Ord No 172f&T FU S^4u"fe.£ORDINANCE no»172. I4>"J,4-3 /M ORDINANCE LEVYING AND IMPOSING AN EXCISE TAX ON EVERY PURCHASEOFELECTRICITY,METERED GAS,BOTTLED GAS,WATERAND TELEPHONE SERVICE INTHECITYOFSOUTH KIAKC|FIXINGTHERATE AND AMOUNT-OF SUCH EXCISE TAX AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF FOR AND IN BEHALF OFSAIDCITY BY EVERY SELLEROFELECTRICITY, METERED GAS?BOTTLED GAS,WATERAMD TELEPHONE SERVICE5 PROVIDING FORTHE REMITTANCE OFSUCH COLLECTIONS TO SAID CITY AMD FOR THE UTILIZA TION BY SAID CITY OF THE REVENUES RESULTING THEREFROM 1 PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF APPROPRIATE ACCOUNTS AND RECORDS RELATING TO SUCH EXCISE TAX BY EVERY SUCH SELLER j DECLARING THE EXPENSE INCURRED BY EVERY SUCH SELLER IN EFFECT ING THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE TO BE AN OPERATING EXPENSE TO BE RECOGNIZED IN FIXING RATES AND CHARGES FOR ELECTRIC,METERED GAS,BOTTLED GAS,l/ATER AND TELEPHONE SERVICEf PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OFTHE PROVISIONS OFTHIS ORDINANCE!PROVIDINGFORTHESEPARA BILITYOFTHE PROVISIONS THEREOF 5.AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH* MAYOR AND BEIT ORDAINED BY THE/CITY COUNCIL OFTHECITYOFSOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA! SECTION 1.That when used in this Ordinance 1 (a)Theword "City11 shall mean the City of South Miami.,Florida. l&)iEKfflBfiHXJQfifiBX^^ (b<|Ihe-mas.co.ilne pronoun shall include the feminine and neuter,and the singular shall include the plurals (c)The word "and"shall also mean "or",whenever the contest orpurposeso requires!. (d)Theword "person"shall mean and include any individual, firm,association,partnership or corporation! (e)The word "electricity"shallmeanand include all electric current or energy for lighting,heating,cooking,poweror any other purpose delivered to any purchaser thereof within thecorporatelimitsofthe City5 (£)The words "metered gas"shallmeanand include all types and kindsof natural and manufactured gasforlighting, heating,cooking,power orany other purpose delivered to any purchaser thereof within the corporate limits of the City* (g)The words "bottled gas"shallmeanand include all types andkindsof natural,liquefied petroleumand manufactured gas.for lighting,heating,cooking,poweroranyother purpose delivered to any purchaser thereof within the corporatelimitsofthe City| *••£h)The w.ord "water"*'siiaj^*mean and include all water for ", domestic,commercial,industrial orany other purpose delivered,toanypurchaserthereof within the corporate limits of the City*butshallnotpertaintonor include battled watery (1)The words "telephone service"shallmeanandincludeall such typ&s and kinds oflocal service asarerenderedby telephone companies toany purchaser of such servicewith inthe corporate limits ofthe City,butshallnot pertain to-nor include such service as is rendered in consideration, of the deposit ofmoney in telephonecoinboxesinstalled within,thecorporate limits ofthe City5 provided*however, thatthetotal amount oftheguaranteedcharge for semi- public coin boxtelephone service shallbesubjectto taxj (j}The word ltpurchasd*shall mean and include every act or transaction whereby possession of,utilization of*control over ortitleto electricity,metered gasf bottled gas, waterand telephone,service,andtheduty and obligation to pay therefor,become vestedinthe purchaser within the corporate limits ofthe City,butshallnotpertain tonor include anysuchactortransactionwhen undertaken or performed fcy anagencyorinstrumentalityofthe govern mentofthe United States of America,the State of Florida* the County ofDadeortheCity| fk)The word "purchaser"shall mean and include everyperson legally liable for the payment of electricity,metered gas* bottled gas and water delivered*or telephone service ren deredtohimbya seller,unless suchpersonis an agency or instrumentality ofthe government oftheUnited States of America,the State of Florida*the County of Dade or the City 1 (1)The word "seller"shallmeanand include every person deliv ering electricity,metered gas,bottled gasor water*or renderingtelephoneservicetoanypurchaser thereof*, SECTION Z*That thereishereby levied andimposedbytheCity upon eadx andevery purchase of electricity,metered