Ord. No. 17-00-1719ORDINANCE NO.17-00-1719 AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO CONTRACTS APPROVING A SHORT TERM LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI AND ABSOLUTE TRANSFER FOR VEHICLE STORAGE ONTHE NORTHERN PORTIONOF5890 SW 69th STREET; PROVIDING FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS;PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS,the City of South Miamiissuedan advertisement and posted a notice forthe short term rental of the northern portion of 5890 SW 69th Street;and WHEREAS,the proposal submitted by Absolute Transfer wasthe most viable and beneficial tothe City;and WHEREAS,the terms and conditions of the Lease Agreement have been finalized; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1.The Lease Agreement between the City and Absolute Transfer is approved; Section2.If anysection,clause,sentence,orphrase of thisordinanceisforany reasonheld invalid or unconstitutional byacourt of competent jurisdiction,the holding shallnot affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 3.All ordinances orparts of ordinances in conflict withthe provisions of this ordinance are repealed. Additionsshownbyunderlininganddeletionsshownbyovorstriking. Section 4.This ordinance shalltake effect immediately upon the approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _5_day of September 2000. ATTEST: CITY CLERK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: MAYOR 1stReading-8/15/00 2nd Reading-9/5/00 COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Robaina: Vice Mayor Feliu: Commissioner Russell: Commissioner Bethel: Commissioner Wiscombc: 1+++*/<S~*f<<5*<j>&>%rA Page 2 of Ord.#17-00-1719 Additions shown by underlining and deletions shownby overstriking. 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea TO: CITYOFSOUTHMIAMI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM Mayor and Commission DATE:Se p temb er 5,2000 FROM:Charles D.Scurr City Manager SUBJECT:Agenda Item Ordinance First Reading -., Short Term Rental of Northern Portion of theOld Inspection Station at5890SW 69 Street 11 REQUEST AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO CONTRACTS APPROVING A SHORT TERM LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI AND ABSOLUTE TRANSFER FOR VEHICLE STORAGE ON THE NORTHERN PORTION OF 5890 SW 69th STREET;PROVIDING FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS;PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;SEVERABILITY;AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ;th BACKGROUND &ANALYSIS The aforementioned property,commonlyreferredtoastheOld Inspection Station dueto its former use,hassat mostly unoccupied foryears.Aside from its occasional use for vehiclestaging(suchasduringtheShopsatSunset construction and move-in phases), overthe past decade orsothepropertyhasexistedwithlittle purpose and virtually no economic benefit totheCity. Inan effort to derive some financialbenefit fromthis centrally located property,the City soughtproposalsfrominterestedpartiesforashorttermrental of thenorthern portion of theproperty.TheCityplacedanadintheMiamiHeraldandpostedatthe site.Thelease wouldbe short term (no longer than 12 months)andincludea90day cancellation clause should the City have a need forthe property. The lease will include the northern 2/3 ofthe property.The portion fronting on 71st Street will continue in it's current form and use. Themosteconomicallyviableandpracticalproposalfromausestandpointhasbeen submittedbyAbsolute of SouthMiami,Inc.The firm willusethelotforavehicle towingoperation.Inadditiontotheannualrevenue of $24,000.00thatthisleasewill generate($2,000permonth),theCitywillreceivecomplementarytowingservices. Theleaseproposedisforaone-yearperiod,renewableonayear-to-yearbasis.Renewals would be automatic unless deniedbytheCitywithaninety days'notice.Should theCity desirethatthepropertybevacated,a ninety-day noticewillbegiventoAbsoluteofSouth Miami,Inc.in order to effect this action. RECOMMENDATION Approvalisrecommended. LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement is entered into asof ,2000,byand between TheCityof South Miami,a municipality of Miami-Dade County,Florida ("Landlord") and Absolute Transfer,a Florida corporation ("Tenant"). Upon thetermsand subject tothe conditions hereinafter set forth,Landlord leases toTenantand Tenant leasesfromLandlord,therealpropertydescribedinattached Exhibit"A",whichExhibitAis incorporated inthisLeaseAgreementbythisreference, together withall existing and future improvements and all appurtenances and privileges, all of which is hereinafter