_memo - Budget 2nd Hearing Memo Support 9-24-13 (FINAL)Page | 1 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission From: Steven Alexander, City Manager Copy: Alfredo Riverol, CPA, CGFM, CGMA, Cr.FA, Chief Financial Officer Date: September 24, 2013 SUBJECT: 2nd Budget Hearing - Fiscal Year 2013-2014 Proposed Budget BACKGROUND: The following is the list of comments or major adjustments incorporated in the Proposed FY 2013-2014 Budget after the September 12, 2013, budget hearing, based on recommendations provided by the Mayor and Commission during that hearing. Pursuant to the Commission’s request, the MIS function is to remain as a separate Division. MIS will be reallocated under the direct supervision of the Finance Department. Management has reestablished the Parks Landscape and Maintenance Division to within the Parks Department. It was previously slated to be moved under the Public Works Department but after further consideration will remain under the direction of the Parks and Recreation Department. In FY 2013, the City provided funding of 5% for raises for Directors; however, the Directors have not received any such increase at this time. Management has maintained the 5% increase for Directors to provide them an increase based on the direction of the Commission in the FY 13 budget. The Administration has been negotiating with the City’s police unions and pay increases are expected to be agreed upon and approved by the City Commission in the near future. Upon such agreement, we will be presenting an Ordinance increasing the City’s appropriated amount using a portion of the City’s “unreserved, unrestricted fund balance” by the amount agreed upon as a result of the negotiations. Within the Capital Improvements Budget we continue the funding of $100,000 for general park improvements, which will be used in part for the construction of a new bathroom facility at South Miami Park. The City of South Miami Parks and Recreation Department, with the assistance of the City’s Capital Improvement Construction Manager is currently developing a Page | 2 list of projects which will be prioritized, in effort to accomplish the much needed capital improvements within all of the City’s parks. The City has reviewed the 1st National Bank development agreement, and has not been able to determine any required payment into a “Development Fund.” The Administration is still reviewing this situation with the City Attorney and will be advising the Mayor and Commission in the future on whether any payment is due the City under this agreement. Within the Capital Improvement Fund, the City continues to budget for the Downtown Kiosks, however, the Commission discussed reallocating these funds for alternative projects including signage, which may be incorporated with the City’s new directional sign program and branding project. The Commission expressed interest in increasing the City minimum wage from $8 to $10, which would reflect a 20% increase. Currently, the federal minimum wage is $7.25. The Florida minimum wage is slightly higher after a recent increase to $7.79. The City of South Miami ordinance sets a higher minimum wage rate of $8.00. The City’s lowest actual paid rate is $8.16 per hour. The Finance Department with the assistance of the Human Resources Department have calculated the cost to increase all existing minimum rates to $10 to be an estimated annual and recurring cost to the City of $45,000. The City is reviewing the existing agreement with the building maintenance and service company to confirm all items outlined in their scope of work are being conducted appropriately. Public Works will continue to monitor their work and if needed place the Company on notice for inadequate service. We will continue evaluating the possibility of installing red light cameras at certain designated intersections within the City. Due to new State laws and rules, the City will need to make certain evaluations related to the opportunities and resources needed to conduct the program. The Administration will continue to keep the Commission updated as the City moves forward with their review of the program. The City Manager has contacted Miami-Dade County in an effort to help construct sidewalks along the entire length of SW 80th Street, which is a county maintained roadway. Should the Commission wish to use City funds on this road, we will be requesting authorization to complete the project using City PTP funds and seek reimbursement from the County at a later time due to the fact that the County has expressed that it does not have funds available for such a project at this time. The City is currently developing a special events funding requirement schedule, which provides all City sponsored events, and their associated costs and revising the application form and insurance requirements. We have budgeted $15,000 within the Special Events line item to help fund the July 4th and State of City events; the remaining events, MLK, Elves Parade, and Safe Streets are being proposed to be funded by the SMCRA using $20,000, which is reflected in the current draft of the SMCRA budget. Page | 3 It is unfortunate that the City has had multiple issues related to the video recording and broadcasting of the meetings recently. We believe that the recent purchase of the new video recording equipment will help in eliminating many of the outstanding issues that have occurred in the most recent history. The City has reviewed multiple alternatives related to the provision of video recording and broadcasting of the City’s public meetings. The City’s objective is to provide a seamless, error free system for the public to access and bringing the video production and management in-house using the City’s Central Services Division, which is the Finance Department’s recommended solution at an annual cost of less than $10,000. In addition to the changes above there are several other issues, which have been revised, and they are as follows: GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK In order to fund the ballot questions expected to be placed on the City’s February election ballot, the City requested and received an updated estimate from Miami-Dade County. The newly established amount increases the City’s originally proposed expense amount of $27,600 by $5,218 for a total of $32,818. MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (MIS) The City has revised certain expenditure line items within the MIS FY 2014 proposed budget from what was originally submitted in July 30, 2013. The contractual services line item was reduced by $44,800 to reflect an accurate estimate for an MIS contract as proposed in the IT service agreement with Miami-Dade County. Furthermore, the Maintenance–Internet Services line item was reduced by $33,000; the City’s contract IT service company originally proposed spending $45,000 to have a third-party vendor scan all of the City Clerks existing microfilms. After further discussions, the City is proposing using $12,000 of the proposed funds and purchasing a new microfilm machine to replace the existing outdated microfilm-reading machine, and complete the scanning of the microfilms in-house. Moreover, the City has eliminated $53,146 from the Computer Equipment line item which was for the City’s virtualization project, as well as eliminating the $75,000 expenditure for downtown video capabilities, which Mr. Deblois stated at the September 17, 2013 Commission meeting, was requested as part of a previous project of the former City Manager. The total reduction within the MIS proposed budget is $205,946. HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Unfortunately, the City received unofficial information (verbal communication, not in writing) that the City will be receiving a substantial increase for liability insurance due to the City’s existing claim loss ratio and potential future laws suits. In FY 2013 the City budgeted overall for Auto, Property and General Liability $355,103. The unofficial amount for that same type of insurance provided for FY 2014 is an estimated $600,000; which represents a $244,897 increase. The initial amount in July 30, 2013 version of the proposed budget was $366,893. In an effort to Page | 4 increase the funds available for this item in FY 2014, the City has allocated the full MIS reduction of $205,946 and increased the funding for the Liability Insurance line item by $27,161; raising the combined budgeted amount to $600,000. The Human Resources Department has been working with the two possible vendors for municipal liability insurance willing to quote prices to South Miami to reduce the premium necessary for coverage. The City has received a “Notice of Non- Renewal” letter from the current liability insurance carrier, Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust (PGIT). To-date, the City has not yet received any final proposals from the remaining two potential vendors for the City’s Auto, Property, and General Liability Insurance. Should the full $600,000 appropriated not be necessary to fund the premium, the balance will revert to the unreserved fund balance. