Res No 105-14-14199RESOLUTION NO.:1 Q5-1 4-1 41 QQ A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Recreonics, Inc.for Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment. WHEREAS,the CityofSouth Miami desires to enter intoa contract for certain goods and equipment categorized asSwimmingPoolandLifeguardEquipmentwithRecreonics,Inc.;and, WHEREAS,the Citywishes to utilizetheCityof Miami contract forSwimmingPooland Lifeguard Equipment between Recreonics,Inc.andtheCityof Miami underthesame terms andconditionsas set forthin InvitationforBid IFB#352301 (18);and, WHEREAS,the CityhasreviewedsolicitationforinInvitationforBid IFB#35230I(I8)andagrees to the terms and conditions,and further agrees to the fairand reasonableness of the pricing set forth in Recreonics,Inc's response to the solicitation;and, WHEREAS,Recreonics,Inc.hasagreed to providesuchgoodsand services under the sameprice(s), terms and conditions asstipulatedinits response to IFB#35230I(I8). WHEREAS,representatives from the CityandRecreonics,Inc.have agreed onall the terms and conditions that are mentioned above. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section I.TheCityManageris authorized to enter intoa contract withRecreonics,Inc.for the items forwhichitwasawardeda contract forthegeneralcategoryof Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipmentunderthe same terms andconditions set forthinsolicitationforbid IFB#35230I(I8)between theRecreonics,Inc.andthe Cityof Miami.Acopyof the piggyback contract isattached. Section 2.Severability.Ifanysection clause,sentence,orphraseofthisresolutionisforanyreason held invalid or unconstitutionalbya court of competent jurisdiction,theholdingshall not affectthe validity ofthe remaining portions ofthis resolution. Section 3.Effective Date.Thisresolution shall become effective immediately uponadoptionbyvote of the City Commission. PASSED ANDADOPTED this20thday of May ^TESM^ 2014. MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: ViceMayorHarris: Commissioner Edmond: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Welsh: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea lami THE CITY OF PLEASANT LIVING CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM To:The Honorable Mayor &Members of the City Commission From:Steven Alexander,City Manager Date:May 20,2014 Agenda Item No. Subject: Background: Vendors & Bid Amount: Expense: Fund &Account: Attachments: A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Recreonics,Inc.for Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies. After completing a competitive bidding process,the CityofMiami awarded a contract to Recreonics,Inc.pursuant to bid IFB#352301(18)for Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies.The contract period isfromApril 22,2013 through April 21,2015,two(2)years with the option to renew for three (3) additional one-year periods. The Cityof South Miami has reviewed and wishes to piggyback from the contract between the CityofMiami and the Contractor under the same terms and conditions set forth in solicitation for bid IFB#352301 (18). Please find below a breakdown ofall submitted proposals Vendors Bid Amount Recreonics,Inc.n/a $0.00 Expenditures shallbe charged toCommunityPool Supplies account number 001-2030-572-5210,which has a balance of $3,000.00 before this request was made. Resolution for approval Cityof Miami Contract Award Sheet IFB No.352301(18) Contract Award Sheet (Cityof South Miami &Contractor sample) City of Miami Master Report Resolution R-13-0160 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami,FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File ID #:13-00396 Version:1 Controlling CityCommission Body:. Enactment Date:4/25/13 Status:Mayor's Office for Signature Title: Reference: A RESOLUTION OFTHEMIAMICITYCOMMISSIONACCEPTINGTHEBID RECEIVED FEBRUARY 22,2013,PURSUANT TO INVITATION FORBIDNO.352301,FROM RECREONICS,INC.,FOR GROUP I, ANDBYELIFEGUARD,INC.,FORGROUPSIANDII,FORTHEPROVISIONOFSWIMMINGPOOL AND LIFEGUARD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES,FORTHE DEPARTMENT OFPARKSAND RECREATION,ONANAS-NEEDED,CONTRACTUAL BASIS,FORANINITIALCONTRACTPERIOD OF TWO (2)YEARS,WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FORTHREE (3)ADDITIONAL ONE(1)YEAR PERIODS;ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE VARIOUS SOURCES OF FUNDS OF THE USER DEPARTMENT,SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED. Introduced:3/22/13 Name:Accepting Bid-Recreonics,Inc Requester:Department ofParks and Recreation Notes: Cost:Final Action:4/25/13 Sections: Indexes: Attachments:13-00396SummaryForm.pdf,13-00396AwardRecommendationForm.pdf,13-00396Tabulation of Bids.pdf,13-00396Emails-AdditionalInformation#352301.pdf,13-00396InvitationforBid.pdf,13-00396 Legislation.pdf Action History Ver.Acting Body Date Action Sent To Due Date Returned Result Office of the City 4/11/13 Reviewed and Attorney Approved City Commission 4/25/13 ADOPTED ThisMatterwasADOPTEDontheConsentAgenda. Aye:5-Wifredo (Willy)Gort,MarcDavid Sarnoff,FrankCarollo,FrancisSuarezandMichelleSpence-Jones City of Miami Page1 Printed on 4/30/2013 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 3.Specifications 3.1.SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK It istheintentionoftheCity of Miamitoestablishacontractforthepurchase,onanasneededbasis,ofSwimming PoolandLifeguardEquipmentandSupplies. A.Group I-Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies MANUFACTURERS CATALOGS CURRENTLY USED BY CITY DEPARTMENTS: •Recreonics •Lincoln Aquatics B.Group II -Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies MANUFACTURERS CATALOGS CURRENTLY USED BY CITY DEPARTMENTS: •Water Safety Products •The Lifeguard Store •Elifeguard.com Page 34 of 34 CITYOF MIAMI,FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM T0 ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS DAT£May 1,2013 RlE. AND CONTRACT LIAISONS subject ;Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipment andSupplies IFBNo.352301(18) from :Kenneth Robertson,Director •'...references : Purchasing Department ENCLOSURES: Please find enclosed acopyofthe recently approved term contract for Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies*This contract hasbeen established forthe Department of Parksand Recreation.Unlessaspecificitemisnot listed,using department inneedofthesegoods or services is required to utilize this contract.Using department is urged to carefully review the contractindetailtobecomefamiliarwithitsprices,termsandconditions,anditemsawarded.If any department is unable tolocatea particular item onthe contract,pleasecontactthe appropriate Buyerfor assistance.Noothergoodsor services canbe purchased underthis agreement except thosespecifiedinthecontract.When requestingthis commodity orservice,theIFBNo., Resolution No.and the corresponding catalog item numbers must becitedin the requisition. Itshallbetheresponsibilityoftheusingdepartmenttoproperlyadministerthecontracttoensure thatthecontractorandtheCityperformallcontractualobligations.Intheexecution of this responsibility,departmentsshouldmonitorvendorperformance,inspectgoodsattime of delivery,andcheckforaccuracyinbilling. Shouldanyusingdepartmentexperienceany difficulties withthecontractor,pleasedocumentthe matterandimmediatelyadviseMaritzaSuarez,ProcurementSupervisor,at(305)416-1907for assistance. CONTRACT AWAR IFB NO.: DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PERIOD: TERM OF CONTRACT: COMMODITY CODE: 352301(18) SWIMMING POOL AND LIFEGUARD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES APRIL 22,2013 THROUGH APRIL 21,2015 TWO(2)YEARS WITHTHE OPTION TO RENEW FOR THREE (3)ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS 650 SECTION #1 -VENDOR AWARD Recreonics,Inc.(Group 1) 4200 Schmitt Avenue Louisville,KY 40213 Contact:Lance Livesay Phone:(800)428-3254 Fax:(800)428-0133 Email:lancel@recreonics.com Elifeguard,Inc.(Groups 1 and 2) 265 Barnes Blvd. Rockledge,FL 32955 Contact:Michael Rogers Phone:(321)433-3630 Fax:(321)433-3631 Email:info@elifeguard.com SECTION #2 -AWARD/BACKGROUND INFORMATION/APPLICABLE ORDINANCES/NOTES C.C.AWARDDATE:APRIL 1,2013 RESOLUTION NO:13-0160 ANNUAL CONTRACT AMOUNT:N/A Note:Funds allocated from the various sources of funds from the user departments and agencies, subject to availability of funds and budgetary approval at the time of need. SECTION #3 -REQUESTING DEPARTMENT POLICE AND FIRE-RESCUE DEPARTMENTS Contract Administrator:Maria DeCardenas SECTION #4 -PROCURING AGENCY CITY OF MIAMI,PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Buyer: Phone: Fax: Maritza Suarez (305)416-1907 (305)416-1925 Prepared By:Aimee Gandarilla,5/1/13 AMENDED AMOUNT:N/A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:YES PERFORMANCE BOND:N/A APPLICABLE ORDINANCES:N/A J A CONTRACT AWARD SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDETO ASSIST YOUWITHTHE INFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREINIS AVAILABLE INTHEISUPPLIERINFORMATIONSECTIONOFOUR WEBPAGE AT: www.miamigov.com/procurement Item No. 2 3 4 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO.352301:SWIMMING POOL AND LIFEGUARD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES 3/32",Weight:12oz SwimPower Handpaddle (small) Rope %"blue/white,Item 14438BW 5§Umbrella,LifeguardChair,vinyl,6 11/2"in diameter,Item No.12-344.BW jGroup II:Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies Est. Description |Qtv.|uqm Group I:Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies The following aresampleofequalitemsbasedon the City's existing contractpurchase history: Water Noodles 1241 Ea. Recreonics Superboard,Dimensions:20"x11"x1 2001 Ea. 100 I Ea. 133 I Ea. 24 Ea. Recreonics,Inc. Unit Price Total 12%off catalog $3.02 $72.48 $10.06 $2,012.00 $22.46 $2,246.00 $0.92 $122.36 75.22 $1,805.28 No Bid eLifeguard,Inc. Unit Price Total 5%off catalog Item not on catalog 7.5 $1,500.00 Item not on catalog 0.4 $53.20 $53.19 $1,276.56 5%off catalog IT" Prepared by:MaritzaSuarez,3/18/2013 Page 1 of 1 Approva DepartmenijJirector/Designee City of Miami Invitation For Bid Bid Number: Title: Issue Date/Time: Bid Closing Date/Time: Pre-Bid Conference: Pre-Bid Date/Time: Pre-Bid Location: Deadline for Request for Clarification: Buyer: Hard Copy Submittal Location: Buyer E-Mail Address: Buyer Facsimile: Purchasing Department Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue,6th Floor Miami,Florida 33130 Web Site Address:htlp^/ci.mlami.fl.us/procurement 352301,1 Invitation toBidfor Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies 22-JAN-2013 02/12/2013@ 12:00:00 Monday,January 28,2013 at 5:00 PM Suarez,Maritza City of Miami -City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 US msuarez@ci.miami.fLus (305)400-5025 Page1 of34 Certification Statement Please quote on this form,if applicable,net prices for the item(s)listed.Return signed original and retain a copy for your files.Prices should include all costs,including transportation to destination.The City reservestherighttoacceptorreject all oranypartofthis submission.Pricesshouldbe firm fora minimum of 180 days following