Ord No 19-14-2197ORDINANCE NO.19-14-2197
WHEREAS,the CityCommissionoftheCityof South Miami,Florida
recognizes that the Cityof South Miami (the "City")and its citizens need and desire
the continued benefits of electric service;and
WHEREAS,the provision of such service requires substantial investments
of capital and other resources in order to construct,maintain and operate facilities
essential to the provision of such service in addition to costly administrative
functions,and the City does not desire to undertake to provide such services at this
WHEREAS,Florida Power &Light Company ("FPL")isapublic utility which
has the demonstrated abilityto supply such services;and
WHEREAS,there is currently in effect a franchise agreement between the
City and FPL,the terms ofwhich are set forthinCity Ordinance No.7-84-1202,
passed and adopted May 15,1984,and FPL's written acceptance thereof dated May
18,1984 grantingtoFPL,its successors and assigns,athirty(30)year electric
franchise ("Current Franchise Agreement").Asaresultof short extensions passed
and adopted by the CityonMay14,2014 and on August 19,2014,respectively,and
accepted byFPL,the Current Franchise Agreement expires on September 18,2014;
WHEREAS,FPL and the City(collectively,the "Parties")desire to enter into
a new agreement ("New Franchise Agreement")providing for the payment of fees to
the Cityin exchange for the nonexclusive right and privilegeof supplying electricity
within the City free of competition from the City,pursuant to certain terms and
WHEREAS,the City Commission deems itto be in the public interest to
enter into this agreement addressing certain rights and responsibilities of the Parties
as they relate to the use of the public rights-of-way within the City's jurisdiction.
Section 1.The foregoing recitals are hereby found to be true and correct,
and are incorporated herein and adopted and approved as if set out at length.
Section 2.There is hereby granted toFPL,its successors and assigns,for
the period of 30 years from the effective date hereof,the nonexclusive right,privilege
and franchise (hereinafter called "franchise")to construct,operate and maintain in,
under,upon,along,over and across the present and future roads,streets,alleys,
bridges,easements,rights-of-way and other public places (hereinafter called "public
rights-of-way")throughout allof the incorporated areas,as such incorporated areas
may be constituted from time totime,of the City and its successors,in accordance
with FPUs customary practices,and practices prescribed herein,with respect to
construction and maintenance of the electrical light,power and related facilities,
including,without limitation,conduits,underground conduits,poles,wires,
transmission and distribution lines,and all other facilities installed in conjunction with
orancillarytoFPL'sprovision of electricityand other services (hereinafter called
"facilities")to the Cityandits successors,the inhabitants thereof,and persons
beyond the limits thereof.
Section 3.(a)FPUs facilitiesshall be so located,relocated,installed,
constructed and so erected astonot unreasonably interferewith the convenient,
safe,continuous use or the maintenance,improvement,extension or expansion of
any public "road"as definedunderthe Florida TransporationCode,nor
unreasonably interferewith reasonable egress from and ingress toabutting property,
(b)To minimize such conflictswiththe standards set forth in subsection (a)
above,the location,relocation,installation,construction or erection of all facilities
shall be made as representatives of the City may prescribe in accordance withall
applicablefederaland state laws,andpursuantto the City'svalidrulesand
regulationswith respect to utilities'use ofpublicrights-of-wayrelativeto the placing
andmaintaining in,under,upon,along,overand across saidpublic rights-of-way,
provided such rules and regulations:
(i)shall be foravalidmunicipal purpose;
(ii)shallnot prohibit the exercise ofFPL'srightsto use said
public rights-of-way for reasons other than conflict with
the standards set forth above;
shallnot unreasonably interferewithFPL'sabilityto
furnish reasonably sufficient,adequate and efficient
electric service to all its customers whilenot conflicting
with the standards set forth above;or
(iv)shallnotrequirerelocationof any ofFPL'sfacilities
installed,before or after the effective date hereof,in any
publicright-of-way,unless oruntil widening or otherwise
changing the configuration of the paved portion of any
publicright-of-way causes the facilitiesto unreasonably
interfere with the convenient,safe,or continuous use,or
the maintenance,improvement,extension,or expansion
of any such public"road,"or unless such relocation is
required by state or federal law.
