1South Miami To: Via: From: Date: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor Stoddard and M~~/JOf the City Commission Hector Mirabile, Ph.D" City Manage~ (f Christopher Brimo, AICP n {f'/ Planning Director V'l December 6, 2011 ITEM No .. _I"--__ _ SUB.JECT 2001 An Ordinance amending Section 20-8.9 of the Land Development Code titled Special Exceptions within the TODD district, in order to include additional criteria for defining large scale developments; providing conditions for review and approval; providing for the expiration and extension of approvals; REQUEST This "draft" proposal was first reviewed by the Planning Board at a public hearing on October 11, 2011, and at a subsequent public hearing on November 8, 201 L Following comments from the public, Board and City Attorney, the following proposal was arrived at which is explained below. Currently Section 20-8.9 of the Land Development Code titled Special Exceptions states the following: 20-8.9 -Special exceptions. (AJ For those existing uses in this district, any alterations or additions to those buildings shall be in conformance with the provisions of this ordinance, however, existing heights of existing buildings and floors may remain at current heights and additional floors may be added above in accordance with this ordinance. Existing gas station uses may be permitted to have a one-time alteration to allow for the addition of additional floors above. (B) Any site that is in excess offorty thousand (40,000) square feet shall qualifY for a large scale development use and must be reviewed by the Planning Board via the special use permit process. 1. Any property to be developed under a .large-scale development program and all under single ownership may have residential uses on the first floor, however, they are not permitted On the flrst floor within that portion of the building or development fronting on the front or main street. (C) No single use in the T.o.DD. Zone shall exceed a gross floor area of eighty thousand (80,000) square feet, except residential uses. (D) Within the MU-5 subcategory the maximum height of new bUildings or additions shall be restricted to four (4) stories as pennitted, or up to eight (8) stories as permitted with bonus; but in no case shall exceed one hundred (100) feet. (EJ A minimum lot area of five thousand (5, 000) square feet shall be required for any of the following nonresidential uses: Institutional, Public Service, General Commercia! Entertainment, Commercial Recreation, Office, and Recreation/Open Space, Light Industrial. (F) Where there is no minimum distance between adjacent buildings, nor a minimum building setback from a property line, one (1) of the first two (2) of the following conditions must be met: 1, If the distance from the exterior waf[ to the property line is less than five (5) feet, the applicant must show evidence of a maintenance easementfrom adjacent property owner(s); or 2, The structure shall be built on the property line and the owner shall give an attachment easement to the adjacent property owner(s), 3, In no instance shali a roof overhang extend beyond the property line, except in the Font of the building As noted in Section 20-S,9(B), the threshold that determines a large scale development is any site that is in excess of 40,000 square feet, Although not defined by the City's LDC, site is generally defined as follows: Any plot or parcel of land or combfnation of contiguous lots or parceis of land -The New lllustrated Book of Development Definitions; Harvey S, Moskowitz; 1993, Since "site" is the only threshold for this determination, any development site less than 40,000 square feet would not necessarily have to be reviewed under the provisions of Section 20-8,9, regardless of the structure's gross area, The proposed amendment to tbis section would addresses the building in addition to the site, Additionally, the process for review of such projects as stipulated in Section 20-8,9(B) is the City's "special use permit process", Tbis review process is enumerated in several sections of the Land Development Code and does not always relate' to developments, but rather is specifically designed for special uses, As such, staff feels that for the purpose of special exception development review, the language should be modified and consolidated under Section 20-8,9, The Following is a Snmmar! of the Proposed Amendments to Section 20-8.9 L Section (A) is clarification of the language and the removal additional floors over gas stations, 2, Section (B) adds additional language building square footage in excess of 40,000 square feet as al'l additional threshold for development review under tbis section. 