41 RESOLUTION NO. _____ _ 2 3 A Resolution endorsing the Mayors' Climate Action Pledge, affirming support 4 for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact, agreeing to 5 consider implementing the Regional Climate Action Plan in whole or in part as 6 appropriate for each municipality, and urging all mayors of Miami-Dade 7 County to support the Mayors' Climate Action Pledge. 8 9 WHEREAS, Florida is considered one of the most vulnerable areas of the country to the 10 consequences of global climate change with Southeast Florida being at the frontline to 11 experience the impacts of a changing climate, especially sea level rise; and, 12 13 WHEREAS, in recognition of the need for immediate, coordinated and visionary action to 14 address the impacts of a changing climate and provide for economic and environmental resilience in 15 Southeast Florida, in 2010 the counties of Palm Beach, Broward, Miami-Dade and Monroe (Compact 16 Partners) entered into the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact (Compact); and 17 18 WHEREAS, further recognizing the role of State water managers and local governments in 19 this regional initiative, the South Florida Water Management District and one municipal 20 representative from each participating county were invited to participate in this early phase; and 21 22 WHEREAS, in accordance with the Compact commitment and through a two year 23 collaborative process involving nearly 100 subject matter experts representing public and private 24 sectors, universities, and not-for-profit organizations, the Compact Partners developed the Regional 25 Climate Action Plan (RCAP); and 26 27 WHEREAS, the RCAP offers recommendations that provide the common integrated 28 framework for a stronger and more resilient Southeast Florida, including: 29 30 • Providing the common framework for Sustainable Communities and Transportation Plar-ming 31 to be aligned across the region; 32 • Recognizing the need to protect and address vulnerable Water Supply; 33 • Management and infrastructure and preserve fragile Natural Systems and Agricultural 34 resources; 35 • Providing steps to move towards resilience and reducing emissions through exploring 36 alternatives and decreasing the use of Energy and Fuel; 37 • Building upon strength as effective emergency responders and integrating climate change 38 hazards in Risk Reduction and Emergency Management Planning; 39 • Providing for effective Public Outreach initiatives to educate the public on the consequences 40 of climate change and providing guidance for developing and influencing Public Policies 41 related to climate change; and 42 43 WHEREAS, recognizing that there are more than 100 municipalities within the region that 44 will play an important role in the implementation of the RCAP, the Compact Partners included 45 municipalities in the development of the RCAP; and 46 Page 1 of3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 WHEREAS, municipalities individually have been working to achieve sustainabiIity, and the RCAP presents an opportunity to align these individual local efforts with the regional framework and vision; and WHEREAS, municipalities play a key role in the annual Regional Climate Leadership Summits, participated in RCAP Working Groups and now is the time to solidify local government support to advance the RCAP; and WHEREAS, the RCAP now serves as the foundation document of Climate Resilience .. Planning as part of the seven county Prosperity Plan in support for economic development; and WHEREAS, the RCAP does not provide a mandate but rather serves as a living guidance document with options that each regional and local government may align to their own plans and adopt and utilize based on their interests and vision for the future; and WHEREAS, the willingness of counties and municipalities to jointly develop and advocate for mutually beneficial agreements, policies and strategies intended to influence regional, state and national resilience efforts advances "Good Neighbor" relationships; and WHEREAS, in 2005 the U.S. Conference of Mayors adopted the U.S. Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement (Mayors' Agreement) that became a national model for effective collaboration and the framework for more than 1,000 municipalities throughout the nation to take actions to reduce global warming and address the impacts of a changing climate (climate disruption); and WHEREAS, in 2013 the need exists for Mayors within the region of Southeast Florida to collaborate on a renewed agreement that will advance regional climate action planning within Southeast Florida efforts while continuing to advance the national goals of the U.S. Mayors' Agreement; and WHEREAS, utilizing the U.S. Mayors' Agreement as a model for influencing regional climate policies and effective public outreach, all municipalities throughout the Southeast Florida region are invited to sign on to the 2012 South Florida Mayors' Climate Action Pledge and to collaborate on implementation of the RCAP starting today and for tomorrow. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City of South Miami endorses the Mayors' Climate Action Pledge. Section 2. The City of South Miami affirms support for the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact. Section 3. The City of South Miami agrees to consider integrating the Regional Climate Action Plan framework in whole or in part as appropriate for each municipality into existing and future municipal sustainability action plans, comprehensive plans and/or climate action plans where and when appropriate and financially feasible. Section 4. City of South Miami urges all Mayors within Miami-Dade County to join the Mayors' Climate Action Pledge. Page 2 of3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Section 5. This resolution shall be effective upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this __ day of _____ , 2013. ATTEST: CITY CLERK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF CITY ATTORNEY APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Liebman: Commissioner Newman: Commissioner Harris: Commissioner Welsh: Page 3 of3 Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact WHEREAS, there is consensus among the world's leading scientists that global climate change is among the most significant problems facing the world today; and WHEREAS, Florida is considered one of the most vulnerable areas in the country to the consequences of climate change with Southeast Florida on the front line to experience the impacts of climate change, especially sea level rise; and