thetimesetfor closing ofthe submissions. In the event of errors in extension of totals,the unit prices shall govern in determining the quoted prices. We (I)certify that we have read your solicitation,completed the necessary documents,and propose to furnish and deliver,F.O.B.DESTINATION,the items or services specified herein. The undersigned hereby certifies that neither the contractual party noranyofits principal owners or personnel havebeen convicted ofanyofthe violations,or debarred or suspended assetinsection 18-107 or Ordinance No.12271. Ail exceptions tothis submission have been documented inthe section below (refer to paragraph and section). EXCEPTIONS: We (1)certifythatanyandall information contained inthis submission istrue;andwe(I)furthercertify thatthis submission ismadewithoutprior understanding,agreement,or connection withany corporation,firm,orpersonsubmittingasubmissionforthesamematerials,supplies,equipment,or service,andisinallrespectsfairandwithoutcollusionorfraud.We(I)agreetoabidebyalltermsand conditions of thissolicitationandcertifythatIamauthorizedtosignthissubmissionforthesubmitter. Pleaseprintthefollowingandsignyourname: SUPPLIER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE:FAX:. EMAIL:BEEPER: SIGNED BY: TITLE:DATE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE.SIGN.AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISQUALIFY THIS BID. Page2 of34 Certifications Legal Name ofFirm: EntityType:Partnership,SoleProprietorship,Corporation,etc. Year Established: Office Location:CityofMiami,Miami-Dade County,orOther Occupational License Number: OccupationalLicenseIssuingAgency: OccupationalLicenseExpirationDate: Group I:Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount tobe deducted from the manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bida single fixed percentage discount,ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog #1) Group I:Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price ListNumber and/or Date,arid effective period: (Catalog #1) Group I:Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount tobe deducted from the manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bid a single fixed percentage discount,ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog #2) Group I:Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price List Number and/or Date,and effective period:(Catalog#2) Group I:Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bid a single fixed percentage discount,ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%is not.(Catalog #3) Page 3 of34 Group 1:Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price List Number and/or Date,and effective period:(Catalog#3) Group II:Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the manufacturers catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bid asingle fixed percentage discount, ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog #1) Group II -Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price List Number and/or Date,and effective penod:(Catalog#l) Group II:Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bid a single fixed percentage discount ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%is not.(Catalog #2) Group II -Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price List Number and/or Date,and effective period:(Catalog #2) Group II:Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bid a single fixed percentage discount ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%is not.(Catalog #3) Group II -Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price List Number and/or Date,and effective period:(Catalog #3) Please list and acknowledge all addendum/addenda received.List the addendum/addenda number and date ofreceipt (i.e.Addendum No.1,7/1/07).If no addendum/addenda was/were issued,please insert N/A. Indicate,if upon contract award,will the Successful Bidder have the capability and ability to have an online based ordering system that can integrate with the City's Oracle iProcurement module to create a "Punchout"site that will enable buyers (i.e.City employees)to click alink,within the Oracle iProcurement module,that goes to the Successful Bidder's electronic catalog,search for items on the Successful Bidder's webiste,and return those items directly to the buyer's electronic shopping cart. Indicateyesorno. Page4 of34 Inlieu of a "Punchout"site,asdescribedabove,indicate if SuccessfulBidderwillhavethecapability andabilitytoreceivePurchase Orders/Releases viae-mailorfaxandprovidegoodsasrequestedinthe Purchase Order/Release.The Purchase OrderconstitutestheCity'sofficialrequestforcontracteditems andtheSuccessfulBiddershallnotrequiretheCitytomanuallyenterthegoodsrequestedviaa Purchase Order/Release,intheSuccessfulBidder'sonlineorderingsystem.Indicateyesorno. Page5 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 Table of Contents TermsandConditions 7 1.General Conditions '.7 1.1.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZj 2.SpecialConditions .21 2.1.purpose .'.ZZZZZZZZZZii 2.2.DEADLINEFORRECEIPTOFREQUESTFORADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION 27 2.3.TERM OF CONTRACT 27 2.4.CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL 27 2.5.NON-APPROPRIATION OFFUNDS 27 2.6.METHODOFAWARD 27 2.7.BIDDERS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS '.28 2.8.FAILURE TO PERFORM i 28 2.9.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ...-.'.28 2.10.METHOD OF PAYMENT 30 2.11.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF PRODUCTS/SUPPLIERS 30 2.13.DISCOUNTS(FROM MANUFACTURERS CATALOG AND/ORPUBLISHED PRICELISTS). 30 2.14..PRODUCT/CATALOG INFORMATION 30 2.15.MATERIALS SHALL BENEWAND WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS 31 2.16.EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT 31 2.17.WARRANTY,FITNESS FOR PURPOSE 31 2.18.QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE 31 2.19.BACK ORDERS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED 32 2.20.SPECIFICATION EXCEPTIONS 32 2.21.TERMINATION 32 2.22.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 33 2.23.PRIMARYCLIENT(FIRSTPRIORITY)33 3.Specifications 34 3.1.SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK .!.Z.34 Page6 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 Terms and Conditions 1.General Conditions 1.1.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Intent:The General TermsandConditions described hereinapplytotheacquisition ofgoods/equipment/services withanestimatedaggregatecost of $25,000.00ormore. Definition:A formal solicitation is defined as issuance of an Invitation forBids,Requestfor Proposals,Requestfor Qualifications,orRequestforLetters of Interest pursuant totheCity of MiamiProcurementCodeand/or Florida Law,as amended.Formal Solicitation and Solicitation shall be defined in the same manner herein. 'l.i.ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS OR EQUIPMENT -Any good(s)or equipment delivered under this formal solicitation,if applicable,shall remain the property ofthe selleruntila physical inspection andactual usage of the goodis made,and thereafter is accepted as satisfactory totheCity.Itmustcomplywiththe terms herein andbe fullyin accordance with specifications and of thehighest quality.Intheeventthe goods/equipment suppliedtothe Cityarefoundtobedefectiveordoesnotconformto specifications,theCityreservestherighttocanceltheorder uponwrittennoticetothe Contractor andreturntheproducttothe Contractor attheContractor'sexpense. 1.2.ACCEPTANCE OFOFFER-Thesignedor electronic submission of your solicitation response shallbe considered anofferonthe part ofthe bidder/proposer;such offer shall be deemed accepted uponissuance bythe City of a purchase'order. 13.ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION -TheCity reserves the right to accept orrejectanyorall responses or parts of after opening/closing dateandrequest re-issuance onthe goods/services describedintheformalsolicitation.In the event of such rejection,the Director ofPurchasing shall notify allaffected bidders/proposers andmake available a written explanation for therejection.TheCity also reserves the right to reject the response ofany bidder/proposer whohaspreviously failed toproperlyperformunderthetermsandconditions of acontract,todeliverontime contracts of asimilar nature,andwhoisnotinapositiontoperformtherequirementsdefinedinthis formal solicitation.TheCity further reservestherighttowaiveany irregularities orminorinformalitiesortechnicalitiesin anyorallresponsesandmay,atitsdiscretion,re-issuethisformalsolicitation. 1.4.ADDENDA-Itisthe bidder's/proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt ofall Addenda.Addenda are available attheCity'swebsite at:http://www.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement 1.5.ALTERNATE RESPONSES MAY BECONSIDERED-TheCitymayconsiderone(1)alternate response from the same Bidder/Proposer for the same formal solicitation;provided,that the alternate response offers a different product that meets orexceeds the formal solicitation requirements.In order for the City to consider an alternate response,the.Bidder/Proposer shallcompletea separate Price Sheetformandshallmark "Alternate Response".Alternate response shall be placed inthe same response.This provision only applies to formal solicitations forthe procurement of goods,services,items,equipment,materials,and/or supplies. 1.6.ASSIGNMENT-Contractor agrees notto subcontract,assign,transfer,convey,sublet,or otherwise dispose of the resulting Contract,or any or all of its right,title or interest herein,without Cityof Miami's prior written consent. 1.7.ATTORNEY'S FEES -In connection withany litigation,mediation and arbitration arising outofthis Contract, each party shall bear their own attorney's fees through and including appellate litigation and any post-judgment Page7 of34 InvitationForBid352301,1 proceedings. 1.8.AUDIT RIGHTS AND RECORDS RETENTION -The Successful Bidder/Proposer agrees to provide access at all reasonable times to the City,or to any ofits duly authorized representatives,to any books,documents,papers, and records of Contractor which are directly pertinent to this formal solicitation,for the purpose ofaudit, examination,excerpts,and transcriptions.The Successful Bidder/Proposer shall maintain and retain any and all of the books,documents,papers and records pertinent to the Contract for three (3)years after the City makes final payment and all other pending matters are closed.Contractor's failure toorrefusal to comply with this condition shall result in the immediate cancellation of this contract by the City. L9.AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACT STATE-WIDE -Any Governmental,not-for-profit or quasi-governmental entity in the State ofFlorida,may avail itself ofthis contract and purchase anyand all goods/services,specified herein from the successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)at the contract price(s)established herein, when permissible by federal,state,and local laws,rules,and regulations. Each Governmental,not-for-profit orquasi-governmental entity which uses this formal solicitation and resulting bid contract or agreement will establish its own contract/agreement,place itsown orders,issue its own purchase orders, be invoiced there from and make its own payments,determine shipping terms and issue its own exemption certificates as required bythe successful bidder(s)/proposer(s). 