Ord No 09-14-2187ORDINANCE 09-14-2187 An Ordinance amending Section 20-3.3(E)of the City of South Miami Land Development Code concerning outdoor seating and dining requirements forall commercial properties,except for properties in the RO -Residential Office zoning district. WHEREAS,several restaurants in the City of South Miami ("City")have been having difficulty obtaining endorsements to their commercial liability policies that would provide the City with advanced notice of cancellation of the policy;and WHEREAS,the outdoor seating and dining ordinance needed tobe updated to provide the City with greater protection and control over the use of the City's sidewalks by restaurants. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA: Section 1,Section 20-3.3(E)of theCity of SouthMiamiLandDevelopmentCodeis hereby amended to read as follows: (E)Outdoor Seating/DiningforAll commercial Properties,exceptfor Properties in theROResidentialOfficeZoning District. (1)Anapplicationforoutdoor seating anddiningorasidewalk cafe,onprivate propertyoronpublicrights-of-waymustbefiledwiththePlanningDepartment. Theapplicationshallincludealayout(siteplan)of thelocation of alltables, chairs(includingnumberandtype of chairs),benches,andotherfurniture; pedestrianingressandegress;location of refusecontainers;location of approved outdoorspeakers;andotherelementsnecessarytoillustratetheproposedoutdoor seating/dininguseandarea(alldrawingsmustbetitled,indicateorientation,and beatanacceptablescale).If applicable,thesiteplanmustclearlyindicatewhich seatsandtablesareonprivate property andwhichareonthepublic right-of-way. TheCityManagershallrequirethatanamendedsiteplanbesubmittedinorderto addressspecific problems.The following definitions shallbe applicable: (a)Seatingshall mean anytypeofchairor furniture used by customers in the act of consuming beverages orfood; (fe)Table any furniturewhichis used forthe placement offoodor beverages. Thefollowing words,termsand phrases,whenusedinthis code,shallhavethe meanings ascribed to them in this section,except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: City means the City Manager unless stated otherwise in this ordinance. City Manager means the city manager or the city manager's designee. Ord.No.09-14-2187 Code compliance officer means the code compliance officers,or any other authorizedagentoremployeeofthecitywhosedutyitistoassurecompliance with the City's code. Menu board means a board allowing forthe posting of a restaurant's menu and fabricated in such a manner soas not to constitute a form of general advertising or establishment identification. Permittee meansthe recipient of an Outdoor Seating/Dining Permit under the terms and provisions of this division. Permit Year means the city's fiscal year that commences on October 1st and that endson September 30th of the following calendar year. Restaurant for purposes of this section only,means a food service establishment thatis maintained andoperatedasaplacewherefood and/or beverages are preparedand/orservedandsoldforconsumptionwithinthepremises,ora businessestablishmentwhichhas,asanancillaryorsecondaryuse,apartthereof wherefoodand/orbeveragesarepreparedand/orservedandsoldforconsumption within the premises. Right-of-way,or public right of way,means land in which a governmental body ownsthefeetitleorhasaneasementdevotedtoorrequiredforuseasa transportation facility including sidewalks and streets. Sandwich board sign shall have the same definition as set forth in section 20- 4.3(B)under the name "Sign,portableoutdoordining"; Seating means any type of chair or other furniture used by customers intheact of sitting while consuming beverages or food. Sidewalk means that portion of the right-of-way which is intended for use by pedestrians andis located between the curb line or the lateral line of a street and the adjacent property line. Sidewalk cafe (cafe)means an outdoor seating and dining use located on a right- of-way orwhichabutsapublic right-of-way and which is associated witha restaurant and is primarily characterized by tables and chairs;may be shaded by awnings,canopies or umbrellas;and may include such other sidewalk cafe furniture(ashereinafterdefined)aspermittedand/orapprovedpursuanttothis section. Sidewalk cafe furniture means those nonpermanent fixtures,furnishings and equipment