Res No 016-14-14110RESOLUTION NO.:16-14-14110 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into the Community Space Lease Agreement with Miami-Dade County for lease of 6701 SW 62 Avenue,South Miami,Florida for one (I)year with a one (I)option to renew to operate the Seniors Program (Senior Center). WHEREAS,the CityofSouth Miami operates aSeniorsProgramMondaythrough Friday at the Miami-Dade County Senior Center locatedat 6701 SW62avenue;and, WHEREAS,thispremiseis utilized toprovideSeniorProgramparticipantswith daily meals,activities,special guests andgames;and, WHEREAS,aCommunitySpaceLease agreement with Miami DadeCountythrough its Public HousingandCommunityDevelopment Department isneededtobeableto operate theCity's Seniors Program andtocontinueto provide services totheseniorsregistered in the Seniors Program. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section I.TheCity Manager isherebyauthorizedto execute aCommunitySpace Lease Agreementwith Miami-Dade Countythroughits Public HousingandCommunity Development Department.Acopyoftheagreementisattached. Section 2.This resolution shallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyupon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED ANDADOPTEDthis 4th dayof February 2014. AJXEST:_APPROVED: COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:Yea ViceMayorLiebman:Yea Commissioner Newman:Yea Commissioner Harris:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea To: Via: From: CC: Date: Subject: Background: Expense: Term: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor&Membersof the CityCommission StevenAlexander,CityManager Lorenzo Woodley,Director Parksand Recreation Department Quentin,Pough,Assistant Director ParksandRecreation Department January 17,2014 Agenda Item No.: South Miami AiHtaiericaCity mw 2001 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into the Community Space Lease Agreement with Miami-Dade County for lease of 6701 SW 62 Avenue,South Miami,Florida for one (I)year with a one (I)option to renew to operate the Seniors Program (Senior Center). The Cityof South Miami Parksand Recreation utilizes the location at 6701 SW 62 Avenue,Miami,FL 33143 tooperatethe Seniors Program (Senior Center). Seniors registered in the Senior Program are provided with lunch Monday - Friday andareprovidedaweekend meal (cantina style)on Friday foruseon Saturdays and Sundays.In addition,seniorsare provided with games,field trips, activities,specialguestsandfitnessas part of the program. In order tocontinuewiththeuseofthis facility,a Community Space Lease agreementmustbeexecutedtobein compliance with Miami DadeCounty throughits Public Housing,CommunityDevelopmentDepartment. No Expenditure Termoftheagreementisoneyearwiththeoptiontorenewwithno expenditures Attachments:Resolutionforapproval Community SpaceLease Agreement Scope ofServices Sworn Statement Community Space Lease Agreement This Community Space Lease Agreement,made this £u day of ^J <-*V 20 ^ isenteredintobyandbetweenMiami-DadeCounty,apoliticalsubdivision br theStateof Florida (hereinafter referred toas "County")through itsPublic Housing and Community Development(PHCD)Department(hereinafterreferredtoas"Landlord"),locatedat 701 N.W. 1st Court 16th Floor,Miami,FL 33136 and City of South Miami (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant/Provider")whose address is 6130 Sunset Drive.South Miami,FL 33143. WHEREAS,theHomeRuleCharterauthorizesMiami-DadeCountytoprovideforthe uniformhealthandwelfare of the residentsthroughouttheCounty;and WHEREAS,theCountyrecognizestheimportance of providingsupportiveservicesto residents ofitsassisted housing which includes public housing residents,section8 recipients, homeownership participants andother government assistedhousing participants;and WHEREAS,theTenant/Providerwhichisanot-for-profitorganizationorgovernment entity,providesorwilldevelopservices of valuetotheCountyanditsassistedhousing residents andhas demonstrated an ability to provide theseservices;and WHEREAS,the County isdesirous of obtainingsuchservices of the Tenant/Provider for itsassistedhousingresidentsandthe Tenant/Provider is desirous ofprovidingsuch services;and WHEREAS,theCountyagreedtoleaseitsspaceonitsassisted housing premisestothe Tenant/Provider sothat Tenant/Provider canprovideits services toassisted housing residents and accordingly passed Resolutions R-296-99,891-92 and 287-89, NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration ofthemutual covenants recordherein,the parties hereto agree as follows: I.THEPREMISES.The Landlord shall lease to tenant/Provider the premises located at the South Miami Plaza Public Housing Development,6701 SW 62nd Avenue.South Miami,Florida (hereinafter "Premises"). II.THE SCOPEOF SERVICES.While the Tenant/Provider isin possession ofthe Premises describedinparagraphI of this Agreement,the Tenant/Provider agrees to rendertheservicesinaccordancewiththescope of services incorporated hereinand attached hereto as Attachment A.Tenant/Provider agrees thatatleastfifty percent (50%) ofits clients atanyonetimeshallbe residents of Miami-Dade County assisted housing. Assistedhousingshallmeanpublic housing,Section 8 housing,affordable home ownership program,andothergovernment assisting housing programs.Tenant/Provider shallactivelyseekresidents of Miami-Dade Countyassistedhousingasclients.Failure toserve assisted housing residentsatthepercentagelevel described aboveshallbe C:\WP\TSW03.DOC TYPEIII:Mealsfor tyniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 1 of 13 grounds for termination ofthis Agreement.Tenant/Provider shall report the following information inwritingona quarterly basis tothesite manager of Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD)which oversees the Premises described in Paragraph I of thisAgreement:theactualnumber of assistedhousingresidentsservedwithinthe previousthree(3)monthsandthetype of servicestheyreceived;theactualnumber of children of assistedhousingresidentsservedwithinthepreviousthree(3)monthsandthe type of servicethey received;the percentage ofitsclientswhoareassisted housing residents;andthepercentageofitsclientswhoarechildrenofassistedhousing residents. HI.AUTHORIZED AGENT ON PREMISES.Tenant/Provider shall designate a responsible individual on site that is authorized to communicate with and receive communicationfromtheLandlord'ssitemanagerinordertoeffectuatea cooperative and efficient use of the Premises bytheTenant/Provider. IV.EFFECTIVE TERM.Bothpartiesagreethatthe effective termofthis Agreement shall be from 01/01/2014 to 12/31/2014.This Agreement maybe renewed forone (1) additional one(1)year period. V.RENT PAYABLE.Tenant/Provider shall payrentinthe amount of zero ($0)per month/year.Therentshallbedueonorbeforethefirst of each month/year.Intheevent Tenant/Provider failstomeetits obligations toserveatleastfiftypercent (50%)ofthe residents of Miami-DadeCountyassisted housing,theCountyshallgive Tenant/Provider ten (10)dayswrittennoticeoftheir non-compliance.Tenant/Provider shallhaveten (10) daysfromthedate of saidnoticetocuresuch non-compliance.Intheevent, Tenant/Provider failstocuresuch non-compliance,the County,atitssole discretion,may terminatethis Agreement orchargethefairmarketrentforthePremises,whichshallbe determinedbytheCountyattheexpirationofthecureperiod. VI.USEOF PREMISES.Tenant/Provider shall usethe Premises onlyto provide the servicesdescribedinthescope of services whichis incorporated hereinandattachedas Attachment A.Tenant/Provider