5C y OF SOUTH MAM' IT T Ty OFFICE OF HE C1 MANAGER 7001 0 I'l INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM - Subject: Transportation Enhancement Program Funding Application Resolution: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of South Miami, Florida retroactively approving the filing of a funding application with the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization for Transportation Enhancement Program funds for Fiscal Year 2014 in the amount of $1,000,000 with 10% matching; and providing an effective date. Request: During the City Commission's legislative priorities' meeting and several workshops, pedestrian-friendly initiatives, bicycle lane creation and tree planting were listed as priorities and adopted. Moreover, staff was directed to seek funding for projects, whenever possible. The Transportation Enhancement Program funds "non-traditional" transportation projects like bike and pedestrian facilities, landscaping, preservation of historic transportation facilities and preservation of scenic easements. Projects prioritized in this funding cycle will be programmed into the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) 5-Year Work Program. Projects prioritized in this cycle will be funded in fiscal year 2014 of the FDOT Work Program and the Miami-Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Transportation Improvement Program. Funding under this program may not exceed $1 million for any single project in any single application cycle with a suggested 10% match requirement. By the March 5`h application deadline, an application was submitted for pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and landscaping and other scenic beautification. If awarded, the match requirement may come from the People's Transportation Plan, or other grant applications, if supplemental grant funds are available. In addition, if there is any activity taking place within the South Miami Community Redevelopment Area, a matching contribution may be sought through the board. Conclusion: The application was submitted to request funds for facilities for pedestrians and bicycle lanes and tree planting initiatives. If awarded, the contract will be brought to the City Commission for execution approval. Cost: $1,000,000 with 10% matching if awarded Funding Source: Miami -Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization Backup Documentation: ❑ Proposed Resolution ❑ TEP Guidelines & Application Page 2 of 2 I RESOLUTION NO.: 2 3 4 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of South Miami, 5 Florida retroactively approving the filing of a funding application with the Miami - 6 Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization for Transportation Enhancement 7 Program for Fiscal Year 2014 in the amount of $1,000,000 with 10% matching; 8 and providing an effective date. 9 10 Whereas, the Miami -Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization had a Transportation 11 Enhancement Program funding application available for funding year 2014; and 12 13 Whereas, the Transportation Enhancement Program grant had two (2) eligibility criteria that were 14 included in the City's Legislative Priorities' list, which were pedestrian and bicycle lanes and tree 15 planting; and 16 17 Whereas, the grant was submitted for a total amount of $1,000,000 with a match requirement of 18 10 %, which would come from sources such as the Peoples' Transportation Plan, the South Miami 19 Community Redevelopment Agency and other potential grants; and 20 21 Whereas, The City of South Miami may receive grant funding for facilities for pedestrians and 22 bicycles and tree planting initiatives; and 23 24 Whereas, the City of South Miami retroactively approves the funding application to the Miami - 25 Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Transportation Enhancement Program for Fiscal Year 26 2014 in the amount of $1,000,000 with a 10% match. 27 28 Now, therefore, be it resolved by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of South 29 Miami, Florida that: 30 31 Section 1. The Mayor and City Commission retroactively approve the funding application to the 32 Miami -Dade Metropolitan Planning Organization for the Transportation Enhancement Program for Fiscal 33 Year 2014 in the amount of $1,000,000 with 10% matching. 34 35 Section 2. This resolution shall be effective immediately after the adoption hereof. 36 37 Passed and Adopted this _day of , 2010. 38 39 Attest: Approved: 40 41 42 City Clerk Mayor 43 44 Read and approved as to form Commission Vote: 45 and sufficiency: Mayor Stoddard: 46 Vice Mayor Newman: 47 Commissioner Palmer: 48 Commissioner Beasley: 49 CITY ATTORNEY Commissioner Harris: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS Project Title: South Miami Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements - Project Sponsor (municipal, county, state, or federal agency, or tribal council): City of South Miami Contact Carol M. Aubrun Title Grants Writer /Administration Address 6130 Sunset Drive South Miami FL 33143 Phone 305 - 668 -2514 FAX 305 -663 -6345 Priority (relative to other applications submitted by the Project Sponsor). Name of Applicant (If other than Project Sponsor): 1. Qualifying Enhancement Activities: Check the enhancement activity that the proposed project will address. (NOTE: Checking all activities possible does not ensure or increase eligibility. Each activity checked must meet all criteria listed for that activity in Appendix A of FDOT Procedure #525 -030 -300, Transportation Enhancement Projects). X Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles The provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrian and bicyclists Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites Scenic or historic highway programs, (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) X Landscaping and other scenic beautification Historic preservation Rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals) Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails) Control and removal of outdoor advertising Archaeological planning