(c)Such rulesand regulations shall recognize that FPL's above-grade
facilities installed after the effective date hereof should,unless otherwise permitted,
be installed near the outer boundaries of the public rights-of-way to the extent
(d)When any portionofapublicright-of-wayis excavated,damaged or
impaired by FPLor any of its agents,contractors or subcontractors because of the
installation,inspection,orrepairofanyofits facilities,the portion so excavated,
damaged orimpairedshall,withina reasonable timeand as early as practicableafter
such excavation,be restoredtoaconditionequaltoor better thanits original
condition before such damage byFPLatits expense.
(e)The CityshallnotbeliabletoFPLfor any cost or expense incurredin
connection with the relocationof any ofFPL'sfacilitiesrequired under this Section,
except,however,that FPL may be entitled to reimbursement of its costs and
expenses from others and as providedbylaw.
Except as expressly provided,nothinghereinshall limit oralter the City's
existing rightswith respect to the use or management ofitsrights-of-way that arenot
otherwise preempted by the state orfederal government.
Section 4.The acceptance of this New Franchise Agreement shall be
deemed an agreement on the partofFPLto the following:(a)to indemnify and save
the City harmless from any andall damages,claims,liability,losses and causes of
action of any kindor nature arising out of a negligent error,omission,or act of FPL,
its Contractor or any of their agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,or
anyone else acting by or through them,and arising out of or concerning the
construction,operation or maintenance of itsfacilities hereunder;(b)to pay all
damages,claims,liabilities and losses of any kindor nature whatsoever,in
connection therewith,including the City's attorney's fees and expenses in the
defense of any actioninlawor equity brought against the City,including appellate
fees and costs and fees and expenses incurredto recover attorney's fees and
expenses fromFPL,arisingfrom the negligent error,omission,or act of FPL,its
Contractororanyoftheir agents,representatives,employees,or assigns,or anyone
else actingbyorthroughthem,and arising outoforconcerningtheconstruction,
operation or maintenance of itsfacilities hereunder.
Section 5.Allratesandrulesandregulations established byFPLfromtime
totimeshall be subject tosuch regulation asmaybeprovidedby law.
Section 6(a).As aconsideration for thisfranchise,FPLshallpayto the City,
commencing 90 days after the effective date hereof,and each month thereafter for
the remainder of the term of this franchise,an amount which added to the amount of
all licenses,excises,fees,charges and other impositions of any kind whatsoever
(except ad valorem property taxes and non-ad valorem tax assessments on
property)leviedor imposed by the City against FPL'sproperty,business or
operations and those of its subsidiaries duringFPL's monthly billingperiod ending 60
days priorto each such payment will equal six percent of FPL's billed revenues,less
actual write-offs,from the sale ofelectrical energy to residential,commercial and
industrial customers (as such customers are defined byFPL's tariff)within the
incorporated areas of the Cityforthemonthly billing period ending 60 days prior to
each such payment.In no event shall payment for the rightsandprivilegesgranted
herein exceed 6percentof such revenues for anymonthly billing periodof FPL.For
clarity,actual write-offs will be subtracted fromFPL'sbilled revenues.In the event
FPL subsequently collects previouslywritten-offbilled revenues from the sale of
electrical energyto residential,commercial,and industrial customers,FPL shall pay
to the Citya franchise payment on such revenues in accordance with the formula set
forth above inthisSection6(a).FPL shallcontinuetoremitpaymentinamanner
consistent withtheCurrent Franchise Agreement until the first payment isdueunder
this New Franchise Agreement.
The City understands and agrees that such revenues as described in the
preceding paragraph are limited,asintheexistingfranchiseOrdinance No.
7-84-1202,to the precise revenues described therein,and that such revenues do not
include,by way of example andnot limited to:(a)revenues from the sale ofelectrical
energy for Public Streetand Highway Lighting (service for lighting public waysand
areas);(b)revenues from Other Salesto Public Authorities (service with eligibility
restrictedto governmental entities);(c)revenues from Sales to Railroads and
Railways (service supplied forpropulsion of electric transit vehicles);(d)revenues
from Sales for Resale (service to other utilitiesfor resale purposes);(e)franchise
fees;(f)Late Payment Charges;(g)FieldCollection Charges;(h)other service
(b)If during the term of this franchise FPL enters intoa franchise
agreement with any other municipality located in Miami-Dade County orBroward
County,Florida,where the number of FPL's meters for active electrical customers
does not exceed the number of meters for FPL's active electrical customers within
the incorporated area of the City by more than one hundred and fifty(150)percent,
the terms of which provide for the payment of franchise fees by FPLatarate greater
than 6 percent of FPL's residential,commercial and industrial revenues (as such
customers are defined by FPL'stariff),under substantially similar terms and
conditions as specified in Section 6(a)hereof,FPL,upon written request of the City,
shall negotiate and enter intoa new franchise agreement with the Cityin which the
percentage to be used incalculating monthly payments under Section 6(a)hereof
shall be no greater than that percentage which FPL has agreed to use as a basis for
the calculation of payments to the other municipality,provided however,that such
new franchise agreement shall include additional benefits toFPL,inadditiontoall
benefits providedherein,atleastequalto those,ifany,providedbyitsfranchise
agreement with the other municipality.Subject toall limitations,terms and conditions
specified in the preceding sentence,the Cityshall have the sole discretion to
determine the percentage tobe used incalculating monthly payments,andFPLshall
have the sole discretion to determine those benefits to which it would be entitled,
under any such new franchise agreement.