shallbe entitled tousethespace described only during thehours of 7:00amto4:00pm.Tenant/Provider shall.leave thePremisescleanatthe completion of programseachbusinessday.TheLandlordagreestoallowthe Tenant/Providerfromtimetotimetoutilizethespaceafternormalbusinesshoursforthe purposes of conductingmeetings,trainings,orforotherprogramrelatedreasons.The Tenant/ProvideragreestoadvisetheLandlord'ssitemanagerinadvance of thedateand timeitdesirestousethespacebeyondhoursstatedinthissection.Tenant/Provideris responsibleforsecuringitsownpersonalpropertyandagreestoholdMiami-Dade Countyharmlessintheevent of loss,theft,ordamagewhenresidentprogramsare conducted inthe leased space. VII.CONDITIONS OF PREMISES.The Landlord shall ensure that the Premises are in a state of goodrepairandsuitableforoccupancybytheTenant/Provideratthe commencement of this Agreement ByenteringintothisAgreement,,the Tenant/Provider C:\WP\TSW03.DOC TYPEHI:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 2 of 13 agrees that the Premises will be returned tothe Landlord in the same condition as when received subject to normal wear and use. Tenant/Provider shall complywith community room capacity lawsand therefore shall ensure enough space forthe safety and enjoyment of the participants. The Landlord has the right to inspect the Premises at any time to assure that all terms of the lease are being met.Tenant/Provider must immediately take corrective actions asa result of the Landlord's inspection findings. VIII.MAINTENANCE.Tenant/Provider shallbe responsible for maintaining the Premises. All routine maintenance and minor repairs shall be performed atthe Tenant/Provider's expense.If the Landlord performs routine maintenance and minor repairs on behalf of the Tenant/Provider,the Landlord shall charge the Tenant/Provider for time and materials used.Routine maintenance and minor repairs include butarenotlimitedto:plastering andinterior painting;electrical worksuchas installing orchanginglamps,bulbsand fuses,replacing outlet covers andotherworkthatdoes not require rewiring orworking insidetheelectricalbox;minorplumbingrepairssuchaschangingafaucet;repairingair conditioners;changing airconditionersfilters;minorlineblockages;replacingkitchen cabinets and counter tops. TheLandlordshallbe responsible formajorrepairs.Major repairsincludebutarenot limitedto:replacement of roofsorcentralairconditionerunits;structuralrepairs; interiorelectricalwiring;electricalpanelreplacementsandrepairs;majorplumbing repairs;fire control systems;and exterior painting. TheTenant/Providershallnotmake renovations orinstallany fixtures,equipment, fencing,orlockswithoutpriorwrittenapproval of theLandlord.Allfixturesinstalledby Tenant/Provider shall become theproperty of Landlordupon termination of thelease agreement. TheTenant/ProvidershallberesponsibleforreimbursementtotheLandlordforanyand alllossesordamagestopropertyand/orequipmentresultingfromtheoperations of the Tenant/Provider's programs. Tenant/ProvidershallmaintainandoperatethePremisesinacleanandsanitarycondition andreturnsameto Landlord attheexpirationor termination of thislease. IX.KEYS.LocksmaybechangedwiththeLandlord'spermissionattheTenant/Provider's expense,if the Landlord's sitemanagerisimmediatelyfurnishedaset of keys. X.SIGNAGE.Allsignagemustbein keeping withthe residential nature ofthe property, allapplicablebuildingand zoning laws,andapprovedinwritingbyLandlordpriorto installation. C:\WP\TSM03JX)C TYPEIII:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 3 of 13 XL TRASH AND GARBAGE DISPOSAL.Tenant/Provider shall make all necessary arrangements,including billing,with local trash and garbage disposal companies.The Tenant/Provider mayalsopayLandlordforthisservice. XII.INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE. (A)AllOther Tenants/Provider.Tenant/Provider shall indemnify and hold harmless theCountyandits officers,employees,agents,and instrumentalities from anyandall liability,losses or damages,including attorneys'fees and costs of defense,which the County orits officers,employees,agents or instrumentalities mayincurasaresult of claims,demands,suits,causesoractions or proceedings ofanykindor nature arising outof,relating toor resulting from the performance of this Agreement bythe Tenant/Provider orits employees, agents,servants,partners,principalsor subcontractors.Tenant/Provider shallpay all claims and losses in connection therewith andshall investigate and defend all claims,suits or actions ofany kind or nature inthe name ofthe County,where applicable,including appellate proceedings,and shall payall costs,judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon.Tenant/Provider expressly understands and agrees thatany insurance protection required bythis Agreement or otherwise provided by Tenant/Provider shall innowaylimitthe responsibility to indemnify,keepandsave harmless anddefendtheCountyorits officers, employees,agentsand instrumentalities ashereinprovided. XIII.INSURANCE. (A)Tenant/Provider Obligations. 1•Modification and Changes.The Tenants shall notify the County of any intended changes in insurance coverage,including butnot limited toany renewals of existinginsurancepolicies.Uponreview of the Tenant/Provider'sScope of Services (Attachment A)bytheCounty'sRisk Management Division,theCountymayincrease,decrease,waiveor modifyanyofthe following insurance requirements.Anyrequestbya Tenant/Provider to decrease,waive ormodifyany of the following insurance requirements mustbe approved inwritingbytheCounty'sRisk Management Division. 2.Minimum Insurance Requirements:Certificates of Insurance.The TenantfProvider shallfurnishto Miami-Dade CountyPublicHousingand Community Development,701 MW 1 Ct,16th Floor,Miami,FL 33136, Certificate(s)of Insurancewhichindicatethatinsurancecoveragehas been obtained which meetstherequirementsasoutlinedbelow: (a)Worker's CompensationInsuranceforallemployees of the Tenant/Provider as required by Florida Statute 440. C:\WP\TSW03.DOC TYPEIII:Mealsfor Seniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 4 of 13 C:\WP\TS\A03MOC TYPEHI:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 (b)Commercial General Liability Insurance -this policy shall be endorsed to include products and completed operations liability insurance on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage.Miami-Dade County must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. (c)Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned,non-owned and hired vehicles used in connection with the work,in an amount noless than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. All insurance policies required above shall be issued by companies authorized todo business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications: 1)The company shall beno less than "B"asto management, andnoless than "Class V"asto financial strength,by Best's Insurance Guide,published byA.M.Best Company, Oldwick,New Jersey,orits equivalent subject tothe approval of the County Risk Management Division. or 2)The company must hold a valid Florida Certificate of Authority as shown in the latest "List of All Insurance Companies Authorized or Approved toDo Business in Florida,"issued bythe Department of Financial Services andare members of the Florida Guaranty Fund. (d)Certificates willindicatethatno modification orchangein insurance shallbemade without thirty (30)dayswrittenadvance notice to the certificate holder. (e)Compliance with theforegoing requirements shall notrelievethe