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS PEOPLE TRANSPORTATION FUND The City is proposing to increase the contractual services line item by a total amount of $40,000 in an effort to fund a Cocoplum Terrace Neighborhood Traffic Calming Study. The last study completed was over 12-years ago and is in need of being updated. Subsequent to the 1st Budget Hearing, the City Manager has met with County staff to discuss alternatives related to the use of the 20% transit monies to determine if the City can use the funds for expenditures other than bus shelters. Projects such as funding or partnering with trolley or circulator lines within the City are possible as are limited other projects. The City must spend funds in this category within 5 years of receipt. We have allocated $55,000 within the PTP funds for the Sunset Drive Median Project, which will be used in conjunction with the SMCRA’s proposed $40,000 for a total of $95,000 to complete the project. OTHER FUNDS FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT FORFEITURE FUND At the request of the Police Department we have eliminated of the purchase of the $65,000 K9 SUV and instead funded the purchase a standard vehicle for a budgeted amount of $38,333 in an effort to efficiently increase the City’s Police fleet. Additionally, the Police Department requested replacing the purchase of the T3-3-Wheel Electric Segway with the purchase of a Global Electric Motors (GEM) Vehicle, which is funded in this budget. The purchase of the GEM vehicle will provide an estimated savings of $5,000 over the Segway unit and will be better utilized. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND As requested by the Commission, the Sylva Martin building window item was reduced from the previously budgeted amount of $25,000 to $15,000, allowing the windows to be replaced with a an aluminum hurricane resistant window, but remaining in line with the look and feel of the historical building. Page | 5 Below please find the appropriation amounts by fund for the proposed FY 2014 budget, taking into account the changes incorporated as outlined above: FY 2014 Appropriation Amount Advertised 1st Hearing Revised 2nd Hearing Revised Diff General Fund 16,757,088 16,687,638 16,720,017 32,379 Stormwater Drain Trust Fund 567,818 567,818 567,818 0 Local Option Gas Tax 225,000 225,000 225,000 0 Hometown Improvement Fund 0 0 0 0 Tree Trust Fund 3,200 15,000 15,000 0 Peoples Transportation 935,000 990,000 1,030,000 40,000 Debt Service 1,241,634 1,241,634 1,241,634 0 Capital Improvement Program 610,000 610,000 600,000 -10,000 Emergency Reserve 0 0 0 0 State Forfeiture 12,000 45,000 45,000 0 Federal Forfeiture 842,950 849,950 818,283 -31,667 TOTAL 21,194,690 21,232,040 21,262,752 30,712 Page | 6 Below is a comparison of the adopted appropriated amount for FY 2013 in comparison with the FY 2014 Proposed appropriated amount by fund. Within the notes section, you will find general comments, which briefly explain the reasoning for the differences. Appropriation Comparison (FYs) Amount ADOPTED FY 2013 PROPOSED FY 2014 Diff NOTES General Fund 16,229,596 16,720,017 490,421 READ BELOW Stormwater Drain Trust Fund 329,978 567,818 237,840 Increase in CIP Local Option Gas Tax 244,000 225,000 -19,000 Reduction in CIP Hometown Improvement Fund 0 0 0 Tree Trust Fund 11,700 15,000 3,300 Increase in Plantings Peoples Transportation 874,000 1,030,000 156,000 Increase in CIP Debt Service 1,238,881 1,241,634 2,753 Capital Improvement Program 535,270 600,000 64,730 Increase in CIP Emergency Reserve 0 0 0 State Forfeiture 22,000 45,000 23,000 2nd Chance Program Federal Forfeiture 739,878 818,283 78,405 Increase in Equip & CIP TOTAL 20,225,303 21,262,752 1,037,449 General Fund Additional Expenses Election Expense 32,818 Additional Insurance Premium 244,897 Parking Credit Card Accounting Change 120,000 Crywolf Accounting Change 15,000 Increase in Tipping Fees 66,110 NEW Community Pool 51,052 Page | 7 ATTACHMENTS: Proposed FY 14 Budget Consolidated Sheet revised 2 Proposed FY 14 Budget General Fund Summary revised 2 Proposed FY 14 Proposed Budget for ALL Departments revised 2 Proposed FY 14 People Transportation Fund revised 2 Proposed FY 14 Federal Forfeiture fund revised 2 Proposed FY 14 CIP Budget and Program revised 2 DEPARTMENT F/T 1210 P/T 1310 HEALTH 2310 W/C 2410 FUEL 5230 PEN 2210 AUTO 4515 COMP 5205 COPIER 4710 COMM 4120 CITY COMMISSION 62,000 0 0 186 0 0 0 0 0 5,000 CITY CLERK 184,267 0 19,655 553 0 26,534 0 0 1,668 360 CITY MANAGER 226,815 0 27,360 680 1,408 9,500 400 2,500 1,668 2,400 MIS DEPART 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32,225 0 0 FINANCE DEPART 296,660 43,091 29,482 1,021 0 10,302 0 1,300 1,668 2,100 CENTRAL SERVICES 106,338 0 13,103 340 0 0 0 0 6,482 1,020 HUMAN RESOURCES 167,635 0 19,655 503 0 0 0 0 0 2,040 COMMUNITY DEPART 82,577 32,886 6,552 346 0 0 0 0 0 1,020 BUILDING DEPART 230,649 138,434 26,206 8,125 1,600 0 400 0 1,900 1,380 PLANNING DEPART 228,679 0 26,206 686 144 8,291 400 1,000 3,412 1,097 CODE ENFORCE 153,875 0 19,655 4,801 5,978 8,207 1,800 4,400 1,668 4,650 PW OFFICE OF DIR 178,826 0 19,655 536 0 7,444 0 0 6,670 1,020 PW BLDG. MAINT.71,737 0 13,103 3,409 0 10,906 0 0 0 780 PW SOLID WASTE 410,277 0 65,516 54,321 0 36,851 0 0 0 0 PW STREETS MAINT.211,623 0 45,861 21,861 0 18,315 0 0 0 1,560 PW LANDSCAPE MAINT 206,633 0 39,310 8,451 13,352 19,355 1,500 0 0 1,800 PW MOTOR POOL 125,831 0 19,655 4,480 183,944 13,488 32,873 0 0 780 PW ENG. & CONSTR 128,726 0 13,103 386 0 6,002 0 0 0 1,020 POLICE 3,457,843 0 366,912 144,940 217,120 557,173 34,650 15,928 11,000 49,560 PARKS & REC 298,088 13,630 39,310 12,749 15,120 25,948 4,870 9,315 5,003 3,060 COMM CENTER 136,062 338,636 26,206 19,415 0 15,685 0 0 1,668 5,500 COMM POOL 0 16,575 0 678 0 0 0 1,799 0 0 TOTAL FY 2014 6,965,141 583,252 836,505 288,467 438,666 774,001 76,893 68,467 42,807 86,147 BUDGETED FY 2013 6,820,200 672,104 771,587 258,319 431,042 787,205 67,343 124,409 42,807 82,975 DIFFERENCES 144,941 -88,852 64,918 30,148 7,624 -13,204 9,550 -55,942 0 3,172 CONSOLIDATED ITEMS DETAIL BY DEPARTMENT FOR FY 14 ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 General Fund Beginning Fund Balance 8,484,707 8,009,801 7,266,790 7,266,790 6,800,807 Revenues 16,402,739 16,177,782 16,061,971 16,100,855 16,506,049 Expenditures 16,372,670 15,277,913 16,229,596 16,094,076 16,720,017 Interfund Transfers In 788,075 416,253 308,173 308,173 358,173 Interfund Transfers Out 2,041,274 2,059,132 780,936 780,936 1,189,337 Issuance of Debt 748,223 0 0 0 0 8,009,801 7,266,790 6,626,403 6,800,807 5,755,674 Stormwater Drain Trust Fund Beginning Fund Balance 366,302 437,289 425,299 425,299 405,826 Revenues 471,277 439,430 426,400 426,400 426,400 Expenditures 150,290 201,420 329,978 195,873 567,818 Interfund Transfers Out 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 437,289 425,299 271,721 405,826 14,408 Local Option Gas Tax Trust Fund Beginning Fund Balance 307,562 380,590 312,007 312,007 331,014 Revenues 73,028 72,730 69,207 69,707 69,207 Expenditures 0 141,313 244,000 50,700 225,000 380,590 312,007 137,214 331,014 175,221 Hometown District Improvement Trust Fund Beginning Fund Balance 0 10,250 9,250 9,250 12,305 Revenues 35,250 24,000 28,055 28,055 28,055 Interfund Transfers Out 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 10,250 9,250 12,305 12,305 15,360 Beginning Fund Balance 0 0 0 0 15,000 Revenues 0 0 0 26,700 0 Expenditures 0 0 11,700 11,700 15,000 0 0 -11,700 15,000 0 People’s Transportation Tax Fund Beginning Fund Balance 652,083 1,010,802 1,288,663 1,288,663 1,410,323 Revenues 384,860 415,209 300,000 411,000 400,756 Expenditures 26,141 137,348 874,000 289,340 1,030,000 1,010,802 1,288,663 714,663 1,410,323 781,079 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Tree Trust Fund Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION Debt Service Fund Beginning Fund Balance 0 278,992 1,086,247 1,086,247 1,021,443 Revenues 903,490 893,283 871,667 874,077 872,683 Expenditures 2,188,383 768,578 1,238,881 1,238,881 1,241,634 Interfund Transfers In 275,998 682,550 300,000 300,000 0 Proceeds from Refunding Debt 7,575,000 0 0 0 0 Payment to Bond Escrow Agent 6,287,113 0 0 0 0 278,992 1,086,247 1,019,033 1,021,443 652,492 Capital Improvement Program Fund Beginning Fund Balance 0 0 509,751 509,751 95,751 Expenditures 0 866,831 535,270 499,270 600,000 Interfund Transfers In 0 1,376,582 85,270 85,270 600,000 0 509,751 59,751 95,751 95,751 Emergency Reserve Fund Beginning Fund Balance 0 1,785,421 1,688,739 1,688,739 1,706,739 Revenues 20,145 19,571 18,000 18,000 18,000 Interfund Transfers In 1,765,276 0 0 0 0 Interfund Transfers Out 0 116,253 0 0 0 1,785,421 1,688,739 1,706,739 1,706,739 1,724,739 State Forfeiture Fund Beginning Fund Balance 50,985 65,678 75,237 75,237 53,837 Revenues 60,793 12,906 500 600 500 Expenditures 46,100 3,347 22,000 22,000 45,000 65,678 75,237 53,737 53,837 9,337 Federal Forfeiture Fund Beginning Fund Balance 362,456 412,999 