3, Section (B)L is language that was adopted by the City Commission to be consistent with the development expiration witbin other districts, Tbis item was recently added to the Code books during the supplement 14 update in October 201 L The Planuing Board recommended reducing the time limit for substantial completion from 5 years to 3 years, [City Attorney comment -The Planuing Board recommended a change from 5 to 3 years, Please note that the Com!nission adopted the 5-year time limit earlier tbis year to be consistent with the provision in the Hometown District wbich limits the special exception to 5 years, The Planning Director suggests that the time limit should be consistent in both; either 3-years or 5-years,] 4, Section (B)2, is language added at the recommendation of the Board to defIne "substantial completion". Tbis definition a modification of the defInition from the American Institute of Arcbitects -General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. 5, Section (B)3, adds a clarification of "main street", 6, Section (C) uses language taken from Section 20-3,4 of the Land Development Code (LDC), as it relates to special use permit reviews, and adapts it tor development review, 7, Section (C)4, is deleted since it is related to those uses granted under special use provisions, i,e, restaurants, etc, and was not appropriate for development reviews under this section, 8. New Section (C)4. is laxlguage typically used when reviewing development projects, and staff feels it is appropriate in this section. 9. Section (D) is language taken from Section 20-5.8; Special Use Approval, and modified to specifically address development approvals. 10. The existi11g section related to the "expiration of approvals" was deleted. In addition, the 18 month expiration of approvals previously recommended by staff at the October meeting was also removed in light of the change to Section (B)I (see item 3). 11. Section (E) is langnage from Section 20-5.8, and was modified to be "reapplication for development review" rather than for special uses. 12. Sections (F) through (1) is langnage currently in Section 20-8.9 -Special Exceptions, and was primarily renumbered with winor amendments to text. PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Section 20-8.9 Special exceptions. (A) A Special Exception as used in the TODD shall mean a permitted use that complies with all the conditions and standards for the district as well as those set forth below. For those existing uses in tlus district, any alterations or additions to those buildings that result in the building being defined as a Large Scale Development Use ("Large Scale Development"), shail conform to be in ooafo_ee wim the provisions ofthis ordinance", hovlever,E-existing heights of existing buildings and existing floors may remain in their current condition, however, at ourroat heights and additional floors, if authorized, shall may be added abo'.'e in accordance with this ordinance. Eldsting gas station uses may be permitted to have a one time alteration to allow for the addition of additional floors above. (B) Any site that is in excess of forty thousand (40,000) square feet or any development project in which the gross floor area of its buildings and structures are in excess of forty thousand (40,000) square feet ~be desigpated as a Llarge .s,ecale Ddevelopment ~, it shall be and must be reviewed by the Planning Board via the special use pennit process and it shall require approval by the City Conmussion. The square footage of an alteration or addition to an existing building or structure and the square footage of the existing building or structure that is being altered or to which an addition is being proposed shall be included in the computation of the size of the pro1ect in order to determine if it is a Large Scale Development. Likewise, the square footage of an alteration or addition to an existing site and the square footage of the existing site that is being altered or to which an addition is being proposed shall be included in the computation of the size of the project in order to determine ifit is a Large Scale Development. However, the square footage of an addition or alteration to a building or structure shall not be included with the square footage of the site, and vice versa, when computing the size of the site or size of the building or structure in order to determine if it is a Large Scale Development. I. A special exception, if granted, shall be valid if developmentnew eonstmetion, as defined in Section 380.04,. Florida Statutes, commences within twenty-four (24) months from the date of final approval and is substantially completed within five (5) three (3) years ("the Substantial Completion Period") from the date of issuance of the first building pennit. The time for substantial completion may be e-rtended by the city commission upon application filed prior to the expiration of the .s,eubstantial Qeompletion !:period and upon demonstration of good cause. 