1968-623I- _. - ORDINANCE NO. 623 AN ORDINANCE OF CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI FLORIDA, ADOPTING BUDGET FOR 1968-69 FISCAL YEAR PURSUANT TO CHARTER REQUIRE- MENTS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: That the City Manager duly submitted a proposed budget together with a budget message and supporting schedules. That the City Council duly' held a public hearing for the purpose of hearing the views of ill -interelated-persons as required by Section 5, Article 4 of the ChaitOir. That after 'the conclusion of such public hearing, the Council made such changes In";t-he budget as it found advisable and necessary without increasing the total of the proposed expenditures. That the' budget 'for the "fiscal year 1068-69 as siibm-ftted by the `eiiy 'Manager In the amount of S1,222,866.60 and amended by the Council without increasing the total of -the -proposed budget is , hereby APPROVED and A60-0ttD. A copy of -such amended budget is attached hereto and by nifetence made a part hereof. That 'the following s-u1r16--of,r6dn'ey, or as much the . reof as may be authorized by law, as may be needed or deemed necessary to defray all expenses and liabilities of the dfIt . v of South Miami, Florida, are hereby appropriated op ! riated for the corporate purpose and objects of said City, hereinafter specified for the fiscal year commencing on the lst day of October 1968 and ending on the 30th 'day of September 1969: r I = X GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1000-Legislative 1001 - Salaries %,000 1005 - Auto Allowance, 4avor 720 1010 - Expenses, Mayor 2,400 1011 - Expenses, Council 1,80() 1015 - Publicity 3,750 1020 - Associations 1,470 1080 - Contingencv 50() $16,640 1100-Records 101 - Salaries- $8,190 1105 - Auto 6 w an c e 1130 1110 - Expe - nses 200 1112 - Election -. 8,50 1114 - Code, , Codi¢ficahbti 1,500 lilS - Legal Pu"iclations 850 11-26 - Dues & C6nf6r6'hces 260 lijo - 8 up 0-Iiies 100 1150 - Eq'uApvm-enr 200 gf - Maintenance, Off. E46-fp., 50 1180 - Contingency 100 $12,490 1200-Legal X -2- GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1000-Legislative 1001 - Salaries %,000 1005 - Auto Allowance, 4avor 720 1010 - Expenses, Mayor 2,400 1011 - Expenses, Council 1,80() 1015 - Publicity 3,750 1020 - Associations 1,470 1080 - Contingencv 50() $16,640 1100-Records 101 - Salaries- $8,190 1105 - Auto 6 w an c e 1130 1110 - Expe - nses 200 1112 - Election -. 8,50 1114 - Code, , Codi¢ficahbti 1,500 lilS - Legal Pu"iclations 850 11-26 - Dues & C6nf6r6'hces 260 lijo - 8 up 0-Iiies 100 1150 - Eq'uApvm-enr 200 11,60 - Maintenance, Off. E46-fp., 50 1180 - Contingency 100 $12,490 1200-Legal 1217 - Filin I g & S pec a Fees 92,000- 1220 �1��- e� nc � - DU & CdKf eres 68 1270 - Con'triftual 10,220 S12,288 1300 - Judicial 'S aia-ilie-'s- S21 2b 1320 - Dues'-& Conferences 600 1330 - Supplies 50 $3,0170 1400= City 'Ma'nager 1401 Salaries` 525,650` 146 - Ai "tb `Alowaince 7J0 1410 - Expenses 250 1419 - Persolf'h6l 825 1420 - Dues'&'Co'n-fetrie'nces 240 1430 - Supplies 2, . 6 L,� � 0 , 143.5 - Postaige, 1,500 1450 - Equipment 50 1460 - Mainie'n-an'ce Off. Equip. 600 1480 - Con-fingency — 500 932,985 -2- 150- Finance 1501 - Salaries 527,153 1505 - Auto Allowance 100 151n - Expenses l')n 1520 - Dues & Conferences 4n8 1530 - Supplies 1550 - F.quipric -it 3,400 1560 - `taintenancc - Ift. Vnuip. _ 530 S32,511 1700 - Police 1701 - Salari -•- $228,635 1716 - Expenses 991 1711 - Uniforms 3,500 1713 - Prisoner Detention 3,500 1719 --Motor Pool Charsze 12,562 1720'- Dues-6 Conferences 70 1722 - Traini "np 1,726 1723 - K- 9'✓C6'r 'ps Supplies 35 1730 - Supplies 3,475 1742 - Communication 5,190 175n - Equipment 10,350 1760 - Maifi enT ce Off. Equip. 200 17RO - Contingency 1,on0 $281,228 1800 -Auto Inspection 1861 - Salaries 526,494 1805 - Auto Ailowance 18() 1R10 - Expenses 200 IAll - Uniforms 500 11140 - Utilities 150 1850 - Equipment -800 1862 - Maintenance Oper. Equip. 