8CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM South Miami hOd qrrp 2001 To: The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission From: Hector Mirabile, PhD, City Manager Date: July 3 I, 2012 Agenda Item No.:_ Subject: Background: Attached Documentation: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP to represent the City as bond counsel for the tax- exempt loan to refinance City's Florida Municipal Loan Council Series 200 I A and Series 2002A Loans with a fixed attorney fee of $20,000. Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP agrees to represent the City of South Miami, Florida as bond counsel in connection with the tax-exempt loan to refinance the City's Florida Municipal Loan Council Series 200 I A and Series 2002A. The legal services rendered in connection with this matter will be a fixed fee of $20,000. In addition, any other charges made or incurred in connection with the representation, such as travel costs, photocopying, courier deliveries, long distance telephone charges, telecopier charges, filing fees, computer-assisted research, and other similar expenses. -Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP, engagement letter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 RESOLUTION NO. _____ _ A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP to represent the City as bond counsel for the tax-exempt loan to refinance City's Florida Municipal Loan Council Series 2001A and Series 2002A Loans with a fixed attorney fee of $20,000. WHEREAS Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP agrees to represent the City of South Miami, Florida as bond counsel in connection with the tax-exempt loan to refinance the City'S Florida Municipal Loan Council Series 2001A and Series 2002A; and WHEREAS, the legal services rendered in connection with this matter will be a fixed fee of $20,000. In addition, any other charges made or incurred in connection with the representation, such as travel costs, photocopying, courier deliveries, long distance telephone charges, telecopier charges, filing fees, computer-assisted research, and other similar expenses. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA THAT; Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to execute an agreement with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP to represent the City of South Miami as bond counsel in connection with the tax-exempt loan to refinance the City's Florida Municipal Loan Council Series 2001A and Series 2002A with a fixed fee of $20,000. Section 2. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of ,2012. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY CLERK MAYOR READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF CITY ATTORNEY Page 1 of 1 COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Liebman: Commissioner Newman: Commissioner Harris: Commissioner Welsh: Additions shown by underlining and deletions shown by overstriking. I I I -I ! SQUIRE(> SANDERS Mr. Hector Mirabile City Manager City of South Miami, Florida 613 0 Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 July 20,2012 Squire Sanders (US) LLP 200 ,South Biscayne Boulevard, Suile4]00 Miami, Florida 3313] 0+1305577 7000 F +1305577 7001 Squiresanders. com Luis Reiter T+J 305577 7710 Luis.reiter@squiresanders,cDm Re: Tax-Exempt Loan to Refund City's Florida Municipal Loan Council Series 2001 A and Series 2002A Loans Dear Mr. Mirabile: On behalf of Squire Sanders (US) LLP ("Squire Sanders" or the "Firm"), I am pleased to submit this letter to you, setting f011h the ten11S upon which Squu:e Sanders agrees to represent the City of South Miami, Florida (the "City") as bond counsel in connection with the proposed captioned loan (the "Loan"). A written engagement agreement is required or recommended by the law of professional ethics in the jillisdictions in which the Finn practices law. The engagement agreement between us consists of this letter and the enclosed Standard Terms and Conditions of Engagement (,"Standard Terms"). The engagement agreement is designed to address our responsibilities to each other and to outline for you certain important matters that are best established early as we f0I111 an att0111ey-client relationship with you in this matter. It is govemed by the law of Florida. We request that you review tlus agreement carefully. By proceeding with tlus engagement you will be indicating to us that you have done so. It is important that you review and understand the ten11S of our relationslup, such as the section on "Conflicts of Interest." Our professional fees for legal services rendered in cOlmection with this matter will be a fixed fee of $20,000.00. We will also bill the City for all client charges made or incilll'ed in comlection with Oill' representation, such as travel costs, photocopying, courier deliveries, long distance telephone charges, telecopier charges, filing fees, computer-assisted research and other related expenses. Please note that payment of such fees and other charges is due upon closing of the Loan or, if the Loan is abandoned or does not close by October 31, 2012, payment is due witlun thiliy days of om statement. MIAMII4280360.J Mr. Hector Mirabile City of South Miami, Florida July 20, 2012 Page 2 Any of the following altel11ative methods for acceptance of this engagement agreement will be effective: (i) signing and retul11ing a copy of tills letter, or (ii) assigning us work, including continuing any previous assiglIDlent of work, or (iii) sending us a letter or e-mail clearly referencing tlus engagement agreement and agreeing to it. However, even if you accept tlus engagement agreement by