1.10.AWARD OF CONTRACT: A.The Formal Solicitation,Bidder's/Proposer's response,any addenda issued,and the purchase order shall constitute the entire contract,unless modified in accordance with any ensuing contract/agreement,amendment or addenda. B.The award ofa contract where there are Tie Bids will bedecided bythe Director of Purchasing or designee in the instance thatTie Bids can'tbe determined by applying Florida Statute 287.087,Preference to Businesses with Drug-FreeWorkplacePrograms. C.The award of this contract may be preconditioned onthe subsequent submission of other documents asspecified inthe Special Conditions or Technical Specifications.Bidder/Proposer shall bein default ofits contractual obligation if such documents are not submitted ina timely manner and in the form required bythe City.Where Bidder/Proposer isin default of these contractual requirements,the City,through action taken by the Purchasing Department,will void its acceptance of the Bidder's/Proposer's Response and may accept theResponse from the next lowest responsive,responsible Bidder or Proposal most advantageous to the City or re-solicit the City's requirements.The City,at its sole discretion,may seek monetary restitution from Bidder/Proposer and its bid/proposal bond or guaranty,if applicable,asa result of damages or increased costs sustained asa result ofthe Bidder's/Proposer's default. D.Thetermofthecontractshallbespecifiedinoneofthreedocumentswhichshallbeissuedtothesuccessful Bidder/Proposer.These documents may either bea purchase order,notice of award and/or contract award sheet E.TheCityreserves theright to automatically extend this contract forupto one hundred twenty (120)calendar days beyond the stated contract term in order to provide City departments with continual service and supplies while anew contract is being solicited,evaluated,and/or awarded.Iftherightis exercised,theCityshall notify the Bidder/Proposer,in writing,ofits intent to extend the contract at the same price,terms and conditions for a specific number of days.Additional extensions over the first one hundred twenty (120)day extension may occur,if,theCity andthe Successful Bidder/Proposer areinmutual agreement ofsuch extensions. F.Where the contract involves a single shipment of goods to the City,the contract term shall conclude upon completion ofthe expressed orimpliedwarrantyperiods. Page8 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 G.TheCityreservestherighttoawardthecontractonasplit-order,lumpsumorindividual-itembasis,orsuch combination asshallbestservethe interests oftheCityunless otherwise specified. H.A Contract/Agreement maybeawardedtothe Bidder/Proposer bytheCity Commission baseduponthe minimum qualification requirements reflected herein.AsaresultofaRFP,RFQ,or RFLI,theCityreservesthe righttoexecuteornotexecute,asapplicable,anAgreementwiththeProposer,whicheverisdeterminedtobeinthe City'sbest interests.Such agreement willbe furnished bythe City,will contain certain termsasareintheCity's best interests,andwillbesubjectto approval astolegalformbytheCity Attorney. 1.11.BID BOND/BIDSECURITY-Acashier'sor certified check,oraBidBondsignedbya recognized surety companythatislicensedtodobusinessintheStateofFlorida,payabletotheCityofMiami,fortheamountbidis required fromall bidders/proposers,ifso indicated underthe Special Conditions.Thischeckorbond guarantees thata bidder/proposer willaccepttheorderor contract/agreement,as bid/proposed,ifitisawardedto bidder/proposer.Bidder/Proposer shall forfeit bid deposit totheCityshould Cityaward contract/agreement to Bidder/Proposer and Bidder/Proposer failsto accept the award.TheCity reserves therighttorejectanyandall surety tendered totheCity.Bid deposits are returned to unsuccessful bidders/proposers withinten (10)daysafter the award and successful bidder's/proposer's acceptance of award.If sixty (60)days havepassed afterthedateofthe formal solicitation closing date,andno contract hasbeen awarded,allbid deposits will be returned on demand. 1.12.RESPONSE FORM (HARDCOPY FORMAT)-All forms should be completed,signed and submitted accordingly. .1.13.BID SECURITY FORFEITED LIQUIDATED DAMAGES -Failure to execute an Agreement and/orfile an acceptable PerformanceBond,when required,asprovidedherein,shallbejustcausefortheannulment ofthe awardandthe forfeiture oftheBid Security tothe City,which forfeiture shallbe considered,notasa penalty,butin mitigation of damages sustained.Award maythen be made tothenext lowest responsive,responsible Bidderor Proposal most advantageous tothe City orall responses may be rejected. 1.14.BRAND NAMES -Ifand wherever inthe specifications brand names,makes,models,names ofany manufacturers,trade names,or bidder/proposer catalog numbers are specified,itis for the purpose of establishing the type,function,minimum standard of design,efficiency,grade or quality of goods only.When theCitydoesnot wish to rule outother competitors'brands or makes,the phrase "OREQUAL"is added.When bidding/proposing an approved equal,Bidders/Proposers will submit,with their response,complete setsof necessary data (factory information sheets,specifications,brochures,etc.)in order for theCity to evaluate and determine the equality ofthe item(s)bid/proposed.TheCityshallbethesolejudgeof equality andits decision shallbe final.Unless otherwise specified,evidence inthe form of samples may be requested ifthe proposed brand is other than specified bythe City.Such samples aretobe furnished after formal solicitation opening/closing only upon request ofthe City.If samples should be requested,such samples must be received bythe City no later than seven (7)calendar days after aformalrequestismade. 1.15.CANCELLATION -The City reserves the right to cancel all formal solicitations before its opening/closing. Inthe event of bid/proposal cancellation,the Director of Purchasing shall notify all prospective bidders/proposers andmakeavailableawrittenexplanationforthecancellation. 1.16.CAPITAL EXPENDITURES -Contractor understands that any capital expenditures thatthe firm makes,or prepares to make,inorderto deliver/perform the goods/services required bytheCity,isa business riskwhichthe contractor must assume.The City will notbe obligated to reimburse amortized or unamortized capital expenditures, orto maintain the approved status ofany contractor.If contractor has been unable to recoup its capital expenditures during the time itis rendering such goods/services,it shall not have any claim upon the City. 1.17.CITY NOT LIABLE FOR DELAYS -Itis further expressly agreed that in no event shall the City be liable Page9 of34 InvitationForBid 352301,1 for,or responsible to,the Bidder/Proposer/Consultant,any sub-contractor/sub-consultant,or to any other person for, oronaccount of,any stoppages or delay in the work herein provided for by injunction orother legal orequitable proceedings oron account ofanydelay for any cause over which theCityhas no control. 1.18.COLLUSION -Bidder/Proposer,by submitting a response,certifies that its response is made without previous understanding,agreement or connection either with any person,firm or corporation submitting aresponse for the same items/services or with the City of Miami's Purchasing Department orinitiating department.The Bidder/Proposer certifies that its response is fair,without control,collusion,fraud orother illegal action. Bidder/Proposer certifies that itis in compliance with the Conflict of Interest and Code of Ethics Laws.The City will investigate all potential situations where collusion may have occurred and the City reserves the right to reject anyandallbids/responses where collusion mayhaveoccurred. 1.19.COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL LAWS -Contractor understands that contracts between private entities and local governments are subject to certain laws and regulations,including laws pertaining to public records,conflict of interest,records keeping,etc.City and Contractor agree to comply withand observe all applicable laws,codes and ordinances as that may in any way affect the goods orequipment offered,including but not limited to: A.Executive Order 11246,which prohibits discrimination against anyemployee,applicant,or client because of race,creed,color,national origin,sex,orage with regard to,butnot limited to,the following:employment practices,rate ofpayor other compensation methods,and training selection. B.Occupational,Safetyand Health Act (OSHA),as applicable tothis Formal Solicitation. C.The State of Florida Statutes,Section 287.133(3)(A)on Public Entity Crimes. D.Environment Protection Agency (EPA),as applicable tothis Formal Solicitation. E.Uniform Commercial Code (Florida Statutes,Chapter 672). F.AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct of 1990,asamended. G.National Institute of Occupational Safety Hazards (NIOSH),as applicable tothis Formal Solicitation. H.National Forest Products Association(NFPA),as applicable tothis Formal Solicitation. I.City Procurement OrdinanceCityCodeSection 18,ArticleIII. J.Conflict of Interest,CityCodeSection 2-611 ;61. K.Cone of Silence,CityCodeSection 18-74. L.The Florida Statutes Sections 218.73 and 218.74 on Prompt Payment. Lackof knowledge bythe bidder/proposer willinnowaybea cause for relief from responsibility.Non-compliance with all local,state,and federal directives,orders,and laws maybe considered grounds for termination of contract(s). Copies of theCity Ordinances maybeobtainedfromtheCityClerk'sOffice. 