1,200 S2q,524 1900- Public Service Building & Zoning 1901 . - Salaries 524,470 1910 - Expenses 25 1919 Mot °or Pool 564 1920 Dues , & Cofe'Ycnces 325 193 - Supplies' 480 1950 - Equipment 50 1960 - Mainten nce Off. Equip. 150 1970 - Contractual 1,000 $27,0fi4 2000 - 0ub1-ic Works Engineering & Sanitary Sewers 2001 Salaries $33,'057 2011 - Uniforms 100 2019 - Motor Pool Charge 6,205 2020 - Dues & Conferences 370 2025 - Disposal - San. Sewers 25,xoo 2030 - Supiilie;s 400 2045 - Street :ig'hts 28,500 2050 - Equipment -0- 2065 - Maintenance Streets, Storm Sewers 2',160 -3- (Continued) V - Sj I 2000 (continued) 2070 - Contractual S3,3f)n 2n75 - Main't6nance San. Sewers - Pi'900 209n - Capital Outlay 2n,nOr. 2095 - Repair & Replacement Reserve Charge -9-t-0-00 - 1136,892 2100--;PiiGl'ic Works Sanitation J., 2'^`. - S150,068 2111 - Uniforms 796 2119 - Motor Po I ol ChargZe 21,999 "' 2125 - Ditp'osal , 11- nnn 2130 - Supplies W) 2150 -- Equipment 44.400 S236,213 2206 Mc Works Buildf-ng Maintenance 2:M - S 6 V� R es $5,927 2211 - u-A'rff"0'r-M"S 23 2230 - Su 41 1j200 2240 - Utilities City Hall 6,500 22go-' - Fqzd'ep 50 2260 41 - Maike'nance, 'df,ty"611-1 12-9760 2270 -0 - Maifibirianlice-ContracniiI I,RR4 2290 - Capifil Outlay 2.700 S30,984 23004Public Works Motor Pool 2301 - Salaifes $25,834 2319 - Fuel ubricants 11:180 2311 - U rMs 130 2120 - D66's & Conferences 63 2330 Supplies 3,000 .2 - Equipment -pment 1 200 1376 C b'n'"i-r a c t- u a 1 ­ 3,0(10 2ig 0 Pa'r'ts - 8 0&0 2385 Tires 4,00o 556,407 Less transfers to Depts. -56,407 2400-Recreation 2401 - Salaries 527,113 241.0 - Expqnses 865 2411 - Unfforr.s Rl 2419 - 'Motor Pool"6h'arge 564 2420 - jlu2; Conferences 110 2430 - I& Suppli es 3,Onn 2440 - U t i1i't'i c s 3,000 2450 - Equipment 1,0()0 2460 majn'fjjnatj�ce 540 2470 contr'aetioai 18.70n S55,033 -4- I - M 2500-Parks & Grounds 2 ' 501 - Salaries $72,707 2511 - Uniforms 299 2519 - Motor Pool Charge 4,513 2520 - Dues & Conferences 100 2530 - Supp-lies 2,718 2550 - Equipment 200 2570 - Contractual 500 2590 - Capital Outlay 500 581,537 2600-Non-Dep_irtmental 2600 Auditors Fees $3,060 2700 Telephone 4,400 2800 Retfrement System 34,500 3000 Inslurdh" & BowL q___ 36 3100 Social- -Se&rrVty--V-x*j�-.- 29,00 3200 - Debt Service Expense 200 3300 - General ContingenC'Fund 2,133 S110,743 DEBT SERVICE Pubic 1, Pub;fic -imm-p-rrioovveemmeennt t CC ei i4 b h -4cei�V6' s 196 -p, Ya s 19 5 S 0--9­2;I06 Public Improvement C6rteiicAtes 1965 Se - s 38;100 00 7 Series 60i322--,-60 Total Debt Service $110,514.00 The aforementioned budget and appropriations sha).1 be supported by the following anticipated revenues: Ad Val'6&m-tax $339;000 Cigir4M&6`tARes 236000.00 Uti-ft-t VA-Ze-s tMdeirlbutuions to Gen. Fund 0 578.. 0 Occupla'Zflonal ticiihses, 55;00'' Franchise Tax dzti�y`l 5 Gas 0 ;, ;?,900.0 Fran' ' i-'AM-6 t9k4PI. Cdnt . to General 4 u--n'd 5 10 908 YAO 6 1 " . -t Fri&cAMke I Southeih' Bel 5,600''00` "' V Sanfliation"'Pe"e's' 16 3 0661.W Ciiy-",Mf,i"�ili-,e,ei'Paik "ing 'Summons 3,006.66 City 'Cddrt -:Pfhes & Fortfeit6res Cit` Court" 03 1 Es Metro Court 11 - , es, 3 5- (0 ueo s e 4% 0=04 0- Fees nhn . 'r Parkin Meier Collections 6;000:00 , R:OooBuilding Permits _4 , PlumbinRPermi s 3;800µ0o ;- Elec c 'I Permits 4iafts 3,200.00 Plan , 6ard 'Fees 1,00.00 Rec Fees Tennis Fe'e"s , 10,800.00 Inv est66 t Eamings 10 Misce , 1 1-h ao-u-s' Income 70000 "' r Lot Fire StAidh- Rental 1,656.00`" Sewer Use C -e Anticipated Federal Revenue 100.00 Total 51,099,292.00 -5- DEBT SERVICE DEBT SERVICE CE REVENUE PLEDGE Pledged Florida Power & Light Franchise Tax S12,092.00- Pledged Utilities Services Taxes 98,422.00 Total Debt Service M0,514.00 It is the intent that this ordinance and every provision thereof shall be�consfaered separable, and the invalidity of any section, clause, provision or portion or part of any section, clause, provision of this or'afn1`6ce Wakll not affect the validly of any other portion of this ordina'nce. This ordinance shall be'In f6l'I'torce and effect from and after October 1, 1968. PASSED and ADOPTED this 17 day of September, 19�68. APPROVED: MAYOe ATTEST: 'City Cl irk -6- to