methods eii) or (iii), I would appreciate it if you would confinn your acceptance by countersigning a copy of this letter and returning it to me. If you do not agree with one or more of the provisions of the engagement agreement, please contact me so that we can try to address your concerns. Th1'Oughout our relationshlp, we want you to be satisfied with the professional services that we perfonn on your behalf. Accordingly, we encourage you to contact us just as soon as you have any questions or concerns regarding our services or our fees. Letter and Standard Tel'ms Accepted, including section on "Conflicts of Interest" CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA By: Hector Mirabile City Manager LR:ge Enclosure MIAMlJ4280360.1 Date: ______ ,2012 SQUIRE(} SANDERS The Engagement Agreement between us consists of the accompanying cover letter and, as applicable, any separate Matter Acknowledgment Letter (collectively and individually "Engagement Letter"). It also consists of Terms and Conditions of Engagement applicable worldwide and. any TemlS and Conditions of Engagement appllcable for particular jurisdictions (collectively and individually "Standard Terms and Conditions of Engagemenf' or "Standard Temls"). ~he Engagement Agreement is the means by wl1lch you are retaining the Firm (as defIned in these Standard Terms and also referred to as "us" or "we" or "Squire") to provide legal services. "You" and "yours" refers to our client(s) defined more fully below in the section entitled WHO IS OUR CLIENT. For your convenience, set forth below are the topics covered in these Standard Tenns: The Firm ........................................................... 1 What Professionals Will Provide the Legal Sel~ices? .......•.•.••••.........•.......•......•..•.•.............• 2 Our Services to you ......................................... 2 Who Is Our Client? ......................................... 2 Conflicts of Interest ........... ; ............................. 3 Termination of Representation ...................... 4 How We Set Our Fees ..................................... 5 Other Cha .. ges .................................................. 6 Billing Arrangements and Payment Terms ................................................................ 7 Revenue and Expense Sharing in Networks and Othel' Relationships with Independent Law Firms ....................................................... t 7 Taxes .................................................................... 8 Data Protection and Privacy .......................... 8 Client and Firm Documents ........................... 8 Equality and Divel'sity .................................... 8 Disclosure of Your Name ............................... 8 Firm Attorney Client Privilege ....................... 9 Severability ....................................................... 9 Pl'imacy ............................................................ 9 M1AMII4280360.1 Entire Agreenlent ............................................. 9 Governing Law ................................................. 9 In Conclusion .................................................... 9 THEFlRM The "Finn" or "Squire" means, as the case may be, either Squire Sanders (US) LLP' or Squire Sanders (UK) LLP,2 or, when necessruy or appropriate under the law of a pruticular jurisdiction, an affiliate lawfully pennitted to practice law in that jurisdiction. "Squire Srulders" is the collective trade name for an intemational legal practice of which those entities are the practising entities. Your engagement in this instrulce is with the enti,tt which sent you the cover letter accomprulymg these Standard Terms. Still, Squire Sanders attol11eys worldwide ru'e available to meet your needs and thus Squire Srulders personnel from other Squire Srulders entities may be selected to serve you whatever Squire Sanders entity you contract with. The use of "Squire Srulders" as a trade or business name or brand by all or any of such entities shall not imply that the international legal practice is itself engaged ill the provision of legal or othel' services. Please see www.squiresal1ders.col11 for further information. This agreement shall apply to all matters for which you might now or in the future request our assistance. unless of course you and we agree in the future to an updated version of this engagement agreement or to a new or revised 1 Squire Sanders (US) LLP is a limit~d liability partnership organized under (he laws of the State of 01110, USA. 2 Squire Sanders (UK) LLP (trading as Squire Sanders Hammonds) is a limited liability partnership registered in England and ~1l1es with number DC 335584 and regulated by the SOltCitOfS Regulation Authority. A list of the members and their ~rofessional qualifications is open to inspection at 7 Devonslme Square, London, EC2M 4YH. > Squire Sanders includes partnerships or other enti~ies in a number of different nations. Due (0 local laws on regulatIon of the legal profession, the formal legal nanle may differ in some nations. engagement agreement expressly refelTing to and supcrseding this agreement in whole or in Palt We encourage you to retain this agreement. WHAT PROFESSIONALS WILL PROVIDE THE LEGAL SERVICES? In most cases one Squire attomey will be your principal contact. From time to time that attorney may delegate p31is of your work to other lawyers or to legal assistants or nonlegal personnel in the Firm or to outside "contract" perSOlll1el. OUR SERVICES TO YOU 111 our letter that presents these Standard Terms to . you, or in a separate Matter Acknowledgement Letter, we will specifY the matter or case in which