(c)The City reserves the unilateralrightatits sole discretion and at any
time during the term of this franchise,but only once per calendar year,to reduce or
increase the franchise fee percentage rate upon 120 days written notice toFPL,
provided that the franchise fee percentage rateshallinno event exceed 6 percent or
be reduced to zero percent.
(d)The City's options hereunder shall be limited solely to the percentages
or calculations of the amount of the franchise fee to be paid by FPL as consideration
for this franchise as specifically set forthin this Section 6.Except as provided in this
Section 6,no other Section of this New Franchise Agreement may be altered,
amended or affected by the City without the written concurrence of FPL,and nothing
herein shall require the Cityto exercise any of its options hereunder.
Section 7.(a)As afurther consideration,during the term of this franchise
or any extension thereof,the City agrees:(a)not to engage in the distribution and/or
sale,in competition withFPL,of electric capacity and/or electric energy to any other
ultimate consumer of electric utility service (herein called a"retail customer11)orto
any electrical distribution system established solely to serve any retail customer
formerly served by FPL other than the City,and(b)nottoparticipatein any
proceeding or contractual arrangement,the purpose or terms of which would be to
obligate FPLto transmit and/or distribute electric capacity and/or electric energy from
any third party(ies)to any other retail customer's facility(ies).Nothing specified
herein shallprohibit the Cityfrom engaging with other utilitiesor persons in
wholesale transactions which are subject to the provisions of the Federal Power Act.
(b)Nothing herein shallprohibitorlimita customer of FPL,including the
City,if permitted bylaw,frominstallingan approved renewable generation system
to generate electric energy for use at the customer's or the City's premises
respectively.Furthermore,nothing herein shallprohibitorlimita person,including
the City,if permitted by law,fromselling renewable energy or capacity toFPL.
Section 8.If the City grants a right,privilegeor franchise to any other
person to provide retail electric service within any part of the incorporated areas of
the Cityin which FPL may lawfully serve or compete on terms and conditions which
FPL reasonably determines are more favorable than the terms and conditions
contained herein,FPL may at any time thereafter terminate this franchise if such
terms and conditions arenot revised within the time period provided hereafter.FPL
shall give the Cityat least one hundered eighty (180)days advance written notice of
itsintentto terminate.Such noticeshall,withoutprejudiceto any of the rights
reserved forFPL herein,advise the City of such terms and conditions that it
considers more favorable and the objective basis or bases of the claimed
competitive disadvantage.The Cityshall then have ninety(90)days inwhichto
corrector otherwise remedy the terms andconditions complained ofbyFPL.IfFPL
determines thatsuchtermsorconditionsarenotremediedbytheCity within said
timeperiod,FPL may terminate thisfranchise agreement bydeliveringwrittennotice
by Certified United States Mail tothe City's Clerk with copiestothe Mayor,theCity
Manager and the City Attorney andterminationshall be effective on the date of
delivery of such notice.Nothing contained herein shall be construed as constraining
the City's rightstolegally challenge at any time FPL's determination leading to
termination under this section.