gas*bottled gas* water1 and.telephone service*included inor reflected byanybill renSered ~2~ %by the seller to the pur chasedon ahd after the 1st day of July*'1948* an excise taxthe amount whereof shall be determined and computed in accordance with-the following schedulest BgEEBDOIE A TO IE USED VIBES THE SELLER*HT ACCORDANCE WITH HIS RULIS AID REGULATIONS,RENDERS A BILL MONTHLYOR 0FTEN3R TOTHE PURCHASER TO...COVER PURCHASES MADE DURING THE PERIOD OF THE,TO WHICH THE BILL IS APPLICABLE • The amount of excise tax.shall be* Tenper centum (10%)ofthe first twenty-five dollars ($25*00) of the total,amount,exclusive of governmental chafes said taxes*shown on anysuch hill as being due and payableon accountof such,purchases5 plus Five per centum (5%)of the next,twenty-five dollars ($2:5*00} of such,total amount,plus One per centum (1%)of any sumin excess of fifty dollars ($5GU»00)of such total amount* SCHEDULE B To be usedwhenthe seller,inaccordance with his rules and regulations,renders abill bi-monthly,quarterly or otherwise less frequently than monthly,,to cover purchases made during the period oftimeto which the bill is applicable* !•Theseller shall determine what part of the total amounts*exclusive of governmental charges and taxes*shown on any such bill as being due and payahle on account of such purchases is*under^his rules and regulations,attributabletothe purchases made during e§eh of themonthlyperiodsincluded within the total period &f time coveredbysuch bill| Z*Compute the amount ofexcise tax hereunder attributable to each,such partof said total amount^asso determined*by employing*withre spect to eacix such part*the method and procedure described in Schedule A formonthly bills; 3*The total amount of excise tax payable hereunder om account of any such hill shall be the arithmetical sum of all of the amounts of excise tax:resulting from the computations made with respect to each,such part as hereinbefore provided* In theuseand application,ofthe foregoing schedules |purchases of electricity*metered gas,bottledgas,waterand telephone service*shall be considered and treated as constituting and being distinct andunre lated classes ofpurchases*and intheevent that morethan one such class shall be shownuponthesame billj theamountofexcisetaxpayablehere under shall be determined and computed for each such,class separately* Theseller is hereby required andit shall be his duty hereunder to renderto each,purchaser billscoveringall such purchasesmade*and the amount of such excise tax shall be entered and shown by the seller as a separate item,on each such bill and shall become due and payable tothe City whenever such,bill becomes dueandpayable under therules -3- and regulations of the seller*Each such bill shall include pur chases applicable tobut one location,ortobutone family,or business where morethanone family orbusinessusesseparate meteredservices at one location in the City*The purchaser is hereby required and it shallbehisdutyhereunderto pay such excise tax.to the seller,as agent for the City,at the time of payment ofeachsuch hill,and in the egent thatthe purchaser shall fail*neglect or refuse topaysuch excise tax.tothesellerwhen suchbill becomes dueand payable,thesellerisherebyempoweredto discontinue forthwith to make any further sales orto render any further servicetothepurchaser until the t-Qtai amount,including suchexcise tax,shownuponsuchbill shall havebeenpaidin full* The selleris hereby authorizedandrequiredandit shall behis duty hereunder to collect such excise tax from such purchaser at the timeofthe payment of each such bill and to remit the same to thaTas: Collector oftheCityin accordance withthe provisions of Section 3 of this Ordinance \provided,however,that the seller shallhave the rightandprivilegeofassumingandpaying such excise tax himself inlieuof collecting the same from the purchaser!and provided further that when thesellershall fail orneglect to collect such, excise ttax from the purchaser as hereinbefore provided*the seller shall be deemed to have assumed such excise tax himself and shall thereuponbecomeliableforthe payment oftheamount thereof to the City tothesame extent asif such excise tax:had heon collected from,the purchaser* SECTIOF 3*That every seller