2l02/10/10 13:41 FAX 3053751262 COUNTY MANAGER 0]001
Carlos Alvarez, Mayor
February 1, 2010
Roger Carlton
City Manager
City of South Miami
6130 Sunset Drive
South Miami, FL 33143
Dear Mr. Carlton,
County Executive Office
County Manager
ill NW 1st Street - Suite 2910
Miami, Florida 33128.1994
T 305 - 375 -5311 F 305- 375 -1262
As Miami -Dade County prepares to move forward in our partnerships with municipalities related
to the People's Transportation Plan, we must amend the existing ordinance regarding sharing of
the Charter County Transit System Surtax to have it conform with state law.
We are eager to take this opportunity to hold a thoughtful conversation on how these funds are
used and how we can enhance our partnerships to serve the entire community's transportation
needs. The County has an obligation to maintain a regional transit system, even in the face of
the current recession and its unprecedented impact to revenues. Our municipalities, too, are
eager to maximize service to their residents. And, of course, we all want to make sure the
program is handled in a way that is fair to all stakeholders.
To that end, 1 want to invite you to a meeting at the Beacon Council, 80 SW 8U1 Street, Suite
2400, at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16 to begin this dialogue. This meeting will give us a
chance to explain and discuss a proposed ordinance that I expect will go before the Board of
County Commissioners on February 16. A draft of that ordinance is enclosed for your review.
This proposed ordinance does not revise the current funding formula; it only acknowledges that
state law changes provide us with an opportunity to refresh our thinking, and it sets the stage for
more comprehensive discussions this spring.
Meeting now allows us to work collaboratively from the very start. There are great opportunities
ahead for serving all our constituents. I look forward to seeing you on February 16.
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Approved , Mnvor
Agenda Item No.
Section 1. Section 29 -124 of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida, is hereby
amended to read as follows:)
See. 29 -124. Special fund created; uses of surtax
proceeds; and role of Citizens'
Independent Transportation Trust.
The surtax proceeds collected by the State and distributed
hereunder shall be deposited in a special fund set aside from other
County finds in the custody of the Finance Director of the County.
Moneys in the special fund shall be expended for the transportation
and transit projects (including operation and maintenance thereof)
set forth in Exhibit 1 to this article (including those projects
referenced in the ballot question presented to the electors to
approve this levy), subject to any amendments thereto made in
accordance with the MPO process or made in accordance with the
procedures specified in subsection (d) of this Section.
Words stricken through and /or [[double bracketed]] shall be deleted. Words underscored
and /or »double arrowed << constitute the amendment proposed. Remaining provisions are now
in effect and remain unchanged.
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Agenda Item No.
Page 2
Expenditure of surtax proceeds shall be subject to the
following limitations:
(a) Surtax proceeds shall be applied to expand the
Golden Passport Program to all persons (regardless
of income level who are over the age of 65 or arc
drawing Social Security benefits, and to provide
fare -free public transportation service on
Metromover, including extensions.
(b) Surtax proceeds may only be expended for the
transportation and transit purposes specified in
Section 212.055(I)(d)I— [3] >>4 {< Fla. Stats.
(c) The County shall not expend more than five percent
of the County's share of surtax proceeds on
administrative costs, exclusive of project
management and oversight for projects tended by
the surtax.
(d) The County Commission shall not delete or
materially change any County project contained in
the list attached as Exhibit I to this article nor add
any project to the list except in accordance with the
procedures set forth in this subsection (d). A
proposed deletion, material change or addition of a
County project shall be initially reviewed by the
Citizens' Independent Transportation Trust
( "Trust "), which shall forward a recommendation
thereon to the County Conunission. The County
Conunission may either accept or reject the Trust's
recommendation. if the County Commission rejects
the recommendation, the matter shall be referred
back to the Trust for its reconsideration and
issuance of a reconsidered recommendation to the
County Commission. The County Commission may
approve, change or reject the Trust's reconsidered
recommendation. A two- thirds vote of the
Commission membership shall be required to take
action other than as contained in the reconsidered
recommendation of the Trust. The foregoing
notwithstanding, the list of County projects
contained in Exhibit 1 may be changed as a result of
the MPO process as mandated by federal and state
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Agenda Item No.