we will be representing you. Unless we agree in writing to expand the scope of our representation, an impOliant part of our agreement is that we 31'e not your counsel in other matters, and you will 110t rely upon us to provide legal services for matters other th311 that described in the relevant letter. For example, unless specified in the relevant letter, our representation of you does not include any responsibility for: review of your insurance policies to detennine the possibility of coverage relating to this matter; for notification of your insurance Call1erS about the matter; advice to you about your disclosure obligations under U.S. securities laws OJ' any other laws OJ' regulations; or advice on tax consequences. If at any time you do not have a clear understanding of the legal services to be provided or if you have questions regarding the scope of our services, we are relying on you to communicate with us. We will apply our professional skill, experience and judgment to achieve your objectives in accordance with the honored stand31'ds of our profession that all attorneys are required to uphold, However, we can110t guarantee the outcome of any matter, Any expression of our professional judgment regarding your matter or the potential outcome is, of course, limited by our lmowledge of the facts and based on the law MIAMI/4280360.! 2 at the time of expression. It is also subject to IDly unknown or unceltain factors or conditions beyond our co111.1'o1, including the unpredictable human element in the decisions of those with whom we deal in undeltaldng your representation. The confidentiality of protected client il1fonnation (known as "confidences" and "secrets" in some jurisdictions and as "infOlmation relating to the representation of a client" in others) will be maintained inviolate in accordance with the applicable law of professional ethics, except to the extent necess31Y to fUlihel' your interests or as authorized by applicable law. Your responsibilities to us in each representation that you ask us to undertake include providing full, complete and accurate instructions and other information to us in sufficient time to enable us to provide our services effectively. WHO IS OUR CLIENT? An essential condition of our representation is that our only client is the person or entity identified in the accompanying letter. In the absence of 311 express identification of our client in the text of the letter, our client is the person or entity to whom the letter is addressed even though in celiain instIDlces the payment 'of our fees may be the responsibility of others. In situations in which OUl' client is an entity, we have addressed the letter to an authorized representative of the client. Throughout these standard tenns, "you" refers to the entity that is our client, not the individual addressed. Unless specifically stated in our letter, our representation of you does not extend to any of your affiliates and we do not assume any duties with respect to your affiliates. For example, if you are a corporation, our representation does not include any of your direct or indirect p31'ents, subsidiaries, sister corporations, pminerships, partners, joint ventures, joint venture pminers, IDly entities in which you own an interest, or, for you or your affiliates, al1y employees, officers, directors, or shareholders, If you are a partnership or limited liability company, our representation does not extend to the individual prutners of the partnership or members of the limited liability company, If you are a joint venture, our representation does not extend to the pmticipants, If you ru'e a trade association, our representation excludes members of the trade association, If you are a govemmental entity, our representation does not include other governmental entities, including other agencies, depaliments, bureaus, bom'ds or other parts of the same level of govemment. If you are 811 individual, our representation does not include your spouse, siblings, or other family members, If you ru'e a trust, you are our only client. The benefi.ciru'ies are not our clients, nor is the trustee in any capacity other than as the fiduciru.y for the pru.ticldru.' trust in our representation, It would be necessary for affiliates, including all those listed above, to enter into a written engagement agreemellt with us much like this one before they would become clients and we would assume duties towards them, You should know that our engagement agreements with a number of other clients have a similar provision. If you provide us wi11I any confidential infonnation of your affiliates or any other entities or individuals during our representation of you, we will treat it as your infonnation and maintain its confidentiality in accordrulce with our duties to you as our client, but you are 111e exclusive pmiy to whom we owe duties regru.'ding such information, Except as specifically agreed by both of us, the advice ruld communications that we render on your behalf are not to be disseminated to or relied upon by any 0111er patties without our written consent. CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Since legal practice first began under the name Squire Srulders over 100 yeru.'s ago, thousands of corporations, other businesses, individuals, gove111mentaI bodies, trusts, estates, and other clients have asked Squire Sanders attomeys to MJAMJ/4280360.1 3 represent them, Information on the nature of the Finn's clients and practice is available at ht1.p://www.squiresal1ders.com and upon request. Because of the broad base of clients 111at Squire represents on a variety of legal matters, it is possible that