WHEREAS, Broward, Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Monroe Counties, herein the four counties that constitute the Southeast Florida Region, share in common a strong quality of life rooted in the region's rich cultural heritage, vigorous economy, and environmental resources of global significance; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned four counties of Southeast Florida, which represent approximately 30% of the population of the State of Florida, are physically linked one to the other by the Atlantic Ocean coastline and share some of the world's most renowned natural resources such as the Everglades, our unique coral reefs, beautiful beaches, and fragile Keys ecosystem; and WHEREAS, the four counties of Southeast Florida and their respective populations, totaling more than five million residents, are expected to share in disproportionately high risks associated with climate change due to low land elevations, rising sea level projections, and anticipated increases in tropical storm events; and WHEREAS, rising sea levels could limit the effectiveness of critical drainage infrastructure, endanger beaches, and coastal natural resources and increase incidents of saltwater intrusion on the Biscayne Aquifer -putting at risk the drinking water supply for the entire population of Southeast Florida; and WHEREAS, local governments, and the region as a whole, must give significant consideration to adaptation strategies designed to protect public infrastructure, property, water resources, natural areas and native species, and basic quality of life; and WHEREAS, the aforementioned four counties of Southeast Florida account for a combined Gross Domestic Product of more than $2.5 billion annually and more than 37% of statewide economic output; and WHEREAS, while the four counties of Southeast Florida have independently taken steps to address global climate change, all parties recognize that coordinated and collective action on this, the defining issue for Southeast Florida in the 21 st Century, will best serve the citizens of the region; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARDS OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE FOUR COUNTIES OF SOUTHEAST FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That each county shall work in close collaboration with the aforementioned counties of Southeast Florida party to this compact to develop a joint policy position urging the United States Congress to pass legislation that recognizes the unique vulnerabilities of Southeast Florida to the impacts of climate change and to further a joint policy position that includes specific recommendations regarding the allocation of federal climate change funding based on vulnerability to climate change impacts. Such recommendations might include designation of areas of Southeast Florida as uniquely vulnerable and of federal interest for the purpose of securing enhanced levels of federal participation in regional adaptation projects. SECTION 2: That each county shall work in close collaboration with the other counties party to this compact to develop additional legislative policy statements relating to global climate change and future legislation to be considered by the Congress of the United States for transmittal to the Congressional Delegation representing, in part or in whole, districts within the area covered by this compact. SECTION 3: That each county shall work in close collaboration with other counties party to this compact in developing joint position statements on proposed State legislation and energy/climate policies including but not limited to issues such as the region's energy and climate security and a renewable energy portfolio standard that defines renewable energy sources as wind, solar, geothermal, biomass, landfill gas, qualified hydropower, and marine and hydrokinetic energy, and also including nuclear energy, and to collaborate on other emerging energy/climate issues that may be considered by the 2010 Florida Legislature for transmittal to the Legislative Delegation representing, in part or in whole, districts within the area covered by this compact. SECTION 4: That each county shall work with other counties party to this compact in developing joint position statements for future State legislation that may be considered by the Florida Legislature for transmittal to the Legislative Delegation representing, in part or in whole, districts within the area covered by this compact. SECTION 5: That each county shall commit appropriate staff resources and expertise, within budget constraints, to participate in a Regional Climate Team with other counties party to this compact toward the development of a Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Action Plan. SECTION 6: That each county shall work with other counties party to this compact in developing a Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Action Plan, understanding that no county will work at cross-purposes with the other counties. The Action Plan could, at a minimum, include the following components: (a) A baseline of greenhouse gas emissions for Southeast Florida; (b) Strategies for coordinated emission reductions throughout the built environment to include the use of energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the use of demand-side renewable energy resources; (c) Strategies for coordinated emission reductions from the transportation sector to include increased reliance on public transit, emerging vehicle technologies, and advanced biofuels; (d) Strategies for coordinated emission reductions resulting from changes in local and regional land use; (e) Strategies for the coordinated regional preparation for and adaptation to a rapidly changing global environment based upon regional mapping of projected sea-level rise and any resulting amplification of localized impacts of tropical cyclone events. Such strategies shall incorporate climate preparation concerns for the regional economy, regional infrastructure and the built environment, social and cultural needs, and natural systems within the four counties party to this compact. SECTION 7: That each county shall commit to participating with other counties party to this compact in hosting the Second Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Summit in October, 2010. Adopted December 8, 2009 Adopted December 1, 2009 Adopted January 20,2010 1* Adopted December 15, 2009 *City of Key West: Resolution of support for the Compact -December 15, 2009 I Second adoption date following minor changes made by partnering Counties