Res No 181-14-14275RESOLUTION NO.:181-14-14275 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute afive(5)year contract with Laz Parking Inc. WHEREAS,the City wishes to enter intoafive(5)year agreement with LazParking,Inc., for parking management services;and WHEREAS,the City's solicited proposals forparking management services through a RFP process andreceived three (3)proposals that werereviewedbyaSelection Committee;and WHEREAS,the Selection Committee scored and ranked the proposal submitted by Laz Parking,Inc.,as the highest ranked,most responsive and responsible proposal;and WHEREAS,CityCommissionauthorizedthe City Managerto negotiate afive(5)year agreement with Laz Parking,Inc.,in accordance withResolution 125-14-14218. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED THE MAYORAND CITY COMMISSIONOF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.TheCity Manager is authorized to execute afive(5)year contract with Laz Parking,Inc.,for parking management services foranamountnottoexceed $1,110,271 effective October 1,2014.The contract agreement maybe terminated by the City without causewitha30daynoticeand the contractor may terminate the agreement without cause with a120day notice.Acopyof the agreement is attached. Section 2.Severability.Ifany section,clause,sentence,or phrase ofthis resolution is foranyreasonheld invalid orunconstitutionalbyacourtof competent jurisdiction,thisholding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 3.Effective Date:This resolution shall take effect immediately upon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this 2nddav of September,2014 ATKST:APPROVED: READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGfUE«ALITY Afc TjHEREOF/ 'KKUVtU: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea South'Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: From: Date: The Honorable Mayor&Members of the City Commission Steven Alexander,City Manager September 2,2014 AgendaItem No. A Resolution authorizing the CityManager to execute afive(5)year contract with Laz Parking Inc. Background TheCity issued a Request forProposalforParking Management Services,(RFP #FN-2014-01). Three proposals were received that were reviewed bya Selection Committee.Three firms responded to the RFP;Laz Parking,RepublicParkingSystems,andSP+MunicipalServices. Below please finda breakdown of the Evaluation Committee's scoring of the received proposals: 1.Laz Florida Parking 286 2.SP+Municipal Services 255 3.Republic Parking Systems 242 A summary of each proposers'bids are below: Yr *LAZ SP Municipal Republic 1 213,156 239,821 296,068 2 218,485 247,160 306,430 3 223,947 254,737 317,155 4 229,546 262,562 328,255 5 235,285 270,642 344,668 5-YR TOTAL 1,120,419 1,274,922 1,592,576 *ProposalSummation Error:1,349,965 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI ^m ith"M ia mi office of the city manager ^^L!JI PuSlllSli"inter-office memorandum In accordancewith Resolution 125-14-14218,the City Manager wasauthorizedtonegotiatea five (5)yearcontract agreement with Laz Parking,Inc.Asummaryof the negotiated termsare below: 1.(a)Price Proposal aspresented in the RFP responsewas reduced by over $10,000 which will beimposedduring the firstyearofthe contract 2.Required personnelbetrainedingoodcustomer service techniques 3.Shifted the expense of auditing contractors records to the contractor 4.Shiftedtheexpenseofdevelopingnewparkingspacestothecontractor,with the exception of striping 5.Requiredannualauditsby the contractor and the production offinancial statements as requested by the city 6.Contractorshallberequiredtoproduceaoneandafiveyear strategic parking systemplanandoneadditionalstrategicplanasthecitymaydesignandrequire 7.Contractor shallmake recommendations on marketing directed to increase parkinginthe municipal parkingstructure,inadditionto operations and improvements 8.Contractor isrequiredto promote the city'sparkingsystem,workingwiththe business community,conductingcustomersurveystwiceayear,brandingthe cityparkingsystemanddevelopingandimplementingapositivemarketing campaign to the satisfaction of the city 9.The financial agreement includes anynew on-street parkingimprovements whichshallbeincludedin the scopeofservice 10.The contractor will makeapaymenttothecityof $9,000 forsurveysnot completed by the contractor during the previous agreement,whichwillbeused for the City'sFourthofJulyAnnualFireworksdisplayin the calendar year 2015. 11.Additionally,the contractor will,within the firstyear,purchase and transfer to the City a new GEM vehicle valuedat over $14,500 within the first twenty-four (24)months ofthis agreement or before October 1,2016or sooner if the current electric vehicle needs replacement before then. A total net financial improvement to the City's benefit of $33,500 has been negotiated. South"Miami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The agreement with Laz Florida Parkingwill take effect October 1,2014 forafiveyear(5) period after the expiration of the current Month-to-Month agreement.The agreement with Laz Florida Parking ensures there willbeno interruption in services orparking revenues priorto October 1,2014. Amount:$1,110,271 forafive(5)yearperiod;(FY 2015,$203,008) Account:Account No.001-1410-513-3459 for FY 2015 Attachments:Resolution Resolution #125-14-14218;"Authorization to Negotiate" Laz Parking Inc.,Five(5)Year Agreement Resolution #36-14-141130;"Month-to-Month Agreement" RESOLUTION NO,:1 25-1 4-1 4218 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into afive(5)year contract agreement with LazParking Inc.foran amount not to exceed $1,120,419 fora five (5)year period. WHEREAS,the Citywishesto enter intoa five (5)year agreement with Laz Parking,Inc., for parking management services;and WHEREAS,the City's solicitedproposalsfor parking managementservicesthrougha RFP processandreceived three (3)proposals that werereviewedbyaSelection Committee;and WHEREAS,theSelectionCommitteescoredandrankedtheproposalsubmittedby Laz Parking,Inc.,as the highest ranked,mostresponsiveandresponsibleproposal;and WHEREAS,Laz Parking,Inc.,is recommended forthefive (5)yearcontractagreement for parking management services. NOW,THEREFORE,BEITRESOLVEDTHE MAYOR ANDCITY COMMISSION OFTHECITY OFSOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section l.The City Manageris authorized tonegotiateandenter-intoa five (5)year contract agreement withLazParking,Inc.,forparking management services foran amount not toexceed $1,120,419 forafive {5}year period effective October1,2014.Thecontract agreementmaybeterminatedbythe City withoutcausewitha30daynoticeandthecontractor may terminate theagreement without cause with a120 day notice.A copy ofthe sample agreement is attached. Section2.Severability.If anysection,clause,sentence,orphraseofthisresolutionis for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction,this holding shallnotaffectthevalidityoftheremainingportionsofthisresolution. Section 3.Effective Date:This resolution shall takeeffect immediately upon enactment. PASSEDANDENACTED this17thdav of June _,2014. APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Harris: Commissioner Welsh: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Edmond: READ AND APPRpWD ASTOFORM, LANGUAGE Lg^AUTY AND EXECUTlONaHEREOF RESOLUTION NO.:36-14-14130 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a month to month contract with LazParking,Inc.,forparking management services. WHEREAS,the City's and LazParkingInc.,entered intoan agreement forparking management services,expiring March 31,2014;and WHEREAS,to provide the City time to select a vendor and enter into a new agreement forparking management services,the Cityand Laz ParkingInc.,mutually desire to extend the agreement on a month-to-month basis fora term not to exceed six(6)months,expiring September 30,2014 at the same terms,conditions andprices identified in Agreement for Parking Management Services;and WHEREAS,the City or Laz Parking,Inc.,may terminate the agreement with a written 30 DayNoticeto either party,andinallcases,such termination will become effective upon the last day of the month the Notice of Termination is received. NOW,THEREFORE,BEIT RESOLVED THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHECITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The City Manager is authorized to enter into a month to month contract,a copyofwhichis attached tothisResolution,with Laz Parking,Inc,forparking management services fora term not to exceed six(6)months expiring September 30,2014 at the same terms, conditions and prices pursuant to the Agreement for Parking Management Services,a copy of whichis attached tothisResolution,foran amount not to exceed $16,917.40 per month. Section 