associatedwiththeoperation of asidewalkcafeandapproved pursuant tothissectionincluding,tables,chairs,seating,umbrellas,planters,heaters,fans, rollingservicestations,servicecarts,bussingstations,andmenusand/orspecials boards. Sign shallhavethesame meaning as provided forin Section 20-4.3 of thiscode. Ord.No.09-14-2187 Street meansthat portion of a right-of-way improved,designed or ordinarily used for vehicular traffic and/or parking. Table means any furniture which isusedforthe placement of foodor beverages. (2)Sidewalk cafeorOutdoorseating/diningareasanduses of thepublicright- of-wayand/oranyprivatepropertyabuttingapublic right-of-way maybe approved,denied,orapprovedwithconditions,modifications,safeguards,or stipulationsappropriatelyandreasonablyrelatedtotheintent,purposes, standards,andrequirements of therelatedregulationsbytheCityManager.Such outdoor seating/dining permit shallnotbe transferable inany manner andis strictlya conditional usepermit,issuedfora period of oneyear,renewable annuallyviapayment of theannualoccupationallicensefee,annual proof of compliance with the requirements of this ordinance,including insurance and,if applicable,payment of theperseatfeesetforthbelow. (3)Thefeefor outdoor dining/seating useand area Sidewalk cafes shallbe chargedannuallyforeachoutdoorseatlocatedonpublic rights-of-way oronany privatepropertyabuttingapublic right-of-way and/oranystandalonetabletop withnoseatingwhichisusedforconsumption of beveragesorfood.Thefeesto be charged shall besetforthinthe City's Schedule of Fees a resolution or ordinancetobeadoptedbytheCityCommission.Thepermitfeeshallbeadded totheannualoccupationallicensefeeandthepayment of alloutstandingviolation feesforthemainbusiness.No Sidewalk cafepermitshallbeissuedwhilethe applicant is delinquent inthe payment of any money owed totheCity. (4)TheapplicantshallprovidetheCitywithanindemnityagreementthatis acceptabletotheCityManagerandthatprovidesfor indemnification and compliancewiththe City's insurancerequirements.Thisagreementwillinclude specification of liability insurance provided,including the following: (a)Commercialgeneralliabilityinsuranceintheamount of $1,000,000.00per occurrence for bodily injuryand property damage.Thecity must be named asan additional insured onthis policy,andan endorsement must be issuedaspart of thepolicyreflectingcompliancewiththisrequirement. (b)For sidewalk cafeswhichservealcoholicbeverages,liquorliability insuranceintheamount of $1,000,000.00peroccurrenceforbodilyinjury and property damage.Thecity must be named asan additional insured on thispolicy,andanendorsementmustbeissuedaspart of thepolicy reflecting compliance withthisrequirement. (c)Workers'compensationandemployers'liabilityasrequiredbythestate. All policies mustbeissuedbycompanies authorized todo business inthestate andrated B+:VI or better perBest'sKey Rating Guide,latest edition whoarenot surplus lines carriers and who are covered by the Florida Insurance Guaranty Association.The City Manager may increase these insurance requirements providedsuchrequirementsareappliedtoallpartiessimilarlysituated. Ord.No.09-14-2187 Proof of insuranceshallbeprovidedtothecityasarequirement of thepermit.If such proof isa nonbinding certificate,the applicant's insurance agentand carrier shalladvisetheCityinwriting,inaform acceptable totheCity Manager execute annually,an affidavit withthecity verifying thatthe applicant on behalf of the cafehastherequiredinsurance.Suchaffidavitshallincludethe policy number, company name and company contact information.City officials shall contact the applicant's insurance company monthly to verify the existence and continuance of such insurance.Unless thecafe provides theCitywitha binding certificate of insuranceandan endorsement toprovidetheCitywithatleast 10 daysadvanced notice of intenttocancelthepolicy,thecafeshallpaytheCityamonthlyfee of $25 tocoverthecosttoverify existence of coverage.Failuretocomplywith theserequirementsshallbedeemedtobeoperatingwithoutavalid permit and shallcausean immediate suspension of the permit andthe assessment of adaily feeuntilthe permit is revoked orthe requirements aremet. (5)An Sidewalk cafeoutdoorseating/dininguseandareapermitmaybe revoked bytheCity Manager uponfindingthatone (±)ormore conditions of these regulations have been violated,or that the Sidewalk