you may find yourself in a position adverse to aIlOther Squire Sanders client in counseling, litigation, business negotiations, or some other legal matter in which we do not represent you, Accordingly, following an insurer's recolllmendation we adopted the following model language recommended: You agree that we may continue to represent or may undertake in the future to represent existing or new clients in ru.lY matter that is not substru.1tially related to our work for you even if the interests of such clients in those other matters are directly adverse to yoW" interests provided such work does not compromise our duty and loyaliy to you, We agree, however, 111at your prospective consent to conflicting representation contained in 11le preceding sentence shall not apply in any instru1ce where, as a result of our representation of you, we have obtained proprietary or other confidential infonnatiol1 of a nOll-public nature, 11lat, if known to such other client, could be used in any such other matter by such client to your material disadvantage. In similru.' engagement agreements with a number of our other clients, we have asked for similar agreements to preserve our ability to represent you. TERMINATION OF REPRESENTATION You may terminate our representation at any time, with or without cause, upon written notice to us. After receiving such notice, we will cease to render services to you as soon as allowed by applicable law and ethical and/or COUlt rules, which may include comt approval of our withdrawal from litigation, Your termination of our services will not affect your responsibility for payment of legal services rendered and other charges incuned bo111 before termination and afterwards in connection with an orderly trru.lsition of the matter, including fees and other charges ru'ising in connection with any traIlsfer of files to you or to other counsel, and you agree to pay all such amounts in advance upon request. You agree that the Firm has the right to withdraw from its representation of you if continuing the representation might preclude its continuing representation of existing clients on matters adverse to you or if there are any circumstances even arguably raising a question implicating professional ethics, for example, because a question arises about the effectiveness or enforceability of this engagement agreement, or a question arises about conduct addressed by it, or an apparent conflict is tlu'ust upon Squire by circumstances beyond its reasonable control, such as by a corporate merger or a decision to seek to join litigation that is already in progress, or there is an attempt to withdraw consent. In any of these circumstances, you agree that Squire would have the right to withdraw fi'om the representation. Regardless of whether you or we tel1ni11ate the representation, we would (with your agreement) assist in the transition to replacement counsel by taking reasonable steps in accordance with applicable ethical rules designed to avoid foreseeable prejudice to your interests as a consequence of the tenninatioll. You agree that regardless of whether you or we terminate the representation (A) we would be paid by you for the work perfonl1ed prior to termination; (B) our representation of you prior to any termination would 110t preclude Squire Sanders fTom undettaking or continuing any representation of another party; and (C) as a result of Squire Sanders' representation of another party you would not al'gue or otherwise use our representation of you prior to any tennination to contend that Squire Sanders should be disqualified. When we complete the specific services you have retained us to perform, our attol11ey-client relationship for that matter will be tenuil1ated at that time regardless of any later billing period. To eliminate Ullcetiain1y, our representation of you ends in ally event whenever there is no outstanding request fi'om you for our legal services that requires our immediate action and more than six (6) months (180 days) have passed since our last recorded time for you in the MIAMII4280360.1 4 representation, unless there is clear and convincing evidence of our mutual understallding that the representation has not come to an end. After termination, if we choose to perfonn administrative or limited filing services on your behalf, including but not limited to receiving alld advising you of a notice under a contl"act, lease, conserit order, or other document with continuing effect, or filing routine or repeated submissions or renewals in intel1ectual propeliy or other matters, or advising you to take action, our representation of you lasts only for the brief period in which our task is performed, unless you retain us in writing at that time to perf 01111 fur111er or additional services. After termination, if you later retain us to perform nnther or additional services, our attorney-cHent relationship will commence again subject to these terms of engagement unless we both Challge the terms in writing at that time. Following termination of our representation. changes may occur in applicable laws 111at could impact your future rights and liabilities, Unless you actually engage us in writing to provide additional advice on issues arising from 11le matter after its completion, the Finn has no continuing obligation to advise you with respect to future legal developments. During or following our representation of you, we will be entitled to recover from you fees for any time spent and other charges, calculated at the then applicable rates if we are asked to testify or provide information in writing as a result of our representation of you or ally legal