Tenant/Provider of its liability and obligations underthisSection or under anyothersection of this Agreement. (f)Modification or waiver of any of the aforementioned insurance requirements issubjecttotheapproval of theCounty'sRisk Management Division.The Tenant/Provider shallnotifythe County of anyintendedchangesininsurancecoverage,including any renewals of existing policies. Page 5 of 13 (g)TheCountyreservestherighttoinspecttheTenant/Provider's original insurance policiesatanytimeduringthetermofthis Agreement. (B)Failure to Provide Certificate of Insurance.If the Tenant/Provider fails to furnish theCountywiththe Certificate of Insurance or written verification required under this sectionorasdeterminedbytheCounty'sRiskManagementDivisionafterreview of theScope of Services (Attachment A),theCountyshallnotdisburseanyfundsuntilit is provided with the necessary Certificates of Insurance or written verification. Failure toprovidethe Certificates of Insurance or written verification withinsixty (60)daysofexecutionofthis Agreement mayresultin termination ofthis Agreement. NOTE:MIAMI DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NUMBER AND TITLE OF CONTRACT MUST APPEAR ON EACH CERTIFICATE. CERTIFICATE HOLDER MUST READ:MIAMI-DADE COUNTY 111 MW Ist STREET SUITE 2340 MIAMI,FL 33128 XIV.PROOF OF LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATIONS.If the Tenant/Provider is requiredbytheState of FloridaorMiami-DadeCountytobelicensedorcertifiedto providetheservicesoroperatethe facilities outlinedintheScope of Services (AttachmentA),theTenant/Providershallfurnishacopy of allrequiredcurrentlicenses or certificates.Examples of servicesoroperationsrequiringsuchlicensureor certificationincludebutarenotlimitedtochildcare,daycare,nursinghomes,and boardinghomes.Failuretoprovidethelicensesorcertificateswithinsixty(60)days of execution of this Agreement mayresultintermination of thisAgreement. (A)Background Screening:The Tenant/Provider agreestocomplywithall applicable laws,regulations,ordinancesandresolutionsregardingbackgroundscreening of employeesandsubcontractors.Tenant/Provider's failuretocomplywithany applicablelaws,regulations,ordinancesandresolutionsregardingbackground screening of employees and subcontractors is grounds fora material breach and termination of thiscontractatthesolediscretion of theCounty. The Tenant/Provider agreestocomplywithall applicable laws (including butnot limited to Chapters 39,402,409,394,408,393,397,984,985and435,Florida Statutes,as may be amended form time to time),regulations,ordinances and resolutions,regarding background screening of those who may work with vulnerable persons,as defined by section 435.02,Florida Statutes,asmaybe amended from time to time. C:\WP\TSV103.DOC TYPEIII:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 6 of 13 In the event criminal background screening is required by law,the State of Florida and/or the County,the Tenant/Provider will permit only employees and subcontractors with a satisfactory national criminal background check through an appropriate screening agency (i.e.,the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, Florida Department of Law Enforcement or Federal Bureau of Investigation)to work in direct contact with vulnerable persons. The Tenant/Provider agrees to ensure that employees and subcontracted personnel who work with vulnerable persons satisfactorily complete and pass Level 2 background screening before working with vulnerable persons.Tenant/Provider shall furnish the County with proof that employees and subcontracted personnel, who work with vulnerable persons,satisfactorily passed Level 2 background screening,pursuant to Chapter 435,Florida Statutes,as may be amended from time to time. If the Tenant/Provider failstofurnishtotheCounty proof thatanemployeeor subcontractor's Level2 background screeningwas satisfactorily passedandcompleted prior to that employee or subcontractor working with a vulnerable person or vulnerable persons,the County shallnotdisburseanyfurtherfundsandthisContractmaybesubject to termination at the sole discretion of the County. XV.CONFLICT OF INTEREST.TheTenant/Provideragreestoabidebyandbegoverned by Miami-DadeCounty Ordinance No.72-82 (Conflict of Interest Ordinancecodified at Section 2-11.1 et al.of theCode of Miami-Dade County),asamended,whichis incorporated herein by reference asitfullysetforthherein,in connection withits contract obligations hereunder. XVI.CIVIL RIGHTS.TheTenant/ProvideragreestoabidebyChapter 11A,of theCode of Miami-DadeCounty("County Code"),asamended,whichprohibitsdiscriminationin employment,housing,andpublic accommodations;TitleVII of theCivil Rights Act of 1968,as amended,whichprohibits discrimination in employment,housing,andpublic accommodation;theAge Discrimination Act of 1975,42U.S.C.,asamended,which prohibitsdiscriminationin employment andpublichousing accommodations;Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Actof 1973,29 U.S.C.§794,as amended,which prohibits discriminationonthebasis of disability,andtheAmericanwithDisabilityAct,42 U.S.C. §12103 etseq.,whichprohibits discrimination inemploymentand accommodation because of disability. Itis expressly understood thatupon receipt of evidence of discrimination under anyof theselaws,theCountyshallhavetherightto terminate this Agreement.Itis further understoodthattheProvidermustsubmitan affidavit attestingthatitisnotin violation of theAmericanswithDisabilityAct,theRehabilitationAct,theFederalTransitsAct,49 U.S.C.§1612,andtheFairHousing Act,42 U.S.C.§3601 etseq.Ifthe Tenant/Provider or any owner,subsidiary,or other firmaffiliatedwithorrelatedtotheProvider,isfound bythe responsible enforcement agency,the Courts orthe County tobein violation of C\WP\TSU03J)OC TYPEin:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 7 of 13 these Acts,the County will conduct no further business with the Tenant/Provider.Any contract entered into based upon a false affidavit shall be voidable by the County.If the Tenant/Provider violates any of the Acts during the term of any contract the Tenant/Provider has with the County,such contract shall be voidable by the County,even if theTenant/Providerwasnotinviolationatthetimeitsubmitteditsaffidavit. The Tenant/Provider certifies that itisin compliance with the Domestic Violence Leave, codified as §11A-60 t.seq.of the Miami-Dade County Code,which requires an employer,who in the regular course of business has fifty (50)or more employees working in Miami-Dade County for each working day during each of twenty (20)or more calendar work weeks to provide domestic violence leave toits employees.Failure to comply with this local law may be grounds for voiding or terminating this Agreement or for commencement of debarment proceedings against the Tenant/Provider. XVII.NOTICES.Itis understood and agreed between the parties that written notice addressed tothe Landlord and mailed ordeliveredtotheaddress below and written notice addressed tothe Tenant/Provider and mailed or delivered tothe address below shall constitute sufficientnoticetoeitherparty. Landlord Tenant/Provider PublicHousingandCommunity Development (PHCD)City of SouthMiami 701 NW 1st Court,16th Floor,Miami,FL 33136 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 XVDI.AUTONOMY.Both parties agree that this Agreement recognizes the autonomy of each ofthe parties and does not stipulate or imply affiliation between the contracting parties. Itis expressly understood and intended that the Tenant/Provider