cafe outdoor seating/dining areaanduseandareaisbeing operated ina manner whichis inconsistentwiththeapprovedsiteplanorconstitutesapublicnuisance,orinany wayconstitutesareasonablerisk of injurytopersonsordamagetopropertyor potentialliabilitytotheCity.AdecisionbytheCityManagertorevokeapermit forfailuretocomplywiththeoneormoreconditionsorregulationsmaybe appealedbytheowneroroperatortotheCityCommission.Anappealmustbe filedwiththeCityClerkwithinthirty(30)days of receipt of writtennotice of the CityManager'sdecision.Anappeal of theCityManager'sdecisiondoesnotstay the implementation of theCityManager'sdecision.TheCity Commission shall hearandenteradecisiononanyappealtakenwithinsixty(60)daysfromthedate theappealisfiled.TheCityManager'sdecisionshallbeinwritingandindicate what provisions of the City's code of ordinances have been violated and/or what publicnuisanceorrisk of potentialliabilitytotheCitypredicatedthedecision of the City Manager. (6)Outdoorseating/dininguseandareaA Sidewalk cafepermitmaybe temporarilysuspendedbythecitymanagerforpublicuse/purpose,utility, sidewalkorroadrepairs,emergencysituations,orviolations of provisions containedherein.Thelengthofsuspensionshallbedeterminedbythecity manager as necessary.Removal of all street furniture and related obstructions shallbethe responsibility ofthe owner/operator oftheoutdoor seating/dining. (7)A Sidewalk cafepermitOutdoorseating/dininguseandareamaybe temporarily expanded bytheCity Manager uponreceiptofawrittenrequest including asite plan during specialevents. (8)A Sidewalk cafepermit Outdoor seating/dining areashallbekeptinaneat andorderlyappearanceandshallbekeptfreefromrefuseanddebris.The applicantshallbe responsible fordailycleaningandsweeping of the Sidewalk cafe Outdoor seating/dining areaandforthe cleanliness and maintenance ofany outdoorplanters immediately adjacent totheoutdoor seating/dining area. 4 Ord.No.09-14-2187 Cleaningshallincludetwice-monthlypressurecleaningorotherappropriate cleaning methods,as determined bytheCity.Use of city sidewalks for trash and garbage removal shallbe prohibited. (9)A Sidewalk cafe Outdoor seating/dining useand area shallnot interfere withthefreeandunobstructedpedestrianorvehicularcirculation of traffic,public access toany street intersections,crosswalks,public seating areas and conveniences,busstops,alleys,service casements,handicap facilities,oraccess to any other public,residential or commercial establishments.The width and location of the sidewalk pedestrian passage through the Sidewalk cafeshallbeas follows: a)If there is seating ononeside of the sidewalk,a minimum of five (5)feet of sidewalk must remain clear and unobstructed by outdoor seating furnitureandthemaneuvering of chairs,andclearfor pedestrian passage including room for maneuvering of chairs; b)If there is seating ontwo(2)sides of the sidewalk a minimum of five(5)feet of sidewalkbetweenthetwo(2)seatingareasmust remain clear and unobstructed by outdoor seating furniture and the maneuvering of chairs,andclearforpedestrianpassageincludingroomformaneuvering of chairs; c)All outdoor furniture including butnot limited to tables,chairs?and umbrellas?and-(excluding outdoor planters}shallbe located a minimum of eighteen (18)inches from thecurb. (10)A Sidewalk cafeOutdoorseating/diningareaonthepublicrights-of-way shallbeopenandunenclosed.Nobuildingstructures of anykindshallbeallowed inandoveranyportion of theoutdoorseating/diningarealocatedonpublic property,except by prior express written authority of the City Manager. (11)Tables,chairsandallotherfurnitureusedinthe operation of an outdoor seating/dining areaonthepublic rights-of-way shallnotbe anchored or restrained inanymanner.Individualtableumbrellas,planters,orothersuchnon-stationary elementsmaybepermittedwithintheoutdoorseating/diningareaandwhere applicable,shallhaveaminimumclearanceheight of seven(7)feetabovethe sidewalk. (12)A Sidewalk cafeOutdoorseating/diningusesandareamustapplyforand receivespecificapprovaltoprovideamplifiedsound of anykindintheoutdoor seatingarea.IntheeventtheCityManagerdeterminesthattheamplifiedsound constitutes apublic nuisance theCity Mmanager shallimpose additional conditions;in the event of a second offense the City Manager shall revoke the approval authorizing theuseof amplified sound.Soundmustbekeptatalow volume soastonotdisturb