Section 9.If as adirectorindirect consequence of any legislative,
regulatory or other action by the United States of America or the State of Florida(or
any department,agency,authority,instrumentality orpolitical subdivision of either of
them)any person who offers retail electric service to the publicis permitted to
provide electric service within the incorporated areas of the Cityto any applicant for
electric service within any part of the incorporated areas of the Cityin which FPL may
lawfully serve,and FPL reasonably determines that its obligations hereunder,or
otherwise resulting from this franchise in respect to rates and service,place itata
competitive disadvantage with respect to such other person,FPL may,at any time
after the taking of such action,terminate this franchise if such competitive
disadvantage resulting from this fanchise is not remedied within the time period
provided hereafter.FPLshall give the Cityat least 180 days advance written notice
of its intent to terminate.Such notice shall,without prejudice to any of the rights
reserved forFPL herein,advise the City of the consequences of such action which
resulted in the competitive disadvantage.The Cityshall then have 90 days in which
to correct or otherwise remedy the competitive disadvantage.If such competitive
disadvantage is not remedied by the Citywithin said time period,either by a
franchise agreement with such other person or otherwise,FPL may terminate this
franchise agreement by delivering written notice to the City'sClerk and termination
shall take effect on the date of delivery of such notice.Agreement by the Citywith
such otherperson to enter intoa franchise containing substantially the same terms
as those providedhereinshall be asufficient,butnot exclusive,remedy precluding
FPL's termination of thisfranchise.Nothing contained hereinshall be construed as
constraining the City'srightstolegally challenge at any timeFPL'sdetermination
leading to termination under this section.
Section 10.Failure onthepartof FPL tocomplyinanysubstantial respect
with any of the provisionsofthisfranchiseshallbegroundsfor forfeiture,butno such
forfeiture shall take effect ifthe reasonableness or propriety thereof isprotestedby
FPL until there is final determination(afterthe expiration or exhaustion ofallrightsof
appeal)byacourt of competent jurisdiction thatFPL has failedto comply ina
substantial respect with any of the provisionsofthisfranchise,andFPLshall have six
months after such final determination to make good the default before aforfeiture
shall result with the rightof the Cityatits discretion togrant such additional time to
FPLfor compliance as necessities in the case may warrant.
Section 11.Failure on the partof the Cityto comply insubstantial respect
with any of the provisionsofthisNewFranchise Agreement,includingbutnotlimited
to:(a)denying FPL use of public rights-of-way for reasons other than as set forthin
Section 3ofthisNewFranchiseAgreement;(b)imposingconditionsfor use ofpublic
rights-of-way contrary toFederalor Florida lawor the terms and conditions of this
franchise;(c)unreasonable delayinissuingFPLa use permitto construct its facilities
inpublic rights-of-way,shallconstitutebreachofthisfranchise.FPLshallnotify the
Cityofanysuchbreachin writing sentby Certified United States Mail orvia nationally
recognized overnightcourierandtheCityshallthen remedy such breach as soon as
practicable.Should the breach not be timely remedied,FPLshall be entitled to seek
a remedy available under lawor equity froma court of competent jurisdiction,
including the withholding of the payments provided forin Section 8 as a court of
competent jurisdiction determines to be just and reasonable under all the
circumstances hereof until such time as a use permit is issued ora court of
competent jurisdiction has reached afinal determination dispositive of the matter.
Section 12.The Parties tothis franchise agree that itisin each of their
respective best interests to avoid costly litigation as a means of resolving disputes
which may arise hereunder.Accordingly,the Parties agree that priorto pursuing
their available legal remedies,they will meet at the senior management level in an
attempt to resolve any disputes.If such informal efforts are unsuccessful after a
reasonable period of time,or when an impasse is declared by the Parties,then the
Parties may exercise any of their available legal remedies.
Section 13.The City may,upon reasonable notice and within 90 days after
each anniversary date of this franchise,at the City's expense,examine the records of
FPLrelatingto the calculation of the franchise payment for the year preceding such
anniversary date.Such examination shall be during normal business hours atFPL's
office where such records are maintained.Records not prepared byFPLin the
ordinary course of business or as requiredherein may be provided at the City's
expense and as the CityandFPL may agree inwriting.InformationidentifyingFPL's
customers by name or their electric consumption shall not be taken from FPL's
premises.Such auditshall be impartialandallauditfindings,whether they decrease
or increase payment to the City,shall be reportedto FPL.The City'srightto examine
FPL's records in accordance with this Section shall not be conducted by any third
party employed by the City whose fee,in whole orpart,for conducting such auditis
contingent onfindings of the audit.
The City waives,settles and bars all claims relatingin any way to the
amounts paidbyFPL under the Current Franchise Agreement embodied in
Ordinance No.7-84-1202,however,thisprovisionshall not be construed to waive,
settle orbar claims relatingto any amounts due after the effective date of this New
Franchise Agreement,including those amounts to be paidina manner consistent
with the terms of the CurrentFranchise Agreement until the first payment is made
under this New Franchise Agreement.
