11To: From: Date: Subject: Background: Expense Attachments: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission Hector Mirabile, PhD, City Manager f ( January 24, 2012 2001 II A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to extend the Lobbying Services contract charged to account 001-1310-513-3450 to June 30, 2012, from the expiration date of March 7, 2012, to Gomez Barker and Associates, Inc. The current Lobbying Services contract expires March 7, 2012. The one-year contract was awarded to Gomez Barker and Associates as a result of a competitive bid and generally covers the state legislative session that typically begins in March of each year. Staff was planning to solicit proposals for a new contract term however, the state legislature convened in January this year mainly due to redistricting activity. As you are aware, redistricting occurs every I O-years after completion of the census. In addition, special sessions can also be called. According to the state constitution, the session lasts 60 days (including weekends) so that makes the last day of session March 9th • Nothing precludes the session from ending earlier. In addition, "extended sessions" or "special sessions" are always possible. Special sessions take place when a regular session concludes and either by an act of the Governor or a joint resolution of the Speaker and Senate President who can call a special session. Extended sessions are done by a joint resolution of the Speaker and President for a determined amount of time. During this time, all bills are still alive and can be voted on. Furthermore, since the legislature is currently in session, it is not in the best interest of the City to potentially to be without a lobbyist, or change lobbyist in midstream during the current legislative session. Extending the contract to June 30, 2012 will take us through the legislative session and, any special session activity. The extension will also provide for sufficient time to solicit for new proposals; well in time before the beginning of next year's legislative session. The lobbying firm has agreed to continue billing the City at the rate of $4,000 per month as per the current price schedule in the contract. $12,000 Resolution Contract extension to June 30, 2012 Lobbying Services Contract 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 RESOLUTION ___ _ A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to extend the Lobbying Services contract charged to account #001-1310-513-3450 to June 30, 2012, from the expiration date of March 7, 2012, to Gomez Barker and Associates, Inc. WHEREAS, the City requires lobbying services at the state legislature level; and WHEREAS, the current Lobbying Services contract expires March 7, 2012 prior to the end of the 2012 legislative session; and WHEREAS, the City has determined it is in its best interest to continue with the current lobbying firm, Gomez Barker and Associates, Inc., through the completion of the 2012 legislative session; and WHEREAS, Gomez Barker and Associates, Inc., will charge the City the monthly contract rate of $4,000 per month in the current agreement through the extension period, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manger is hereby authorized to extend the Lobbying Services agreement with Gomez Barker and Associates, Inc., to June 30, 2012 at the current monthly contract rates and charged to account #001-1310-513-5450. Section 2. Severability. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 3. Effective Date: This resolution shall take effect immediately upon enactment. PASSED AND ENACTED this __ day of ____ --', 2012. ATIEST: APPROVED: CITY CLERK MAYOR 1 2 3 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM, LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF CITY ATTORNEY COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Newman: Commissioner Palmer: Commissioner Beasley: Commissioner Harris: Mr. Hector Mirabile City Manager City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 Dear Hector: January 28,2012 Government Relations & Public Affairs Counselors 2350 Coral Way, Suite 301 Miami, Florida 33145 Telephone (305) 860-0780 Facsimile (305) 860-0580 I am proud of the value-added that our services provide to the City of South Miami and our long record of success on its behalf. From preserving local governing prerogatives to protecting the revenue base, our firm is at the forefront of legislative issues affecting the residents of South Miami and we are pleased to agree to an extension of our existing agreement, under the same terms and conditions as currently in place, to June 30 th • Please sign in the space provided and forward an executed copy of this letter for our files. Thank you. ~ ~;----. Fausto B. Gomez ---------------70----I Hector Mirabile ( .) ~ _ i-~O~ ..... 