1.20.GONEOFSILENCE-Pursuant to Section 18-74 oftheCityof Miami Code,a"Coneof Silence"is imposed uponeachRFP,RFQ,RFLI,orIFBafter advertisement and terminates atthetimetheCity Manager issuesawritten recommendation totheMiamiCityCommission.TheCone of Silenceshallbe applicable onlyto Contracts forthe provision ofgoodsandservicesandpublicworksor improvements for amounts greater than S200,000.TheCone of Silence prohibits any communication regarding RFPs,RFQs,RFLIor IFBs (bids)between,among others: Page 10 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 Potential vendors,service providers,bidders,lobbyists or consultants andtheCity's professional staff including,but not limited to,theCity Manager andtheCity Manager's staff;the Mayor,City Commissioners,ortheir respective staffsandany member of the respective selection/evaluation committee. Theprovisiondoesnotapplyto,amongothercommunications: oral communications withtheCity purchasing staff,providedthe communication islimitedstrictlytomatters of processorprocedurealreadycontainedinthe formal solicitationdocument;theprovisions of theCone of Silencedo notapplytooralcommunicationsatdulynoticedsite visits/inspections,pre-proposal orpre-bidconferences,oral presentations before selection/evaluation committees,contract negotiations during anyduly noticed public meeting, orpublic presentations madetothe Miami City Commission during adulynoticedpublic meeting;or communications in writing orby email atanytimewithanyCity employee,officialormemberoftheCity Commissionunless specifically prohibited bythe applicable RFP,RFQ,RFLIorIFB(bid)documents (SeeSection 2.2.of theSpecial Conditions);or communications in connection withthecollectionofindustrycommentsorthe performance of marketresearch regarding a particular RFP,RFQ,RFLIORIFBbyCity Purchasing staff. Proposers or bidders mustfileacopyofany written communications withtheOffice of theCityClerk,whichshall be made available toany person upon request.TheCity shall respond in writing andfileacopywiththeOffice of theCity Clerk,which shall be made available toany person upon request.Written communications maybeinthe form of e-mail,withacopytotheOffice of theCityClerk. In addition toanyother penalties provided bylaw,violation of the Cone of Silence byany proposer orbiddershall render anyaward voidable.A violation bya particular Bidder,Proposer,Offeror,Respondent,lobbyist or consultant shall subject same to potential penalties pursuant totheCity Code.Any person having personal knowledge ofa violation of these provisions shall report such violation tothe State Attorney and/or may file a complaint withthe Ethics Commission.Proposers or bidders should reference Section 18-74 oftheCity ofMiami Code for further clarification. This language isonlya summary ofthekey provisions ofthe Cone of Silence.Please review City of Miami Code Section 18-74 for a complete and thorough description ofthe Cone of Silence.Youmay contact theCity Clerk at 305-250-5360,toobtainacopy of same. 1.21.CONFIDENTIALITY-Asa political subdivision,theCityof Miami is subject tothe Florida Sunshine Act and Public Records Law.If this Contract/Agreement contains a confidentiality provision,it shall have no application when disclosure is required by Florida laworuponcourt order. 1.22.CONFLICTOFINTEREST-Bidders/Proposers,by responding to this Formal Solicitation,certify thatto the best of their knowledge orbelief,no elected/appointed official oremployee of the Cityof Miami is financially interested,directly or indirectly,in the purchase of goods/services specified in this Formal Solicitation.Any such interests on the part of the Bidder/Proposer orits employees must be disclosed in writing to the City.Further,you must disclose the name of anyCity employee who owns,directly or indirectly;an interest offive percent (5%)or more of thetotalassets of capitalstockinyourfirm. A.Bidder/Proposer further agrees not to use orattempt to use any knowledge,property orresource which may be within his/her/its trust,or perform his/her/its duties,to secure a special privilege,benefit,or exemption for himself/herseli7itself,or others.Bidder/Proposer maynot disclose oruse information not available tomembersof the general public and gained by reason of his/her/its position,except for information relating exclusively to governmental practices,for his/her/its personal gain or benefit or for the personal gain or benefit of any other person orbusinessentity. B.Bidder/Proposer hereby acknowledges that he/she/it has not contracted or transacted anybusiness withthe City or any person or agency acting for the City,and has not appeared in representation of any third party before any Page11 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 board,commission or agency of the City within the past two years.Bidder/Proposer further warrants that he/she/it is not related,specifically the spouse,son,daughter,parent,brother orsister,to:(i)any member ofthe commission; (ii)the mayor;(iii)any city employee;or (iv)any member ofany board oragency ofthe City. C.Aviolation ofthis section may subject the Bidder/Proposer to immediate termination ofany professional services agreement with the City,imposition of the maximum fine and/or any penalties allowed by law. Additionally,violations may be considered by and subject to action by the Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics. 1.23.COPYRIGHTORPATENTRIGHTS -Bidders/Proposers warrant thatthere hasbeenno violation of copyright or patent rights in manufacturing,producing,orselling the goods shipped or ordered and/or services provided as a result of this formal solicitation,and bidders/proposers agree to hold the City harmless from anyand all liability,loss,or expense occasioned byanysuch violation. 1.24.COST INCURRED BY BIDDER/PROPOSER -All expenses involved with the preparation and submission of Responses to the City,or any work performed in connection therewith shall be bome by the Bidder(s)/Proposer(s). 1.25.DEBARMENT ANDSUSPENSIONS(Sec 18-107) (a)Authority and requirement to debar and suspend.After reasonable notice toan actual or prospective Contractual Party,and after reasonable opportunity forsuch party tobe heard,the City Manager,after consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer and the city attorney,shall have the authority to debar a Contractual Party,for the causes listed below,from consideration for award ofcityContracts.The debarment shall befora period ofnot fewer than three years.The City Manager shall also have theauthority to suspend a Contractual Party from consideration for award ofcity Contracts if there is probable cause for debarment,pending the debarment determination.The authority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in accordance with regulations which shallbe issued bytheChiefProcurement Officer after approval bythe City Manager,thecity attorney,and the City Commission. (b)Causes fordebarment or suspension.Causes for debarment or suspension include the following: (1)Conviction forcommission ofa criminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a publicor private Contract or subcontract,or incident tothe performance ofsuch Contract or subcontract. (2)Conviction under stateor federal statutes of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records,receiving stolen property,oranyotheroffense indicating alackof business integrityorbusinesshonesty. (3)Conviction understateor federal antitrust statutesarisingoutofthe submission ofBidsor Proposals. (4)Violation of Contractprovisions,whichisregardedbytheChiefProcurementOfficertobe. indicative of nonresponsibility.Such violation may include failure without good cause to perform in accordance withthe terms and conditions ofa Contract orto perform withinthetimelimitsprovided ina Contract,provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control ofapartyshallnotbe consideredabasisfordebarmentorsuspension. (5)Debarment or suspension ofthe Contractual Partybyany federal,stateorother governmental entity. (6)Falsecertificationpursuanttoparagraph(c)below. (7)Foundinviolationofazoning ordinance oranyothercityordinanceor regulation andforwhich Page12 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 theviolationremains noncompliant. (8)Foundinviolation of azoningordinanceoranyothercityordinanceorregulationandforwhicha civilpenaltyorfineisdueandowingtothecity. (9)Any othercausejudgedbytheCityManagertobesoseriousandcompellingastoaffectthe responsibility of theContractualPartyperformingcityContracts. (c)Certification."AllContractsforgoodsandservices,sales,andleasesbythecityshallcontainacertificationthat neitherthe Contractual Party norany of its principal owners or personnel havebeenconvicted of any of the violationssetforthaboveor debarred orsuspendedasset forth in paragraph (b)(5). (d)Debarment and suspension decisions.Subject tothe provisions of paragraph (a),theCity Manager shall render a written decision stating the reasons for the debarment or suspension.Acopy of the decision shall be provided promptly tothe Contractual Party,along witha notice ofsaidparty's right toseek judicial relief. 1.26.DEBARRED/SUSPENDED VENDORS -An entityor affiliate whohasbeenplacedontheState of Florida debarred or suspended vendor listmaynotsubmita response ona contract to provide goods or services toa public entity,maynotsubmita response ona contract witha.public entity for the construction or repair of apublicbuilding orpublicwork,maynotsubmit response on leases of real property toapublicentity,maynot award orperform workasa contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under contract withanypublicentity,andmaynot transactbusinesswithanypublicentity. 1.27.DEFAULT/FAILURE TOPERFORM-TheCityshallbethesolejudge of nonperformance,whichshall include any failure onthe part ofthe successful Bidder/Proposer to accept the award,to furnish required documents, and/orto fulfill any portion of this contract withinthetime stipulated. Upon default bythe successful Bidder/Proposer tomeetany terms ofthis agreement,theCitywillnotifythe Bidder/Proposer of the default and will provide the contractor three (3)days (weekends and holidays excluded)to remedy the default.Failure onthe contractor's part to correct the default withinthe required three (3)days shall resultinthe Contract being terminated andupontheCitynotifyinginwritingthe contractor of itsintentionsandthe effectivedate of thetermination.Thefollowingshallconstitutedefault: A.Failure to perform the work-or deliver the goods/services required under the Contract and/or withinthetime required or failing touse the subcontractors,entities and personnel as identified and set forth,and tothe degree specifiedintheContract. B.Failure tobeginthework under this Contract withinthetime specified. C.Failure to perform theworkwith sufficient workers and equipment orwith sufficient materials to ensure timely completion. D.Neglecting or refusing to remove materials or perform newwork where prior workhasbeenrejected as nonconforming withtheterms of theContract. E.Becoming insolvent,being declared bankrupt,or commining anyactof bankruptcy or insolvency,or making an assignment forthebenefit of creditors,if the insolvency,bankruptcy,or assignment renders thesuccessful Bidder/Proposer incapable of performing the work in accordance with and as required bythe Contract. F.Failure tocomplywithanyofthe terms of the Contract inany material respect. Allcostsand charges incurred bytheCityasa result ofa default ora default incurred beyond the.timelimits stated, together withthecostof completing the work,shall be deducted from any monies due orwhichmay become due on Page13 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 this Contract. 1.28.DETERMINATIONOF RESPONSIVENESS -Each Response willbe reviewed to determine ifitis responsive to the submission requirements outlined in the Formal Solicitation.A "responsive'*response is one which follows the requirements ofthe formal solicitation,includes alldocumentation,is submitted inthe format outlined in the formal solicitation,isof timely submission,and has appropriate signatures asrequired oneach document.Failure tocomplywiththese requirements maydeema Response non-responsive. 