12CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM South Miami TO: The Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Commission H,cto, M;"bU, Ph.D .. C;'Y "'""gee (11 .., December 20, 20 I I Agenda Item No.:l_fI'_ DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: GRANTORl GRANT AMOUNT: GRANT PERIOD: ATTACHMENTS: A resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend fiscal year 20 I 0 Community Development Block Grant agreement with Miami-Dade County's Department of Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD) to extend the expiration date from September 30, 20 I I to September 30, 2012 for the SW 64th Street Corridor Improvements Project -Phase I in the amount of $50,000. Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD) awarded the City of South Miami the SW 64th Street Improvement Project - Phase I with an expiration date of September 30, 20 I I in the amount of $50,000. The agreement will provide funding for upgrading of sidewalks on SW 64 th Street Miami-Dade County Public Housing and Community Development (PHCD) formerly known as Miami-Dade County Department of Housing and Commuhity Development (DHCD) $50,000 January I, 20 I 0 through September 30, 20 I I Amendment One to the FY 2010 Community Develo()ment Siock Graht Contract between Miami-Dade County and City of South Miami for the SW 64th Street Improvements -Phase I FY 20 I 0 Community Development Block Grant Contract between Miami- Dade County and City of South Miami for the SW 64th Street Improvements - Phase I 1 RESOLUTION NO., ___ _ 2 3 A resolution authorizing the City Manager to amend fiscal year 2010 Community 4 Development Block Grant agreement with Miami-Dade County's Department of 5 Public Housing aud Community Development (PH CD) to extend the expiration date 6 from September 30, 2011 to September 30, 2012 for the SW 64 th Street Corridor 7 Improvements Pro.iect -Phase I in the amount of $50,000. 8 9 10 WHEREAS, the City of South Miami was awarded a grant for SW 64th Street Corridor II Improvements Project --Phase I from Miami-Dade County's Department of Public Housing and 12 Community Development with a contract expiration date of September 30, 2011; and 13 14 WHEREAS, the City of South Miami has been approved for an 12-month extension in 15 the form of a grant agreement amendment with Miami-Dade County's Department of Public 16 Housing and Community Development for the SW 64th Street Corridor Improvements Project - 17 Phase I; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission wish to accept the grant agreement 20 amendment with Miami-Dade County's Department of Public Housing and Community 21 Development; and 22 23 WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission authorize the City Manager to amend the 24 agreement with Miami-Dade County's Department of Public Housing and Community 25 Development to extend the expiration date from September 30, 2011 to September 30, 2012 of 26 the grant agreement amendment for the SW 64th Street Corridor Improvements Project -Phase 27 1. 28 29 30 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY 31 COMMKSSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA THAT: 32 33 Secti2.!L.L. The City Manager is hereby authorized to amend the grant agreement 34 amendment with Miami-Dade County's Department of Public Housing and Community 35 Development to extend the expiration date from September 30, 2011 to September 30, 2012 for 36 the SW 64th Street Corridor Improvements Project -Phase I. 37 38 39 Section 2: This resolution shall be effective immediately after the adoption hereof. 40 41 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1.3 14 15 16 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ___ , day of ___ , 2011. ATTEST: CITY CLERK READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM LANGUAGE, LEGALITY AND EXECUTION THEREOF: CITY ATTORNEY 2 APPROVED: ----,---,--- MAYOR Commission Vote: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Newman: Commissioner Palmer: Commissioner Beasley: Commissioner Harris: Re~olution Number #R~489~10 DUns Number #024628976- Award Amount i50.000 CDBG 2010 MuniGipality AMENDMENT ONE TO THE FY 2010 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI The contract entered into between Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and City of South Miami, hereinafter referred to as the "AWardee" executed on January 12, 2011, is amended as follows: 1. The Contract is hereby amended to delete all references to "Department of Housing and Community Development" or "DHCD" and replace it with the said references of the "Public Housing and Community Development" or "PHCD". 2. Page 3, Section II (C) is amended to read as follows: Certificate of Continuity The Awardee shall be responsible for ensuring that the insurance certificates required in conjunction with this subsection remain in force for the duration of the Agreement period, including any and all option years, if applicable. The Awardee must have the coverage cited in the new Attachment 6-1(B) of the agreement at the beginning of the contract. If the insurance certificates are scheduled to expire during the Agreement period, the Awardee shall be responsible for submitting new or renewed insurance certificates to the County at a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days before such expiration. In the event that expiration certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates that Gover the Agreement period, the County shall suspend the Agreement until the new or renewed certificates are received by the County in the manner prescribed il1 the requirements; provided, however, that this suspended period does not exceed thirty (30) days, the County may, at its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement. Prior to execution of the Agreement by the County and commencement of the contracted services, the Awardee shall obtain all insurance required under this Section and submit same to the County for approval. All insurance shall be maintained throughout the term of the Agreement. 3. Page 4, Section II (F)(1), is amended to read as follows: The original to be received by PH CD within the first month of this Agreement period, and submitted with each payment request, including any renewals, prior to payments made by the County. The effective date of the coverage must coincide with the beginning date of this agreement. . Page 1 of 3 Resolution Number#R:489~10 Duns Number #024628976 Award Atnount $SO.OOO COBG2010 Municipality Government entity shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, ernployees, agents and instrurnentalities from any and all liability, loses or damages, including attorney's fees 13nd costs of defense, which the County or 'hI officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may Incur as a result of claims, dernands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the Government entity or its employees, agents, servants, partners principals or subcontractors. Government entity shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigates and defend all clairns, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Government entity expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Government entity shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harml()ss and defend the County or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein as herein provided. 4. Attachment B-'I is amended in its entirety and replaced with the new Attachment B-1(8). 5, Page 29, Section IV (A)( 2), first sentence is amended to read as follow: This Agreement shall expire on September 30, 2012. 6. AttacnmentA-1 is amended as indicated inA-i. lhe effective date for this amendment is September 30, 2011. All references in the Contract to the expiration date shall now read the expiration date of September 30, 2012. Except for any changes enumerated above, all provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full foroe and effect. This Amendment and all its attachments are hereby made a part of the Agreement. Page 2 of 3 ReSOluutti:l~on~b~~;~~~ Duns ~~ ,AWard Amount COSG 2010 MUnicipality AWARDEE: City of South Miami BY: NAME: _ Hector Mirabile, ,=.h.D. TITLE: _ CitYJ\i1anag~::.r __ DATE: BY: NAME: ___________ _ TITLE: DATE: Witnesses: BY: (Signature) -----... --.;:-cc-;-::-:-- type or Print Name FederallD Number: ~-6000431 _____ _ Resolution #: R-489-10 .'-'=--'-"--- Index Code: CD536C16CI MIAMI-DADE COUNTY BY: NAME: Carlos A. Gimenez TITLE: Mayor ATTEST BY: TITLE: ----------- ---------- Contractor's Fiscal Year Ending Date: _ Septe!!l.2er.?..2~ __ _ CORPORATE SEAL: AMENDMENT IS NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED AND DATED BY BOTH PARTIES Page 3 of3 I -~ .. '~~' .. ,,~~ ..... , ~ .w~"'"'''''' Approving the Funded .. mount and Auttlori:zinS Executio.n of the Contract PHCD, Autho,iz...od Signature Form, Miami-Dade County Affidavits, State of Florida Public Entity Crimes IAffidavit, Affidavit of Financial ami Conffic\$ of InOOrest Developar's Affidavitt.lJat Miami·Dade County -----_.--,--_._---,----"-, Code of Business Ethics, ColiuslonAffidavit, Disclosure Statement. Fair Subcon~-aciing Policies, 990, Cer'jficale of Good Standing. Tax Exemption I:,::::r,va:-d signed CD6G contract for proceSSing and final execu~ion 10 Miami-Dace County Manager's JANUARY 1, 2011 THRU SEPTEMBER 3D, 2012 Attachment A·1 City:)f South Miami SW64111 Street Corridor Improvements • Phase I CD8G2010 ,~00fs~lI\§'~Q~-i59)J~ S10,OOO.00 ;,~·-~:!:,::tri~~%1 People P~5I<' I or 4 SidderslProspec'Jve Contrac:-or '\t <Jf Sidder's Con$truc~on experience Construction Contr~ets Lobbying ?art6o.2 Affirmatl'le Action Program I"'. ~.ftea~o.'l R.egarding_Oebarmen' .. $uspensiion, Ineligibility and Vaolun:<;,"j Exclusion ·lewef ner I ransa-etlens Equal Employment Opportunily(E:;:O} Clause for Gontr:actors Not Subject to exeO'.:iive Order (ECO I, Equal Oppot!ur;'ty for Special Dlabled Veterans anc Veterans or the Vietnam Era ,E;:;ual Opportunity for Workers wit": Diabilrue$_ !Nonce of Raqutrement for aff,n'native Actio,'ljo Ensure Equal Employment Opportunity (EGO 11246) Clause for ConU-llctors $!.U:!ject to executive OnW (EGO 11246) CampHance-wlth Federal Regulations for Gertineatlon of Nonsegreg<r-e4 FaGilltl~ 11738 and EPA Regulationl;"Proyjsi(on Reg-arding-C ebarment, Supens',on, <lna Other Rssponsib!!ity fkillers -{Dill;lct JANVA-RY 1, 2011 THRU S~TS."I1e.5R 30, 2012 11/812011 1~la'2011 11/a'2011 11/812011 11/8-12011 1118/2011 1118120.1 1~{8!2011 11/saOll 11/612011 llf8I2V'<l ~118i2011 11/812011 11/812011 111612011 11/8/2011 11/812011 111812011 111812011 111812011 111812011 111812011 11lS"i"2Ull 11/8/2011 111612011 111$/2011 1111712011 <.1/1712011 W1712011 l1f1712011 lU1712011 1111712011 11/1712011 11f17i2011 11/1712011 11f1712011 11117nJ111 1111712011 l11l712Cl1 1,/17/2011 Page Z <R 4 Crt-j"of SQuth Miami SW 64th Street Corridor !mpr,avements· Phfls-e-! COSG 2010_ ';io;'f1~;1;@'S~«@"ip:qJ_ S10,OC1J.CO $80,000.00 '-.-. ,,,-~:-. -:';;~9Ki~ People Att:lohrr:ent A.1 JANUARY 1, 20'11 TftRU SE",n;,~BER 30, 2012 KeVlew \,:;(.; contract i"HI.,;U slam G_C::CONTRAC_TAPPROVALPHASE InfQrm:li!Qn nc,jded-tO::conW'cl:w!th'_GC)'i{, '<,:ii; "i·,~;",,;,,'i .:::':,' ;<,,~~: ,-11 Notice to Bklders/?ro$pecUve Contractor Statement of Blader's Construction expenence CertificatiO/l receipt lU8f2011 LaborStandards form HUD 4010 1118/2011 Wage Determination 11:8;2011 Insurance Requirements 11{8J2011 111&'2011 111&'2011 IIC~~ii~f.~~ ;1-c'~~;;ii~~~ with Part 60·2 Affirmatiyg Action Program II ~ ~=~ ~ CertifiCation Regarding Orug F;-ee Workplacg I 1118/2011 Assurance of Companies 1111312011 Section 3 Requir~menl$ {ff ~ppl1c:lble) 11181 Payment an!! Performar.ce Scm 1118; 1"\11712011 1i11712011 11/1712011 11/17i2011 11/1712011 1111712011 1111712011 11f17J2011 11/1-7:'2011 11f1712011 City Of SOuth Miami sw 64th Sirae! Corriaorlmprovemen{:;· Ph31>e! COSG2010 ?;~fill~¢£,g§;@;QOl $10,000.00 seo,ooo.OO \0E1fG~}(E,1i{f~1j5~ Peqple ISection 3 Clause il1 ,,!'p!leable) I !118I Exacuted.GCccntracl i 11/81;.:'.nl I l1i1fUUll F'. Check oooarment(isl 111E12011 11rr712011 « Submit GCeont;-act for Division 0; Oeaartmem Director aopwv;al 11/812011 1111712011 !>ase-3 of':' Attachment A.1 II ... _ .. -.-. - JANUARY 1, .2011 THRU SE?tS",iSeR 30, 20t2 Att:whmaot A·1 City do Scuth Miami SW 64th Street Corridor impr~/ements· Phase) COSG2010 n~~'i.1£iJft%9@{o~ S10.wO.OO . ,·;,j:k lA~~l~~~~ People '.' '''":'JHr P3ge 4 of4 ATTACHMENT B.l(B) INDEMNIFICATION AND INSURANCE REQUmEMENTS Government entity shall indemnify and hold hmmless the County and .its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's fees and costs of defense, wmch the County or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, !lUits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the Government entity or its employees, agents, servants, piutners Plincipals or subcontractors. Government entity shall pay all claims and losses in colllJection therewith and shall investigates and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of tlw County,. where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue tlJeteon. Govemment entity expressly understands and agrees that any insurai:ICe protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Government entity shall in no way Jirnit the responsibility to indemnifY, keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officers, employees, agents and instrnmentalities as herein as herein provided. RESOLUTION NO.; 280-10-13314 A Resolution of the Mayor and CitY Commission of the City of SOllth Miami, Florida, authorie:ing the City Manager to execute fiscal year 2010 grant agreement with Miami-Oade County's Department of Housing limd Community Development (OHCD) for the SW Mill Street Improvements Phase I; providing for an effective date. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission wishes to accept grant from Miami- Dade County DHCD; and WHEREAS, this grant agreement is for 64 ih Street Improvements Phase t in an amount of $50,000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION Or THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Segtion 1. That the Mayor and City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute the grant agreement for SW 641h Street Improvements Phase I with Miami-Dade County's Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCn) in the amount of $50,000. Se9!i.on 2. This resolution shall be eff€lctive immediately upon being approved. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1 3, day of Dec:. , 2010 ATTEST; APPROVED: Commissioll Vote: 4-1 Mayor Stoddard: Yea Vice Mayor Newman; Nay Commissioner Palmer: Yea C(IlIU11issioner Beasley: Yea Commissioner Harris: Yea Resolution Number # R-489-10 Duns Number #024628976 Awarded Amount $50,000, COEIG 2010 Munlcipalitly FY 2010 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT CONTRACT BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI This Agreement (hereinafter referred to as "Agreement" or "Contract"), by and between Miami-Dade County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the City of South Miami, hereinafter referred to as "Awardee" and having offices at §130 Sunset Drive, South MiamI. Florida 33143, and telephone number of (305) 663-6345, states conditions and covenants for the rendering of Community, t:conomic or Housing activities hereinafter referred to as "Activity or Activities" for the County through its Department of HOuSing an~ Community Development hereinafter referred to as "DHCD," and having its principal offices at 701 N.W. 1 Court, 14" Floor, Miami, Florida 33136, collectively referred 10 as the "Parties," , WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter aUlhorizes Miami-Dade Counly to provide for Ihe uniform heallh and welfare of Ihe residents Ihroughout Ihe Counly and further provides Ihal all functions not otherwise specifically assigned to others under the Charter shall be performed under Ihe supervision of the Miami-Dade County Mayor; and WHEREAS, the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Was authorized by the Housing and Community Pevlliopment Act of 1974, as amended, with the primary objective of prornoling the development of viable urban communities. WHEREAS, the Awardee provides it will develop activities of value to the County and has demonstrated an ability to provide theSe activities; and WHEREAS. the County is desirous of obtaining sllch activities of the Awardee, and the Awardee is desirous pf providing such activities; and WHEREAS. the County has appropriated $iO.OOO of CDBO funds to the Activity SW 64'" St ... t Cooridor !murovemlm!li located at SW 64lh Street from SW 57 d Avenue to SW 6211d A venue. All CDBG funds, eXI:ept those awnrded to County Departlilents and Municipalities, will be awarded in the form ofa loan that is forgivable If the national objective is met pursuant to the terms and conditions set fortll herein, including but not limited to Section W(2)(a)( 1)-(2). WHEREAS, the Awardee shall carry out the activities specified in AUaohment A, "Scope of Services", in Miami-Dade County or the focus area(s) of the county. NOW, therefore, in consideration of the mutual covenants recorded herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. DEFINITIONS PHCD 24 CFR Part 570 -CPBG Community Development Corporation Local Department of Housing and Oommunity Development or Its sliccesSor Department. Federal regulations implementing Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended -Community Development Block Grant. A local agency that is organized to meet community development needs with particular emphasis on the economic development, housing and revitalization needs of low~ and modetate~income aren reSidents and which Is receptive to the needs expressed by the community. Having headquarters in Miami-Dade County or having a plMe of business located in Miami-Dade County from which the Contract or Subcontract will be performed. Low-and Moderate-Income Individual or Family A person or family whose annual Income does not exceed 80% of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smailer and larger families and with certain exceptions as provided in 24 CFR Part 570. Very Low Income Individual or Family A person or family whose annual income does not exceed 50 1% of the median income for the area, as determined by HUD with adjustments for smaller and larger families and with certain exceptions as provided in 24 CFR Part 570. Gontract Records or Agreement Records Any and all books, records. documents, information, qata, papers, letters, materials, electronic storage data and media whether written, printed, electronic or eleotrical, however collected, preserved, produced, developed, maintained, completed, received or compiled by or at the di,·ection of the Awardee or any subcontractor in carrying out the duties and obligations required by the b"ms of this contract, Including but not limited to financial books and records, ledgers, drawings, maps, pamphlets, deSigns, electronic tapes, computer drives and diskettes or surveys. Federal Award Any federal funds received by the Awardee from any source during the period of time in which the Awardee is performing the obligations set forth in this contract. Awardee Properly Recipient of CDSG funds from Miami-Dade County. The real property as descibed by legal description In any loan documents executed between Awardee and the County and any real property of Awardee or Related or Affiliated Entities (as defined herein) acquired or improved upon with funds awarded pursuant to this Agreement or on which funds awarded pursuant to this Agreement are antiCipated to be used. Subcontractor or Subconsultant Any individual or firm hired on a contractual basis by tho Awardee for the purpose of performing work or functions cited on the Action Step Format (Attachment "A1) of this contract. SUQcontrSGt II. THE AWARDEE AGREES: AllY contractual agreement between a Subcontractor and the Awardee. A. The Awardee shall carry out the activities specified in Attachment A, "Scope of selvices," Which is incorporated herein and attached hereto, in the County or the focus area(s) of the County. B. Insurance Requirements Upon DHCD's notification, the Awardee shall furnish to the Department's Community and Economic Developmen\ Division (CEDD), 701 NW. 1 Court, 14'" floor, Miami, Floriqa 33136, relevant cerjificate(s) of Insurance evidencing insurance coverage as detailed in the Scope of Service (Attachment A). The effective coverage start date of applicable irisurances shail not be later than the date of the Agreement execution and shall be approved by Miami-Dade County's GSA Risk Management Division prior to any reimbursement being processed. All certiflcales and insurance updates must identify the names of the Awardee and the Activity being funded through this Agreement. The Awardee shall provide Builder's Risk Insurance andlor Flood Insurance (If applicable) upon the issuance of the Notice to Proceed with an effective date for coverage commencing on the Notice to Proceed date. Any changes to the required Insurance pOlicies, including coverage renewals, must be submitted to DHCD through a formal notice immediately upon occurrence throughout the Agreement period. 2 If the Awardee falls to submit the required insurance documents in the manner prescribed in these requirements within sixty (60) calendar days after the Board of County Commissioners' approval, the Awardee shall be in default of the terms and conditions of the Agreement. C. Certificate of Continuity The Awardee shall be responsible for ensuring that the Insurance certificates required In conjunction with this subsection remain in force for the duration of the Agreement period, including any and all option years, if applicable. In the case of construction and major rehabilitation activities, the Awardee must have the coverage cited In Attachment B-1 of this Agreement at the time that it begins construction on the project. If the Insurance certificates are schedulecj to expire during the Agreement period, the Awardee shall be responsible for submilling new or renewed insurance certificates to the County at a minimum of thirty (30) calenelar days before SUCh expiration, In the event that expiration certificates are not replaced with new or renewed certificates that cover the Agreement period, the County shall suspend the Agreement until the new or renewed certificates are received by the County in the manner prescribed In the requirements; prOVided, however, that this suspended period does not exceed thirty (30) calendar days. If such suspension exceeds thirty (30) calendar days, the County may, at Its sole discretion, terminate the Agreement. Prior to execution of the Agreement by the County and commencement of the contracted services, the Awardee shall obtain all insurance required under this Section and subrilit same to the County for approval. All insurance shall be maintained throughout the term of the Agreement. D. Indemnification The County shall not assume any liability for the acts, omissions to act or negligence of the Awardee, its agents, servants or employees; nor shall the Awardee exclude liability for Its oWn acts, omissions to act, or negligence arising out of the Awardee's performance pursuant to this Agreement. The Awardee shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities from any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorneys' fees and costs of defense, which the County or its officers, employees, agents or instrumentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, suits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the performance of this Agreement by the Awardee or its employees, agents, servants, partners principals or subcontractors. The Awardee shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith end shall investigate and defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where applicable, including appellate procEledings, and shall pay all costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. The Awardee expressly understands and agrees that any insurance prptection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by the Awardee shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, k.eep and save harmless and defend the County or Its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by the County nor shall anything herein be construed as consent bY the County to be sued by third parties in any matter ariSing out of this Agreement. The provisions of this section survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement. E. National Objective In accordance with 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations, the Award,.e shall be required to achieve the national objective of Benefit to Low and Moderate Income Persons or Household .• (LMI). (See Attachment B-2). Awardee shall execute and deliver to tho County, simultaneous with this Agreement, a Promissory Note committing to repay the funds provided by the County pursuant to this Agreement in the event that Awardee tails to meet the national objective. Awardee understands that the County may be liable to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") for repayment of the federal funds loaned to Awardee pursuant to this Agreement in the event that HUD determines that Awardee has failed to meet the national objective. AWARDEE WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO OBJECT 1'0 THE REPAYMENT OF FUNDS, PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT ANDIOR THE PROMISSORY NOTE, tN THE EVENT THAT HUD DETERMtNES THAT THE AWARDEE HAS NOT MET THE NATIONAL OBJECTIVE. The County shall have all rights and remedies in law and equity to seek repayment of funds loaned to Awardee pursuant to this Agreement. 3 F. Documents and Reporting Requirements The Awardee shall submit documents to DHCD or report on relevant information to DHCD as described below or any provide any other documents in whatever form, manner, or frequency as prescribed by DHCD. These will be used for monitoring progress, performance, and compliance with this Agreement and for compliance with applicable County and Federal requirements. 1. Certificates of Insurance The original to be received by DHCD within the first month of this Agreement period, and submitted with each payment request, including any renewals, prior to payments made by the County. The effective date of the coverage must coincide with the beginning date of this agreement. a. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Awardee as required by Florida Statute 440. b, Public Liability Insurance on a comprehensive basis in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. Miami-Dade County/DHCD must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage. The mailing address of the Department of Housing and Community Development, as the certificate holder, must appear on the certificate of insurance. c. Automobile Liability Insurance covering all owned, non-owned, and hired vehioies used in connection with the Services, in an amount not less than $300,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. d. Professional liability Insurance in an amount not less than $N/A_ with a qeductible per claim not to exceed ten percent (10%) of the limit of liability. 2. Progress Reports a. The Awardee shall submit a status report using the form attached hereto as Attachment C, "Progress Report," as it may be revised by DHCD, which shall describe the progress made by the Awardee In achieving each of the objectives and action steps identified in Attachment A and Attachment A-1. The Awardee shall ensure that DHCD receives each report in.JrlQllcate (or as indicated) no later than April 10, 2010, July 10, 2010, October 9,2010, January 8, 2011, April 1 0, 2011, JulY 10, 2011 and October 9, 2011. b. Quarterly Reporting when Subcontractors are Utilized Awardees are advised that when Subcontractors or Subconsultants are utilized to fulfill the terms and conditions of this Agreement, Miami-Dade County Hesolution No. 1634-93 will apply to this Agreement. This resolution requires the selected Awardees to file quarterly reports as to the amount of Agreement monies received from the County and the amounts thereof that have been paid by the Awardee diractly to Black, Hispanic and Women-Owned businesses performing part of the contract work. Additionally, the listed businesses are required to sign the reports, verifying their participation in the contract work and their receipt of such monies. For purposes of applicability, the requirements of this resolUtion shall be In addition to any other reporting requirements required by law, ordinance or administrative order. The Awardee shall submit to DHCD a cumulative account of its activities under this agreement by completing the following portions of the Progress Report Form: 4 Section I -Status of Contracted Activities: The Awardee must report specific Information regarding the ,;,,',IU8 '" II" contracted activities, including accomplishments and/or delay;; onV.iU:'I;,u'r,(i during the implementation of the project and an unduplicated "'''.111: ,,' ,'i',i,I:, served during the reporting period (if applicable) for each federally dchne" """"" category. Awardees engaged in construction and/or hbusing roll<,!,hiHU.i{)i"'t projects shall report on the progress of their activities including tile n",,";:;' u: housing units completed and occupied by low-moderate and low in",,,,,,, residents. The Awardee shall also report demographic information on e,"cl; l'i"" of household. Each goal and corresponding objedive(s), as inciicC1il1ci In 'h' approved Scope of Senlices, must be addressed as part of this report Section II w Fiscal Information: The Awardee must report expenditure information based on approvnd (,: ,(:!" 1'hJ line items to reflect all costs incurred during the reporting period, In addii;·]I:. i.>~ Awardee shall report on Program Income Usage for each contracted adivii/ Section III -Contract and Subcontract Activltv Report: Contract and Subcontract Activity Report (First and Third D.uHllC:'i Report) -The Awardee shall report to OHCD the number of 'lIl,"'i ,(.". involving minority vendors, including subcontractors performlo\! 'H,:"i, '!i,'i" " Agreement The "Contract and Subcontract Activity Ropolt' :::" ',,:, Attachment C, and when applicable Section 3 in the same Atlaciml"," :,Ili'i 'i" completed semiannually by the Awardee and submitted to DHCr; no 1'.1 'i ""i' April 1 0, 2010 and October 9, 2010 and April 10, 2011 and Oclol)!)!" ,'i" Section IV -Neighborhood Employment Opportunities: Neighborhood Employment Opportunities Report (First and rhil,'d ('!\~,>ii ,,;-1' Progress Report) -The Awardee shall report to DHCD Ihe numb"" iii !i(.'«'" ' service area residents who have received employment' "i" federally financed and assisted projects and activities. The Neighborhood Employment Opportunities Report shall be sul""i'",,' !i"",i the Progress Report Form attached hereto as a Seclion in /\I.\:";!::,;;,,,( may be revised. This section of the form shall be completed ;'ie!iii,,'" ""i', Awardee and submitted to DHCD no later than April 10, :CUi'.1 ,(",d ' " .. ' 2010 and April 10, 2011 and October 9, 2011. The Awardee shall submit to the COllnty, in a timely I1ldT;tV' information deemed necessary by the CountYl and itf> pf(.~~;el"l\;;.liinr' with the format specified at the time of the reque'l\. Fail,,,,, Progress Reports or other information in a manner satisbdcli",/ tc; 'iht" Iii the due date shall render the Awardee in noncompliance whh tid.'·; j\ ii,-'" County may require the Awardee to forfeit its claim to payrrl(';!it l'-:q',,' ';';t; j,; < County may Invoke the termination provj;idon in this Awp,(~,;r",;n: ·",'ii'" 1;-.'1 days written notice of such action to be taken. c. Unspecified Site(s) Objective -If the Awardee hc)S not yet idf')il( 1'11.< ;",; .. ;;.;,." carry out any of the activities described in Attaehr¥i;-W\', /~, il';' submit. in triplicate. Progress Reports, using the forrll mlfl(:j-]:.:;d ! ,;. i.';' Attachment C, on a monthly basis until such time as tho /\V,f'Cd-dr.-'IC· i,ilii!".'>!I< '", '-til:'" the provisions contained within Section II, Paragraph FA. i,l :;p, i,,,,,"if(.,·."i, Copies of the above desoribed Progress Heport silail be J'0(;f::i\!e,(j i." :t~;:i ''''!,~ later than the tenth (10th) business day of each manU, Jnd 'i"H;f "LI;' fi" progress undel1aken by the Awardee during the previous mOI-ltl-,. i i'i!,~ p~ ~q;" .-", Report shall not be required if the Awardee is slIbrnittitlH II", 1':', iii' " P,. required by Section II, Paragraph F.2.a and Pl':lra9rapl'i F ,~,l 5 3. Annual Report (Fourth Quarter Progress Report)-The Awardee shall submit a cumulative status report (hereinafter referred to as "Annual Report") using the "Progress Report" specified in Section II, Paragraph F.2.a. above, which shall describe the progress nlade by tpe Awardee in achieving each of the National Objectives identified in Attachment A (juring the previous year. The "Annual Report" must coVer the CDBG fiscal year of ,January 1, 2010 through December 3'1. 