is only a tenant/provider andisnotanagentor instrumentality ofthe County. XIX.BREACH:REMEDIES (A)Breach.A breach bytheTenant/Providershallhaveoccurredunderthis Agreementif:(1)the Tenant/Provider failstoadequatelyprovidetheservices outlinedintheScope of Services(AttachmentA)withintheeffectiveterm of this Agreement;(2)the Tenant/Provider does not furnish the Certificates of Insurance required by this Agreement oras determined bytheCounty'sRisk Management Division;(3)the Tenant/Provider doesnotfurnishproof of licensureand certification required bythis Agreement;(4)the Tenant/Provider fails topayrent on or beforethedatethatitisdue;(5)the Tenant/Provider doesnothavethe requiredpercentage of assistedhousingresidentsortheirchildrenasclients;(6) the Tenant/Provider failsto properly maintain the Premises,make repairs,pay utilities,obtaingarbage collection,complete extermination,andorperformother generalupkeep of thePremises;(7)the Tenant/Providerdiscriminatesunderany of thelawsoutlinedinSectionVII of this Agreement;(8)the Tenant/Provider C:\WP\TSW03JXX: TYPEIII:Mealsfor Seniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 8 of 13 falsifies or violates the provisions of theDrugFree Workplace Affidavit (Exhibit F);(9)the Tenant/Provider,attemptstomeetits obligations underthisAgreement throughfraud,misrepresentation ormaterial misstatement;or(10)the Tenant/Provider failstofulfillina timely and proper manner anyandall of its obligations,covenants,agreements and stipulations inthis Agreement. Waiver of breach of any provisions of this contract shall notbe deemed tobea waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed tobea modification of the terms of this Agreement. (B)Remedies.LandlordandTenant/ProvidermayterminatethisAgreementand may pursue any and all remedies available under applicable lawfora breach under the Lease Agreement.If,forany reason,the Tenant/Provider should attempt to meet its obligations underthis Agreement through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement,the Landlord shall,whenever practicableterminatethisAgreementbygivingwrittennoticetotheprovider of suchterminationandspecifyingtheeffectivedatethereofatleastfivedays before theeffectivedate of suchtermination.Thecountymayterminateorcancelany othercontractswhichsuchindividualorentityhaswiththecountyandthatsuch individual orentityshallberesponsibleforalldirectand indirect costsassociated withsuchterminationor cancellation,including attorney's fees.Any individual orentitywhoattemptstomeetits contractual obligations withthecounty through fraud,misrepresentation or material misstatement maybe debarred from county contractingforuptofive(5)years.TheLandlordmayseektoevict Tenant/Providerbyfilinganactioninacourt of appropriatejurisdiction. (C)Damages Sustained.Notwithstandingtheabove,theTenant/Providershallnot be relieved of liability tothe Landlord for damages sustained bythe Landlord by virtue ofanybreachofthe Agreement.The landlord may also pursue any remedies available atlawor equity to compensate forany damages sustained by thebreach.The Tenant/Provider shallbe responsible foralldirectand indirect costassociatedwithsuch action,including attorney's fees. XX.TERMINATIONBYEITHERPARTY.Both parties agree that this Agreement may be terminated byeitherparty hereto by written notice totheother party of such intent to terminateatleastninety(90)dayspriortotheeffectivedate of suchterminationoras determined by law.The director ofthe Public Housing and Community Development is authorized toterminatethisAgreementon behalf of theLandlord. XXI.MISCELLANEOUS. (A)Sublease.Thepartiesagreethatno assignments or sublease willbemadeorletin connection withthis Agreement without theprior written approval ofthe Landlord,whichshallnotbe unreasonably withheld,andthatall sublessors or assignees shall be governed bythe terms and conditions ofthis Agreement. C:\WP\TSW03JXX: TYPEIII:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 9 of 13 (B)Agreement Guidelines.The Tenant/Provider agrees to comply with all applicable Federal,State and County laws,rules and regulations,particularly the Landlord/Tenant Act,which are incorporated herein by reference or fully set forth herein. (Q Modifications.Any alterations,variations,modifications,extensions or waivers of provisions of this Agreement including but not limited to rent payable and effective term shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing,duly approved and signed by both parties and attached tothe original of this Agreement. (D)The County has established the Office of Inspector General which is empowered toperformrandomauditsonallCountycontractsthroughouttheduration of each contract.Grantrecipientsareexemptfrompayingthecost of theaudit,whichis normally lAofl%of the total contract amount. The Miami-Dade County Inspector General is authorized and empowered to review past,presentand proposed County and Public Health Trust programs, contracts,transactions,accounts,records and programs.In addition,the Inspector General hasthepowerto subpoena witnesses,administer oaths,require the production of records and monitor existing projects and programs.Monitoring of anexistingprojector program mayincludeareport concerning whetherthe projectisontime,within budget andin compliance with plans,specifications and applicable law. TheInspector General is empowered to analyze the necessity ofand reasonableness of proposedchargeorderstothe Contract.The Inspector General is empowered toretainthe services of Independent Private Sector Inspectors General (IPSIG)toaudit,investigate,monitor,oversee,inspectandreview operations,activities,performance andprocurementprocessincludingbutnot limitedtoprojectdesign,bid specifications,proposal submittals,activities of the Provider,itsofficers,agentsandemployees,lobbyists,County staff andelected officialstoensurecompliancewithcontract specifications andtodetectfraudand corruption. Uponten (10)dayspriorwrittennoticetotheProviderfromtheInspectorGeneral orIPSIGretainedbytheInspector General,theProvidershallmakeallrequested recordsanddocumentsavailabletotheInspectorGeneralorIPSIGforinspection andcopying.TheInspectorGeneralandIPSIGshallhavetherighttoinspectand copyall documents andrecordsinthe Provider's possession,custody orcontrol which,intheInspectorGeneralor IPSIG's solejudgment,pertaintoperformance of thecontract,including,butnotlimitedtooriginalestimatefiles,worksheets, proposals and agreements fromand with successful and unsuccessful subcontractors andsuppliers,all project-related correspondence,memoranda, C:\WP\TSU03JXX: TYPEIII:Meals forSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 10 of 13 instructions,financial documents,construction documents,proposal and contract documents,back-charge documents,all documents and records which involve cash,trade or volume discounts,insurance proceeds,rebates,or dividends received,payroll and personnel records,and supporting documentation forthe aforesaid documents and records. The provisions in this section shall apply to the Provider,its officers,agents, employees,subcontractors and suppliers.The Provider shall incorporate the provisions in this section inall subcontracts and all other agreements executed by the Provider in connection with the performance of the contract. Nothing in this contract shall impair any independent right of the County to conduct audit or investigative activities.The provisions of this section are neither intended nor shall they be construed to impose any