neighboring businesses,residences,ortobe audible in neighboringresidentialdistricts.Plansforamplifiedsoundmustbesubmitted withthesiteplan.Eachestablishmentmustsignanagreementinordertohave amplified music. (13)A Sidewalk cafeOutdoor seating/dining useandareaonpublicrights-of- wayshallbe restricted tothelengthofthesidewalkorpublic right-of-way 5 Ord.No.09-14-2187 immediately fronting the Sidewalk cafeor other establishment unless expressly authorized in writing bytheCity Manager.The utilization of space extending beyond the subject property frontage onto the immediately adjacent property may be authorized bytheCity Manager with the express written approval of the adjacent storefront,however,theseatsand chairs inthis location maynot abut block the adjacent storefront windows maybe authorized.This expansion is subject to annual written consent provided bythe property owners infront of whose properties the outdoor seating/dining service would occur.The annual written consent formshallbe provided totheCityandshall include an insurance policy naming theCityas co insured an additional insured anda hold harmless clause in favor of the City. (14)A Sidewalk cafe Outdoor seating/dining area shallbeatthe same elevation astheadjoiningsidewalkorpublicright-of-wayunlessexpresslyauthorizedin writing by the City Manager. (15)Carts and trays for serving foodare permitted inthe outdoor seating/dining areabutmustcomplywiththe provisions of Subsection 9(a)and (b). (16)Themaximumnumber of outdoorseatsshallnotexceedeighty(80) percent of thenumber of indoorseating,exceptforrestaurantswithindoorseating of twenty-five (25)seatsorlesswhichmayhave outdoor seatsnottoexceedone hundred (100)percent of the number of indoor seats. (17)During the-operating hours7:00a.m.toclosingalloutdoorfurnituremust besecurelyplacedasshownontheapprovedsiteplanorasmaybeorderedbythe CityManagerinwriting.Afterclosingoperatinghours,outdoorfurnituremustbe neatlystackedtoamaximumheightoffive(5)feetwithoutblockingthe sidewalk.ACityapprovedcovermayberequiredbytheCityManagerfor Cchairs leftoutsidewhen stacked mustbecoveredwithaCity approved cover. (18)Noperson,property owner,lesseeorrestaurantshallallowprovideor permitoutdoor seating/dining ona public right-of-way oranyprivate property abuttingapublic right-of-way withoutapermit.Eachdaythatoutdoor seating/diningorsimilaractivityoccurswithoutapermitorinviolationofthesite plan,shallconstituteaseparateincident of violationandshallresultinafive hundreddollar($500.00)adayfineforeachday of continuedviolation.The continuing operation of a sidewalk cafeorany outdoor restaurant seating/dining activity without a permit as required bythis ordinance afterthe receipt ofa violationnoticefromtheCityManagermayresultintherevocation of the restaurantoccupationallicensepursuanttoSection 13-16 oftheCityCode. (19)Anyviolation of theregulationsandstandardssetforthinthissectionshall constitute a separate incident of violation andshall result inafive hundred dollar ($500.00)aday fine for each day of continued violation.A subsequent violation of any of the regulations and standards set forth in this ordinance shall result ina finefor each day of such continued violation,orasset forth inthe City's schedule of fees,whichever isgreater.The continuing operation of an activity governed by 6 Ord.No.09-14-2187 this ordinance without a permit afterthe receipt of a violation notice fromtheCity Manager may result inthe revocation of the occupational license of the person or entity responsible,pursuant to Section 13-16 of the City Code. (20)—The City Manager or his/her designee may order all seats,tables,and planters tobe removed inthe event of a pending storm,hurricane,or other declared emergency. (20)The City shall issue 24-hour warning notices for all non-life safety violations of thisordinancewhichmustbe corrected with24hours of receipt of such notice. (21)—Tables,chairs and other furniture onthe sidewalk may be removed by the city,anda reasonable feechargedforlabor,transportation,andstorageshallbe leviedshouldthebusinessfailtoremovesaiditemswithinthirtysix (36)hours of receipt of thecity's notice todosoforany reason under this section.Intheevent of a pending storm,hurricaneorotherdeclared emergency theCity Manager may reduce the thirty six(36)hour time frame. (21)No warning notices shallbe