requirements, or if our records from our representation of you al'e demanded, or if any claim is brought against the Firm or any of its personnel based on your actions or omissions (in addition to allY other costs involving the claim), or if we must defend the confidentiality of your communications under the attorney-client or ally other legal professional privilege (in which case we wiIlto the extent that circumstances permit make reasonable effOJis to inform you of the requirement made upon us and give you the opportunity to waive privilege). HOW WE SET OUR FEES Unless another basis for billing is established in this engagement agreement, we will bill you monthly for the professional fees of attorneys, paralegals, and other personnel incun-ed on your behalf based on their applicable rates and the number of hours they devote to your representation. Overall fees will be in acc?rd with the factors in the applicable rules govermng professional responsibility. The billing rates of the personnel initially assigned to your representation are generally specified h~ ~le accompanying engagement letter. The bllllI1g rates of our attorneys and paralegals vary, depending generally upon the experi~nce al1d capabilities of the attol1ley or paralegal mvolve~. Unless otherwise agreed in writing, we wlll cllarge you for their services at their applicable rates. Our hourly billing rates are adjusted from time to time, usually at the beginning of each year, both on a selected 8l1d finn wide basis. In addition, as persoll11el gain experience and demonstrate improved skills over time, they may advance into categories that generally have higher hourly billing rates. Advancements to a higher category are typically made annually. Upon any adjustment in the applicable rates, we will charge you the adjusted rates. At times clients ask us to estimate the total fees and other charges that they are likely to incur in cOlUlection with a particular matter. Whenever possible, we are pleased to respond to such requests with an estimate or proposed budget. StilI, it must he recognized that our fees are often influenced by factors that are both beyond our con1TOl and unforeseeable. This is patticularly true in litigation and other a~v.oca~y contexts in which much of the actJvlty IS controlled by the opposing patties and the Judge, Arbitrator or other decision-maker. Accordingly, such an estimate or proposal carries the understanding that, unless we agree otherwise in writing, it does not represent a maximum, minimum, or fixed fee quotation. The ultimate cost fiequently is more or Jess than the amount estimated. Accordingly, we have made no commitment· to you concerning the maximum fees and costs that will be necessary to resolve or complete this matter. We will not MIAMJJ4280360_ I 5 be obliged to continue work if the fees or other charges accrued on a matter reach an estimate previously given and a revised estimate catmot be agreed. It is also expressly understood that payment of our fees and charges is in no way contingent on the ultimate outcome of the matter. OTHER CHARGES As an adjunct to providing legal services, we may incur and pay a variety of charges all your behalf or charge for celtain ancillary SUppOlt services. Whenever we incur such charges all your behalf or charge for such atlcillruy support services, we bill them to you separately or arrange forthem to be billed to you directly. We may also require atl adVatlCe payment from you for such charges. These chat'ges typically relate to long-distance telephone calls; messenger, courier, ruld express delivelY services; facsimile ruld similat' communications; document printing, reproduction, scanning, imaging and rela~ed expenses; tr8l1slations ruld related charges; fihng fees; depositions and transcripts; witness fees; travel expenses; computer research; ruld chru'ges made by third patties (such as outside expelts and consultants, printers, appraisers, local ruld foreign counsel, govenllnent agencies, airlines, hotels and the like, which chru-ges by third patties shall not be incUlTed without the written consent by the City Manager in each instance). Other chru'ges will generally be itemized on your bill atld will also be subject to VAT where , . applicable. Any bank chru-ges which we ll1c~r when making check payments or telegrapluc transfers of money will be charged to you inclusive of a hruldlhlg fee. Our chru'ges for these anciIlaty suppod services generally reflect our direct and indirect costs, but chru'ges for celtain items exceed our actual costs. For some services, particularly those that involve significant technology and/or support services provided by the Finn (such as imaging documents ruld computer research), we attempt from time to time to reduce costs by contracting with vendors to purchase a minimum volume of service that is beyond the needs of any single client. In tllOse cases, we may bill you at a per unit rate that may not reflect the quantity discounts we obtain. In many cases the total quantity that will be used by all clients of the Firm over a year or other period of time is not certain. Our charge for fax services is typically based on a charge per page rather th811 the cost of the telephone usage. In the event 81ly of our statements for such services are not paid by their due dates, you agree that we have the right not to advance 81ly further amounts on your behalf. Wllen you send us a Jetter at the request of your auditors asking us for a response all any loss contingencies, we wiII charge you a fixed fee for our response that varies with the level of difficulty of the response. Letter Type Description Rate Clean No