2. For the purpose of this Section, Substantial Comuletion shall mean the stage in the progress of the project where the work on the project or desigpated portion of an approved phased project is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that the Owner can occupy or utilize the Rroi ect, or desigpated portion of an approved phased project, for its intended use. or the Rroject has received either a temPorarY certificate of occupancy or a certificate of occupancy. In order to be an "approved phased oroject" the Owner must obtain City Co=i'sion approval for the phases of the project. ;:'.3. Any property designated as a to be developed under a the 1large-Sscale Qdevelopment ~ program and all under single own6fShip may have residential uses on the first floor; however, they residential uses are not pennitted on the first floor within that por6:on of the building or development fronting on the front or lP.ain street The phrase "main street" means the thoroughfare that abuts the propertY line of the building or develooment and which has the most traffic, as compared to anv other street that abuts the property. (0) No singie use in the T.O.D.D. Zone shall elweed a gross floor area of eighty thousand (80,000) square feet, Cll6cpt resiaantial uses/C) General Requirements. A Large Scale Development be approved and pennitted bv the City Commission at a public hearing. after the planning board makes its recommendation, provided that such use is :mecifically listed as a pennitted use in the appropriate district column in the Permitted Use Schedule of the Land Development Code (Section 20-3.3D. as may be amended), and that such use complies with the following general requirements and any other requirements that the City Commission may consider appropriate and necessary. 1, All such uses shall comply with all requirements established in the appropriate zoning use district, unless additional or more restrictive requirements are set forth below or by the Ceity Ceommission. 2. All such uses must be of a compatible and complementary nature with any existing or planned surrounding uses. ,1 A public hearing shall be held by the Ceity Ceommission to determine the overall compatibility of the development with the existing or planned surrounding uses. 4. If during the review process it is determined that the development, as proposed, will potentially cause adverse impacts, the Planning Department shall recommend remedial measures to eliminate or reduce, to the extent possible, these impacts. Remedial measures may include, but are not be limited to: 1. Additional screening or buffering; 11. Additional landscaping: lll. Building orientation; IV. Relocation of proposed open space, or alteration of the use of such space: v. Pedestrian and bicycle safety and access: vi. Changes to ingress and egress; Vll. Addressing traffic flow to and from the development to avoid intrusion on local streets in nearby single family residential areas; or Vlll. Improvement of the streets adjacent to the project, if applicable. (Ql Project Approval. (a) Required Conditions. Prior to approving a Large Scale Development the City Commission must find that the development meets the requirements set forth in subsection eC) above and that it: 1, Will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the vicinity of the proposed use: 2. Will not be detrimental to the public welfare, propertv or improvements in t,r,e neighborhood: and ,1 Complies with all other applicable Code provisions. (b) Additional Conditions. The Citv COnLTission may designate such additional requirements ill cOIDlection with the aporoval of a Large Scale Development as will in its oninion. assure that such development will conform to the foregoing requirements. em Reawlication for Development Review. No reanplication for a Large Scale Deevelopment review under section 20-8.9 shall be accepted by the Ceitv within six (6) months of the date of final disapproval by the City Commission of a previous application involving the same or substantially the same project, unless evidence is submitted and accepted by the CityCommission which justifies such reconsideration. t01-(F) No single use in the T.O.D.D. Zone shall exceed a gross floor area of eighty thousand (80,000) square feet. except residential uses. tD1 (0) Within the MU-5 subcategory the maximum height of new buildings or existing building with additions shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) stories, as permitted, unless the development earns a bonus as set forth be!Bw in Section 20-8.10. However, in no event shall a development exceed eight (8) stories, as pennitted with bonus, nor shall it exceed one hundred (100) feet. tE1 ill} A minimum lot area of five thousand (5,000) square feet shall be required for any of the following nonresidential uses: Institutional, Public Service, General Commercial Entertainment, Commercial Recreation, Office, and Recreation/Open Space, Light Industrial. fF7 ill Where there is no minimum distance between adjacent buildings, nor a minimum building setback from a property line, one (1) of the first two (2) of the following conditions ffil±S! shall be met: 1. lfthe distance from the exterior wall to the property line is less than five (5) feet, the applicant must show evidenee provide the Planning Department with a copy of a maintenance easement applicable to the adjacent property; or 2. The structure shall be built on the property line and the owner shall give an attachment easement to the adjacent property owner(s). 