2.Severability.If any section,clause,sentence,or phrase of this resolution is forany reason held invalidor unconstitutional bya court of competent jurisdiction,thisholding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 3- enactment. Effective Date:This resolution shall take effect immediately upon PASSEDANDENACTED this 4thdav of March 2014. ATTEST:APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE:4-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea Vice Mayor Harris:absent Commissioner Welsh:Yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Edmond:Yea To: From: Date: Subject: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor &Members oftheCityCommission StevenJ.Alexander,City Manager March 4,2014 South Miami AU-Amertsaflfy mil' 2001 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a month to month contract with LazParking,Inc.,for parking management services. BACKGROUND:"^e City entered Into a Municipal Parking Management Services agreement with Laz Parking,Inc.,effective April I,2011 (Resolution #121-11-134453).The agreement,for a three (3)yearterm,expireson March 31,2014. TheCity desires toissuea solicitation for parking management services andthemonthto monthcontract will providetheCitytimetomakea decision,selectavendorandenter intoanewagreementThemonthtomonth agreement with Laz Parking Inc.,shall extend theterms and current monthly feeof$16,917.40 for an additional six (6)months. Expense Attachments: $101,600 (6-Months)fromAccountNo.001 -1410-513-3459 witha balance of $221,452 for FY 2014. Resolution Month to Month Contract Resolution #121-11-134435 and Laz Parking Municipal Agreement MONTH TO MONTH CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this ^h day of /WAfllff ,2014,by and between the CityofSouth Miami,aFlorida municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred toas"City")andLaz Parking,Inc., hereinafterreferredtoas "Contractor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,theCityandContractorenteredintoanAgreementforParkingManagementServiceseffective April 1,2011 forathree(3)yearperiod;and WHEREAS,theAgreementwasissuedforathree(3)yearterm,expiringonMarch 31,2014;and WHEREAS,theCitymaydecidenottoextendtheAgreementbyanadditionaltwo(2)yearperiodandmaydecide toissuea solicitation forparking management services;and WHEREAS,toprovidetheCitytimetomakeitsdecisionandselectavendorandenterintoanewagreementfor parkingmanagement services,theCityandLazParkingInc.,mutuallydesiretoextendtheagreementona month-to-month basis foratermnotto exceed six(6)months,expiring September 30,2014 atthesame terms,conditions and prices identified inAgreementforParkingManagementServices;and NOW,THEREFORE,theCityandthe Contractor,eachthroughtheirauthorizedrepresentative/official,agreeas follows: 1.Therecitalssetforthabovearetrueandareherebyadoptedbyreference. 2.TheCityandtheContractorshallcontinuetodobusinesspursuanttothe Agreement for Parking ManagementServicesbetweentheCityandContractorwhichshallremainineffectthroughitscurrentterraandshall thereafterbeextendedonamonthtomonthbasisforanadditional six (6)months,underthesametermsandconditions asthe Agreement forParking Management Services otherthanas modified bythismonthtomonthcontractAcopyof theAgreementforParkingManagementServicesis attached tothis Month-to-Month extension.Ifthereisanyconflict betweentheAgreementforParkingManagementServicesandthismonthtomonth contract,thelateragreementshall take precedence. 3.Contractorshallcontinuetoprovidesuchservicesunderthesame price(s),termsand conditionsasidentifiedtheAgreementforParking Management Services. 4.CityandContractormayterminatethemonthtomonthextensionofthecontractatanytimeduringthe six-monthextensionperiodby30daywrittenadvancenotice("Notice of Termination").TheCityagreestopayforservices attheagreeduponratesandContractoragreestocontinuetoperformservicesthroughthe30dayNotice of Termination periodfollowingtheissueandreceipt of thenotice. 5.Theadministration of thecontractandalldecisionbytheCityshallbeconductedatthesolediscretion of theCityManager,includingalldecisionasto termination orrenewalasprovidedforintheAgreementforParking ManagementServicesandasmaybe provided inthismonthtomonthagreement. 6.TheCityManagermay,athissolediscretion,renewtheAgreementforParking Management Services forthesamerenewalperiodsprovidedforinthat agreement,orforalesserperiod.Innoeventshallthetotaltermofthe contract,including all extensionsandrenewalsexceedfiveyears. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,andasthedulyauthorizedactoftheparties,theundersignedrepresentatives ofthepartiesheretohavecausedthisinstrumenttobesignedintheir respective namesbytheirproper officials onorpriorto thedayandyearfirstabovewrittenandwhichdateshallbetheeffectivedateofthisagreemen CITYgPSQIIOiMIAMI r\uQ<2z (j(/te^**^B V—MariaM.Menen<Iez7 CMC /"Steven Alexander City Manager CONTRACTOR By CONTRACTOR SERVICES AGREEMENT FOR PARKING MANAGEMENT SERVICES THIS CONTRACT is made between LAZ Florida Parking,LLC,a Florida corporation, ("CONTRACTOR")and the City of South Miami,a Florida municipal corporation,("CSM") through CSM's City Manager (who shall hereinafter be referred to as "City7'),on this Icph this day of Sf^flkr 2014. NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements hereinafter set forth,the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged,the parties agree as follows: 1.General Provisions:The CONTRACTOR shall not commence performance of the Scope of Services ("WORK"),as described in the Attachment "A"to this Contract,until a Notice to Proceed is issued. 2.Contract Documents and Precedence.The Contract Documents shall include the Request for Proposal,including all attachments and affidavits to the solicitation ("RFP"),the Response to the RFP,including all attachments and affidavits to the Response ("Response to RFP"),and this agreement,including all attachments to this agreement ("Contract").In the event that there isa conflict between any of the Contract Documents,this Contract shall prevail.In the event that there isa conflict between the RFP and the Response to RFP,the RFP shall take precedence over the Response unless the City consents in writing to the terms that are in conflict. 3.Services-The professional services to be provided by the CONTRACTOR shall be as set forth in the Scope of the Work,which has been marked as Attachment "A"and made a part of this Contract by reference. 4.Term of Contract.The term of this contract shall be five(5)years commencing on October 1,2014 and ending on September 30,2019, 5.Basis of Compensation.The renegotiated fees for Services for the WORK are isas set forth in Attachment "B,"1.(b),which is attached to this Contract and made a part thereof by reference. 6.Payment and Partial Payments.The CONTRACTOR shall submit an original invoice to the City for each payment certifying the WORK completed by the CONTRACTOR.The amount of the invoice submitted shall be the amount due for all WORK performed and unpaid to the date of the invoice,as certified by the CONTRACTOR The term "certified"as used in this contract,shall mean that the certified information or document must be submitted to the City with a statement made under penalty of perjury and confirming that the information or contents of the document is true and accurate.The initial invoice shall include CONTRACTOR'S W-9 and if the information on the form should change,an updated W-9shallbe provided with the next invoice following the change.The amount of the invoices submitted shall be the amount due for all WORK performed todate,ascertifiedby the CONTRACTOR.The request forpayment shall include the following information: a)CONTRACTOR'S Name. b)Total monthly amount. c)Amount due this invoice. d)CONTRACTOR'S Invoice number and date. 7.Right of Decisions.All services shallbe performed by the CONTRACTOR to the satisfaction of the City's representative,who shall decideall questions,difficultiesand disputes of whatever nature which may arise under orbyreason of thisContract,the prosecution and fulfillment of the services,and the character,quality,amount andvalueand the City's representative's decisions upon allclaims,questions,and disputes shallbefinal,conclusive and bindingupon the partiesunlesssuch determination isclearlyarbitraryorunreasonable.In the event that the CONTRACTOR does not concurin the judgment of the representative Cityas to anydecisions made byhim,heshall present his written objections to the CityManagerand shallabideby the decision of the City Manager,unless the decisionisclearlyarbitraryand unreasonable.Anyissue that is debatable shallberesolvedinfavor of the City'sdecision. 