2010 and shall be received by DHCD no later than January 6, 2011. 4. j;j1vironmenlal Review -The Awardee immediately upon locating or determining a site for eaGh of the "Unspecified Site" activities to be carried out pursuant to this Agreement, shall submit information detailing the location of each site for which a Site Environmental Conditions Statement will be prepared. The Envlronmentat Review is to be prepared on Information contained in Attachment 0, Ulnformation for Environmental Review Form." Notwithstanding any provision of this Agreement, the parties hereto agree and ackno~that this Agreement does not constitute a commitment of funds or site approval. and that such commitment of funds or aJ2.12rgvai may occur onlY.JmQn ~atlsfactory completion of environmental review and receipt by the County of a release of funds from the U,S, Department of Housing and Urban Developmen! under 24 CFR Part 58, The parties further agree that the provision of_any funds to the project is gonditioned on the County's determination to proceed with, modif'Lru: !,ancel the project based on the results of a §!!!1§eguent environmental review, 6. Audit Report -The Awardee shall submit to DHCD an annual audit report in triplicate as required by Section II, Paragraph L of this Agreement, as set forth below. The Awardee shall submit a written statement from its auditing firm to confirm that It has cleared any non-compliance issues stated in the audit, and a written statement from the Auditor that the audit complies with all applicable provisions of 24 CFR Part 84,26, Part 85.26 and OMB A-133. 6. Personnei Policies and Administrative Procedures .. The Awardee shali submit detailed documents describing the Awardee's internal corporate or organizational structure, property management and procurement policies and procedures, personnel management, accounting pOlicies and procedures, etc. Such information shall be submitted to DHCD within 30 days of the execution of this Agreement. 'T. Inventory Report -The Awardee shall report annually all nonexpendable personal and real property purchased with CDBG funds from this and previous agreements with the County as speCified in Section II, Paragraph W of this Agreement. 8. Affirmative Action Plan -The Awardee shall report to DHCD information relative to the equality of employment opportunities whenever so requested by DHCD. 9. Disclosure of Related or Affiliated Parties At the time of contract execution, or at any other time at the request of the County, Awardee shall disclose to the County all Related or Affiliated Parties. Related or Affiliated Parties shan mean persons, corporations, partnerships, or other business entities (a) which have a direct or indirect ownership interest in Awardee, (b) which have a parent or principal thereof which has a direct or indirect ownership interest in Awardee, (c) whose members appointed by Awardee, or (d) which the County deems in its sale discretion to be a Related or Affiliated Party of Awardee. The Awardee shall report this information to the County upon forming the relationship or, if already formed, shall report It Immediately. Any supplemental information shall be reported quarterly in the required Progress Report. This provision shall be construed broadly to the benefit of the County. Non-compliance with these requirements will be considered a default, which may result in the immediate termination of the agreement, the recovery of the entire funding award, and the disqualification of funding through DHCD for a period of three years. 10. Reporting on Financial Sialus, Bankruptcy, Real Property, or Persor.al "'roperty Awardee shall notify the County in writing within ten (10) days of the occurrence of any of the following as to Awardee or any Related or Affiliated Parties: 6 a, Any anticipated or pending lis pendens, foreclosure action, arrearage, default, late payment regarding any property of Awardee or Related or Affiliated Parties, including properties not related to this Agreement. Awardee shall also provide the County wilh a copy of all court filings, notices of default, arrearage or late payment, or any other documents relevant to the disclosures required herein. b. Any legal encumbrance on the Property not permitted in writing by the County. c. Any default or arrearage on any loan, Note or other debt or obligation for which the Property is security. d. Any anticipated or pending bankrupt(;y, restructuring, dissolution, reorganization, appointment of a trustee or receiver, e. Any action, activity, facts, or circumstances that would materially impair performance by Awardee of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Failure to comply with these reporting requirements shall constitute a default and shall entltte the County to seek any and all remedies available at law, equity and pursuant to this Agreement. G. Lobbying Prohibition 1. The Awardee shall certify that no federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencihg or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officei' or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in cOhnection with the awarding of any federal Agreement, the making of any federal grant, the making of any federal loan, the entering into of any cooperative Agreement, and the extenSion, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal Agreement, grant, loan, or cooperative Agreement. 2. The Awardee shall disclose to DHCD if any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to Influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection wilh this federal Agreement. grant. loan, or. cooperative Agreement, on a Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance with its instruclions. 3. The Awardee shall ensure that the lang~age in this Section II, Paragraph G.1. and G.2 be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and Agreements under grants, loans, and cooperative Agreements) and to ensure that all subrecipients shall certify and disclose accordingly in connection wilh this activity, H. Federal, State, and County Laws and Regulations The Awardee agrees to abide by Chapter II-A, Code of Miami-Qade County ("Collnty Code"), as amended, applicable to non-discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation. Rules, Regulations and Licensing ReqUirements 1. The Awardee shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations applicable to the services contemplated herein, especially those applicable to conflict of ihterest and collusion. Awardees are presumed to be familiar with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations that may in any way affecl the goods or services offered, especially Executive Order No. 11246 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity" and as amended by Executive Order No. 11375, as supplemented by the Department of Labor Regulations (41 CFR, Part 60), the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and 7 implementing regulations, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, Chapter 553 of Florida Statutes and any and all other local, State and Federal directives, ordinances, rules, orders, and laws relating to people with disabilities, The Awardee will also comply with OMB A-122, OMS A-110, OMB A-21 , OMB A-133, and with the applicable procedures specified in DHCD's Contract Comgliance Manual, which are Incorporated herein by reference, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and as they may be revised. 2. The AWardee shall comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1913, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap; Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin; the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968, as amended, and Executive Order 11063 which prohibits discrimination in housing on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; Executive Order 11246, as amended which requires equal employment opportunity; and with the Energy Policy, amended and Conservation Act (Pub.L 94-163) which requires mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency. The Awardee also agrees to comply with the Domestic Violence Leave codified as 11A- 60 et seq. of the Miami-Dade County Code, which requires an employer, who in the regular course of business has fifty (50) or more employees working in Miami-Dad" County for each working day during each of twenty (20) or more calendar work w~eks to provide domestic violence leave to its employees. Failllre to comply with this 10c~1 law may be grounds for voiding or terminating this Agreement or for commencement of debarment proceedings against the Awardee. 3. If the amount payable to the Awardee pursuant to the terms of this Agreement is In excess of $100,000, the Awardee shall comply with all applicable standards, orders, or regulations, issued pursuant to Section 306 of the Clean Air Act of 1970 (42 U.S.C. 1857 h), as amended; the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C. 1251), as amended; Section 508 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1368); Environmental Proteclion Agency regulations (40 CFR Part 15); and Executive Order 11738. 4. Assurance of Compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act -The Awardee shall report its compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act whenever so requested by DHCD. 5. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 -The Awardee shall attest to; and submit the required Disability Non-discrimination Affidavit assuring compliance with all applicable reqUirements of the laws listed below including but not limited to, those prOvisions pertaining to employment, provisions and program services, transportation, communications, access to facilities, renovations, and new construction. 6. Affirmative Action/Non-Discrimination of Employment. Promotion, and Procurement Practices (Ordinance #98-30> -All firms with annuat gross revenues in excess of $5 million, seeking to contract with Miami-Dade County shall, as a condition of award, haVe a written Affirmative Action Plan and Procurement Policy on file. with the CO\1I1ty's Department of Business Development. Said firms must also submit, as a part of their proposals/bids to be filed with the Clerk of the Board, an appropriately completed and signed Affirmative Action Plan/Procurement Policy Affidavit. Firms whose Soards of Directors are representative of the population make-up of the nation are exempt from this requirement and must submit, in writing, a detailed listing of their Boards of Directors, showing the race or ethnicity of each board member, to the County's Department of Business Development. Firms claiming exemption must submit, as a part of their proposals/bids to be med with the Clerk of the Board, an appropriately completed and signed Exemption Affidavit in accordance with Ordinance 98-30. These submittals shall be subject to periodic reviews to assllre that the entities do not discriminate in their employment and procurement pmctices against minorities and women-oWned businesses. It will be the responsibility of each firm to provide verification of their gross annual revenues to determine the requirement for compliance with the Ordinance. Those firms that do not exceed $5 million annual gross revenues must clearly state so in their bid/proposal. 8 Any bidderlrespondent which does not provide an affirmative action plan and procurement policy may not be recommended by the County Manager for award by the Board of County Commissioners. 7. Domestic Violence Leave Affidavit -Prior to entering into any contract with the County, a firm desiring to do business with the County shall, as a condition of award, certify that It is in compliance with the Domestic Leave Ordinance, 99-5 and Section 11A-GO of the Miami-Dade County Code. This Ordinance applies to employers that have, in the regular course of business, fifty (50) or more employees working in Miami Dade County for each working day during each of twenty (20) or more calendar work weeks in the current or preceding calendar year. In accordance with Resolution R-185-00, the obligation to provide domestic violence teave to employees shall be a contractual obligation. The County shall not enter into _ a contract with any firm that has not certified its compliance with the Domestic Leave Ordinance. Failure to comply with the requirements of Resolution R-185-00, as well as the Domestic Leave Ordinance may result in the contract being declared void, the contract being terminated andlor the firm being debarred. 8, Code of Business Ethics -In accordance with Section 2-8.1(1) of the Code of Miami-Dade County each person or entitiy that seeks to do business with Miami-Dade County shall adopt a Code of Business Ethics ("Code") and shall submit an affidavit statinel that the Awardee has adopted a Code that "omplies with the requirements of Section 2-S.1(i) of ihe Miami-Dade County Code (Form A-12). Section 2-11.1(d) of Miami-Dade County Code as amended by Ordinance 00-1, also requires any county employee or any member of the employee's immediate family who has a controlling financial interest, dired or indirect, with Miami-Dade County or any person or agency acting for Mlarni .. Dade County from competing or applying for any such contract as it pertains to this soliCitation, must first request a conflict of interest opinion from the County'" Ethic Commission prior to their or their immediate family member'S entering into any contract or transacting any business through a firm, corporation, partnership or business entity in which the employee or any member of the employee's immediate family has a controlling financial interes~ direct or indirect, with Miami-Dade County or any person or agency acting for Miami-Dade County and that any such contract, agreement or business engagement entered in violation of this subsection, as amended, shall render this Agreement voidable. For additional information, please contact the Ethics Commission hotHne at (305) 579-9093. 9. Public Entity Crimes -Pursuant to Paragraph 2(a) of Section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convictod vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a proposal for a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity; may not submit a proposal on a contract with a public enlity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work; may not submit proposals on leases of real property to a public entity; may not be awarded or perform worl( as '\ Aw,lrdee, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant urider a contract with any public entity; and, may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 for Category TWO ($10,000) for a period of thirty-six (36) months from the date of being ptaced on the convicted vendor list. The Awardee warrants and represents that it has not been placed on the convicted vendor list The Awardee agrees that should Miami-Dade County discover that the Awardee's representations regarding the list are false, this Agreement shall be terminated on the discretion of Miami- Dade County. Further, should the Awardee be placed on the list at any time dUring this Agreement Miami-Dade County shall have the right to terminate this agreement 10. Criminal Conviction .. Pursuant to Miami-Dade County Ordinance No. 94-34, "Any individual who has been convicted of a felony during the past ten years and ~ny corporation, partnership, joint venture or other legal entity having an officer, director, or execulive who has been convicted of a felony during the past ten years shall disclose this information prior to entering into a contract with or receiving lunding from the County." Failure of the Awardee to disclose this information as required may lead to the termination of this agreement by Miami-Dade County. If Awardee, or any owner, subsidiary, or other -firm affiliated with or related to the Awardee, is found by the responsible enforcement agency, the Courts or the County to be in viola lion of the Acts, the County will conduct no further business with AWqrdee, Ahy 9 contract entered into based upon a false affidavit, as listed below, and submitted pursuant to this resolution shall be voidable by the County: 1. Miami-Dade County Ownership Disclosure Affidavit 2. Miami-Dade Employment Family Leave Affidavit 3. Miami-Dade Employment Drug-Free Workplace Affidavit 4. Miami-Dade Employment Disclosure Affidavit 5. Disability Nondiscrimination Affidavit 6. Criminal Record Affidavit 7. Public Entity Crime Affidavit 8. Related-Party Disclosure Information 9. Miami-Dade County Affidavit Reg~rdlng Delinquent and Currently Due Fees or Taxes 10. Affirmative Action Affidavits 11. Current on all County Contracts, Loans, and Other Obligations Affidavit 12. Project Fresh Start Affidavit 13. Domestic Violence Leave Affidavit 14. Code of Business Ethics Affidavil 15. Financial and Conflicts of Interest Affidavit 16. Collusion Affidavit If any attesting firm violates any of the Acts below during the term of any contract such firm has with the County, such contract shall be voidable by the County, even if th" attesting firm was not in violation at the time it submitted its affidavit. The applicable Acts are as follows: 1. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Pub. L. 101-336, 104 Stat 327,42 U.S.C. 12101-12213 and 47 U.S.C. Sections 225 and 611 including Title I, Employment; Title II, Public Services; Title III, Public Accommodations and Services Operated by Private Entities; Title IV, Talecommunlcatlons; and Title II, Miscellaneous Provisions. 2. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 29 U.S.C. Section 794; 3. The Federal Transit Act, as amended 49 U.S.C. Section 1612; 4. The Fair Housing Act as amended, 42 U.S.C. Section 3601-3631. In addition to the reqUirements in the Agreement, the Awardee I Department agrees to comply with all the provisions of 24 CFR 570.502, 24 CFR 570.503, and 24 CFR Part 570, Subpart K, including the following: Public Law 88-352 and Public Law 90-284; affirmatively furthering fair housing; Executive Order 11063. Section 109 of the Housing and Community Development Act. Labor standards. Environmental standards. National Flood Insurance Program. Uniformed Relocation Act. Employment and contracting opportunities. Lead-based paint regulations. Eligibility of contractors or sub recipients. Uniform administrative n~quirell1ents and cost principles, Connict of interest, Executive Order 12372. Eligibility of certain resident aliens. Architectural Barriers Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 11. National Objective Awardee must achieve the following national objective; to To benefit low-and moderate-income persons; 1. For activities designed to meet the national objective of benefit to low· i,,'6 moderate-income persons, the Awardee shall ensure and ail j(I\,'l!i'\ documentation, acceptabte to DHCD in its sale discretion, lhai demon"trates that each activity assisted in whole or in part with CDBC lund!> ie- an activity which provides benefit to per$ons where no less than 51 % of of tho!,!'; benefitted are low-and moderate-income persons. 2. The Awardee shall comply with all applicable provisions of 24 CFR Pal"!. !l!O aild shall carry out each activity in compliance with all applicable federal laws i·"'''.1 regulations described therein, If the Awardee is a primarily religious e,nrHy i"i shall comply with all provisions of 24 CFR 570.200 0). 3. The Awardee agrees to comply with (a) the Uniform Relocatiqn AS',is'''''CG iii " Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended i';. i implementing regulations at 49 CFR Part 24 and 24 CFR 570.6013(tJ)i lik requirements of 24 CFR 570.606(c) governing the Residentiall\nf.irIi8pI8c()IIi'Oi,[ and Relocation Assistance plan under section 104(d) of the HCD Ad: ~Jn(1 Ihi} requirements in 570.606(d) governing optional relocation policies. (Til'" may preemept the optional policies). The Awardee shall provide rf;:oc:::rli()(l assistance to persons (families, individuals, businesses, non .. profit 0;,:':::::;"":'.",'' and farms) that are displaced as a direct result of acquisition. qemolition or conversion for a CDBG assisted project. The AW:0Irej, p ,)I;,:u to comply with applicable County ordinances, resojutic;if~:; :"niJ concerning the displacement of persons from their residenGes 4. For each activity or portion of activity described in Atlachm<m\ ;l, !ii.''''''i ·(,i which a location has not yet been identified, the Award<'Jf: ~hilil :;h~ ,1;1 immediately after a site is identified by the Awardee, OJ'ICD',; 'iJn i l/:1" environmental clearance statement and shalf agree in writino to u)rnj.'dy \,'i!:~ ,'1 "'.' and all requirements as may be set forth in the Site Environrnenla! \,~i<2~i(:')jV\ Statement. 5. The Awardee shall cooperate with DHCD in informing Ihe 8PPli'l,rI;'i'.i. CD;::, citizen participation structures, including the appropriate area C()mnHf.ie!'~.': ,-,il ilH': activities of the Awardee in adhering to the provisions of Ihi~" ;\)1 "',cr;'l<':~i-';( Representatives of the Awardee shall attend meetings of ilw, "Pi" committees and citizen participation structures, upon th6 l'EHpm';\ ;j 1:1-': participation officers, DHCD, or the County. 6. The Awardee shall make a good faith effort to address "", :;'ii.V·iI·:, residents of the affected area. The Awardee shall cOOp0r;3tc~ ',:,'Ill'! rJHCU in informing the appropriate CDBG citizen participation Gtruc1l!n'!s, j~1I.:tl!:'n!,":iJ ;; appropriate area committees, of the actiVities of the }\w8rdc~! li'\ ;;dn ;(;,'\C; :,'i nrC prOVisions of this Agreement. Representatives of the )\v'i:-:Hd,>{; ::,1.;",: {;il:'i, iF'" meetings of the appropriate committees and citizen }J;)i{I(;ioc,t:i-,', ",tIU,'" upon the request ofthe citizen participation officers, DHCD. 01 (hi':: (\', :,-,i,; 7. For activities involving acquisition, rehablHtation and/o(' ('181'!io:iH(i' \;r,'··· and which require tho relocation of families, indilfi(ju,:!i,,:; b:,!:~iU_;:<,;'" '~!c; ,\. industries, the Awardee shall submit a written notification 10 [ht" (': <:i",;': \\," Outreach and Real Estate Section of DHeD prior k' ,du ... ""., i •.•••• , ••• and/or dispersing any and all legal occupants wll(; r!.~,:~;it!(;' 2.\( iLL:: !'-I"-i!~,>t\ '),: ;," basis of a long or short term lease, When the le~F~!iI,y of ,:w ":h.'(J,Q',;;)il1 {:-",! family, business, and/or industry) is in question, thE} A~'V'::li'(k;-,,:; shaH i>"\,''lii' !~.\:~, above mentioned llnit prior to making a determinatinn / .. V/i'.(1'( ':;(,'; "(': ";:\;ii,:i CPBG funds shall adhere to 24 CFR part 50 anellor pari. oil an", 'i' ';I"i' ",', regulations of the Uniform Relocation Assistance "nel r:!r'al "'iii .. "", Act of 1970, as amended,The Awardee !-ll'la!1 ~clop! ,1\iTII{'(i.:':l(j', H,:,:'! ''''>';,,' Procedures and reqUirements for COBG assisted projOd'i, '(1'1:-:::;;,:,.' '., :':, !t r,',~' mllst consist of actions to provide information and attract Gli~-iii)k:; c.;i,_;~': {;(,:\ "","-i'" all racial, ethnic and gender groups to the aw:dl<1(')lo ·-;(·)p!icn"~ ':";,~." "-in 11 annually assess its affirmative marketing program to determine if the procedures used to comply with the requirements specified in Public law 88-352 and Public Law 90-284 successfully meet these requirements. The Awardee shall submit to DHCD its Affirmative Marketing Plan no later than 60 days from the date this Agreement is executed. 8. For Housing, Rehabilitation, and Construction activities all conditions in this section will apply throughout the regulatory period identified in the national objective. Throughout that period, the Awardee will be required to submit an annual repOll regarding his compliance with the national objective, and DHCD will have the right to monitor the activity. 9. The Awardee shall comply with all applicable uniform administrativtl requirements as described in 24 CFR 570.502 I, Conflicts with Applicable Laws If anY provision of this Agreement conflicts with any applicable law or regulation including but not limited to, 24 CFR 570, only the conflicllng provision shall be deemed by the pallies hereto to be modified to be consistent with the law or regulation or to be deleted if modification is impossible. However, the obligations under this Agreement, as modified, shall continue and all other provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. The County's determination on whether a provision conflicts shall be final and binding. J. Boarel of Directors If the Awardee Is a Community Development Corporation (CDC), DHCD shall have the option to appoint a representative to the Awardee's board of directors. This representative shall not be considered in the counting of a quorum and shall have no voting privileges. K. Construction If the Awardee engages In, procures, or makes loans for construction work, the Awardee shall: 1. Contact the DHCD representative noted in Section IV, Paragraph M of this Agreement, prior to taking any action, to schedule a meeting to receive compliance Information. 2. Comply with the Awardee's procurement and pre-award requirements and procedUres which, at a minimum, shall adhere to all applicable federal standards. 3. Comply with the Davls-Baoon Act; Copeland Anti-Kick Back Act; Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act; and Lead-Based Paint POisoning Prevention Act as amended on September 15, 1.999; and other related acts, as applicable. 4. Submit to DHCD for written approval ail proposed Solicitation Notices, Invitations for Bids, and ReqUests for Proposals prior to publication. 5. Submit to DHCD all construction plans and specifications and receive DHCD's approval prior to implementation. 6. Contact the DHCD representative noted in Section IV, Paragraph M, prior to scheduling a pre-construction conference. In accordance with industry standards, DHCD will hold ten parcent (10%) of the total grant award as a retainer until the construction work is determined by DHCD, in its sole discretion, to be seventy-five perc"ht (75%) completed, At the time that the construction work is determined by DHCD to be seventy-five percent complete, the retainer will be reduced to 6% until the work is completed, Completion shaJl occur when a Certificate of Occupancy Is Issued. 7. The County shall have the right to assign the Professional Services and Technical Assistance (PSTA) Unit of the Department of Housing and Community Development to assist the project if the County's staff determines that the Awardee has been unable to consistently achieve the work and units described within the time frames of the action step format of this agreement. Such involvement will result in a reduction of a maximum 12 of 5% of the Agreement's award to cover the cost of the technical assistance. The Awardee shall cooperate and comply with all requests made by the PSTA 8. Execute and record, at the County's request, any of the following documents in order to ensure the Property is used as defined and described in Attachment A of this Agreement: a. Promissory Note b. Mortgage c. Loan Agreement d. Restrictive Covenant e. Rental Regulatory Agreement f. Collateral Assignment of leases, rents and Contract Rights g. UCC-1 Rider h. Title Insurance Policy L Audits and Records 1. Nonprofit organizations that expend $500,000 or more annually in federal awards shall have a single or program specific audit conducted In accordance With OMB A-133. Nonprofit organizations expending federal awards of $500,000 or more under only one federal program may elect to have a program-specific audit performed, in accordanc" with OMB A-133. Awardees who will be receiving, or who have received, federal awards for loans or loan gUaranteed programs may be required to conduct audits of those programs in accordance with regulations of the federal agencies providing those guarantees or loans. 2. Nonprofit organizations that expend less than $500,000 annually In federal awards shall be exempt from an audit conducted in accordance with OMB A-133, although their records must be available for review (e.g., inspections, evaluations). Such agencies that receive less than $500,000 in combined Federal awards must submit to the County annual compilation reports that describe their performance. To achieve uniformity regarding the reporting format, such documents must comply with the accounting industry standards by communicating an independent accountant's (1) expression of limited asSurance on FINANCIAL STATEMENTS as a result of performing inquiry and analytic procedures (Review Report); (2) results of procedures performed (Agreed-Upon Procedures Report); (3) non-expression of opinion or any form of assuranoe on a presentation in the form of financial statements information that is the representation of management (Compilation Report); or (4) an opinion on an assertion made by management in accordance with the Statements On Standards for Attestation Engagements (Attestation Report). 3. When the requirements of OMB A-133 apply, an audit shall be conducted for each tiscal year for which federal awards attributable to this Agreement have beeh received by the Awardee. Each audit shall include a fiscal review, which includes a validation of all program generated income and Its disposition, especially attributable to COBG funds, an internal control review, and a compliance review as described In OMS A-133. A copy of the audit report in triplicate must be received by OHCO no later than six months followln!) the end of the Awardee's fiscal year. 4. If an audit is required by Paragraph L of this Agreement, but the requirements of OMS A- 133 do not apply the Awardee may choose to have an audit performed either on the basis of the Awardee's fiscal year or on the basis of the period during which OliGD- federal assistance has been received. In either case, each audit shall cover a time period of not more than twelve (12) months and an audit shall be submitted covering each assisted period until all the assistance received from this Agreement has been reported on. Each audit shall adhere to all other audit standards of OMB A-133, as these may be limited to cover only those selVices undertaken pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. A copy of the audit report in triplicate must be received by DliCO no later than six months following each audit period. 5. The Awardee shall maintain all Contract Records in accordance with generally accepted accqunting principles, procedures, and practices which shall sufficiently and properly reflect all revenues and expenditures of funds provided directly or indirectly by the County pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 13 6. The Awardee shall maintain all Contract Records that document all actions undertaken to accomplish the "Scope of Services" outlined in Attachment A in this Agreement. 7. The Awardee shall ensure that the Contract Records shall be at all limes subject to and available for full access and review, inspection, or audit by County and federal personnel and any other personnel duly authorized by the County. 8. The Awardee shall include In all DHCD approved subcontracts used to engage subcontractors to carry out any eligible sUbstantive programmatic services, as such services are described in this Agreement and den ned by DHCD, each of the record- keeping and audit requirements detailed In this Agreement. DHCD shall, in its sale discretion, determine when selVices are eligible substantive programmatic services and subject to the audit and record-keeping requirements described above. 9. The County reserves the right to require the Award"e to submit to an audit by Audit and Management Services or other auditor of the County's choosing at the Awardee's expense. The Awardee shall provide access to all of its records, which relate directly or indil'ectly to this Agreement at its place of business during regular business hours. The Awardee shall retain all records pertaining to this Agreement and upon request make them available to the County for three years following expiration of the Agreement. The Awardee agrees to provide such assistance as may be necessary to facilitate the review or audit by the County to ensure compliance with applicable accounting and financial standards. 10. The Awar~~e shall ensure that Its auditors share their audit results with must submit the audit report to DHCD within six month" after the conclusion of the audit period. 