01_30-2 012 \ N AGJ,{!j:EMENT FORPROFESSIONALSERVtcES Agreement is made this Silt of MllfCh,2()Ubrtween T!J.e City of South 'Miami (herein~ftef referred to .Ill! . "South MilllUi") and Gomez Barker Al;sodates, Jnc., (hereinafter referred to as "Gomez Barker'~. \VfIEREAS, South MilllUi <\esires tllllt Gomez Barker make available its set:Yices a,ssve(,li~ed in this <\Ocl1lUent,in support of its llovernment feJationS!)lld pul1!ic: affairs ·effotts; and )ylij:lREA,S, Gomez Barker hasspecial.~tofessi91l81 {jlllllificatiollsitlslli4 sen;ces and is willing and able to provide same undertlle tColqns !)Ilil·conditions set forth hi this docmnetit; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties do mutually agree as follows:· 'b ~everiod of this agreement shall be from MarchS th,2011 JllitilMarch 7'\2012, inclusive. . Thia ;''.."gl,e~flt Willr~' ®>~~I'ally ~raRadditiaflal $'.Vi). (2) ye<lfS, .at the .sfJ!e .. El1s<lffJdClfl ef$euihMiami,aHthe. . anniff~atyMt.e .1mIess ~~by .~.'./.J .~~ ...... ~ .. (3.~ El~y '.'llil:t6fl·l'!iltieetmi;lF tethe ~irati.*Elaw. (1r'" . r: 2; FC!f the.Perfol1)1;i11ce .of .... eserviees described in fu.e l'\ttac!J.edSc!J.eclule A <Sc;ope of ... Work),. South Miami shall I>~y. GOffie~ Barker the compensation provided for in theattac:hed Sc!J.edule 13 (Colllpensation). 3. Gomez Barket ilgrees topenorm its services Wj.th fu.at standard. of care,skill, lind dlligenceno1'li18l1yprovidedby aprofeasioriill organlziltion In th'lprnormtm()'lof simil~ services. It is understood that Gom'lz. 5~kermllstI>'lrf0rm. the. services based, in part, on inforrnatlonprovi<!",d 'by South Millffii and GomeZ Barker shall be entitled to rely on sllcl), ipforrnation.Gotnez Barker agrllesth!ttw'!Ysuc4 infoJ:mation provided to it shall only be used for the petfol'lllance of this engagemellt. . 4.. It is under$toodlllld agreed that GotnezBarker Isacti.1lll Ill! ap independent conttactof.and not as llll emp!oyee of South Miami. 5. Gomez Barker ~ees that illl :acts tob.e perfqqxied by Ifip cOnnection With this Agteellimtl1lust 1)e penorrnedins!!,ict collfoJ:mitY with all ~licab1e lawstmd regulations of federill, state, tmd locill jurisdictions. 6. South Millffilnwy t.eJ:minate t!J.is ... A,greeffi~ntfor cause.. A terminiltion forc.a.use ffi8,Y0(l(,lut d.1l1l to: 1) Gqmez Barker's willful.miscon<iJlct .. or lltqssnegligellce;. or 2) Gomez. Barker'sconsc.iOlls <!isr'lgard 9fitsoblig~tjons hereunder or of $II1Y other <!utlesreetsqnablYlll!signed by South Miami. Such termination $!J.alI not be effe()uYe if tI1~t~Il\lse 4a~ been remedied within thirty (3D) days after Goniez Barker receives Written notice. 7. Awruver by. eitl1er p!!rly olany of the tetins and c?itdiuons, provisions, or covenattts of this Agreement in any instan¢e shalJ not be deemed Of c()!l?trued.to be. II waiV¢f of any $uch Illrm,c?!ldition, provisi()n, or covenant for the future, .or ofl\IlYsubsequent br~h of same. 8. This AgreementcoliStitu~s tI1e¢ntireagfeeme!lt between the partiesl\Ild supersedesllllotl1er agreements· or tiridefStalldings, Wiittenor oral, prior to the sigrullgOfthis document. 9 . The lllWs oftpe St$ Of florida govern allquestiorts with respect to this Agreement, and the rights and liabilities of the parties. IN WITNESS Vi1:IPRE9f, tI1epatiies have caused this Agreenient to be dIily executedlhe day and yelU' fitstabove written ~ ~£2 .. Hector Mirabile, PhI). ~ Fausto B.Gomez SCHEDULE A This sets forth the planned work content in accordance with the tenn and provisions of this Agreement. Gomez Barker believes that effective lobbying is based on a series of interrelated elements and these constitute its approach. In order to secure the public policy objectives of South Miami, Gomez Barker will undertake the tasks described below: Intelligence and Communication -Fundamental to the ability to impact state policy or obtaIn state financial support is a basic comprehension of the law and administrative rules; the ability to learn of the existence and content of proposals to modify them; and the competency to evaluate the effect of those changes. By knowing how govennnent works and having access to infonnation and the ability to assess it,. Gomez Barker is able to identify opportunities or anticipate problems and thus gauge their impact on the