liability on the County bythe Provider or third parties. Notwithstanding the provisions set forth herein,the County has the right to retain the services of an Independent Private Sector Inspector General (IPSIG), whenever the County deems it appropriate todoso.Upon written notice fromthe County,the Provider shall make available,tothe IPSIG retained bytheCounty, all requested recordsanddocumentation pertaining tothis Agreement orany subsequent award forinspectionandcopying.TheCountywillberesponsiblefor the payment of these IPSIG services,and under no circumstance shall the Provider'scost/priceforthisAgreement,beinclusive of anychargesrelatingto theseIPSIGservices.Theterms of this provision herein,applytotheProvider,its officers,agents,employeesandassignees.Nothingcontainedinthisprovision shallimpairanyindependentright of theCountytoconduct,auditorinvestigate the operations,activities andperformance of the Provider in connection withthis Agreement or any related contract.Theterms of this provision areneither intendednorshalltheybeconstruedtoimposeanyliabilityontheCountybythe Provider or third party. (E)Totality of Agreement/Severability of Provisions.This(13)pageAgreementwith itsattachmentsasreferencedbelowcontainallthetermsand conditions agreed upon by the parties: Attachment A: Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Agreement Program Narrative (Scope of Services) Extermination Services(NotApplicable) Miami-Dade County Affidavits State Public Entities Crime Affidavit Noother Agreement,oralor otherwise,regarding thesubjectmatterofthis Agreement shallbe deemed toexistorbindanyofthe parties hereto.Ifany provision ofthis Agreementisheldinvalidorvoid,theremainder of thisAgreementshallnotbe C:\WP\TSU03JXfC TYPEIII:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 Page 11 of 13 affectedthereby if suchremainderwouldthencontinuetoconformtothetermsand requirements of applicablelaw. (F)Except as otherwise enumerated herein,no amendment to this Agreement shall be binding on either party unless in writing and signed by both parties and approved by the County Attorney's Office,provided,however,thatthe County may effect amendments tothisAgreementwithoutthewrittenconsentofthe Provider,to conform this Agreement to changes inthe laws,directives,guidelines,and objectives of County,StateandFederalgovernments. (G)Nothing herein shall alter,affect,modify,change or extend any other agreement between the Provider andthe County,orany department ofthe County unless specifically stated herein. (H)Theinvalidity of alloranypart of thisAgreementshallnotrenderinvalidthe remainder of this Agreement ortheremainder of suchsection,if theremainderwould thenconformtotherequirements of applicablelaw. (I)This Agreement shallbegovernedunderthelaws of theState of Floridaastoall matters,includingbutnotlimitedtomatters of validity,construction,effectand performance.Venueforany litigation between parties regarding this Agreement shall lieonlyinstateandfederalcourtin Miami-Dade County,Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,thepartieshavecausedthis Contract tobeexecutedbytheir respectiveanddulyauthorizedofficersas of thedayandyearfirstabovewritten. (SEAL) ATTEST: Witnesses: By: By:\^^£^ (Signature of AutEofeed Representative) MariaM.Menendez Type or Print Name C:\WP\TSA03.DOC TYPEIII:Meals for Seniors REVISED:01/10/2011 iture) City of South Miami AGENCY'S NAME By; (SjgfSafrtf^of Authorized Representative) 3e**rv£feo^iK Type or Print Name (Signature)//^ Page 12 of 13 Type or P^intrint Name ATTEST: HARVEY RUVIN,CLERK Assistant County Attorney C:\WP\TSU03.DOC TYPEIII:MealsforSeniors REVISED:01/10/2011 (WytAtis C r-eft Type or Print Name MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA Approved asto form and legaLsufficiency: Page 13 of 13 CARLOS A.GIMENEZ MAYOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AFFIDAVITS The contractingindividual or entity (government or otherwise)shall indicate byan "X"allaffidavits that pertain tothis contract and shall indicate by an "N/A"allaffidavits that donot pertain tothis contract.All blank spaces must be filled. The MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT;MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT;MIAMI-DADE CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT;DISABILITY NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIDAVIT;and the PROJECT FRESHSTART AFFIDAVIT shallnotpertainto contracts withtheUnited States or any ofits departments or agencies thereof,the State orany political subdivision or agency thereof;it shall however,pertain tomunicipalitiesof the State ofFlorida.All other contractingentitiesorindividualsshall read carefully each affidavit to determine whether ornotit pertains to this contract. I,O^n foteXQooig-,being first duly sworn state: Affiant The full legal nameandbusiness address oftheperson(s)or entity contraction or transacting business with Miami-DadeCounty are (Post Office addresses are not acceptable): FederalEmployerIdentificationNumber(Ifnone,SocialSecurity) ne of Entity,Individual(s),PartnerNameofEntity,Individual(s),Partners,or Corporation Doing Business As (If same as above,leaveblank) StreetAddress City State ZipCode I.MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (Sec.2-8.1 of the County Code) 1.If the contract or business transaction is with a corporation,the full legal name and business address shall be provided for each officer and director and each stockholder who holds directly or indirectly five percent (5%)ormoreofthe corporation's stock.If the contract orbusiness transaction is with a partnership,the foregoing information shall be provided for each partner.It the contract or business transaction is with a trust,the full legal name and address shall be provided for each trustee and each beneficiary.The forgoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts with publicly-traded corporations or to contracts with the United States or any department or names and addresses are (Post Offices addresses arenotacceptable): Full Legal Name Address Ownership % % 0/% Pagel of 5 The full legal names and business address of any other individual (other than subcontractors,material men,supplies,laborers,or lenders)who have,or will have,any interest (legal,equitable beneficial or otherwise)in the contract or business transaction with Dade County are (Post Office addresses are not acceptable):/ m. 3.Any person who willfully fails to disclose the information required herein,or who knowingly discloses false information in this regard,shall be punished bya fine of up to five hundred dollars ($500.00)or imprisonment inthe County jail for upto sixty (60)daysor both. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance No.90-133, amendingSec.2.8-1;Subsection (d)(2)oftheCounty Code). Exceptwhere precluded by federal orStatelawsor regulations,each contract or business transaction or renewal thereof which involves the expenditure of ten thousand dollar ($10,000)or more shall require the entity contracting or transacting business to disclose the following information.The foregoing disclosure requirements do not apply to contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof,the Stateorany political subdivision oragencyorany municipality ofthisState. 