Res No 140-14-14234RESOLUTION NO.140-14-14234 A Resolution acknowledging Commissioner Gabriel Edmond's (Group Seat I)appointment of Emily J.Glavey,as the representative of Group Seat I,to serve on the Planning Board for a two-year term ending July 21,2016. WHEREAS,Article II,Section 8,Sub-section A of the City Charter provides that: ***WhenaBoardorCommitteeis comprised of five members,each City Commissioner shall appoint one person to serve asa representative onthe Board or Committee.When there are more than five(5)members ona Boardor Committee,each City Commissioner shall appoint one person to serve asa representative on the Board or Committee,and all members of suchBoardorCommittee inexcess of five(5)shallbe appointed by three (3)affirmative votes of the City Commission based on recommendations submitted byany City Commissioner.When a Board or Committee hasless thanfive(5)members,thentheselection of allmembersshallbebythree(3) affirmative votes of theCity Commission from recommendations submitted byanyCity Commissioner.(Amended 2-09-10) WHEREAS,theMayorandCommissionrecognizetheimportantcontributionsmadeby thosewhoserveonthe various city boards and committees,and wishtohaveafull complement to each of the active boards and committees;and WHEREAS,thereisnocurrent representative forCityCommissionGroupSeatIonthe Planning Board;and WHEREAS,Commissioner Edmond nowdesirestoappoint Emily J.Glavey toserveon the Planning Board,ashis representative.Therefore,Emily J.Glavey's appointment shall expire July 21,2016 oruponhis removal or until a successor is duly appointed and qualified;and WHEREAS,commencingwithappointmentsmadeafterJanuary1,2009,Sec.2-22 "Term Limits"ofthe Code of Ordinances provides that,appointees arelimitedtotwo(2) consecutivetwo-yearterms of membershiponaspecificcommission,board,orcommittee. After serving a maximum oftwo(2)consecutive year terms,an appointee shallnotbe reappointed tothe same commission,board or committee unless atleastoneyearhas elapsed between the term limited position and the effective date of commencement ofthe proposed appointment for a new term;and WHEREAS,Emily J.Glavey hasnot served onthe Planning Boardinthepast;and WHEREAS,pursuanttoSec.2-22 "Term Limits"of theCode of Ordinances,thiswillbe considered tobe Emily J.Glavey's first,two-year termforthe purposes ofTerm Limits. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA,THAT: Section1.TheCity Commission hereby acknowledges Commissioner Edmond's Pg.2 of Res.No.140-14-14234 rightto appoint Emily J.Glavey tothePlanningBoardasthe representative of GroupSeatI pursuant tothe terms of the City Charter. Section 2.The expiration date of this appointment shall be July 21,2016 or until a successor is duly appointed and qualified. Section 3.Effective Date.This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22_day of July,2014. ATTEST:APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE:5-0 Mayor Stoddard:yea ViceMayorHarris:yea Commissioner Edmond:yea Commissioner Liebman:Yea Commissioner Welsh:Yea Au-Asaartea «w Referred by:Hosier Fy/.'p Sto^/g^ MayororCommissioner CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI BQARWGQMMITTBB APPLICATION 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami,FL 33143 Phone No.305-663-6340 FaxNo<305-663-6348 1,Iam interested in serving onthefollowing board(s)/committee(s): FirseduJce 2, 3. 4, 5.. 6. 7. Second choice Third choice Foorth choice Name*Emifo J.GflaV&y (Please print)(Please print) Home Address:frill <SW.T^T^r".Apt:.^??&tTrft #foJTfhf£l £3 \HZ Business Address:/S"^!£*jr\%cJr CWV^,0«^/6f(LbUi ,Pl~33l'42> Home Phone No.^QS:313-22>?k>Business Phone No.3®£i&£&.6<f,r'j,- Fax-No.'E-mail Address:€^18Vey^rkv/^Koh I.r^rvn Education/Degree Earned:H&&\aro(krttilUr-intrsX >j^/'<if <&\Vi^nfm\kJ f£f i'CV Pertinent Experience:Cfee Qriar^yvtsurw..•^wjfogt<-Afy*J AvirUt^f/pfr.,^*•' Field Expertise:S-^Odr\zx.cJiAiA ds<rjr-]f>±,'/rr\. 8.Community Service: •Various./^mWf /bf \jlos&/tnLt.pejr tY\nMk.\I nm—^—pa^g^Pz^tsnAftt ^;anu.t y 9.Attached Resume:&.(Optional) 10.Are you a registered voter? 11.Are you a resident of the City? 12.Doyou have a business in the City? Signature_Applicant^/\") Revised 1/14 Yes ><. Yes X Yes No. No No^ Date jJl2QLdI^_2^£ 4 ft*y~J&^k*t£|*** ProfessionaPExperience^ Town Planner ^>^T^„>• DOVER,KQHL &TPARJNERS°-^"5^ Coral Gables,Florida r f AssociateArchitect,2010-2012 < THOMAS&EVELYN ARCHITECTS^ Miami,Florida % Consulting Architect,2009 * AFRICAN MISSION SERVICES Nairobi &Masai Mara,Kenya Intern Architect,2006-2008 RICHARD MONAHON JUNIOR,AIA ARCHITECTS Peterborough,NewHampshire 1571Sunset Drive •CoralGables,Florida*33143 305.666.0446eglavey@doverkohl.com Emily Glavey,Assoc,aia Town Planner Emily has a strong background in environmental policy,community planning and architectural design. Her combined experience allows for a unique