8.Ownership of Documents.All reports and reproducible documents,and other data developed by the CONTRACTOR for the purpose of thisContractshall immediately become the property of the City without restrictionorlimitationin connection with the City'suse,and occupancy of the projectifapplicable under Florida law.TheCity may reuse these documents without the need for consent of the CONTRACTOR.When eachindividual section orphase,if any,of the WORK under thisContractis complete,all of the above applicabledatashallbe delivered to the City.Atany time during the course of the Work,allsuch reports,documents anddatashallbe delivered to the City upon demand by the City. 9.Audit Rights.The City reserves the right to audit the records of the CONTRACTOR related to this Contract at any time during the execution of the WORKandfora period of five (5)years after final payment is made.In the event that the City audits the records anditis determined that additional money is owed to the City,the Contractor shallpayfor the cost of the audit. 10.Subletting or Assigning.The CONTRACTOR shall not sublet,assign,or transfer any WORK under this Contract or any of the services to be performed by it hereunder,without the prior written consent of the City.Any assignment or subcontracting in violation hereof shall be void and unenforceable and shall be deemed a material breach of this Contract.The CONTRACTOR shall be asfully responsible to the Cityfor the acts and omissions of its subcontractors and/or assigns,ifany,or sub-consultants,asitisfor the actsand omissions of people directly employed byit.The CONTRACTOR shall require each subcontractor orassigns, ifany,CONTRACTOR or sub-consultant,approved by the City,to agree inits contract to observe and be bound to the Citybyall obligations and conditions of this Contract to which CONTRACTOR is bound. 11.Personnel.All CONTRACTOR personnel fulfilling the terms of this Contract,shallbe employed solely by the CONTRACTOR and be employees of the CONTRACTOR.CONTRACTOR agrees to pay the following for CONTRACTOR employees:Wages,Income tax withholdings, Social security withholdings,State unemployment insurance,Federal unemployment insurance, and Workmen's compensation insurance.CONTRACTOR shall appropriately and adequately train personnel,including good "customer service."Personnel not performing upto the standards of the Citywill be replaced by the CONTRACTOR immediately. 12.Lobbyist Representations.The CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed or retained any company or person,other than a bona fide employee workingsolelyfor the CONTRACTOR,to solicit or secure this contract and that he has not paid or agreed to payany company or person other than a bona fide employee working solely for the CONTRACTOR any fee,commission,percentage fee,giftsorany other considerations contingent uponorresulting from the award or making of this contract.For breach orviolationof these representations,the Cityshallhave the right to annul this contract without liability. 13.Termination of Contract.Itis expressly understood and agreed that this contract may be terminated for the following reasons or conditions: A.City may terminate this Contract without penalty by declining to issue the Purchase Order. B.The Contract may be canceled atany time by the City without cause,upona thirty (30) day written cancellation notice.The CONTRACTOR may terminate this Agreement without cause upon 120 days written notice to the City.Upon termination,the City shallbe entitled to a refund of any monies paid to CONTRACTOR for work that was not performed.The CONTRACTOR shallbe entitled to payment equal to the percentage of the work satisfactorily completed by the CONTRACTOR and accepted by the City. C.Upon notice of such termination,the City shall determine the amounts due to the CONTRACTOR for services performed up to the date of termination.The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to payment for Work performed after the termination date.The CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to anylost profits under any circumstances. D.After receipt of a notice of termination,and except as otherwise directed,the CONTRACTOR shall stop all Work under this Agreement,as of the date specified in the notice of termination andifno date is specified,than onand after the 121st day following the receipt of the notice of termination. E.The City may terminate thisAgreementuponfive(5)dayswrittennoticeif the CONTRACTOR defaultsonanymaterialtermofthisAgreement.Thematerialityofthe default shallbe determined bythe City,intheCity'ssoleand absolute discretion. F.The City shallnotberequiredtopaythe CONTRACTOR until ithas delivered tothe City allthedocumentsanddatarelevanttothe Work.The CONTRACTOR'S acceptanceof the payment infullof the CONTRACTOR'S invoice,shallbea non-rebuttable presumption that the CONTRACTOR hasreceivedfull payment forallgoodsandservices rendered to the date of that invoiceand pursuant to the terms and conditions of the Contract. 14.Notice of Claims.Ifthe CONTRACTOR hasa claim arising outofthisContract and/or the Work contemplated byor performedpursuant tothisContract,aNoticeof Claim shallbemade inwritinganddeliveredto the City within twenty one(21)daysof the date whenthe CONTRACTOR kneworshouldhaveknownof the claim.Thedeliveryof the claimshallbe accomplished in the same manner asdeliveryofa "notice"or "notification". A.AnyclaimforwhichaNoticeof Claim isnottimelyfiledshallbe deemed waived. B.Inanyevent,the CONTRACTOR shallnotbeentitledtodelaydamagesorconsequential damages and hissolecompensationfora Default bythe City causingadelayshallbe termination of the Contract and/or compensationprovidedbythisContractforany completed servicesandanextensionoftimeto complete the Workequalto the number ofdaysofdelaycausedby the City.In the event partialpaymenthasbeenmadefor such services notcompleted,the CONTRACTOR shall returnsuchsumstothe City within ten (10)days after notice that said sums are due. 15.InsuranceandIndemnification.The CONTRACTOR shallcomplywithall requirements set forthintheCity's standard insuranceand indemnification requirements,as set forthin the attached Attachment "C" 16.Codes,Ordinancesand Laws.CONTRACTOR agreestoprovideitsservicesduring the term ofthisContractin accordance withallapplicablelaws,rules,regulations,andhealthand safety standards of the federal,state,countyand City,whichmaybeapplicableto the service being provided. A.The CONTRACTOR isrequiredtocompleteandsignallaffidavits,including Public Entity CrimesAffidavitform (attached)pursuant to FS 287.133(3)(a),as required by the solicitationapplicabletothisContract.CONTRACTOR shallcomplywith the DrugFree Workplace policy set forth in the CSM solicitation for this Contract,whichis made a part of this Contract by reference. B.TheCityof South Miami'shiring practices strive to complywithall applicable federal regulations regarding employment eligibility and employment practices.Thus,all individualsand entities seeking todoworkfor the City are required tocomplywithall applicable laws,governmental requirements and regulations,including the regulations of the United States Department of Justice pertaining to employment eligibilityand employment practices.The City reserves the right atits discretion,but does not assume the obligation,to require proof of valid citizenship or,in the alternative,proof of avalid green cardor other lawful work permit for each person employed in the performance of work or services fororon behalf of the Cityincluding persons employed byany independent contractor.By reserving this right the City does not assume anyobligation or responsibility to enforce or ensure compliance with the applicable laws and/or regulations. 17.Taxes.CONTRACTOR shall be responsible forall payments of federal,state,and/or local taxes related to the Work,inclusive of sales tax if applicable. 18.Independent Contractor.CONTRACTOR isan independent entity under this Contract and nothing herein shall be construed to create a partnership,joint venture,or agency relationship between the parties. 19.Licenses and Certifications.CONTRACTOR shall secure all necessary business and professional licenses atits sole expense prior to executing the Contract. 20.Entirety of Contract.This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties, incorporates all the understandings of the parties and supersedes any prior agreements, understandings,representation or negotiation,written ororal.This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing,signed by both parties hereto.This Agreement shallbe binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Cityand CONTRACTOR and to their respective heirs,successors and assigns.No modification or amendment of any terms or provisions of this agreement shall be validor binding unless it complies with this paragraph.This agreement,in general,and this paragraph,inparticular,shall not be modified or amended byactsor omissions of the parties. 