1.Does your firm havea collective bargaining agreement with its employees? )C Yes No 2.Does your firm provide paid health care benefits for its employees? V Yes No 3.Provide a current breakdown (number of persons)of your firm's work force and ownership asto race, nationalorigin and gender. White:£&Males:^}Females:_ty_Asiari:^l_Males:^&_Females:— Black:Sp Males:3&Females:\\g American Indian:JL Males:-Females:jj~ Hispanics:7^)Males:Tf Females:£fo Aleut (Eskimo):«~Males:—Females:— Males:IQfo Females:23 -JL.Males:^!Females:*^ III.AFFIRMATIVE ACTION/NON-DISCRIMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT,PROMOTION AND PROCUREMENT PRACTICES (County Ordinances 98-30 codified at 2-8.1.5 ofthe County Code) In accordance with County Ordinance No.98-30,entities with annual gross revenues in excessof $5,000,000 seeking to contract with the County shall,as condition receiving a County contract,have I)a written affirmative action plan which sets forth the procedures the entity utilizes toassurethatitdoes not discriminate in its employment and promotion practices;and ii)a written procurement policy which sets forth the procedures the entity utilizes to assure that it does not discriminate against minority and women- owned businesses in its own procurement of goods,supplies and services.Such affirmatives action plans and procurement policies shall provide for periodic review to determine their effectiveness in assuring the entity does not discriminate in its employment,promotion and procurement practices.The foregoing notwithstanding,corporate entities whose boards of directors are representatives of the population make up of the nation shall be presumed to have non-discriminatory employment and procurement policies,and shall not be required to have written affirmative action plans and procurement policies in order to receive a County contract.The foregoing presumption maybe rebutted. The requirements of County Ordinance No.98-30 may be waived upon the written recommendation of the County Manager that it is in the best interest of the County to do so and upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners by majority voteofthe members present. Page 2 of 5 uk m. nk nk JL y The firm does not have annual gross revenues in excess of $5,000,000. mThe firm does have annual revenues in excess of$5,000,000;however,itsBoardof Directors is representative of the population make-up of the nationand has submitted awritten,detailed listingofitsBoard of Directors,includingtheraceofethnicityof each boardmember,tothe County's Department of Business Development,175 NW 1st Avenue,28th Floor,Miami, Florida 33128. _The firm has annual gross revenues in excess of $5,000,000 and the firm does haveawritten affirmative action plan and procurement policy as described above,which includes periodic review to determine effectiveness,and has submitted the plan and policytothe County's Department ofBusiness Development,175NW 1st Avenue,28th Floor,Miami,Florida 33128. mThe firm does not have an affirmative actionplan and/or a procurement policyas described above,but has been granted a waiver. _IV.MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT (Section 2-8.6 of the County Code) The individualor entity entering intoa contract or receiving funding from the County has y has not of the date ofthisaffidavit been convicted of afelonyduringthepastten (10)years. .V.MIAMI-DADE EMPLOYMENT DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE AFFIDAVIT (CountyOrdinance no.92-15 codified as Section 2-8.1.2 ofthe County Code) ThatincompliancewithOrdinance No.92-15oftheCodeof Miami-Dade County,Florida,the above named person orentityis providing adrug-free workplace.Awritten statement to each employee shall,inform the employee about: 1.Danger of drug abuse inthe workplace 2.The firm's policyof maintaining adrug-freeenvironmentatallworkplaces 3.Availability of drug counseling,rehabilitation andemployeeassistance programs 4.Penaltiesthatmaybeimposedupon employees fordrug abuse violations Thepersonorentity shall also require anemployeetosignastatement,asa condition of employmentthattheemployee will abidebythetermsand notify theemployerofany criminal drug conviction occurring no later than five (5)daysafter receiving notice ofsuch conviction and impose appropriate personnel action against the employee upto and including termination. Compliance with Ordinance No.92-15 maybe waived ifthe special characteristics ofthe product or service offered bythe person or entity makeit necessary for the operation ofthe County or for the health,safety,welfare,economic benefits and well-being of the public. Contracts involving funding which is provided in whole or in part bythe United Statesofthe Stateof Florida shallbeexempted from the provisions ofthis ordinance inthoseinstances where those provisions are in conflict with the requirements ofthose government entities. _VI.MIAMI-DADE EMPLOYMENT FAMILY LEAVE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinances No.142-91 codified asSection 11A-29 et.Seqofthe County Code) That in compliance with ordinance No.142-91 of the Code of Miami-Dade County,Florida,an employer with fifty (50)or more employees working in Dade County for each working day during each of twenty (20)or more calendar workweeks,shall provide the following information incompliance with all itemsintheaforementioned ordinance: Page 3 of 5 X m An employee who has worked for the above firmat least one (1)year shall be entitled to ninety (90)days of family leave during any twenty-four (24)month period,formedical reasons, for the birthor adoption of achild,orfor the care of achild,spouse or other close relative who has serious health condition without risk of terminationof employer retaliation. The foregoing requirements shallnotpertaintocontractswith the United States orany department or agency thereof,or the State of Floridaor any political subdivision or agency thereof.It shall,however,pertainto municipalities of this State. .VIL DISABILITY NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIDAVIT (County Resolution R385-95)— That the above names firm,corporationor organization isin compliance withthe agrees to continue to comply with and assure that any subcontractor,orthirdpartycontractor under this project complies withall applicable requirements of the lawslisted below including,but not limitedto,those provisions pertainingto employment provisions of programsand services, transportation,communications,access tofacilities,renovations,and new construction in the followinglaws:The Americans withDisabilities Act of 1990 (ADA),Pub.L 101-336,104 Stat 327.42 U.S.C.12101-12213 and 47 U.S.C.Section 1612;The FairHousing Act as amended, 42 U.S.C.Section 3601-3631.The foregoing requirements shall not pertainto contracts with the United States or any department or agency thereof,the State or any political subdivision or agency thereof or any municipality of this State. VIII.MIAMI-DADE COUNTY REGARDING DELIQUENT AND CURRENTLY DUE FEES OR TAXES (Sec.208.1(c)of the County Code) Except for small purchase orders and sole source contracts,that above named firm, corporation,organization orindividualdesiringto transact business or enter a contract with the County Verifies that all delinquent andcurrently due fees or taxes -includingbutnotlimitedto real and property taxes,utility taxes and occupational licenses -whichare collected in the normal course by the Dade County Tax Collector as well as Dade County issued parking tickets for vehicles registered in the name of the firm,corporation,organizationorindividual have been paid. IX.CURRENT OR ALL COUNTY CONTRACTS,LOANS AND OTHER OBLIGATIONS4l The individual entity seeking to transact business with the County iscurrentinallits obligations to the County andisnot otherwise in default or any contract,promissory note or other loan documents with the County or any ofits agencies or instrumentalities. Nffl X.PROJECT FRESH START (Resolution R-702-98 and 358-99) Any firm that has a contract withtheCountythat results inactual payment of $500,000 or more shall contribute to Project Fresh Start,the County's Welfare to Work Initiative.However, iffive percent (5%)of the firm'sworkforce consists of individuals who reside in Miami-Dade County and who have lost or will loose cash assistance benefits (formerlyAidto Families with dependent Children)as a result of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996,the firm may request waiverfrom the requirement of R-702098 and R-358-99bysubmittingawaiver request affidavit.The foregoingrequirement does notpertain to government entities,notfor profit organizationsorrecipientsofgrantawards. Page 4 of 5 Y XI.