is hereby required to execute and file not later thanthe fifteenth dayofeach month,at the office of the Tax Collector of the City a sworn statement on a form pre scribed by said office,setting forth the amount ofsuch excise tax to which the City became entitled under the provisions of Section 2 of this Ordinance on account of bills paid by purchasers during the preceding fiscal month,and contemporaneously with the filing of said statement,shallpaysaidamountofsuchexcise tax.to said Tax. Collector to be deposited to the credit of the General #und of the City for utilisation for such legal purposes as the Council of tthe City may from timeto time determine* SECIIQE 4*That every seller is hereby required,to establish * svnA to maintain appropriate accounts and records showing in such detail as.the Tax Collector of the City may prescribe the amount of such excise tax payable to the City under the provisions of Section 2 and 3 of this Ordinance,and such accounts and records shall be open,to inspection hy the Tax Collector or his duly authorized agent at all reasonable times.The tax Collector is hereby author- .ized and empowered to promulgate from time to time such rules and regulations with respect to the establishment and maintenance of said accounts and records ashemay deem necessary to carry into effect the purpose and intent of the provisions of Sections 2 to 4, inclusive,of this Ordinance• SSGTXQK 5*That all reasonable expense incurred by a seller in making the collections and remittances and in fulfilling the duties prescribed by Sections 2 to 4,inclusive,of this Ordinance is hereby declared to be and to constitute an operating expense and shall be accorded full recognition as suchin the establishment of rates and charges for rendering electric,metered gas,bottled gas, waterortelephoneservice in the City* SECTION 6.That it shall be unlavaful and a violation of this Ordinance forany purchaser to evade the payment ofsuch excise tax.,a? ofany part thereof,ortofailor neglect topaysuch excise tax. within thirty (30)days after the same has become dueand pajgablej or for any seller tofailor refuse to paytotheCityall amounts of excise tax payable to the Cityby the seller hereunder,or to fail or refuse to file saidmonthlysworn statementf ortoset forth any erroneous or false information therein with intend to defraud the City,or to refuse to permit the Tax Collector of the City or his duly authorized agent to examine the accounts and records,tobe kept as required by Section 4ofthisOrdinance * SECTION 7*That eafih.violation of,or non-compliance with,any ofthe provisions of Sections 2to4 inclusive,of this Ordinance shall beand constitute aseparateoffenseand shall subject every person guilty thereoftoallofthepenaltiesprescribedinSection 8 of this Ordinance• .SEGE'IGKT 8*Svery person violating anyof the provisions of this Ordinance shall,upon conviction thereof,be punished bya fine npt tp exceed t&e suijl pf Sue Simdred dollars ($100•GO),orby -5~ >risonment in the City Jail for a term not to exceed thirty (30) days,or by both,such fine and imprisonment,in the discretion of the Municipal Judge. SBCTICHT 9*Thatifany section,partof section,sentence or clause of this Ordinance shallbeadjudgedtobe invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction,such decision shall not affect the validityofanyother portion of said Sections,butshallbere stricted,andlimitedinitsoperation and effect tothatspecific portionofsaid Sections involved in the litigationin which,such, decision shall have been rendered* SBCTIQH 1G.All provisions orpartsof provisions ofany ordinanceofthe City,$n.so far as they may be inconsistentwith orin conflict with,theprovisionsofthisOrdinance,are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of JUKE,A»D«1948. President.City GSTTEJSTt---'Resident,City Council ty G] -T,"Sylva G.Martin,City Clerk of the City of South.Miami, Florida,do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No*172,adopted by the City Council of the City of South.Miami \at a meeting held in the City Hall, South Miami,Florida,on the 15th day of June,A.D.1948. m WITNESS YJHER30F I have hereunto setmyhandand official seal of the.City of South Miami this day of .194__ -L CITY CISRK