11. Pursuant to County Ordinance No. 03-2, the Awardee will grant access to the Commission Auditor to all financial and performance related records, property, and equipment purchased in whole or in part with government funds. The Awardee agrees to maintain an accounting system that provides accounting records that are supPorted with adequate documentation, and adequate procedures for determining the allow ability and allocability of costs. M. Protected Records and Documents Any person or entity that performs or assists Miami-Dade County with a function or activity involving the use or disclosure of "Individually Identifiable Heaith Information (IIHI) and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) shall comply with the Health Insurance POliability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of '1996 and the Miami-Dade County Privacy Standards Administrative Order. HIPAA mandates privacy, security and electronic transfer standards including but not limited to: 1. Use of information only for performing services required by the Agreement or as required by lawi 2. Use of appropriate safeguards to prevent non-permitted disclosures: 3. Reporting to Miami-Dade County of any non-permitted use or disclosure: 4. Assurances that any agents and subcontractors agree to the same restrictions and conditions that apply to the Contractor and reasonable assurances that IIHI/PHI will be held confidential: 5. Making Protected Health Information (PHI) available to the customer: 6. Making PHI available to the customer for review and amendment, and incorporating any amendments requested by the customer: 7. Making PHI available to Miami-Dade County for an accounting of disolosures: and 8. Making internal practices, books and records related to pHI available to Miami- Dade County for compliance audits. 14 PHI shall maintain its protected status regardless of the form and method of transmi"1(1I1 records, and/or eiE)ctronic transfer of data), The Contractor must give its customtm~ \Nlitten of its privacy information practices including specifically, a desoription of the lypeG ;)1 i I~;C?(.: !·~r:q disclosures that would be made with protected health information. N. Retention of Records 1. The Awardee shall retain all Contract Records for a period of at least ft'''' (b) I'""'" (hereinafter referred to as "Retention Period") subject to the limitations set forlllildow: a,. For all non-CDBG assir.ted activities, the Retehtion Period shall be-oin UPCI-) t1 \i:;' expiration or termination of this Agreement. b. For CDSG assisted public service activities, the Retention P(.:;riod ~,'h(dt L~':~):!" upon the date of U.S. HUO's acceptance of OHCD'g annu,,! C,·",!-.' Performance Report for the year in which the activity is n~porh:;d ;-,\~; i.,vn(':c-;V:',~i For each public service activity, the Awardee must retain all AgretHN:.ni 1(:(: ild~~ except those relating to real and nonexpendable personal properly. c. For all other COBO assisted activities, the Retention Period "lull "p.", U,S, HUD's acceptance of DHCD's annual Grantee Performance n0p1xl y\"(iii/( each assisted activity is reported on for the final time. For all the. CDftC, .. ""."'d activities covered by this Section II, Paragraph L.1.c., fhe p,\Nardc';:' i\"l(i:;i f()\-"i: all Agreement records except those relating to real and nnnf:'->:)'!f)iVinh!ci i ,( t "Of!;-,: property. d. For all COBO assisted activities, the Retention Period for all Afll,,,,,,)e'i! '''C'·'lit •• relatinn to real and nonexpendable personal property shaH b8Qln 'ij;(;I'1 ]j,r ;);;ii:" of the final disposition of the property. 2. If the County or the Awardee have received or given notice of ally !Ol'id ;l)ri:(:,-': threatened or pending litigation, claim or audit arising out of the Se,'ljiC,'::': pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Retention Period shall be; e.X[,,\::k. such time as the threatened or pending litigation, claim or auclit Is. Ii) thl.:' ~;I',k; ;,:\l'F~ absolute discretion of OHCO, fully, completely anq finally resol'l',l1 3, The Awardee shall allow the County, federal personnel, or any pen~(Jn auihO!'I":,;')',i i 'I' 1:-,'.': Cljunty full access to and the right to examine any of the Agreement 1',)(;1')1 !:; I,ki! II -,I (l":" required Retention Period. 4. The Awardee shall notify OHCO in writing, both durin;] the penliel1GY ,)1 '.I""."" and after its expiration as part of the final closeout procedure, of iltl':, ;;ijdi'i·)' ,~ ',I\O:,;i( 'I:' Agreement records will be retained. 5. The Awardee shall obtain written approval of DHCD prior to disp()(:in9 ;":\ L!fiV /·-,-:'r:~,,:'-',Ti'~':"" records within one year after expiration of the Retention Perk)d O. Provision of Records and Proprietary Rights and Information 1. The Awardee shall provide to DHCD, upon request, [\I! /\UrlC)f-)!';'rOi ,j (." ,'I ;,;:', .. , ",'~: records shall become the propeliy of DHCD without I'e.shictiol'l, :l'~'~:.;'1 ;;-','1\ 'l ", L,:'iii:J(!; ij I of their use. DHCD shall have unlimited rights 10 ;-:,!i b(Joki>: ""iik:!('!'~ '!i ".lii'-i copyrightable materials developed for the purpose o'f this !--\qn::f:rne.-il I !\('~:'" hil!:' rights shall include the rights to royalty-fees; ilontlxdu,:',j\iO, c.1!-tc! 1,11' 'j',) ':,'~:'l;" i! . ·,'t reproduce, publish, or otherwise use, and to authl)riz('~ o1l10n: in U:,:{' i'll:'" ' ;". ",','1'(,', ii,,. public purposes. 2. If the Awardee receives funds from, or is uncler regulatorv C())'l\ro) of, d agencies, gnd those agencies issue monitoring rep()rts, regul.:,<_lory ,): 1/)';1; similar reports, the Awardee shall provide a copy of ~~ach repol't :{(!(! i',iI>· communications and reports to DHCD immediately upon sue!': i:1:)i.,';:'L(~:) liili'i" .,,:.";i' disclosure is a violation of the rules or policies 0f the f(--";9(1!!~jnl'Y 'iqn-":,':1(-';,'. ~!'''' reports. 3. Proprietary Information 15 As a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Miami-Dade County is subject to the stipulations of Florida's Public Records Law. The Awardee acknowledges that all computer software in the County's possession may constitute or contain information or materials which the County has agreed to protect as proprietary information from disclosure or unauthorized use and may also constitute ot contain information or materials which the County has developed at its own expense, the disclosure of which could harm the County's proprietary interest therein. During the term of the Agreement, the Awardee will not use directly or indirectly for itself or for others, or publish or disclose to any third party, or remove from the County's property, any computer programs, data compilations, or other software which the County has developed, has used or is using, is holding for use, or which are otherwise in the possession of the County (hereinafter "Computer Software"). All third-party license agreements must also be honored by the AWardees and their employees, except as authorized by the County and, If the Computer Software has been leased or purchased by the County, all hired party license agreements must also be honored by the Awardees' employees with the approval of the lessor or Awardees thereof. This includes mainframe, minis, telecommunications, personal computers and any and all information technology software. The Awardee will report to the County any information discovered or which is disclosed to the Awardee which may relate to the Improper use, puplication, disclosure or removal from the County's property of any information technology software and hardwar~ and will take such steps as are within the Awardee's authority to prevent improper use, disclosure or removal. 3. Proprietary Rights a) The Awardee hereby acknowledges and agrees that the County retains all rights, title and interests In and to all materials, data, documentation and copies tl1enwf furnished by the County to the Awardee hereunder or furnished by the Awardee to the County andlor created by the Awardee for delivery to the County, even If unfinished or in process, as a result of the Servir,es tl18 Awardee performs iii connllction with this Agreement, Including all copyright and other proprietary rights therein, which the Awardee as well as its employees, agents, subcontractors and suppliers may use only in connection of the performance of Services under this Agreement. The Awardee shall not, without the prior written consent of the County, use such documentation on any other project in which the Awardee or its employees, agents, subcontractors or suppliers are or may become engaged. Submission or distribution by the Awardee to meet official regutatory requirements or. for other purposes in connection with the performance of Services under this Agreement shall not be construed as publication in derogation of the County's copyrights or other proprietary rights. b) All rights, title and interest in and to certain inventions, idElas, deSigns and methods, specifications and other documentation related thereto developed by th¢ Awardee and its subcontractors specifically for the County, hereinafter referred to as "Developed Works" shall become the property of the County. c) Accordingly, neither the Awardee nor its employees, agents, subcontractors. or suppliers shall have any proprietary interest in such Developed Works. The Developed Works may not be utilized, reproduced or distributed by or on behalf of the Awardee, or any employee, agent, subcontractor or supplier thereof, without the prior written consent of the County, except as required for the Awardee's performance hereunder. d) Except as otherwise provided In subsections a, b, and c above, or elsewhere herein, the Awardee and its subcontractors and sUppliers hereunder shall retain all proprietary rights In and to all Licensed Software provided hereunder, that have not been customized to salisn; the performance criteria set forth in the Scope of Services. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Awardee hereby grants, ~Ild shail require that its subcontractors and suppliers grant, if the County so desires, a perpetual, irrevocable and unrestricted right and license to use, duplicate, disclose andlor permit any other person(s) or entity(ies) to use ail such Licensed Software and the associated specifications, technical data and other Documentation for the 16 operqtions of the County or entities controlling, controlled by, under Corntnclll C()H\ro! with, or affiliated with the County, or organizations which may hereafter !'if! fOI'IlV.,r! bV or become affiliated with the County. Such license specifically indude;;, [,(I;; n", limited to, the right of the County to use andlor disclose, in whole or in pi"! ih' technical documentation and Licensed Software, including source C(lO'/;,: hereunder, to any person or entity outside the County for such person's or eni.ity'" use in furnishing any and/or all of the Deliverables provided hereunder exciu'3iv('ily fill' the County or entities controlling, controlled I>y, under common coniro! wi!ii. ;)r affiliated with the County, or organizations which may hereafter be formeel hI' ,.1r become affiliated with the County. No such License Software, speCifications, "cH,C! documentation or related information shall be deemed to have been oilfC)n (I': confidence and any statement 01' legend to the contrary shall be void and of no (::ff:,::ci p, Audits and Inspectors General Nothing in this Agreement shall impair any independent right of the County to "'''i''''''' '1I"ii' ,,' investigate activities. The provisions of this section are neither intended nor ::;l"lali they' !J() construed to impose any tiability on the County by the Awardee or third parties, The provision', i<' this section shall apply to the Awardee, its officers, agents, employees, subcontract",s, ""i'!,!I,s, and Related or Affiliated Parties. The Awardee shall incorporate the prOVisions in !hb :.ii::c(ion in :,,;I! subcontracts and all other Agreements executed by the Awardee in connection \li/iih ll'l:'~ performance of the Agreement. Miami-Dade County Inspectors General Review According to Section 2-1076 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, as amended, iVliarn"Ui"io i;,;;" ", has established the Office of the Inspector General which may, on a random basi.~, pfJrforn"i ~:")lE:;; on all County contracts, throughout the duration of said colltracts, except as (Jlbnn.'!iiw p";,,,,,,,,, , , below, The cost of the audit of any COlitract shall be one quarter (114) of on" (I '; I'"I""",!. ,01 "i total contract amount which cost shall be included in the total proposed arnOun1", ") h,,:~ ;') !,:W (:,.~. will be deducted by the County from progress payments to the selected Awar(k,,,) 'I" ,,,n',' ':,', shall also be included in all change orders and all contract renewals and extension:; EXc.ruillQn: The above application of one quarter (1/4) of one percent fee aSfies~;n L:~"i sfl",[i \'Ii,); apply to the following contracts: (a) IPSIG contracts; (b) contracts for legal s,,,,vic",,; ,re) ,,,,,,,,,,, " for financial advisory selvices; (d) auditing contracts; (e) facility rentals and le1>'''.' ,'0",' "'"n" (! concessions and other rental agreements; (9) insurance contracts; (h) contracts; (I) contracts where an IPSIG is assigned at the time the contl'acl i< :;y ,,..,, Commission; OJ professional service agreements under $1,000; (I() manaqemW\iiil'" """", small purchase orders as defined in Miami-Dade County AdrninistraHve OnJ(')r ',J, 'ie:,; ;',:d' state and local govemmentMfunded grants; and (n) interlacal agreemen'll~ N",: ,'L,; :'AUJii}i,: ;\, Ji';'" foregoing, the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners may au1~QLl;~;;'::.r! :.;r"'>h:~~;'.V;.: i ,; the fee assessment of one quarter (114) of one percent in any exempteQ.l;.QDJr.W;,~ atiLt,;,?, ji:.T!~:': ;')~ award" Awardee consents to the powers of the Inspector General. The fVIia!YI1-D::,d(;~ (---"" 1/; .'<",l General is authorized and empowered to review past, present and proPC}SC(1 (.;-" ''-' -:,;!:;"., transactions, accounts, records and programs. In addition, the Inspector Gl~nni'cli 1\:,:\;, lh,:'~ 'i,Y'" subpoena witnesses, administer oaths, require the production of records and n",o i~~i . -'<,".,1,'; . projects and programs. Monitoring of an existing project or proqfam )(i::'1',:;,i,:· -"lil concerning whether the project is on time, within budget and in i;' I!" specifications and applicable law. Upon ten ('10) days prior written notice to the Awardee from tho !nsplccior \.>;: ,' .. ' retained by' the Inspector General, the Awardee shall make all (equt:!sl\';-d i',,-',~' 'i"':\" ,;',';' ;'i"" ':'ii'. available to the Inspector General or IPSIG for inspection and copying, TI'w Il'PSP(> \.nr (:':,'ii t :; ;( IPSIG shall have the right to inspect and copy alf documents and r~~c()td~) Ii"! IIp''': '\', f(ji'(lr-,;,-' . possession, custody or control which, in the Inspector General or lPS1G':s ~-;OI0 ::,c::!'!,;:\':', performance of the Agreement, including I but not limited to ori!]lnal ef;ttnv~ti:; ·,;,t,y·" h,,;~,+' proposals and Agreements from and with successful and unsuccessful gdvc·: i: ,:~(;ior;',; -';','-1 suppliers, all project~related correspondence, memoranda, instructions, fli"lJ!!C;;·:,i :'t(),:'!r~'''''" construction documents, proposal and Agreement docllment~~, b8c1H~h!,11\)(' ;)1)","1"1 :"~:'i:; ;:j\ documents and records which involve cash, trade or volume discounts, in:;',;.lf;)i.'i;',~!':! ():'O<:'·'.' :L't rebates, or dividends received, payroll and personnel records, and SUPPOi'li:"\lj 1\", . ,"",""" l'"'"c the aforesaid documents and records. 17 Independ@.nt Prjvate Sector In§Q§9tor General Reviews Pursuant to Miaml·,Qade County Administrative Order 3-20, the Awardee is aware that the County has the right to retain the services of an Independent Private Sector Inspector General (hereinafter "IPSIG"), whenever the County deems It appropriate to do so. Upon written notice from the County, the Awardee shall make available to the IPSIG retained by the County, all requested reCords and documentation pertaining to this Agreement for inspection and reproduction. The county shall be responsible for the payment of these IPSIG services, and under no circumstance shall the Awardee's prices and any changes thereto approved by the County, be inclusive of any charges relating to these IPSIG services. The terms of this provision herein, apply to the Awardee, its officers, agents, employees, subcontractors and assignees. Nothing contained in this provision shall Impair any independent right of the County to conduct an audit or investigate the operations, activities and performance of the Awardee in connection with this Agreement The terms of this Article shall not impose any liability on the County by the Awardee or any third party. ~:ommission Auditor Access to Records Pur.Uant to Ordinance No. 03-2, Awardee shall grant acce.s to the Oommission Auditor to all flnancial and performance related records, property, and equipment purchased. in whole or in part with government funds, including funds awarded tp Awardee pursuant to this Agreement Q. Prior Approval The AWardee shall obtain written approval from DHCD prior to undertaking any of the following: 1. The engagement or execution of any subcontract(s} or Agreement assignments, wherein CDBG funds will be used to pay for goods or services. The Awardee must submit all proposed agreement documents to DHCD at least thirty (30) days prior to the start date of the agreement. DI-ICD shall have no obligation to approve payment of any expendllure (resulling from an agreement or subcontract) which was Incurred prior to the approval by DI-ICD of such agreement or subcontract. 2. The addition of any positions not specifically listed in the approved budget 3. The modification or addition of all job descriptions for existing staff. 4. The purchase of all nonexpendable personal property not specifically listed in the approved budget. 5. The disposilion of all real, expendable personal, and nonexpendable personal property as defined in Section II, Paragrapi] W.1. of this Agreement 6. Out-of-town travel not specifically listed in the approved budget 7. The disposition of Program Income not specifically listed in the approved Program Income budget. 8. The pUblication of proposed Solicitation Notices, Invitations ior Bids and ReqUests for Proposals as provided for in Section II, Paragraph K of this Agreement. 9. The disposal of all Agreement records as provided for in Section II, Paragraph N of this Agreement 10. In the event the Awardee wishes to substitute personnel for the key personnel identified by the Awardee's Proposal, the Awardee must notify the County In writing and request written approval for the substitution at least ten (10) business days prior to effecting such substitution. R. Monitoring The Awardee shall permit DHCD and other persons duly auth",ized by DHCD to inspect all Agreement records, faCilities, equipment, materials, and services of the Awardee which are in any way connected to the activities undertaken pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. andlor to interview any clients, employees, subcontractors, or assignees of the Awardee. Following such inspection or interviews, DHCD will deliver to the Awardee a report of its findings, and the Awardee 18 will rectify all deficiencies cited by DHCD within the specified period of time set forth in the report, or provide DHCD with a reasonable justification for not correcting the deficiencies. DHCD will determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, whether or not the Awardee's justification is acceptable or If the Awardee must, despite the justification, rectify the deficiencies cited by DHCD in its report. S. Conflict of Interest The Awardee agrees to abide by the provisions of 24 CFR 84.42 (24 CFR Part 85.36 for Public Agencies) and 24 CFR 570.611 with respect to conflicts of interest, and covenants that it presently has no financial interest and shall not acquire any financial interest, direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of services requried under this Agreement. The Awardee further covenants that in the performance of this Agreement no person having such a financial interest shall be employed or retained by the Awardee hereunder. These confliot of interest provisions apply to any person who is an employee, agent, consultant, officer, or elected official or appointed official of the Counfy, or of any designated public agericies or sUbrecipients which are receiving funds under the CDSG Entitlement program. The Awardee certifies and represents that no officer, director, employee. agent, or other consultant of the County Of a member of the immediate family or household of the aforesaid has directly or indirectly received or been promised any form of benefit, payment or compensation. whether tangible or intangible, in connection with the grant of this Agreement. The Awardee shall abide and be governed by Miami-Dade County Ordinance No. 72-82 (Conflict of Interest Ordinance), as amended. which is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth, In connection with its Agreement obligations hereunder. The Awardee shall disclose any possible connicts of interest or apparent improprieties of any party that are covered by the above standards. The Awardee shall make such disclosure in writing to DHCD immediately upon the Awardee's discovery of such possible conflict. DHCD will then render an opinion which shall be binding on all parties. The Awardee shall submit to DHCD, within five business days of execution this Agreement, all updated Conflict of Interest affidavits, Related Party Disclosure statements, list of current Board members. and list of all business associations with the following documents: » Original Agreement or its subsequent amendments. » Requests for budget revisions. » Requests for approval of subcontracts. Non-compliance With the above requirements will be considered a breach of Agreement, which will result in the immediate termination of the agreement, the recovery of the entire funding award, and the disqualification of funding thrllugh DHCD for a perioq oi three years. a} Awardee certifies and represents that there are no undisclosed persons or entities interested with the Awardee in this Agreement. This Agreement is entered into by the Awardee without any connection with any other entity or person making a proposal for the same purpose, and without collusion, fraud or conmet of interest. No elected or appointed officer or official, director, employee, agent or other consultant of the County, or of the State of Florida (including elected and appointed members of the legislative and executive branches of government), or a member of the immediate family or household of any of the aforesaid: I) is interested on behalf of or through the Awardee directly or indirectly In any manner whatsoever in the execution or the performance of this Agreement, or in the services, supplies or work, to which this Agreement relates or in any portion of the revenl,les; or Ii) is an employee, agent, advisor, or consultant to the Awardee or to the bElst of the Awardee's knowledge any subcontractor 01' supplier to the Awardee. b) Neither the Awardee nor any officer, director, employee. agency, parent, subsidiary, or 19 affiliate of the AWardee shall have an interest which is in conflict with the Awardee's faithful performance of its obligation under this Agreement; provided that the County, in ils sale discretion, may consent In writing to such a relationship, provided the Awardee provides the County with a written notice, in advance, which identifies all the individuals and entities involved and sets forth in detail the nature of the relationship and why it is in the County's best interest to consent to such relationship. c) The provisions of this Article are supplemental to, not In lieu of, all applicable laws with respect to conmct of interest. In the event there is a difference between the standards applicable under this Agreement and those pl'ovided by statute, the stricter standard shall apply. d) In the event Awardee has no prior knowledge of a conflict of interest as set forth above and acquires information which may indicate that there may be an actual or apparent violation of any of the above, Awardee shall promptly bring such Information to the attention of the County's Project Manager. Awardee shall thereafter cooperate with the County's review and investigation of such information, and comply with the instructions Awards'e receives from the Project Manager In regard to remedying the situation. T. Intentionally Left Blank 20 U, Publicity, Advertisements and Signage The Parties agree that the Awardee is funded by the County for CDBG Activities, Further, the Awardee agrees that all events funded by this Agreement shall recognize the County and the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (US HUD), as funding sources and that the Awardee shall ensure that all publicity, public relations, advertisements and signs recognize the County and US HUD for the support of all contracted activities, This is to include, but is not limited to, all posted signs, pamphlets, wall plaques, cornerstones, dedications, notices, flyers, brochures, news releases, media packages, promotions, and stationery, The Uile of the official County logo is permissible, The Awardee shall ensure that all media representatives, when inquiring about the activities funded by this Agreement, are informed that the County and US HUD are the funding sources. The Awardee shall notify the County of all events and activities involving the Project ten (10) days prior to the activity or event. When the Awardee obtain(s) the building permlt(s), the CEDD Project Manager at the Department, must be notified in order to request the project sign from Miami-Dade County General Services Administration (GSA). Within thirty (30) days of the erection of the sign, the CEDD Project Manager will submit an tnvoice to the Awardee for payment of the project sign cost. The Awardee is responsible for all costs for replacing any amended, lost, defaced or missing sign. The Sign shall remain on the premises at least ninety (90) days after the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy (CO) or Certificate of Completion (CC). NO WORK SHALL COMMENCE UNTIL THE PROJECT StGNS ARE SECURED IN PLACE, THE SIGNS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DETAtL SHOWN IN ATTACHMENT F. Payment for furnishing, instailing and maintaining the sign shail be under the bid amount frlr mobilization. V. Procurement The Awardee must take affirmative steps to procure supplies, equipment, construction, Of services to fulfill this Agreement from minority and women's businesses, and to provide these sourceslh<l maximum feasible opportunity to compete for subcontracts to be procured pursuant to this Agreement. To the maximum extent feasible, these businesses shall be located in or owned by residents of the Community Development areas designated by DHCD in the CDBG application apprOVed by the supervising federal agency. The Awardee shall assure that ail subcontracts or third party agreements contain provisions with stated goals, that low-income residents from Community Development Target and Service Areas be provided with opportunities for employment and training in contracted activities. In conformance with Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968, the Awardee must direct federal financing assistance towards Target Area residents and ensure that employment and economic opportunities be given to low and very low-Income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing according to the guidelines mentioned below: 1. The work to be performed under this Agreement is SUbject to the requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C, 170lu (Section 3). The purpose of Section 3 Is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low-and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing. 2. The parties to this Agreement agree to comply with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135, which implement Section 3, As evidenced by their execution of this Agmement, the parties to this Agreement certify that they are under no contractual or other impediment that would prevent them from complying with the part 135 regulations. 3. The Awardee agrees to send to each labor organization or representative of workers with which the Awardee has a collective bargaining agreement or other understanding, If any, a notice advising the labor organization or workers' representative of the Awardee's commitments under this Section 3 clause, and will post copies of the notice in conspicuous places at the work site where both employees and applicants for training and employment positions can see the notice. The notice shall describe the Section ,3 preference, shall set forth minimum number and job titles subject to hire, availability of apprenticeship and training pOSitions, the qualifications for each; and the name and 21 location of the person(s) taking <1pplications for eaoh of the positions; and the "ntieipated date the work shall begirt 4. The Awardee agrees to include this Section 3 clause In every subcontract subject to compliance with regulations in 24 CFR part 135, and agrees to take appropriate acllon, as provided in an applicable provision of the subcontract or in this Seotion 3 clause, upon a finding that the subcontractor is in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. The Awardee will not subcontract with any subcontractor where the Awardee has nottce or knowledge that the subcontractor has been found in violation of the regulations in 24 CFR part 135. 5. The Awardee will certify that any vacant emptoyment positions, inCiudihg training pOSitions, that are filled (1) after the Awardee is selected but before the Agreement is executed, and (2) with persons other than those \0 whom the regulations of 24 CFR part 135 ",quire employment opportunities to be directed, were not filled to circumvah\ the Awardee's obligations under 24 CFR part 135. 6. Noncompliance with HUD's regulations in 24 CFR part 135 may result in sanctions, termination of this Agreement for default, and debarment or susperision from future HUD assisted contracts. 7. With respect to work performed in connection with Section 3 covered Indian housing assistance, section 7(b) of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (25 U.S.C. 450e) also applies to the work to be performed under this Agreement. Section 7(b) requires that to the greatest extent feasible (i) preference anel opportunities for training and employment shall be given to Indians, and (Ii) preference In the awMd of contracts and subcontracts shall be given to Indian organizations and Indian-owned Economic Enterprises. Parties to this Agreement that are subjeot to the provisions of Section 3 and section 7(b) agree to comply with Section 3 to the maximum extent feasible, but not in derogation of compliance with section 7(b). 8. Fair Subcontracting Policies (Ordinance 97-35) All Awardees on County contracts in which subcontractors may be used shall be subject to and comply with Ordinance 97-35 as amended, requiring Awardees to provide a detailed statement of their policies and procedures for awarding subcontracts which: a) notifies the broadest number of local subcontractors of the opportunity to be awarded t3 subcontract; b) invites local subcontractors to submit bids/proposals in a practical, expedient way; c) provides local subcontractors access to information necessary to prepare and formulate a subcontracting bid/proposal; d) allows local subcontractors to meet with appropriate personnel of the Awardee to discuss the Awardee's requirements; and e) awards subcontracts based on full and complete consideration of all submitted proposals and in accordance with the Awardee's stated objectives. All Awardees seeking to contract with the County shall, as a condition of award, provide a statement of their subcontracting policies and procedures (see Attachment G). The County will not execute this Agreement with Awardees who fail to provide a statement of the Subcontractors Policies and Procedures. The County reserves the right to either approve or withdraw its consent to a subcontract if it appears to the County, in its discretion and authority, that the subcontract will delay, prevent, or otherwise impair the performance of the Awardee's obligations under this Agreement. W, Property 1. Definitions a. Property. As defined on page 2 herein. b. Real Property: Land, land improvements, structures, fixtures and appurtenances thereto, exe/uding movable machinery and equipment. b. Personal Property: Personal property of any kind except real property. 