16CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: The Honorable Mayor Stoddard and Members of the City Commission Via: Steven 1. Alexander, City Manager From: Christopher Brimo, AICP Planning Director Date: June 4,2013 ITEM No. /6 ----- 2001 An Ordinance of the City of South Miami, Florida amending the Code of Ordinances Section 15-1 -Reserved, prohibiting the operation of helipads and the landing or takeoff of helicopters or other aircraft with the city limits except in the case of police, fire or similar civil emergency, and creating Section 15-1(A) titled "Penalty", to include penalties for violations, and providing for conflicts. BACKGROUND At a recent City Commission meeting, Commissioner Harris raised a concern of our area hospitals being designated trauma centers and then requesting the installation of helipads in association with this designation. His concern was primarily the noise impact of the takeoffs and landings of these aircraft on the surrounding residential neighborhoods. Based on information from the Florida Department of Health, as of March 29, 2013, there are three trauma in Miami- Dade County. A Level I at Jackson Memorial Hospital; a Level II at Kendall Regional Hospital; and a Pediatric at Miami Children's Hospital. At the request of the Commissioner, staff drafted a proposed ordinance that would regulate helipads within the City and require that any application for this use would need to be reviewed and approved through the special use application process, and would only be permitted within the TODD -Transit Oriented Development Districts, and the H -Hospital district. Under this current proposal two new sub-sections of the Land Development Code would be created. However, nothing in this proposal would prohibit landings by government agencies, in case of police, fire or similar civil emergency. This proposal was presented to the Planning Board, and following a considerable discussion between the Board members and Commissioner Harris, it was decided to unanimously recommend denial of the ordinance as presented for special use. The Board agreed to have staff redraft the proposal prohibiting this use, but maintaining the emergency exception that was a part of the original proposal and move it to the Commission for review. In reconsidering the proposed amendment it was felt that rather than incorporating the prohibition and penalty for violating the prohibition in the land development code, it should be added to the City's Code of Ordinances. Ordinance Reglliating Helipads June 4,2013 Page 2 oJ2 Below are the following sections that are proposed to be amended and created. Section 15-1 -Reserved Helipads and Helicopters It shall be unlawful for any person to Derate a helipad or helistop, or for any perSOll to takeoff and land any aircraft, including helicopters, or to employ su h a p I"son for this purpose, or to order or request such activity, or to aid or abet such activity within the jurisdictional boundaries of the City except in the case of police, fire or civil emergencies, and then only when operate I under the supervision and authority of a federal. state, county r municipal agency. The word person ' as use d in this ordinance shaD include aU individuals and all entitie s, legal or otherwise. (A} Penalty. Any per son who violates this ordinance, the employer of such person, the person or entity who orders or requests a landing that is in violation of this ordinance and all those who aid or abet these pel'S ns in the v iol ati n of this ordinance shall each pay a fine of $ , or in an alTIOlmt as may be listed in the City'S Schedule of Fees and Fines, for the first offense. Each incident which is in violation of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offens. The fine for each successive time the same person performs the offence, employs a violator. orders or requests a landing in violation of this ordinance or who aids or abets a person in violation of this ordinance shall be equal t twice the amount of the prev iou s fine . Z:\ColTIlllission ltems\20 13 \6-4-13\He lipads\Ordinance prohibiting helipads_ CM report.docx 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ORDINANCE NO. _______ _ An Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances Section 15-1 - Reserved, prohibiting the operation of helipads and the landing or takeoff of helicopters or other aircraft within the city limits except in the case of police, fire or similar civil emergency, and creating Section 15-1(A) titled "Penalty", to include penalties for violations. 9 WHEREAS, at the April 2, 2013 City Commission meeting, Commissioner Harris 10 requested that the City consider regulations which prohibit the operation of helipads within the 11 City; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City Commission is desirous of protecting the quality of life and 14 character of the residential neighborhoods by minimizing excessive sound decibel levels 15 produced by such aircraft; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the City of South Miami is a designated bird sanctuary and landing and 18 takeoff of helicopters would have a detrimental effect; and 19 20 WHEREAS, the City Administration researched the regulations enacted by neighboring 21 communities who regulate such uses; and 22 23 WHEREAS, at their May 14, 2013 Planning Board meeting following a public hearing, 24 voted unanimously to recommend denial of a proposed ordinance that would consider heliports 25 as a special use approval, in favor of a prohibition of this use; and 26 27 WHEREAS, the City Commission is desirous of amending the Code of Ordinances to 28 prohibit the operation of helipads and the takeoff and landing of aircraft, including helicopters, 29 within the city limits, except in the case of police, fire or similar civil emergency. 