referred to as the "Premises." Section 1.Lease Term.The lease term shall be twelve months and shall commenceon ,andterminateon . Section 2.Rent.Theannualrentforthelease term shallbe $24,000,payable inequal monthly installments of $2,000,each,in advance ofthefirstdayofeach calendar monththroughoutthelease term.Tenantshallpaythefirstandlastmonth'srentto Landlordatthetime of the parties'execution of thisLease.If theleasetermcommences onadayotherthanthefirstdayofacalendarmonth,thefirstmonth'srentshallbe adjusted accordingly. Section 3.Use of the Premises.Tenant's use of the Premises shall be in a lawful,careful,safe,andpropermanner,andTenantshallcarefullypreserve,protect, controlandguardthesamefromdamage. Section 4.Taxes and Assessments.Tenant shall pay all real estate taxes and assessments becoming dueandpayablewithrespecttothePremisesduringtheleaseterm andanyextensionandalltaxesorotherchargesimposedduringthe lease termorany extensionwithrespecttoanybusinessconductedonthePremisesbyTenantorany personalpropertyusedbyTenantinconnectionwiththePremises.Taxes,assessmentsor otherchargeswhichTenantisobligatedtopayorcausetobepaidhereunderandwhich relatetoanyfraction of ataxyearatthecommencementortermination of thisLeaseshall beprorated. Section 5.Utilities.Tenant shall promptly payor cause tobe paid all charges incurredforall utility servicesfurnishedtothePremises,including without limitation, telephoneservice,sanitarysewer,water,naturalgas,andelectricity.Tenantshallalso payforallmaintenance of allutilitiesduringtheleasetermandanyextensionthereof. Page1 of8 Section6.Compliance with Laws.Ifanylaw,ordinance,order,ruleor regulation is passed or enacted by any governmental agency or department having jurisdiction overthe Premises or Tenant's use of the same which requires Tenant to modifyor alter its operations oruse of the Premises,this Lease shall innowaybe affectedandTenantshall,atitssolecostandexpense,promptly comply withsuchlaw, ordinance,order,rule,orregulation. Section 7.Maintenance andRepair.Subject tothe provisions of Section 11, below,relating to destruction of or damage tothe Premises,andSection12,below, relating to condemnation of the Premises,Tenant shall,atitssolecostandexpense,keep andmaintainthePremises.Replacementandrepairparts,materials,and equipment used byTenanttofulfillits obligations hereunder shall be of aqualityequivalenttothose initially installed withinthe Premises.All repair and maintenance work shall bedonein accordance with thethen existing federal,state,andlocallaws,regulationsand ordinances pertaining thereto.Exceptas otherwise providedinSections 11 and12, below,Landlordshallhavenoobligationwhatsoever with respecttothe maintenance and repair of thePremises. Section 8.Indemnity andInsurance.Tenant shall indemnify and defend Landlordagainst,andsaveLandlordharmlessfromanyliability,loss,cost,injury, damage,orother expense thatmayoccurorbeclaimedbyorwithrespecttoanyperson orpropertyonoraboutthePremisesresultingfromtheuse,misuse,occupancy, possession,orunoccupancy of the Premises byTenant,itsagents,employees,licensees, invitees orguests.Except whereanyloss,cost,injuryordamageistheresult of Landlord's solefaultorgross negligence,Landlordshallnothaveany liability forany loss,cost,injuryordamagetothePremises,toTenantor Tenant's employees,agents, licensees,invitees orguestsortoanyproperty of suchpersons.Except assetforthinthis Section 8,Landlord shallnotberesponsibleorliableforlossordamagetothe contents of any improvements onthePremises. At itssolecostand expense,Tenantshallobtainand thereafter maintain infull forceand effect,atall times duringthelease term and any extension thereof,the following insurance with respecttothePremises: (a)comprehensive publicliabilityinsurancehaving limits of notlessthan $1,000,000forbodilyinjuryordeathtooneperson$1,000,000for bodily injuriesordeatharisingout of oneoccurrence;and (b)$1,000,000 for property damage. Page2 of8 Each insurance policy furnished under this Section 8 shall be issued bya responsible insurance company acceptable to Landlord which company shall be authorizedtodobusinessin Florida,andsuch insurance coveragemaybewrittenundera blanketpolicyor policies obtained by Tenant,whichpolicyor policies may include other real estateownedorleasedbyTenant.Landlord shallallbenamedasinsured parties in eachsuch insurance policy,andeachpolicy shall provide forwrittennoticeto Landlord atleasttendays prior toany cancellation,modification,orlapsethereof.Tenant shall furnishLandlord with memorandum copies of suchinsurancepoliciespriortothe commencement ofthe lease term. Section 9.Alterations