required prior tothe issuance of a violation for failure to have a permit orforlife safety violations and/or lifesafety. Sidewalk cafesite plan violations and such violations shallbe corrected immediately.Life safety violations are defined as those conditions which,in the reasonable determination and judgment of the city manager,involve serious danger and/or risktothepublichealth,safetyorwelfare (including,without limitation,blocking pedestrian pathwaysand violations of thestate accessibility codeforbuilding construction).Lifesafetyoutdoorseating/diningsiteplan violationsaredefinedtoincludethoseinstanceswherethepermitteeisoperating outside of thepermittedoutdoor seating/dining usearea(asapprovedpursuantto thiscode)suchaswheresidewalkcafefurnitureisfoundoutsidetheapproved boundaries of theoutdoorseating/diningusesiteplan;butshallnotbedeemedto includeinstanceswhereachairorchairsaretemporarilymovedoutsidethe approvedboundaries of siteplanbyasidewalkcafepatron(s)unlessitremainsin such unauthorized location for more than 15 minutes. (22)If city personnel findsa violation of this ordinance after a24 hour warning notice of such violation as been previously issued,then a notice of violation shall beissuedtothe violator.Nosuch warning noticeisrequiredforthefailureto havea valid permit orforlifesafety violations of this section andforlife safety outdoor seating/dining siteplan violations,anda violation maybe issued atany time. (23)The City Manager or his/her designee may order all furniture,including by notlimitedto,seats,tables,and planters toberemovedintheeventofapending storm,hurricane,or other declared emergency. Ord.No.09-14-2187 (24)Tables,chairs and other furniture on the sidewalk may be removed by the city,andareasonablefeechargedforlabor,transportation,andstorageaswellas a fine which shall be initially set at $250 and which shall be levied against the personorentitywhoownsand/orcontrolssuchfurnitureshouldtheresponsible personorentitivfailtoremovesaiditemswithinthirty-six (36)hours of receipt of the city's notice to do so for any reason under this section.In the event of a pending storm,hurricane orotherdeclared emergency theCity Manager may reduce the thirtv-six (36)hour timeframe.Thecity manager shall promulgate andreview,asneeded,regulationsregardingthestorageand disposition of sidewalk cafe furniture under this section. Section 2.Codification.The provisions of this ordinance shall become andbemadepart of theCode of Ordinances of theCity of SouthMiamias amended;thatthe sections of this ordinance maybe renumbered or re-lettered to accomplish such intention;andthattheword "ordinance"may be changed to "section"or other appropriate word. Section 3.Severability.If any section,clause,sentence,or phrase of this ordinance is forany reason held invalid or unconstitutional byacourt of competent jurisdiction,this holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. Section 4.Ordinances in Conflict.All ordinances or parts of ordinances andall sections and parts of sections of ordinances indirect conflict herewith are hereby repealed. However,itis not the intent of this section torepeal entire ordinances,or parts of ordinances, that givethe appearance of being in conflict when thetwo ordinances can be harmonized or when onlya portion of the ordinance in conflict needstobe repealed to harmonize the ordinances.If the ordinance in conflict canbe harmonized by amending its terms,itishereby amended to harmonize thetwo ordinances.Therefore,onlythat portion thatneedstobe repealed to harmonize the two ordinances shallbe repealed. PASSED AND ENACTED this 20thday of May 2014. CLERK 1stReading _4/15/14 2ndReading-5/5/14 3rdReading-5/20/14 READ LANGU. i&ks^&y^ VED AS TO FORM: EGAU THEI APPROVED: MAY' COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Harris: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Welsh: Commissioner Edmond: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW PublishedDailyexceptSaturday,Sundayand LegalHolidays Miami,Miami-DadeCounty,Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Beforetheundersignedauthoritypersonallyappeared M.ZALDIVAR,whoonoath says thatheor she isthe LEGAL CLERK,LegalNoticesofthe Miami Daily Business Reviewf/k/a Miami Review,adaily(exceptSaturday,Sunday andLegalHolidays)newspaper,published atMiamiinMiami-Dade