22 1) Tangible: All personal property having physical existence, 2) Intangible: All personal property having no physical existence such as patents, inventions, and copyrights, c, Nonexpendable Personal Property: Tangible personal prop""y or ,., nonconsumable nature, with a value of $750 or more per item, with a nzmY!i:d expected life of one or more years, not fixed in place, and not an integwl t:Mr! 01 a structure, facility or another piece of equipment. d, Expendable Personal Properly: All tangible personal propel1y ("hill li,fili nonexpendable property, 2, The Awardee shall comply with the real property requirements as stated belew: a. Any real property under the Awardee's control that was acquired or improved I:i'l Awardee or DHCD in whole or in part with CDBO funds received Iroln DHCU fi, excess of $25,000 shall be either: 1) Useq to meet one of the three (3) CDBO national objecllves until Ii\l,' (5) years after Ihe expiration or termination of this Agmell!i,ni, 0' ii" such longer period of time as determined by DHCD in it~~ M,! ';"n absolute discretion; Of 2) Not used to meet one of the three (3) CDSO National Obl",,:;\I('; i;, "d' event the property Is not used to meet one of the national objl)div\·.!s tni five (5) years following the expiration or termination of this {\ni"i::',YI)('ii'" or such longE;l:r period as determined by DHCD, the f\i{'l!;\fdr;-;; ;ih,,\ 1. 1:-, the sale discretion of DHCD, either pay to DHCD 81'1 "'iI'."."" the market value of Ihe property as may be delerminod bV ,', sole and absolute discretion, less any proportionate pOrfk)l'; oj 1'i rc" ,/{ilti(: attributable to expenditures of non-CDBG funds for acqui~;iti(:n of, (Ii improvement to, the property or transfer the property to DHCU <'j t')f) cost to DHCD, Reimbursement is not required aftt:lf (h(:') fJ(:;li':J(j of ijj'(I~-l speolfied in Paragraph W,2,a,1" apove, b. Any re~1 property under the Awardee's control that was acquired (Ji' ,'i whole or in part with CDBG funds from DHCD for $25(001) 'Ii I,·,,, "",,! ", disposed of, al the expiration or termination of Ihis AfJf"Hl",""" ,,;Y' with instructions from DHCD, c. All real property purchased or improved in whole or in part \Nith juno,',; 1'-(,';,1"\ iLL-: and previous Agreements with DHCD, or transferred to thr, ,1i,v/Wdl.)C :',ijel-i ,:);';q purchased in whole or in part with funds from Df·ICD. ,,1181i L'(' rIC",,, 'i! ,;,:' property records of the Awardee and shall Include a leflrd dF;~';c"ii-"i.'{\·" ,;,1','''' ;j;',i, of acquisition; value at time of acquisition; pre$(:mt rnari~::-;i: '/ 'Jill':' I': ,,;,'::;;'\j condition; address or location; owner's name if diffen'Jnt fro:(! (j'I":' ~'",jJi-Ji'dl;t' information on the transfer or disposition of tho properly; ':)I\t! :~-!;,:':-'i iI', 'ji, ;'i(;H" whether property is in parcels, lots, or blocks and showin~'j adj};,1 i;H1, ,',d, "';";i,') ;';;' , roads. The prdperty records shalf describe the prOW8rrl(na!ir, lC-' "',;>!. the property was acquired and identify the CDBG natiooai 'i':li ' met. If the property was improved, the reGords shall d0~\crlb(! purpose for which the improvements were mado and idun!.!!\' 1(1"; : i"",j,·'!(' .. " objective that will be met. d. For awards involving the purchase or Improvement of real proper),!, (hi;', '\f'!;,-iii,il;J~ agrees to execute a mortgage, loan document, or restrictiv(;; I "",;~, :-i:.::ni ~\'i ;h;" CDBG award with DHCD within 180 days after the exc;cllliul1 ",i1 " "Ui, ."",;:, Failure to comply with this requirement may result in {hE! retmdi( n (,i ;I)" t I, I award for the project and termination of this agreement. e, All real property shall be inventoried annually by the ;\waldu, ,,,.,; 'i" u",,·;·,,· report -shall be submitted to DHCD. This report nhaH !nell!(k~ iI'" ;';1':, "':-r\i':,~ :: in Paragraph W,Z,c" above, 23 Nothing in this section shall be construed to limit the County's right to collect from Awardee the entire amount of CDBG funds awarded pursuant to this Agreement in the event Awardee fails to meet a national objective. 3. Inventory -Capilal Equipment and Real Property All capital ilems acquired for the project by the Awardee with funds allocated In this Agreement shall be assets of the Awardee and may be secured by a mortgage delivered to the County. A capital item shall be defined as an item that: (1) has a selvice life in excess of one year; (2) is either complete within ilself or is a major component of anoth~r ilem of property; (3) by definition cannot be described either as supplies or malerials; (4) will not be consumed or lose its identity; and (5) has a unit cost of $500 or more. Awardee shall notify the County immediately upon acquiring any capital items with funds allocated in this Agreement The County shall allow the Awardee to retain possession of capital equipment after expiration of this Agreement as long as the Awardee continues to provide the service described in the Scope of Services (Attachment A). tf the Awardee disbands, beconies defunct or in any way ceases to exist or if the Awardee ceases to provide the service described in the Scope of Services or another service of value, Awardee shall notify the County immediately and provide instructions describing how the County may take possession of the capilal equipment. Awardee shall deliver to the County all documents of title or ownership and shall transfer or assign such ownership rights to the County. Foreclosure of the County mortgage or enforcement of other documents shall not be required in order for the County to claim and take possession of capital equipment. 4. The Awardee shall comply wilh the nonexpendable personal property requirements as stated below: a. All nonexpendable personal property purchased or improved in whole or in part with funds from this and previous Agreements with DHCD shall be listed In the property records of the Awardee and shall include a description of the property; location; model number; manufacturer's serial number; date of acquisition; funding source; unit cost at the time of acquisition; present market value; property inventory number; Information on ·its oondition; and information 0" transfer, replacement, or disposition of the property. b. All nonexpendable personal property purchased or improved in whole or in part with funds from this and previous Agreements with DHCD shall be inventoried annually by the Awardee and an inventory report shall be submitted to DHCD. The inventory repoli shatl include the elements listed in Paragraph W:l.a., above. c. Title (ownership) to all nonexpandable personal property purchased In whote oi' In part with funds given to the Awardee pursuant to the terms of this Agreement shall vest in the County and DHCD. 5. Th" Awardee shall obtain prior written approval from DHCD for the disposition of real property, expendable personal property, and nonexpendable personal property purchased or improved in whole or in part with funds given to the Awardee or subcontractor pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. The Awardee shall dispose of all such property in accordance with Instructions from DHCD. Those instructions may require the return of all such property to DHCD. )(. Program Income 1. Program Income as defined In 24 CFR Part 570.500 means gross income received by the Awardee directiy generated from activities supported by CDBG funds. When Program Income is generated by an activity that is only partially assisted with CDI3G funds, the income shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of CDI3G funds used. 2. The Awardee shall not, under any circumstances, use Program Income to pay for charges or expenses that are specifically not allowed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement and applicabte federal regulations or rules, or any County rules or ordinance. 24 a. The Awardee shall comply with the Program tncome provIsions in OliCO's Contract Compliance Manual. If any Program Income provisions of the QQDtract Compliance Manual conflict with any Program Income provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall rule. b. The Awardee shall report to OliCO all cumulative Program IncomE> generated from activities financed in whole or in part by funds from this Agreement, for as long as it receives and/or has control over Program Income generated from this and any previous Agreements with OliCO. This information, along with .!!.phegk payable to Miami-Oade County for the generated Program Income"...!Ilusl.h.~. submitted quarterly as .!lert of th~ Fiscal Section of the Awardee's Progres" Reooas outlined .In Section .!lJ'aragraph F.2.a. Th'LQm!n!Y..!!lllYJnits sale discretion allow Awardee to Use Program Income to carry out ellqlbl~ctivltie!!,. The Awardee may request to use Program Incmpe for eligible activities. c. If the Awardee requests to use Program Income, the Awardee shall provide to OliCD a written explanation of the activities to be essisted with Program Income and shall obtain DliCD's written approval prior to Implementing those activities. All provisions of this Agreement shall apply to any activity performed using Program Income. d. SubJect to the limitations set forth in this Agreement, the Awardee may use Program Income to fund any CDSG eligible activity as provided for and defined by 24 CFR Part 570 et.seq. e. Program Income from a revolving loan activity must be used only for the same revolving loan activity. f. Program Income from a revolving loan activity, such as loan repayments, interest earned, late fees, and investment income, shall be substantially disbursed to eligible loans, loan-related programmatic costs, and operational costs for the same revolving loan activity before the Awardee may request additional CDSG funds for that activity. g. All Program Income from nonrevolving loan activities shall be SUbstantially disbursed to carry out other DHCO approved CDSG eligible activities, and to cover operational costs before requesting additional COSG funds. h. Any proceeds from the sale of property as detailed in Section 11, Paragraph W.4., above, shall be oonsidered Program Income. i. The Awardee shall obtain, as part of the required audit report, validation by a certified auditor of all program generated income and its disposition. 3. Upon expiration or termination of this Agreement or at the end of any program year, the Awardee shall transfer to the County any Program Income funds on hand, and any Program Income accounts receivable to any COSG funded activities. DHCD may require remittance of all or part of any Program Income balances (including investments thereof) held by the Awardee (except those needed for immediate cash needs, cash balances of revolving loan fund, cash balances from a lump sum drawdown, or cash or investments held for Section 108 security needs). 4. DHCD, In its sale and absolute discretion, reseryes the right to pursue other oOurses 6f action in the retention and use of Program Income generated by the Awardee, and such action shall not require an amendment to this Agreement. Y. Travel The Awardee shall comply with the County's travel policies. Documentation of travel expenses shall conform to the requirements of DHCD's Contract Compliance Manua!. Z. SubGontracts and Assignments 1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the Awardee shall hot subcontract any porlion of the work without the prior written consent of the County. Subcontracting without 25 the prior consent of the County may result in termination of the Agreement for breach. When Subcontracting is allowed, the Awardee shall comply with County Resolution No. 1634-93, Section 10-34 of the County Code and Section 2-8.8 of the County Code. The Awardee shall ensure that all subcontracts and assignments: a. Ensure that no contraotor, subcontractor or assignee is listed on the U.S. HUP's debarred, suspended, or ineligible contractors list; Awardee shali use, at a minimum, US HUD's Exoluded Parties List System to confirm clearance of contractors. The system may be accessed at https:llwww.epls.qov( Awardee shall provide to DHCD a copy of the site page that indicates the name and the date It was checked. Awardee shall further ensure that no contractor, subcontractor, or assignee is listed on Miami-Dade County's debarred Contractor's List; Awardee shall, at a minimum, check at http://w''y!£w,miam,idade.qov/sba/reports-debarment.asp to determine if a person or entity is on Miami-Dade County's debarred contractor's list. Awardee shall provide DHCD with a printout copy of the site page that indicates the name and the date il was checked. b. Comply with all CDBG requirements, as applicable, es well as the regulations specified in DHCD's Contract Complianoe M@ual. c. Identify the full, correct, and legal name of the party. d. Describe the activities to be performed. e. Present a complete and accurate breakdown of its price component. f. Incorporate a provision requiring compliance with all applicable reflulatory and other requirements of this Agreement and with any conditions of approval that the County or DHCD deem necessary. This applies only to subcontracts and assignments in which parties are engaged to oarry out any eligible substantive programmatic service, as may be defined by DHCD, set forth in this Agreement. DI-ICD shall In its sole discretion determine when services are eligible substantive programmatic services and SUbject to the audit and record-keeping requirements described above, and; Result from an open competitive bid process generating a minimum of three bids. Such competitive process shall be described in Writing, approved by the Board of Directors and a copy of which submitted to DHCD. In such circumstances that open, competitive bids are not feasible or that a minimum of three bids are unobtainable, permission to use other methods of award must be requested in writing and approved by DHCD prior to the assignment or award of subcontract. The Awardee agrees that no assignment or sub-contract Will be made or let in connection with the Agreement without the prior written approval of DHCD, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and that all SUch sub-contractors or assignees shall be governed by the terms and Intent of this Agreement. g. Incorporate the language of Attachment E, "Certification Regarding Lobbying." h. Include language stating that the Subcontractor understands and agrees that the County is not a party to the subcontract and has no obligation to the subcontractor. i. The Awardee shall maintain, and shall require that its subcontractors and suppliers maintain, complete and accurate records to substantiate compliance with the requirements set forth in the Scope of Services. The Awardee and its subcontractors and suppliers, shall retain such records, and all other document. relevant to the Services furnished under this Agreement for a period of three (3) years from the expiration date of this Agreement and any extension thereof. 26 2. The Awardee shall incorporate in all consullant subcontracts this addltlQnal provision: The Awardee is not responsible for any insurance or other fringe benefits, e.g., social seGurity, income tax with holdings, retirement or teave benefits, for the Consultant or employees of the Consultant normally available to direct employees of the Awardee. The Consultant assumes full responsibility for the provision of all insurance and fringe benefits for himself or herself and employees retained by the Consultant in carrying out the Scope of Services provided in this subcontract. 3. The Awardee shall be responsible for monitoring the contractual performance of all subcontracts and their progress toward meeting the approved goals and objectives indicated in the attached Scope of Services. 4. the Awardee shall receive from DHCD written prior approval for any subcontract engaging any party who agrees to carry out any substantive programmatic activities as may be determined by DHCD as described in this Agreement. DHCD's approval shall be obtained prior to the release of any funds to the subcontractor. 5. The Awardee shall receive written approval from DHCD prior to either assigning or transferring any obligations or responsibility set forth in this Agreement or the right to receive benefits or payments resulting from this Agreement. 6. Approval by DHCD of any subcontract or aSSignment shall not under any circumstance be deemed to provide for the incurrence of any obligation by DHCD in excess of the total dollar amount agreed upon in this Agreement. 7. If the subcontract involves $100,000 or more to provide services listed in the Scope of Services or suppliers to supply the materials, the Awardee shall provide the names of me subcontractors and suppliers to DHCD (Attachment H). 8, The Awardee agrees that it will not change or substitute subcontractors or suppliers from the list (Attachment H) without prior written approval from DHCD. 9. The Awardee shall not hire any of the Awardee's staff members or employees as subcontractors. AA. Additional Funding The Awardee shall notify DHCD of any additional funding received for any activity described in this Agreement. Such notification shall be in writing and received by DHCD within thirty (30) days of the Awardee's notification by the funding source. BB. Method of Payment The Awardee shall be paid as described below: 1. The Awardee shall be paid for those expenses allowed pursuant to the provisions provided below only when the Awardee submits to DHCD adequate proof, as determined by DHCD in its sale discretion, that the Awardee has incurred the expenditures. It shall be presumed that the Awardee has provided adequate proof of having incurred expenses if the Awardee submits to DHCD canceled checks or original invoices approved by the Awardee's authorized representative. When original documents cannot be presented, the Awardee must adequately justify their absence in writing and furnish copies of those documents to DHCD. The Awardee shall be paid only for those expenditures contained within Attachment B, "Budget," to this Agreement as it may be revised with the prior written approval by DHCD. 2. Requests for payment (reimbursement) shall be assembled by calendar month end submitted to DHCD no less frequently than monthly, Expenditures incurred by the Awardee must be submitted to DHCD, along with all original invoices, copies of front and back of cancelled checkspaid to all subcontractorsend suppliers, all release of liens from alII subcontractorsand suppliers, and all final approved permits, for payment within 30 days after the month in which the expenditures were Incurred. Failure to comply will result in rejection of invoices. 27 3. In no event shall the County provide advance CDBG funding to the Awardee or to any subcontractor hereunder, nor shall the Awardee advance CDBG funds to any party. 4. Any payment due under the tenns of this Agreement may be withheld pending the receipt and approval by DHCD of all reports and documents which the Awardee is required to submit to DHCD pursuant to the terms of this Agreement or any amendments thereto, 5. All payments will be limited to the quarterly payment schedule that accompanies Ihe action step chart in the scope of services. Payment is contingent on the achievement by the Awardee of the quarterly accomplishment levels identified in the scope of services portion of this agreement -Attachment A, which shall be submitted with all payment requests and shall clearly identify the completed level of accomplishments met. This shall also apply to soft costs associated with project delivery. 6. No payment(s) will be made without evidence of appropriate insurance required by this Agreement. Such evidence must be on file with DHCD and the County's Risk Management Division. DHCD must receive the final request for payment from the Awardee no more than thirty (30) calendar days after the eXpiration or termination of this Agreement. If the Awardee falls to comply with this requirement, the Awardee will forfeit all rights to payment(s) if DHCD, in its sale discretion, so chooses. 7. All monies paid to the Awardee which have not been used to retire outstanding obligations of this Agreement must be refunded to DHcD in accordance with DHCD's Contract Compliance Manual. 8. Any unexpended funds remaining after the completion of the services under this Agreement, or after termination of this Agreement, shall be recaptured in full by the County. 9. In the event the County determines that the Awardee has breached the terms of tnis agreement and that the County is entitled to return of any or all of the funds awarded under this Agreement, Awardee agrees to and shall assign any proceeds to the County from any Agreement between the County, its agencies or instrumentalities and the Awardee or any firm, corporation, partnership or joint venture in which the Awardee has a contrQlllng financial interest in order to secure repay!nent of this award. "Controlling financial Interest" shall mean ownership, directly or indirectly to ten percent or more of the outstanding capital stock in any corporation or a direct or indirect interest of ten percent or more in a firm, partnership or other business entity. CC. Reversion of Assets The Awardee slWIl return to DHCb, upon the expiration or termination of this Agreement, all assets owned or held by Awardee as a result of this Agreement, including, but not limited to any CDBG funds on hand, any accounts receivable, any overpayments due to unearned funds or costs disallowed pursuant to the terms of this Agreement that were disbursed to th .. Awardee by the County, other than reasonable operating and deficit reserves established by Awardee and which are connected with the real property. In the case of activities involving real property, such reserves shall not be distributed to any partner or subcontractor prior to repayment to DHCD of the CDBG Loan. The Awardee shall at the requesl of the County execute any and all documents, including but not limited to, mortgages securing the property, UCC finanoing stat$ments, and restrictive covenants, as required by the County to effectuate the reversion of assets. DD. Restriction on the Use of Funds The funds received pursuant this Agreement shall be used for the purposes set forth herein and shall not be used to supplant other funds. In no event shall funds received pursuant to this Agreement be used for: 1. Adverse Actions or Proceedings. The Awardee shall not utilize County funds to retain legal counsel for any action or proceeding against the County or any of Its agents, instrumentalities, employees or officials. The Awardee shall not ulilize County funds to provide legal representation, advice or counsel to any client in any action or proceeding against the County or any of its agents, instrumentalities, employees or officials. 2. Religious Purposes. County funds shall not be used for religious purposes. 28 3. Commingling Funds. The Awardee shall not comminule funds provided I.IIKk),. i.h" Agreement with funds received from any other funding sources, but may bo incll.J(li:?d ii'i ;'~ Development Bank Account permitted by the first mortgage lender at the discnHion of d ;;" County. III. THE COUNTY AGREES: Subject to the availability of funds, to pay for contracted Activities according to the terms and con<.illin'i,i contained within this Agreement in an amount not to exceed $50,000. IV. THE AWARDEE AND DHGD AGREE: A. Effective Date B. 1. This Agreement shall begin on January 1, 2010. Any costs incurred by the Ilwardc" IHI'., to this date will not be reimbursed by the County. 2. This Agreement shall expire on September 30, 2011. Any costs incurred by tho (WI?i",!'''' beyond this date will not be reimbursed by the County. The term of this agre""il",1 .HiC) the provisions herein may be extended by the County to cover any addilonol U!!"!c ,t,i:':_i-icd during which the Awardee remains in control of the CDBG funds 01 (llilo. ;). 'i,'" Including Program Income to support CDBG eligible activites. Any (',!"""",,,,,. !)!i'G,) pursuant to this paragraph shall be accomplished by a writing by liv:; C )(if'\\:! fi', 1Ti(~ Awardee. Such notice shall automatically become a part of this Agreem",,!. 3. This Agreemen! may, at the sale and absolute discretion of the Count'! ind !~" i!:f remain in effect during any period that the Awardee has control over /\un.;:\,:()~t"('I: f':,(}',,-l:'; including Program Income. However, the County Shall have no obllgallo!; " ""'I",,!:'I;i" to make any payment, except those described wilhin Seclion II, Para9rap": 'If I,,;vl'.',· any type of assistance or support to the Awardee if this Agreement has (7:'Xpil'\~d If I' hi' ;;, terminated. 4. Management Evaluation and Performance Review 1. The Department may conduct a formal management evaluation and perfonna )(; i !, 'd(~,;/ of the Awardee, if in the Department's sale dIscretion it is deemed nC:<:k;\;~~;V\f np"! applicable. The management evaluation shall reflect the Awardee':i i:{)r;'il)i'hiC; ,,-'J,'r! generally accepted fiscal and organizational standards and practiGG8. nw ;:::-';i" review should reflect the quality of service provided and the \faille ,,':u,!'J:~(\ ,~,!"< monitoring data, such as progress reports, site visits, and client survc~ys befault or Breach The Awardee shall be in default or breach of Ihis Agreement if any 01 til'; fol/owing acts, omissions or conditions occur: a. The Awardee fails to fulfill each and every proVision of thi's /IG"'''''' '" .::)(,'; ::!_'O Attachments and fails to provide the services outlined in th0 (Attachment A) within the effective term of this Agreem", ,\. b. Awardee fails to disclose all Helated or Affiliated Parties aii'I ,dl ,,,,,,, ""i'" to be disclosed as to Related or Affiliated Paliies ;0 Oi .. ' :'~\.lil(:'i;' il:<ti"':c. herein. c. Filing of a lis pendens, foreclosur~ action, or other leo a) ad,kJi! :'\\dn:·;! .'1',:' Property, any property of Awardee or Related or Affilla(ed ";.(" ,,' "'," Awardee or Related or Affiliated Party which the County delen,}!"," '" ", discretion, threatens the Property or the ability of Awardee (0 (ulllil ii"." p""J' ,'U" of this Agreement and the services outlined in the Scope of Sf.J,\}i(;r~:", d. Any arrearage, default, or late payment on any loan, Note 01 (!ii"1( ;,\,,,',i' i\' obligation for which the Property is security or req<Ji'din .... j ':'I,'ri 1'.1," ",d', 29 Awardee or Related or Affiliated Parly, Including properties not related to this Agreement. e. Any legal encumbrance on the Property not permitted in writing by the County. f. Any anticipated or pending bankruptcy, restructuring, dissolution, reorganization, appointment of a trustee or receiver. g. Any action, activity, facts, or circumstances that the County determines in Its sale discretion would materially impair performance by Awardee of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement. h. Awardee fails to report to the County within ten (10) days any bankruptcy, reorganziation, dissolution, liquidation, appointment of a trustee or receiver, lis pendens, foreclosure action or legal encumberance related to the Awardee, Related or Affiliated Party or the Property, or any action, activity, facts, or circumstances that would materially impair performance by Awardee of all the terms and coditions of this Agreement. i. Failure to comply strictly with Section W(2)(a)(1)-(2) ofthis Agreement. C. Suspension 1 . The County may suspend payment in whole or in part under this Contract by provicting written notice to the Awardee of such suspension and specifying the effective date thereof, at least ten (10) days before the effective date of suspension. If payments are suspended, the County shall spec:ify in writing the actions that must I>e taken by the Awardee as conditions precedent to resumption of payments and shall specify a reasonable date for compliance. The County may also suspend any payments In whole or in part under any other Agreements entered into between the County and Ihe Awardee, The Awardee shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such suspension, including attorney's fees. Reasonable cause shall be determined by DHCD, in its sale and absolute discretion, and may Include, but is not limited to: a. Ineffective or improper use of these Agreement funds by the Awardee or any of its l)ubcontractors; b. Failure by the Awardee to materially comply with any term or provision of this Agreement; c. Failure by the Awardee to submit any documents required by this Agreement; or d. The Awardee's submittal of incorrect Of incomplete reports or other required documents. 2. In the event of a default by the Awardee, DHCD may at any time suspend the Awardee's authority to obligate funds, withhold payments or both. These actions may apply to only part or all of the activities funded by this Agreement. 3. DHCD will notify the Awardee of the type of action to be taken in writing by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. The notification will include the reason(s) for such action, the conditions of the action, and the necessary con'active action(s). D. Termination 1 . Termination at Will This Agreement, in whole or in part, may be terminated by DHCD upon no less than ten (10) working days notice when DHCD determines that it would be in the best interest of DHCD and the County. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or in person with proof of delivery. In the event of termination, the County may: (a) request the return of all finished or unfinished documents, data studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, reports prepared, and capital equipment secured by the Awardee with County funds under this Agreement; (b) seek reimbursement of County funds allocated to the Awardee under this Agreement; andlor (c) terminate or cancel any other Agreements entered into between the County and the Awardee. The 30 Awardee shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such termination, including attorney's fees. 2. Termination for Convenience DHCD may terminate this Agreement, in whole p~rt, when both parties agree that the continuation of the activities would not produce beneficial results commensurate with the further expenditure of funds. Both parties shall agree upon the termination conditions. DHCD, at its sole discretion, reselVes the right to terminate this Agreement without cause upon thirty (30) days written notice. Upon receipt of such notice, the Awardee shall not incur any additional costs under this Agreement. 3. Termination Because of Lack of Funds In the event of a funding short-fall, or a reduction in federal appropriations, or should funds to finance this Agreement become unavailable, DHCD may terminate this Agreement upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours written notification to the Awardee. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return recEOipt "'quested, or in person with proof of delivery. DHCD shall be the final authority to determine whether or not funds ?re available. DHCD may at its disoretion terminate, renegotiate andlor adjust the Agreement award whichever is in the best Ihterest of the County. 4. Termination for Substantial Funding Reduction In the event of a substantial funding reduction of the allocation to the Awardee through Board of County Commissioners' action, the Awardee maY, at its discretion, request in writing from the Director of DHCD a release from its contractual obligations to the County. The Director of DHCD will review the effect of the request on the community and the County prior to making a final determination. 5. Termination for Default or Breach DHCD may terminate this Agreement upon no less than twenty .. four (24) hours written notification to the Awardee for breach or default. 6. Termination for Failure to Make Sufficient Progress. DHCD may terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, when DHCD determines, in Its sole and absolute discretion, that the Awardee is not making sufficient progress thereby endangering ultimate Agreement performance, or is not materially complying with any term or provision of this Agreement, DHCD may treat such failure to comply as a repudiation of this Agreement; 7. Termination for Bankruptcy The County reselVes the right to terminate this Agreement, if, during the term of any Agreement the Awardee has with the County, the Awardee becomes involved as a debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding. or becomes involved in a reorganization, dissolution, or liquidation proceeding, or if a trustee or receiver is appointed over all or a SUbstantial portion of the property of the Awardee under federal bankruptcy law or any state insolvency law. 8. General to Termination and Breach Unless the Awardee's breach is waived by the County in writing, the County may, by written notice to the Awardee, terminate this Agreement upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours notice. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipl requested, or in person With proof of delivery. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the ternis of this Agreement. The provisions herein do not limit the County's right to legal or equitable 31 remedies. The County may resort to any remedy for breach provicled herein or at law, including but not limited to, taking over the performance of the Services or any part thereof either by itself or through others. In the event the County shall terminate this Agreement for default or breach, the County or its designated representatives, may immediately take possession of all applicable equipment , materials, products, documentation, reports and data. 9. Penalties for Fraud Misrepresentation or Material Misstatement In accordance with the Code of Miami-Dade County, Section 2-8.4.1, any individual or corporation or other entity that attempts to meet its contractual obligations with th? County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement, shall have its Agreement with the County terminated, whenever practicable, as determined by the County. The County may terminate or cancel any other Agreements which such individual or other subcontracted entity has with the County. Suoh individual or E",tity shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with suoh termination or cancellation, including attorney's fees. The foregoing notwithstanding, any Individual or entity who attempts to meet it contractual obligations with the County through fraud, misrepresentation or material misstatement may be disbarred from County contracting for up to five (5) years. E. Other Remedies In addition to other provisions set forth herein, In the event of default by the Awardee, the County shall have the right to exercise any and all of the following remedies: 1. Awardee shall be liable for all damages, inoluding but not limited to: a. lost revenues; b. the difference between the cost assooiated with procuring Services hereunder and the amount actually expended by the County for reprocurement of Selvices, including procurement and administrative costs; and c. such other direct damages. 2. The Awardee shall remain liable for any liabilities and claims related to the Awardee's performance of this Agreement or any breach or default, notwithstanding the expiration or termination of this Agreement. 3. Seek enforcement of this Agreement including but not limited to filing an action with a court of appropriate jurisdiction. The Awardee shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such enforcement, including attorney's fees. 4. Debar the Awardee from future County contracting. 5. Any other remedy available at law or equity. Damages Sustained. Notwithstanding the above, the Awardee shall not be relieved of liability to the County for damages sustained by the County by virtue of any breach of the Agreement, im<f the County may withhold any payments to the Awardee until such time as the exact amount of damages due the County Is determined. The County may also pursue any remedies available at law or equity to compensate for any damages sustained by the breach. The Awardee shall be responsible for all direct and indirect costs associated with such action, including attorney's fees. Payment SettlemenJ. If termination occurs for reasons other than breach or default, Awardee shall be paid only for reasonable, allowable costs inourred by Awardee prior to notice of termination. DHCD shall be the sale judge of "reasonable, allowable costs." All compensation pursuant to this Article is subject to an audit. 32 F. Renegotiation. Modification and Right to Waive 1. Modifications of provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when In writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of each party. The parties agree to renegotiate this Agreement if DHCD determines. in its sale and absolute discretion, that federal; state. andlor County revisions of any applicable laws or regulations, or increases or decreases in budgel allocations make changes in this Agreement necessary. DHCD shall be the final authority in determining whether or not funds for this Agreement are available due to federal. state andlor County revisions of any applicable laws or regulations, or increases in budget allocations. 2. The County shall have the right to exercise an option to extend this Agreement for up to one year beyond the current Agreement period and will notify the Awardee(s) in writing of the extension. This Agreement may be extended beyond the initial year extension period upon mutual agreement between the County and the Awardee(s), upon approval qy the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development. 3. DHCO may, for good and sufficient cause, as determined by DHCD In its sole and absolute discretion, waive provisions 1n this Agreement or seek to obtain such waiver frorn the appropriate authority. Waiver requests from the Awardee shall be in writing. Any waiver shall not be construed to be a modificatioil of this Agreement. 4. DliCD's failure to exercise any of its rights under this Agreement, or DHCD's waiver of a provision on anyone occasion, shall not constitute a waiver of such rights or provision 011 any other occasion. No failure or delay by DHCD In the exercise of any right shall operate as a waiver, G. Budget Revisions and Changes to the CDBG Eligibility Activity Title 1. Revisions to the Budget (Attachment B) shall be requested in writing and must comply with DHCD's Contract Compliance Manual. These revisions shall not require a Agreement amendment unless the amount of this Agreement is changed or unless otherwise required by DHCD. Ali budget revisions shall require the written approval of DliCD. DHCD shall have no obligation to approve payment of expenditures incurred prior to the approval of tha budget revision related to such expenditures. 2. Budget Revisions Through County Resolution Should a portion of the funding aliocation to the Awardee be rescinded by action from the Board of County Commissioners, written notification via certified mail to the Award"e advising of the funding reduction shall be sent by DHCD no later than 5 working days (If the action; written notification will constitute a Agreement amendment. The Awardee will have five working days upon receipt of certified return receipt notification to submit a revised budget reflecting funding adjustments. Should the modified budget not be received within the specified time, DHCD will revise the budget at its discretion. DHCD in its sale a[ld absolute discretion will determine whether substantial reductions will necessitate revision and resubmittal of the Scope of Service (Attachment A). Revisions to the Scope of Services, when required. will be negoliated to the mutual Satisfaction of both parties. 3. Revisions to the CDBG eligibility activity titles under which this Agreement's objectives are classified as noted in the Scope of Services shall not require a Agreement amendment. Ii. Compliance This Agreement may, at the sale and absolute discretion of the County and DHCD, remain in effect during any period that the Awardee has control over Agreement funds, including Program Income. However, the County shall have no obligation or responsibility to make any payment or provide any type of assistance or support to the Awardee if this Agreement has expired or been terminated. The Awardee agrees to comply with all applicable State and County laws, rules and regulations, which are incorporated herein by reference or fully set forth herein. 33 Any alter<;ltions, variations, modifications, extensions or waivers of provisions of this Agreement shall only be valid when they have been reduced to writing, duly approved and signed by bot" parties and aUached to the original of this Agreement. This contract may be executed in counterpart copies, and these counterparts shall together constitute an original of this Agreement. I. Disputes In the event an unresolved dispute exists between the Awardee and DHCD, DHCD shall refer the questions, including the views of all interested parties and the recommendation of DHCD, to the County Manager for determination. The County Manager, or an authorized representative, will issue a determination within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt and so advise DHCD and the Awardee, or in the event additional time Is necessary, DHCD will notify the Awardee within the thirty (30) day period that additional time is necessary. The Awardee agrees that the Co~nty Manager's determination shall be final and binding on all parties. J. Headings The section and paragraph headings in this Agreement are Inserted for convenience only and shall not affect in any way the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. K. Minority Participation In order to gain greater Black business participation, the Awardee may submit its Agreements to the County Manager for bidding and award in accordance with County policies and procedures. L. Proceedings Tills Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida and any proceedings arising between the parties, in any manner pertaining or relating to this Agreement, shall, to the extent permitted by law, be held in Miami-Dade County, Florida. M. Notioe and Contact All notices between the Parties shall be in writing and sent by registered or celiified mail and addressed as follows: 34 TO AWARDEE: COPY TO: 1"0 COUNTY: COPY TO: COPY TO: COPY TO: City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 Attn: Buford R. Witt, Acting City Manager City of South Miami 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami, Florida 33143 Attn: Carol Aubrun, Gants Writ'" & Administrator' Miami-Dade County 111 N. W. 1st Street Miami, Florida 33128 Attn: County Manager Department of Housing and Community Development 701 NW 1" Court, 14'" Floor Miami, FL 33136 Attn: Shalley Jones Horn, Director Department of Housing and Community Development 701 NW 1" Court, 14'" Floor Miami, FL 33136 Attn: l.etitia S. Goodson, Projeot Manager Assistant County Attorney County Attorney's Office 111 N. W. 1st Street, Suite 2810 Miami, Florida 33128 Attn: Brenda Kuhns Neuman, Esquire Such addresses may be changed by written notice to the other party. In the event that different representatives are designated by either party after this ,:; executed, or the Awardee changes its address, notice of the name of the new ,"pm"",,!. Ii,!!", new address will be rendered in writing to the other party and said notification aH;:lch0d tn t,i(I':1i1',:,-;i:: of this Agreement. In the event that any of the information required by the proVisions of this Adi<;!r,; it~ ,:;n::f!'i((f;,-" i',/ either of the Parties after the execution of this Agreement, the affected Party "m,:: ,,'f" i(ii,:,i' writing within five (5) days to the other Party of the amended pertinent informr;Uo" ".:t':"il'i''i :" attached and incorporated into this Agreement. N. Waiver ofT rial Neither the Awardee, subcontractor, nor any other person liable for the resp(lnui!Jj!iI.i(~:'~, i.'Jl+~'i ~!:{';' ,,- services and representations herein, nor any assignee. successor, heir or perr3ol,ni ~-',~ii')l'C:: ,:,'ri':iii\-'(' of the Awardee, subcontractor or any such other person or entity shall seek a :;,"" lawsuit, proceeding, counterclaim or any other liligation procedure based upon 0, ')' Agreement, or the dealings or the relationship between or among such persGn~) (),. ;';i "i ;-i of them. Neither Awardee, subcontractor, nor any such person or entity wfH SU(~)" :~(} ' .. ;),,;( :\1,"1!1; any such action in which a jury trial has been waived. The provisions of thts pr?H!9i';::IP(-, lJ;'; 'i' i ;»:', fully discussed by the parties hereto, and the provisions hereof shall be subiect ii) "i' , No party has in any way agreed with or represented to any other partv ttw.)' 1'iV!' 1;'[ this paragraph will not be fully enforced in all instances. O. Assignment The Awardee shall not assign, transfer, hypothecate or otherwise dispos', 01 ;;"", (",'(" '"i including any rights, title or interest therein, or its power to execute such Agreemen!' in :,r;'),! i_'.L -i"I" company or corporation without the prior written consenl of the County, 35 P. Third Parties This agreement is intended for the sale and exclusive benefit of the parties and is not intended to benefit any third party nor shall it be deemed to give rise to any rights in any third party. Q. Survival The parties acknowledge that any of the obligations in this agreement, including but not limited to Awardee's obligation to indemnify the County, will survive the term, termination, and cancellation hereof. Accordingly, the respective obligations of the Awardee and the County under this agreement, which by nature would continue beyond the termination, cancellation or expiration thereof, shall survive termination, cancellation or expira1ion hereof. R. Autonomy The Parties agree that this Agreement recognizes the autonomy of and stipulates and implies no affiliation between the contracting parties. It is expressly understood and intended that the Awardee is only a recipiant of funding support and Is not an agent, employee, servant or instrumentality of the County. The Awardee is, and shall be, in the performance of all Work services and activities under this Agreement, an independent contractor, and not an employ,'e, agent or servant of the County. All persons engaged In any of the work or services performed pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times, and in all piaces, be subject to the Awardee's sole direction, supervision and control. The Awardee shall exercise control over the means and manner in which it and its employees perform the work, and in all respects the Awardee's relationship and the relationship of its employees to the County shall be that of an independent contractor and not as employees, servants or agents of the County. The Awarde" does not have the power or authority to bind the County in any promise, Agreement or representation olher than specifically provided for in this Agreement. S. All Terms and Conditions This Agreement and its attachments as referenced (Attachment A -Scope of Services: Attachment Ai -Action Steps: Attachment B -Budget: Attachment B-1 Idemnification and Insurance Requirements: Attachment B-2 -CDBG Program Requirements: Attachment C -Progress Heport and Set-Up Forms: Attachment D -Information for Environmental Heview: Attachment E - Certification, Statements and Affidavits: Attachment F -Publicity, Advertisements and Signage; Attachment G -Fair Subcontracting Policie,,: Attachment H -SubcontractorlSupplier Listing) contain all the terms and conditions agreed upon by the parties. No other Agreement, oral or otherwise, regarding the subject matter of this Agreement shall be deemed to exist or bind any of the parties hereto. T. Conflict In the event that a conflict arises between any prior funding documents andlor agreements governing this development, the terms, provisions and definitions included in this Agreement Shall prevail. In the event that the Subsidy Layering Review (SLR) determines the project's true gap financing needs to be less than the maximum award allocated by the Board of County Gommissioners, the SLR amount shall prevail. Any Awardee granteq additional funding for a Project, shall be bound by the terms and conditions of the subsequent funding award. U. Interpretation Paragraph headings are for convenience only and are not intended to expand or restrict the scope or substance of the prOVisions of this Agreement. Wherever used herein, the Singular shall include the plural and plural shall include the singular, and pronouns shall be read as masculine, feminine or neuter as the context requires. . 36 V. Survival The parties acknowledge that any of the obligations in this Agreement, including but nol, iinli1'()(j \(, the Awardee's obligation to indemnify the County, will survive the term, terminalii''' \Jnd cancellation hereof. Accordingly, the respective obligations of the Awardee and the COHnl" l.mdcl this Agreement, which by nature would continue beyond the termination, cancellation ()( ex!)ii'("ti,.,Ii'! thereof, shall survive termination, cancellation or expiration hereof. W. Corporate Governance A Not··for-Profit Awardee shall abide by and be governed by Chapter 617, ElQris!'l "',m,IlI"". particularly Sections 617.0830 through 617.0835 as amended, which are incorporateci reference as If fully set forth herein in connection with its Agreement obligations herelJi)(j.:'V A For-Profit Awardee shall abide by and be governed by Chapter 607, Florida StaM!!.,' .. pari;, .. "!,,, IV Sections 607.0830 through 607.0833, as amended, which is incorporated herein by ref<m;I""" "., If fully set forth herein in connection with its contractual obligations hereunder. 37 ","em'" ,""w'. <c. "'";" , •• ro ""J,W' '"' '"a' -Ei9~ (38) page contract to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly aulhorized, this ~ day of tv :....201~. I AWAI~DEE: M MI-DADE COUNTY City of South Miami BY: NAME: Hector Mirabile I Pk..I>· BY: -;;-_ /Ar~' ---.---- NAME: =if-I Carlos Alvarez ___ . TITLE: Mayor TITLE: City Manager DATE: \D e (t,n\ \o.if [1-, ;< 0 \ () BY: C~l&Qi (~¥Z~~Y;f/ NAME Maria M. Menendez ___ ~Ij; l&AJv __ ~.Jl::..:: (ii. I!! ' I () TITLE: DATE BY, Type or Print Name Federal ID Number: 59-6000431 ResQlulion II: R-489-10 Awa.rdec's Fiscal Year Ending Dale: September 30 th COF<PORAT~ SEAL: AGREEMENT IS NOT VALID UNTIL SIGNED AND DATED BY BOTH PARTIES 38 ._ .... _--,_ ... _------_ ... _-, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ---------'---------------------~~~~~~-----------------------City of South Miami FY 2010 Scope of Services ___ ~. -"'_~,; ______ .... ________ J~a~n~u~a~ry~, ~1~,2~0~1~0_-_S~e~p~t~em~b~er_3_0~,~2~0~1~1 __________ ~-----_____ • I. 2. 3. 4, 5, -ACTIVITY TITLE: lDIS#: INI)EX CODE: RESOLUTION II: DUNS II: ACTIVITY 1/ -ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION: 2. -Activity Category: 2b. -Objective: 2c. -~ Ol\lcome: -APPROVED BY BCC: Other Funding Source and Amount! -TOTAL I'ROJECT COST: -HUD INFORMATION: Sa. -HUD matrix code: 5b. ~ HUD Activity Type: 50. -Eligibility 6. -ACCOMPLISHMENTS: 7, 6a. -Number ofUnils: 6b. -Type: -NATIONAL OB,JECTIVE: 1'0"1111 # ofLow/Mod in Service Area: Censlis Tract: Block Group: 8. -ACTIVITY ADDRESS: 9. -LOCA'I'I0N: N)<SA: District: 10, -LABOR STANDARD applicable Type of Work: SW 64 111 Stl'~~t Corridor Improvements -Ph~se I -=~~~----------------------.-----------CD536CI6CI R-489-10 024628976 .).0043031 Street Improvements and reconstruction along SW 64 th Street from SW 571h AVenue (Red Road) to SW 62"" venue to include brick pavers, 4R way stop sign with traffic roadway improvements along this cOl'ridor. Will benefit 952 people from the area. CapitalI.mpl'ovemcnt _.-:-_______ _ Create Suitable Living Environment Sustalnability Amount: $50,000 Soul'ce: CDBG FY: 201Q South Miami CRA $10,000 $60,000 03K,-;-;-____ ----,-__________________ _ Street Imm'ovements 570.201 (c) 952 -":""--0-_-----._------_________ _ People ----------_.-570.208(a)(1) L"'M"'A'--________ _ ~-.. ------ 76.03 SW 641h Stl'eet from SW 57 1h Avenue tQ SW 62 ntl Avenue South Miami, Florida 33143 South Miami 07 --------------.. -~ o Building 0 Residential [J Highway o Heavy COMMEN'l'S; :;. PROJECT MANAGER: Letitia S. Goodson PLANNER: ;,~~j; ,',r:'~:-:; ;',C-r:.NC( '--i.~'._; ~ • -, ,:;-C'-,o.-" ,-=, ;;,-i)~;h::' :3C ':::,~E ;\>v,GUNT: 5;;,,_ "_.' Ti::;TA.1.. ,4,CT1Vf1Tf COSTS jG,AL AVA1LA8LE FUNDING (Malchir.g by eRA} PROPOSED ACCOMPLISHMENT UNITS: ACCOMPLiSHMENT UNITS: TYPE: -s£;: :i;,;.;,OG,;;- 9~:2 352 People PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION QUARTERLY SERVICE UNITS APPROVED Page 1of2 PROJECTED PAYMENT LEVEL ACTUAL QUARTERLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ICUMULATIVE PERCENTAGF OF CUMULATfVE SERVICE UNITS CUMUlATiVE REIMBURSEMENTS . .:0,,::,, .. <::\";'\";:,:'; , "T·-, "ry ;::'_'~iGi~G sc .'.::~CE Af}QUNT: T-0 '; AL .A.CTIVIT1Y CCSTS TOTAL AVAILABLE FUNOlNG (Matching by CP-A) PROPOSED ACCOMPUSHMENT UNITS: ACCOMPLISHMENT UNITS: TYPE: '-'F :",- ":,':',': C,-::(.",,-,,. :iir:(.\! S,(-,OG0 952 952 People PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETlON APPROVED QUARTERLY SERVICE UNITS APPROVED Page 2o.f2 PROJECTED PAYMENT LEVEL ACTUAL QUARTERLY ACCOMPLISHMENTS ICUMULATNE -PERCENTAGE OF CUMULATNE CUMULATIVE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI SW 64th Street Corridor Improvements -Phase I CDBG FY2010 SUMMARY BUDGET January 1, 2010 thru September 30, 2011 PRIOR YEAR FY 2010 NON-DHCO CAtEGORiES FUNDING FUNDING FUNDING I. Personnel $0 $1,"122 $0 II.Contractual ServiCes $0 $5,000 $0 III. Operating Services $0 $0 $0 IV. Capital Outlay $0 $43,278 $10,000 TOTAL BUDGET $0 $50,000 $50,000 Attachrm~nt B TOTAL '~""-""""~' , . $'\. ?'::!.? $5,{)G{) $0 $f)3\~~'/,:) $fi(Hii'ii) SOl,JRCES OF OTHER fUNDING TOTAL AMOUNT South Miami eRA $10,000 CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI CDBG FY 2010 SW 64th Street Corridor Improvements -Phase I DETAIL BUDGET ,January 1, 2010 thru September 30, 2011 PP Non-HCD DHCD Tota/HDCD 401ii--PERSoNNEL-Erne/oyee Regul~r~ Sa,laries PubUQ Works Director Chief Acco~lnlilnt Grants Administrator Sub-Total Salaries --Fringe BenefIts FICA (salaryX7.65%) ub~Total Fringe - atal Personnel Conttactual Services 1011 External Audit 1012 Environmental Audit 2 2 2 2 2 2 ~ 1.030. Oll)er, Pr~fessional-Svc Const Mgmt 10.30. Other Professional Sve 2350 Bottled Water 5330. Rent, Copier $511 Buildinn Rental Total dontractw" onerating Expenses - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - -- $ 800 $ SOO $ -$ - $ 800 $ 800 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 -$ 122 -$ 122 -122 $ 122 $ $ 1,722 $ 1,722 - $ -$ - $ -$ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 -$ -$ - $ -$ - $ -$ --$ -$ - $ 5 000 $ 5,000 Attachment B Total All Sources $ ---;:;;;;-~~Q.. $ $ ~gg. $ 1,60~~ $ 122 r-----:rif $ 1,7~~ $ - $ - $ 5,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 5,000 - 310iTTeiephone Regular $ $ $--$~--:' 31011 ~~~!'.e_L_On_g'''.!2..''"i'!-''''ta-~-cC:-e -----t----fC$;:----I-"'$----fC$"". ---;--;;;$ ___ -_-__ 3161 Postage $ $ $ $ - 31420Adveltising Radio_·. $ $ $"--$ - iotal Operating Expens~ ____ -'-_J_$ __ ':'-J..!.$ __ "":'_L:$, __ ..:.,.-,-.!C$ - Commodities -31510 Outside Printing $ -$ -$ -$ 9!:i02;O Oomputer Purchase $ -$ -$ -$ -47010 Office ~upp!i?s! Outside Vendors $ $ $ $ .. --- Total Commodities $ -$ -$ -$ --- ;ap;ta/Outlav ---- 61625 I 10,OOC 43,278 43,2T8 53,2'78 Total Capital Outlay 10,000 43,278 43,278 53,21a ITOTA~BUP~G~E~T~' ________________ r=L--LI~$~I~O,~OO~O~I~$~~50~,O~o~o~IL$~5~0~,0~OO~I~$~ ___ -"6~O,~oo~ol l>QURCES OF OTHER FUNDING TOTAL AMOUNT So~th Miami CRA $65,000 17 ATTACHMENT B-1 INDEMNJIlICA TION AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONSTRUCTION ANI) MAJOR REHABILITATION ACTIVITIES Coniractorshall indemnity and hold harmless the County and its officers, employees, agents 'and instl1lmentalities ii-om any and all liability, losses or damages, including attorney's fees and costs of defense, which the County or its officers, employees, agents or instl1lmentalities may incur as a result of claims, demands, snits, causes of actions or proceedings of any kind or nature arising out of, relating to or resulting from the peri()rmance of this Agreement by the Contractor or its employees, agents, servants, partners principals or subcontractors. Contractor shall pay all claims and losses in connection therewith and shall investigates and, defend all claims, suits or actions of any kind or nature in the name of the County, where applicable, including appellate proceedings, and shall pay aB costs, judgments, and attorney's fees which may issue thereon. Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Agreement or otherwise provided by Contractor shall in no way limit the responsibility to indemnify, keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officers, employees, agents and instrumentalities as herein as herein provid(',(:i. The Contractor shall furnish to the Miami-Dade County, clo the Department of Housing and Community Development, 701 NW 1" Court, 14th Floor, Miami, FL 33136, Certifiyate (s) ofInsuJ'ance which indicate thai insurance coverage has been obtained which meets the requirements as outlined below: A. Worker's Compensation Insurance for all employees of the Contractor as required by Florida Statute 440. B. Publio Liability Insurance on a comprehensive basis in an amouht not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily iI\iUlY and property damage. MiamicDade County must be shown as an additional insured with respect to this coverage, C. Automobile Liability Insurance covering, all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles uSed in connectJoll with the work, in an amount not less than $500,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. D. Completed Valued Builder's Risk Insurance on an "All Risk" basis in an amount not less than one hundred (100%) percent of the insurable value of the buJlding(s) or structure(s). They policy shall be in the name of Miami-Dade and the Contractor. E. Professional Liability Insurance in the name of design professional for this project, in an amount not less than $250,000 Witll the deductible per claim, if any, not to exceed 10% of the limit. A.ll insurance poli<;les required above shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws ofthe State of Florida, with tlJe following qualifications: The company must be rated no less than "B" as to management, and no less than "Class V" as to financial strength by the latest edition of Best's Insurance Guide, published by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, New Jersey, or its equivalent, subject to tlle approval of the County Risk Management Divisioll. or The company must hold a valid Florida Certificate of Authority as shown in the latest "List of All Insurance Companies AuthOlized or Approved to Do Business in Florida", issued by the State of Florida Department ofInsurance and are members of the Florida Guaranty Fund. Certificates of will indicate that no modification or change in insurance shall be made without thirty (30) days in advance notice to the certificate holder. ATTACHMENT B-2 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program A Schedule of Units -For Awardees undertaking the development of for-sale ownership or rental housing, the'description of the proposed units to be completed is as follows (to be completed by Awardee): For Awardees undertaking rental housing, the Awardee agrees with respect to tlie Development for the period beginning on the date of recordation of the Mortgage and Security Agreement securing the DHCD Loan, that: a, The Awardee shall designate and set-aside ___ units for very low, low-income, or moderate income families in the configuration as described in the Schedule of Units referenced herein. ' "11:' 'At the very minimum, the Awardee shall be required to equip each unit with the following: refrigerator, oven, carpeting/tile, and central air conditioning. c. Each unit shall meet the energy efficiency standards promulgated by the HUD Secretary. d. TheAwilrdee must verify that all households assisted have annual incomes 1M! do no! exceed 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The awardee must report to DHCD tlle humber of set-aside housing units completed and occupied, including demographic information on each head of household. '1 B.AWARDE;E.OBUGATIONS AND DUTIES 1. The Awarde.e shall begin construction no later than twelve (12) .months 11fter execution of the 2010 RFA Funding Agreement. All construction shall be completed within twenty-four (24) months of execution of the Agreement. Construction Is completed when a Certificate of Occupancy (CO) is issued. 2. The Awardee shall submit to DHCD, in writing, all requests for project construction start-up and completion extensions, including a revised timetable for completion of the project. Suoh written requests must be submitted to DHCD at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date of the contract or amendment. If the extension request is not timely submitted, the funding award shall be automatically forfeited by the Awardee . . 3. The Awardee shall obtain prior written approval from DHCD before undertaking any and all changes to the project, including. but neit limited to changes in the proposed unit sales prices or rents (as app/icable), start-up and completion date extension request, unit set-aside, floor plans and amounts to be contributed towards clOSing. The Awardee shall send DHCDnotice of such changes within thirty (30) days of any such increase .. 4. The AwardM shall execute a Regulatory Agreement, Note, and Mortgage delineating a set-aside of units that is proportionate to the level of funding received pursuaht to the funding sources. 5. The Awardee shall forward to DHCD within fifteen [15] days of execution of this contract an Affirmative Marketing Program to aUract and identify prospective renters or homErbuyers (as applicable), regardless of sex, of all minority and majority groups, to the Project, particularly groups that areno! likely to be aware of the Project. The Marketirig Plan should include efforts designed to make such persons/groups aware of the available housing, including, but not limited to the following activities: Submit prootof advertising in The Miami Herald, Wario Las Americf.!.'$. and Miami Ti[l?es; in an effort to afford all ethnic groups the opportunity to obtain affordatlie housing. The Awardee shall provide proof of other special marketing efforts including advertising Multiple listings Service (MLS) through a licensed real estate professional. 6. The Awardee shall provide DHCD with a complete set of permitted plans, approved specifications, and permits for each buildirig or unit model, as applicable, upon approval by the appropriate controlling municipality prior to commeneing constructioll. ·r. The Awardee shall provide to DHCD for approval prior to awarding the construction contract for the Development, the name of the General Contractor. 3. Prior to the commellcement of constructioll, the Awardee shall provide to DHCD the General Contractor's Payment & Performance Bond (P&PB). At DHCD's discretion, based on the Awardee's organizational capacity, track record, and experience, an irrevocable Stand-by letter of Credit may be accepted in lieu of the ·P&PB. In such event, the Letter of Credit must be issued by a Florida chartered bank or national 2 bank operating in Florida in the amount of ten percent (10%) of t~e constr!-lction contract amount, in US funds, with Miami-Dade County listed as the beneficiary. 9. The Awardee shall schedule a Pre-Construction Conference with DHCD at least sixty (60) days prior to the commencement of construction. 10. The Awardee shall provide DHCD with a written commitment for construction financing from a financial institution(s) at the time of construction loan closing. 11. The Awardee agrees to notify DHCD in writing within fourteen (14) days of any key personnel or location changes in the rnanagement company. 12. During the Design Stage, the Awardee shall obtain Professional Liability Insurance in the name of the Awardee or the licensed design professional employed by the Awardee in an amount of not less than $250,000, and shall furnish to DHCD the relevant Certificates of Insurance evidencing the prescribed insurance coverage in accordance with ATTACHMENT B-1 of this contract. G. DHCD OBblG.ATIONS ANDOUTIE§ 1. DHCD shall manage its own disbursements and aetas the dIsbursement agent for all construction loan funding draWs. 2. DHCDwili monitor the project for adherence to plans, unit layout and deadlines for project completion in accordance with the Contract;lnd the Scope of Services. 3. DHCD shall forward to the Courity's Risk Management all reqUired and applicable Certificate(s) of Insurance. 4. DHCD shall disburse the awarded funding only after the Awardee closes on the construction loan, all required loan documents have been recorded, and the Awardee has timely submitted fUnding draw requests and relevant invoices in the prescribed manner and as satisfactory to DHCD. 5. DHCO shall notify the Awardee of any address/location changes toOHCO's contact information within forty-five (45) days of its occurrence. D. NATIONAL OBJECTIVE In accordance with 24 CFR Section 570.208 of the federal regulations, the Awardee shall be required to achieve the national objective of Benefit to Low and Moderate Income PE!