1.29.DISCOUNTS OFFERED DURING TERMOF CONTRACT -Discount Prices offered inthe response shall be fixed after the award bytheCommission,unless otherwise specified inthe Special Terms and Conditions. Price discounts off the original prices quoted in the response will beaccepted from successful Bidder(s)/Proposer(s) during the term of the contract.Such discounts shall remain in effect for a minimum of 120 days from approval by the City Commission Anydiscounts offered bya manufacturer to Bidder/Proposer will be passed onto the City. 130.DISCREPANCIES,ERRORS,AND OMISSIONS -Any discrepancies,errors,or ambiguities inthe Formal Solicitation or addenda (ifany)should be reported in writing totheCity's Purchasing Department.Should itbe found necessary,a written addendum willbe incorporated inthe Formal Solicitation and will become part ofthe purchase agreement (contract documents).TheCitywillnotbe responsible for any oral instructions,clarifications, or other communications. A.Order ofPrecedence -Any inconsistency in this formal solicitation shall be resolved by giving precedence tothe following documents,thefirst of suchlistbeingthe governing documents. 1)Addenda(asapplicable) 2)Specifications 3)Special Conditions 4)General Terms and Conditions 1.31.EMERGENCY /DISASTER PERFORMANCE -Intheeventofa hurricane orotheremergency or disaster situation,the successful vendor shall provide the Citywiththe commodities/services defined within the scope of this formal solicitation atthe price contained withinvendor's response.Further,successful vendor shall deliver/perform forthecityona priority basis during suchtimes of emergency. 1.32.ENTIREBID CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT -TheBid Contract or Agreement consists of thisCity of Miami Formal Solicitation and specifically this General Conditions Section,Contractor's Response andanywritten agreemententeredintobytheCity of Miamiand Contractor incasesinvolvingRFPs,RFQs,and RFLIs,and represents the entire understanding and agreement betweenthe parties with respect tothesubjectmatterhereofand supersedes allother negotiations,understanding and representations,if any,madebyandbetweenthe parties.Tothe extentthattheagreementconflictswith,modifies,altersorchangesany of thetermsandconditionscontainedinthe Formal Solicitation and/or Response,the Formal Solicitation and thenthe Response shall control.This Contract may bemodifiedonlybyawrittenagreementsignedbytheCity of Miamiand Contractor. 1.33.ESTIMATED QUANTITIES -Estimated quantitiesorestimated dollars areprovidedfor your guidance only.No guarantee is expressed orimpliedasto quantities thatwillbe purchased during the contract period.The Cityisnotobligatedtoplaceanorderforanygivenamountsubsequenttotheaward of thiscontract.Saidestimates maybeusedbytheCityfor purposes of determiningthelowbidderormost advantageous proposer meeting specifications.TheCityreservestherighttoacquireadditional quantitiesattheprices bid/proposed oratlower prices inthisFormal Solicitation. 1.34.EVALUATION OF RESPONSES Page14 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 A.Rejection of Responses TheCitymayrejectaResponseforanyofthefollowingreasons: 1)Bidder/Proposerfailstoacknowledgereceiptofaddenda; 2)Bidder/Proposer mistates or conceals any material factintheResponse;' 3)ResponsedoesnotconformtotherequirementsoftheFormalSolicitation; 4)Responserequiresaconditionalawardthatconflictswiththemethod ofaward; 5)Responsedoesnotincluderequiredsamples,certificates,licensesasrequired;and, 6)Responsewasnotexecutedbythe Bidder's/Proposer(s)authorized agent. The foregoing isnotanall inclusive listof reasons for which a Response maybe rejected.TheCitymayrejectand re-advertiseforalloranypart of theFormalSolicitationwheneveritisdeemedinthebestinterest of the City. B.Elimination From Consideration 1)Acontractshallnotbe awarded toanypersonorfirmwhichisinarrearstotheCityuponanydebtorcontract,or whichisadefaulterassuretyorotherwiseuponanyobligationtotheCity. 2)Acontractmaynotbeawardedtoanypersonorfirmwhichhasfailedtoperformunderthetermsandconditions of anypreviouscontractwiththeCityordeliverontimecontracts of asimilarnature. 3)A contract maynotbe awarded toanypersonorfirm which hasbeendebarredbytheCityin accordance with the City's DebarmentandSuspensionOrdinance. C.Determination of Responsibility 1)Responses willonlybe considered fromentitieswhoare regularly engagedinthebusinessofprovidingthe goods/equipment/services required bytheFormal Solicitation.Bidder/Proposer mustbeableto demonstrate a satisfactory record of performance and integrity;and,have sufficient financial,material,equipment,facility, personnel resources,and expertise tomeetall contractual requirements.Theterms "equipment and organization"as used herein shall be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established entity inlinewith thebest industry practices intheindustryas determined bytheCity. 2)TheCitymay consider any evidence available regarding the financial,technical andotherqualifications and abilities ofa Bidder/Proposer,including past performance (experience)withtheCityoranyothergovernmental entityinmakingtheaward. 3)TheCitymayrequirethe Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)toshowproofthattheyhavebeen designated asan authorized representative ofa manufacturer or supplier whichisthe actual source of supply,if required bythe Formal Solicitation. 1.35.EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS - Exceptions tothe specifications shallbe listed onthe Response andshall reference the section.Any exceptions to the General or Special Conditions shall be cause forthebid (IFB)tobe considered non-responsive.It also may be cause fora RFP,RFQ,or RFLI tobe considered non-responsive;and,if exceptions aretakentothe terms and conditions oftheresultingagreementitmayleadto terminating negotiations. 1.36.F.O.B.DESTINATION -Unless otherwise specified in the Formal Solicitation,all prices quoted/proposed by the bidder/proposer must be F.O.B.DESTINATION,inside delivery,with all delivery costs and charges included in the bid/proposal price,unless otherwise specified inthis Formal Solicitation.Failure todosomaybe cause for rejectionof bid/proposal. Page 15 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 137.FIRM PRICES -The bidder/proposer warrants that prices,terms,and conditions quoted in its response will be firm throughout the duration of the contract unless otherwise specified in the Formal Solicitation.Such prices will remain firm for the period ofperformance orresulting purchase orders or contracts,which are to beperformed orsuppliedoveraperiod of time. 1.38.FLORIDA MINIMUM WAGE -The Constitution ofthe State of Florida,Article X,Section 24,states that employers shall pay employee wages no less than the minimum wage for allhours worked inFlorida.Accordingly, itisthe contractor's and its'subcontractors)responsibility to understand and comply withthis Florida constitutional minimum wage requirement and pay its employees the current established hourly minimum wage rate,which is subject tochange or adjusted by the rate of inflation using the consumer price index for urban wage earners and • clerical workers,CPI-W,ora successor index as calculated bytheUnited States Department of Labor.Each adjusted minimum wage rate calculated shall be determined and published bytheAgency Workforce Innovation on September 30thofeachyearand take effect onthe following January 1st. Atthe time of responding,itis bidder/proposer and his/her subcontractors),if applicable,full responsibility to determine whether any ofits employees may be impacted by this Florida Law at any given point in time during the term of the contract If impacted,bidder/proposer must furnish employee name(s),job title(s),job descriptions), and current pay rate(s).Failure to submit this information atthetimeof submitting a response constitute successful bidder's/proposer's acknowledgement and understanding that the Florida Minimum Wage Law will notimpact its prices throughout the term of contract and waiver of any contractual price increase request(s).The City reserves the right to request and successful bidder/proposer must provide for any and all information to make a wage and contractualpriceincrease(s)determination.. 139.GOVERNING LAWANDVENUE -Thevalidity and effect of this Contract shall be governed bythe laws oftheStateof Florida.The parties agree thatany action,mediation or arbitration arising outofthis Contract shall takeplaceinMiami-DadeCounty,Florida. 1.40.HEADINGSANDTERMS -The headings tothe various paragraphs ofthis Contract havebeen inserted for convenient reference only and shall not in any manner be construed as modifying,amending or affecting in any way theexpressedtermsandprovisionshereof. 1.41.HEALTHINSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (HIPPA)-Any person or entitythat performs or assists theCityof Miami witha function or activity involving theuseor disclosure of "individually identifiable health information (IIHI)and/or Protected Health Information (PHI)shall comply with the Health Insurance Portability andAccountability Act (HIPAA)of 1996 andtheCityof Miami Privacy Standards. HIPAA mandatesforprivacy,securityandelectronictransferstandards,whichincludebutarenotlimitedto: A.Useof information onlyfor performing services required bythe contract oras required by law; B.Use of appropriate safeguards to prevent non-permitted disclosures; C.ReportingtotheCity of Miami of anynon-permitteduseordisclosure; D.Assurances thatany agents and subcontractors agreetothesame restrictions and conditions thatapplytothe Bidder/Proposer andreasonableassurancesthat 1IHI/PHI willbeheldconfidential; E.MakingProtectedHealthInformation(PHI)availabletothecustomer; F.MakingPHIavailableto thecustomerforreviewand amendment;and incorporating any amendments requested bythe customer; G.MakingPHIavailabletotheCityofMiamiforan accounting of disclosures;and H.Makinginternal practices,booksand records related to PHI available totheCityof Miami for compliance audits. Page 16 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 PHIshallmaintainits protected status regardless of theformandmethod of transmission (paperrecords;and/or electronic transfer of data).TheBidder/Proposer mustgiveits customers writtennotice of itsprivacy information practices including specifically,a description ofthetypes of usesand disclosures thatwouldbemadewith protected health information. 