3. In no instance shall a roof overhang extend beyond the property line, except in the front of the building. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Commission approve the proposed amendments as presented. Backup Docnmentation: • Draft Ordinance • Planning Board Minutes Z;\Comlilltems\20 11 \12-6-l1 \Section 20-8.9 Amendments\LDC Amendment_ 20-8.9_ Special Exception _Rep01t 1 1-30-1 l.doc 1 ORDINAi'lCE NO. _____ _ 2 An Ordinance amending Section 20-8.9 of the Land Development Code titled Special 3 Exceptions within the TODD district, in order to include additional criteria for defining large 4 scaie developments; providing conditions for review and approval; providing for the 5 expiration and extension of approvals. 6 7 WHEREAS, the it is the desire of the Administration to provide a more defined 8 procedure for the review and approval of Large Scale Developments within the City's 9 Transit Oriented Development District (TODD); and 10 i i WHEREAS, the Planning & Zoning Department added additional criteria for what 12 constitutes a Large Scale Development to ioclude the square footage of the proposed 13 structure; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the Planning Board at its October 11, 2011 regular meetings, after a 16 public hearing and public comments, adopted a motion by a vote of 7 ayes, 0 nays 17 recommending that the item be deferred to consider additional language; and 18 19 WHEREAS, the Planning Board at its November 8, 2011 regular meeting after 20 public hearing, adopted a motion by a vote of 7 ayes 0 nays recommending approval of the 21 proposed amendment including the changes recommended by the Board, and 22 recommending that the City Commission adopt the proposed amendments; and 23 24 WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to accept the recommendation of the 25 Planning Board and City Administration and enact the aforesaid amendments. 26 27 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY 28 COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: 29 30 31 Section 1. That Section 20-8.9 titled "Special Exceptions" is hereby amended as follows: 32 33 20-8.9 Special exceptions. 34 35 CA) A Special Exception as used in the TODD shall mean a Dcnnitted use that complies with all the 36 conditions and standards for the district as well as those set forth below. For those existing uses in 37 tbis district, any alterations or additions to those buildings that result in the building being defmed 38 as a Large Scale Development Use ("Large Scale Development"), .shall confonn to l7e--ffi 39 soaf8l'ffianee 'mth the provisions of tbis ordinance;, howe'fer,E-€xisting heights of existing 40 buildings and existing floors may remain in their current condition, however, at 6Bffent heights and 41 additional floors, if authorized, shall may be added above in accordance with tbis ordinance. 42 Existing gas station uses may be permitted to have a ofte time alteratioft to allow for the additioft of 43 additional floors abO'>'€. 44 45 (B) Any site that is in excess of forty thousand (40,000) square feet or any development project in 46 which the gross floor area of its buildings and structures are in excess of forty thousand (40,000) 47 square feet shall qualify :or be designated as a Llarge ~scale Deevelopment tiSei, it shall be -and 48 must be reviewed by the Planning Board via the speeial use penni! prosess and it shall require 49 approval by the City Commission. The square footage of an alteration or addition to an existing 2 1 building Or structme and the square footage of the existing building or structme that is being 2 altered or to which an addition is being proposed shall be included in the computation of the size of 3 the project in order to detenrillle if it is a Large Scale Development. Likewise, the square footage 4 of an alteration or addition to an existing site and the square footage of the existing site that is 5 being altered or to which an addition is being prooosed shall be included in the computation of the 6 size of the project in order to determine if it is a Large Scale Development. However, the square 7 footage of an addition or alteration to a building or structure shall not be included with the square 8 footage of the site, and vice versa, when computing the size of the site or size of the building or 9 structme in order to determine if it is a Large Scale Develooment. 10 11 1 1. A special exception, if granted, shall be valid if developmentReW-Bonstruetion, as 12 defined in Section 380.04, Florida Statutes, commences within twenty-four (24) months 13 from the date of final approval and is substantially completed within five (5) three (3) years 14 ("the Substantial Completion Period") from the date of issuance of the first building permit. 