Section 14.The provisionsofthis ordinance are interdependent upon one
invalid,illegal,voidorofno effect byacourtof competent jurisdiction (afterthe
expirationofallrightsofappeal),such finding oradjudicationshallnot affect the
validity ofthe remaining provisions for a period ofninety(90)days,during which,this
agreement may be amended by the Parties.Ifan agreement to amend the
ordinanceisnotreachedattheendofsuchninety(90)day period,thisentire
ordinance shall then become null and void,and of no further force or effect.
Section15.The City acknowledgesitis fully informed concerning the
existing franchise granted by Miami-Dade County,Florida,to FPL,andacceptedby
FPL assetout in Ordinance No.60-16 adopted on May 3,1960,and subsequently
renewedandacceptedby FPL assetout in Ordinance No.89-81 adoptedon
September 5,1989 bythe Board of County Commissioners of Miami-Dade County,
Florida.The City agrees to indemnify andholdFPL harmless against any andall
liability,loss,cost,damage and expense incurredbyFPLin respect to any claim
asserted byMiami-Dade County against FPLarisingout of the franchise set out in
the above referenced ordinances for the recovery of any sums of money paid by FPL
to the City under the terms of this New Franchise Agreement.FPL acknowledges
and the City hereby relies,inpart,on then Dade County Resolution No.R-709-78
adopted on June 20,1978 in the granting of this franchise.
Section 16.As used herein "person"means anindividual,a partnership,a
corporation,a business trust,ajoint stock company,a trust,an incorporated
association,ajoint venture,a governmental authorityor any other entity of whatever
Section 17.Ordinance No.7-84-1202,passed and adopted May 15,1984
and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances and all resolutions and parts of
resolutions in conflict herewith,are hereby repealed.
Section 18.This New Franchise Agreement shall be governed and
construed by the laws and administrative rules of the State of Florida and the United
States.In the event that any legal proceeding isbroughtto enforce the terms ofthis
franchise,itshall be broughtbyeitherpartyheretoinMiami-DadeCounty,Florida,
or,ifa federal claim,in the U.S.District Court in and for the Southern District of
Florida,Miami Division.
Section 19.This New Franchise Agreement is intended to constitute the
entire agreement between theCityand FPL with respect to the subject matters
hereof,andit supersedes all prior draftsandverbalorwritten agreements,
commitments,or understandings,which shallnot be used to vary or contradict the
expressed terms hereof.
Section 20.Except in exigent circumstances,and except as otherwise may
be specifically provided forin this franchise,all notices by either partyshall be made
by Certified United States Mail orvia nationally recognized overnight courier service.
Any notice given by facsimile or email is deemed to be supplementary,and does not
alone constitute notice hereunder.All notices shall be addressed as follows:
To the City:
City Manager
City Hall,1st Floor
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami,FL 33143
Copy to:
City Attorney
1450 Madruga Avenue
Suite 202
Coral Gables,FL 33146
Vice President,External Affairs
700 Universe Boulevard
Juno Beach,FL 33408
Copy to:
General Counsel
700 Universe Boulevard
Juno Beach,FL 33408
Any changes tothe above shallbein writing and provided totheotherpartyassoon
as practicable.
Section21.As a condition precedenttothetaking effect oftheNew
Franchise Agreement,FPL shall file itsacceptancehereof with the City's Clerk within
30 days of adoption of this ordinance.The effective date of the New Franchise
Agreement shallbethedateuponwhich FPL files suchacceptance.
PASSED AND ENACTED this 16th day of September,2014.
1st Reading =9/2/14
2nd Reading-9/16/14
I^NGUAG^^GALITYAI^D Mayor Stoddard:YeaEXECJ^^N THEREOf S Vice Mayor Harris:Yea
Commissioner Edmond:Nay
Commissioner Liebman:Yea
Commissioner Welsh:Yea
ORDINANCE NO.19-14-2197
Cityof South Miami,Florida October 1,2014
Florida Power &Light Company does hereby accept the electric franchise in the Cityof
South Miami,Florida,granted by Ordinance No.19-14-2197,being:
which was passed and adopted on September 16,2014.
This instrument isfiledwith the CityClerkof the Cityof South Miami,Florida,in
accordance with the provisions of Section 21of said Ordinance.