1.42 INDEMNIFICATION -Contractor shall indemnify,hold harmless anddefendtheCity,itsofficials,officers, agents,directors,andemployees,fromliabilities,damages,losses,andcosts,including,butnotlimitedtoreasonable attorney's fees,totheextentcausedbythe negligence,recklessness or intentional wrongfulmisconduct of Contractor and persons employed or utilized by Contractor inthe performance ofthis Contract andwill indemnify, hold harmless anddefendtheCity,itsofficials,officers,agents,directors andemployees against,anycivilactions, statutory or similar claims,injuries or damages arising or resulting from the permitted work,even if itis alleged that theCity,itsofficialsand/oremployeeswerenegligent.Theseindemnificationsshallsurvivetheterm of this Contract.Intheeventthatanyactionor proceeding isbrought against Citybyreason of anysuchclaimordemand, Contractor shall,upon written notice from City,resist and defend such action or proceeding by counsel satisfactory toCity.The Contractor expressly understands and agrees thatany insurance protection required bythis Contract or otherwise provided by Contractor shall innowaylimitthe responsibility to indemnify,keepandsave harmless and defendtheCityoritsofficers,employees,agents andinstrumentalities as herein provided. The indemnification provided above shall obligate Contractor to defend atitsown expense toand through appellate, supplemental or bankruptcy proceeding,orto provide for suchdefense,atCity's option,anyandall claims of liability andallsuits and actions ofeveryname and description which maybe brought against City whether performed by Contractor,or persons employedorutilizedby Contractor. This indemnity will survive the cancellation or expiration ofthe Contract.This indemnity willbe interpreted under the laws ofthe State of Florida,including without limitation and which conforms tothe limitations of §725.06 and/or§725.08,Fla.Statues,asamendedfromtimetotimeas applicable. Contractor shall require all Sub-Contractor agreements to include a provision that theywill indemnify theCity. The Contractor agrees and recognizes that the City shall notbe held liable or responsible for any claims which may result from any actions or omissions ofthe Contractor inwhichtheCity participated either through review or concurrence of the Contractor's actions.In reviewing,approving or rejecting any submissions bythe Contractor or otheracts of the Contractor,theCityinnoway assumes or shares any responsibility or liability ofthe Contractor or Sub-Contractor,underthisAgreement. 1.43.FORMATIONANDDESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE -Bidders/Proposer must furnish all information requested inthe spaces provided inthe Formal Solicitation.Further,asmaybe specified elsewhere,each Bidder/Proposer must submit for evaluation,cuts,sketches,descriptive literature,technical specifications,and Material Safety Data Sheets(MSDS)as required,covering the products offered.Reference to literature submitted witha previous response oronfilewiththeBuyerwillnotsatisfythis provision. 1.44.INSPECTIONS -TheCity may,at reasonable times during the term hereof,inspect Contractors facilities and perform such tests,astheCity deems reasonably necessary,to determine whether the goods and/or services requiredtobeprovidedbytheContractorunderthisContractconformtothetermsandconditions of theFormal Solicitation.Contractor shallmake available totheCity all reasonable facilities and assistance to facilitate the performance of tests or inspections byCity representatives.All tests and inspections shall be subject to,and made in accordance with,the provisions of the City of Miami Ordinance No.12271 (Section 18-79),as same maybe amendedor supplemented fromtimetotime. 1.45.INSPECTIONOFRESPONSE-Responses received bytheCity pursuant toa Formal Solicitation willnot be made available until such time as the City provides notice ofa decision orintended decision orwithin 30 days after bid closing,whichever is earlier.Bid/Proposal results will be tabulated and may be furnished upon request via Page17 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 fax ore-mail to the Sr.Procurement Specialist issuing the Solicitation.Tabulations also are available on the Ciiy9s WebSitefollowingrecommendationforaward. 1.46.INSURANCE -Within ten (10)days after receipt of Notice of Award,the successful Contractor,shall furnish Evidence of Insurance to the Purchasing Department,if applicable.Submitted evidence of coverage shall demonstrate strict compliance toall requirements listed onthe Special Conditions entitled "insurance Requirements".TheCityshallbelistedasan "Additional Insured." Issuance ofa Purchase Orderis contingent uponthe receipt of proper insurance documents.Ifthe insurance certificate is received within thespecified time frame butnotinthemanner prescribed in this Solicitation the Contractor shall be verbally notified of such deficiency and shall have an additional five (5)calendar days to submit a corrected certificate totheCity.Ifthe Contractor failsto submit the required insurance documents inthemanner prescribed inthis Solicitation within fifteen (15)calendar days afterreceipt Notice of Award,the contractor shall be in default ofthecontractual terms and conditions and shall not be awarded the contract.Under such circumstances, the Bidder/Proposer may be prohibited from submitting future responses to the City.Information regarding any insurance requirements shall be directed to the Risk Administrator,Department of Risk Management,at444 SW 2ndAvenue,9thFloor,Miami,Florida 33130,305-416-1604. The Bidder/Proposer shall be responsible for assuring that the insurance certificates required in conjunction with this Section remain in effect for the duration of the contractual period;including any and all option terms that may be grantedtotheBidder/Proposer. 1.47.INVOICES -Invoices shall contain purchase order number and details ofgoodsand/orservices delivered (i.e.quantity,unitprice,extended price,etc);and in compliance with Chapter 218 ofthe Florida Statutes (Prompt Payment Act). 1.48.LOCAL PREFERENCE A.CityCodeSection 18-85,states,"whena responsive,responsible non-local bidder submits the lowest bid price,andthebid submitted byoneor more responsive,responsible local bidders who maintain a local office,as defined in Section 18-73,is within fifteen percent (15%)oftheprice submitted bythe non-local bidder,thenthat non-local bidder and each ofthe aforementioned responsive,responsible local bidders shall have the opportunity to submit abestand final bid equal toor lower than the amount ofthelowbid previously submitted bythe non-local bidder.Contract award shallbe made tothe lowest responsive,responsible bidder submitting the lowest bestand finalbid.Inthecaseofatieinthebestand final bid between alocalbidderanda non-local bidder,contract award shall be made to the local bidder." B.CityCodeSection 18-86,states,"the RFP,RFLI or RFQ,as applicable,may,intheexerciseofthe reasonable professional discretion oftheCityManager,director ofthe using agency,and the'ChiefProcurement Officer, include afive(5%)percentevaluation criterion infavorof proposers who maintain alocaloffice,as defined in Section 18-73.Insuchcases,thisfive(5%)percentevaluationcriterioninfavor of proposerswhomaintainalocal office willbe specifically defined inthe RFP,RFLI or RFQ,as applicable;otherwise,itwillnot apply. 1.49.MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION -TheCity reserves therightto request from bidders/proposers a separateManufacturer's Certification ofall statements madeinthe bid/proposal.Failuretoprovidesuch certification mayresultintherejection ofbid/proposal or termination of contract/agreement,forwhichthe bidder/proposermustbearfullliability. 1.50.MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES IN PURCHASE ORDERS AND CONTRACTS -No contract or understanding tomodifythisFormal Solicitation and resultant purchase ordersor contracts,if applicable,shallbe binding upontheCityunlessmadein writing bythe Director of Purchasing oftheCityof Miami,Florida through Page 18 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 the issuance of achange order,addendum,amendment,or supplement tothe contract,purchase orderor award sheet asappropriate. 1.51.NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE -NothingcontainedinthisContractwillbedeemedor construed to create a partnership orjointventurebetweentheCity of Miamiand Contractor,orto create anyother• similarrelationshipbetweenthe parties. 1.52.NONCONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS-Itemsmaybetestedfor compliance with specifications underthe direction ofthe Florida Department'of Agriculture and Consumer Services orbyother appropriate testing Laboratories as determined bythe City.The data derived from anytestfor compliance with specificationsispublicrecordandopentoexaminationtheretoin accordance withChapter 119,Florida Statutes. Items delivered not conforming to specifications'may be rejected andreturned at Bidder's/Proposer's expense. These non-conforming itemsnot delivered asperdelivery date inthe response and/or Purchase Order mayresultin bidder/proposer beingfoundindefaultinwhicheventanyandall re-procurement costsmaybe charged against the defaulted contractor.Any violation ofthese stipulations may also result inthe supplier's namebeingremovedfrom theCity of Miami's Supplier's list. 1.53.NONDISCRIMINATION -Bidder/Proposer agrees thatit shall not discriminate asto race,sex,color,age, religion,national origin,marital status,or disability in connection withits performance underthis formal solicitation.Furthermore,Bidder/Proposer agrees that no otherwise qualified individual shall solelyby reason of his/her race,sex,color,age,religion,national origin,marital status ordisability be excluded from the participation in,be denied benefitsof,orbe subjected to,discrimination underany program oractivity. In connection withthe conduct ofits business,including performance of services and employment of personnel, Bidder/Proposer shall not discriminate against any person onthe basis of race,color,religion,disability,age,sex, marital stahis or national origin.All persons having appropriate qualifications shall be afforded equal opportunity for employment. 1.54.NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT/PIGGYBACK PROVISION -Atsuchtimesasmayserveitsbest interest,theCity of Miamireservestherighttoadvertise for,receive,and award additional contracts fortheseherein goods and/or services,and tomakeuseof other competitively bid (governmental)contracts,agreements,or other similar sources forthe purchase of these goods and/or services asmaybe available. Itis hereby agreed and understood that this formal solicitation does notconstitute .the exclusive rights ofthe successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)to receive all orders that maybe generated bytheCityin conjunction withthis Formal Solicitation. In addition,anyand all commodities,equipment,and services required bytheCityin conjunction with construction projects are solicited under a distinctly different solicitation process and shall notbe purchased under the terms, conditionsand awards rendered underthis solicitation,unlesssuch purchases aredeterminedtobeinthebest interest of theCity. 1.55.OCCUPATIONALLICENSE-Any person,firm,corporation orjoint venture,witha business location in the City of Miami and is submitting a Response under this Formal Solicitation shall meet the City's Occupational License Tax requirements in accordance with Chapter 31.1,Article IoftheCity of Miami Charter.Others witha location outside the City of Miami shall meet their local Occupational License Tax requirements.A copy ofthe license mustbe submitted withthe response;however,theCitymayatits sole option andinitsbestinterest allow the Bidder/Proposer to supply the license totheCity during the evaluation period,but prior to award. 1.56.ONE PROPOSAL -Only one (1)Response from an individual,firm,partnership,corporation orjoint venture Page19 of 34 InvitationForBid 352301,1 will be considered inresponse to this Formal Solicitation.When submitting an alternate response,please refer to the hereincondition for "Alternate Responses MayBe Considered". 