21.JuryTrial.Cityand CONTRACTOR knowingly,irrevocably,voluntarily and intentionally waive any right either of them may have to atrialbyjuryin State orFederal Court proceedings in respect to any action,proceeding,lawsuit or counterclaim arising out of the Contract Documents or the performance of the Work thereunder. 22.Attorney Fees.In the event of any litigation between the parties arising out of or relatinginany way to this Contract orabreach thereof,each party shall bear its own costs and legal fees.Nothing contained herein shall restrict the City of South Miami'sright to indemnification for attorney fees incurred by the City of South Miamias set forth in the indemnification provisions of this Contract. 23.Non-Waiver of Sovereign Immunity.Notwithstanding anything contained in the Contract to the contrary,nor any statement,actor omission of aCity officer,Commission member or employee,shallbe construed to beawaiver of the City'sright to the protection of sovereign immunity. 24.Validity of Executed Copies.This Contract may be executed in several counterparts, each of which may be construed asanoriginal. 25.Rules of Interpretation.Throughout this agreement the malepronounmaybe substituted for female and neuter and the singular words substituted forpluralandpluralwords substituted for singular wherever applicable.Thepartiestothis agreement havehadan opportunity to seek legal counsel and to draftthis agreement ina manner toavoidany ambiguity.Thepartiesalso acknowledge that all terms of this Agreement were negotiated at arm's lengthand that this Agreement andall documents executed in connection herewith were prepared and executed without undue influence exerted byanypartyoronanyparty.Further,this Agreement was drafted jointly byallparties,andno partyis entitled to the benefit of anyrules of construction with respect to the interpretation of any terms,conditions or provisions of this Agreement infavor of or against any person orparty who drafted this Agreement. 26.Severability.Ifany term orprovision of this Contractor the application thereof to any person or circumstance shall,to any extent,be invalid or unenforceable,the remainder of this Contract,or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those to whichitisheldinvalidor unenforceable,shall not be affected thereby andeach term andprovision of thisContractshallbevalidand enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. 27.Non-Waiver.Cityand CONTRACTOR agree that nofailure to exercise andno delay in exercising anyright,power orprivilege under this Contract on the part of either party shall operate asa waiver of any right,power,or privilege under this Contract.No waiver of this Contract,in whole orpart,including the provisions of this paragraph,may be implied byanyact or omission andwill only be validand enforceable ifin writing and duly executed by each of the parties to this Contract.Any waiver of any term,condition orprovision of this Contract will not constitute a waiver of any other term,condition orprovision hereof,norwilla waiver of any breach of any term,condition orprovision constitute a waiver of any subsequent or succeeding breach.Thefailure to enforce this agreement as to any particular breach or default shall not act asa waiver of any subsequent breach or default. 28.No Discrimination.No action shall be taken by the CONTRACTOR,which would discriminate against any person on the basis of race,creed,color,national origin,religion,age, sex,familialor marital status,ethnicity,sexual orientation or disability. 29.Equal Employment.In accordance with Federal,State and Locallaw,the CONTRACTOR shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color,ethnicity,religion,sex,sexual orientation,national origin or disability.The CONTRACTOR shall comply with all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)during the performance of this contract.The CONTRACTORshall take affirmative action to ensure that such discrimination does not take place and the CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the foregoing provisions are included inall subcontracts or contracts for any work covered by this Contract so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor. 30.Governing Laws.This Contract and the performance of services hereunder will be governed by the laws of the State of Florida,with exclusive venue for the resolution of any dispute being a court of competent jurisdiction in Miami-Dade County,Florida. 31.Effective Date.This contract shall become effective upon the execution of the contract by the City Manager. 32.Third Party Beneficiary.Itis specifically understood and agreed that no other person or entity shall be a third party beneficiary hereunder,and that none of provisions of this Contract shall be for the benefit of or be enforceable by anyone other than the parties hereto,and that only the parties hereto shall have any rights hereunder. 33.Further Assurances.The parties hereto agree to execute any and all other and further documents as might be reasonably necessary in order to ratify,confirm,and effectuate the intent and purposes of the Contract. 34.Ownership of Preliminary and Final Records.All preliminary and final documentation and records shall become and remain the sole property of the City.The CONTRACTORshall maintain original documents thereof forits records andforits future professional endeavors and provide reproducible copies to the City.In the event of termination of the agreement,the CONTRACTOR shall cease work and deliver to the Cityall documents (including reports andall other data and material prepared or obtained by the CONTRACTOR in connection with the City Parking Management Services RFP. 35.Time of Essence.Time shall be of the essence with regard to all action to be taken under the terms of this Contract and no extension of time shall be allowed unless the extension of time is provided forina writing signed by the other party. 36.No Remedy Exclusive.No remedy conferred upon or reserved to any party hereto,or existing atlaworin equity,shall be exclusive of any other available remedy or remedies,but each and every such remedy shall be cumulative andshall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Contract or hereafter existing atlaw,in equity or by statute. 37.Force Majeure.Neither party hereto shall be in default for the failure to perform its obligations under this Contract if caused by acts of God,civil commotion,strikes,labor disputes, or governmental demands or requirements that could not be reasonably anticipated and the effects avoided or mitigated (hereinafter referred to as "force majeure").Each party shall notify the other of any such force majeure within ten (10)days of the occurrence.Neither party shall hold the other responsible for damages orfor delays in performance caused by force majeure which may include weather conditions affecting performance,floods,epidemics,war, riots,strikes,lockouts,or other industrial disturbances,or protest demonstrations.Should such acts or circumstances occur,the parties shall use their best efforts to overcome the difficulties and to resume the work as soon as reasonably possible. 38.AccessTo Public Records.CONTRACTOR andall of its subcontractors arerequiredto comply with the Florida public records law (s.119.0701)while providing services on behalf of the CITY and the CONTRACTOR,under suchconditions,shall incorporate thisparagraphin all of its subcontracts forthisProject.CONTRACTOR andits subcontractors arespecificallyrequired to:(a)Keepandmaintainpublicrecords that ordinarily andnecessarilywouldberequiredby the publicagencyinordertoperform the service;(b)Provide the publicwithaccesstopublic recordson the same terms and conditions that the publicagency would provide the records andatacost that doesnot exceed the costprovidedinthis chapter oras otherwise providedby law;(c)Ensure that publicrecordsthatare exempt orconfidentialand exempt from public recordsdisclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law;and(d)Meet all requirements forretainingpublicrecordsand transfer,atnocost,to the public agency allpublic recordsinpossession of the CONTRACTOR upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt orconfidentialand exempt frompublicrecords disclosurerequirements.All recordsstored electronically must beprovidedtothepublic agencyinaformat that is compatible with the information technology systems of the public agency. 