interests of South Miami. The principal and staff of Gomez Barker regularly review legislative reports and meet with legislators, legislative staff, and executive and agency personnel in order to detennine Wl1at issues or initiatives they are planning or are of concem. This provides an appreciation of the prospects for securing resources or favorable changes to law and has proved useful in helping understand the policy and budgetary context in which decisions are likely. This is also crucial to fonnuiating a successful legislative strategy. Prior to the beginning of the legislative calendar, Gomez Barker would "trail balloon" South Miami's legislative plan in order to obtain first-hand knowledge of how decision-makers would view and receive it and what modifications, if any, may need to be made. Preparation -The legislative requirements of South Miami should be reflective of its public policy goals and the information obtained by Gomez Barker through the process described above. In order fur it to be viable, the program must have concise and defined goals and every item must be specific, measurable, achievable, and reasonable. Gomez Barker will prepare an annual legislative program, including substantive changes to law and budget requests, and assist in the drafting of legislation and presentation materials, as well as the positioning of appropriations items. Presentation. Lobbying. and Monitoring -Gomez Barker will provide year- round, full-time lobbying and representation at both the legislative and executive agency levels in order to secure approval of South Miami' s budget and policy requests. It maintains fully staffed offices in Miami and Tallahassee from which lobbying, review of agency actions, monitoring, and fu llow-up occurs. Gomez Barker will represent South Miami at all pertinent ' substantive and appropriations committee meetings and in front of all levels of state government. The firm will testify and articulate South Miami's interests during the drafting and deliberation process, either in individual meetings or in front of committees, andlor arrange for South Miami officials or staff to testify. Additionally, Gomez Barker subscribes to a comprehensive leglslative data service that fumishes real-time information on the status of bills, legislative calendars, revenue forecasts, and agency actions. Involvement and Coordination -South Miami officials will be encouraged to communicate with policy-makers and to visit Tallahassee during specific times of the legislative year. These communications and visits would be planned and coordinated by Gomez Barker who will schedule meetings, review materials and correspondence, brief the participants prior to any meetings, and perform any necessary follow-up activities. Collateral Support -In order to broaden South Miami's reach and legislative base of support, Gomez Barker will identify other organizations that share common legislative goals and, as appropriate, coordinate lobbying strategy with them. These may include, among others, the Florida and Miami-Dade League of Cities or the Florida Association of Counties. The fum will also review the legislative goals of these and other entities and, when necessary, work to stop any legislation or initiative that may have a negative impact on South Miami's interests. Reporting -Fast and accurate reporting about the status of leglslation, budget requests, or any other important issue will be > through written progress reports, meetings, andlor telephone contact. Public Affairs -Gomez Barker will promote South Miami and its agenda to leglslators, legislative staff, and executive officials so that a full understanding of South Miami's unique characteristics and contributions will facilitate legislative requests. SCHEDULED This sets forth the compensation payable by South Miami to Gomez Barker in accordance with the terms set forth in the Agreement. I. Total professional compensation is $48,000 per annum. This shall be paid on the basis of a monthly retainer of $4,000 per month, the first payment due upon the date of this agreement and continuing on the 1st day of each month until it conclusion. Invoices will be submitted and are due when rendered. 2. South Miami agrees to reimburse Gomez Barker for any reasonable and appropriate expense, extraordinary in nature and incurred only with the prior approval of South Miami in the course of performing the services specified in this document. Gomez Barker will provide any and all documentation in connection with any reimbursable expenses incurred.