1.57.OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS -Itis understood by and between the parties that any documents,records, files,or any other matter whatsoever which is given by the City to the successful Bidder/Proposer pursuant to this formal solicitation shall atall times remain the property ofthe City and shall not be used by the Bidder/Proposer for any other purposes whatsoever without thewritten consent ofthe City. 1.58.PARTIAL INVALIDITY -If any provision of this Contract orthe application thereof to any person or circumstance shall to any extent be held invalid,then the remainder of this Contract or the application of such provision to persons orcircumstances other than those as to which itis held invalid shall not be affected thereby,and each provision of this Contract shall be valid and enforced tothefullest extent permitted by law. 1.59.PERFORMANCE/PAYMENT BOND -A Contractor may berequired to furnish a Performance/Payment Bond as part of the requirements of this Contract,inanamount equal to one hundred percent (100%)of the contract price. 1.60.PREPARATION OF RESPONSES (HARDCOPY FORMAT)-Bidders/Proposers are expected to examine the specifications,required delivery,drawings,and all special and general conditions.All bid/proposed amounts,if required,shallbeeithertypewritten or entered intothespaceprovided withink.Failure todosowillbe atthe Bidder's/Proposer's risk. A.Each Bidder/Proposer shall furnish the information required in the Formal Solicitation.The Bidder/Proposer shall signthe Response and print in ink or type the name of the Bidder/Proposer,address,and telephone number on the face page andon each continuation sheet thereof on which he/she makes an entry,as required. B.Ifso required,the unit price for each unit offered shall be shown,and such price shall include packaging, handling and shipping,and F.O.B.Miami delivery inside City premises unless otherwise specified.Bidder/Proposer shall include in the response all taxes,insurance,social security,workmen's compensation,andany other benefits normally paid bythe Bidder/Proposer toits employees.If applicable,aunitprice shall be entered inthe "Unit Price"column for each item.Based upon estimated quantity,an extended price shall be entered in the "Extended Price"column for each item offered.In case ofa discrepancy between the unitprice and extended price,the unit pricewillbepresumedcorrect. C.The Bidder/Proposer muststate a definite time,if required,in calendar days for delivery of goods and/or services. D.The Bidder/Proposer shouldretainacopyofall response documents forfuture reference. E.All responses,as described,must be fully completed andtyped or printed ininkand must be signed ininkwith thefirm'snameandbyanofficeror employee having authority tobindthe company orfirmbyhis/hersignature. Bids/Proposals having any erasures or corrections must be initialed ininkby person signing the response orthe response maybe rejected. F.Responsesaretoremainvalidforatleast 180 days.Uponawardofacontract,thecontentoftheSuccessful Bidder's/Proposer's response maybe included aspartofthe contract,attheCity's discretion. G.TheCityofMiami's Response Formsshallbeused when Bidder/Proposer is submitting its response in hardcopy format.Useofanyotherformswillresultinthe rejection ofthe response.IF SUBMITTING HARDCOPYFORMAT,THEORIGINALANDTHREE(3)COPIESOFTHESESETSOFFORMS,UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED,ANDANYREQUIRED ATTACHMENTS MUSTBE RETURNED TOTHECITY Page20 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 OR YOUR RESPONSE MAY BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. 1.61.PRICE ADJUSTMENTS -Anypricedecreaseeffectuatedduringthecontractperiod either byreason of market changeoronthepart of the contractor toothercustomersshallbepassedontotheCity of Miami. 1.62.PRODUCT SUBSTITUTES -Intheeventa particular awardedandapproved manufacturer's product becomesunavailableduringthetermoftheContract,theContractorawardedthatitemmayarrangewiththe City's authorizedrepresentative^)tosupplyasubstituteproductattheawardedpriceorlower,providedthatasampleis approvedinadvanceofdeliveryandthatthenewproductmeetsorexceedsallqualityrequirements. 1.63.CONFLICT OF INTEREST,AND UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICE PROHIBITIONS - ContractorrepresentsandwarrantstotheCitythatithasnotemployedorretainedanypersonorcompanyemployed bytheCitytosolicitorsecurethisContractandthatithasnotofferedtopay,paid,oragreedtopayanypersonany fee,commission,percentage,brokeragefee,orgift of anykindcontingentuponorinconnection with,theaward of this Contract. 1.64.PROMPT PAYMENT -Bidders/Proposers mayofferacashdiscountforpromptpayment;however, discounts shallnot beconsideredindeterminingthe lowest netcostforresponseevaluationpurposes. Bidders/Proposers arerequiredtoprovidetheirpromptpaymenttermsinthespaceprovidedontheFormal Solicitation.If no promptpaymentdiscountisbeingoffered,theBidder/Proposermustenterzero(0)forthe percentage discount to indicate no discount,if the Bidder/Proposer fails toentera percentage,itis understood and agreedthatthetermsshallbe2%20days,effectiveafterreceiptofinvoiceorfinalacceptancebythe City, whichever is later. WhentheCityisentitledtoacashdiscount,theperiodof computation willcommenceonthedate of delivery,or receiptofacorrectlycompleted invoice,whichever is later.If an adjustment inpaymentisnecessarydueto damage,thecashdiscountperiodshallcommenceonthedatefinalapprovalforpaymentisauthorized.If adiscount ispartofthecontract,buttheinvoicedoesnotreflecttheexistenceofacashdiscount,theCityisentitledtoacash discountwiththeperiod commencing onthedateitis determined bytheCitythatacashdiscountapplies. Price discounts offthe original prices quoted onthePriceSheetwillbe accepted from successful bidders/proposers duringtheterm of thecontract, 1.65.PROPERTY -Property ownedbytheCityof Miami isthe responsibility oftheCityof Miami.Such property furnished toa Contractor for repair,modification,study,etc.,shall remain the property oftheCityof Miami. DamagestosuchpropertyoccurringwhileinthepossessionoftheContractorshallbetheresponsibilityofthe Contractor.Damages occurring tosuchpropertywhileinroutetotheCityofMiamishallbethe responsibility ofthe Contractor.Intheeventthatsuch property is destroyed or declared a total loss,the Contractor shallbe responsible for replacement valueofthe property atthe current market value,less depreciation ofthe property,ifany. 1.66.PROVISIONS BINDING -Exceptas otherwise expressly providedintheresulting Contract,all covenants, conditions and provisions of the resulting Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties heretoandtheirrespectiveheirs,legal representatives,successorsandassigns. 1.67.PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES -Apersonoraffiliatewhohasbeenplacedon.theconvictedvendorlist following a conviction forapublicentitycrimemaynotsubmita response onacontracttoprovideanygoodsor services toa public entity,maynotsubmita response ona contract witha public entityforthe construction orrepair ofa public building or public work,maynot submit responses on leases ofreal property toa public entity,maynot be awarded or perform workasa contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant undera contract withanypublic entity,andmaynot transact business with any public entity in excess ofthe threshold amount provided in Section Page 21 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 287.017,for CATEGORY TWO fora period of36 months from thedate of being placed ontheconvicted vendor list. 1.68.PUBLICRECORDS -Contractor understands thatthepublic shall have access,atall reasonable times,toall documents and information pertaining toCitycontracts,subject tothe provisions of Chapter 119,Florida Statutes, and City of Miami Code,Section 18,Article III,and agrees to allow access bytheCity and the public toall documents subject to disclosure under applicable law.Contractor's failure or refusal to comply with the provision ofthis section shall result in the immediate cancellation ofthis Contract bythe City. 1.69.QUALITY OFGOODS,MATERIALS,SUPPLIES,PRODUCTS,ANDEQUIPMENT -All materials usedinthe manufacturing or construction of supplies,materials,or equipment covered bythis solicitation shallbe new.The items bid/proposed must beofthe latest make or model,ofthebest quality,andofthehighest grade of workmanship,unlessasotherwisespecifiedinthisSolicitation. 1.70.QUALITYOFWORK/SERVICES -The work/services performed must beofthehighest quality and workmanship.Materials furnished to complete the service shall benewandofthe highest quality exceptas otherwisespecifiedinthisSolicitation. 1.71.REMEDIES PRIOR TO AWARD (Sec.18-106)-IfpriortoContractawarditisdeterminedthataformal solicitation or proposed award isin violation of law,then thesolicitation or proposed award shall be cancelled by theCity Commission,theCityManager ortheChiefProcurement Officer,asmaybe applicable,or revised to comply withthe Jaw. 1.72.RESOLUTION OF CONTRACT DISPUTES (Sec.18-105) (a)Authority to resolve Contract disputes.TheCity Manager,after obtaining the approval ofthecity attorney,shall havethe authority to resolve controversies between the Contractual Partyandthecitywhichariseunder,or by virtue of,a Contract between them;provided that,in cases involving an amount greater than $25,000,theCity Commission must approve theCity Manager's decision.Such authority extends,without limitation,to controversies baseduponbreachof Contract,mistake,misrepresentation orlackof complete performance,andshallbe invoked by aContractualPartybysubmission ofaprotesttotheCity Manager. (b)Contract dispute decisions.Ifa dispute isnot resolved by mutual consent,theCity Manager shall promptly renderawrittenreportstatingthereasonsfortheactiontakenbytheCity Commission ortheCity Manager which shallbe final and conclusive.Acopyofthe decision shall be immediately provided tothe protesting party,along withanoticeofsuchparty'srighttoseekjudicialrelief,providedthattheprotestingpartyshallnotbe.entitledto suchjudicial relief withoutfirsthavingfollowedtheproceduresetforthinthissection. 1.73.RESOLUTION OF PROTESTED SOLICITATIONS AND AWARDS (Sec.18-104) (a)Righttoprotest.Thefollowingproceduresshallbeusedforresolutionofprotestedsolicitationsandawards exceptforpurchases of goods,supplies,equipment,andservices,theestimatedcostofwhichdoesnotexceed $25,000. ProteststhereonshallbegovernedbytheAdministrativePoliciesandProceduresofPurchasing. 1.Protest of Solicitation. i.Anyprospectiveproposerwhoperceivesitselfaggrievedin connection withthesolicitationofaContractmay protesttotheChiefProcurementOfficer.AwrittennoticeofintenttofileaprotestshallbefiledwiththeChief Procurement Officer within threedaysaftertheRequestforProposals,Requestfor Qualifications orRequestfor LettersofInterestispublishedinanewspaperofgeneralcirculation.Anoticeofintenttofileaprotestisconsidered Page22 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 filed whenreceivedbytheChief Procurement Officer;or ' ii.Any prospective bidder who intends to contest the Solicitation Specifications ora solicitation may protest tothe Chief Procurement Officer.A written notice of intent tofilea protest shall befiledwiththeChief Procurement Officer within three daysafterthe solicitation is published ina newspaper of general circulation.Anoticeofintent tofilea protest is considered filedwhen received bytheChief Procurement Officer. 