39.Notices.Any notices,reports or other written communications from either partyshall beconsidereddelivered when receivedby the other partyorits authorized representative. Whenever notice shallbe required or permitted herein,itshall be delivered in such a manner that there is written proof of delivery(includingelectronic,digitalor other similarrecord that is capable of beingproduced)including but notlimitedtocertifiedmailwithareturnreceipt, handdelivery,e-mail,facsimiletransmissionor other type of transmission that providesa record of transmission andreceipt.Certifiedmailshallbe sent withreturnreceipt requested andshallbe deemed delivered on the date shown on the postal delivery confirmation or the date shown as the dateCertifiedmailwasrefusedorunclaimed.Hand deliveryto the Cityshall not be sufficient notice forany purpose unless acopy of the notice isproduced with the official CityClerk'sdateand time stamp appearinguponit.Noticesshallbedeliveredto the following individuals or entities at the addresses (includinge-mail)orfacsimile transmission numbers set forth below: To CITY: City Manager,Steven Alexander 6130 Sunset Dr. South Miami,FL 33143 E-mail:salexander@southmiamifl.gov With copies by U.S.mail to: City Attorney,Thomas Pepe,Esquire 6130 Sunset Dr. South Miami,FL 33143 Tel:(305)667-2564 Fax:(305)341-0584 E-mail:tpepe@southmiamifl.gov To CONSULTANT/CONTRACTOR: Regional Vice-President,Christopher B.Walsh 404 Washington Avenue,Ste.720 Miami Beach,FL 33139 Tel:(305)913-4882 Email:cwalsh@lazparking.com 40.Limitation onLiability:No member of the governing body of the CITY,andno other officer, employee,or agent of the CITY shall have any personal interest,direct or indirect,in this Agreement, except as permitted by the Code of Ethics of the City of South Miami;and the CONTRACTOR covenants that no person having such interest shallbe employed in the performance of this Agreement. 41.Unauthorized Aliens:The employment of unauthorized aliens by the Company is considered a violation of FederalLaw.If the Company knowingly employs unauthorized aliens,such violation shallbe cause for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement.This applies to any sub-contractors used by the Company as well.The CITY reserves the rightatits discretion,but does not assume the obligation,to require proof of valid citizenship or,in the alternative,proof of avalid green cardforeach person employed in the performance of work or services fororon behalf of the CITY including persons employed by any independent contractor.By reserving this right the CITY does not assume any obligationor responsibility to enforce or ensure compliance with the applicablelaws and/or regulations. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the parties have set their hands on the date set forth below their name. Witness Lo^/VXAeC&tbo ATTESTED:OWNE By: By: Steven Alexander City Manager Maria M.MenenUez, CityClerk TH MIAMI Readand Approved as fcfT-orm,Language, Legality and Execution thereof: By: CONTRACTOR:LAZ FLORIDA PARKING,LLC By:4^-B IjM{ Christopher B.Walsh Regional Vice President Dated:9/4/2014 Dated:sMk. Dated:9//1M 10 Attachment "A" Scope Of Services Background: The City has historically contracted for professional parking management and operating services to manage and operate public parking within the City of South Miami,and meet the goals of enhancing customer service,revenue collection and improving overall operations/efficiencies. Responsibilities Of The Parties City Responsibilities: The City currently has responsibility for approximately 764 metered parking spaces within the borders of the City.In addition to the metered parking, spaces,1 Municipal Garage including approximately 450 spaces,a commercial and residential decal program and valet services arepart of the scope.Refer to Exhibit #1 "Maps of South Miami Metered Parking Spaces."Over the last three fiscal years,the parking revenue isas follows: 2013/2014 2012/2013 2011/2012 $2,320,000 (Projected) $2,151,268 $1,918,988 Duringfiscal year 2012-2013,the City began deploying a downtown wire mesh (Wi-Fi)network to improve connectivity response for wireless parking equipment.Refer to Exhibit #2 "Map of Downtown Wire Mesh Network."The City intends to replace the cellular modems inside the parking pay stations with a connection device supported by the Wi-Fi wire mesh network.Asa result of this deployment,the City anticipates reducing the monthly parkingpay station cellular connectivity costs.All the downtown parkingpay stations are anticipated to be connected viaWi-Fi by September 30,2014. The Citywill provide uniform shirts (polo's),computer equipment,vehicles,a designated workspace and any other related equipment deemed necessary by the City involving the parking infrastructure. The Citywill provide striping for any on-street parking that it may develop or acquire in the future. 11 Contractor Responsibilities; The CONTRACTOR'S operation ofthe Parking System shall include conducting all necessaryandproperservicesrequiredforthe Parking System'operationsto established industry standards.The CONTRACTOR shall handle the collection of parkingfees when properlydue either throughcash,coin and/or creditcard payments or by parking validation. CONTRACTOR shall attend meetings as the Cityshall request from time to time. The CONTRACTOR'S management of the Parking System shall include financial, marketingand planning functions.The CONTRACTOR shall provideto the City: 1.A copy of the company annualfinancialauditonor before June1st of every fiscal year. 2.1year,and5yearstrategicplansfor the Citythatinclude operating and capital budgetsonorbefore June 1st ofevery fiscal year. 3.AnAnnualrate study,to determine properpricingfor the Parking System onor before June 1st of every fiscal year,provided however thatthe City may require one additional strategic plan within the term of the Agreement- recommend and implement improvements to the operational procedures currently inplaceincludingmarketingdirectedinpart to increaseparkingusage of the Municipal garage andon the streets. 4.Provide the CITY with management reports as described by the City,as often as requested,to include but in no case less often than once a month. 5.An annual written condition appraisal report providing aphysical damage and/or deterioration ofthe Parking Infrastructure onorbefore June 1st ofevery fiscal year. 6.Customer surveys once a year at a minimum,of the City's on-street,off- street,and municipal garage parking systems and provide the results to the City onorbeforeJune 1st ofevery fiscal year. 7.Monthly report providing parking violations issued onor before the 15th of every month. The CONTRACTOR'S promotion of the Parking System shall include: 12 1.Working with the business andcultural community 2.Conducting customer surveys twice ayear;branding the CITY Parking System;and developing and implementing apositive marketing campaignto the satisfaction of the City. The CONTRACTORshall submit to the CITYits proposed Operations Program (Program),which shall include,among other matters,the operating budget,the capital budget,detailed information regardinga system of cost controls,hours of operation,personnel schedules,and maintenance schedules for the Parking System. The CONTRACTORshall maintain accurate and complete records detailing all parking violations issued,Parking enforcement staff hours and claims arising out of its performance of this Agreement;the basis therefore and the amount thereof.The CONTRACTOR shall make available all such records to the CITY at the end of each fiscal year and shall allow the CITY and its representatives to examine,review and audit any and all such records,as well asall books,and other documents upon request fora period commencing upon the execution of this Agreement and ending two (2)years following the expiration or termination of this Agreement. The CONTRACTORshall use technology,including green technologies whenever possible-to enhance and improve customer services and operational efficiencies;and report on the status of any Parking System related project as directed by the CITY. The CONTRACTOR'S maintenance of the Parking System shall include conducting routine inspections,routine maintenance and preventative maintenance services.The CONTRACTOR shall take a proactive approach to maintenance so that the Parking System shall always function in the most attractive,efficient and proper manner.At least once a year,the CONTRACTORshall conduct a condition appraisal of the Parking System foranysign of physical damage and/or deterioration andissuea written report that is satisfactory to the CITY. Contractor Management Services 1.Provide necessary management and supervisory staff sufficient to oversee the day-to-day operation of the on-street parking system. 