litigation reported US $550 Nonnal 1-3 cases US $850 Extraordin81Y >3 cases US $1,350 Update Update of prior US $400 response Verifying no No-Services work for client US $75 during fiscal ye81' Where we engage others to act 011 your behalf we do so as your agent and we will not be responsible for any act or omission of those p81ties. Notwithstrulding our advance payments of any charges, you will be solely responsible for all invoices issued by third parties. It is our policy to arrange for outside providers of services involving relatively substantial charges (such as the fees of outside consultants, expert witnesses, appraisers, and court repOlters) to bill you directly. Prompt payment by you of invoices generated by third-p81ty vendors is often essential to our ability to deliver legal services to you. Accordingly, you agree that we have the right to treat any failure by you to pay such invoices in a timely manner to be a material breach of your obligation to cooperate with us. MTAMU4280360. I 6 BILLING ARRANGEMENTS AND PAYMENT TERMS We will bill you on a regular basis -normally, each month -for both fees 81ld other charges. You agree to make payment within 30 days of the date of our statement, unless a different period of time is specified in the Engagement Letter. If you have any issue with our statement, you agree to raise it specifically before 30 days fTom the date of our statement or any other due date established in an Engagement Letter. If the issue is not immediately resolved, you agree to pay all fees and other charges not directly affected by the issue before 30 days from the original bill or any other due date established in an Engagement Letter and all amounts affected by the issue within 10 days of its resolution. If we have rendered a final bill and we become liable for otller charges incurred on your behalf, we will be entitled to render a further bill or bills to recover those amounts. In the event that a statement is not paid in full before 30 days from tlle date of oW" statement or any other due date established in an Engagement Letter, interest and/or late ch81'ges will be imposed on 81ly unpaid fees and/or costs at the combined rate of eight percent (8%) per amlUm or at 81ly lower rate legally required by a p81ticular jurisdiction. If the cover letter accomp81willg these Standard Tenns of engagement specifies an event or 811 alte111ate date upon which payment is due, interest andlor late charges will be imposed on any unpaid fees 81ld/or costs 30 days after the specified event or date or any otller period specified in an Engagement Letter. The purpose of the late payment ch81'ge is to encourage prompt payment, thus reducing our billing and collection costs. In addition, if your account becomes delinquent and satisfactory payment tem1S are not arranged, we may postpone or defer providing additional services or withdraw, or seek to withdraw, from the representation consistent with applicable rules. You will remain responsible for payment of our legal fees rendered and charges incurred prior to 'such withdrawal. If our representation ofyolJ results in a monetary recovery by litigation Or ru'bitratiol1 awru-d, judgment, or settlement, or by other realization of proceeds, then (when permitted by applicable law) you hereby grant us an attorneys' lien all those funds in the runount of any sums due us. We look to you, the client, for payment regardless of whether you are insured to cover the pat1icular risk. From time to time, we assist clients in pursuing third parties for recovery of attomeys' fees ruld other costs arising from our services. These situations include payments under contracts, statutes or insurance policies, However, it remains your obligation to pay all runounts due to us before expiration of 30 days from the date of our statement unless a different period is established in rul Engagement Letter. REVENUE AND EXPENSE SHARING JN NETWORKS AND OTHER RELATIONSIllPS WITH INDEPENDENT LAW FIRMS We have relationships with selected other independent law fmns with offices ill locations outside the United States where we do not have a Squire Sanders office. These include the Squire Srulders Legal Counsel Worldwide Network, a network of independent firms that share resources and work together to serve clients. Unless we actually fonn all attorlley- client relationship with a client of such a selected independent law firm, such a pruty is not our client for any purpose, including conflicts of interests. In millly cases we share revenues atld expenses with such finus in a mutual relationship designed for multiple matters 011 a continuing basis over a substrultial period of time. For example, each member of the Squire Sanders Legal Counsel Worldwide Network pays a base membership fee, with additional membership fees payable based on the cumulative runount of business referred to each member firm from members of the network. These fee and expense arrangements are intended to cover expenses of the network and encourage its use. We will not increase our fee to you for the purpose of recovering any amounts paid to the network or shared with another law firm. Other law finns with which MIAMIJ4280360.1 7 we have relationships, whether or not prut of the network, are required to observe the same restriction. TAXES You will be responsible for any applicable VAT or other sales tax that any jurisdiction may impose on our fees and other charges for this representation. Data Protection and Privacy We will comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations for any personal data which you provide to us; and we will assume that you have complied with your own