15 The time for substantial completion may be extended by the city commission upon 16 application filed prior to the expiration of the S,substantial <:,::eompletion f'j3eriod and upon 17 demonstration of good cause. 18 19 2. For the !JW:Pose of this Section, Substantial Completion shall mean the stage in the 20 progress of the oroject where the work on the project or designated portion of an approved 21 phased project is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so that 22 the Owner can occupy or utilize the project, or designated portion of an approved phased 23 project, for its intended use, or the project has received either a temporary certificate of 24 occupa..l1cy or a certificate of occupancy. In order to be an "approved phased project" the 25 Owner must obtain City Commission approval for the phases ofthe project. 26 27 2.1, Any property designated as a to be develoj3ed under a the l.)arge-liscale 28 Ddevelopment!fflliee! program and alt_der single o'V.'flershij? may have residential uses on 29 the first floor; however, they residential uses are not permitted on the first floor within that 30 portion of the building or development fronting on the front Of main street. The phrase 31 "Inain street" means the thoroughfare that abuts the property line of the building or 32 development and which has the most traffic, as compared to any other street that abuts the 33 property. 34 35 (C) No siflgle use in the T.O.D.D. Zone shall exceed a gross floor area of eighty thousand (80,000) 36 square feet, e)[c0j9t residential uses.eC) General Requirements. A Large Scale Development be 37 approved and permitted by the City Commission at a public hearing, after the planning board 38 makes its recommendation, provided that such use is ~ecifical1y listed as a permitted use in the 39 appropriate district column in the Permitted Use Schedule of the Land Development Code (Section 40 20-3.3D, as may be amended), and that such use complies with the following general requirements 41 and anv other requirements that the City Commission may consider appropriate and necessarY. 42 43 1. All such uses shall comply with all reauirements established in the appropriate zoning 44 use district, unless additional or more restrictive requirements are set forth below or by the 45 Ceity Cc-ommission. 46 2. All snch uses must be of a compatible and complementary natme with any existing 47 or planned surrounding uses. 481, A public hearing shall be held by the Ceity Ceommission to determine the overall 49 compatibility of the development with the existing or planned surroundinll uses. 50 51 4. If during the review process it is determined that the development, as proposed, will 52 potentially cause adverse impacts, the Planning Department shall recommend remedial 3 1 measures to eliminate or reduce, to the extent possible, these imnacts, Remedial measures may 2 include, but are not be limited to: 3 1, Additional screening or buffering; 4 ii, Additional landscaping: 5 iii, Building orientation; 6 iv, Relocation of proposed open space, or alteration of the use of such space; 7 v. Pedestrian and bicvcle safety and access; 8 v!, Chfu'lges to ingress and egress; 9 vii. Addressing traffic flow to and from the development to avoid intrusion on 10 local streets in nearby single family residential areas; or 11 viii. Improvement of the streets adjacent to the project, if applicable. 12 13 ill} Project Approval. 14 15 Ca) Required Conditions. 16 17 Prior to approving a Large Scale Development the City Commission must find that the 18 development meets the requirements set forth in subsection (e) above and that it: 19 L Will not adversely affect the health or safety of persons residing or working in the 20 vicinity of the proposed use; 21 2. Will not be detrimental to the public welfare, propertv or improvements in the 22 neighborhood; and 23 3. Complies with all other applicable Code provisions. 24 25 (b) Additional Conditions. 26 27 The City Commission may desigpate such additional requirements in connection with the approval 28 of a Large Scale Development as will, in its opinion, assure that such development will conform to 29 the foregoing requirements. 30 31 eE) Reapplication for Development Review. No reapplication for a Large Scale DElevelopment 32 review under section 20-8.9 shall be accepted by the Ceity within six (6) months of the date of 33 final disapproval by the Citv Commission of a previous application involving the same or 34 substantially the same project. unless evidence is submitted and accepted by the City Commission 35 which justifies such reconsideration. 