13 2.Provide necessary staff for the day-to-day maintenance of the installed equipment with a repair response time not to exceed one hour. 3.Provide necessarystaffforthe collection ofrevenuefrom the equipment, including "back-office"personnel forthecountingofrevenueandtheprompt processing of credit,debit and smart card payments. 4.The Parking Operator shall manageandenforce the parking program. Responsibilities include the following: a.Enforcingparking restrictions,including through the issuance of citations and the ordering of vehicle towing inaccordancewithCity requirements and policy. b.Collecting,accountingfor,anddepositingwith the City,residential parking permit fees,meter fees,citations payments,including penalties,andany other parking program revenue. c.Issuing residential and commercial parking permits. d.Regularly documenting and reporting program expenses and revenues. e.Installing,maintaining,relocating and replacing meters as necessary. f.Monitoring parking program effectiveness,including recommended changes to meter locations. g.Maintaining alocal office within South Miami,and providing an Internet site accessible to the public,for the purpose of issuing permits,collecting revenues,and providing public information.Responding to parking complaints and to publicinquiries about allfacets of the parkingprogram,ina timely courteous fashion and in accordance with the City's policies regarding customer service. h.Continuing a public information program,which is center around excellent Customer Service as approved by the City. 5.Off-Street Parking Any parking lots,orparking garages that may be developed or acquired in the future by the CITY willbe included as within the scope of this Agreement to be serviced by the CONTRACTOR. 6.On-Street Parking 14 The CITY hasregulated on-street parkingspaceslocated throughout the Cityof South Miami.These on-street parking spaces may be changed from time to time,but atall times anysuch spaces willbe included asparkingwithin the Parking System andwillbe subject to the terms of this Agreement.Anyon- street parking that may be developed oracquiredin the future by the CITY will be included as within the scope of this Agreement to be serviced by the CONTRACTOR. 7.Staffing,Operational &HolidayHours Throughout the term of this Agreement,the CONTRACTOR shallassign sufficient personnel to properly perform parking management services.The CITY shall not have any responsibility whatsoever for any personnel who shall be employees of the CONTRACTOR and for whom CONTRACTORshall be responsible.If at any time the CITY is not reasonably satisfied with the performance of any of CONTRACTORS personnel,such personnel shall be promptly replaced by the CONTRACTOR to the reasonable satisfaction of the CITY.CITY and CONTRACTOR agree that CONTRACTORwill provide enforcement services; Sunday -Wednesday;9:00 am-12:00 am (midnight) Thursday &Saturday;9:00 am-2:00 am Christmas Eve&New Years'Eve;9:00 am-6:00 pm Thanksgiving,Christmas &New Years'Day;No Enforcement Services All other Holidays,regular staffing hourswill apply 8.The CONTRACTOR understands that certain elements of the Parking System are subject to existing legal obligations including those created by means of leases,License Agreements and Condominium Documents,asan example. The CONTRACTOR shallapprise itself of suchobligationsandshall comply withall applicable terms and requirements related to its services. 9.The CONTRACTOR'S performance shallatall times be subject to review and approval of the CITY,actingbyand through its designated staff representatives. 15 10.IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED that CONTRACTOR isretainedsolelyfor the purposes of Parking Management describedhereinandonlyto the extent set forthinthis Agreement.The CONTRACTOR'S relationship to the CITY shallbe that ofan independent contractor.Neither the CONTRACTOR noranyofits employees shall beconsideredunder the provisions of this Agreement orforany purposes hereunder,ashavingan "employee"status orasbeing entitled to participate inany benefits accruedbyorgiven to CITY employees. 11.Senior management staff of the CONTRACTOR shall be available to meet with the CITY and other officials of the City of South Miamias may be required with regard to the services performed hereunder. 12.SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT(SLA) a)Monday thru Friday-Apayanddisplay meter will not have less than a6- hour repair time.A single space meters will be repaired within 24 hours. b)Weekends &Holidays-Apayand display meter will not have less than a 24 hour repair time.All single space meters will be repaired within 48 hours. Minimum Qualifications of Contractor Must have experience in the design,installation and management of at least three (3)on-street contracts of similarsize and scope as the City of SOUTH MIAMIfor the last three (3)years at a minimum. In addition to alocal office,the CONTRACTOR must have a regional support office located within 20 miles of the City of South Miami. CONTRACTOR must have on its staff at least one (1)senior level Manager or Executive that possesses a minimum of 20 years of on-street parking management and Traffic Engineering experience. CONTRACTOR must be a business in good standing and have good credit. Minimum Services Required by Contractor The CONTRACTOR isresponsibleforproviding,ata minimum,the following services: 16 Provide,in consultation with the City,all necessary design,function, management,operation and marketing of the program. Assistance in implementing the program,including working with downtown businesses,presentations to neighborhood groups and other organizations as needed. Financing of any capital improvements,including but not limited to parking meters,support vehicles,computer andcoin counting and revenue processing equipment. Purchase of related equipment deemed necessary to administer the program. Installation and maintenance of parking meters.CONTRACTORshallinstall,at its expense,poles,/or single space meters/heads (including those that provide for the metering of two spaces on a single pole),and multi-space parking meters,that are requested by the City to convert un-metered on-street parking to metered parking.All installation shall be in accordance with standards approved and permitted by the City.All meters shall be repaired within 24 hours of identified as malfunctioning Collection,counting and depositing of revenue.Collections of each meter shall be done no less than bi-weekly and more often if meter canisters are full.All collections shall be deposited on the day of collection into a bank account specified by the City. Provide sufficient personnel to operate the system to the full benefit of the City. Provide specialized training and certification for maintenance andrepair personnel. Handle inan appropriate manner all customer service issues associated with the program. Provide weekly,monthly andannual reports asrequiredby the City. Any other services contained in the CONTRACTOR'S proposal submitted in response to the City's Parking Management RFP. 17 Attachment "B" 1.(a)Price Proposal aspresented in the RFP response: Yr LAZ 1 213,156 2 218,485 3 223,947 4 229,546 5 235,285 5-YR TOTAL 1,120,419 (b)Price as negotiated andagreedtobybothparties,whichare the effective amounts for payment of this Agreement: Yr LAZ 1 203,008 2 218,485 3 223,947 4 229,546 5 235,285 5-YR TOTAL 1,110,271 The annual amount ispaidonamonthlybasis between October and September before the 15th of every month.It is the responsibility ofthe Contractor to provide the City with a monthly invoice before the 5th of every month. Surveys were not completed as required in the previous contract and ina good faith effort;CONTRACTOR shall provide a donation to the City of South Miami,which willbe used for the City's Fourth of July AnnualFireworks display in the amount of nine thousand ($9,000)dollarsin the calendar year 2015. CONTRACTOR shall provide at its sole cost;one (1)GEM Vehicle valued at approximately $14,500 forparking services providedinthis Contract within the first twenty-four (24) months of this agreement or before October 1,2016 or if current electric vehicle needs replacement before said date. 18 Attachment "C" Insurance and Indemnification 1.1 Insurance - A.Without limitingits liability,the vendor,contractor,consultant orconsulting firm (hereinafter referred to as "FIRM"withregardtoInsuranceandIndemnification requirements)shallberequiredtoprocureandmaintainatitsown expense during the life of the Contract,insurance of the types and in the minimum amounts stated below aswill protect the FIRM,fromclaimswhich may arise out of orresultfrom the contract or the performance of the contract with the City of South Miami,whether suchclaimisagainst the FIRM orany sub-contractor,orby anyone directlyor indirectly employed