understanding ofthe planning process,including issues concerning sustainability,the visual aspects of urban design,and the economic implications of city form.She worked with Victor Dover and co-author John Massengale on the publication Street Design: The Secret to Great Cities and Towns,contributing research,drawings,photos and an essay titled, "Environmental Benefits of Complete Streets."Investigating the design of streets and neighborhood networks reinforced her awareness ofthe essential role of placemaking in towns and cities. The important function of public process and integration is central to Emily's planning and policy making philosophy.Her participation in a charrette intended to guide development in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010 provided a distinct opportunity to explore unorthodox implementation challenges. Emily hasalso worked with Habitat for Humanity,designing livable and accessible neighborhoods and affordable housing.Her understanding of both urban and rural communities is influenced byher time spent living outside of the United States in locations such as Barcelona,Spain;Cambridge,England andthe Masai Mara region of Kenya. Emily holds a Bachelor ofScience in Architecture from Keene State College in New Hampshire,a Mas terof Architecture from the University of Miami and a Master of Environmental Policy (Mphil)from the University of Cambridge inthe United Kingdom.Sheisa member ofthe Congress for the New Urbanism,a LEED Green Associate and isinthe process of completing her architectural certification. Prior to joining Dover,Kohl &Partners,she worked asan architect and planner at professional firms that specialize in historic preservation and affordable housing.She recently completed research for her dissertation onthe environmental and monetary costsof LEED initiatives for both residential and commercialproperties. Affiliations Associate,United States Green Building Council LEED Green Associate,2010 to present (LEED-GA) Member,American Institute of Architects,2010 to present (AIA certification in progress) Member,CongressfortheNew Urbanism,2011topresent Member,Cambridge University Land Society,2012topresent Research and Publications "Is the Expense of Green Building Resulting inan Improved Environment?A Critical Analysis ofthe LEED Policy Initiative,"dissertation submitted for a Master of Environmental Policy,2013,University ofCambridge,Cambridge,UK "Environmental Benefits of Complete Streets,"anessayin Street Design:The Secret to Great Cities and Towns,byVictorDoverandJohnMassengale,Wiley,2013 "A Mobile Educational Facility forthe Developing World,"dissertationsubmittedforaMasterof Architecture,2011,Universityof Miami,Miami,Florida Lectures and Awards Presenter.Eleven EssentialStreetTypes,CongressfortheNew Urbanism 2014,Buffalo,NY Presenter.Zero Energy MassCustom Housing (ZEMCH)2013InternationalConference,Miami,FL Recipient.Alpha Rho Chi Medal,University of Miami,2011(awardedfor leadership) Recipient 2ndPlace,CitizensBoardResearch,Creativity&Innovation Forum,Universityof Miami Recipient AwardforSociologicalInquiry,KeeneStateCollege,2005 Dover,Kohl &Rvrtni-rs i o w n planning Emily Glavey,Professional Planner;Dover,Kohl&Partners Response toFieldExpertise: I haveseveralyearsofprofessionalandacademicexpertiseinplanningand architectural design. Throughtheyears,I haveworkedonbothlargeandsmallscaleneighborhood,town,and city plans.I alsohadtheopportunitytocollaboratewithdistinguishedplannersand architects onthe publication ofanurbandesigntextbook.I contributed research,text,drawingsandphotographs tothebook,andtheexperiencestrengthenedmyunderstandingofplacemaking.However,a large portion ofmytownand city planning knowledge comes from living in (and traveling to), great cities around the world. I grewupin rural NewHampshire,eventuallywentawaytocollege,andsoonafterhadthe chance to study abroad for sevenmonths in Barcelona,Spain.While I hadbeen studying architecture andurbandesignat university,the education I received walking alongavenues like La Ramblas andGranViade les CortsCatalanesonadailybasismademebetterunderstand the essential components that comprise any great neighborhood or city.Like many others,I continued to travel and eventually landedin South Miami,about six years ago. When I cameto Miami for the first time,I was looking for a place to live.I wandered through each neighborhood,looking for an apartment thatwas walking distance toshops,restaurants andmanyother daily essentials.I usea bicycle asmy primary modeof transportation,sowhen I first saw Dorn AvenueandSunset Drive,I instantly realized that I wantedto live here.South Miami hasa distinct and walkable neighborhood character—and itisa great place to live. I'dreallyliketobeapartofplanningfortheCity's future. Please seethe attached resume for more information aboutmy qualifications.