(SOnS or Households (LMI). For activities designed to meet the LMI national objective, the Awardee shall ensure and maintain documentation, acceptable to DHCO in its sole discretion that conclusively demonstrates that each activity assisted in whole or in palt with C[)BG funds is an actii/ity that provides benefit to persons where no less than 51 % of those benefitted are low-and moderate-income persons with household incomes at or below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI), as further defined in the chart below: 3 26,950 30,350 33,700 36,400 39,100 41,800 44,500 43,150 Source: htlp://www.hudusf!r.org/publications/commdev//nsp.htm/ TI:!JLAw?rdee may achieve the LMI national objective...Qv.jJndertakinq activities that faIU!.!Jder one of four (4) primary LMI cagegories: 1. To benefit Low Mod Area (LMA) For activities designed to meet the Uvll national objective category cif Low Moderate Area Benefit (LMAJ. the Awardee shall ensure and maintain documentation, acceptable to DHCD in its sole discretion that conclusively demonstrates that each activity assisted in whole or in part with CDBG funds is an activity that provides benefit to residents in a particular area. where at least 51% of the residents are LMI persons. The service area of the activity must be primarily residential and the activity must meet the identified needs of LMI persons. A service area is considered to meet the test of being LMI if at least 51% oHhe persons residing in the service area are low- to moderate-inGome. as determined by: a. the most recently available decennial Census information. together with the Section 8 income limits that would have applied at the time the inconle information was collected' by the Census Bureau; or b. a current survey cif residents of the service area. If the proposed activity's service area is generally the same as a census tract or block group. then the Census data may be used to justify the income characteristics of the area served. " 2. To benefit Low Mod Limited Clientele (LMC) For activities designed to meet the LMI national objective category of Low Moderate Limited Clientele (LMC). the Awardee shall ensure and maintain documentation, acceptable to DHCD in its sole discretion that conclusively demonstrates that e11Ch activity assisted in whole or in part with CDBG funds is an activity in which no less than 51% of the beneficiaries of the activity are LMI persons. Activities in this category provide benefits to a specific group of persons rather than everyone in an area. It may benefit particular persons without regard to their residence. or it may be 4 an activity that provides a benefit to only particular persons within a specific area. Wilh respect to determining the beneficiaries of activities as LMI and qualifying under the limited clientele category, activities must meet one of the following tests: a. Benefit a clientele that is generally presumed to be principally LMI. This presumption covers abused children, battered spouses, elderly persons, severely disabled adults, homeless persons, illiterate adults, persons living with AIDS and migrl'lnt farm workers; or b. Require documentation on family size and income in order to show that at least 51 % of the clientele are LMI; or c. Have income eligibility requirements limiting the activity to LMI persons only; or d. Be of such a nature and in such a location that it can be concluded that clients are primarily LML ,3. Low Mod Job Creation or Retention Activities (LMJ) The job creation and retention Low Moderate Job (LMJ) benefit national objective category addresses activities designed to create or retain permanent jobs, at least 51 % of which, computed ona fuJI-time equivalent basis, will be made available tO,or held by" LMI persons. For Awardees undertaking activities to create jobs, there must be documentation indicating that at ,least 51 % of the jobs will be held by, or made available to LilAl persons. For' Awardees undertaking activitIes that retain jobs, there must be sufficient information documenting that the jobs would have been lost without the CDBG assist;mce and that one or both of the followino applies to at leas! 51% of the jobs: a. The job is held pya LMI person; or b. The job can reasonably be expected to turn over within the following two years and steps will be taken to ensure that the job will be filled by, or made available to, a LMI person. For the purpose of determining if the preceding requirements are met, a person may be presumed'to be LMllf: I. He/she resides in a Census tract/block numbering area that has a 20% poverty rate (30% poverty rate if the area includes the central business district); and the area evidences pervasive poverty and general distress; or II. He/she liVes in an area that is part of a Federally-designated Empowerment Zone (EZ) or Enterprise Community (Ee); or III. He/she resides in a Census Tract/block numbering area where at least 70% of the residents are LML 4. Low Mod Housing Activities (LMH) The housing category of LMH benefit national objective qualifies activilies that are undertaken for the purpose of providing or improving permanent residential structures which. upon completion, will be occupied by LMI households. In order to meet the housing LMI national objective, structures with one unit must be occupied by a LMI household. If the structure contains two units, at least one unit must be LilAl occupied. Structures with three or more units must have at least 51 % occupied by LMI households. 5 a. Rental buildings under common ownership and management that arc local",d ur' the same orcontiguous properties may be considered as a single btrudurc b. For rental housing, occupancybyLMI households must be at afforciohlc ,'(H!l,;, "',' established annw;:dly by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urhin Development (HUO) and consistent with standards adopted and publici h!d DHCD. ' The Awardee shall comply with all applicable provisions of 24 CFH Part 570 an,! "h,d, carry out each activity in compliance with all applicable federal laws and requld"()fI" described therein. If the Awardee is a primarily religious entity, it shall cornpl)! ,,viiii ;,n provisions of 24 CFH 570.200 OJ. For Housing, Rehabilitation, and Construction activities, all conditions in thlr; sedl'iln wil! apply throughout the regulatory period identified in the national objective, Tl" )r" that period, the Awardee will be required to submit an annual report [O:Firdinq ii" compliance with the national objective, and' DHCD will have the right to !"nunil!,' !11<' activity, The Awardee shall comply with all applicable uniform administrativtl described in 24 CFR 570.502. [ 6 ATTACHMENT C Recipient Name (Organization): Contact Person (Name & Title): Activity Name (Project Title): Activity Addfess: Aotivlty Description: Activity 10 II : Index Code: -------- QUARTERLY EXPENOrrURE AND PROGRESS REPORT. FY 2010 04"' Quarter [Oct-Decl I Annual Heport -_._-------_._-._-- Telephone Number: --------_ .. Funding Source: _____ _ Funded Amount: _$ ___ . ____ . Activity Category: 0 Administration 0 Capital Improvement 0 Economic Development 0 Historic Preservation 0 Housing 0 Public Service Objective: [] Create suitable tiving environments 0 Provide decent affordable housing 0 Create economic opportunities Outcome: 0 Availability/Accessibility 0 Affordability 0 Sustainabilily A ~ c 0 E F G ~~~-.. . ~ TOTAL ACTUAL REIMBURSED CUMULATIVE PROJECTED PROJf,CTED CATEGORY APPROVED EXPENDITURES CUMULATiVe flUDGET EXPENDED CUMULATIVE CUMULATIVE PERCENTAGE EXPENDITURES EXPENDITURE [Thls Quartor] fThwllgh end of !hill quarte!1 [Through end of Ulls quarter] [8&DJ [Next QUl'Irlerj IBy end ofContracl Period] =.-~=,=-= .~.~ .. ~-.,.~",=-..."",.,.== ~-~-' ..... ""-, --.~.----=.=-"""-~- Personnel $ $ $ $ % $ $ ---.~.,--.---~ -== . ""-" "_."-~-",,-",,=.,~ .-~,,= Contractual $ $ $ $ % $ $ ~---. ~ .. ~~-F ... .,-- Operating Costs $ $ $ $ % $ $ ,,=="""-' --~. ~. Cornmodities $ $ $ $ % $ $ .. .. ~~t Capital Outlay $ $ $ $ % $ $ ~-"~-'='i="',""" ~.~. ~~ .. ... ..... ~.~-- TOTAl. $ $ $ $ % $ '$ b",."".,,~ . . ,-. ~ .. ~~ Programlncofne + Tile disposition of Program Income notspec!fically listed in the approved Program Income budget requires prior written approval from OHCO. 1. boes this activity generatel:>rogram Income? 0 Yes 0 No 2, If yes, indicate the amount generated Ihis quarter. ",,$ __ 3. If yes, was written approval granted by DHCD to use the Program Income generated from this activity? 0 Yes 0 No [j NIA If yast@attachcopyofapproval letter and related documents. If no! a written request for approv~l to use Ih~ Program Income must be i}ubmilted to DHCD -or-a check payable to Miami· Dade County for the generated Program Income must be submHted quarterly In accordance wilh the terms of the contract. III Check Attached? 0 Yes 0 No 0 N/A 1,;D)~~Y.~:%\~B~~&~~t~~:~~~iIt~~~!I __ ~£1~1tqml~IINn$!Jt!§,1t~r~}~~:m)W;~¢:&~M1ID~Mr;J~f:t~,~:8.0RMA;O~lfJJ1~~1~~~\~~{\t:;,~1~f~'~3l:'tii~:)~~~0:,;:~;',f:~:j 'J. ACtivity Status: d Cancelled 0 Underway 0 Completed 2. Environmental Status: 0 A=Exempt 0 C=Completed 0 D=Undorway 3.ls thi. activily still in compliance wJih the original project schedule? 0 Yes 0 No --_.--._._--- D~partmenl of Housing and Economic Development Page 1 012 Quarterly Expenditure & Progress Report (lR12·15-D8) 12·23-D9R 1'1 .• '~.'J..\'M.·.lt.· tim.l:m1 QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PROGRESS REPORT. FY 2010 ._-----------.--- Accomplishment Type: 0 People 101} 0 Households [04} 0 Businesses 108J 0 Organizations [091 0 Housing Unils [iOJ o Public Facililies 111} 0 Jobs [13} NationalObjeolive: 0 Area Wide Benefit [e.g. LMA, LMAFI, LMASA, SBA) -or-0 Direct Benefit [e.g. LMC, LMH, LMJI fA~I~~ICll;~~;~;;~~-=j ·-"=~"·i~-~=""t~"-· -' . -' T""""" C·J ···············.·L-•................•..................•.............. -.. r·Eiup,;le;;,~~i~IF~r;;,@R~q~lred.: Alt~ch~d Y /I,r'"-"""-'""! ... "", r(ij·~~ri~;;,,;r;~; &B~~~ii;·D~Ia::Ho"~='="'~='=""'-='~"'"~ I' Not;:·IIOIv/ErU~d;drr~i~c(; must;ublTlii~ppli;~bl~ ;CtlVil;'?e.i;ifu;~~~ Projected Goal Actual This Quarter' i ... r-;;---------------------.---.------.----.--------J. ~:_RFORMANCE CERTI~~~ATI~N: 0 This certifies that No Accomplishments occurred during this Quarter. _______ Inltials NOTE: Submittal of Supplemental POnTI -Perfonnance & Benefit Dala Is not required at this time based on the certification that no accomplishments occurred during this quarter, CERTIFICATION This Is to certify !hat the data and other information provided in this Report Is correcl, based on official accounting system and records, and (hat expendUures and ob!lgatlons shown have been made forthe purpose of and in accordance with applicable Terms and Conditions of Ihe Contract and Funding Requirements. Report Prepared by: _____ _ Tille: ___ . Date: PlinlName Signature of Certifying Official: Tille: Date: Activity lOIS Number: ____ . ________ .~ __ o is lOis not complete • Report 0 is lOis not accurate • Initial review for completeness and accuracy completed by: Contracts Officer ___ Name: ----T~am leader f SU{l<1fVisOt Date: _________ _ Date: Department of Housing and Economic Development Page 20f2 Quarterly Expenditure & Progress Report (lR12-15-08) 12-23-09R Performance & Benefit Data: Capitallmprovemeot & Public Facilities Supplement to Quarterly Expenditure and Progress Report iii FY 2010 Recipient Name: ActiVity Name: Activity 10 #: ___________ Aclivity Category: __ _ HUD Activity Matrix Code: _________ Accomplishment Type: _______ _ HUD Matrix Code Description: mloi1lim~ D Acquisition / Disposition D Clearance / Demolition D Street Improvements D Public i' acility / D Building / Type: _________ _ D Structures' D Parcels D Siructures + D Parcels Persons Served + Low & Moderate Income Persons Served + Low & Moderate Income Facilities + Persons Served + Low/Mod Income D Olher Capital Improvement !Type: 1'0""" b.',wl Persons Served + Low & Moderate Income I lMA, _________ # 01 Structures # of parcels ~ ___ • _____ IT of Facililles . ____ # of Persons Served # 01 low/Mod Income 1, Total benefiting lor program year; _ 2. Counts by Households (H) -or-Persons (P): ________ . ~ __ _ 3. Ollhose assisted, enler Ihe number Ihal: a) Now have new access to Ihis sorvice or benefit b) Now have Improved access to this service or benefit c) Now receive a service or benefit thai is no longer substandard Total d) Now have new access to this Iype of public facility or inlraslruclure Improvement e) Now have improved access to Ihis type of public facility or infrastructure improvement f) That are served by a public facility or infrastruclure Ihat is no longer substandard T(ltal g) Homeless persons given overnight sheller Ii) Number of beds created in overnight sheller or other emergency housing RACE I ETHNIC CATEGORY Instructlofllj: Indicate Ihe total number of households or persons served ill each RaCial Category for this reporting period and Ihe cumulative tota!. From Iha lotal number depicted In each Racial Category Indicate the nUinbr.1'S that are of Hispanic Elhnicily for this reporting period and the cumulative total ~Rti4li!iiillli.~QIi!f;iHallllifprrQrA~S:l}X~iii'"t~ ~rtlM~J,!llrGQMl!~~ j~Elil'Pl1l\b'li~}'~~: RACIAL CATEGORIES Racial Categories Ethnic Catell!!!Y.._ Racial Cat~i~_ t--J!hnic C~~~ ___________________ . _____ -1-_ Tolal Number Number Hisoanic. Tolal Numb2r Number HfSiial}[L ~~~1_.11 ______________ -+ ______ ~-----I-----_j_-------- Black / African American 1121 1---__ . __ _ Asian 113!__ __ Amertcan Indian / Alaskan Nalive 114) Nalive Hawaiian / Oilier Pacific Islander 1151 __ ________ _ __ Am~9an Indian / Alaskan Nal!:cve'C&.~W~h~iI:::.e \.:.116:11 ___ -+ ______ + ______ .-----c.---+-----.------- Asian & While 117L ______ _ Black / African American & While 1181 -c-.-------. ..,je-.------ll---------I---.-.--- American Indian or Alaskan Nalive & Black / African 1191 Olher Mulli R~~iaI1201'--___ . ________ _I_-------I--------f--.------l------ Totals L-________________ -'-:::::::::_..L. ______ '-______ -'-_________ '---___ _ Peifonnance & Benefit Dala: Capital Improvement & Public Facilities [LR 12~10.o8112-23-09 R Page 1 of 2 Supplement 10 Quarteriy Expendllure & Progress Repoii Performance & Benefit Datil: Capital Improvement & Public Facilities Supplement t6 Quarterly Expenditure and Progress Report II FY 2010 -. -------------------- DIRECT BENEFIT BY INCOME CATEGORY OTHER DIRECT BENEFIT INFORMA nON . EP.ORT,~ER!()D:rQTACS"" "'r'c"'.u"'.M'''Ql'''·A'''r"'~E''''T'''O'''TA''L-;;-~ .. " .. ' 1-0-;;;-;;-;--1 --'I!EHl')ap'flORIPilJW~'CUMWAT!VE'TO~Ai;$' Tolal Num~_ TOlal Number er a egor es Tolal Number ___ -__ Tolal Number Income Calegories ---------------1--------1 Tolal II Benefiting L~J3~Y' -w%) _____ __ from Ihe Aclivily --------------+-----1------------------.-- Maciel,,!? (51!~: 80%) -------1-------. II of Female Non Low/Mod (81% orgrealer) Headed ---------1---------1 Households Census (0) or 8U1vey (8) Dala Used, ____ _ If (S), enler II of Low/Mod & Tolal Populallon: Tolalll of Low/Mod in Service Area' T alai Low/Mod Universe Populalion in Service Area: Percenl of low/Mod in Service Area: Census Tract: Block Groups: -------------- Census Tract: Block Groups: ----------------- Census Tract: Block Groups: --------------- $ 1. CDSG Funds $ 5_ Olher Federal Funds $ 2_ HOME Funds $ 6_ Siale I Local Funds 3. ESG Funds $ 7. Privale Funds 4. Section lOB Loan Guaranlee $ B.Olher: Name (If Fwi~ill!i Seurce--- $ Total Funds Report Prepared by: ______ ---,"""'=-_ Pri~l Nama Tille: ___ _ _____ Oate: ________ ._ Signature of Cerllfying Official: Title, _____ _ Oate: ____ . Pertormance & Benef,l Dala: Capltallroprovemenl & Public Facltlties [LR 12·10.(18112-23.(19 R Page 2 of2 Supplement to Quarterfy Expenditure & Progress Report " QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PROGRESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS, DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS mJ~.t~]§t{eYl~~#'~NRitQt{g~~~,P.R.~X;I~~§~~!:Rgp~tttttl~i~~ipn~~!H~~f:~~i~t1J~*i§J~~~%~~J,~~il~}.I~l,l\?f.~sqtt:W~lf~~~~1~~2~~~}~)t~~~1~~fftil Reporting Period: Enter ·X· in the box that corresponds with the appropriate reporting period for this report. SeolL<W..tGJillerallnformation 1. Recipient Name: Fill in the appropriate Agency I Organization Name. 2. Contact Pel'son: Fill in I.he Contact Person's Name and Tille. 3. Telephone Number: Fill in the Telephone Number of the Contact Person. 4. Activity Name (Project Title): Enter Ihe name of the activily. 5. Activity Address: Enter the complete address of the location where the activity is.taking place. 6. Activity Description: Enler brief description of the activity (120 characters maximum). 7. Activity 10 #: Enter Activity ID No. of the activity. 8. In~ex Cod .. : Enter the Index Code from FAMIS. 9. Funding Source: Enter the funding source (e.g. CDBG 06, CDBG DR 07, ESG 07, HOME 98, HOME CHDO 08, etc.). 10. Funded Amount: Enter Ihe lolal funded amounl of Ihe aclivily, include addllional awards (same funding source) If applicable. 11. Activity Category: Enter "X" in Ihe box Ihal corresponds wilh Ihe appropriate Category of Ihe activity (e.g. Housing, Economic Developmenl, etc.). '12. Objective: Enter "X" in alilhal apply fllr Ihe prim~ry objeclive the activity is designed to provide. 13. Outcome: Enler "X" in alilhal appty for Ihe primary outcome Ihe activily is designed 10 provide. Sectio.!1l1;Buanciallnformation 1. Column El: Enler amounl budgeted for Ihe activity in each category of the approved budget (or most recenl approved budget amendmenl). 2. Column C: Enter aniount expended for the activily in each calegory during this reporting period. 3, Column D: !:;nter the aclual cumulalive expenditures from beginning of the contracl through the end of this reporting period for each category. 4, Column E: Enter Ihe cumulalive amount reimbursed from beginning of Ihe contract Ihrough the end of Ihis reporting period for each category. 5. Column F': Enter the cumulative percent of expenditures for each category by dividing each amount in column D (Actual Cumulative Expendilures) by Ihe corresponding amounts as shown in column B (Approved Budget). Example -If Column D shows $5,000 expended 10 date in the Personnel Calegory and Column B shows $20,000 in Ihe Approved Budgel for Ihis calegory, then Ihe percentage in Column F would be 25%. Q. Column G: Enler amount of projected expendllures in each category for Ihe next quarter (reporting period). 7. Column H: Ehler amounl of projecled cumulative expenditures in each category from beginning of the conlract Ihrough Ihe end of the contrac:! period. 8. Total: please InclUde totals al the bottom of each column B through H. 9. Generilte pi'ogram Income~: Enler "X" In Ihe "Yes" box if this activity is expected to generate Program Income: otherwise enler "X" in the "No" box. 10. If the response is "Yes" to Program Income: Indicate the amount of program income generated during this reporting period: if Ihe answer was "No" enter N/A. 11, If Program Income is generated: Enler "X" in Ihe "Yes" if DHCD approved use of Ihe Program Income & provide copy of wrillen approvalletler along with ali related documenls. Olherwise, enter "X" in Ihe "No" box and submil a wrillen request for approval -or-a check payable 10 Miami-Dade County for the generated Program Income. 1. Activity Status: Enter "X" in box thai corresponds with the appropriate status of Ihe actlvily [Cancelled, Underway, or CompletedJ. Please note Ihat an activity is considered complete once il meets its national objective, all accomplishmenls have been reported, and alilhe funds are drawn from IDIS. 2. Environmental Status: Enter "X" in Ihe box Ihat corresponds with Ihe appropriate stalus of the octlvity [A=Exempt, C=Completed, or D=Underway) :i. Con1pliantQ with Original Project Schedule: Enler "X" in the "Yes" box if the activily complies with the original projecl schedule: if not enter "X'' in the "No~ box, SecYQJlIII: Wor~ in Pr9gress Provide a brief narralive description of work in progress during this reporting period. For example· • Housing. During this period architeclural drawings were completed, building department approved drawings, environmental approval received, plat filed wilh the Counly, <rnd construction is expecled to begin next quarter. • Economic Development -Fifieen jobs were created during Ihe reporting period, five additional jobs are expected to be crealed by nexl quarter. • Capital Improvement -75% of construction of the childcare center completed Ihis reporting period. Projecl on schedule and is expocled to be completed by nexl quarter. Section IV: Other Supporting Efforts Provide a brief narrative description of all other supporting efforts that have begun, partially implernented, or completed during this reporting period. Include quantifiable dala whenever appropriale. In addition, olher expenditures of funds, including local match and leverage contriiJulibns, should be depicted here. !leoti,!!! V: P[9bloms EncQunlered Provide a prief narrative description of any problems or delays thai may have been encountered during this reporting period or that are anticipated in the next quarter. Reporl any problems thai may impacl the projecl as originally proposed, including but not limited to changes in Scope of Services, beneficiaries, largel area, or other proposed outcomes. Recipients are encouraged 10 notify the Contracts Officer 10 reportldiscuss any problems encountered in order 10 resolve Ihem as quickly as possible. Secti!l!LVI: Technical Assistance This section is reserved for recipients 10 request Technical Assistance of any nature relaled to Ihe funded activity. Inslructions, Definitions & Acronyms [created 6130108J revised 12122109 R1 Page 1 of 5 ~Ion Vii: P:m:lormance Measuremerlt QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PROGRESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS, DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS 1. Accomplishment Type: Enter "X" in Ihe box thai corresponds to wilh the actual accomplishment type of this activity [People, Households. Businesses, Organizations, Housing Unils, Public Facilities, or Jobs]. 2. National Objective: Enter "X" in Ihe box that corresponds with Ihe National objective of this activity. Refer to Attachment A in the Contraclto locate the National Objective for the activity ·-or-contact the Contracts Officer to obtain this information. LMA Area Basis Benelil Low/Mod Area Benefit 570.208(a)(1) I.MAFI Area Basis Benefit Low/Mod Area Benefit, Community Development Financiallnslilullon (COFI) 570.208(d)(6)(i) LMA$A Area Basis Benefit Low/Mod Area Benefil. Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area 570.208(d)(5)(i) lMC Direcl Benefit Low/Mod limited Clientele Benefit 5'10.208(0)(2) lMCMC Direcl Benefit Low/Mod Limited Clientele, Micro"nterpri,e 570.208(a)(2)(i/i) LMCSV Direct Benelil Low/Mod Limited Clientele, Job Service Benefit 570.208(a)(2)(iv) LMH Direct Benefit Low/Mod Housing Benefit 570.208(a)(3) LMHSP Direct Benefit Low/Mod Housing Benefit, COFI or Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area I LMJ Direct Benefit Low/Mod Job Creation/Relention 570.208(a)(4) LMJFI Direct Benefit Low/Mod Job Crealion/Retenfion, Public Faclilly/improvement Benefit 570.208( a)( 4 )(iv)(F) LMJI' Direct Benefit Low/Mod Job Creation, Location Based 570.208(a)(4)(iv) SBA Designated Area Basis Slum/Blight Area Benefit 570.208(b)(1) SBt{ Urban Renewal Area Sium/Blighl in an Urban Renewal Area 570.208(b)(3) SSS Spot Basis Sium/Blighl Spot Basis 570.208(b)(2) URG Urgent Need Urgenl Need 570.208(c) The data in this Section is required on a quarterly basis for the reporting period and cumulative (from the beginning of the conlacl period through the quarter being reported). If there are no accomplishments during the reporting period, the data for this Quarter and Cumulative may be loft blank, end the ReCipient must complete the Performance Oertification check box for "No Accomplishments" 3. Total Housing: Housing activities that Construcl or Rehabilitate Rental Units, Acquire andlor Construct New Homeowner Unils, Rehabilitate Homeowner Units, or provide Homeowner Counseling and Direct Financial Assistance to Homebuyers must complete this section if any accomplishments are achieved in the reporting period and complete the Supplemental Form, "Performance and Benefit Data: Housing". 4. Total People or Housnholds: Activities lhat provide Pubtic Services or Admlnistrallve (e.g., Fair Housing Aclivities) must complete this section if any accomplishments are achieved in the reporting period and complete the Supplemental Form, 'Performance and Benefit Data: Public ServiCElS -()[. Administration". Capital Improvement and Public Facilities Activities musl complete this section if any accomplishments are achieved In the reporting perioe! and complete the Supplemental Form, "Performance and Benefit Data: Capilallmprovement & Public Facilities". 5. Total Jobs: Activities that create or retain jobs, andlor provide assistance to businesses, must complete this section if any accomplishments are achieved in the reporting period and complete the Supplemental Form, "Performance and Benefit Data: Economic Development". 6. Performance Certification: The Performance Certification check box for "No Accomplishments" must be checked and inillaled by the Certifying Official if there have been no accomplishments during the reporting period. This item certifies that there have been no aGcomplishments during the reporting period aild lhe ReCipient is excused froln providing any further accomplishment information on the activity slatus as required by HUD. Heference HUO "Notice of Outcome Performance Measurement System for Communily Planning and Development Pormula Grant Programs." A GOpy of the Notice and additiol1al informalion about performance measurements Is available at the following link: http://www.hud.'l.Ql!/office'i/m!d/abouUp£rforl11ahCe/ . 7. neport Prepared By: The name and title of lhe report preparer, along wilh the date. must be completed. R. Signature of Certifying Official: The Certifying Official of the Recipient musl sign the report, his or har title must be entered, and the certification roust . be dated. This Performahce and Benefit Data Report must be completed and provided to DHCD for any quarter when aclual accomplishments are achieved, the activity is completed. and the national objective is met. In addition, direct benefit or area behefit data must be provided as well. Please fill out the requested informalion completely and accurately as applicable for II", funded activity. The following general informalion is available on Attachment A in the contract: Activity ID. Activity Category. HUD Activity Matrix Code and Description (HUD Activity Type). Accomplishment Type. and National Objective. All reports must include the name of the person preparing the report and the Certifying Official of the Recipient must sign the report, his Or her tille must be enter, and lhe repolt must be dated. Instructions. Delinilions & Acronyms (created 6/30/081 revisod 12122/09 Rt Pa!}e2of5 QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PROGRESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS, DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS Project Category [required]: Enter "X" in the box that corresponds with the funded project type. Accoillplishment Type I Measures [reqUired]: Enter "X" in the box that corresponds Wilh the funded project Iype. AccompliShment Units Completed [required]: Indicale the number of persons or households served and number Ihat are low/mod income. GG\<>d\"''''<>tJ,<>d\G&I<ril. .... '\o.(f.<>o/>~<>&~<>d\...j,<>G\''<fI~<><f',<><S. oo,;f.<>(f-.<><£..m.m<o@<>G..<><il Perform,,"ce Measurement & Accomplishment Information [required[ (1) Indicate the total number benefiting from the activity. (2) Indicale method used to count the number benefiting from the activity·-by Households served or Persons served. (3) Of those assisted, responds 10 each inquiry -a through c by providing Ihe number Ihal benefited, and provide Ihe lolal for all. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~<>d\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Direct Benefit Information [required]: Beneficiary information musl be provided in this section for activilies having a national objective of LMC, LMcMC, LMCSV, LMH, LMHSP, LMJ, LMJFI, or LMJP. Olherwise, complete Ihe Area Benefit Inlormation seclion. Provide information for actual number of hallSeholps or persons assisled, for Ihis reporting period and Iho cumulative (atal. Also, provide requested information in Ihe Income Category and Olher Beneficiary Data Seclions. Area Benefit Information [required]: If applicable for funded activity. '<f>...(f.~~"<f,..<f,..q.<><f,"<i~<>(j..~"<$"'<><i'o<><f.,<4>"&'<><:n"'§'<>'§'«f,<><§,<><S.<>(f..<><5\..(f,<><$~~ Funding Sources I Leveraging of funds [required] HOME Funded projecls Only Irequiredj: Enler "X" In Ihe box Ihal corresponds Wilh the funded HOME lenure Iype, complele Ihe corresponding Form, & allach It 10 Ihe report, ProJecl Type Ireqlliredl: Enler "X' in Ihe box Ihal corresponds with Ihe funded projecttype. Number of Units Compleled [required]: Indicale 10101 number of Renlal Units, Owner Unils, Or Homebllyer Households completed for Ihe funded aclivily. COBG Multi-Unit Aclivity, if applicable: Provide all requesled inlOimation for bolh charts in this sec lion. Displacement Information, il applicable: Provide all requesled information in Ihe chart. Replacement Information, if applicable: Provide all requesled information in Ihe chart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~¢~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Performance Measurement & Accomplishment tnformatlon [required], all applicable sections musl be completed (1) Provide number 01 Affordable Unils and respond to each inquiry -a Ihrough f -by providing the requesled informallon (2) Provide number of Seclion 504 Accessible Unlls (3) Provido number 01 unils qualilied as Energy Slar (4) ProvidE> number of unils broughl up 10 HQS/Local Code (Rehab only) (5) Provide number of units broughl in compliance wilh lead Salely (Rehab only) (6) Provide number of unils created Ihrough conversiou 01 non-residential 10 residential buildings (Renlal Rehab only) (7) Provide number of households previously living in subsidized housing (Acquisition/Conslruction NeW Homeowner only) Direct Financial Assistance to Homebuyers, if applicable (1) Provide number of firsl-lime homebuyers and 01 Ihose, indicale number Ihat received housing counseling (2) Provide numberreceiving Down Payment Assislance/Closing Cosls <><A.(i'.-<f,"£<4>o<f,<><f>$~£o.(f.'I<$...:n~~oG->o.(f.~«G\.(f.o(f,~«)\o<f,o.(f.o<f'Io<f,..(j..<-(A Direct BenefiCiary Informotion [required] -musl be compleled for the aclual number of households assisled, for this reporting period and Ihe cumulative lolal. Also, provide requesled informalion in Ihe Household Income Calegory and Olher BenefiCiary Dala Seclions. Sources / Levera"lno Inslruclions, Definilions & Acronyms Icrealed 6/30/08J revised 12122/09 R1 Project Type [requiredj: Enler 'X" in Ihe box Ihat corresponds with the funded projecllype. Measures: Acquisition/Disposition and Clearance/Demolition aclivities only-- Enter "X" in the box Ihal corresponds with Ihe funded aclivily. Accomplishment Units Completed [required]: Indicate Ihe number of unils completed [Struclures, Parcels, or Facilities] , number of personS serYed, and number thai are low/mod income ..me.$...s<>&'o§.o<}.~<>G\..q..<..§.~<>(J.~~O£o.§,,'<§.o.(f.o.§,~<o.<><S.<>(f.<>(J.."<f,<>6\o£<>(j. Performance Measurement & Accomplishment Information [mquired] (1) Enler total number benefiling from the activily for Ihe program year. (2) Indicate if the count is by HousehOld or Persons. (3) Of Ihose assisled, respond to each inquiry -a Ihrough h -I)y providing the number Ihat benefited, and provide Ihe lolal for each section. ~o.$.~~:"«i'><>(f.<>(f.-<f,arS>...-s.arS>~<>&'«i'>.,q:.o(f..-<f,.<}.o(f..<>(f. "<:;=....s\«j,~<>(}.«i'>O(}'o(f.. Direct Benefit Information [required]: Beneficiary information must be provided in Ihis section for activities having a nalional objecllve 01 LM(;, LMCMC, LMCSV, LMH, LMHSP, LMJ, LMJFI, or LMJP. Otherwise, complete Ihe Area Benefit Informalion seclion. Provide inlormation for actual number of hOUSeholds or persons assisted, for this reporting period and Ihe cUinulative total. Also, provide requesled information in the Income Calegory and Olher Beneficiary Dala Seclions. Area Benefit Information [required]: If applicable for funded activity, <><f><>(f.o.$...(J.,<$~o<,:'''':;''o.$.aG\<>&.''<l\<>&.<>&'<>(J....(}.o(f..~~o.$.o(f..''<f,<>tjf.b@o(}.o(J.~.oq. Nole: Jobs data should be prepared as accompllshmenls take placo (as jobs are created) or on a quarterly basis, at a minimum. Job Creation andlor Job Retention Information [responses required for this Accomplishment Type] (1) Complete Ihe Job Creation area if the aclivity Is expected to creale Jobs; olherwise, complete Ihe Job Retenlion area if Ihe activity is expecled 10 relain Jobs. (2) Indlcale the number of jobs oreated or retained, as applicable, by job type lor Ihis reporting period and Ihe cumulative lotal. (3) Direct Benefit Informalion -must be oompleted for Ihe aclual jobs crealed or retained, as applicable, for this reporting period and the cumulative tolal. Also, provide requesled information in the Income Category and Other Beneficiary Data Sections. (4) Number of jobs created wilh employer sponsored health care benefils (5) Number unemployed prior to laking job crealed (6) Number of jobs retained with employer sponsored health care benefits (7) Provide explanation if proposed goals are not mel <>0'..