byany of them orby anyone for whose actsany of them maybe liable. B.No insurance required by the CITY shall be issued or written bya surplus linescarrier unless authorized in writing by the CITY andsuch authorization shallbeat the CITY's sole and absolute discretion.The FIRM shall purchase insurance from and shall maintain the insurance with a company or companies lawfully authorized to sell insurance in the State of Florida,on forms approved by the State of Florida,aswill protect the FIRM,ata minimum,fromallclaimsas set forth below which may arise out of or result from the FIRM'S operations under the Contract andfor which the FIRM may be legallyliable,whether such operations be by the FIRM orbya Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them,orby anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable:(a)claims under workers1 compensation,disability benefit and other similar employee benefit acts which are applicable to the Work to be performed;(b)claimsfor damages because of bodily injury,occupational sickness or disease,or death of the FIRM'S employees;(c) claimsfor damages because of bodily injury,sickness or disease,or death of any person other than the FIRM'S employees;(d)claims for damages insured by usual personal injury liability coverage;(e)claims for damages,other than to the Work itself,because of injury to or destruction of tangible property,including loss of use resulting there from;(f)claims for damages because of bodily injury,death of a person or property damage arising out of ownership,maintenance oruse of a motor vehicle;(g)claims for bodily injuryor property damage arising out of completed operations;and (h)claims involving contractual liability insurance applicable to the FIRM'S obligations under the Contract. 2.1 Firm's Insurance Generally The FIRM shall provide and maintain inforceand effect untilall the Work to be performed under this Contract has been completed and accepted by CITY (orfor such duration asis otherwise specified hereinafter),the insurance coverage written on Florida approved forms and as set forth below: 19 A.Workers'CompensationInsuranceat the statutory amount asto all employees incompliancewith the "Workers'Compensation Law"of the Stateof Florida including Chapter 440,Florida Statutes,aspresently written or hereafter amended,andallapplicablefederallaws.In addition, the policy (ies)must include:Employers'Liability atthe statutory coverage amount.The FIRM shall further insure that all of its Subcontractors maintainappropriatelevels of Worker's Compensation Insurance. B.Commercial Comprehensive General Liabilitv insurance with broad form endorsement,aswellas automobile liability,completed operations and products liability,contractual liability,severability of interest with cross liabilityprovision,andpersonalinjuryand property damageliability with limits of $1,000,000combinedsinglelimitperoccurrenceand $2,000,000 aggregate,including: •PersonalInjury:$1,000,000; •MedicalInsurance:$5,000 perperson; •Property Damage:$500,000 each occurrence; •Automobile Liability:$1,000,000 each accident/occurrence. •Umbrella:$1,000,000 perclaim C.Umbrella Commercial Comprehensive General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on aFlorida approved form with the same coverage as the primary insurance policy but in the amount of $1,000,000 perclaimand $2,000,000 AnnualAggregate.Coverage must be afforded onaformno more restrictive than the latest edition of the Comprehensive General Liability policy,without restrictive endorsements,asfiled by the Insurance Services Office,and must include: (1)Premises and Operation (2)Independent Contractors (3)Products and/or Completed Operations Hazard (4)Explosion,Collapse and Underground Hazard Coverage (5)BroadForm Property Damage (6)Broad Form Contractual Coverage applicable to this specific Contract,includinganyhold harmless and/or indemnification agreement. (7)PersonalInjuryCoverage with Employee and Contractual Exclusions removed,with minimum limits of coverage equal to those required forBodilyInjuryLiabilityand Property Damage Liability. D.Business Automobile Liabilitv with minimum limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00)plusanadditionalTwo Million Dollar ($2,000,000.00) umbrella per occurrence combined singlelimitforBodilyInjury Liability 20 and Property Damage Liability.Umbrella coverage must be afforded ona form no more restrictive than the latest edition of the Business Automobile Liabilitypolicy,without restrictive endorsements,asfiled by with the state of Florida,and must include: (1)Owned Vehicles. (2)Hired and Non-Owned Vehicles (3)Employers'Non-Ownership 3.1 SUBCONTRACTS: The FIRM agrees that if any part of the Work under the Contract is sublet,the subcontract shall contain the same insurance provision as set forth in section 5.1 above and 5.4 below and substituting the word Subcontractor for the word FIRM and substituting the word FIRMforCITY where applicable. 4.1 Fire and Extended Coverage Insurance (Builders'Risk),IF APPLICABLE: A.In the event that this contract involves the construction of a structure by the FIRM, the FIRM shall maintain,with an Insurance Company or Insurance Companies acceptable to the CITY,"Broad"form/All Risk Property Insuranceincluding Vandalism &Malicious Mischief coverage,on buildings and structures,while in the course of construction,including foundations,additions,attachments and all permanent fixtures belonging to and constituting apart of said buildings or structures.Thepolicyorpoliciesshallalso cover machinery,if the cost of machinery is included in the Contract,orif the machinery is located inabuilding that isbeing renovated by reason of this contract The amount of insurance must,atall times,be at least equal to the replacement andactualcash value of the insured property.The policyshallbein the name of the CITY and the FIRM,as their interest may appear, andshallalso cover the interests of all Subcontractors performing Work. B.All of the provisions set forthinSection5.4herein below shallapplytothis coverage unless it would beclearly not applicable. 5.1 Miscellaneous: A.Ifanynoticeofcancellationofinsuranceorchangeincoverageisissuedby the insurance company or should any insurance havean expiration date that willoccur during the period of thiscontract,the FIRM shall beresponsibleforsecuring other acceptableinsurancepriortosuchcancellation,change,orexpirationsoastoprovide continuous coverageasspecifiedinthissectionandsoastomaintaincoverageduring the life of this Contract. B.All deductibles must bedeclaredby the FIRM and must beapprovedby the CITY.At the option of the CITY,either the FIRM shall eliminate or reduce such deductible or the FIRM shall procurea Bond,inaformsatisfactoryto the CITY covering the same. 21 C.The policies shall contain waiver of subrogation against CITY where applicable,shall expressly provide that such policy or policies are primary overanyother collectible insurance that CITY may have.The CITY reserves the right atanytimeto request a copyofthe required policies for review.All policies shall contain a ''severability of interest"or "cross liability"clause without obligation for premium paymentofthe CITY,as well as contractual liability provision covering the Contractors dutyto indemnify the CITY asprovidedinthis Agreement. D.Before starting the Work,the FIRM shall deliver to the CITY and FIRM certificates of such insurance,acceptabletothe CITY,aswellasthe insurance binder,ifoneis issued,the insurance policy,including the declaration page and all applicable endorsements andprovide the name,addressand telephone number ofthe insurance agent orbroker through whom the policywas obtained.Theinsurershall berated A.VII or better perA.M.Best's Key Rating Guide,latesteditionand authorizedtoissue insurance intheStateof Florida.All insurance policies mustbe written onforms approved by the State of Florida and they must remainin full forceand effect for the duration of the contractperiodwith the CITY.The FIRM mayberequiredby the CITY,atitssole discretion,toprovidea"certifiedcopy"of the Policy(as defined inArticle1 of this document),whichshallinclude the declarationpageand all required endorsements.In addition,the FIRM shall deliver, at the time of delivery of the insurancecertificate,the following endorsements: (1)apolicy provision oran endorsement withsubstantially similar provisions as follows: "TheCity of SouthMiamiisanadditionalinsured.Theinsurershallpay all sums that the City of South Miami becomes legally obligated to payas damages because of 'bodily injur/','property damage',or "personal and advertising injury"anditwill provide to the Cityall of the coverage that is typically provided under the standard Florida approved formsfor commercial general liability coverage Aand coverage B"; (2)(b)apolicyprovisionoran endorsement with substantially similar provisions as follows: "Thispolicyshall not becancelled(includingcancellationfor non-payment of premium), without firstgiving the City of South Miami ten (10)days advanced written notice of the intent to cancel or terminate the policy for any reason." 