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE LEAVE (Resolution 185-00;99-5 Codified at 11A-60 Et.Seq.of the Miami-Dade County Code). The firm desiringtodo business with the Countyisin compliance withDomesticLeave Ordinance,Ordinance 99-5,codified at 11A-60 et.Seq.of the Miami-Dade County Code, which requires an employer which has intheregular course of business fifty(50)ormore employees working inMiami-Dade County for each working day during each of twenty (20)or more calendar work weeks in the currentor proceeding calendar years,toprovide Domestic Violence Leave to its employees. I have carefullyreadthis entire five(5)page document entitled Miami-Dade County Affidavits and have indicated by an KXW all affidaidts-tttgt pertain tohis contract and have indicated by an "N/A"all affidavits that do not pertain to this contract. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO(oraffirmed)beforeme this. 20 (4 by SWa.IfXWc^d^ presented (Type of Identification) ^Notary) (Printof Stamp ofNotary) Notary Public-State of 4~t^lfL (State) Page5of5 '/7// (Date) J3 day pf^k^vu^u,. 3~ _.He/She is personally known to me or has as identification. (Serial Number) iration Date) SWORN STATEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 287.133 (3)(a) FLORIDA STATUTES Hhl P1IRI m pmtitv rpi^cc THIS FORM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS 1.This form statement is submitted to ///*n9*—l)*cy£C&onti^ by Shewn /?UK*s>c/er x &ty A^^^t^ ~~~(Print Individual's nam'e and titie)^——— for ^S/y or £oo)-h /~j/*r*S (Print name of entity submitting sworn statement)'" whose business address is C?>3&Swf*/-Ofwe,S^oo/A M'*n>Ft ^^/^3 and if applicable its Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN)is 51&00QV3)if the entity has not FEIN,include,the Social Security Number ofthe individual signing this sworn statement 2.Iunderstand that a "public entity crime"as defined in paragraph 287.133(1 )(g),Florida Statues. means a violation of any state or federal law by a person with respect to an directly related to the transactions of business with any public entity or with an agency or political subdivision of any other state or with the United States,including,but not limited to any bid or contract for goods or services to be provided to public entity or agency or political subdivision of any other state or ofthe United States and involving antitrust,fraud,theft,bribery,collusion,racketeering, conspiracy,ormaterial misinterpretation. 3.|understand that "convicted"or "conviction"as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(b),Florida ^teS*means a findin9 of suilt or a conviction of a public entity crime,with or without anadjudicationofguilt,in an federal or state trial court of record relating to charges brought by indictment or information after July 1,1989,as a result ofa jury verclict,non-jury trial,or entry of apleaofguiltyornolo contendere. 4.I understand that an "Affiliate"as defined in paragraph 287.133(1 )(a),Florida Statutes means: 1.A predecessor or successor ofa person convicted ofa public entity crime,or 2.An entity under the control ofany natural person who is active in the management ofthe entity and who hasbeen convicted ofa public entity crime.The term "affiliate"includes those officers ,directors,executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,and agents who are active in the management of an affiliate.The ownership by one person of shares constituting a controlling Interest in another person,or a pooling of equipment or income among persons when not for fair market value under an arm's length agreement,shall bea prima facie casethatone person controls another person.A personwho knowingly enters into a joint venture with a person whohasbeen convicted ofa public entity crime in Florida during the preceding 36 months shall be considered an affiliate. 5.I understand that a "person"as defined in Paragraph 287.133(1)(e),Florida Statues,means any natural person or entity organized under the laws of any state or ofthe United States within the legal power to enter into a binding contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts for the *;;<•"••/<*****V'V* provisionof goods or entityrThe term "person"includesthoseofficers,executives;partners, shareholders,employees,members,andagentswhoareactiveinmanagementofanentity Based oninformation and belief,the statement which I have marked belowistrueinrelationto the entity submitting thissworn statement (Please indicate which statement applies.) ^^Neither the entity submitting sworn statement,nor any of its officers,director,executives, partners,shareholders,employees,members,or agents who are active in the management ofthe entity,nor any affiliate ofthe entity hasbeen charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent toJuly 1,1989. pte p/tf The entity submitting this sworn statement,oroneor more ofits officers,directors, executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,oragents who are active inthe management ofthe entity,oran affiliate ofthe entity,oran affiliate ofthe entity had been charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent to July 1,1989,AND (please indicate which additionalstatementapplies. The entity submitting this sworn statement,oroneor more ofits officers,directors, executives,partners,shareholders,employees,members,or agents who are active in the management ofthe entity,norany affiliate ofthe entity hasbeen charged with and convicted ofa public entity crime subsequent proceeding before a Hearing Officer of the State of the State of Florida,Division of Administrative Hearings and the Final Order entered by the Hearing Officer determined that it was not in the public interest to place the entity submitting this sworn statement on the convicted vendor list (attach a copy ofthe final order). I UNDERSTAND THAT THE SUBMISSION OF THIS FORM TO THE CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE PUBLIC ENTITY IDENTIFIED IN PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE)ABOVE IS FOR THAT PUBLIC !^£T °NLY AND THAT TH,S FORM IS VAUD THROUGH DECEMBER 31 OR THECALENDARYEARINWHICHITISFILED.I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I AM REQUIRED TO INFORM THAT PUBLIC ENTITY PRIOR TO ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT IN EXCESS OF THE THRESHOLD AMOUNT PROVIDED IN SECTION 287.017 FLORIDA STATUTES FOR A CATEGORY TWO OF ANY CHANGE IN THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FORM. (Signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me this j3 Persorc^Jknetfn^ Or produced identification (Typeof Identification) _Notary Public-State of '^Zt^^/ri , _My commission expires^J?