and research Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle - caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity Establishment of transportation museums 2. Project Description: Use additional sheets as necessary to respond to the following: (a) What type of work is being proposed? (Check all that apply) X Planning Activities X Project Development and Environmental Studies X Engineering and Final Plans Preparation Work Right of Way Acquisition X Construction X Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities (b) Describe how the proposed project is related to the intermodal transportation system by either function, proximity or impact. (One or more may apply). Historically, there has been a deficient bikeway system, congested roadways and restrictive rights -of- way point to the need for a comprehensive study of intermodal relationships including a detailed bikeway and sidewalk plan. Moreover, there is an additional need to replace tree canopy lost during hurricanes, citrus canker and urban development, such losses have had a negative impact on the green infrastructure and its ability to mitigate pollution and enhance air and water quality. The proposed project will provide much needed safe pedestrian and bicycle facilities for residents to community facilities including parks, schools, the business district, churches, and the general areas within the City's boundaries (2.5 sqaure miles). In addition, tree planting will also be incorporated into the project, being that the project is also intended to provide green eco- friendly elements and scenic beautification. (c) Where is the project located (and what is the project length and termini, if appropriate)? Include - location map. The project will take place within the municipal boundaries of the City of South Miami. Therefore no additional right -of -way acquisition would be requested. The boundaries are: a) north- S.W. 40th Street (Bird Road); b) east- S.W. 57 Ave (Red Road); c) west- S.W. 69th Ave to 80th Street and; d) south — 60th Ave SW 88th Street (Kendall Drive). Please review the attached map of the City, which is Exhibit "A." (d) Summarize any special characteristics of project. Provide typical section drawings for appropriate projects. These improvements will address the need for pedestrian and bicycle safe pathways throughout the City is a part of the change required as mobility moves from the automobile to less energy consumptive methods of transportation. The City intends to provide much needed sidewalks for connectivity to main corridors, schools, parks, community centers, neighborhood shopping centers and the City's Downtown area. In addition this project encompasses the preparation of a Master Plan for the proposed bicycle path system citywide. Bicycle facilities will play an integral role in the future traffic circulation system. The tree planting component will allow the continuance of a previous tree planting initiative that was sponsored by Miami -Dade County's Community Image Advisory Board. The first phase of the tree planting included citywide installation of native trees. The next phase of the project will include the same components. Tree planting project will allow for the improvement of air quality, the reduction of stormwater runoff, and energy conservation. (e) Describe the project's existing right of way ownerships. This description shall identify when the right of way was acquired and how ownership is documented (i.e. plats, deeds, prescriptions, certified surveys). At present time, the City owns the rights -of -way. (fl Describe any proposed right of way acquisition, including expected matching fund source, limitations on fund use or availability, and who will acquire and retain ownership of proposed right of way. No additional right -of -way will be required. (g) Describe any related project work phases that are already complete or currently underway. The City of South Miami has completed a number of sidewalk widening and installation, along some of its thoroughfares. In addition, the City has just completed the first phase of native tree planting. Funds are being requested to complete next phase of pedestrian and bicycle improvements, which will also include native tree planting. (h) Other specific project information that should be considered. At the present time, the Miami -Dade County's Public Works Department has a capital improvement project within the city's limits along S.W. 62nd Ave. from S.W. 64th Street to S.W. 70 Street. The County's project will encompass bicycle lanes, sidewalk widening, and landscape medians. City of South Miami's proposed project will allow for continuance of the bicycle lanes, and landscaping throughout the City. 3. Project Implementation Information: Attach documentation as exhibits to this application. (a) Describe the proposed method of performing (i.e. contract or in- house) and administering (i.e. local or state) each work phase of the project. If it is proposed that the project be administered by a governmental entity other than the Department of Transportation, the agency must be certified to administer Federal Aid projects in accordance with the department's Local Agency Program Manual (topic no. 525 -010 -300). Administration -All administration of the proposed project will be administered in accordance with the City's current Local Agency Program (LAP). The city is currently LAP certified. (b) Describe any public (and private, if applicable) support of the proposed project. (Examples include: written endorsement, formal declaration, resolution, financial donations or other appropriate means). The Mayor and City Commission held a meeting for the Action Plan Priorities. During the meeting, the proposed projects were listed as priorities. In addition the governing body has also passed legislation regarding non - motorized transportation modes and tree planting (Exhibits B and C). (c) Describe the proposed ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the project when it is completed. The City of South Miami will continue to have jurisdiction over the improved area and