1,912,231 1,912,231 1,686,849 Revenues 327,797 1,803,867 200 122,042 89,000 Expenditures 277,254 304,635 739,878 347,424 818,283 412,999 1,912,231 1,172,553 1,686,849 957,566 Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance Ending Fund Balance DEPT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL FY 2011 ACTUAL FY 2012 BUDGET FY 2013 ESTIMATE FY 2013 CM RECOM FY 2014 8,484,707 8,009,801 7,266,790 7,266,790 6,800,807 TAXES 8,469,966 8,287,173 8,443,533 8,444,033 8,551,195 FRANCHISE FEES 2,032,168 1,715,134 1,546,000 1,635,250 1,625,250 INTERGOV REVENUE 1,230,477 1,320,645 1,338,856 1,346,273 1,454,918 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,932,636 4,065,036 4,117,200 4,023,400 4,136,000 FINES AND FORFEITURES 165,377 187,560 161,000 172,000 186,000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUES 572,115 602,234 455,383 479,900 552,686 TOTAL 16,402,739 16,177,782 16,061,971 16,100,855 16,506,049 1,536,298 416,253 308,173 308,173 358,173 1100 CITY COMMISSION 87,754 85,881 92,810 92,810 92,829 1200 CITY CLERK 247,683 252,952 278,988 288,988 386,012 1500 CITY ATTORNEY 370,949 419,657 521,000 521,000 436,000 1310 CITY MANAGER 450,392 476,914 672,665 546,565 587,922 1340 MGMT. INFORM. SYSTEMS 337,698 385,223 315,400 340,400 317,764 1410 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 1,521,437 585,987 563,371 563,371 1,141,783 1320 CENTRAL SERVICES 279,313 258,487 356,205 356,205 229,817 1330 HUMAN RESOURCES 446,273 610,347 664,939 664,939 888,800 1600 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 0 0 0 0 163,994 1610 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 464,689 437,173 463,298 463,298 460,574 1620 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 365,132 349,068 545,162 490,162 483,463 1640 CODE ENFORCEMENT 293,062 346,947 381,931 381,931 265,401 1770 PW-OFFICE OF DIRECTOR 376,443 223,622 244,687 244,687 242,160 1710 PW-BLDG. MAINT.594,203 609,180 431,730 431,730 441,934 1720 PW-SOLID WASTE 1,288,586 1,350,396 1,268,078 1,268,078 1,369,658 1730 PW-STREETS MAINT.574,491 573,000 591,156 591,156 509,119 1750 LANDSCAPE MAINT.496,030 437,541 425,226 425,226 499,735 1760 PW-MOTOR POOL 704,099 437,709 543,646 554,226 557,091 1790 PW-ENG. & CONSTR.170,453 254,955 256,934 256,934 234,098 1910 POLICE 6,134,686 6,063,832 6,304,480 6,304,480 6,032,927 2000 PARKS & RECREATION 582,801 488,283 537,800 537,800 554,718 2020 COMMUNITY CENTER 433,531 545,922 685,090 685,090 688,166 2030 COMMUNITY POOL 0 0 0 0 51,052 2100 NON-DEPARTMENTAL 152,963 84,837 85,000 85,000 85,000 TOTAL 16,372,670 15,277,913 16,229,596 16,094,076 16,720,017 CHANGE BEFORE FUND BALANCE 1,566,368 1,316,122 140,548 314,952 144,205 2100 NON-DEPARTMENT TRANSFER 2,041,274 2,059,132 780,936 780,936 1,189,337 $8,009,801 $7,266,790 $6,626,403 $6,800,807 $5,755,674 FY 2014 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING FUND BALANCE ENDING FUND BALANCE OTHER FINANCIAL SOURCES DEPARTMENTS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011100 5111110 SALARIES & WAGES - EXECUTIVE 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 62,000 0011100 5112110 F. I. C. A. 4,743 4,743 4,743 4,743 4,743 0011100 5112410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 309 283 167 167 186 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 67,052 67,026 66,910 66,910 66,929 0011100 5114010 MAYOR'S EXPENSE 1,488 1,384 2,000 2,000 2,000 0011100 5114020 COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSE-ONE 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0011100 5114030 COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSE-FOUR 1,479 1,498 1,500 1,500 1,500 0011100 5114040 COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSE-THREE 1,500 922 1,500 1,500 1,500 0011100 5114050 COMMISSIONER'S EXPENSE-TWO 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 0011100 5114060 MAYOR'S AUTO ALLOWANCE 500 500 500 500 500 0011100 5114071 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE-MAYOR 313 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 0011100 5114072 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE-ONE 0 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 0011100 5114073 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE-TWO 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 0011100 5114074 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE-THREE 1,200 0 1,200 1,200 1,200 0011100 5114075 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE-FOUR 313 1,157 1,200 1,200 1,200 0011100 5114120 COMMUNICATION 4,999 4,999 5,000 5,000 5,000 0011100 5114830 KEYS & FLOWERS 445 426 750 750 750 0011100 5115210 SUPPLIES 1,496 971 1,750 1,750 1,750 0011100 5115410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2,771 2,798 3,900 3,900 3,900 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 20,702 18,855 25,900 25,900 25,900 TOTAL COMMISSION 87,754 85,881 92,810 92,810 92,829 ACCT NO MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION BUDGET FY 2014 001-1100-511 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011200 5121210 SALARIES & WAGES - EXECUTIVE 140,520 141,111 146,062 146,062 184,267 0011200 5122110 F.I.C.A.10,627 10,169 11,080 11,080 14,096 0011200 5122210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 20,892 17,066 20,567 20,567 26,534 0011200 5122310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 9,219 8,644 12,479 12,479 19,655 0011200 5122410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 702 642 391 391 553 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 181,960 177,632 190,579 190,579 245,105 0011200 5123450 CONTRACTUAL 22,000 12,600 7,920 7,920 12,600 0011200 5123480 DIGITIZING 0 0 45,000 45,000 45,000 0011200 5124070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 1,027 3,288 6,200 6,200 11,200 0011200 5124110 POSTAGE 181 419 500 500 500 0011200 5124120 COMMUNICATION 360 360 360 360 360 0011200 5124632 INTERNET SERVICE 0 0 1,431 1,431 1,431 0011200 5124710 PRINTING MATERIAL 1,668 1,626 1,668 1,668 1,668 0011200 5124910 LEGAL ADS 23,160 26,998 20,000 30,000 30,000 0011200 5124920 ELECTIONS 5,061 26,543 0 0 32,818 0011200 5124950 CODIFICATIONS 9,658 2,374 3,700 3,700 3,700 0011200 5125210 SUPPLIES 2,153 467 980 980 980 0011200 5125410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 455 645 650 650 650 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 65,723 75,320 88,409 98,409 140,907 TOTAL CITY CLERK 247,683 252,952 278,988 288,988 386,012 ACCT NO CITY CLERK BUDGET FY 2014 001-1200-512 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011500 5143120 LEGAL SERVICES - RETAINER 160,320 160,000 160,000 160,000 160,000 0011500 5143410 LEGAL SERVICES -OUTSIDE LIT COSTS 153,210 219,712 320,000 320,000 235,000 0011500 5143440 CONSULTING-LABOR 57,419 39,945 40,000 40,000 40,000 0011500 5144065 CITY ATTORNEY'S EXPENSE 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 TOTAL LEGAL SERVICES 370,949 419,657 521,000 521,000 436,000 CITY ATTORNEY BUDGET 2014 001-1500-514 ACCT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011310 5131210 SALARIES-REGULAR 238,821 246,666 233,210 233,210 226,815 0011310 5131310 SALARIES - PART TIME 7,089 14,835 57,498 57,498 0 0011310 5132110 F.I.C.A.17,114 16,854 22,170 22,170 17,351 0011310 5132210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 19,666 7,609 9,006 9,006 9,500 0011310 5132220 ICMA 17,610 10,174 17,384 17,384 22,518 0011310 5132310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 17,688 15,993 18,010 18,010 27,360 0011310 5132410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,361 1,229 782 782 680 319,348 313,360 358,060 358,060 304,224 0011310 5133450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 98,660 105,183 128,000 128,000 128,000 0011310 5134060 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 3,900 7,200 0011310 5134065 CITY MANAGER EXPENSE 1,520 1,150 1,000 1,000 1,000 0011310 5134070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 3,500 288 1,000 1,000 1,000 0011310 5134080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 13,036 0 0 0 0 0011310 5134110 POSTAGE 183 1,325 1,589 1,589 1,589 0011310 5134120 COMMUNICATION 1,748 1,901 1,800 1,800 2,400 0011310 5134515 AUTO INSURANCE 0 0 500 500 400 0011310 5134632 INTERNET 0 0 0 0 0 0011310 5134634 MAINTENANCE-INTERNET SOFTWARE 0 0 35,120 35,120 0 0011310 5134710 PRINTING- INFRASTRUCTURE 1,668 1,643 1,668 1,668 1,668 0011310 5135205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 4,842 2,385 2,385 2,500 0011310 5135210 SUPPLIES 1,977 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 0011310 5135230 FUEL 5,010 5,410 5,410 5,410 1,408 0011310 5135410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 3,743 4,312 4,133 4,133 4,533 131,044 128,054 184,605 188,505 153,698 0011310 5136430 EQUIPMENT-OPERATING 0 0 0 0 0 0011310 5136450 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 0 35,500 0 0 0 0 35,500 0 0 0 0011310 5139920 GENERAL CONTINGENCY 0 0 130,000 0 130,000 0 0 130,000 0 130,000 450,392 476,914 672,665 546,565 587,922 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY OTHER FUNDING SOURCE TOTAL CITY MANAGER CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE BUDGET FY 2014 001-1310-513 ACCT NO TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011340 5133450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES - INFRASTRUCTURE 203,143 198,763 189,800 189,800 175,000 0011340 5134120 COMMUNICATION 26 0 0 0 0 0011340 5134515 LIABILITY INSURANCE 400 0 0 0 0 0011340 5134630 MAINT & REP - COMM EQUIPMENT 1,992 0 0 0 0 0011340 5134632 INTERNET SERVICE 54,203 67,989 38,130 38,130 38,670 0011340 5134634 MAINTENANCE - INTERNET SERVICE 10,531 22,099 36,013 61,013 68,831 0011340 5135205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 47,569 71,755 47,509 47,509 32,225 0011340 5135210 SUPPLIES 3,693 14,997 3,948 3,948 3,038 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 321,556 375,603 315,400 340,400 317,764 0011340 5136430 OPERATING EQUIPMENT 16,142 9,620 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 16,142 9,620 0 0 0 TOTAL MIS 337,698 385,223 315,400 340,400 317,764 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS BUDGET FY 2014 001-1340-513 ACCT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011410 5131210 SALARIES - REGULAR 342,710 282,482 258,915 258,915 296,660 0011410 5131310 SALARIES - PART TIME 45,880 44,021 51,896 51,896 43,091 0011410 5132110 F.I.C.A.29,527 23,707 23,463 23,463 24,896 0011410 5132210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 36,193 22,696 11,549 11,549 10,302 0011410 5132220 DEFERRED COMPENSATION (ICMA)6,576 9,355 12,967 12,967 15,542 0011410 5132310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 30,866 22,452 24,957 24,957 29,482 0011410 5132410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 1,837 1,630 828 828 1,021 493,591 406,343 384,575 384,575 420,994 0011410 5133100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,796 9,861 10,000 10,000 10,000 0011410 5133210 AUDITOR'S FEE 55,370 57,863 66,000 66,000 72,500 0011410 5133450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 236,599 26,180 10,000 10,000 36,860 0011410 5133459 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES- PARKING 0 0 0 0 417,500 0011410 5134070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 1,067 1,254 1,400 1,400 2,800 0011410 5134110 POSTAGE 263 5,851 7,030 7,030 7,030 0011410 5134120 COMMUNICATION 1,410 939 1,200 1,200 2,100 0011410 5134515 LIABILITY INSURANCE-AUTO 200 0 0 0 0 0011410 5134634 MAINTENANCE COMP PROGRAMS 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 0011410 5134710 PRINTING- INFRASTRUCTURE 1,668 1,583 1,668 1,668 1,668 0011410 5135205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 1,300 1,300 1,300 0011410 5135210 SUPPLIES 2,672 4,554 8,573 8,573 8,573 0011410 5135410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,682 2,145 2,210 2,210 2,365 344,727 145,230 144,381 144,381 597,696 0011410 5136430 EQUIPMENT OPERATING 589,587 0 0 0 0 589,587 0 0 0 0 0011410 5137110 DEBT SERVICE- PRINCIPAL 87,882 34,414 34,415 34,415 119,268 0011410 5137210 DEBT SERVICE- INTEREST 5,651 0 0 0 3,825 93,533 34,414 34,415 34,415 123,093 1,521,437 585,987 563,371 563,371 1,141,783 ACCT NO FINANCE DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY 2014 001-1410-513 TOTAL FINANCE TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012- 2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013- 2014 0011320 5131210 SALARIES - REGULAR 129,759 104,922 106,513 106,513 106,338 0011320 5131310 SALARIES - PART TIME 0 19,898 16,018 16,018 0 0011320 5131410 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 6,970 0011320 5132110 F.I.C.A.9,940 9,549 9,282 9,282 8,668 0011320 5132210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 18,472 4,763 0 0 0 0011320 5132220 ICMA 3,183 4,355 7,372 7,372 7,932 0011320 5132310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 12,384 8,347 12,479 12,479 13,103 0011320 5132410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 731 633 328 328 340 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 174,470 152,467 151,992 151,992 143,351 0011320 5133450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 6,500 20,000 20,000 6,000 0011320 5134110 POSTAGE 3,002 2,301 3,000 3,000 3,000 0011320 5134120 COMMUNICATION 68,392 414 720 720 1,020 0011320 5134125 TELEPHONE 0 68,781 148,241 148,241 43,721 0011320 5134420 LEASE POSTAGE MACH 270 1,488 1,488 1,488 1,488 0011320 5134615 MAINT - OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,787 1,787 2,776 2,776 2,776 0011320 5134620 MAINT-OPERATING EQUIPMENT 0 0 250 250 250 0011320 5134634 MAINTENANCE-INTERNET SOFT.0 0 2,249 2,249 2,249 0011320 5134710 PRINT/BIND/COPYING 7,370 7,132 6,482 6,482 6,482 0011320 5134720 PRINTING-CONTRACTUAL 50 1,370 2,000 2,000 2,000 0011320 5135205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 2,200 0 0 0 0 0011320 5135210 SUPPLIES 20,591 15,786 16,677 16,677 17,150 0011320 5135211 SUPPLIES-PASSPORT PROCESSING 1,097 131 0 0 0 0011320 5135230 FUEL 84 0 0 0 0 0011320 5135410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 330 330 330 330 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 104,843 106,020 204,213 204,213 86,466 TOTAL CENTRAL SERVICES 279,313 258,487 356,205 356,205 229,817 ACCT NO CENTRAL SERVICES BUDGET FY 2014 001-1320-513 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011330 5131210 SALARIES - REGULAR 97,943 151,830 167,043 167,043 167,635 0011330 5132110 F.I.C.A.7,346 11,229 12,718 12,718 12,824 0011330 5132210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 21,015 9,395 0 0 0 0011330 5132220 ICMA CONTRIBUTION 3,712 6,669 11,638 11,638 11,734 0011330 5132310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 9,598 13,529 18,718 18,718 19,655 0011330 5132410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 880 749 449 449 503 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 140,494 193,401 210,566 210,566 212,351 0011330 5132510 UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION 41,871 40,864 44,000 44,000 34,000 0011330 5132610 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 1,459 2,973 6,500 6,500 9,000 0011330 5133160 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 8,000 7,980 8,000 8,000 8,000 0011330 5133450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 3,292 78,333 55,000 65,000 65,000 0011330 5134080 CITYWIDE TRAINING 0 7,541 15,910 15,910 16,860 0011330 5134090 TUITION REIMBURSMENT 0 8,838 0 0 0 0011330 5134110 POSTAGE 180 168 275 275 275 0011330 5134120 COMMUNICATION 661 1,638 1,560 1,560 2,040 0011330 5134510 LIABILITY INSURANCE 239,898 260,374 287,760 277,760 523,107 0011330 5134630 MAINT. & REPAIR - COMM.EQUIP 1,668 0 0 0 0 0011330 5134634 INTERNET SOFTWARE 0 0 4,270 4,270 4,270 0011330 5134710 PRINTING- INFRASTRUCTURE 0 1,628 1,668 1,668 1,668 0011330 5134850 ADVERTISING-NON LEGAL 1,275 789 5,000 5,000 5,000 0011330 5135205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 17,421 17,421 0 0011330 5135210 SUPPLIES 7,115 2,597 3,609 3,609 3,609 0011330 5135410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 360 3,223 3,400 3,400 3,620 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 305,779 416,946 454,373 454,373 676,449 TOTAL HUMAN RESOURCES 446,273 610,347 664,939 664,939 888,800 ACCT NO HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICE BUDGET FY 2014 001-1330-513 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011640 5241210 SALARIES - REGULAR 0 0 0 0 82,577 0011640 5241310 SALARIES - PART TIME 0 0 0 0 32,886 0011640 5242110 F.I.C.A.0 0 0 0 8,833 0011640 5242210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 0 0 0 0 0 0011640 5242220 ICMA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 5,780 0011640 5242310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 6,552 0011640 5242410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 346 0 0 0 0 136,974 0011640 5243450 CONTRACTUAL 0 0 0 0 16,000 0011640 5244080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 0 0 0 10,000 0011640 5244120 COMMUNICATION 0 0 0 0 1,020 0 0 0 0 27,020 0 0 0 0 163,994 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FY 2014 001-1600-524 ACCT NO TOTAL PERSONNEL TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011610 5241210 SALARIES - REGULAR 228,357 237,634 238,374 238,374 230,649 0011610 5241310 SALARIES - PART TIME - INSPECTORS 136,510 117,545 137,077 137,077 138,434 0011610 5242110 F.I.C.A.28,249 24,206 28,228 28,228 28,235 0011610 5242210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 28,245 14,927 0 0 0 0011610 5242220 ICMA RETIREMENT 6,525 10,595 16,234 16,234 16,145 0011610 5242310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 19,770 18,360 24,957 24,957 26,206 0011610 5242410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 8,416 6,966 7,308 7,308 8,125 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 456,072 430,233 452,178 452,178 447,794 0011610 5243150 CONTRACT INSPECTORS 2,850 600 3,000 3,000 3,000 0011610 5243450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,380 774 1,000 1,000 1,000 0011610 5244110 