30 31 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION 32 OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: 33 34 Section 1. Section 15-1 of the City of South Miami Code of Ordinances is hereby 35 amended to read as follows; and Sections 15-1 (A) Penalty is hereby created: 36 37 38 Section 15-1 -Reserved Helipads and Helicopters 39 40 41 42 43 44 It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a helipad or helistop, or for any person to takeoff and land any air craft, includin g helicopters. or to empl oy s uch a perso n for this purpose, or to order or reguest such activity, or to aid or abet such activity within the jmi sdict io na l boun da ri es of th e City exce pt in th e case of po Li ce . fir e or c ivil emergenCIes, and then only when operated under the supervision and authority of a Page 1 of 2 1 2 3 4 tAl 5 federal, state, county or municipal agency. The word "person" as used in this ordinance shaUjj]c1ud e all individuals and all entiti es , legal or oth erwi Penalty. 6 Any person who v io lates this ordinance , th e em pl oy r of such per s on, the p ers on or ent ity who 7 ord ers or requ es ts a landin g that is in vi l ation of thi s ordjn ance an d all th ose wh o aid or ab et 8 th ese persons in th e vi olat! n of thi s ordinan ce shall each p ay a fine of $ , or in an amOlUlt 9 as may be listed in the City's Schedule of Fees an d Fines , fo r the first offense . Each incident 10 which is in viol ation of tIll s ordin ance shall constitute a se parate ffense. Th e fi ne fo r ea ch 11 successive time the same pers on perf orm s th e offen ce , employs a v iol ator , orders or requ e ts a 12 landing in violation of this ordinance or who aids or abets a person in violation of this ordinance 13 shall be equal to twice the aIDOlmt of the previous fine. 14 15 16 Section 2. Codification. The provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made 17 part of the Code of Ordinances of the City of South Miami as amended; that the sections of this 18 ordinance may be renumbered or re-Iettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word 19 "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other appropriate word. 20 Section 3. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this ordinance is 21 for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this holding 22 shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 23 Section 4. Ordinances in Conflict. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all 24 sections and parts of sections of ordinances in direct conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 25 26 Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon 27 adoption. 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ , day of ___ , 2013. ATTEST: CITY CLERK 1 st Reading: 2nd Reading: APPROVED : MAYOR Page 2 of 2 1 2 3 4 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Liebman: Commissioner Newman: 5 Commissioner Harris: 6 Commissioner Welsh: 7 CITY ATTORNEY 8 Page 3 of 2 Levell Broward General Medical Center Delray Medical Center Florida Trauma Centers As of March 29, 2013 Jackson Memorial Hospital/Ryder Trauma Center Memorial Regional Hospital Orlando Regional Medical Center Shands Jacksonville TraumaOne Shands at the University of Florida Tampa General Hospital Level II Baptist Hospital Pensacola Bayfront Medical Center Blake Medical Center Broward Health North Halifax Medical Center Holmes Regional Medical Center Kendall Regional Medical Center Lakeland Regional Medical Center Lawnwood Regional Medical Center and Heart Institute Lee Memorial Hospital Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point Tallahassee Memorial Hospital Pediatric All Children's Hospital and Bayfront Medical Center are joint Pediatric Miami Children's Hospital Level II and Pediatric Sacred Heart Hospital St. Joseph's Hospital St. Mary's Medical Center Provisional Trauma Centers Level II Bay Medical Center Ocala Regional Medical Center 3/29/13 Legend + Levell 0 Level II + Level II and Pediatric rot Pediatric "* Provisional Level II 9 Acute Care Hospitals 03/29/2013 Florida Department of Health Division of Emergency Preparedness and Community Support Bureau of Emergency Medical Oversight N • • . . W E . , s ., ~~ ...... o 50 100 200 Miles I Trauma Centers and Acute Care Hospitals Disclaimer: This thematic map is for reference purposes . Any reliance on the information contained herin is at the user's own risk. The Florida Department of Health and its agents assume no responsibility for any use of the information contained herein or any loss resulting there from . DRAFT CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PLANNING BOARD Regular Meeting Minutes Excerpt Tuesday, May 14,2013 City Commission Chambers 7:30 P.M. City of South Miami Ordinance No. 08 -06-1876 requires all lobbyists before engaging in any lobbying activities to register with the City Clerk and pay an annual fee of $500 per Ordinance No. 44-08-1979. This applies to all persons who are retained (whether paid or not) to represent a business entity or organization to influence "City" action. "City" action is broadly described to include the ranking and selection of professional consultants, and virtually all-legislative, quasi-judicial and administrative action. I. Call to Order and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Action: The m eeting was called to order at 7:58PM Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison II. Roll Call Action : Dr. Whitman requested a roll call. Board Members present constituting a quorum: Dr. Whitman (Chairman), Ms. Fischer, Mr. Greiner, Dr. Philips and Mrs. Beckman. Board Member absent: Mr. Fernandez, Dr. Hauri City staff present: Mr. Christopher Brimo (Planning Director) and Mr. Marcus Lightfoot (Zoning Review Coordinator). City staff absent: Ms . Ti ffany Hood (Board Secretary). City Attorney: Mr. Thomas Pepe. III. Administrative Matters IV. Public Hearings 1. PB-13-011 Applicant: City of South Miami An Ordinance of the City of South Miami, Florida amending the land development code Section 20-3.3(D) Permitted Use Schedule allowing helipads as a Special Use within the TODD and H zoning use districts; creating Section 20-3.4(C) titled Special Use Conditions -"Helipads", and Section 20-3.4(D) titled "Penalty", to include regulations governing review, approval and operation of helipads; providing for repeal; and providing for conflicts. Applicant: City of South Miami Dr. Philips read the it e m into the record. TJ-I Z:\PB\P[3 Minutes \20 13 Mi nu tcs\May \PB Draft Regul ar Mee tin g Minut es -05-14-13-Exce rpt 1'13 13-01l.docx Page 1 of3 Mr. Brimo presented the item to the Board. Motion: Mrs. Beckman motioned for Commissioner Harris to speak on this item. Dr. Philips seconded the motion. Vote: Yes 5, No 0 Mr. Greiner: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mrs. Beckman: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Ms. Fischer: Yes The Board invited Commissioner Harris to the podium to speak. Commissioner Harris stated the problems that occurred when Jackson South got a helipad and the fact that the residents in the area were against it. He stated that he thought that there needed to be something on the record that would protect the City if South Miami Hospital were to become a trauma center, they wouldn't automatically get a helipad. Commissioner Harris, then read Section 20-3.4(C)(3) aloud and asked if this statement was defeating the purpose of the ordinance. The section read out is as follows: "It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a helipad or to land any aircraft, including helicopters, within the city limits at any time except at established landing sites which have been approved by the City and licensed and certified by the federal and state government in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit landings by government agencies, landings for medical emergencies, and landings by law enforcement officers in the performance of their law enforcement duties. " Mr. Brimo responded to Commissioner Harris' inquiry and stated that most communities may outlaw helipads but have a provision that allows for the emergency use of helicopters. Commissioner Harris then asked a question pertaining to the penalty of $1,000 per offense, and stated that the hospital may decide to land the helicopters when necessary and pay the fine, of which Dr. Whitman said that the Board could address. Dr. Whitman then, asked the question of what would happen if the City were to do nothing. The City has a permissive Land Development Code that takes the stance that if something is not listed in the Land Development Code, then it is prohibited. Mr. Pepe agreed, stating that if it is not permitted in the Land Development Code, then it is prohibited. Dr. Phillips then stated that if the listed fine of $1 ,000 isn't going to be enough, then different numbers need to be used. Either use proximity or height. Dr. Whitman asked who decides who gets to become a trauma center. Mr. Brimo stated that it would be the State of Florida IN response to Dr. Whitman's question as to whether the City should just ignore helipads and not create any language, Mr. Pepe stated that this was not a situation where it was a type of ancillary TH Z:\PB\PB Minutes\20 13 Minlltes\May\PB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes -05-14-13-Excerpt PB 13-01I.docx Page 2 of3 use of the property. In this case it is not unusual for a hospital to have a helipad for emergency purposes. Therefore, it would be better to regulate it oppose to ignore it. Mr. Brimo then stated that Ms. Fischer found documents that state that as part of the PUD revision in 1997, South Miami Hospital asked the City Commission for a helicopter landing pad on the roof of their parking garage. Ms. Fischer stated that she has the backup of a noise analysis that was done at that time; it was found that the decibel level was completely unacceptable to all the people on Manor Lane. She then stated that it seems to her that all of this heavy lifting was done back in 1997, as far as citizens coming out and making their thoughts known to the Commission at the time. She also stated that at that time it was called a Helistop, you can read and review this at your leisure. She then stated that there is an attorney's note here it says that the applicant withdrew the helistop portion of the application at the public hearing. She stated that after reviewing all of this, why we need to make the citizens come out again to do all of this heavy lifting. She then stated that these loop holes too big and she would like to see the City draft an ordinance to simply make it illegal to have any helipads except for the emergency landings that was already discussed on any property or park when they need it. She also stated her reasons that if we allow any entity to have this right of a helipad we are going to find that this will be a continuous thing all day long. She stated that she lives under a flight pattern and the noise is unbelievable. Dr. Philips stated to Mr. Brimo what prevents different wording on another petition, can this petition be redrafted. Mr. Brimo stated that if the Board recommends that we do not move forward with the current language and rather to draft it as a prohibition and move it to the Commission with the exceptions of the emergencies as enumerated within it. Dr. Whitman stated that he wants to know the legal implications of an outright prohibition. He then asked Mr. Pepe could the City be presented with a lawsuit from a hospital. Mr. Pepe responded that he would need to research these specific circumstances. The Chairman opened the public hearing. There were no public comments. The Chairman closed the public hearing. Motion: Dr. Philips motioned for denial of the item as presented with recommendations for a rewrite. Mrs. Beckman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes 5, No 0 Mr. Greiner: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mrs. Beckman: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Ms. Fischer: Yes V. Future Meeting Dates: June 11,2013 VII. TH Adjournment: Dr. Whitman adjourned the Planning Board meeting at 9:45 PM. Z:\PB\PB Minutes\20 13 Minutes\May\PB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes -05-l4-13-Excerpt PB 13-011.docx Page 3 of3