/C*.zzs<&/1 (Printed,typedorstamped commissioned name of notary public) faasoA M/WAL GARCIA %MYCOMMBSIONtFF0«77e 55 EXPIRES:October 16.2017 Bonded Tftni Notary Public Uixfeiwiew MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW PublishedDaily except Saturday,Sunday and LegalHolidays Miami,Miami-Dade County,Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared M.ZALDIVAR,whoon oath says that he or she is the LEGALCLERK,LegalNoticesoftheMiamiDaily Business Review f/k/aMiamiReview,adaily (except Saturday,Sunday and LegalHolidays)newspaper,published atMiamiinMiami-Dade County,Florida;that the attached copy of advertisement, being aLegal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING -FEBRUARY 4,2014 in the XXXX Court,ooun, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 01/24/2014 Affiant further says thatthesaid Miami Daily Business Reviewisa newspaper published at Miamiin said Miami-Dade County,Floridaandthatthesaid newspaper has heretoforebeencontinuouslypublishedinsaid Miami-Dade County, Florida,eachday(exceptSaturday,SundayandLegal Holidays) andhasbeenentered as second class mailmatteratthepost officein Miami insaidMiami-DadeCounty,Florida,fora periodofone year nextprecedingthefirstpublicationofthe attached copyofadvertisement;andaffiantfurther says thatheor she hasneitherpaidnorpromisedany person,firmorcorporation anydiscount,rebate,commissionorrefundforthe purpose of securing this advertiserj^ht Jjw publication inthesaid newspaper. Sworn to and sub^^pWd before me this 24 davjiUAjsiUAFW /^A.D.2014 7u>>n<&3 (SEAL) M.ZALDIVAR personallyknowntome B.THOMAS «.Notary Public -State of Florida•!My Comm.Expires Nov 2,2017] ,VKM^s Commission #FF 034747 '^fiffi^Rnndsrt Through National Notary Assm MIAMI HERALD |MiamiHerald.com CRONOGRAMA OELA JUNTA DE ESCRUTINIO MUNICIPAL ELECCIONESGENERALESYESPECIALES DE SOUTHMIAMI-11 DE FEBRERO DEL 2014 FECHA/HORARIO UBICACION ACTMDAD El miercoles 5de Miami-Dade County 1.PruebadelogicayprecisioncieJossistemasde febrero del 2014,alas10a jn.ElectionsDepartment votacidncon pantalla sensiblea!tacto yescaner 2700 NW87*Ave.dptlcoque se usaranparalas bolataspara Miami.FL etsctores ausentes,votacidnantieipaday los rocintos El lunes 10delebrerodel2014,Miami-Dade County 1,Pruebaanterior al conteodelogicay precision desde las10 ajn.,hasta el ElectionsDepartment del sislema deescaneroptico usado paralas martes 11 de febrero del 2014 2700 NW 87*Ave.boletas paraelectoresausentesy provisionales Miami,FL 2.Apartura delasboletasparaelectoresausentesy procesamiento (segunseanecesario) 3.Dupticacidn delasboletas(segunsea necesario) El martes 11 de lebrero SouthMiami.City Hat)1.Aparturadelasboletasparaelectoresausentesy del 2014 Commission Chambers procesamiento (segiinsea necesario) 6130 Sunset Drive 2.Duplication deboletas(segunsea necesario) Escrutinio:Oesde las South Miami.FL 3.Escrutinio deboletasparaelectoresausentesy 6p.m.hasta termina/provisionalesquesesuponeque sean invalkJas 4.Tabulation de rosultados 5.Certificaciondaresulladosno oficiales porla Supervlsora de Etecclones El viernes 14 delebrerodel2014.Miami-Oade County 1.Escrutiniodelasboletasprovisionales desde tas 10 a.m.ElectionsDepartment (si fueranecesario) hasta tormina/2700 NW 87"Ave.2.Certificacionde tos resullados oflejajfls.incluldas Miami.FL lasboletas provisionales,porlaSupervisora de Elecciones 3.Pruebaposterior alconteodelogicay precision del sislemadeescaneropticousadoparalasboletas paraelectoresausentesylasprovisionales 4.Selection de contlenday reclntofs)electorates) paralaauditoriaposelectoralmanual 5.Comisnza elprocesode auditoriahasta termtnar Mlcmbros do la Junta da Escrutinio PhilipK.Stoddard,Josh Uebman.Valerie Newman,WalterA.Harris,MariaM.Menendez CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICEISHEREBY giventhattheCityCommissionoftheCityofSouthMiami, Florida will conduct Public Hearing(s)atits regular City Commission meeting scheduledforTuesday,February 4,2014 beginningat7:00p.m.,intheCity Commission Chambers,6130 Sunset Drive,toconsiderthe following item(s): AResolutionauthorizingtheCityManagertoenterintotheCommunity Space LeaseAgreementwithMiami-DadeCountyforleaseof6701SW62Avenue, South Miami,Florida forone(1)yearwithaone (1)optiontorenewtooperate the Seniors Program (SeniorCenter). ALLinterested parties areinvitedto attend andwillbe heard. Forfurtherinformation,please contact theCityClerk'sOfficeat:305-663-6340. MariaM.Menendez,CMC CityClerk PursuanttoFloridaStatutes 286.0105,theCityherebyadvisesthepublicthatifaperson decidestoappealanydecisionmadebythisBoard,Agencyor Commission withrespect toanymatter considered atitsmeetingorhearing,heorshewillneedarecordofthe proceedings,andthatforsuchpurpose,affectedpersonmayneedtoensurethata verbatimrecordoftheproceedings Is madewhichrecordincludesthetestimonyand evidence upon which the appeal istobe based.. SE SUNDAY,JANUARY 26,2014 J3TSE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF GENERAL AND SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuantto Article V.oftheCharteroftheCityof South Miami,FloridaaGeneralandSpecialElectionfortheCityofSouth Miami toelect aMayorforatwo(2)yearterm;a Commissioner fromGroup I and a Commissioner fromGroup IV forafour (4)yeartermhasbeencalled,togetherwithquestions relating toamendmentstotheCity'sCharter,tobeheldonTuesday,February 11,2014from 7:00a.m.to7:00p.m.,intheCityCommission Chambers,6130 Sunset Drive. NOTICE IS HEREBYGIVEN that therewillbeEarlyVotingheldon Saturday, February 8,2014 from9:00a.m.to5:00p.m.atthe above location. InquiriescanbemadebycallingintheCityClerk'sofficeat:305-663-6340. Forfurther information regardingtheproposedamendmentstotheCity'sCharter youmayvisitour website atwww.southmiamifl.govOr,youmayalsovisittheClerk's OfficeMonday-Friday,between 9:00a.m.and4:00p.m.at6130 Sunset Drive, South Miami,FL 33143. MariaM.Menendez,CMC CityClerk Cityof South Miami MUNICIPAL CANVASSING BOARD SCHEDULE SOUTHMIAMIGENERALANDSPECIALELECTIONS-FEBRUARY 11,2014 DATE/TIME LOCATION ACTIVITY Wednesday,2/5/14 Miami-DadeCounty 1.LogicandAccuracyTestofthetouch scroen 10:00 am.ElectionsDepartment andopticalscanvotingsystemstobeusedfor 2700NW87*Ave.absentee,earlyvoting,andprecinctballots Miami,a Monday,2/10/14 Mlaml-DadeCounty 1.Pre-count LogicandAccuracyTest of the 10:00ajn.through ElectionsDepartment optical scansystem used (orabsenteeand Tuesday.2/11/14 2700 NW 87*Ave.provisionalballots• Miami,FL 2.Absenteeballotopeningandprocessing (asneeded) 3.Duplication ofballots(asneeded) Tuesday.2/11/14 South Miami,CityHall 1.Absenteeballotopeningandprocessing Commission Chambers (asneeded) 6130 Sunset Drive 2.Duplication ofbaSots(asneeded) Canvassing:6:00p.m.to South Miami.FL 3.Canvassingofpresumedinvalidabsentee completion ballotsandprovisionalballots 4.Tabulationofresults 5.UaofQcJaJ Results provided bythe Supervisor of Elections Friday,2/14/14 Miami-DadeCounty 1.Canvassing of provisional ballots(ifneeded) 10:00 a-m.tocompletion ElectionsDepartment 2.Certification of Official Results.Including 2700 NW87»Ave.provisionals,bytheSupervisorof Elections Miami.FL 3.Post-countLogicandAccuracyTestofthe opticalscansystemusedforabsenteeand provisionalballots 4.Raceand preclnct(s)selectionformanual post-election audit 5.Auditprocessstartstocompletion Canvaastno Board Members: PhilipK.Stoddard.JoshUebman,ValeriaNewman,Walter A.Harris,MariaM.Menendez.