POSTAGE 181 153 200 200 200 0011610 5244120 COMMUNICATION 360 257 500 500 1,380 0011610 5244515 LIABILITY INSURANCE- AUTO 200 0 400 400 400 0011610 5244710 PRINTING - INFRASTRUCTURE 1,668 1,461 1,900 1,900 1,900 0011610 5245210 SUPPLIES 977 1,555 2,500 2,500 2,500 0011610 5245220 UNIFORMS 0 933 0 0 680 0011610 5245230 FUEL 1,000 1,127 1,500 1,500 1,600 0011610 5245410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 80 120 120 120 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 8,617 6,940 11,120 11,120 12,780 TOTAL BUILDING DEPARTMENT 464,689 437,173 463,298 463,298 460,574 BUILDING DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY 2014 001-1610-524 ACCT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011620 5241210 SALARIES - REGULAR 222,379 224,274 241,800 241,800 228,679 0011620 5241310 SALARIES - PART TIME 8,772 18,609 19,771 19,771 0 0011620 5242110 F.I.C.A.17,357 18,403 19,888 19,888 17,494 0011620 5242210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 38,270 17,058 13,656 13,656 8,291 0011620 5242220 ICMA RETIREMENT 2,230 7,832 10,082 10,082 11,977 0011620 5242310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 18,819 21,114 24,957 24,957 26,206 0011620 5242410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 882 778 702 702 686 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 308,709 308,068 330,856 330,856 293,333 0011620 5243100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 127 2,440 2,440 2,440 0011620 5243450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,970 22,450 149,000 94,000 154,000 0011620 5243480 MICROFILMING - DIGITIZING 1,444 1,444 1,445 1,445 1,500 0011620 5244070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 0 0 0 0 1,400 0011620 5244110 POSTAGE 191 1,564 1,876 1,876 2,063 0011620 5244120 COMMUNICATION 432 1,004 2,280 2,280 1,097 0011620 5244515 LIABILITY INSURANCE - AUTO 200 0 400 400 400 0011620 5244620 MAINTENANCE-OPER EQPT.4,909 4,814 7,443 7,443 9,443 0011620 5244634 MAINTENANCE-INTERNET SOFTWARE 0 0 3,000 3,000 4,000 0011620 5244710 PRINTING-INFRASTRUCTURE 3,335 3,149 3,412 3,412 3,412 0011620 5244910 LEGAL ADS 3,306 2,938 3,587 3,587 3,945 0011620 5245205 COMPUTER-EQUIPMENT 2,449 0 13,434 13,434 1,000 0011620 5245210 SUPPLIES 1,869 2,457 24,542 24,542 3,681 0011620 5245230 FUEL 120 144 144 144 144 0011620 5245410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 199 909 1,303 1,303 1,605 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 56,423 41,000 214,306 159,306 190,130 TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING 365,132 349,068 545,162 490,162 483,463 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT BUDGET FY 2014 001-1620-524 ACCT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011640 5241210 SALARIES - REGULAR 171,158 220,365 236,933 236,933 153,875 0011640 5241310 SALARIES - PART TIME 13,857 15,756 16,291 16,291 0 0011640 5242110 F.I.C.A.13,975 17,875 19,244 19,244 11,771 0011640 5242210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 36,502 25,780 8,013 8,013 8,207 0011640 5242220 ICMA RETIREMENT 0 7,124 12,518 12,518 6,782 0011640 5242310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 16,304 18,514 24,957 24,957 19,655 0011640 5242410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 19,390 15,568 4,626 4,626 4,801 TOTAL PERSONNEL 271,186 320,982 322,582 322,582 205,091 0011640 5243111 CONTRACTUAL - SPECIAL MASTER 1,600 2,275 4,000 4,000 4,000 0011640 5243450 CONTRACTUAL 8,270 260 20,000 20,000 20,000 0011640 5244070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 0 912 1,374 1,374 1,374 0011640 5244080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 1,267 2,415 2,415 2,415 0011640 5244110 POSTAGE 238 5,826 7,000 7,000 7,000 0011640 5244120 COMMUNICATION 2,820 4,086 4,350 4,350 4,650 0011640 5244515 LIABILITY INSURANCE-AUTO 500 0 1,800 1,800 1,800 0011640 5244710 PRINTING-INFRASTRUCTURE 1,668 1,482 1,668 1,668 1,668 0011640 5244920 OTHER CHARGES-LIENS 94 493 1,612 1,612 1,612 0011640 5245205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 4,612 4,612 4,400 0011640 5245210 SUPPLIES 1,360 2,295 2,000 2,000 2,873 0011640 5245220 UNIFORMS 890 951 2,000 2,000 2,000 0011640 5245230 FUEL 4,317 5,978 5,978 5,978 5,978 0011640 5245410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 120 140 540 540 540 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 21,877 25,965 59,349 59,349 60,310 TOTAL CODE ENFORCEMENT 293,062 346,947 381,931 381,931 265,401 CODE ENFORCEMENT BUDGET FY 2014 001-1640-524 ACCT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011770 5191210 SALARIES - REGULAR 281,075 164,180 177,316 177,316 178,826 0011770 5192110 F.I.C.A.21,016 11,934 13,497 13,497 13,680 0011770 5192210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 40,578 17,268 7,057 7,057 7,444 0011770 5192220 ICMA 3,774 7,456 8,871 8,871 8,899 0011770 5192310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 13,746 13,524 18,718 18,718 19,655 0011770 5192410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 939 544 476 476 536 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 361,129 214,906 225,935 225,935 229,040 0011770 5194070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCES 38 100 500 500 500 0011770 5194080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 0 380 380 380 0011770 5194110 POSTAGE 125 107 125 125 125 0011770 5194120 COMMUNICATION 5,539 641 1,787 1,787 1,020 0011770 5194540 BOILER & MACHINERY INSURANCE 624 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0011770 5194710 PRINTING- INFRASTRUCTURE 6,670 5,743 6,670 6,670 6,670 0011770 5195205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 4,520 4,520 0 0011770 5195210 SUPPLIES 1,299 1,250 1,370 1,370 1,000 0011770 5195270 PERMITS 875 875 900 900 925 0011770 5195410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 145 0 500 500 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 15,315 8,716 18,752 18,752 13,120 TOTAL OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR 376,443 223,622 244,687 244,687 242,160 ACCT NO OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR BUDGET 2014 001-1770-519 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011710 5191210 SALARIES - REGULAR 230,306 268,404 70,464 70,464 71,737 0011710 5191310 SALARIES - PART TIME 19,506 11,662 0 0 0 0011710 5191410 OVERTIME 4,000 256 4,000 4,000 4,000 0011710 5192110 F.I.C.A.19,321 16,150 5,644 5,644 5,794 0011710 5192210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 35,251 27,529 10,536 10,536 10,906 0011710 5192310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 33,417 24,849 12,479 12,479 13,103 0011710 5192410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 11,320 10,410 3,126 3,126 3,409 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 353,123 359,260 106,249 106,249 108,949 0011710 5193450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 13,565 32,082 99,307 99,307 86,655 0011710 5194070 TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE 0 0 250 250 250 0011710 5194080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 0 200 200 200 0011710 5194120 COMMUNICATION 0 680 624 624 780 0011710 5194310 UTILITES-ELECTRIC 111,794 101,064 114,000 114,000 114,000 0011710 5194320 UTILITIES-WATER 16,051 20,878 27,000 27,000 27,000 0011710 5194620 MAINT & REPAIR OPER EQUIP 120 0 250 250 250 0011710 5194670 MAINT & REPAIR-GDS & STRUCT 58,964 66,989 62,000 62,000 82,000 0011710 5195210 SUPPLIES 14,869 25,708 21,050 21,050 21,050 0011710 5195220 UNIFORMS 2,806 2,519 800 800 800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 218,170 249,920 325,481 325,481 332,985 0011710 5197110 DEBT- PRINCIPAL 21,016 0 0 0 0 0011710 5197210 DEBT- INTEREST 1,894 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 22,910 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 594,203 609,180 431,730 431,730 441,934 ACCT NO BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET FY 2014 001-1710-519 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011720 5341210 SALARIES - REGULAR 367,332 377,903 342,704 342,704 410,277 0011720 5341410 OVERTIME 7,072 12,191 7,000 7,000 7,000 0011720 5342110 F.I.C.A.28,438 29,648 26,495 26,495 31,922 0011720 5342210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 62,710 45,732 39,080 39,080 36,851 0011720 5342220 ICMA 0 0 4,489 4,489 10,806 0011720 5342310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 47,079 39,860 56,153 56,153 65,516 0011720 5342410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 51,403 44,314 42,081 42,081 54,321 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 564,033 549,648 518,002 518,002 616,693 0011720 5343470 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT-RECYCLING 83,239 85,588 88,375 88,375 91,150 0011720 5344070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 0 0 200 200 200 0011720 5344080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 279 300 300 300 0011720 5344340 REFUSE DISPOSAL FEE 434,364 628,617 582,705 582,705 648,815 0011720 5344341 REFUSE DISPOSAL FEE- RECYCLING 110,090 0 0 0 0 