§..«i'><><S ... o.$.o<,~<><§.,"<.)~<>(f.<>(}.«i'>o(f.. o.$.."g, '>{f.<>(f.<>(AQ(j.o.$.o.$. <>dl o€> o.$.<>(f.«f,o.$...q.«}."<$ Assistance to Businesses [responses required for Ihis Accompllshmenl Type] (1) Indicate lolal number of business assisted, of Ihal amounl indicate how many are new businesses and Ihe number of exisling businesses (2) Of Ihe existing businesses, indioate how many were expanding businesses and the number Ihal were relocaling (3) Indicate Ihe number of businesses assisled with la,ade Irealmenl or business building rehab (4) Indicate the number of businesses that provide goods or services to meet Ihe needs of a service area, elc. (5) Provide the DUNS number for each business assisled [a requirement for any husiness Ihal receives Federal assislancel "<$.<>(f.<Vo<>(}.<><A<><Ao(}.«!l<><f'>"'<1\~...:f,«!lo(}...(j ... o<f.o(}.~~..tf,<>(A-&''''£''':§'<><i><><i>..§.o(}.<>G:' Area Benefit Information [required] Funding Sources I Leveraging of Funds [required] Required Allachmenls musl be provided, il applicable. Page 3 015 QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PROGRESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS, DEfiNITIONS & ACRONYMS Area Benefit: Those activilles having a national objective of LMA, LMAJI, and LMASA. Beneficiary data Is reported by SUI"(,! oc (\".'"Ir. diii', [,,, lhe percentage oflow-and moderate-income persons in Ihe service area. CDBG regulations specify that 51 percent of the residenl,; oltl", ,',fn··.i'n ili" I f:i' illl be LMI. Examples of area benefit activities Include streeUsldewalk Improvements, water/sewer lines, neighborhood facilities, and in neighborhood commercial districts. Census Block: A geographic area bounded by visible and/or invisible features shown on a map prepared by the U.S. Censu>' l-lweau. ,'. b'",J i'i the smallest geographic entity for which the Census Bureau tabulates decennial census data. Census Tract! A slriall, relatively permanent statistical subdivision of a county or statistically equivalent entity, delineated for dala prosonlalion pUrpUr'l", I,y a local group of census data users or the geographic staff of a regional census center in accordance with Census Bureau guidelines. . COBG National Objectives: The aUlhorizlng stalute of Ihe COBG program requires Ihat each activity funded excepl for pro(jrarn :ldlnhd,L,I:()r: .md planning activities must meel one of three nalional objectives. All CDBG activities must achieve one or more of these national objeclives. • Benefit to low and moderate-income (l.MI) persons, • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight, and " Meet a need having a particular urgency (referred to as urgent need), o.g .• existing conditions pose a serious and imn""jj,"i1 ,I:L"": '", ',;!IL, 'Jr welfare of Ihe communily. In addition, a minimum of 70% of Ihe CDBG program expenditures must meet Ihe LMI benefit nationa.1 objective. Direct Benefit: Those activities having a national objective of LMC, LMCMC, LMCSV, LMH, LMHSP, LM.J, LMJFI, or LMJP. [j<lnelidn'y :I,,!,,: h '"p', 'u, 'N the lotal number of persons or households benefitting from an aclivity. DUNS Number: Data Univemal Numbering System (DUNS) number is a requirement for any business Ihat receives Federal assislanc., il ,1 ,,,,,,i,,., Oi, rI· .• "" not have one, it should call the DUNS number requestline at 1-866-705-5'111 to obtain a number. The process is free and takes ,mOLII \"1. ",.,' "'" ENERGY STAR: ENERGY STAR is a joint program of EPA and DOE to help us all sava money and protect the environiw:nr :1:0,"")" """'!"''''II products and practices. HUD encourages inoorporation of ENERGY STAR qualified producls and praclices when conduGll!)q «°;:;,:.:';:1" '" ,'0: new housing. Ukewise, ENERGY STAR is a data element for energy conservation activities for the housing indicator '11 :i!,' iii;; .iii:I\ce measurement syslem. ~~tremely Low-Income: Households with annual income less than 30% of the area median income, as established by Hun Th': 'W,I : '" 'ei I,: "'iiri;::!d members is used in the determination. Iithnic Categories: HUD and granlees are required to Ireat ethnlcity as a separate category. "Hispanic or Latino" and "Nol !-li"p.""" ' , i·i,,. i i,'''i' designated as separate ethnicity categorIes. • Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or (!:it),!';. ,''''''''''!::'','' The term. "Spanish origin:' can be used in addition to "Hispanic or Latino." t\' Not Hispanic or Not LatinO! A person not of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Centra! American, or other gp~ilish ;:I,iilv -: (!~ (:I'iLPii, regardless of race. Family: All persons living in the same household who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. Household: All persons occupying the same housing unit. The occupants may be a single family, one person living alone, Iwo '" :""". ·"!li",'. ' .. "" together, or any group of related or unrelated persons who share living arrangements. Housing Quality Standards (HQS): HQS are set acceptable conditions for interior living space, building exterior. henli"() "nil 1,['," 1"'''1 ...• ;,"" general heallh and safety. The purpose of HQS is to determine whether a housing unit is decenl, safe and sanitary. Income: (1) Annual income as defined under Section 8; (2) Annual Income as reported under the Census long form; O( (3) Y" ", .... ,,,,, ,i,,' '.'" by the IRS Form 1040. Low Mod ,Job Creation or Retention (LMJ): An activily designed to meet the National Objective 01 oreatlng onetaininD i,·, ,;' '.r; " of which (computed on a full-time equivalent basis) will be made available to or held by LMI persons. Low Mod Limited Clil'"tele (LMC): An activily carried out to meet the National Objective of benefit to LMI person!). /',clivEi;:'. iii"", ,if,' I.·" ","" meet one of Ihe following crileria: • Benefit clientele that is generally presumed to be principally LMI (abused children, ballered spouses. elderly 1'(';;""". '" r,ii' ,.,',,-,,.,,;,.,, homeless persons, IlIIterale adulls, persons living with AIDS and migrant farm workers); or • Require documentation on family size and income in order to show that at least 70 percent of Ihe clienlele a(e Uv::. ')i I; Have income eligibilily requirements limiting the activity to LMI persons only; or • Be of such a nature and in such a lOcation Ihat it can be concluded that clients are primarily LMI. I._OW Mod Income Area Benefit (LMA): An activity carried out to meet the National Objective 01 benei:1 10 LMi PH " .... , I'" ' . "", . jlarticular target area, where at least 51 percent of the residents are LMI persons. Low and Moderate Income (LMI): Low and moderate income means family or household annual income l'liiS ,i'dil i.;;" I ""i, ", " 'rill ",,'Ii' ,:' generally 80 percent of the area median income, as established by HUD. LOW-Income Househotd/family: A household/family having an income equal 10 or less Ihan the Seolion 8 Very I.ow in''''',,':1 ii, " ',i:!, ;/ ,. ".,. Or income) as eslablished by HUD. Low tncome: Households with annual incorne less Ihan 50% of the area median income, as established by HUD. Low Mod Housing (LMH)! An activily earrled out to meet the National Objective of benefit to LMI persons/household:;." 'i , ; .,;!"I,,, i;' . "'ii' 'r' improvemenl of permanenl. residential structures which, upon completion, will be occupied by LMI households, Matrix Codes: The matrix code indicates how the activity is eligible under CDBG regulations, it generally i<lenlilie:.: \111\ iil.l'::()"(; ;'" ''''.'; . ,,,.. " ", provided, and determines the type of accomplishment units that should be reported. Microenterprlse: A business that has five or fewer employees. one or more of whom owns Ihe enterprise. Moderate-Income Household/Family: A household/family having an income equal 10 or less Ihan the S"cliel' .~ !.'rI,', ',.'.0,' income) eslablished by HUD. but greater than the Section 8 Very Low Income limit (50% of area median incuw!) ,,,,,,,ill,,,I,,, I ii', ,I' ii' Ihslruclions. Definitions & Acronyms Icrealed 6130108) revised 12122109 Rl QUARTERLY EXPENDITURE AND PROGRESS REPORT INSTRUCTIONS, DEFINITIONS & ACRONYMS Obje~tives: The objectives capture Ihe range of community impacts that are expected to occur as a result of program activities. There are three possible objectives for each activity: 1) Creating Suitable Living Environments, 2) Providing Decent Housing, and 3) Creating Economic Opportunities. Outcomes: Tho program outcome helps further reflne the activity's objective and captures the nature of the type of change sought or the expected result of the activity. There are three pmlS;ble outcomes: 1) Availability/Accessibility, 2) Affordability, and 3) Sustainability. . Period of Affordability: The number of years a homeowner or home buyer must reside in and retain ownership of an assisted housing unit before the unit may be sold without penalty to the homeowner. Program Income: Any gross income received by the sub recipient that was directly generated from the use of CDBG funds (24 CFR 570.500(a)). Racial Categories: HUD data requests for racial Information provides Ihe option of selecting one or more of nine racial categories to identify the radal demograpnics of the Individuals and/or the communities they serve, or are proposing to serve. 1. American Indian or Alaska Nallve. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central AmeriGa), ~nd who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. 2. Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. 3. Black or African American, A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as "Haitian" or Negro" can be used in addition to "Black or African American." 4. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. 5. White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. 6. American Indian or Alaska Native & White, A person having these mUltiple race heritages as defined above. 7. Asian I; White. A person having these multiple race heritages as defined above. B. Black or African American & White, A person having these multiple race heritages as defined above. 9, American Indian or Alaska Native & Black or African American. A person having these multiple race heritages as defined above. 10. Other MWI·Racial. A person reporting multi· race heritages not included in any of the other nine categories listed aboV!), and that have a total count that exceeds one percent of the population served. Sel;!lon 604: Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 prohibits discrimination in Federally assisted programs on the basis of handicap. It Imposes requirements to ensure that "qualified Individuals with handicaps" have access to programs and activities that receive Federal funds. Minimum requirements include, but are not limited to: 1) Removal of Physical Barriers, 2) Provide Program Accessibility, 3) Make Employment Accessible, and 4) Adminislrative Requtrements. Sub recipient: An entity thai assists the recipient to implement and administer its program. Sub recipients are generally nonprofit organizations that assist the recipient to undertake one or more activities on behalf of the grantee, such as administer a home rehabilitation loan pool or manage a Job·training program. Sub recipients are also referred to as sub grantees, Survey: The survey instrument and methodology must be approved by HUD for the purpose of establishing the percentage of LMI persons in a service area. A survey must meet standards of statistical reliability that are comparable to that of the Decennial Census data for areas of similar size. Additiohal guidance is available in CPD Notice 05·06. In,trUoti6ns, Definitions & Acronyms Icreated 6/30/081 revised 12122/09 R 1 Page 5 015 Attachment D DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT (OBCD) INFORMATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW FORM INSTRUCTIONS: Per 24 CFR Part 58, the purpose oHhe environmental review procedures is to foster the implementation of environmentally compatible activities. As a grant or loan recipient, Miami·Dade County will not fund projects that will negatively impact clients, communitif)S, or the envirol)ment. Part I. AGENCY AND PROJECT DETAIL 1. Indicale Funding Source: o CDBG o HOMELESS (SRO/SHP) o CDBG·R 2. Indicate Fiscal Year: FY 20_ 3. Name of SubrecipientlAgency: 4. Name of Proposed Activity: o HOME DEDI o HOPE VI o NSP ----.------ 5. ~ocafion JAddress with CIty, ST and M of Activity or Project: _____ _ E'" f-· ---.. .~ t" S~F:__""'_b_er_~_): ________ ~--~~----.-----~=--=1 ~- 7. Commissloll Oistrict(s): . B. Direct Contact infonnation of loan/grant recipient: Name: -------------------------------.. -----.--1 ~~d~ess-: -----.. ----_-_ -_ '--"~S:c.:ta=te"_: __ ,;:--_____ l]~ ___ ~ .. ' j'hbne,.:..: _____ I Fax: Fonn Revised 121115/2009 9. Detailed description of activity or project: 10. Whatls the purpose of the activity or project? For example, Public Service, Economic Development, Historic Preservation, Capital Improvement, Housing, etc. 11. What is the status of activity or project? For example, Pre-Development Phase, Rehab/Construction UndelWay, Rehab/Construction Completed, etc. -_._--------- Part II. PRO.JECT OUTCOME Will hr' t~~lvltyor ro ec resu t In e 0 oWing. .\ "thill'? YES NO ------""-,. 1. Change in use --_. __ . 2. Sub-surface alteration (i.e. excavations) 3. New construction------'---'-'" 4. Renovation or demolition _._---,..----5. Site Improvements (utilities, sidewalk, landscap -----' dralnaJ!E!t£?rking are~s, drives, .~ _____ . --.-----t--6. Building imerovements (windows, doors, etet --7. Displacement of pemons, households or bUS~l 8. Increase in population working 01 living on .flit,:,. 9. Land acquishlon --~ ... 10. Activity in 100-yearfloodplain r--------11. A new nonresidential use generating aUses! 1 --r=-water or 687,500 gallons of sewage P~'£_<l3lY; ... 12. Use requiring operating pennit (i.e. for hazardQ t----pretreatment of sewaQ9, elc.) 13. A sanitary landfill or hazardous waste dispo.~6i' -----r' 14. Tree removal or relocation ---,-,.-. 15. Slreetimprovements Ina, stOHl, _. 16. The impounding of more than 10 acrefeet'()! VI lake or divertinQ or deepenillJLof!l..i:JOdY.,()i."Yf1\( CltOr ~i'). Part III. SITE SPECIFIC INFORMATION 2 1. land Use: Describe the existing and proposed land use: .• Existing? -------~.-- • Proposed? _._-_. __ . 2. Site Plan: Does the proposed activity include a new structure(s) or site improvemenl~ on a site of.®SLill acre or morei 0 YES 0 NO lL'I'6S. a site plan must be provided. Project(s) will not be environmentally reviewed without a site plan. 3. Photographs: Does the activity include new construction, renovation or rehabilitation? . DYES o NO If yes, photographs must be provided of each side (front, rear and sides) of the structure(s) proposed for assistance and the buildings on the adjacent lots. The photographs shall be identified by address. In addition, provide for each existing structure on the site, the following information: • EXisting structure(s) on site? DYES o NO • Estimated age of structure(s)? 4. Value of Improvements: Does tile proposed activity include rehabilitation or renovatIon of structure(s)? DYES o NO If yes, what is the estimated cost of rehabilitation or renovation? _______ . 3 What Is the amount sought for funding? _______ _ In addition, indicate if the estimated value of the improvement represents: o 0 to 39.9 percent of the market value of the structure(s) o 40 to 49.9 percent of the market value of the structure(s) o 50 to 74.9 percent of the market value of the structure(s) o 75 percent or more of the market value of the structure(s) 5. Phase I Environmental Audits: Does the proposed activity involve the transfer of any property, new construction, major renovations "Of "75% or more of the structures' market value, or a securing of a loan for nonresidential parcel? DYES o NO If yes, a copy of Phase I Environmental Audit certified to Miami-Dade County must be submitted to determine the likely presence of either a release or threatened release of hazardous substance. An audit is a review of a site and adjacent properties and involves preparing a history of ownerShip, land use and zoning for lile last 50 years; researching environmental records for information on hazardous waste siles, hazilrdous facilities, solid waste/landfill facilities and underground storage tanks (availabte through the Department of Environmental Regulations and Management (DERM), Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)); and site inspection for physical evidence of contamination such as damaged vegetation or stains in the soil. Has a Phase I been performed? DYES o NO 6. Environmental HeaHh Infonnation: • If a residential site, and the activity includes or involves rehabilitation, has it been inspected for defective paint surfaces? DYES 0 NO If yes, please submit the results. • Have any child under the age of seven at the site been tested for elevated levels of lead in the body? DYES If yes, please submit the resuHs. 7. Other Site Infonnation: o NO 4 uired? 1, _Flood insurance ~ 2. Public water availab 3.PubiiCsewer aVaiiab - ""-NO ~=:.:, YES -- Ie on site? Ie on site? -4. Children under 7 ye ars of age residing on site or relocating to site (including day care facility)? sEosal facility? 5:--f:lazardous vv:aste .eli 6. Stor\1ge oL hazardou 7, Abandoned structur s materials on sile? ~onsite? - Part IV. SUPPLEMENTAL REQUIRED DOClIMENTS Required Submittal Documenls: ... -.-~" ,-.. ".~ --"._- ----' .. ~ .. ,," -' . ,. --" - 1, For all projects: Submit street/plat maps that depict location of property in the County ;Jii,;!,'; with Ihe location or 101 dearly pointed out. 2. For new construction projects: Submit a scope of service, an ilemized budget, and fl sile 3. For housing/building rehabilitation projects only: Submit a scope of service, an i[ernizo(i describing the major components of the rehabilitation program planned, and a photogrClph 01 ',hi property. 4. For historic proprieties, include: Submit photographs of the property, and a descriplit", ·,1 'i !i' adjacent historic properties that maybe affected by your activity. Part V, CERTIFICATION I certify to the accuracy of the information provided. I understand that all funded adiviti0s mUCi have an approved environmental review clearance prior to the commencement of project", I understand that any omitted anellor incorrect information will delay the initiation ,., environmental review process by the DHCD staff. As such, I am aWare that ornittncf h'['!lii·,,,l,,. could delay the commencement of my organi:zation's project. I understand ali environmental reviews are valid for one (1) year maximum. Signature Name of Organization or Corporation Unless otherwise indicated, return completed form and attachments to: Community and Economic Development Division Director Department 6f Housing and Community Development 701 NW 1,t Court • 14th Floor Miami, Florida 33136 5 TYPES OF ACTiVITIES AND ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDELINES TRIGGE:RED: Type of Activity Econom Ie bevelopmeilt New ConslrucUon Rehab Non-Constructiof21E~nsion Housin 9 Single Family Rehab Multi-Family Rehab New Construction Homeownership Assistance Affordable Housing Pre-Dev. Capital Improvement Handicapped Access Public Facilities InFrastructure publicS ervices Employment Crime Prevention Child Care Youth or Senior Services SUE20rtive Services "TYPe-of Publication jUSUmateq Time Frmne (Excluding lJ.!Wll~ Statutes) EXEMPT* CENSI'* X X X X X X X X No Public No Public Notice/No Notice/No RROF RROF 30-45 Days 30-45 Days X' IF For continued use and change in density (or size) of less than 20% X' Change In density (or size) of more than 20% '" Exempt CENST CEST EA Exempt Activities CategOrically Excluded and Not Subject to 58.5 Categorically Excluded Subject to 58.5 Environmental Assessment (Fonnat II) 6 CEST*** X' .X X' X X' X' No Public Notice/No RROF (No StatutoI}' Requirement Triggered) Or Publish NOIIRROF (StatutoI}' Requirement Triggered) 45-90 Days EA**'*'- X X' X' X )(1 X' ---.- Publish FONSI and NOIIRROF 90 Days Minimum . MIAM!~DADECOUJNlfYAFFilDAVrrS The contractinginctlvldual or entity (government or othelWise) shall indicate by an ·X" all affidavits that pertain to tnls contract ·and shall indicate by an -Nip.: ail affidavits ihai do no! penain·to this contraci, Ali blank spaces must be filled. The MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OWNERSHIp· DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; MIAMI-DADE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT; MIAMI-DADE CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT; DISABILITY NON-DIi3CRIMfNATION AFFIDAVIT; and lile PROJECT FRESH START AFFIDAVIT shall not pertaill to contracts with the United States or any of its ·departments or agencies thereof, the'state or any political Sl.lbdivislonor agency thereof; it shall however, pertain to municipalities of the.State of Florida. All other contracting entities or individuals shall read carefully each affidavit to determine whether at not it pertains to this contraQ/. . . . . . i, 1\'(.-\11' M i fC<.bi Ie I . Fh.D , being firstduiy sworn state: .' Affiant The full legal nan'le and business address' of the person(s) or entity contraction or transacting business with . Miiunf-Dade County .are (Post Offioe addresses 1jre nol acceptable): .. S~~. (DODO y:) ! ... . .. .. .: _~_ Federal Employer Identification Numbi)r (If nonE), Social Sacurity) --Y'.\.A/ () r .5 aulb_J:1lo,ni:!-, --'-._. -..,.-_____ ~ __ _ . Na~~ Individual(s), P·artners, or Corporijtion bolng.13.isfness As (lfs<!me as·above, leave blank) . IV/A I. MIAMH)ADE COUNTY OWNERSHIP DISCLOSURE AFFI!)AVIT (Sec. 2-8.1 of the County Code) 1. ffthe contract or buslnesiJ transaction is with a ·~Orpcirafio!1:the full legal nanle an~ busii)es$ address shall.be provided for each officer and director and each stockholder who·hold.s directly or Indirectly five percent (5%) or'more .of the corporation's stock.· If the contract or business transaction is with a . partnerfihip, the foregoing lnformatioh shall be provided for each partner. It the contraot or busl(less transacfion is with a trust, the full legal name and address shall be provided for each trustee and each benefiCiary. The forgoing requirements .shall not pertain to contracts with 'publicly_traded corporatio;,s or to contracts with the· United States or any department or names and addresses are (Post Offices addresses are not acceptable): F'\.fll Legal Name Address Ownership % % % . . Page 1 ciS >, .- N(ft II. 2. 'fhe full legal names and business address of any other individual (other than subcontractors, tnaterial men, sUllplies. labor'ers, or lenders) who have. or will have, any interest (legal. equitable beneficial or otherwise) in the contract or business transaction with Dade County are (Post Office addresses are not aCceptable): . . . . ,,~ 3, Any person who willfully fajls to disclose the information required hetein. or who knowingly discloses . false information 'in this regard. shall be punished by a fine of up to live hundred ~(illars ($500.00) or imprisonment in the County jail for up to sixty (BO) days or both. MIAMI'DADE COUNTY EMPlOYMI?NT DISCLOSURE AFFIDAVIT (County Ordinance Nei. 90 .. 133. amencjing Sec. 2~8-1; Subsection (d)(2) ofthe County Code). ' Except where precluded by' fed~ral or State .Iaws or regulations, each contract or bUSineSs trai1S!lction or renewal thereof whIch Involves tl']e expenditure often thouSand dollar. ($10,000) or morel\hall reqlJire the etW\y .contracpng or transacting busine?s to disclose thefollowing.lnformi'!t!oli. ,TheJoreg'oing disclosure reqUirements do not apply 10 contracts, With the Unite<jStates' or any department Qr agimcy !\iere.cif; .thE) StatooranypolitiCill subdivision or, agency or any municii>antYi)fthisSt~te:' .' . ' 1. Does your fitmhave a coUEictive bargaining agreement with ilsemployees? ... ' ,Yes '. No 2. Does your finn provide paid,healtheare benefits for ils employees? ' _ ;Ws ....... ' ~ '. '. .' ...... .' 3. Proltidea ourrenlbreakdown (number of persoris) of your firm's work fqrce and OWnerShip as to mce, natioilal,originand. gender. ' . ., White: ___ iVlales "-"'-'-_ Females Asian: __ Males __ . __ Females Black: ~_ Males ___ Females American lridlan:_~ Males _'_" _. _Females Hispanics: _' __ Males __ Females Aleut (Esklmo):_' _' _' 'Males Fem1lies if ---. -: -'-' -Males -.-Females . -: "':'--. Mides_.· -'-Females . IItAFFIl,{MAT!Wi ACT10N/NON-OlSCRlMlNATION . OF . EMP!:.OYME~T.·,' PROMQTiON AND PROCUREMENT PRACTICES (County Ordinances 98-30 codifiadat 2-8.1.56fthe CouritY.Coqe) . ',n' a~ordance 'Witn 'c~un~.Y Or~iriance No, 9&-30,' entities With annual gros~ reiie~lJes:: in excess of .' $5,000;000 seeking to contra.ct With the Count)' shall, ascondilion receiving a CountY contract;.have I).a written affirinative action plan which, sets fo(ththe procedures the entity utilizes tOassure~hai it dQe~ not discriminate h its employment and promotion practiCes; and il).a written procl1rement.policy wh(ch SE~S forth the procedures the entity utifizes 10 assure that it does not discriminate againstminori!y anq women~ owned blJsinesses in its own pmcurement of gooqs, ';;upplies and services, Such affinna!fves. action plans and procurement policiesstu!ll. pr.ovide for peri,odic review to determine their effectillen!:'ss in aSl>uring the . . entity. does !lot dJscrimini'!te ,iI] jts ~mployrrient, pr9niiltion and proclireme!1t '.practices,The fo~egoillg notwlthstandin{l, corporate entities whOse boards of di~ctors are rer;i(ei;,e~atives of the p<1pulatitm make .. I1P of the nation shall bepre~umedto have non-discriminatory employtnent'and·piocuretnenlpOlicles. and shall not be required to 'have written affirmative action plans anq procurement policies in Ordl!r to rebeiVe a County contract. rhe foregoing prel>umption may.be rebutted. The requirements of County Ordinance' No. 98-30 may be waived upo,n·the written.recomniendatlon of fhe County Manager that it is in the best interest of the CountY to do so and upon approval of.the Board Of, County Commissioners by tnajoritY vote of the members present ' Page 2015 _'--__ The linn does not have annual gross revenues in excess of $5,000,000, ___ ~ The finn does have annual revenues in excess of $5,000,000;' however, its Board of Directors . !e representative c,f t~e pop!..!h:~tion 'm~ke':up of the natio!1 and has'submittoo a \~tten. ctetailed listing of its Board of Directors, including the race of ethnicity of each board member, to the County's Department of Business Development, 175 NW 1" Avenue, 28~ Floor, Miami, /' Florfda 33128, '. .' ___ ...:_ The t1rm has annual gross revenues in excess of $5,000,000 and the firm does haVe a written affirmative action plan and procurement policy as described above, which includes periodic review to determine effectiveness, and has submitted the plan and policy to the County's Department of Business Dt;lvelopment. 1?5 NW1"Avenue, 28'h Floor, Miami, Florida 33128" __ . __ Th~ firm does n9t have an affinnative action plan and/or a procurement policy as' described ab(lv~; Qpf"hf)3 been. gr~nted ~ waiver, . , -,/,,,, . . /ft;t)v. MIAMI,DADE COUNTY CRIMINAL RECORD AFFIDAVIT (Section 2-8,6 oHhe County COde) The, indivi9J:ial or entity entering into a contractor receiving funding tram the County _' has, V has not 'of the date of this affidavit been convicted of a felony during the past ten , (10) years. '. '. ' '. . ' -,' 4(, V. MIANIl-DAOE EMPLOYMI::NT bRUG~FREE WORKPLACE AFFIDAVIT (Coun'ty brdln~n~~ • 17-'-' 'no. 92,15 codifiet;! as Section 2-8.1.2 oftlie County'Code) '.' That in compliance. with Ordinance No. 92,c 15 of the Code: of Miami-Dade County, Florida" the above named person at enlilY is providing a' drug-free workpiai::e: A writteh statement to each employee shall, inform the empfoyee about: L' Daiiger,ofdrug abuse lrdhe worKplace , 2. The firm's po!h::yof:mtJlntalning Ii drug~free environment atafi workplaces , 3. Availability of drug ,counseling; ,rehabilitation and employee asslsta'nce progrilms 4. Penalties that may be imposeifuponemployees for drug abuse vlc)lations The person or,ent(tysllallalso require, an employee t6 sign a statE)ffi\3llt,as <t O,onciition 'of. employment that the employee will,abide by,the terms a,rld notify'the employer of any Criminal dri1g conviCtiono6curnng n(>.'later than lilie (5j.days after receiving, notioe of suCh 'cOnViction .: and, impOse ,appropriate . personnel . action agains! ;the employee, up" to and: inoludiflg . termination. ' . Complianc:e with Ordihance No. 92-15 may be waiVed if the $peci~l ch~ra('.ietisfjcsQf th€;l product or service offered' by tlie person or entity make it necess\3ry for the operation of the County or' for the health. safety. welfare,economic benefits and well-being of the public. , ContraCts involving funding which is provided in whole, or in part by the United Stat(;')s of the State of Florida shall be exempted from the provisions of thIs ordinance in thoseinst,jnces . where those provisions are in conflict with the requirements of those governmeht enlities. ';jW VI.'MIAM;-~ADE ~MP~~YM~NT ~~MILy'L~VE AFFIDAVIT (C~u~~ or~i~~ncesNO, '142-f11 , codIfied as Section 1.1A-29 et. Seq of the County Code) That in compliance with ordinance No. 142-91 oflhe Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida, an employer with fifty (50) or more empl9yees working in Dade County for eadl working day during each of twenty (20), or more ('.alendar workweeks, shall provide the following information in compli!lI)ce with all items in the aforementioned ordinance: . Page30r5 An employee who t)as worked' for the above finn atleast (lne (1) yearshaUbe entitled to ninety (SQ) days of family leave during any twenty-four(24) month'p(jriod,for oledlcalreasons, . for thE, birth or adoptio!1of a child, or forJhe.care of a child, sP9l(se ilr otheqllose.relative who hae,·ee~!~us health condition wit.~bt!t !isk cfterm!nat!t.lo of emp!oyer.refafiation:· . ThC'i foregoing requirements shall not pertain to contracts With the. lJnited States or any departmerit ora!jency thereof, or the State of FIOrtd.a or ilnY politiCal subdivision or agency /1 'm; ::L::;"::~:I:TI:::::; :::: .... '.-90 That the al:!ove names flmi. corporation Or. organization is In compiiancecwlth the agrees to continue to comply with and assure. that any subcontractor, or third party conl;'lCtor IInder this . project complies with all applicable requirements of ttie laws listed beloll{inoludilig,but not limited tf), lhC)sepro\tisions pertaining to employment provisions of programs and services, . transportation, communications, access to. faCilities, renovations; and.new construc;tion in the following laws: The. Amertcans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA},PUb;L101~33~, 104 .Stat 327.42 U.S.C. 12101-12213 ancl47 U.S.C. Section 1Q'12;Thel-l:\ir HO\J~lrigJwt ~sarr1ended, 42 U.S ,C. Section 360'1-3631. The foregoing requirements shall not·pert~llnto contracts ""ilh the United Statas or: any department or agel1cy thereof, the state or any political lil,lbdiVision or ager'lcythereofo(aily m"i.lI1icipalityofthis State .. ' . .:' .... ,--.!! 1+ VIII: MfAMI-DADE!COi.Jl~TY. REGARDING DEI,JQUENT AND CURRENitYI5U~'FE~SOR . TAXES .CSec. 208.1 (c) oftheColinty Code) '. .. ..' t:;xcept for small purchase orders and ·.sole source contracts,that abovenat:ned'flnn, corporation, cirganizatlori Or indiviQuat desiring to.transact Qusinessor enlel:a cQntr~Ctwiththe County Verifiesthalalf delinquent and currentiy due· fees ortaxes~ lndlliding but lidt·lfr)lite~ to relll.and P-fOP~!ty fa.xes, 'utility .taxes. and Qq;tJpat!omil.IiCelise~. -·whipharecollilqtildio the nonnal. course by the. Dade County Tax colleCtor as ~lie.lI<Js' Dade {:QUnty :issul;id parking tickets for vehlc!es registereq lri. the name of the firm, c<?rporation;organizalioi1<ir individual /il have been paid: . . .' .' '. . '. . ~~~ IX. CURRENT ORAll COUNTY CONTRACTS,LOANS AND OTHEROBUGATIONS' The individual entity seeking to "transact business. with thecoUhty isctiminl it! all its obligations to the County and is no! otherwi~ein default orany CQhtrl,l<:f,.promlssQiy noti;! or other-ioan·doGuments \\lith theCoul)ty or any onts agencies or in~trumentallties. . . N/!1....:,..-x.. PROJECT FRESH START (Resolution R-702-98 arid 35$-!)9) Any firm that has a~ contract with the GOUlitythat results in actual p~yinent of$500,OOO or more snail contribute to Project Fresh Start. the County's Welfare tOV\!llrk Initiative, HOWeVer, if five percent (5%) of the finn's work force C9nsists of individuals who reside in Mial111·0ade County and who have .Iostor.willioose c;'lsh assistance benefits (formerly Aid.lo Fl'imifieswi.th depende~t. Children) . as a result of t,he. Personal Responsibilitl' •. and yvork. OpportUnity Reconciliation Act of 1996, the finn' may request waiver from the reqUIrement of R-70209/3and R~358-99 by submittinga.waiifflrrequesfaffidavit.The foregoing requirement ooesnot pertatn to government l'intities,. not for profitllrganizations or recipients of grant "<iwards.. . . P"age 4 of5 ?