By TJ/fttfM X-rfax/xA
Pamela M.Rauch,Vice President
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me
2014 by Pamela M.Rauch ofFlorida Power &Light Company
of the corporation,whois personally knowntome.
ie Ms^O day of^^y/r^/.
,a Florida corporation,onbeha
^p«,Notary Public State of Floridaflg\Beverly ACalderon\IC i My Commission EE017269VoV</Expires 10/18/2014
I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE receiptoftheabove Acceptance of Electric Franchise
Ordinance No.19-14-2197 by Florida Power&Light Company,and certify that I have filed the
same^for record in the pepanent files and records ofthe City ofSouth Miami,Florida onthis
I4*day of &g>£d-iUi,.2014.
PublishedDaily except Saturday,Sunday and
Beforethe undersigned authority personally appeared
MARIAMESA,whoon oath says that he or she isthe
LEGALCLERK,LegalNoticesoftheMiamiDaily Business
Reviewf/k/aMiamiReview,adaily (except Saturday,Sunday
and Legal Holidays)newspaper,published at Miamiin Miami-Dade
County,Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement,
being aLegal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of
in the XXXX Court,
was published in said newspaper in the issues of
Affiantfurther says thatthesaidMiamiDaily Business
Review isa newspaper published at Miamiin said Miami-Dade
County,Floridaandthatthe said newspaper has
heretoforebeen continuously publishedinsaid Miami-Dade County,
Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegalHolidays)
and has been entered as second class mailmatteratthepost
officein Miami insaidMiami-DadeCounty,Florida,fora
attached copyofadvertisement;andaffiantfurther says thatheor
shehasneitherpaid non^r^oiLsecLaQyperson,firm or corporation
any discount,rfibaJjgrc^mTnission orrefund for the purpose
ealring this advertisement for publication in the said
r newspaper.
MARIA MESA personally knowntome
B.THOMAS*&Notary Public-State of Rorida
Wj»i?fe Commission #FF W/*'f
made with him.
he noticed a brokenwindow
at a residence in the 8200
block of Southwest 133rd
Street.Police determined
that a thief broke into the
house and took an unknown
number ofitems.
A thief smashed the left
rear window of a white 2012
Cadillac Escalade EXT and
stole all four rims and tires
while the vehicle was in the
driveway of a residence in
the12000 block of South
west 100th Avenue be
tween 9 p.m.Aug.4and8:45
were estimated at $3,000.
tification fraud.The wo
man,who livesin the 8900
block of Southwest 150th
Street said that someone
used her personal identifi
addresses on record at her
bank on Aug.18.
Police were called inrefer
ence to a bank fraud after a
man,who lives in the 7200
block of Southwest 174th
aforged check tohisbank
account on Aug.E
One or more thieves broke
into and ransacked a resi
dence in the 2000 block of
Red Road between noon
and6:45 p.m.Aug.7.
A vandal painted redgraf
Lee Wesley Health Center
at 6601 SW 62nd Ave.be
tween7pjn.July18 and 7:45
timated at $220.
A thief shattered the front
passenger window of a
black 2010 Audi TT and
stoleabackpack,an Apple
MacBook Pro,and a Duo-
foldpen,allvaluedat $2,365,
inaparkinglotinthe 6200
block of South Dixie
Highway between 5-J5 and
6*30 p.m.July22.
A woman reported dam
ageto her 2012 Hyundai
when she arrived at the po
lice department at 2:15 p.m,
July28.The woman,who
lives in the 11800 block of
Southwest 69th Avenue,
said the vehicle had been
parked in an unfenced
driveway sinceJuly26and
had not been moved again
until she discovered the
damage,which isvaluedat
Police were called to the
Bank of America at 9101 S.
Dixie Hwy.about 4:15 p.m.
July28in reference to verbal
threats.The victim reported
thata customer had verbally
threatened her.The victim
toldpolicethat when the of
fender arrived at the bank
and inquired why hisac
counts had been closed,he
became loud and offensive.
When the offender was
asked to leave,he was re
ported to have said,"Don't
worry,I will take care of
you."The offender wasnot
onthe scene when policear
rived and contact was not
•PALMETTO BAY a thief broke into and ran-
A woman called policein sacked a residence in the
referencetoa personal iden-100 block of Oak Avenue
between noon Aug.7and
A 20-year-old woman was
arrested and charged with
steal $3,088 worth of mer
chandise from the Nord
strom Department storeat
4310 Ponce de Leon Blvd.
between 2:30 and 3 p.m.