and Improvements.Tenant shall have the right to make,atnoexpenseto Landlord,improvements,alternations,oradditions (hereinafter collectively referredtoas"Alteration")tothePremises,whether structuralor nonstructural,interiororexterior,providedthat:(a)no Alteration shallbe made without the prior writtenconsent of Landlord,whichconsentshallnotbeunreasonablywithheld; (b)noAlterationshallreduceorotherwiseimpairthevalue of thePremises;(c)no Alteration shallbe commenced until Tenant hasfirst obtained andpaidforallrequired permitsand authorizations of all governmental authorities havingjurisdictionwith respecttosuchAlteration;(d)anyAlterationshallbemadeinagood workmanlike mannerandincompliancewithalllaws,ordinances,regulations,codes,andpermits;(e) Tenant shall hold Landlord harmless fromandagainstany liens and claims for work, labor,ormaterials supplied tothePremisesatthedirection of Tenant,andinthe event thatanysuchliensorclaimsshallbefiledforwork,laborormaterialssuppliedtothe Premises atthe direction of Tenant,Tenant shall,at Landlord's option,either escrow an amount equaltothe amount of thelienorclaimbeingfiled,orobtainabondforthe protection of Landlordinanamountnotlessthantheamount of thelienorclaimbeing filed;and(f)any Alteration shall become andremaintheproperty of Landlordunless Landlord otherwise agreesin writing. Section 10.Signs.Tenant shall have therightto install and operate,atitssole costand expense,anysignorsignsonthePremises which shallnotbein violation of any law,statuteor ordinance,and Tenant shall have therightto remove the same,provided thatTenant must repairanydamagetothePremisescaused by suchremoval. Section 11.Damage to Premises.If by fire or other casualty the Premises are destroyed ordamagedtothe extent thatTenantis deprived of occupancy oruse of the Premises (meaning such destruction cannotberepairedorrestored within 120days of the occurrence of the fireor other casualty Landlord may elect to:(a)cause the restoration of thePremisesto substantially thesame condition as existed before suchdamageor destruction;or(b)cancel this Leaseas of thedate of such fireor casualty by giving written notice to Tenant not morethan30daysthereafter.Should Landlord elect to proceedunder(a),above,rentshallabateunlessTenant continues topartially occupy the Premisesin which caseTenantshallpayallrentonaproratedbasis,untilthePremises arerestored,equaltoan amount obtainedby multiplying the then existing monthly rent by apercentageequaltothefraction which hasasitsnumeratorthe amount of squarefeet Page3 of8 in the improvements of the Premises which is incapable of being used for its intended purpose and as its denominator the total amount of square feet in the improvements on the premises.If such damage does not deprive Tenant of occupancy or use of the Premises,Landlord shall proceed with due diligence to cause the restoration of the Premises to substantially the same condition as existed before such damage.In sjuch latter event,rent shall not abate.Tenant shall fully cooperate with Landlord in making available to Landlord for the purpose of so restoring the Premises all insurance proceeds payable under Section 8 as a result of fire or other casualty damage tothe Premises. Section 12.Condemnation.Ifallormateriallyall of thePremisesaretakenin appropriation proceedings orby right of eminent domain orbythe threat ofthe same, thenthisLeaseshallterminateas of thedateTenantisdeprivedor occupancy thereof, and Tenant's obligations under this Lease,except obligations for rentandother charges herein tobe paid by Tenant uptothe date thereof,shall terminate.For purposes of this Lease,"materially all of the Premises"shall be considered ashavingbeentaken if the portion of the Premises taken,due either tothe area so taken orthe location of the portion taken,wouldleavethe remaining portion notsotakeninsufficienttoenableTenantto effectively and economically conductitsbusinessatthePremises. If lessthanmateriallyallthe Premises are takenin appropriation proceedingsor byright of eminent domain orbythe threat thereof,thenthisLease shall not terminate as aresult of suchtaking,but Landlord shallpromptly repair andrestorethePremisesto substantially thesameconditionasexistedimmediatelybeforesuchtaking.Untilsuch repair and restoration are completed,rent shall be abated inthe proportion of thenumber of square feet of improvementsonthe Premises of whichTenantisdeprivedbearstothe total square feet of such improvements immediately prior tosuchtaking.Thereafter,if thenumber of squarefeet of improvementsislessthanthetotal of thesamepriortosuch taking,rentshallbereducedinthe