0011720 5345210 SUPPLIES 3,778 2,649 8,500 8,500 8,500 0011720 5345220 UNIFORMS 3,510 3,877 4,000 4,000 4,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 634,981 721,010 684,080 684,080 752,965 0011720 5347110 DEBT- PRINCIPAL 78,048 74,302 60,539 60,539 0 0011720 5347210 DEBT- INTEREST 11,524 5,436 5,457 5,457 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 89,572 79,738 65,996 65,996 0 TOTAL SOLID WASTE 1,288,586 1,350,396 1,268,078 1,268,078 1,369,658 ACCT NO SOLID WASTE DIVISION BUDGET FY 2014 001-1720-534 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011730 5411210 SALARIES - REGULAR 245,861 241,693 250,875 250,875 211,623 0011730 5411310 SALARIES - PART TIME 16,532 21,648 19,121 19,121 0 0011730 5411410 OVERTIME 3,806 4,825 7,000 7,000 0 0011730 5412110 F.I.C.A.19,812 19,989 20,988 20,988 16,189 0011730 5412210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 37,173 30,624 28,299 28,299 18,315 0011730 5412220 ICMA 0 1,901 3,916 3,916 5,910 0011730 5412310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 35,374 35,487 43,675 43,675 45,861 0011730 5412410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 23,574 21,842 25,345 25,345 21,861 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 382,132 378,009 399,219 399,219 319,759 0011730 5413450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 37,903 34,251 37,268 37,268 30,000 0011730 5414070 TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE 0 32 300 300 300 0011730 5414080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 683 700 700 700 0011730 5414120 COMMUNICATION 0 825 1,050 1,050 1,560 0011730 5414625 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 4,604 10,039 21,000 21,000 31,000 0011730 5414640 MAINT & REP.STREETS & PARKWYS 14,651 9,251 12,800 12,800 12,800 0011730 5414650 ELECTRICITY 96,426 102,961 103,000 103,000 103,000 0011730 5414670 MAINT & REP-GDS & STRUCT 2,426 2,451 2,500 2,500 2,500 0011730 5415210 SUPPLIES 3,393 3,367 3,400 3,400 3,400 0011730 5415220 UNIFORMS 2,647 2,928 3,600 3,600 3,600 0011730 5415245 TOOLS 2,402 300 500 500 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 164,451 167,088 186,118 186,118 189,360 0011730 5417110 DEBT- PRINCIPAL 25,585 26,602 5,338 5,338 0 0011730 5417210 DEBT- INTEREST 2,323 1,301 481 481 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 27,908 27,903 5,819 5,819 0 TOTAL STREET MAINTENANCE 574,491 573,000 591,156 591,156 509,119 ACCT NO STREETS & LANDSCAPING DIVISION BUDGET FY 2014 001-1730-541 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011750 5191210 SALARIES - REGULAR 262,680 208,981 178,671 178,671 206,633 0011750 5191410 OVERTIME 3,359 3,505 4,000 4,000 4,000 0011750 5192110 F.I.C.A.20,196 16,158 13,840 13,840 16,113 0011750 5192210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 41,482 27,767 18,902 18,902 19,355 0011750 5192220 ICMA 0 225 3,346 3,346 5,336 0011750 5192310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 36,318 25,684 31,196 31,196 39,310 0011750 5192410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 11,631 9,229 6,634 6,634 8,451 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 375,667 291,549 256,589 256,589 299,198 0011750 5193450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35,208 21,177 37,000 37,000 37,000 0011750 5194070 TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE 145 150 0 0 1,000 0011750 5194120 COMMUNICATION 0 1,187 1,200 1,200 1,800 0011750 5194350 ELECTRICITY-CITY PARKS 34,269 26,105 55,000 55,000 75,000 0011750 5194420 OUTSIDE SERV RENTAL 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0011750 5194515 AUTO INSURANCE 0 0 1,500 1,500 1,500 0011750 5194620 MAINT & REP-OPERAT EQUIP 47,737 76,428 46,200 46,200 56,500 0011750 5195210 SUPPLIES 0 5,228 9,285 9,285 9,285 0011750 5195220 UNIFORMS 2,709 2,110 3,650 3,650 3,650 0011750 5195230 FUEL 0 13,352 13,352 13,352 13,352 0011750 5195410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 295 255 450 450 450 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 120,363 145,992 168,637 168,637 200,537 TOTAL LANDSCAPE MAINT.496,030 437,541 425,226 425,226 499,735 ACCT NO PARKS LANDSCAPE BUDGET FY 2014 001-1750-519 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011760 5191210 SALARIES - REGULAR 226,885 115,227 125,838 125,838 125,831 0011760 5191410 OVERTIME 1,234 885 3,500 3,500 3,500 0011760 5192110 F.I.C.A.16,827 8,172 9,800 9,800 9,894 0011760 5192210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 29,314 17,025 13,176 13,176 13,488 0011760 5192220 ICMA 0 150 2,472 2,472 2,496 0011760 5192310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 16,226 14,121 18,718 18,718 19,655 0011760 5192410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 6,930 4,669 4,075 4,075 4,480 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 297,416 160,249 177,579 177,579 179,344 0011760 5194070 TRAVEL AND CONFERENCE 0 350 350 350 350 0011760 5194120 COMMUNICATION 0 558 624 624 780 0011760 5194515 LIABILITY INSURANCE-AUTO 15,500 0 32,873 32,873 32,873 0011760 5194620 MAINT & REP-OPERAT EQUIP 410 400 400 400 400 0011760 5194680 MAINT & REP-OUTSIDE SER.62,043 80,343 64,000 64,000 64,000 0011760 5195220 UNIFORMS 7,141 1,632 5,000 5,000 5,000 0011760 5195230 FUEL & LUB.223,725 114,757 172,420 183,000 183,944 0011760 5195240 PARTS 59,594 37,991 56,000 56,000 56,000 0011760 5195245 OPERATING TOOL 410 589 600 600 600 0011760 5195250 TIRES 26,142 27,000 27,000 27,000 27,000 0011760 5195260 CHEMICALS/SUPPLIES 4,650 6,771 6,800 6,800 6,800 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 399,615 270,391 366,067 376,647 377,747 0011760 5197110 DEBT - PRINCIPAL 6,547 6,803 0 0 0 0011760 5197210 DEBT - INTEREST 522 266 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 7,069 7,069 0 0 0 TOTAL MOTOR POOL 704,099 437,709 543,646 554,226 557,091 ACCT NO MOTOR POOL DIVISION BUDGET FY 2014 001-1760-519 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011790 5191210 SALARIES & WAGES - REGULAR 110,752 185,888 129,129 129,129 128,726 0011790 5192110 F.I.C.A.8,400 14,169 9,847 9,847 9,848 0011790 5192210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 16,399 13,396 5,918 5,918 6,002 0011790 5192220 ICMA 0 5,336 6,093 6,093 6,093 0011790 5192310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 12,137 9,176 12,479 12,479 13,103 0011790 5192410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 370 593 348 348 386 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 148,058 228,558 163,814 163,814 164,158 0011790 5193100 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 10,660 0 0 0 0 0011790 5193450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 23,682 90,000 90,000 65,000 0011790 5194070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 45 141 500 500 1,000 0011790 5194080 EMPLOYEE - EDUCATION 0 0 500 500 1,500 0011790 5194120 COMMUNICATION 0 706 1,620 1,620 1,020 0011790 5195210 SUPPLIES 2,960 1,793 0 0 920 0011790 5195410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 400 75 500 500 500 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 14,065 26,397 93,120 93,120 69,940 0011790 5196420 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 457 0 0 0 0 0011790 5196440 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 7,873 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 8,330 0 0 0 0 TOTAL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION 170,453 254,955 256,934 256,934 234,098 ACCT NO ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION DIVISION BUDGET 2014 001-1790-519 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0011910 5211210 SALARIES - REGULAR 3,494,677 3,482,317 3,408,596 3,408,596 3,457,843 0011910 5211410 OVERTIME 100,780 132,557 150,000 150,000 150,000 0011910 5211411 OVERTIME-HOLIDAY PAY 0 0 0 0 55,000 0011910 5211510 SPECIAL PAY-EDUCATION INCEN.25,550 20,390 28,248 28,248 26,562 0011910 5211530 HAZARD PAY 49,740 57,940 61,335 61,335 61,335 0011910 5212110 F.I.C.A.282,867 272,768 278,471 278,471 286,932 0011910 5212210 PENSION CITY CONTRIBUTION 591,145 597,307 560,893 560,893 557,173 0011910 5212220 DEFERRED COMP. CONTRIBUTION 31,673 24,565 33,367 33,367 36,170 0011910 5212310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 290,263 265,334 354,262 354,262 366,912 0011910 5212410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 114,296 97,852 131,099 131,099 144,940 4,980,990 4,951,030 5,006,271 5,006,271 5,142,867 0011910 5213116 ANNUAL PHYSICALS 4,605 11,265 14,750 14,750 14,750 0011910 5213450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 35,143 61,728 102,230 102,230 73,830 0011910 5213459 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES-PARKING 0 234,920 252,250 252,250 0 0011910 5213456 CONTRACTUAL SCHOOL CROSSING 52,946 65,225 70,000 70,000 70,000 0011910 5213490 CRIME PREVENTION PROGRAMS 4,830 917 4,000 4,000 5,500 0011910 5214070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 0 8,328 8,183 8,183 10,740 0011910 5214080 TRAINING & EDUCATION 0 6,478 8,500 8,500 8,500 0011910 5214110 POSTAGE 518 1,417 1,800 1,800 1,800 0011910 