6.1 Indemnification A.The FIRM accepts and voluntarily incurs allrisks of any injuries,damages,or harm which might arise during the work or event that is occurring on the CITY's property due to the negligence or other fault of the FIRM or anyone acting through oron behalf of the FIRM. 22 B.The FIRM shall indemnify,defend,save and hold CITY,its officers,affiliates, employees,successors andassigns,harmless from any andall damages,claims, liability,losses,claims,demands,suits,fines,judgments or cost and expenses, including reasonable attorney's fees,paralegal fees and investigative costs incidental there to and incurred prior to,during or following any litigation, mediation,arbitration and atall appellate levels,which may be suffered by,or accrued against,charged to or recoverable from the City of South Miami,its officers,affiliates,employees,successors and assigns,by reason of any causes of actions or claim of any kindor nature,including claims for injury to,or death of any person or persons and for the lossor damage to any property arising out of a negligent error,omission,misconduct,or any gross negligence,intentional act or harmful conduct of the FIRM,its contractor/subcontractor or any of their officers, directors,agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,or anyone acting through or on behalf of any of them,arising out of this Agreement,incident to it,or resulting from the performance or non-performance of the FIRM'S obligations under this AGREEMENTor which arises out of oris concerning the use of CITY property or the service,operation or performance of any work that is being performed for the CITYor of any event that is occurring on the CITY's property. C.The FIRM shallpayallclaims,losses and expenses of any kindor nature whatsoever,in connection therewith,including the expense orloss of the CITY and/or its affected officers,affiliates,employees,successors andassigns,including their attorney's fees,in the defense of anyactioninlawor equity brought against them and arising from the negligent error,omission,or act of the FIRM,its Sub- Contractor or any of their agents,representatives,employees,orassigns,and/or arising out of,or incident to,this Agreement,or incident to or resulting from the performance or non-performance of the FIRM'S obligations under this AGREEMENT.. D.The FIRM agrees and recognizes that neither the CITY nor its officers,affiliates, employees,successors andassignsshallbeheldliableorresponsibleforanyclaims, including the costsand expenses of defending suchclaimswhichmayresultfromor arise out ofactionsoromissionsof the FIRM,its contractor/subcontractor oranyof theiragents,representatives,employees,orassigns,oranyoneactingthroughor on behalf of the them,andarising out of or concerning the work or event that is occurringon the CITY's property.In reviewing,approvingorrejectingany submissionsoracts of the FIRM,CITY innowayassumesorsharesresponsibilityor liability for the actsoromissionsof the FIRM,its contractor/subcontractor oranyof theiragents,representatives,employees,or assigns,oranyoneactingthroughor on behalf of them. E.The FIRM hasthedutyto provide adefensewithanattorneyorlaw firm approved bythe City ofSouth Miami,which approval will notbeunreasonablywithheld. 23 END OF DOCUMENT 24 MIAMI HERALD |MiamiHerald.com NEIGHBORS CALENDAR •CALENDAR,FROM34SE CIVIC/GOVERNMENT CommunityServicesandtheMil itary:Community discussionon challengesfacedbyveteransand returningmilitaryseekingservices throughtheVeteran'sAdministration MedicalCenter.RSVP requiredat beaconcouncii.com/events. 8a.m.Aug.28.BeaconCouncil,80 SWEighthSLSuite2400,Downtown Miami.S30;$20 members. FAIRS&FESTIVALS Brickeil Fashion Market's,ATrend setter'sBazaar.Widerangeof trendyclothing,shoes,bagsand accessoriesfromreputablebrands andup-and-comingdesigners from allovertheworld. Tl a.m.Aug.2A Intercontinental Miami.100 ChopinPlaza,Downtown Miami.Free.786-546-8500. CulturalSouls Fine ArtFair-Miami: Weekend artfair showcases the worksbyestablishedandemerging artistsfromaroundtheworldplus interactive demos andliveart auction. 10a.m.Aug.24.SherbondyVillage •TURNTO CALENDAR,38SE ALL LEVELS WELCOME! Intro Classes To Competative Leagues August 23 -December 13,2014 Two Full Courts InOur Indoor Gym LeaguePlayersReceiveUniforms &Trophies •Biddy Clinic -Grades K -1 •Youth Leagues -Grades 1-2,3-5 •Teen Leagues -Grades 6-8,9-12 •Corporate Basketball -18 yrs+ CALL:305.271.9000 x292 Dave and Mary Alper JCC ontheJayMorton-Levinthal Campus 11155 SW 112 Avenue,Miami *alperjcc.org SE SUNDAY,AUGUST 24,2014 |35SE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICEISHEREBYgiven that the CityCommission oftheCityof South Miami,Florida willconduct Public Hearings)atits regular City Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday.September 2.2014 beginning at7:00 p.m.,intheCity Commission Chambers,6130 Sunset Drive,toconsider thefollowing itcm(s): £A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute afive (5)year contract with L«Parking N ^Inc.for an amount not to exceed SI,120,419 for afive (5)year period.J An Ordinance granting to Florida Power &LightCompany,itssuccessors and assigns,anelectric franchise,imposing provisions and conditions relating thereto,providing for monthly payments to theCityof South Miami,and providing for aneffective date. An Ordinance amending Section 20-7.12 ofthe City of South Miami Land Development Code concerning parking requirements for restaurants within the Hometown District Overlay (HD-OV)Zonc. An Ordinance amending theCityof South Miami Land Development Code Section 20-7.12 Permitted Uses;(A).Storefront Uses within the Hometown District Overlay,to reference provisions for schools adopted byOrdinance 05-11-2078. ALL interested parties are invited to attend andwillbe heard. For further information,please contact theCity Clerks Office at:305-663-6340. Maria M.Menendez.CMC CityClerk Pursuant to Florida Stature*286.0105,theCityhereby advise*thepublic thatifaperson decides toappeal anydecision made by thisBoard,Agency orCommission withrespect toanymatter considered atitsmeeting orhearing,heorshewill need arecord oftheproceedings,and that for such purpose,affected person may need toensure that averbatim record oftheproceedings is made which record includes thetestimony andevidence upon which theappeal istobebased. Alt ofthesesessionsare free andopentothe public.For further information,please call Anita Gibboney at 305-375-5414. //istlwpolicyof Miami-Dude County to comply with alloftherequirements of lUcAmcrhansxvithDisahUin&sAa.Thcfacility' interpreters,assistive listening devicesor materials in accessibleformal. please vail (305)375-1545atleastfivedaysinadvance. wmMmmmaamRsm WHAT EDUCATION SHOULD BE! RIVIERA DAY SCHOOL 6800 Ncrvia Street.CoralGables,FL33146 I Tel.30S.666.18S6 RIVIERA PREPARATORY SCHOOL 9775 SW 87 Avenue,Miami,FL33176 I Tel.786.300.0300 www.rivieraschools.com I Accreditedby AISF,SACS,MSA,Ai,NCPSA,NIPSA MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday,Sundayand LegalHolidays Miami,Miami-DadeCounty,Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Beforetheundersigned authority personally appeared MARIA MESA,whoonoathsaysthatheorsheisthe LEGAL CLERK,Legal Notices ofthe Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review,a daily (exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegalHolidays)newspaper,publishedatMiamiinMiami-Dade County,Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement, being aLegal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 9/2/2014 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper inthe issues of 08/22/2014 Affiantfurther says thatthesaid Miami Daily Business Review isa newspaper published at Miamiin said Miami-Dade . County,Florida and thatthesaid newspaper has heretofore been continuouslypublishedinsaidMiami-DadeCounty, Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday,SundayandLegal Holidays) andhas been entered as second class mailmatteratthe.post officein Miami insaid Miami-Dade County,Florida,fora periodof one year next preceding thefirstpublicationofthe attachedcopyofadvertisement;andaffiantfurther says thatheor shehasneitherpaid norjjromised any person,firm or corporation any discount,rejater6ommission orfefund for the purpose otssethin^^^vertteemejit for publication in the said liewspape (SEAL) MARIA MESA personally knownto me