proportion towhichthenumber of squarefeet of improvementsexistingaftersuch repair and restoration islessthanthetotal of thesame priortosuch taking. All damagesawardedforanysuchtakingshallbelongtoandbetheproperty of Landlord,whether suchdamagesshallbeawardedas compensation for diminution in value tothe leasehold ortothefee of thePremises,or otherwise,provided,however,that Tenantshallbe entitled toanyportion of theawardmadetoTenantfor removal and reinstallation of Tenant's fixtures orforthecost of Tenant's immovable fixtures,if any. Section 13.Default.If Tenantfailstopayany installment of rentor make any other payment requiredtobemadebyTenantwhenthesameshall become dueand payablehereunder,or if Tenantfailstoobserveandperformanyotherprovision, covenant,orcondition of thisLeaserequiredunderthisLeasetobe observed and performedbyTenantwithin 15 daysafter Landlord shallhavegivennoticetoTenant of thefailure of Tenanttoobserveandperformthesame,or if Tenantabandonsorvacates Page4 of 8 the Premises during the continuance of this Lease,orif Tenant makes an assignment for thebenefit of creditorsorentersintoacompositionagreementwithits creditors,or if the interest of TenantinthePremisesis attached,leviedupon,orseized by legalprocess,or if this Lease is assigned in violation of the terms hereoforis terminated by operation of law,them,inany such event,immediately oratanytime thereafter,atthe option of Landlord,Landlord shall,asit elects,either:(a)declare thisLeasetobein default,in whicheventthisLeaseshallimmediatelyceaseandterminate,andLandlordmaypossess and enjoy the Premises as though this Lease had never been made,without prejudice, however,toanyandall rights of action when landlord mayhave against Tenant for rent and other charges payable by Tenant hereunder (both past due and future rent due Landlord and past due and future charges payable by Tenant),damages,or breach of covenant,in respect towhich Tenant shall remain and continue liable notwithstanding such termination;or(b)reletthe Premises,orany part thereof,forsuchtermortermsand onsuchconditions,asLandlorddeems appropriate forandon behalf of Tenant,forthe highest rental reasonably attainable inthe judgment of Landlord,which reletting shall not beconsideredasa surrender or acceptance back of thePremisesoratermination of this Lease,andrecoverfromTenantanydeficiencybetweentheamount of rentandallother charges payable to Tenant under this Lease and those amounts obtained from such reletting,plusanyexpenses incurred by Landlord in connection withsuch reletting, including,without limitation,the expenses of any repairs or alterations Landlord deems necessary or appropriate tomakein connection withsuch reletting and allsums expended for brokerage commissionsand reasonable attorneys'fees,but Landlord shall beunder nodutytoreletthe Premises;or(c)declare thewholeamount of therentandother charges whichwould otherwise havebeen paid byTenantoverthe balance of the lease termtobeimmediatelydueand payable,without prejudice,however,toanyandallother rights of actionwhich Landlord mayhave against Tenant for pastduerentandother charges payable byTenant hereunder,damages or breach of covenant,in respect towhich Tenant shallremainand continue liable notwithstanding Landlord's election toproceed under this clause (c). Inthe event thatabankruptcyor insolvency proceedingisfiledbyoragainst Tenant,or if acourt of competent jurisdictionorothergovernmentalauthorityapprovesa petitionseekinga reorganization,arrangement,composition of othersimilarreliefwith respect to Tenant,or appoints a trustee,receiver or liquidator of Tenantor of all,or substantiallyall,of Tenant's propertyoraffairs,orassumescustodyorcontrol of all,or substantiallyall,of thepropertyoraffairs of Tenant,Landlordshallhavetherighttoelect any of theremediessetforthabove.If thisLeaseisassumedorassignedtoatrustee, receiver,liquidator,orothercourt-appointedpersonorentity without Landlord'sprior writtenconsent,thepartiesandtheirrespectivesuccessors(whether by operation of law orotherwiseagreethat,uponsuchanassignmentorassumption,alldefaults of Tenant prior tosuchassignmentorassumptionmustbecuredorthatadequate assurances that suchdefaultswillbe promptly curedmustbegivenandthatadequateassurances of future Page5 of 8 performances under this Lease mustbe provided.Such adequate assurances shall mean thatabondshallbeissuedinfavor of Landlordintheamountequaltoone year's future rentandthatamountequaltoallexistingmonetaryobligations of Tenantwhicharein defaultshallbeescrowed with anescrowagentacceptabletoLandlord.Additionally,all past duemonetary obligations