similar obligations. We may process your personal data to enable us to provide you with legal and related services, for administrative purposes, and to comply with laws atId regulations. We may share the personal data you provide to us with some or all of our offices around the world and with other third parties who provide services to us or on our behalf, provided that 011 each occasion we take steps to ensure that the data is reasonably safeguarded. CLIENT AND FIRM DOCUMENTS We will maintain any documents you furnish to us in our client files for this matter. At the conclusion of the matter (or earlier, if appropriate), it is your obligation to advise us promptly as to which, if any, of the documents in our files you wish us to turn over to you. At your request, your papers and property will be returned to you promptly upon receipt of payment for outstanding fees and other chat·ges. Your documents will be turned over to you in accordance with ethical requirements and subject to any lien that may be created by law for payment of any outstanding fees and costs. We may keep a copy of your files, made at your expense, if you ask us to retu111 or transfer your files. We will retain our own documents and files, including our drafts, notes, internal memos, administrative records, time and e:>"')Jense 1'ep011s, billing and financial infonnation, accounting records, conflict checks, personnel materials, and work product, such as drafts, notes, internal memoranda, and legal and factual research, including investigative reports, and other materials prepared by or for the intemal use of our lawyers. All such documents retained by the Finn will be transfelTed to the person responsible for administering our records retention program. For various reasons, including the minimization of unneceSSaIY storage chaI'ges, we have the right to destroy or otherwise dispose of any such documents or other materials retained by us seven yeaI's after the tennination of the engagement, unless applicable law permits a shorter period for preservation of documents or requires a longer period, or unless a different period is specified in a special written agreement signed by both of us. EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY We have a written Equality and Diversity policy to which we seek to adhere at all times in the perfonnance of our services. A copy will be provided to you upon your written request and is available on the Finn's website at http://diversi1y.sguiresanders.com/en- US/lmshome.aspx. DISCLOSURE OF YOUR NAME We are proud to serve you as legal counsel and hope to share that infonnation with other clients aIld prospective clients. On occasion, we provide names of cunent clients in marketing materials and on our Web site. We may include your name on a list of representative clients. We may also prepare lists of representative transactions or other representations, ex.cluding of course any we believe are sensitive. If you prefer that we refrain from using your name and representation ill this manner, please advise us in writing. FIRM ATTORNEY/CLIENT PRIVILEGE If we detemline during the course of the representation that it is either neceSSaIY or appropriate to consult with the Finn's Ethics Attorneys, other specially designated Finn MIAMI/4280360.1 8 attorneys or outside counsel, we have your consent to do so and that our representation of you shall 110t diminish the attorney-client privilege that Squire has to protect the confidentiality of our communications with such counsel. SEVERABILITY In the event that any provision or pad of this agreement, including any letters expressly stated to be part of the agreement, should be unenforceable under the law of the controlling jurisdktion, the remainder of this agreement shall remain in force and shall be enforced in accordance with its tenns. PRIMACY Unless ex.pressly superseded by explicit reference the sections "Who is our Client" and/or "Conflicts of Interest" are fully effective notwithstaIlding another provision in case of any duplication and to the fullest ex.tent possible in case of inconsistency. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This agreement supersedes all other prior and contemporaneous written aIId oral agreements aIld underStaIldings between us aIld contains the entire agreement between us. This agreement may be modified only by a signed written agreement by you and by us. You acknowledge that no promises have been made to you other thaIl those stated in the agreement. GOVERNlNG LAW Unless otherwise specified in the letter accompaIwing these Standru'd Tenns, all questions arising under or involving this engagement or concerning rights and duties between us will be govemed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the lawyer sending you this agreement has his or her principal office, ex.cluding choice of law provisions that might select the law of a different jurisdiction. When another jurisdiction provides that its law will govel1l non'lithstanding any agreement, that other law may of course control, at least on certain questions. IN CONCLUSION We look fOl'ward to a mutually satisfying relationship with you. If you have any questions about, or if you do 110t agree with one or more of these terms aJld conditions, please communicate with your principal contact at the Finn so that we can try to address your concel1ls. Your principal contact CaJl recommend changes that will be effective once you receive written notice of approval of any revisions, which, depending on the nature of the request, will be made by a Pru1:ner in Finn Management and/or an Ethics Partner. Thank you. M1AMI/4280360. I 9