A 51-year-old woman be
camea victim of a strong
arm robbery in the 500
blockof Biltmore Way be
tween 3and 3:15 p.m.Aug.6.
A thief broke intoagray
2013 Toyota Tundra and
stole tools valued at $2,000
from the driveway of aresi
dence in the 10500 block
of Southwest 200th Ter
race between 6 pan.July30
and10 am.July3L
A thief broke into a silver
2007Toyota RAV4 and stole
way of a residence in the
18500 block of South
west 87th Court between
4 p.nu July24and 930 a.m.
A thief broke into a black
2007 Dodge Ram 3500
parked alongthe roadside
near Southwest 103rd
Avenue and Caribbean
Boulevard,and stole sever
al tools and a wallet,allval
ued at $9,100,between 12:45
and lam.July 19.
This listisa sampling of
crimesreportedin Manor
DadeCounty cities.The
information istakenfrom
maynotcontain statements
fromallparties involved.
NOTICEISHEREBY given that the City Commission oftheCityofSouthMiami,Florida willconduct
Public Hearing(s)atits regular City Commission meeting scheduled for Tuesday.September 16.2014
beginning at 7:00 p.m.,intheCityCommission Chambers,6130 Sunset Drive,to consider the following
/An Ordinance granting to Florida Power &.Light Company,its successors and assigns,an electric \
/franchise,imposing provisions and condition*relating thereto,providing for monthly payments to j
\the City ofSouth Miami,and providing for an effective date./
An Ordinance amending Section 20-7.12 oftheCityofSouth Miami LandDevelopment Code
concerning parking requirements for restaurants within theHometown District Overlay (HD-OV)
An Ordinance oftheCityofSouthMiami,Florida,amending Section 2-7,Administrative
department;Junctions and duties;creating acost recovery administrative program;providing for
repeal of ordinances in conflict;and providing aneffectivedate.
An Ordinance relating tothe fee schedule;amending ordinance 04-11-2077 to change the titleto
"Schedule of Fees and Fines"andto increase some fees,adding new fees,anddeleting some fees
fromthe schedule.
ALL interested parties arcinvitedtoattendandwillbe heard.
For further information,please contact theCity Clerk's Officeat:305-663-6340.
Pursuam to Florida Siututc*286.0105,the City hereby advise*the public thatif »person decide*to appeal auydecision madebythis
Hoard.Agencyor Communion with ropier toanymatterconsidered atit*meetingor hearing,he or she will needa record ofthe
pnKi-cdiiijp!,snd thatI'm such purpose,affected pwnn mayneedto ensure thata verbatim record of the proceedings U made which
record includes the testimony andevidence uponwhichtheappeal istobebased.
Planning andZoning Department
6130Sunset Drive;SouthMiami,Florida33143
OnThursday September 18,2014 at7:00 P.M.,the City ofSouth Miami's Planning Board will conduct public
hearings intheCityCommission Chambers attheabove address onthe following items:
Applicant:Ponce Davis,LLC.
A Resolution oftheCityofSouth Miami relating toarequest toallow for thecreation ofparcels A and Bon
property specifically located at5980 SW80th Street;South Miami,Florida within anRS-3;Low Density
Single-Family Residential ZoningDistrict,pursuant to provisions pertaining to"Waiver of Plat"setforth
inSection20-4.2(B)oftheCityofSouthMiamiLandDevelopment Code,andSection28-4oftheMiami-
Dade County Code;for thepurpose ofconstructing two newsingle family homes;and providing for alegal
Discussion ofthecompatibility between new single family home sizes,and existing homes within thesingle
family zoning districts,andpossible recommendations forchanges to die City's landdevelopment code.
Allinterested parties are urged toattend.Objections ot cJcprctsioruofaprtrovalinaylM nudem perm atu^
tooratthe hearing.The Planning Board reserves therightto recommend totheCityCommission whatever the board considers inthebest
interest for thearea involved.Interested parties requesting information arc asked tocontact the Planning and Zoning Department bycalling
305-663-6326 orwritingtothe address indicatedabove.
You are hereby advised that ifany person desires toappeal any decision made with respect toany matter considered atthis meeting orhearing,
such person will need arecord at the proceedings,and for such purpose may need toensure that a verbatim record ofthe proceedings is
made,which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal istobebased (F.S.286.0105).Refer tohearing number