of Tenant which are in default shall be paid to Landlord within60daysaftertheassignmentorassumptionandrentwillbecurrentlyand continually paid onatimelybasis commencing withthe first day of themonth following the 60th day ofthe assignment and assumption. Section 14.Non-Waiver and Right toCure Defaults.Neither a failure by Landlordtoexerciseany of itsoptionshereunder,norafailuretoenforceitsrightorseek itsremediesuponanydefault,noran acceptance byLandlord of anyrentaccruingbefore orafteranydefault,shallaffectorconstituteawaiver of Landlord'srighttoexercisesuch option,toenforcesuchright,ortoseeksuchremedywithrespecttothatdefaultortoany prior orsubsequentdefault.TheremediesprovidedinthisLeaseshallbecumulativeand shallnotinanywayabridge,modify orprecludeanyotherrightsor remedies to which Landlord is entitled,either atlaworin equity. If Tenant failstopaybytheir respective duedatesallrents,chargesorother obligationstobepaidbyitpursuanttothetermshereof,orfailstomakenecessary repairs tothePremises,orfailstoperformanyotherdutieswhichitisrequiredto performhereunder,thenLandlord,atitsoption,maydosoandtheamount of any expenditure attributabletosuchaction by Landlord,plusaccruedinterestattherate of eighteen percent (18%)per annum fromthe time eachsuch expenditure ismadeuntil reimbursed,shall immediately become dueand payable to Landlord andshallbe considered additional renthereunder;butno such payment or compliance by Landlord shall constitute a waiver of any such failure by Tenant or affect any right or remedy of Landlord with respect thereto. Section 15.Termination.Either party may terminate this Agreement without cause by giving written notice nolessthan ninety (90)dayspriortothe Effective Date of Termination. Section 16.Entry by Landlord.Landlordshallhavetherighttoenter upon the Premisesatallreasonable times forthepurpose of inspecting thesame,andduringthe lastyear of theleaseterm,oranyrenewalor extension thereof,Landlord may exhibit the sameforsaleorrent;provided,however,thatLandlordshallnot unreasonably interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises. Section 17.Time of theEssence.Time is of the essence inthe performance and observance of eachand every term,covenant and condition of this Lease by both Landlord and Tenant. Page6 of8 Section 18.NoticesandPayment of Rent.Any payment of rent,notice, exercise of optionor election,communication,request orotherdocumentor demand required ordesiredtobegivento Landlord or Tenant shallbeinwritingandshallbe deemedgiven:(a)toTenantwhen delivered inpersontoanofficer of Tenantorwhen deposited intheUnited States mail,first-class,postage prepaid,addressed toTenantatits addresssetforthbelow.Eitherpartymay,fromtimetotime,changetheaddressatwhich suchwritten notices,exercised of optionsorelections,communications,requests,orother documentsor demands aretobemailed,bygivingtheotherparty written notice of such changed address. IF TO CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI:IF TO TENANT: The City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,Florida 33143 Section 19.Governing Law.ThisLeaseshallbe subject toand governed by thelaws of the State of Florida even though oneor more of the parties maybeormay become a resident of a different state. Section 20.Assignment.Tenant maynot assign or encumber this Lease withouttheprior written consent of theCity of SouthMiami. Section 21.Amendments.No amendment to this Lease shall be valid or bindingunlesssuch amendment isinwritingandexecutedbythe parties hereto. Section 22.Captions.Thecaptions of theseveral sections of the Lease arenot apart of the context hereof andshallbeignoredin construing thisLease.Theyare intended only as aids in locating and reading the various provisions hereof. Section 23.Severability of Provisions.The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of thisLeaseshallnotaffecttheother provisions hereof andthis Leaseshallbe construed inallrespectas if suchinvalidor unenforceable provision were omitted. Section 24.Approval of Landlord.Nothing inthis Agreement,shallbe construed to waive orlimitthe City's governmental authority asa municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Florida.Where approval or consent of Landlord is required under this Agreement,such consent or approval shall be deemed to refer tothe City's consent of approval asa property owner,and such consent of approval shall be contractual in nature andshallnotbeinlieu of any required governmental approval of the City. Page7 of8 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Landlordand Tenant have executed this Lease Agreementas