~\. bm.1£ST!O V!OL.E~~E.· ~9.V~ (ReSo!~!1o~ 185-00:. ~9-5 C-odified '<,)\ .11;~O E;t; Seq, Ii til" . Miami-Pade COl1nty Code), . The finn' ~esirillg to do bti$iness with the COl1nty is in compli~nce wIth Domestic Leave 'Ordinance, Ordinililce 99-5, codified at 11A-60etSeq. of the Miami-Pade County Code, w~ich reqllire~ an ,employer which has In the regular course of business mty (50) or more employees working in Mlaml-Pade County for each working day during e'dt,n of twerity(20) or more calendar work weeks in the ctirren\ or: proceeding calendar years,.toprovlde DOmestic' Violence Le<\ve to 11$ employee$, . helVe carefully read this entire five (5) page 'document entitled. Miami-Dade County Affidavit's and have ·lr<dic-1'l!e(i.hy en "X' all "ffici"vits that per/air) to h;s.contract and have !hdicate<l by an "N/A" allaffld<lvi!s that do' no! peltain to thlscontracL ,. . j2e.C4r\bK-!W/ Qow~ '. . (Date)·, . . By: " , ~7 Stfl3SCRiBED AND i:Wl/ORN TO (orfiffjrtnild) befQreme this .th1L,~,-,· ~·'·· .. ·daYOf~(fjYY~ 20Jll by f-kC-tt>t. k i Y'0b" &. • He/She is pereorially known to me orhas . -""'-' . . _~_~~..,"-__ ";"' ___ '---'---'-'-___ . as identincation. (type Of Identlfl9ation) . (~~"Not'"' (Serial Number) :', Nf(ENGA~T MY COMMISSION # 00 714025 EXPIRES: Oclober5 2011 __ ~~_~~~ __ ~~+-~~~~~~::::=:~&oo~~~Th~rn~N~.'~"P~"b~kU~~~.~:·:m~~~.~. -7,~'~~~~_._' (Print of Sl~p, o,fN9I'!ry) , (Expiration D/iite) Notary Public -State ()f_'.--:...t=_\L:o~r.:.l~·chJ::.. ~" ' ___ ~ __ (State) Page 5 of5 SWORN STATEMEiNT PURSUANT TO SECTION 281.133 (3) (a) FLORIDA STATUTES ON PUBLIC ENTITY CR!MES ---. " , THIS FOHM MUST BE SIGNED AND SWORN TO IN THE PRESENCE OF A NOTARY Pl)BLfC OR OTHER OFFICIAL AUTHORIZED TO ADMINISTER OATHS '. . 1. This form statement,is sUb~itted to 'TIt! CD ·t. tL\i a.xW.--Dooe ~_. __ . bdAtiJgf Ph (~.\QJ k, Ph.D.) elvl M ()...(\.""'O"'.=f\F'c..r'--~_. __ _ " , . ~, ~Printlndlvidual s nam;;:;;;{d 611e) 0 forJlL. D~ £ovib M,'o.-m;.. .' " . .~ . (Prjnt nam;of entity submltting"sworn stafement) . Whose business address is. It> l~c) . 0\J(\<:?t Dei\/' ~l $0 vn" t'\ j()"w\l)...:EL. 3':>1 L.I? 'and if appllC<lblelts Fede(al El1}ployerld<7rit'rfica(ion Number (FEIN) is5j'!9000Lt31 If the ~htity has not FEIN, include the'Social Secu.rity Number oithe individual signing this sworn s(atemimt. ~~~--~~~~,~~----~---------- 2, . I understand that a 'Pl1blic entity <;;;me" as defined in paragraph 28J,133(1)(g), Flori~ statutes, means a. violation ·ofany state orfederal la~ by a person with respect to' an directly mlated to ' !hetr1!t1SaQti.Ot1S. of ,busit)e.s~ Iftiitn, any p,t.tblj¢ entity, 'or with ,an, agency or political ,t;ubdivlsion Of qOy o\her state orwi!h'fhEl 'UnitE!d State-ii;including, bat notninitedtoany,bid' orconfractJor goods or services to oe pro~ided to.PObfi6 eintitY'Of'Cigency': or political subcliliislon 'of any 'other state or of,the :United 'States and inVOlving antitrust; fraud, theft, bribery, cdUusion, raclwfeering, conspiracy, or mateiriafmisinterpreta'iion>" . ..' . . 3, I understand that,'''convicted~ or "conviction" as, defined rri, Paragraph 28l.133(1)(b), Floridg Statutes, means a fihding .of guilt .or a conviC;tionof a' public entity criJ1)e; with o.r without a'n adjudiC<ltio.n of guill,. In 'an fecleral or 'stO)te, triill court of record rel"ling to charges brought by indictment or inrqnmationaf(ei:;luly1,i 989, as: aresult of ajury verdiqt, non-jury trial, orj:lolry of a plea of gl1il[y Of tiolo'conteindere/. ...'. .' . '. ' ". , ·4, I understimd,thatan "Affiliate" as;d!?finedinparagiaph 287.133(1)(a), J=lorida Statutes means; . • • . f 1. A predE~6esso': op,uctesSot of a pers'on convicted of a public entity crime, or , 2.' An entity under the .cofltr%f any' natliral person Who is .activE> lti the rnanagement of the entity !,'nd ~ho haspeim convic;ted of a public entity crime, The term "affiliate" includes those officers " directors, executives; partners, shareholders; employees, members, and qgenls. who' are active ' in: themanagerileti! of an' affi!i<ite. The' 'ownershiP. by, one person 'of shares constituting a' controtting 'interest in another person, or.,a pooling of equipi(leQl or income among, peJ1;ons::WI1en· not for fait market value undera'n arm's lengll1 llgreernent, shall ,be a piima',fil<ile Case that cine perSOn controls anothE!f' pllt'son. A person who knowingly enters irit6' aJoint venture with a perso.n Who has been convicted of a public entity crime in Floijda dlJring the preceding 36 months shall be qonsidered an affdiate. . 5., {understand .that a "person" ,as.d~finecj in Paragraph 287,133(1}(e), Ronda Statutes, means any naturid perSon or entitY cirganlzea'utider the laws of any state 'or of the United states within the legal power to enter into a bimjing Contract and which bids or applies to bid on contracts fOr fue . " P· (0'"""1 ............. 1 ni .... "'A.:-~~ e"O"\"*'"' Th· . e· form--g~l"c!"",tr inc!;, • ..fo.'C:: fh'C~c\ 'f"\ffi~r<;!-QVoCIMdluoeo ~~rtno.~· ¥,..;ov •• VI UV~""""'. """"-_,. ......t, .,.. ..................... >..4\..!....,~ t.:~ ""'-' ...... .-............... , ...... -r" ........ .,.~ ... ..,. .... t ~ ......... V, shareholders, employees, members, and agents who are active in management' of an entity . 6 .. Ejased on infon:i\afionand bellef,the statement whiCh I. have marked below is true in mlation to the entity submttting this SWOrT] statement. (Please indiCate which statement applies.) ·1_ .. _·Neitherthe. eniitY submftting·swom statement, nor any of Its Officers. director, eXerAlfives, :partners, shareholders, employees, members, or agents who are active in the ma(lagemellt of the entity, nor· any affiliate oflhe entity h<ls been charged with and cQilvicted of a public eiltity orime. subSequetitto JUly 1, 1989. . . "The ,ent~y su.bml!1Jng 'this ~worr! statemAnt~ or one or morH of ·,!ts,. officers, directors, executives, partners. shareholders, employees, members, or agents· who are active in the . . . . maflagement of.(heetititY,oran affiliate of the entity, or an affiliate of the entity had beehcharged with and convicted of a pul:1l1centily c.rimesubsequent to July 1, 1989, AND (piease indicate Which llddltlonal statement aptjlii)s. . . ~~:-,-'.." Theentitysub!1iliiio9 thh •. tll/IIom statement, or one armare of Its offic.ei:s, dlr.ectQrl;, flXe(MIves, .partners;!lhart)hQl(ji3~;:e.mi>layees, ,memberS,. or agents. whollre aCtive!n lhe mllI1~[!em~nt <>!,!hile~!itY;!io.r aiiy,~ffmate 9f U:1e ,entity ha~biJen charlJedwitl1'an~CtinVi~d .of~ ,pubhcnsnftty pnmesubSeq(jentpr:tlcteedingbefore a I-Iea.ong Officer of the S(;lte of tlie.Stllte of Florida; Dlvisloh of Adjnli)istratlVe .l:ii1-oiilnY1l' and the Rn'li Order. entered by the Hearing Officer . ·determif,ed ttiatli.Waf! :rlqtii'jthe;jjubiicint~resttopla,c.ethe .entity submifling·this SV'Ioi'n staternent . . ililthe conllicted venqorlist(at{Gclfa.·c.opyoflhe firiafarder). . . . ,. ·.IUNOIZR$T;/\ND tHA:rt8~"$tJ~MIS~idN OF. THIS. FORM TO THE CONTAAc'tU\iG(jFF'ICER FO~ i'HEPUBI,.ICt::~rtTy.;IOENtimE01N PARAGRAPH 1 (ONE;) ABOVE IS FOR THATPUBI,JC E;N'fITYoNl.y Af\lO·THATTJ;Ii6'fORM .IS VALID n-iRQUGH DECEMI3ER 31 OR. THE CALENI)Af~ Yt::Ar(!~VVHI<:Hll"'S'FILEb. fALSO UNDERSTAND THAt 1 AM. RE901~E1O TO INFORM TI-IATPVI3Li.CENTITYPRIPRto ENTERING INTO A C\:)NTRACT IN EXCES60FTHE THRESHOLb Arvi6UNTPROVIOEblll!SECTION 2$7.011 FLQRIDA STATUTES.F0R A ·CATEGORY1WO'OF ANYCHANGI2INTHEINFORMATION CONTAINED IN "fHISFORM, . . -' . .., ,,' '- . /(/~~ ..... 4' . I~ it(Jte) 76 . Swornip and !l4b~cribed p!1fore.lJ1~ thls.JJO 4l: __ rJay pf )).6etn~_~_ . Personally kqown _~~. __ ~ ...... _~_~_ Or prodUced idf'..ntifjc.ation ~ __ ~. (Type of identification) . .' ~ . . " ... '. ---.....,................:... My c.ommiss'rrio;;,n~e~xp;;·;.;;l(e;;,;s;;;;;;;;;;;;;~_;,;;.;;. ;;;o_;;;_,;;.'""",'!1 .. ".~t4~';"',. NKENGAA PAYNE ( i'ii' '. MY COMMISSION # DD 7f4026 EXPIRES; Oclober q, 2011 .. Bonded Thru Notal)' Publio UlldanVt«els '"""'"""!' ..... ~ • ...,-~ ,typed or stamped commissiohed nof notary public.) 1. Do you have any past duo financial obligations willi Miami-Dade County? . YEB Singte Family House't_oans MulU-FamUy Housing Rehab COBG C!>m'll~rcial loan Project U.8. HUD Seellon 108 Loan Other HUDl'unded ,Programs Other (lien~, fines, loarts, .-- Occup;.Uonilflicenses; etc.) II YES, please explain: . --------.. -....... 2 •. Do you have any past due financial obligano"s with Miami-Dade Couniy? YES NO L IIYES, please explain: " 3. Are, you. afetatiW of or do,yo~ have, any busjness or financialinlerest<'willi anY'etecte<,i Miami-Dade County o!tidal, Miami-Dade Qalinty Employee, <" Member ofMlamf-DadeCounty"s Advisol)' Boards? YES NO / tl YEiS, ptease •. xplain: . Any f~Is~infomi.tlan p),,~ided <In' llillj:affidavit will b~ reason far rejection and disqua.lification of your project-funding request to Miami-Dada CoiJnty. . . ~le answetJta tegoing. s '01lS ar~ correctly slated to the best·of my ~nowledge and be!~ef. By: _ . ,...-c' DQCoo\tlt(" \WI O2.DIO paean!} . (Date) SUilSCnlBEo AND . ORN TO (or affirmed) .before. me this \ C) day oW):: £' BY~f'.-o e :DO~)f {QOA • He/She is ~I]ooalll' kOQlMljo me or has presented , ____ -nasidentifieafion, ~Q.,.~ ·iSA ¥I.'Df",_ (Prin! Ot Stamp of Noial)') . . . Notal)' Public _. Stamp of 'S::1.v _ ""''''''IV' .... '''., ...... JV'#,fJf:)f;)!:l.. h "" ~;."( Pll~ Notarv Public Stale of Flonda #~ (' SlleUa Alexander , -, )0 ; h i My Commlss!on 00626828 ~ oot.... Expires 09/29f2012 ~ Off\: -""- (Sena! Number) __ n\~\~ ~"te) Nolal)'Seal DEVELo.PER'S AFf':IMVIT THAT MIAMI-DADECo.UNTY TAXES, FEES AND PARKING TiCKETS HAVf,= BEEN PAID , (Section 2,,8,1 (c) onne Code of Miami-Dade County, as amended by Qrdinance No. 00-30) , and THAT DEVELOPER.IS No.T IN ARREARS TO. THE Co.UNTY , , (Section 2-B.1(h) of the Code of Miami-Dade County, as, amended by Ordinance No,OO-67) I, ~"kr ~1 :·~bik~_ ' , ,being first Quly sworn, hereby state atld certify that II)~ statements are true anQ correct: 1. That I am the D~veloper(ifthe DeVeloper is an individual}, or the )"AhA_ /J. ~Io,ye., ('_(fill in the title of the position held with the Developer) of the Developer. ~~- 2. That the Developer ha,s paid ali delinquent and currently due fees or taxes (inch,ding but not limited to, real and personal property taxes, utility taxes, and occupational taxes) collected in the normal course by the Miami-Dade county Tax Collector, and County issued parkfngtiCkets for vehicles registered in the name of the above developer, have been paid. 3. ThaI the, Qeveloper is not in arrears In excess of the enl'o'rOenwnt llires,hold under any , , contract; ,final non~<appeasable Ndgment, or lien with Mi'lrni-Oade Cqunty, or a,ny of its ageilcies ,or Instrllffientalltjes,ln¢lliding(he, Pubii<:; Helllt!r Tnisl,either dii'er,tlyorlndirectly through a firm,' corJ'lQf<ltibJi; ,partnership or joint venture in which !lie Qeveloiie~ 'has a controlflngfinaflPi.aiinterest Foi:purposes hereof, the,term "enforce111entthreshold'" m"ans any arrearage under any indfvlduai contract, non-appeal able, judgment, or)ien witll Miami·, Dade County that eXCeeds $25,OQOand has been delinqUent for greater than 180 (jays. ,For j:)urj:)osesf)ereof, 'trye ,t~nn "controlling finanCiilfinferest" means ownership, directly or indirectly, of ten percent or Iilore 'of the outstanding cl'ipital stock in any corporation, or a ,direct or indi:tic interes often percent <w 1)10re in a firm, partnership, or other busines!i entity. ' Byt_, _ 71-,', ';2 , ' " , 'DcLr!)ber \(0, 20 \0 Qate II*, ""·r .... bi\e, 'PhD. 5.!'J.J(PIO/O/OI':iJ"l>jjj_J_j ".:r'¥, PrintedtJmll of Affiant and Titfe' , Feder~1 Empl9yer Identification Nomber , 'flba DfSb,vth J.diQrni " ', ____ -'--_ J " Printed Name of Firm _&120 ~f Dn'v€' l '~v1h &();;un.i} FL _'..:::3;..::'3>:,.,., ''-Y'-='3:...-_-- " ' , 'Address of Film , SCRIBED AND SWo.RN TO (or affirmed) before me this /lg<{l, day Of~..11nbeV , , ,20j!L , ,BL.J::\::0-toy YniV"lib;~, Phj). , . . c . He/She is personally known to me or has presented --~ r -, -'-. ~''' ..... , i9 til of Notary as identification, NKENGAA,PAYNE-- MY COMMISSION I !lIrn4'S!&--II~--~ EXPIRES: Oolober 5,201' Sedal Number Bonded Thl\.l Nola!)' Public Ullderwritef<l t ee" _ .... Print or Stamp 'Name of Notary , Expiration Date Notary PUbUc--State of _fJatidL_ Notary Seal 9 MicrQ$oft Word/Affidavits 2006/Revised/mdm-01-04-2006 FORMA-12 CODE OF BUSINESS ETHICS In accordaflce with $ection2-8.1(i) of the Miami-Dade County Code,. each persOn or · entity that lle",t(S t!>do busihess .with· the County shall adopt a Code. of Busines& Ethie& ("Code") and &hiltl. prior-to execu!ionof any contract between ·the contractor and the .County, sulmiitan affidavit stating fhat the contractor has adopted aCode that \:omplies With the requirements of Section 2.8.1 (i) of the Miami~Dade County Code. Any person · Of entlly that fails. to sllQmif l.he required ~ffidavit shall be. ilieligible for c6nt~ct award. ·The Code of Business EthiCs shall apply to all business that the cont~ctor does w1th the · County and shall, at a minimum, require that the contractor: • Comply with af! applicable governmental rules and regulations including, among others, the Miarni-DadeCounlyConflict of Interest and·Cod"! of Ethics Ordirian<;:e and Ihe False Claims Ordinance. . . . • Comply with all applicable rules and regulations regarding Disadvantaged Business· Black Business Entefpri(leS, Hispanic· .. BU(lrness . Enterprises. and . Enterprises (hereinafter .collectively Minority Business· Community SmaUBusiness Enterprises nlT,hi~,it the folloWingpraCtiees:. . .() ~~~~~ge!~~~~~ The Code shall prohibit pass-throughs \/\J . . Inat the M~E orCSBE finn accept payments as a.. or CSBE and pass thrbll9li t/lose p<lyments or a portion·of mQi:le payments to anothlOlr entityinc(uding i bqfnot !ill'litee{ to the OWf)er/qpim;ltor Qfthe priiTIe firm; . . . o· RentalSpace, Eguipmentor Flat qvemead FeeR~:lguirementS_ The Gode shaUpr~l:\lblt .fEint;.!1 ,space requirements, equipn:tent. requirements, and/or flat.overhe1>d fee Je'quirements, whereby the piimefirrifrequiriios the MaE <if GSBE jl.rm to rent space or IOlqyipmentftomthe.prime fiMor charges a flat overhead 'fee for the use ofsjJace, equipment, secret<lry, etc~ o Staffing ReqUirement(l, The Code shall prbhihit the· prime firin from mandating; as.i;I;col1dition .to inclusion· in tM project, that a MsEor CSBE hire; fire,o(prom9te pertilin individuals nQt ernployedby the pi'imeflrnl,or utilizEistaffemployedQI previously employed by the prime .firm. . . o MBE or CSBE:IDaff Utilization. The COde shaJI pra/libit the prime firm from requiring . tf:Je MBE or CSBE firm to provide. more staff than is neCessary arid. then utilizing the MBE or CSBE sfuff for other work to be performed by the pnme firm. . . () Fraudulently !treating, operating or representing MBE or CSBE. ·The Code shall prohibit .~. prime firm including, but not limited to, the owners/operatorsl/lEm:iof, from fraudulently creating, operating or representing <m:i;lotity as a MBl;: or esBE for purpQsss of qualifying for certification as a MBt: or CSSE. . • The Cqde· shall also r~quire that on any contract Where MBE or CSSE participation is purp·orted, the contract shall specify essential telms. including, but not limited to; aspeciHc statement regarding the per<:ent of participation planned for MBEs or CSBEs, the timing of payments and when the work is to be ·perfOlriied. .. . :.... . ... .. . .. . • The failure ofa .contractor to comply with its Code of BusIness Ethics shall render any contract between the contractor and the County voidable, and subject viqlators to debarment frqm future County work pursuant to Section 10·38(h)(2) . of the Code. The Inspector General shall be authOrized to investigate any alleged violation by a contractor of its Code of Business Ethics. 8y: -.-A!,~.-Sign ure of Affiant Al!WlOSlif 5CJ -(POOO if,? \ , J Federal .Employer Identification Number ~ O~ ~ovm ~iO\tx\A· . ~ .< Printed Name of FIm1 (oJSQ ,SI5A<A DriV!L/~r~ M'\().M~ I fL. '33\'1) . . ,. . .. ,. .. :. ... .... .. Address pf FIrm . .., . ... ". . . . . . . SUBSCRIBED 'AND SWOR~' TO (Ofaffi~med ) before ~e this ,JBlL dily of 1~ .. 20 •.. 1-0 . He/She is personally known to me or has presented as identifi(:ation. ~ Type of fdentificaUon _. -. --~"N"" Explration Date -,-.. COLLUSION. AFFIDAVIT (Cdde of Mianii·Dade County Section 2-8.1.1 and 10-33.1){Ordinanoe No. OB-itS) , . . BEFORE ME:,A NOTARY PUBliC, personally appeared +bJv( l'JirablL. who being duly Gworn states: (insert name of !lffiimt) : . . lam' over 18 years of age, halfe personal knowledge <if the facts stated Iri ihlsaffidavil . and I am an owner, officer, director, principal shareholder and/or I am olhecwlse avthorized to bind the bidder of this cOntract i U(l:;{le that (h~ bicider of this conb'act ftf is not related to any oftne other parties bidding in the compefiUvesolicitation, and that the I'" contractor's prqposal is genuine .and not sham or co/lusiveor made in the iriterElSt or on behalf of a~y person npt therein named, and thatto", contractqr has not, direcUy or itidirectly, ind4ced or SOlicit<)c! any other proposer to put in a sham proposal, 'orany other person, Mil, or:corporation to refrain from propqsing, and Ihat.the prQPoser has notlnany manner so~ght bycolhisl<m to secure totheptoposer an advantage overall\: !ltherprOP<lS\§'.' . QB '. . '. . . ... .. .' .... ' ..•. ' . Elis: related lothefollc)wing parties wha bId In the sol101tatiOh Whi¢hill';ild~ntified.ai1dlisted belOW: '. . . Note, IInyperson or .Wily that fails to spbmit ihis,!icecutedafficf~vit shall be )n~ngible for contract .award.ln,'the even! a .recol11mendedcontractor Identifies. related parties· In. the competitive solicitation ils bid shall,,'e presumed to be 'collusive and tile rilcdmmended. cOntractor shall be Ine.fiQible for aWard unlllJlli.thalpr",sum-ptlon/s rebutted bypfeSentafioll 9,f evidence as to the .extentof owO\lrshiPi C9iltrol and management ofs\lch tel~lt!,d partlesin:the plilparation' anc! ,imbmiltal. of such. bids' Or proposals. Related partlesshall meanbidderli. Of proposers/or' the . princlpals, c6rporateQffjqerli, and manaQerli !hereof wllich.havea difllclor Indirect ownership . loter!)St in. anotoer bidder or proposer for th~ same agreem!'~t o'rin which a parentCOI)'ipanyor the principals theraofof one (1) bidder or proposer have a director Indireotown~rship interest in another bidder or proposer for ihe same agreement: Bids orproposats found to be collusive. ·shall ·:::rejected. d~~ . D«e~~2oJO 7 'Signature of A~-Date \-IU~rfnt~~~!\!fkt~RJdC~ MaM.yr F1jelr~~;;e~ ~:rI~:a1o~fu'i)t~ 04 hl of ~Cill1'h MiCHv\; . ' .. ~ ,.r:::.I>.l!!!3.cn'-!:p'"n,-'n7te·-d:-:N-:-a-m-e-of:-:·F"'lrm----.------- CaI:;O S'1H)se± Drilf€,.SoJ\n N\~ (B--331~3 ( Ac!dress of Firm SUSSeR/BED AND SWORN TO (or affirmed) before me thiS~ da; of ~L 20~ He/She is personally known to me or has presented --------::c--,:-:-:--::cc--:;---. as' lifehtincation. . _ Type of IdentifiGalion MY Notary public --.State 01 :=~L""~ Nota", Seal BID PACKAGE AODENDUM ~ .(f1:t199 PISCLOSUR.,E A!30UT RELATED PARTIES 12e..cgm ber \ to I «.0 \ () Date THERE ARE NO BOARD MEMBERS OF THE ~~~ !'1o.n<\. (Ageiloy Name) WHO HAVE ANY RELATIONSHIP OR HAVE MADE ANY TRANSACTION WITH OTHER ENTITIES THAT MIGHT RESULT IN A CONFLICT WITH Cb~ of S()vth Mi(i,f'I\~ (Agency Name) OPERATIONS. BY:.,d~~ . Signature of Affiant CERTIFICATION REGARDINGLOni{I(lNG Ce:r~it'ic&'tion for Contracts, Grantg, Loans and Cooperative Agrecmeni~ The un<lersigned certifi~, «} thebes! of his or her knowltidge andbeIief,that 1. No Federalappropriated funds have been paid 9r will bepald, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to. any person for influencing or attempting. to influence an offiCer or ·employee of an agency, a: Member of Congress, an officet oremployee of Congre,~s, or an employee of a Memb.ei of Congress in CO!1llection with th~ awarding of any Federal contract, the malting of any ·Federal grant, the making of any Federal [oan, the entering into of any cooperative agreement, and the· extension, continuation, renewal, an16ndm~1it) or lnodifieation of any Federal contract,. ~irg.J!t, !o.~~n~ {Jr. cooperative agreemellt. 2. If.any of the funds other than Federalappropriated funds have been paid orwiUbe paid to any person for influencing or attep:1pting toinflu\lnce an officer or employee .ofllliy agency,. a Member of Congress, an officer or ~I)lployee .of, COil-gress; or·arl. employee of a-Member of Congress in CO!1llectiotiwiihthis Federlli Clnittact; gi-ant,. loan, otcooperatlve agreement,the llI'ldersignei"lshall ()ompl~teandsU!)lliit stan~ard FOl"nitLL, . "Disciosq.re Form· to EePort Lobbyii!g~" ·lii . aceordance with·its instlUctions, .. 3. ·theuud~l"Signed shall relluire. that theJangUage of:t1ris certifiCation be inoh.lded in the aWard dOGumt'mts fOl: ail subawards at all tiets (inch'tdingsubconttacts, suhgr'"<IIlts, .and 0l!1t.ritcts i!tidcrgnuits,!pailS;imd ·cooperative agreement In excess of$100,0(l0) . and that all subrecipicnts shallcer!lfy· and disclose accordingly. 4. This .certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this.transiwtion W'dS made or entered· into. Submission.pfthii certification is a prereqUisite for maldng or elitering into. this tnlllsactjoliilnposedby sectionlJSZ, title 31, U.s. Code. AD;Y person who fails to fife tIle required certification shall he subjectto a civilpcllalty of not less than' $10,000 and not.niore than $100,000 for ·each such failure. Ph. \). --.... '. LIVING WAGE REQUIREMENT <Miami-Dade County Ordina!lQ.~..J-44) Effective November II, 1999 the provisions of Miami-Dade County Ordinance 99-44 and Section 2-8.9 of the Code of Miami-Dade COlmty shall apply to all service contracts involving the expenditure of over $100,000 per year for "Covered Services". "Covered Services" are the type of services pnrchased by the County that are subject to the requin;ments of the Living Wage Ordinance which are one of the following: (1) County Service Contracts (i) food preparation and/or distribution (ii) security services (iii) routine maintenance selvices such as custodial, cleaning, refuse removal, rCl)air, refinishing and recycling (iv) clerical or other non-supervisory office work, whether temporary or pennanent (v) transportation and parking services, including airport and seaport services (vi) printing and reproduction services (vii) landscaping, lawn and/or agricultural services In <!ccordance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance 99-44, all Service Contractors entering into a contract with Miami-Dade County to provide Covered Selvices as described above shall pay to all of its employees providing such Covered Services to the County a Living Wage of no less than $8.56 per hour plus Health Insurance as described in the aforementioned ordinance. or $9.81 per hour without Health Insurance. Such Health Benefits shall consist of payment of at least $1.25 per hour towards the provision of health care benefits for employees and their dependents. Proof of the provision of Heilith Insurance must be submitted to the Connty to qualifY for the wage rate for employees with health benefits, The Selvine Contractor shall also agree to produce all documents and records relating to payroll and compliance with this Ordinance prior to award of a contract as it result of tins s()licitation upon request by the County. If records reflect that the Service Contractor is in violation of this Ordinance, the County has the right to sanction the Serviee Contractor to include but not limited to tennination, fine and suspension. ThIs Ordinance encompasses various responsibilities that must be accomplished by the successful proposer such as record keeping, posting al,d reporting. Upon the award of this corttract, the successful proposer must be prepared to comply with these requirements as outlined in Ordinance 99-44. 5/01 10/2 FORMA-ll MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA MIAMI-DADE COUNTY LIVING WAGE AFFIDAVIT (Ordinance 99-44 and Section 2-8.9 of the Miami-Dade County Code) Solicitation No.: _l:!I-J!A'C-L ____ ..,.-__ title: ~\\1~_t1~ :>\-( It:-l L~~ tUT"-'-'t~?'-'-r"'_\O'='~"-'1--__ I, ::J\fL~~b~ \C-. "---' being first duly sworn hereby state and certify that in compliance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance 99-44 and Section 2-8.9 of the Miami-Dade ·County Code, by accepting award of this contract, the bidder or proposer agrees· to pay the living wage required by Miami-Dade County Ordinance 99-44 to all employees assigned to this contract. The bidqer or proposer further understartds that the current living wage applied to this contract is $8.56 per hOllr plus health . benefits as described in the ordinance, or $9.81 per hour without hellith benefits. '5/\ _ biOI 01 0 I L/ 1:3 I J I __ ..L __________ _ "_~C=jJ~u/9:..J.f-s>....!~~ou~rtbJJr..:..." .J.d ..... i,.,."i (I.fYl~i ______ ~ o Printed Name afFirm '" _" ~e.!!2Q:.........:\~S~!M2:l_Ll<'i:re~±~D.I:::(i :!.I.-i~,f R.~/_ ..LS..l..l'.:~!0fu!ll.l....LM~" ..!..!:I Cl.c:>..tlYlu1L-+' _~,-,·L,"",-· ~3=3;:..!.t-''1_''')'_ __ _ Address o'fFirm '" SUBSCRmED AND SWORN TO (or affirmed) before me this ~ day of ~__ ,20flJ., by ~C~ \VI i ( a.. b ·;"lx . HelShe is personally known to me or has presented Affiant as identification. Type ;;[ldelltification Serial Number Notruy Public -State of r bvi lc NotalY Seal Rev. i120100. 10/1 [ 'FAIR SUBCONTRACTING POLICiES ~ (Ordinance 97-35) ----------------'- FAIR SUBCONTRACTING PRACTICES In compliance with Miami-Dade County Ordinance 97-35, the Developer submits the fo"oWln~J detailed statement of its policies and procedures of awarding subcontracts: I hereby certify that the foregoIng' information ;,;;:r~"t ~ co ~ // Signature of Authorized Representative:, (}(tjZ'...-/:....--r . ____ _ Title: ' Date: ... Du.tm Ioer l (.p, Q2 0 I () __ _ Firm Name:~tJ Of ~S'ov\V) JII.ttl:yY\i 'Fed.ID No: 5q~ &Q9043"-!.1 __ . Addrellf>: M.."?O .$\J(\'i,e-\-j)c\\{Q.. City:.s~/) ~-lA \~ state:_h-,--,,=,-__ Zip Code: 33. \ L-{ ~ Fax: ,&S) ..JQJp2.-<0::> t{-5" Telephone: ~ -6?!i.8 ~ 0)'510 12 Microsoft WbrdfAffidavlts 2006/Revlsed/mdm~01~04·2006 uty or :;,ourn I"lIaml P!.m:hasing Policy The City Commission's approval is required on all purchases over five thousand dollars ($5,OOO.OO). To this end, resolut-ions prepared by the department requesting the purchase shall be SUl:mlitted to the City Commission for approval before the purchase is ma.;!e. In the event of an emergency, approval may be given by the City Manager pending later ratification by the City Commission. Unauthorized purchases are not allowed and considered to be a none obligation of the City of South Miami. The person ordering the unquthorized purchase is personally liable for the costs of the purchase. Splitting of' or(jers through multiple purchase orders for the same goods or services to circumvent bid procedures is Improper) they are uh\luthori.zed and illegal, It is imperative that all personnel who are involved In the ordering Of goods and services are completely informed about purchasing procedures and complies with the pmvisions. purchasing procedures are diVided into two different categories as follows: £UBkHASE OF ITEMS OR SERVICES UNDER $5.000 Using the order form, the departments shall submit requests for all purchases to Central Selvices Office, indicating the date item is needed, if applicable, description of item including parts and/or manufacturer's number, quantity of item needed, budget account number to be charged, and Department Head's sign'lture. In order to expedite the process, it is advisable that departments submit three price quotes with all orders above two hundred dollars. When replacing non-office supplies item, written justification must be provided, and the damaged or obsolete item must be submitted to the Central Services Office. Upon receipt of the order form by the Central Services Specialist, a process of verifying the price quotes will follow. This involves checking the price quotes submitted by the departments with the vendors, if not written. In the case of acquisitions dealing with sole source, approval by the City Manager will be on a case by case basis, and justification must be provided. Requisitions using other government bids will be accepted provided a copy of the awarded bid reflecting the bid number, expiration date, products and or services, and prices on the proper government letterhead is provided. After verifying the price quotes, the Central Services Specialist will prepar<! or verify the departments requisition, and key in the system to request a purchase order. III cases where total goods and services obtained from a vendor in a fiscal year is expected to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00), an open purchase . order method will be utilized. This method consists of drafting a resolution to be presented to the City Commission by each department requesting authorization. Once the total amount of purchases from the approved vendor exceeds ... More» Next Page » W'NW.southmiamifl.gov/lndex.php'lsrc= ... 1/1 ucy or ::,oum Miami Purchasing Policy the amount authorized by the City Commission, a new resolution will be drafted to request new authorization. ACOUISITION OF ITEMS,OR SERVICES EXCEEDING $5,000.00 The procedures for acquisition of iterns or services over five thousand dollars ($5,000.00) shall be in accordance with the City Charter. Departments shall submit order form to the Central Services Office indicating items or services to be purchased, quantity, date needed, and Department Head's signature. Any of the following three formal competitive bidding procedures shall be utilized when acquiring any item that falls in this category. 1. COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURE Invitation to bid shall be issued by the Central Services Office and advertised in a locql newspaper, The invitation shall contain a detailed description of the items or contractual services sought; the deadline for submittal of all bidS, and all contractual terms and conditions applicable to the procurement of the items or services. Opening of the bids shall be administered through the City Clerk's Office. 2. COMPETITIVE PROPOSAL PROCEDURE The Central Services SpeCialist shall seek competitive proposals from at least three different sources of supply using the specifications on the order form submitted by the departments. The vendor with the lowest bid shall be awarded the contract, unless it is determined to be a low-ball, at which time the City will exercise its rights to reject the bid and select another one. 3. OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGE;NCIES' FORMAL BIDDING PROCEDURE Bids received by other governmental agencies on similar items or services that the City is acquiring mey be used if the agency follows similar competitive bidding procedures set forth by the City. THE CITY RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY AND ALL RESPONSES RECEIVED ON SOLICITED BIDS. « Previous Page WWw.sQuthmiamifl.gov/index.php?src= ... 1/1 AT"tACHMlENT H SUBCONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER LISTING (OrqinahCe97-104) Fini1<Name of Prime ContractorlDeveloper ~~~"£:L<~S.2< QY.l.!}_t.~~~:'-___ ~ __ -,-__ _ This fOim,ora comparable listing meeting the requirements of OrdinahceNo. 1)7-104, MUST be completed by the developers on County conlractsfor purchase of supplies, ,materials or seNie~, including professional si!rvices Which involve expenditures of $100,000 or more, and< all developers on County or Publi<c Heallh Trusi cOllslructioncontracts Which Involve expenditures<ol $100:000 or more. Thls< form, or a<comparal)le listing meeting tile, requiroments of Ordinance NO i 97-104, niustbec6mplet<)d andsUlbmitted ev<!n though th~develoPer will not utilize sul;lcontractprs < orsuppllors pnthe< contract. The deveioper should eriter the word "NONe" under the appropriate heading on Ihl" form in those inst1\oces< where no "ubcoljlrsctors or suppliers will be tise!l on the cQntractThl' developer who is <.awarded the contract . shall not change ors4bstltute first tier 5ubc(jrilractors or direct suppliers or the portions of the contract work to be·perrormed or materials to b'isupplied from th6S$ identified;<excej:ltuponwritlen approv;jl olthe County. I certify that the representations contained In this Subcontractor/Supplier LIsting are to the best of my I<nowledge true and <i.ccurate. J2£.r.ro}..hgc ~d~l· Q, 0 \0 Authoriied Represe~Taiive - (Dupncate If additional space is needed) 13 MiCrosoft WOf<UAffidavits. 20061R~vised/mdm"{)1"()+-2006