is well equipped with staff to address maintenance responsibilities. (d) Describe source of matching funds and any restrictions on availability. The City of South Miami will budget a portion of its Peoples' Transportation Plan funding as part of the project's match amount. Through its annual budget process, the South Miami Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) may also consider making a contribution towards any improvements that take place within the CRA boundaries. In addition, City staff will research and complete grant applications which may also be used as match funding when applicable and appropriate. (e) Other specific implementation information that should be considered. What is the total estimated cost of the work requested to be funded as an enhancement project through this application? J��DOT Enhancement Funds 90 %+ Local 10%= I This project will be administered using the department's Local Agency Pp ram (check one) yes, X no- SignaLUre Rocter M. Carlton Name (please type or print) Acting City Manager Title March 4.2010 Date City of South Miami "A I& SM lakes&canals F7�' Properties GIS Data by Miami-Dade County, 11/2007. Made by City of South Miami Engineering & Construction, 31512009, RESOLUTION NO. 31-10-13065 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, URGING THE FLORIDA CONGRESSIONAL DELEGATION TO SUPPORT THE RAILS-TO-TRAILS CONSERVANCY'S FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION BILL KNOWN AS THE ACTIVE TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT PROGRAM. PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, nearly half of all trips in the United states are three miles or less and that with significant investment in pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure, there is an opportunity to demonstrate a substantial shift to these healthy, non motorized transportation modes; and - WHEREAS, bicyclists and pedestrian represent 14 percent of all traffic fatalities in the United States, yet receive less than one percent of all federal road spending; and WHEREAS, SAFETEA -LU created the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program to construct a network of nonmotorized transportation infrastructure facilities in order to demonstrate the extend to which bicycling and walking can carry a significant part of the transportation load, thus playing a major role in transportation solutions; and WHEREAS, Four Communities (Columbia, Missouri; Marin County, California; Minneapolis- St.Paul, Minnesota; and Sheboygan County, Wisconsin) were selected to each received grants of $6,250,000 per fiscal year for four years to participate in the Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program; and WHEREAS, Rails -to- Trails Conservancy seeks to expand this program in the next federal transportation reauthorization to include at least 40 communities, with $50 million on average per community over six years to promote active transportation (trails, biking and walking) for mobility, and WHEREAS, Four Florida Communities submitted case statements documenting how a focused investment of $50 million could create interconnected non - motorized transportation system in their communities. Miami -Dade County was one of those communities; and WHEREAS, The City of South Miami supports a non - motorized Rails to Trails Conservancy expansion; and WHEREAS, the City of South Miami will participate in this grant if Miami -Dade County becomes an awardee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1: The Mayor and City Commission urges the Florida* Congressional Delegation to support the Rails -to- Trails Conservancy's Federal Transportation Bill known the Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program for the significant non - motorized opportunities it will provide for Miami -Dade County and its surrounding communities to: RE .SOLUTION NO. 62 -09 -12871 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA,' AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MIAMI DADE COUNTY THROUGH THE COMMUNITY IMAGE ADVISORY BOARD (CIAB) TO ASSIST THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI IMPROVE THE PERCENTAGE OF TREE CANOPY COVER; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of South Miami and the County wishes to replace trees canopies lost during hurricanes, citrus canker and urban development and which have had a negative impact on the green infrastructure and its ability to mitigate pollution and enhance air and water quality; and, WHEREAS, the County through the Community Image Advisory Board (CIAB) Street Tree Master Plan (STMT) has committed to assisting the City of South Miami to improve the percentage of canopy cover in their cities, and, WHEREAS, the County through the CIAB, has agreed to assist the`City of South Miami in training their personnel in best practices for tree planting and maintenance, and, WHEREAS, the City commits to adopting the principles of the County's Street Tree Master Plan, included here by reference, which aims to increase tree canopy by 30% by the year 2020, plant and maintain a healthy urban forest to attain the environmental and social benefits that tree canopy provides; and, WHEREAS, the City Manager is authorized to work with CIAB in submitting required document, including presentation materials, to secure up to a value of $20,000.00 from the County for trees and other plant material for public right -of -way within City limits. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA; Section 1. The City Manager is authorized to work with CIAB in submitting required document, including presentation materials, to secure up to a value of $20,000.00 from the County for trees and other plant material for public right-of-way within City limits. A copy of the agreement with Miami - Dade County through CIAB is attached. Section 2. The City of South Miami commits to adopting the principles of the County's Street Tree Master Plan, included here by reference, which aims to increase tree canopy by 30% by the year 2020, plant and maintain a healthy urban forest to attain the environmental and social benefits that tree canopy provides to the community. Section 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon approval PASSED AND ADOPTED this? th day of April , 2009. ROVED: ERK Xy YOR COMMISSION E: 5-0 READ ANDAM0346D AST RM: Mayor Feliu: Yea Vice Mayor Beasley: Yea __.. Commissioner Palmer: Yea Luis eredo Commissioner Beckman: Yea Off ce of City Attorney Commissioner Newman: Yea. ,f �-�a� =��m� � �. iSZY � .