5214120 COMMUNICATION 0 14,564 49,560 49,560 49,560 0011910 5214425 LEASE PURCHASE PD 800 MHZ 0 1,225 0 0 0 0011910 5214450 LEASE POLICE VEHICLE 8,800 11,400 11,400 11,400 11,400 0011910 5214515 LIABILITY INSURANCE-AUTO 13,000 0 26,000 26,000 34,650 0011910 5214591 POLICE ACC.DTH & DIS. INSURANCE 0 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 0011910 5214620 MAINT & REPAIR EQUIPMENT 23,656 18,326 18,600 18,600 18,600 0011910 5214630 MAINT & REPAIR COMM EQMT 60,920 54,573 32,460 32,460 22,460 0011910 5214632 INTERNET SERVICE 0 0 3,200 3,200 3,200 0011910 5214710 PRINTING- INFRASTRUCTURE 10,005 8,894 11,000 11,000 11,000 0011910 5214960 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS 2,235 5,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 0011910 5214970 EMPLOYEE TESTING 3,708 4,896 14,760 14,760 29,520 0011910 5215205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 21,696 23,913 23,913 15,928 0011910 5215210 SUPPLIES 17,977 74,151 91,848 91,848 113,533 0011910 5215212 SUPPLIES-PARKING 0 28,242 49,100 49,100 0 0011910 5215220 UNIFORMS 43,155 62,640 74,500 74,500 74,500 0011910 5215230 FUEL 145,026 217,121 217,121 217,121 217,120 0011910 5215410 MEMBERSHIPS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 6,450 6,675 8,470 8,470 8,770 0011910 5215940 PRISONER DETENTION 0 0 100 100 100 432,975 919,681 1,103,745 1,103,745 805,461 0011910 5136440 VEHICLES 188,219 0 0 0 0 188,219 0 0 0 0 0011910 5137110 DEBT SERVICE- PRINCIPAL 106,936 176,326 180,462 180,462 80,417 0011910 5137210 DEBT SERVICE- INTEREST 12,097 16,795 14,002 14,002 4,182 119,033 193,121 194,464 194,464 84,599 5,721,217 6,063,832 6,304,480 6,304,480 6,032,927 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DEBT SERVICE TOTAL POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE BUDGET FY 2014 001-1910-521 ACCT NO TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0012000 5721210 SALARIES - REGULAR 326,244 266,136 304,281 304,281 298,088 0012000 5721310 SALARIES - PART TIME 25,340 966 13,181 13,181 13,630 0012000 5722110 F.I.C.A.26,027 18,950 23,877 23,877 23,846 0012000 5722210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 51,020 35,483 25,236 25,236 25,948 0012000 5722220 ICMA 0 1,280 8,485 8,485 8,253 0012000 5722310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 41,845 28,278 37,436 37,436 39,310 0012000 5722410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 14,512 12,331 11,704 11,704 12,749 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 484,988 363,424 424,200 424,200 421,824 0012000 5723450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 2,763 2,899 2,609 2,609 2,235 0012000 5724070 TRAVEL & CONFERENCE 874 218 298 298 298 0012000 5724080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 630 1,255 1,255 1,525 0012000 5724110 POSTAGE 100 86 100 100 100 0012000 5724120 COMMUNICATION 3,120 2,122 3,240 3,240 3,060 0012000 5724350 ELECTRICITY-CITY PARKS 663 877 4,800 4,800 4,800 0012000 5724515 LIABILITY INSURANCE- AUTO 1,935 0 3,870 3,870 4,870 0012000 5724632 INTERNET SERVICE 0 0 1,620 1,620 1,620 0012000 5724634 MAINTENANCE-INTERNET SERVICE 0 0 188 188 188 0012000 5724670 MAINT & REP-PARK FACILITIES 1,431 3,702 1,800 1,800 2,800 0012000 5724690 MAINT & REP-TENNIS 0 864 3,250 3,250 2,360 0012000 5724710 COPY MACHINE 5,003 4,350 5,003 5,003 5,003 0012000 5724820 SPECIAL EVENTS 5,929 13,676 250 250 16,500 0012000 5725205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 9,315 9,315 9,315 0012000 5725210 SUPPLIES 5,957 7,215 3,097 3,097 3,597 0012000 5725220 UNIFORMS 1,484 1,058 1,507 1,507 3,155 0012000 5725230 FUEL 10,795 15,117 15,117 15,117 15,120 0012000 5725410 MEMBERSHIP & SUBSCRIPTION 1,909 1,902 1,880 1,880 2,460 0012000 5725630 FOOTBALL 21,876 38,636 20,335 20,335 19,085 0012000 5725631 CHEERLEADERS 9,105 9,279 7,619 7,619 6,626 0012000 5725635 DANCE/MODELING 0 1,755 2,250 2,250 3,825 0012000 5725650 SOCCER PROGRAM 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 0012000 5725665 CONCESSION STAND 2,972 0 0 0 0 0012000 5725670 SPECIAL RECREATION PROGRAMS 10,147 6,813 6,227 6,227 5,607 0012000 5725680 SENIOR CITIZENS PROGRAMS 11,749 13,660 16,970 16,970 17,746 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 97,813 124,859 113,600 113,600 132,894 TOTAL RECREATION 582,801 488,283 537,800 537,800 554,718 ACCT NO PARKS AND RECREATION BUDGET FY 2014 001-2000-572 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0012020 5721210 SALARIES - REGULAR 145,387 127,138 139,470 139,470 136,062 0012020 5721310 SALARIES - PART TIME 121,054 245,146 341,251 341,251 338,636 0012020 5722110 F.I.C.A.21,587 30,027 36,415 36,415 36,314 0012020 5722210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 27,667 16,167 15,317 15,317 15,685 0012020 5722220 ICMA 0 550 1,882 1,882 1,900 0012020 5722310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 20,105 19,517 24,957 24,957 26,206 0012020 5722410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 10,689 9,855 17,850 17,850 19,415 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 346,490 448,400 577,142 577,142 574,218 0012020 5724125 TELEPHONE SERVICE 0 0 5,500 5,500 5,500 0012020 5724310 UTILITIES-ELECTRICITY 46,158 56,488 61,300 61,300 61,300 0012020 5724320 UTILITIES-WATER 7,979 8,000 9,000 9,000 14,000 0012020 5724670 MAINT & REP-GRDS & STRCTR 8,877 8,739 9,340 9,340 10,340 0012020 5724710 COPY MACHINE 1,668 1,337 1,668 1,668 1,668 0012020 5725210 SUPPLIES 3,678 7,942 1,050 1,050 1,050 0012020 5725550 SCHOOL PROGRAM 1,844 4,714 5,000 5,000 4,200 0012020 5725640 BASKETBALL 3,494 3,728 5,940 5,940 5,940 0012020 5725660 SUMMER CAMP 7,221 4,452 6,450 6,450 7,950 0012020 5725670 SPECIAL REC PROGRAMS 634 2,122 2,700 2,700 2,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 81,553 97,522 107,948 107,948 113,948 0012020 5726430 OPERATING EQUIPMENT 5,488 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 5,488 0 0 0 0 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 433,531 545,922 685,090 685,090 688,166 ACCT NO GIBSON-BETHEL COMMUNITY CENTER FY 2014 001-2020-572 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0012030 5721210 SALARIES - REGULAR 0 0 0 0 0 0012030 5721310 SALARIES - PART TIME 0 0 0 0 16,575 0012030 5722110 F.I.C.A.0 0 0 0 1,268 0012030 5722210 PENSION PLAN CONTRIBUTION 0 0 0 0 0 0012030 5722220 ICMA 0 0 0 0 0 0012030 5722310 GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0012030 5722410 WORKER'S COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 678 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 18,521 0012030 5723450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 8,244 0012030 5724080 EMPLOYEE EDUCATION 0 0 0 0 0 0012030 5724120 TELEPHONE - CELL 0 0 0 0 0 0012030 5724320 UTILITIES WATER & SEWER 0 0 0 0 10,000 0012030 5724350 ELECTRICITY 0 0 0 0 4,000 0012030 5724632 INTERNET SERVICE 0 0 0 0 400 0012030 5724634 MAINTENANCE - INTERNET 0 0 0 0 188 0012030 5724670 MAINTENANCE & REPAIR 0 0 0 0 2,800 0012030 5724820 SPECIAL EVENTS 0 0 0 0 1,500 0012030 5725205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 1,799 0012030 5725210 SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 3,000 0012030 5725220 UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 600 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 32,531 TOTAL COMMUNITY CENTER 0 0 0 0 51,052 COMMUNITY POOL 001-2030-572 ACCT NO ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0012100 5192210 PENSION PLAN-CONTRIBUTION 72,172 84,837 0 0 0 0012100 5192250 SECTION 185 CONTRIBUTION 80,791 0 85,000 85,000 85,000 152,963 84,837 85,000 85,000 85,000 0012100 5199920 GENERAL CONTINGENCY 444,044 0 0 0 0 444,044 0 0 0 0 0012100 5199120 INTRA-GOV TRANSFER-DEBT SERVICE 275,998 682,550 150,000 150,000 0 0012100 5199130 INTRA-GOV EMERG RESERVES FUND 1,765,276 0 0 0 0 0012100 5139140 INTRA-GOV CAPITAL IMPROV PRO FUND 0 1,376,582 85,270 85,270 600,000 0012100 5199150 INTRA-GOV COMM REDEV AGENCY 0 0 545,666 545,666 589,337 2,041,274 2,059,132 780,936 780,936 1,189,337 2,638,281 2,143,969 865,936 865,936 1,274,337 ACCT NO NON-DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET FY 2014 001-2100-519 TOTAL NON -DEPARTMENTAL TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL TRANSFERS ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 652,084 1,010,803 1,288,664 1,288,664 1,410,324 1240000 3301000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 380,702 403,874 300,000 400,000 389,756 1240000 3612000 INTEREST INCOME 4,158 11,335 0 11,000 11,000 384,860 415,209 300,000 411,000 400,756 1241730 5413450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 26,141 30,525 100,000 0 140,000 26,141 30,525 100,000 0 140,000 1241730 5416490 CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS 0 106,823 774,000 289,340 890,000 0 106,823 774,000 289,340 890,000 26,141 137,348 874,000 289,340 1,030,000 1,010,803 1,288,664 714,664 1,410,324 781,080 PEOPLE'S TRANSPORTATION TAX FUND CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI FUND 124 EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE ACCT NO BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES TOTAL REVENUE TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FUND EXPENSES ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 0 0 509,751 509,751 95,751 3010000 3811000 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND 0 1,376,582 85,270 85,270 600,000 0 1,376,582 85,270 85,270 600,000 3011320 5136430 CENTRAL SERVICES OP. EQUIP 0 0 54,450 54,450 45,000 3011620 5246430 EQUIPMENT OPERATING 0 0 23,550 23,550 0 3011620 5246810 INTANGIBLE ASSETS 0 0 36,380 36,380 0 3011640 5246440 CODE VEHICLES 0 0 0 0 60,000 3011720 5346430 SOLID WASTE EQUIP OPERATING 0 421,851 0 0 0 3011790 5196450 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 0 0 145,000 120,000 15,000 3011910 5216430 POLICE EQUIP OPERATING 0 135,611 0 0 0 3011910 5216440 POLICE VEHICLES 0 178,992 175,890 174,890 230,000 3012000 5726450 PARKS & REC IMPROVEMENT 0 0 100,000 90,000 250,000 3012000 5196440 PARKS LANDS VEHICLE 0 23,473 0 0 0 3012000 5196450 CAPITAL OUTLAY 0 106,904 0 0 0 0 866,831 535,270 499,270 600,000 0 866,831 535,270 499,270 600,000 0 509,751 59,751 95,751 95,751 EXPENSES ENDING FUND BALANCE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI FUND 301 ACCT NO BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES TOTAL FUND EXPENSES TOTAL REVENUE ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 2010-2011 ACTUAL 2011-2012 BUDGET 2012-2013 ESTIMATE 2012-2013 CM RECOM 2013-2014 362,455 412,996 1,912,228 1,912,228 1,686,847 6150000 3511000 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUES 257,769 1,756,708 0 55,042 0 6150000 3612000 INTEREST INCOME 272 11,090 200 12,000 9,000 6150000 3699200 OTHER MISC REVENUES 69,756 36,069 0 55,000 80,000 TOTAL REVENUE 327,796 1,803,867 200 122,042 89,000 6151910 5211410 OVERTIME 48,657 12,504 50,000 42,546 50,000 6151910 5211414 OVERTIME BARTA 0 9,249 0 20,000 30,000 TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 48,657 21,753 50,000 62,546 80,000 6151910 5213450 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 3,125 133,748 133,748 170,300 6151910 5214070 TRAVEL & PER DIEM 0 0 0 0 7,000 6151910 5214450 LEASE PURCHASE-POL VEHICLE 27,373 28,700 29,448 29,448 29,448 6151910 5214960 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS 3,618 0 0 0 0 6151910 5215205 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT 68,949 54,079 25,202 25,202 16,202 6151910 5215210 SUPPLIES 1,347 20,311 20,980 20,980 0 6151910 5215220 UNIFORMS 422 0 12,000 12,000 12,000 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 101,710 106,215 221,378 221,378 234,950 6151910 5216430 OPERATING EQUIPMENT 21,985 0 68,500 63,500 53,333 6151910 5216440 INFRASTRUCTURE 0 0 400,000 0 450,000 6151910 5216800 INTANGIBLE ASSETS 99,520 176,667 0 0 0 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 121,505 176,667 468,500 63,500 503,333 6151910 5217100 DEBT - PRINCIPAL 5,166 0 0 0 0 6151910 5217200 DEBT - INTEREST 217 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 5,383 0 0 0 0 TOTAL EXPENSE 277,255 304,635 739,878 347,424 818,283 412,996 1,912,228 1,172,550 1,686,847 957,563 REVENUES EXPENSES ENDING FUND BALANCE FEDERAL FORFEITURE FUND CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI FUND 615 ACCT NO BEGINNING FUND BALANCE PROJECT DESCRIPTION FUND SOURCE SOURCE FY 13 Estimated Expensed FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 TRAFFIC CALMING West Pinecrest Villas Traffic Calming - Design and Construction (Between 62 Ave and US1 from 78 St to 80 St)- Study to complete be 9/31 PTP 65,000 39,780 40,000 Bird Estates Traffic Calming - Design and Construction (Between 61 Ave and 64 Ave from 40 St to 44 St)- Study to be completed by 9/31 LOGT 55,000 0 35,000 63 Ct. Traffic Calming - Design & Construction (57 ST to 64 St)- Study to be completed by 9/31 PTP 40,000 22,000 60,000 Mango Terrace Traffic Calming - Construction (Between 67 Ave and 69 Ave from 72 St to 80 St) - Design to be completed by 9/31 LOGT 24,000 24,000 150,000 60th Ave Traffic Calming - Design and Construction (Between 57 Ave and 62 Ave from 80 St to 84 St) - Study tp be completed 9/31 PTP 50,000 0 75,000 Manor Lane Traffic Calming - Construction (Between 72 St and US1 from 63 Ave to 67 Ave) - Design to be completed by 9/31 PTP 30,000 29,960 20,000 Pinecrest Villas Traffic Calming Phase II PTP 30,000 30,000 Coco Terrace Traffic Calming Study PTP 40,000 DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS SWDTF 60,000 25,895 75,000 LOGT 30,000 Citywide Drainage Improvements Phase 6 -Construction (SW 59 Ave from 72 St.to 80 St.)-Study & design completed SWDTF 275,000 Citywide Drainage Phases 7-10 Design and Construction (Twin Lakes & other locations throughout the City)SWDTF 65,000 150,000 125,000 150,000 125,000 Commerce Lne Road And Drainage Improvement SMCRA 150,000 40,000 Progress Road and Drainage Improvement SMCRA 180,000 115,000 Citywide storm drainage clean out SWDTF 20,000 7,749 ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE South Miami Intermodal Transportation Plan -Design and Construction is TBD based on the priorities of the plan PTP 100,000 0 190,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 PTP 220,000 8,600 250,000 SWDTF 100,000 SW 64th St. Corridor Improvements Ph.II - Design and Construction (Between 57 Ave and 62 Ave from 64 St to 68 St) Study to be completed by 9/31 CDBG 177,000 0 177,000 Citywide Street Resurfacing Program (various locations)LOGT 75,000 26,700 40,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 SMCRA 0 40,000 PTP 55,000 57th Avenue Median Improvement PTP 30,000 0 Citywide guardrail amd misc road infrastructure repairs LOGT 60,000 0 PARKS South Miami Park: Parking lot renovation & playground equipment CIP 50,000 50,000 Palmer Park: Baseball fields renovation CIP 50,000 Murray Park: Lighting and Field Replacement CIP 50,000 50,000 Fuchs Park: Bathroom renovation & playground equipment replacement FRDAP 50,000 50,000 Dog Park CIP 25,000 50,000 Citywide Parks Improvement CIP 100,000 90,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 ADA sidewalk upgrade at Dante Fascell ADA 10,000 10,000 Marshall Williams Park Improvements SMCRA 50,000 0 FLEET REPLACEMENT PW Fleet Replace Trash Crane, Truck, Aerial Lift CIP 158,000 PW Fleet Replace-Garbage & Trash Truck, Pick Up CIP 380,000 380,000 6 Police Vehicles and Equipment CIP 161,390 161,390 230,000 235,000 240,000 245,000 250,000 4 GEM Code Enforcement Electric Car CIP 14,500 13,500 60,000 1 SUV K-9 Vehicle LEFTF 65,000 CITY FACILITIES Police Parking and Fueling Facility Improvement - Construction - Design to be completed by 9/31 LEFTF 400,000 0 450,000 Sylva Martin Window Replacment CIP 15,000 City Hall ADA improvements ADA 10,000 10,000 Centralize departments in Sylva Martin CIP 100,000 100,000 Van Smith house demolition CIP 20,000 20,000 MISCELLANEOUS Citywide Water and Sewer Upgrades - Design and Construction GOB 80,000 0 75,000 350,000 150,000 300,000 300,000 Progress Rd. Business District Parking Feasibility Study SMCRA 40,000 0 15,000 Citywide Replacement of Directional Street Signs & Posts PTP 150,000 0 150,000 75,000 75,000 50,000 50,000 Bus Shelters - Construction PTP 98,000 98,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 CDBG 170,000 0 SMCRA 65,000 0 At grade pedestrian crosswalk device PTP 61,000 61,000 Citywide landscaping program T&SP 10,000 10,000 3,200 Traffic enforcement computirize sign LEFTF 8,500 5,520 Segway with Decals LEFTF 20,000 HP Designjet multifunction printer CIP 9,450 9,450 GIS decoder CIP 7,695 7,695 GIS data storage server CIP 15,855 15,855 One Solution Planning and Zoning Module CIP 36,380 36,380 Downtown Information Kiosks CIP 45,000 45,000 45,000 TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BY YEAR 3,233,770 1,063,474 3,065,200 1,565,000 1,048,000 995,000 1,355,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 5-YEAR PLAN Sunset Drive Improvements - Construction (SW 72 St from 65 Ave to 69 Ave)-Study & design completed CRA street light project Dorn Avenue Drainage Improvements - Construction Design to be completed by 9/31 Sunset Drive Median Construction-Study & design completed CODE SOURCE OF FUNDS FY 13 Estimated Expensed FY 14 FY 15 FY 16 FY 17 FY 18 CIP Capital Improvement Fund 535,270 499,270 600,000 815,000 548,000 345,000 730,000 CDGB Comm. Development Block Grant 347,000 0 177,000 FRDAP FL. Recreation Dev. Assistance Program 50,000 0 50,000 GOB MDC General Obligation Bond 80,000 0 75,000 350,000 150,000 300,000 300,000 LOGT Local Option Gas Tax 244,000 50,700 225,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 PTP People Transportation Plan 874,000 289,340 930,000 200,000 175,000 150,000 150,000 SMCRA South Miami CRA 485,000 155,000 55,000 SWDTF Stormwater Drain Trust Fund 180,000 33,644 415,000 150,000 125,000 150,000 125,000 ADA American Disability 20,000 20,000 0 LEFTF Law Enforcement Forfeiture Trust Fund 408,500 5,520 535,000 T&S F Trees & Shrubs Fund 10,000 10,000 3,200 3,233,770 1,063,474 3,065,200 1,565,000 1,048,000 995,000 1,355,000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN FUND SUMMARY