36 37 EG)-CF) No single use in the T,O.D.D. Zone shall exceed a gross floor area of eighty thousand 38 (80,000) square feet. except residential uses. 39 40 f91 fQl Within the MU-5 subcategory the maximum height of new buildings or existing bui1ding 41 with additions shall be limited to a maximum of four (4) stories, as permitted, unless the 42 development earns a bonus as set forth ee±ew in Section 20-8..1 O. However, in no event shaB a 43 development exceed eight (8) stories, as permitted with bonus, nor shall it exceed one hundred 44 (100) feet. 45 46 EE1 (H) A minimum lot area of five thousand (5,000) square feet shall be required for any of the 47 following nonresidential nses: Institutional, Public Service, General Commercial Entertainment, 48 Comlnercial Recreation, Office, and Recreation/Open Space, Light Industrial. 49 50 fF) ill Where there is no minimum distance between adjacent buildings, nor a Jl1jnimum building 51 setback from a property line, one (1) of the first two (2) of the following conditions l'ffilfri shall be 52 met: 53 4 1 i. If the distallce from the exterior wall to the property line is less than five (5) feet, the 2 applicant must sho ... evidenee provide the Planning Department with a copy of a 3 maintenfu,ce easement applicable to the adjacent property; or 4 5 2. The strocture shall be built on the property line and the owner shall give an attachment 6 easement to the adjacent property owner(s). 7 8 3. In no instance shall a roof overhang extend beyond the property line, except in the front 9 of the building. 10 11 Section 2. If any section, clause, sentence, or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason 12 held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, this holding shall not 13 affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. 14 15 Section 3. This ordinfu,ce shall become effective immediately after enactment. 16 17 18 19 PASSED AND ADOPTED this ____ day of ____ , 2011. 20 21 22 23 ATTEST: 24 25 26 27 CITY CLERK 28 1 st Reading - 29 2nd Reading - 30 31 32 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM 33 AND SUFFICIENCY: 34 35 36 37 Thomas F. Pepe =,.-______ _ 38 CITY ATTORNEY 39 40 41 42 43 APPROVED: MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Newman: Conunissioner Palmer: Commissioner Beasley: Commissioner Harris: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PLA-fiNING BOARD Regular Meeting Minutes. Tuesday, November 8, 2011 City CoIlllllission Chambers· . 7:30P.M. I City of South Miami Ordinance No. 08-06-1876 requires all lobbyists beforeengaging in any lobbying activities I to register with the City Clerk and pay an annual fee of $500 per Ordinance No. 44-08-1979. This applies to all persons who are retained (whether paid or not) to represent a business entity or organlzation to influence "City" action. "City" action is broadly described to include the ranking and selection of professional consultants, and virtually all-legislative, quasi-judicial and administrative action. 1. Call to Order and the. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag Action: The meeting was called to order at 7:37PM Pledge of Allegiance was recited in unison II. Roll Call Action: Dr. Whitman requested a roll call. Board Members present constituting a quorum: Dr. Whitman (Chairman), Mr. Cruz (Vice-Chairman), Mrs. Yanoshik, Mrs. Beckman, Mr. Dundorf, Dr. Philips, and Mr. Vitalini Board Member absent: None City staff present: Mr. Christopher Brimo (Planning Director), Mr. Marcus Lightfoot (Permit Facilitator), Ms. Tiffany Hood (Office Support). City staff absent: Ms. Lourdes Cabrera (Principal Planner) City Attorney: Mr. Thomas Pepe. III. Administrative Matters Mr. Brimo presented the Board with Supplement 14 of the Code of Ordinances (Note: Land Development Code), which included all of the ordinances that were codified from 2010 through January 2011 IV. Public Hearings PB-ll-029 Applicant: City of South Miami An Ordinance amending Section 20-8.9 of the Land Development Code titled Special Exceptions within the TODD district, in order to include additional criteria for def:i:ill:ng large scale developments; providing additionai conditions for review and approval; providing for the expiration and extension of approvals; and providing an effective date. Dr. Whitman read the item into the record. Z:\Comm Items120 II 112-6·IIIPB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes -II-08-II.doc Page 1 of7 JllJI. Brimo presented the item to the Board. Dr. Philips asked for clarification of the term "substantial completion~ which can be found in the proposed amendment on page 4 of 6. Mr. Bri.:mo responded L':lat the language used was added to the code in 2010. This language is in use in both the Hometown and the TODD district. He then stated that projects would be reviewed in this manner with two years to start and five years to be substantially complete. Last, Mr. Bumo stated that substantial completion is approximately eighty percent. Mr. Vitalini stated that architecturally, substantially complete is def111ed as the building is usable for the tenant to occupy although it is not one hundred percent complete. Mr. Brimo then stated that essentially you could then get a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO). Mr. Vitalini