\ � \ % / �y��� > . y �. <� � °° . . .« \: � � < .. � y� /:���.� �� /<� wa\� . � >� � < . � (.. . }� . .� . �� \\ TRANSPORTATION ENHANCEMENT SELECTION AND PRIORITIZATION CRITERIA FOR THE MIAMI URBANIZED AREA MPO Applications for the next Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) funding cycle are due at the MPO by 5:00 pm on Friday, March 5th, 2010. An original application package and ten copies should be sent to: David Henderson Enhancements Program Coordinator Miami -Dade MPO I I I NW First Street, Suite 920 Miami, FL 33128-1999 There are twelve eligible categories of Transportation Enhancement Program projects: * Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles; * Provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrians and bicyclists; * Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites; * Scenic or historic highway programs, (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities); * Landscaping and other scenic beautification; * Historic preservation; * Rehabilitation and operation of historic transportation buildings, structures, or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals); * Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails); * Control and removal of outdoor advertising; * Archaeological planning and research; * Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle- caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity; * Establishment of transportation museums More information on the types of eligible projects can be found on the FDOT website: http://www.dot.state.fl.us/emo/enhance/enhance.shtm. Applications for transportation enhancement projects must be submitted by a sponsor that is a recognized government body or agency with the ability to enter into a binding contract with the State of Florida. Sponsors must fall into one of the following categories: a municipal government, a county government, a state agency, a federal agency, or an Indian Tribal Council. The sponsor must be willing to: provide any funding match that may be required; enter into any required maintenance agreements with the Department; and /or support other actions necessary to fully implement the proposed project. The application package must include a resolution of support for the project from the sponsoring agency. Applications for funding may be prepared by incorporated non - profit groups (such as an historic preservation society), however, all applications must have a sponsor as previously described. TE Guidelines 2009 1 Last Modified 12/2009 The application package (application form, drawings, photos, etc) may not exceed 10 pages. Letters of support can be included in a separate appendix and will not be counted against this page limit. If the project sponsor has previously received TEP funds, a brief status report on those project(s) must be included in the application package. This status report will not count against the I 0 -page limit. General Criteria for Selection a) No more than $1 million in TIE funds will be awarded to any single project in any single application cycle, and no more than $3 million dollars in enhancement funds will be awarded toward the completion of any single project. Therefore, applicants whose project costs will exceed $1 million must demonstrate that they have the additional resources to complete the project. No local match is required but evaluation points are awarded to applications that include a local funding commitment. b) This is not a grant program. Applicants should expect to pay for the work and be reimbursed from their award. Items eligible for reimbursement include, project planning and feasibility studies, environmental. analysis or preliminary design, preliminary engineering, land acquisition, and construction costs. Project Evaluation Projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria: a) Up to 15 points for demonstrating how the project will improve safety for bicycle riders and /or pedestrians b) Up to 15 points for improving intermodal transportation linkages, including those that will provide access to transit stations and /or facilities C) Up to 15 points for contribution to mobility enhancement or community development for disadvantaged groups (i.e. children, the elderly, the poor, those with limited transportation options, the disabled) d) Up to 10 points for a local funding contribution or the completion of previous phases of project development. e) Up to 10 points for improving neighborhood or community quality of life f) Up to 10 points for improving environmental air, noise, water quality, and /or reducing the need for single occupancy vehicle trips TE Guidelines 2009 2 Last Modified 12/2009 g) Up to 10 points for evidence of community support, including minutes of public meetings, newspaper clippings, petitions, letters of support from local business owners, property owners, nonprofit organizations, political leaders and other groups h) Up to 5 points for top priorities identified by the MPO's Citizen's Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC), Bicycle /Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC), and Transportation Aesthetics Review Committee (TARC) Project Implementation Projects prioritized in this funding cycle will be programmed into the FDOT 5 -Year Work Program. Project sponsors will be responsible for working with FDOT to execute project funding agreements in a timely manner. Federal law requires that each project be administered under the rules and procedures governing federally funded transportation projects including right - of -way certification, environmental review and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. The FDOT Local Agency