Page 3
(e) No surtax proceeds may be used to pay the costs of
a contract awarded by action of the County
Commission until such action has become final
(either by expiration of ten days after such action
without veto by the Mayor, or by Commnission
override of a veto) and either: i) the Trust has
approved same; or, ii) in response to the Trust's
disapproval, the County Commission re- affinns its
award by two - thirds (2/3) vote of the Commission's
membership. The bid documents for all Comity
contracts funded in whole or in part with surtax
proceeds shall provide that no award shall be
effective and no contractual relationship shall arise
with the County unless and until approved by the
Trust or re- affirmed by the County Commission as
provided in this subsection. The foregoing
notwithstanding, awards of contracts for services in
support of the administration of the Trust or in
support of the Trust's oversight function shall not
require County Commission or Trust approval, so
long as the individual contract amount does not
exceed one thousand dollars ($ 1,000).
(f) On a quarterly basis, the Executive Director of the
CITT shall submit a written report to the
Commission, the Mayor and the Manager of all
expenditures made pursuant to Section 29 -124
(g) Twenty percent of surtax proceeds shall be
distributed annually to those cities [[
NAvomber 5, 2002_]] >>within Miami -Dade
County<< that meet the following conditions:
(i) >>Municipalities incorporated as of
November 5, 2002,« that continue to
provide the same level of general fund
support for transportation that is in their FY
2001 -2002 budget in subsequent Fiscal
Years. >>Municipalities incorporated after
November S 2002 but prior to the effective
date of this ordinance that continue to
provide the same level of j4eneral fund
support for transportation that is in their
reset for the fiscal year immediately prior
to the receipt of surtax funds. Municipalities
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Agenda Item No.
Page 4
incorporated after the effective date of this
ordinance that continue to provide the same
level of general fund support for
transportation equivalent to the pro -rata
mean of general fund support for
transportation provided by all other
municipalities in Miami -Dade County for
the fiscal year preceding incornoration.-<
Any surtax proceeds received shall be
applied to supplement, not replace a city's
general fund support for transportation;
(ii) That apply 20 percent of any surtax
proceeds received to transit uses in the
nature of circulator buses, bus shelters, bus
pullout bays or other transit - related
infrastructure. Any city that cannot apply tI1e
20 percent portion of surtax proceeds it
receives as provided in the preceding
sentence, may contract with the County for
the County to apply such proceeds on a
County project that enhances traffic mobility
within that city and 'immediately adjacent
areas. If the city cannot expend such
proceeds in accordance with either of the
preceding sentences, then such proceeds
shall carry over and be added to the overall
portion of surtax proceeds to be distributed
to the cities in the ensuing year and shall be
utilized solely for the transit uses
enumerated in this subsection (ii); and
(iii) Surtax proceeds distributed amongst the
[[existing)] cities shall be distributed on a
pro rata basis based on the ratio such city's
population bears to the total population in all
such cities (as adjusted annually in
accordance with the Estimates of Population
prepared by the Bureau of Economic and
Business Research of the University of
Florida) annually to those cities that
continue to meet the foregoing conditions.
For purposes of the foregoing, whenever an
annexation occurs in >>a« [[qtr - existing])
city, the number of persons residing in such
annexed area at the time it is annexed shall
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Agenda Item No.
Page 5
be excluded from all calculations. increases
in population in areas annexed Over and
above the population in such area at the time
of annexation which occur after annexation
shall be included in subsequent years'
(iv) That do not expend more than 5% of its
municipal share of surtax proceeds on
administrative costs, exclusive of project
management and oversight for projects
funded by the surtax. Administrative costs
shall be defined as overhead expenses which
are not readily attributable to any one
particular project funded in whole or in part
by transit surtax funds.
p _e
o c
ae -
»(1h) Notwithstanding any other provision to the
contrary, surtax proceeds shall be distributed
to municipalities upon execution of an
interlocal agreement(s) to be revised no less
than every five (5) years in accordance with
Fl. Stat. 212.055 as amended. In
determining the amounts to be distributed to
municipalities said interlocal agreements
shall consider County transit and/or
transportation Projects planned within both
municipal and unincorporated Miami -Dade
County. Such consideration may affect_ ect the
total disbursements to municipal ities.<<
Section 3. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or provision of this ordinance
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Agenda Item No.
Page G
is held invalid, the remainder of this ordinance shall not be affected by such invalidity.
Section 4. It is the intention of the Board of county Commissioners, and it is hereby
ordained that the provisions of this ordinance, including any sunset provision, shall become and
be made a part of the Code of Miami -Dade County, Florida. The sections of this ordinance may
be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word 'ordinance" may be
changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word.
Section 5. This ordinance shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of
enactment unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an
override by this Board.
Approved by County Attorney as
to form and legal sufficiency:
Prepared by:
Bruce Libhaber