County,Florida;thattheattachedcopyofadvertisement, beingaLegal Advertisement ofNoticein the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR 5/20/2014 intheXXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 05/09/2014 Affiant furthersaysthatthesaid Miami Daily Business Reviewisa newspaper publishedatMiamiinsaidMiami-Dade County,Florida andthatthesaidnewspaperhas heretofore been continuously published insaid Miami-Dade County, Florida,eachday (except Saturday,Sundayand Legal.Holidays) andhasbeenenteredassecondclass mail matteratthepost office in Miami insaid Miami-Dade County,Florida,fora periodofoneyearnextprecedingthefirst publication ofthe attachedcopyofadvertisement;andaffiantfurthersaysthatheor shehasneitherpaidnor promised anyperson,firm or corporation any discount,rebate,commission orrefundforthepurpose of securing this advertisement/or publication inthesaid newspaper. (SEAL) M.ZALDIVAR personallyknowntome s<f !Ag|r%fbr^^ .meetirjg or,hearipg;he orshewill fteeci a;rewrd^f^pfoce«fin^r^and 'that fojsuch purpose,affected person may needtpenkifethat'a verBatim 'record ofthe proceedings is made which"recbfa Vcludes the^testfmony and^viaenceTupon which theappeal istobe based.-*"r>t K/Q .<_--..--——*~—%r4-3-21#2280882M5/Q 30SE I SUNDAY.MAY 11,2014 SE MiamiHerdld.com I MIAMI HERALD CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI COURTESY NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commission ofthe City ofSouth Miami,Florida will conduct Public Hearings)atitsregular City Commission meeting scheduled for •Riesdav.Mav 2D.2MA beginning at 7:00 p.m.,inths City Commission Chambers. SunsetDrive,toconsider the following item(s): AResolution approving theamendment tothemulti-year contract between the City ofSouth Miami and Steven Alexander for CityManager Services. AResolution authorizing the City Manager toexecute a three (3)year inter-loca)agreement between Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Police department and the City ofSouth Miami for School Crossing Guard Services for 2014/2015,2015/2016 and 2016/2017 school years. AResolution authorizing the City Manager toenter into a two (2)year contract with Downtown Towing with the option of three(3)one(1)yearadditional periodsofservice. (AnOrdinance amending Section 20-3.3(E)of the City of South Miami land Development Code concerning outdoor seating and % dining requirements for ail commercial properties,except for properties in the RO -Residential Office zoning district J An Ordinance amending Section 13-31 oftheCity ofSouth Miami Code ofOrdinances concerning useofthename "City ofSouthMiami andcity'sofficial sealand logo. An Ordinance amending Section 20-2.3 -Definitions,toinclude a definition for Temporary Structures and Section 20-3.6(1] entitled Accessory StructuresorUses. An Ordinance ofthe City ofSouth Miami Florida amending the Land Development Code,Section 20-4.5 repealing subsections (h),(i),G).M,(I),(m)and (n)and adding section 20-4.5.1 titled "tree protection'including,butnot limited to.provisions concerning intent,definitions,applicability and providing for tree removal requirements,applications,permits,fees tree An Ordinance amending theCity ofSouth Miami Code ofOrdinances,Section 2-2.1 and adding subsection (0)to establish,pursuant toSection 286.0115,Florida Statutes,a procedure governing exparte communications inconnection withquasi-judicial matters. ALL interested partiesare invited toattendand wS!be heard. Forfurther information,pleasecontacttheCity Clerk's Office at 305-663-6340. MariaMMenendez,CMC CityClerk Purcujnj toBwifeSta^288.0105,tteG^r^^ witti respect toany matter considered atitsmeeting orhearing,heorshe wffl r^zteertdtopw<i<togs,mi\te\tvsuchvuT^,tfttcM^mw/Kai toensure thataverbatim record oftheproceedings ismade which record includes thetesfocflyanievidence upoaw^ Brad@72nd Ave.has partnered with the League Against Cancer to host the "Hope for Life"benefit event. With your small donation,you'll enjoy: Hors d'oeuvres by Chef Pepe Wine by TopHat Wine &Spirits Dessert by Doral Bakery Music under the stars Raffle for exciting prizes Artwork,jewelry,home decor and more donated by local retailers for purchase The Shops at Lakeshore Park 48 Street &72nd Avenue S.W. Saturday,May 17th,2014 from 7pm.-11pm. Join us! 100%of all proceeds will helpthosebattlingcancer