Program (LAP) will control the project funding process. Project sponsors must enter into a LAP agreement with FDOT prior to the start of any work for which they wish to be reimbursed. Funds spent by the sponsor before execution of a LAP agreement cannot be reimbursed by FDOT. More information on the FDOT Local Agency Program can be found at: www. dot. state. fl .us /projectmanagementoffice /lap /. Additional information on the Transportation Enhancement Program is available from FDOT: www. dot. state.fl.us /emo /enhance /enhance.shtm and the Federal Highway Administration: http• / /www.fnwa. dot. gov /environment/te /guidance.htm If you have any questions, contact David Henderson at 305 -375 -1647 or davidh(o)miamidade.gov. TE Guidelines 2009 3 Last Modified 12/2009 Appendix B STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SAMPLE APPLICATION FOR TRANSPORTATION 2/2066 ENHANCEMENT PROJECTS Page 1 of 3 Project Title: Project Sponsor (municipal, county, state, or federal agency, or tribal council): Contact Title Address Phone FAX Priority (relative to other applications submitted by the Project Sponsor). Name of Applicant (if other than Project Sponsor): 1. Qualifying Enhancement Activities: Check the enhancement activity that the proposed project will address. (NOTE: Checking all activities possible does not ensure or increase eligibility. Each activity checked must meet all criteria listed for that activity In Appendix A of FDOT Procedure #526 -030 -300, Transportation Enhancement Projects). Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles The provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrian and bicyclists Acquisition of scenic easements and scenic or historic sites Scenic or historic highway programs, (including the provision of tourist and welcome center facilities) Landscaping and other scenic beautification Historic preservation Rehabilitation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad facilities and canals) Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use thereof for pedestrian or bicycle trails) Control and removal of outdoor advertising Archaeological planning and research Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle - caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity Establishment of transportation museums Appendix B 02/2006 Page 2 of 3 2. Project Description: Use additional sheets as necessary to respond to the following: (a) What type of work is being proposed? (Check all that apply) Planning Activities Project Development and Environmental Studies Engineering and Final Plans Preparation Work Right of Way Acquisition Construction Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities (b) Describe how the proposed project is related to'the intermodal transportation system by either function, proximity or impact. (One or more may apply). (c) Where is the project located (and what is the project length and termini, if appropriate)? Include location map. (d) Summarize any special characteristics of project. Provide typical section drawings for appropriate projects. (e) Describe the project's existing right of way ownerships. This description shall identify when the right of way was acquired and how ownership is documented (i.e: plats, deeds, prescriptions, certified surveys). (f) Describe any proposed right of way acquisition, including expected matching fund source, limitations on fund use or availability, and who will acquire and retain ownership of proposed right of way. (g) Describe any related project work phases that are already complete or currently underway. (h) Other specific project information that should be considered. 3. Project Implementation Information: Attach documentation as exhibits to this application. (a) , Describe the proposed method of performing (i.e. contract or in- house) and administering (i.e. local or state) each work phase of the project. If it is proposed that the project be administered by a governmental entity other than the Department of Transportation, the agency must be certified to administer Federal Aid projects in accordance with the department's Local Agency Program Manual (topic no. 525 - 010 -300). (b) Describe any public (and private, if applicable) support of the proposed project. (Examples include: written endorsement, formal declaration, resolution, financial donations or other appropriate means). (c) Describe the proposed ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the project when it is completed. (d) Describe source of matching funds and any restrictions on availability. (e) Other specific implementation information that should be considered. Appendix B 212006 Page 3 of 3 4. Project Cost: What is the total estimated cost of the work requested to be funded as an enhancement project through this application? Planning Activities. $ Project Development and Environmental Studies. $ Engineering and Final Plans Preparation Work. $ Right of Way Acquisition. $ Construction. $ Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities. $ Other. (Describe) $ TOTAL: $ How will the project be funded? FDOT Enhancement Funds $ + Local $ = Total $ FDOT Enhancement Funds % + Local _% = 100% CERTIFICATION OF PROJECT SPONSOR I hereby certify that the proposed project herein described is supported by (municipal, county, state or federal agency, or tribal council) and that said entity will: (1) provide any required funding match; (2) enter into a maintenance agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation; (3) comply with the Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Acquisition Policies Act for any Right of Way actions required for the project, and (4) support other actions necessary to fully implement the proposed project. I further certify that the estimated costs included herein are reasonable and understand that significant increases in these costs could cause the project to be removed from the Florida Department of Transportation work program. This project will be administered using the department's Local Agency Program (check one) yes no Date Signature Name (please type or print) Title