ofthe date first set forth above. Signed and acknowledged LANDLORD: inthepresentof: TENANT: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE )SS: ) SWORN TO(oraffirmed)andsubscribedbeforemeby ()whois personally knowntome,or()whoproduced asidentification,this day of 2000. My Commission Expires: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE )SS: Notary Public Print Name: SWORN TO(or affirmed)andsubscribed before meby ()whoispersonallyknowntome,or()whoproduced asidentification,this day of ,2000. My Commission Expires: NotaryPublic Print Name: Page 8 of 8 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily excepiSaturday.Sundayand Legal HoWays Miami.Miami-DadeCounty,Florida. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Beroro the undersigned authority personally appeared Sookle Williams,who on oath says thai ahe Is the Vice Pr»aWent of Legal Advertising of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/s Miami Review,a dally (exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegalHolidays)newspaper,published atMiami in Miami- DadeCounty,Florida;thatthe attached copy of advertise ment,being aLegal Advertisement of Notice In the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING 9/5/00 ORD.RELATING TO RIGHTS-OF- WAY,ETC. '"the JKXXXXXX Court, was pubHshed In said newspaper In the Issues of Aug 25,2000 Affiant further saysthatthe said Miami Daily Business Review Is a newspaper published atMiami In said MlernS- Dade County,Florida,andthatthe said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published In saM Miami-Dade County,Florida,eachday(excepi Saturday,Sundayand LegalHolidays)and has been entered as second class mall matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami-Dade County pe«Jda.for a period ofone year next praced'ng the «th publication ofthe attached copyof advertisement;and -iw says that she has neither paid nor promised /nrm or corporation anydiscount,rebate,com. rrefund fosthe purposeofsecuring this adverttse- rpub!lc8tio/>i the said newsi (SEAL) Sookle l jegjjjSj&v. vSSp fiWB:MarcM.2004 VhjfagflP Bonded Thnj Nottry Public Undwwritara MARIA I.MESA fflM£C 885640 -J 'r CITY OF SOUTH MU1M NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBYgiventhat the CityCommissionoftheCity of South Miami.Florida wiH conduct PuMc Hearings during Us regular Cjfv. Commission meeting Tuesday.September 5.2000 beginning ttT9r •pm.»n 'M Lily UWItfrWalon CWBWBti;61JU SUMW UIIUU,HI 11111 thefollowing described ordtnance(s): AN ORDINANCE OFTHE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHECITYOFSOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATINGTO RIGHTS-OF-WAY;ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE RIGHTS-OF-WAY AT S.W.64THPLACE;PROVIDINGFOR. ORDINANCES IN CONFUCT;ANDPROVIDINGANEFFEC- TIVEDATE (1stReading•August 15.2000) AN ORDINANCE OFTHE MAYOR ANDCITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO CONTRACTS APPROVING A SHORT TERM LEASE AGREE MENT 8ETWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI ANO ABSO LUTE TRANSFER FOR VEHICLE STORAGE ONTHE NORTH ERN PORTION OF 5890 SW 89TH STREET;PROVIDINGFOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS;PROVIDING FOR ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT;SEVERABILITY;ANDANEFFECTIVEDATE. (1st Reading -August 15.2000) AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,RELATING TO CONTRACTS;APPROVING A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH SPGPHASEONE.LTD.FOR CONSTRUCTION ANOOPERA-I TtON OFA MULTI-USE PARKING GARAGE;PROVIDING FOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS;PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILI TY.ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT.AND PROVtDMQ ANEF FECTIVE DATE.(1stReading-February 15.2000)(deferred from Jury 18th and August 15th) jjajd Oidinaosac^n fee ^tpoi^la^C^O^u^Qm<x^sods^f^ dav duringregular office hours. Inquiries eanownjog these Asms atrtuttbe dfreoted tothe-City-Mang er's Officeat:305?eB3-833eu'r .ALLinterestedpartiesare invited toattendand will beheard.,......,....,.„...,...^^B^yj^Mp*-1-^ "'cnycierk '-";.: City ofSouth Miami' Pursuantto Florida Statutes 286.0105.theCityhereby advises thepub; lie that ifapersondecidestoappealany decision made by this Board. Agency orCommission with respect toanymatter considered1 at its meet ingorhearing,heorshe will needa record ofthe proceedings,andthat for such purpose,affected person mayneedto ensure that a verbatim record ol theproceedings Is madewhichrecordincludesthetestimonyandevi denceuponwhichtheappealIstobebased. 8/25 00-3-78/84512M