responded yes. Mr. Cruz asked for a definition of substantial completion to be included in the Land Development Code (LDC). Mrs. Yanoshik stated that the City Commission reduced the time frame from five (5) years to three (3) years based on the Shops at Sunset Place project. Mr. Brimo responded that he defer to the Board due to the fact that this issue came before both the City Commission and ERPB in 2010. Dr. Whitman stated that this issue was discussed by the City Commission at length and amended. Mr. Brimo stated that the item being presented mirrors the Hometown District. Mrs. Beck.'llan stated that we should substantiate what substantial IS, document it 111 the ordinance, state the cost, and reason for the extension. Mr. Brimo stated the revisions to the proposed ordinances. The Board held a discussion on the proposed item. Dr. Whitman asked if these changes would be reflected ill the Hometown District. Mr. Brimo responded yes. Dr. Whitman then stated that special exceptions are not termed as special use Dr. Philips requested consistency of word usage throughout the proposal. Mr. Pepe restated the need for consistency throughout the proposal as well. The Board held a discussion on the. proposed ordinance. Mrs. Beckman asked if there was a project in the City of South Miami that is 40,000 square feet. Mr. Brimo stated that there presently were no projects in the City. However, should there be any project that exceeds 40,000 square feet then these processes would be triggered. The Chairman opened the public hearing: NAME ADDRESS Sharon McCain Z;IComm ItemsI2011112·6·IIIPB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes· 11·08·11.doc SUPPORT/OPPOSE Support Page 2 of7 Ms. McCain commented on page 5 of7, Section 4 of the proposal regarding the terminology of po.ttmtially cause adverse impacts. She also stated that she feels that 5 years is too long of a time frame and should be changed so that it will expire after three (3) years. McCain asked Mr. Brimo if the ordinances can be more defined. Mr. Brimo responded that the Board can make recommendations to amend them. The Chairman closed the public hearing: Mrs. Beckman stated that we should define substantial completion. MOTIon: Mr. Dundorfmotioned to amend page 5 of7, Section 4 of the proposal. He proposed an amendment to the wording of "potentially cause adverse impacts" and prefers the term "will likely cause adverse impacts". The motion was not seconded, therefore it dies. Motion: Mrs. Yanoshik motioned to amend Section 20-S.9(C)(4)(i) so that it read additional screening and buffering; with a perpetual maintenance agreement covenant mnning with the land and recorded with the Miami-Dade County Clerk of Courts. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Beckman. My. Brimo asked Mr. Pepe if it would be constituted with the development agreement or would it be with development of order. Mr. Pepe responded that it would be a development of order and include the recommended language elsewhere in the document. Mr. Brimo recommended that this request be implemented in the required conditions section of the LDC. The Board held a discussion on the proposed amendments. Mr. Cmz suggested reconnnendations. Dr. Whitman recommended that staff collaborate with the City Attorney and a paragraph be inserted io order to implement these amendments. Mr. Brimo then suggested inserting the paragraph io the required conditions section of the LDC. Mrs. Yanoshik withdrew her motion to amendment Section 20-8.9(C)(4)(i) so that it is read as additional screening and buffering; with a perpetual main.tenance agreement covenant rumnng with the land and recorded with the MianJi-Dade County Clerk of Court. Motion: Dr. Philips proposed an amendment that a paragraph be inserted in the LDC with staff using the appropriate la.l1guage so that the applicants maintain the remedial measures that have been agreed upon. The motion was seconded by Dr. Whitmal'1. Vote: Yes 7, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mr. Vitalini: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Z:\Comm Items\2011\12~6-11\PB Draft Regular Meeting. Minutes·-1 1-08-1 l,doc Page 3 of! Amendments Motion: Mr. Vitalini motioned to change the allotted time for the completion of the project from 5 years to 3 years. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Beckman. Vote: Yes 7, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mr. Vitalini: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips : Yes Motion: Dr. Whitman motioned to revise the language in Section 20-8.10(0) that "set forth below" be changed to read "set forth". The motion was seconded by Mr. Cruz. Vote: Yes 7, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mr. Vitalini: Yes MJs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes The Board voted on the proposed ordinance as a whole with the amendments. Vote: Yes 7, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mr. Vitalini: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes PB-I1-031 Applicant: City of South Miami An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 ofthe Land Development Code titled Dermitions in order to amend the defmition of "Day Care Center", replacing day care with "Child Care" and Child Care Facility"; provides a reference to the Florida Statute governing these uses; and providing an effective date. Mrs. Y anoshik read the item into the record. Mr. Brimo presented the item to the Board. Z:IComm ltems\2011112-6-11IPB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes -11-08-1 J.doc Page 4 of7 Mr. Brimo stated that the Board recommended that there be changes made to the amendment. JVf..r. Dnndorf asked staff if this change was made regarding the definition of Day Care Center. He also asked if this change was limited to only children or would it also include Aduit Day Care Facilities. Mr. Brimo responded that the term "Day Care Center" found in the LDC only refers to children. The Chairman opened the public hearing NAME ADDRESS Sharon McCain SUPPORT/OPPOSE Opposed Ms. McCain voiced that the allowance for a Child Care Facility of seven (7) or more children was too broad and thinks that there should be guidelines for the number of children allowed. She stated that an impact study should be performed. She then stated that this use should be changed to special use and the allowance of parking is too much for the Child Care Facility. Last, she stated that there should be a provision for where the playgronnd should be located. The Chairman closed the public hearing Amendments Motion Mr. Dundorf made a motion to change the hours that children can be left at the facility from 24 hour to 16 hours. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cruz. Vote: Yes 2. No 4 Mrs. Beckman: No Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: No Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: No Dr. Philips: No The motion failed due to the vote. Motion Dr. Wnitman motioned to amend the ordinance so that Day Care Facilities would require special use approval in the Mixed Use Affordable Housing (MUAH) zoning district. The motion was seconded by Dr. Philips. Vote: Yes 6. No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes ML Dnndorf: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Motion Dr. Whitman motioned to permit hospitals to allow a Day Care Facility on site for the employees of the hospital. The motion was seconded by Mr. Cruz. Z:IComm ltems\201 1112·6·1 IIPB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes • 11-08·11.doc Page 5 of7 Vote: Yes 6, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Motion Mrs. Yanoshik proposed an a!nendment to change LO, MO, NR, and SR to special use. The motion was seconded by Beckman. Vote: Yes 6, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Motion: Mr. Cruz motioned to change the numbers to letters. The motion was seconded by Mr. Dundorf. Mr. Brimo stated that he would look into the numbering of the ordinance. Therefore, this motion was not voted on. Motion: Mr. Cruz motioned to modify the ordinance in order to divide Section 4 up in order to provide a more defined impact statement. The motion was seconded by Dr. Whitmar1. Vote: Yes 6, No 0 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes Motion: Dr. \Vhitman moved to change Section 4 of the ordinance in order to remove the phrase "30 or more children." The motion was seconded by Mr. Cruz. Mr. Dundorf asked Mr. Brimo what the cost would be for a Child Care Facility. Mr. Brimo responded that it would depend on the firm that was used. It could rutl anywhere from $1,500 to several thousands of dollars. Vote: Yes 5, No 1 Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Wnitman: Yes lYIr. Dundorf: No Mrs. Y anoshik: Yes Z:IComm Items\2011 112·6·11 IPB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes· 11·08-11.doc Page 6 of7 Dr. Philips: Yes Motion Mr. Dundorf motioned to strike the parking requirement for a Child Care Faciiity. There was no second to this motion therefore the motion failed. Motion Mr. Cruz made a motion to approve the ordinance as a whole with the amendments, Dr. Whitman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes 6, No!) Mrs. Beckman: Yes Mr. Cruz: Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dundorf: Yes Mrs. Yanoshik:Yes Dr. Philips: Yes V. Approval of Minutes: Planning Board Minutes of October 11, 2011 -The Board members reviewed the minutes and were in favor of approval of the minutes with no changes. Motion: Mr. Cruz motioned for approval of the minutes as presented. Mrs. Beckman seconded the motion. Vote: Yes 6, No 0 Mrs. Beclanan: Yes Mr. Cruz:Yes Dr. Whitman: Yes Mr. Dmldorf: Yes Mrs. Y anoshik: Yes Dr. Philips: Yes VI. Future Meeting Dates: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 VII. Adjournment: Dr. Whitman adjourned the Plmming Board meeting at 9:54 PM. Z:\Comm [tems\2011112·6-11IPB Draft Regular Meeting Minutes -ll-08-ll.doc Page 7 of7