2.Protest of Award. i.A written notice of intent to file a protest shall be filed withtheChiefProcurement Officer within two days after receipt bythe proposer of thenotice of theCity Manager's recommendation for award ofContract,whichwillbe posted ontheCity of Miami Purchasing Department website,inthe Supplier Corner,Current Solicitations and Notice of Recommendation of Award Section.The notice oftheCity Manager's recommendation canbe found by selecting the details ofthe solicitation andis listed as Recommendation ofAward Posting Date and Recommendation ofAwardTo fields.If "various"is indicated inthe Recommendation ofAwardTo field,the Bidder/Proposer must contact thebuyerforthat solicitation to obtain the suppliers name.Itshallbethe responsibility ofthe Bidder/Proposer tocheckthis section ofthe website daily after responses are submitted to receive the notice;or ii.Any actual Responsive and Responsible Bidder whose Bidis lower than thatof the recommended bidder may protest totheChief Procurement Officer.Awrittennotice of intenttofileaprotestshallbefiledwiththeChief Procurement Officerwithintwodaysafter receipt bythebidderof thenotice of thecity's determination of non responsiveness ornon responsibility.The receipt by bidder ofsuch notice shall be confirmed bythecityby facsimile or electronic mailorU.S.mail,return receipt requested.A notice ofintenttofilea protest is considered filed when receivedbythe Chief Procurement Officer. iii.A writtenprotestbasedonany ofthe foregoing mustbesubmittedtotheChief Procurement Officerwithinfive (5)days after the date the notice of protest was filed.A written protest is considered filed when received bythe Chief Procurement Officer. The written protest maynot challenge the relative weight ofthe evaluation criteria orthe formula for assigning pointsinmakinganawarddetermination. The written protest shall state with particularity the specific facts andlawuponwhichthe protest ofthe solicitation orthe award is based,and shall include all pertinent documents and evidence and shall be accompanied bythe required Filing Fee as provided in subsection (f).This shall form the basis for reviewofthe written protest andno facts,grounds,documentation orevidencenot contained inthe protester's submission totheChief Procurement Officer atthetime of filing the protest shall be permitted inthe consideration ofthe written protest. No time willbe added tothe above limits for service by mail.In computing any period oftime prescribed or allowed bythis section,thedayofthe act,eventor default from which the designated period oftime begins torun shall not be included.Thelastday of the period socomputed shall be included unlessitisa Saturday,Sundayorlegalholiday in which event the period shall run until the end ofthenextday which is neither a Saturday,Sunday or legal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays,Sundays andlegal holidays shall be excluded inthe computation ofthetime for filing. (b)Authority to resolve protests.TheChiefProcurement Officer shall have the authority,subject tothe approval of theCity Manager andthecity attorney,tosettleand resolve anywritten protest.TheChief Procurement Officer shall obtain the requisite approvals and communicate said decision tothe protesting party and shall submitsaid decision totheCity Commission within 30 days after he/she receives the protest.In cases involving more than $25,000,the decision oftheChiefProcurement Officer shall be submitted for approval or disapproval thereof tothe City Commission aftera favorable recommendation bythecity attorney andtheCity Manager. Page23 of 34 X Invitation ForBid 352301,1 £2fi!an£"?J fi,lu8 re^ire"ients-FaiIure of aPar«y to timely file either the notice of intent to file aprotest or SffZ T ^-8ether ^the r!qUired FiUng Fee "Provided in Action (0.with the Chief ProcurementOfficerwithinthetimeprovidedinsubsection(a),above,shall constitute aforfeiture of such party*right to file aC«t0*«sectK,a The protesting party shall not be entitled to seek judicial relief wloutfirsrhaving followed the procedure set forth inthissection S (d)Stay of Procurements during protests.Upon receipt of awritten protest filed pursuant to the requirements of thissection,the cUy shall not proceed further with the solicitation or with the award tfthe Contract 3 heTo esit rT^mI y^Cv'ef Frocurenient °fficer °r ^City Comm«sion as provided in subsection (b)above!K the2L^f-?3wntte«detenn«nation that the solicitation process or the Contract award must be continuedwithoutdelaymordertoavoidanimmediateandseriousdangertothepublichealth,safety or welfare (e)Costs.All costs accruing from a protest shall be assumed by the protestor. &2S?Fm PT"^pr°teSt mUSt be accomPanied ^afiling fee in the form of amoney order or cashier's2oooPrT!*^m^F?%CqUal t0 °ne perCent 0f the amount of ,he Bld or P">P^d Contra^,ortfe™?V •^eSS'Wl?Kh f,lmg fee Sha"V1™***the Payment of a»co«ts which may be adjudged againstSS?S^ry adm,n,Strat,ve °r «?*Proceedi"8-If aP~^t i«»Phe»d by the Chief Procuremen/officerand/or the City Commission,as applicable,the filing fee shall be refunded to the protestor less any costs assessed ST'TT&£?*If ^rt6St is denied'*e fi,in8 fee sha»be forfeited ">«*ci^S of ^ent ofcostsfortheadmimstrativeproceedingsasprescribedbysubsection(e)above.P-ymem oi i'l r£A^PIf f \SampJ?s of jt?ms'when required must be submitted within the time specified at no expense toS?^n ?**tStr0y-2 by.teStm8,Wdder(s)/proposer(s)will be notified to remove samples,at their expeSew«hm30 days after not.ficat.on.Failure to remove the samples will result in the samples becoming the propel of i;7„5;f?rELLI!!G'TRANSFERRING OR ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITIES -Contractor shall not sell,assigntransferorsubcontractaanytimeduringthetermoftheContract,or any part of its operations,or assign any poSon th™^?^^W*byu^S COntR1Ct'eXCept Under and *virtue of «**»P^ion S^ed b£*e Sthroughtheproperoffic.als,which may be withheld or conditioned,in the City's sole discretion. inf^S^w^^^^n-;^611 Specified'the bidder/proposer shall define all warranty,service andreplacementsthatwillbeprovided.B.dders/Proposer must explain on the Response to what extent warranty andZ£?^lable>AC°Py °f **manufa«—**aPAle,should bfs^S^our 1;IhI?^NCE,°FS^EC.mCATIONS -The apparent silence of these specifications and any supplemental ZSZSEEI 25£FV"^0m,Sfn fr°m *°f detail6d deSCripti0n COnceminS "V P"«*sha«be regardedasmeaningthatonlythebestcommercialpracticesaretoprevailandthatonlymaterialsoffirstqualityandcorrecttype,size and design are to be used.All workmanship and services is to be first quality. All interpretations ofthese specifications shall be made upon the basis ofthis statement. S^r^1138 lu"?^C,°n'raCt Wi**e S,ate 0f FIorida'DePartment of General Services,to supply the items onthissolicitation,the bidder/proposer shall quote not more than the contract price;failure to compl/whh thi ™"twillresultindisqualificationofbid/proposal.w.uiuiis request Sl^B?"SS10N AN°RECEIPT °FRESpONSES -Responses shall be submitted electronically via theOracleSystemorresponsesmaybesubmittedinhardcopyformattotheCityClerk,City Hall,3500 Pan AmericanDnve,Miami,Florida 33133-5504,at or before,the specified closing date and time as designated in th?IF^£fF? Page24 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 RFQ,or RFLI.NO EXCEPTIONS.Bidders/Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation closing;however,no •award will be made at that time. A.Hardcopy responses shallbe enclosed ina sealed envelope,box package.The face ofthe envelope,boxor packagemustshowthehouranddate specified forreceiptof responses,thesolicitationnumberandtitle,andthe name and return address ofthe Bidder/Proposer.Hardcopy responses not submitted onthe requisite Response Forms maybe rejected.Hardcopy responses received atanyother location thanthe specified shallbe deemed non-responsive. Directions to City Hall: FROMTHE NORTH:1-95 SOUTHUNTILIT TURNS INTO US1.US1 SOUTH TO27THAVE.,TURNLEFT, PROCEED SOUTH TOSO.BAYSHORE DR.(3RDTRAFFIC LIGHT),TURNLEFT,1 BLOCK TURNRIGHT ONPAN AMERICAN DR.CITY HALL ISATTHEENDOFPAN AMERICAN DR.PARKING ISON RIGHT. FROMTHESOUTH:US1NORTHTO27THAVENUE,TURNRIGHT,PROCEEDSOUTHTOSO. BAYSHOREDR.(3RDTRAFFICLIGHT),TURNLEFT,1BLOCKTURNRIGHTONPANAMERICANDR. CITY HALL IS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR.PARKING IS ON RIGHT. B.Facsimileresponseswillnotbeconsidered. C.Failuretofollowthese procedures iscausefor rejection of bid/proposal. D.The responsibility forobtainingand submitting a response onorbeforetheclosedateissolelyandstrictlythe responsibility of Bidder/Proposer.TheCityof Miami isnot responsible fordelayscausedbytheUnitedStatesmail delivery orcausedbyanyother occurrence.Responses received afterthe solicitation closingdateandtimewillbe returned unopened,andwillnotbe considered foraward. E.Late responses willberejected. F.All responses aresubjecttothe conditions specified herein.Thosewhichdonotcomplywiththeseconditions aresubjecttorejection. G.Modification of responses already submitted willbe considered onlyif received attheCitybeforethetimeand datesetforclosingof solicitation responses.All modifications mustbe submitted viatheOracleSystemorin writing.Once a solicitation closes (closed date and/or time expires),theCitywillnot consider any subsequent submissionwhichalterstheresponses. H.If hardcopy responses are submitted atthesametimefor different solicitations,each response mustbeplaced ina separate envelope,box,or package and each envelope,boxor package must contain the information previously stated in 1.82.A. 1.79.TAXES -TheCity of Miamiis exempt fromanytaxesimposedbytheState and/or Federal Government. Exemption certificates willbe provided upon request.Notwithstanding,Bidders/Proposers should beawareofthe factthatall materials and supplies whichare purchased bythe Bidder/Proposer forthe completion ofthe contract is subjecttotheFloridaStateSalesTaxinaccordancewithSection212.08,FloridaStatutes,asamendedandall amendments theretoandshallbepaidsolelybythe Bidder/Proposer. 1.80.TERMINATION -The City Manager onbehalfoftheCityofMiami reserves therightto terminate this contract by written notice tothe contractor effective the date specified inthe notice should anyofthe following apply: A.ThecontractorisdeterminedbytheCitytobeinbreachofanyofthetermsandconditionsofthecontract. Page 25 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 B.TheCityhas determined thatsuch termination willbeinthebestinterestoftheCityto terminate thecontractfor its own convenience; C.Funds arenot available tocoverthecostofthe goods and/or services.TheCity's obligation is contingent upon theavailability of appropriate funds. 1.81.TERMS OF PAYMENT -Payment willbemadebytheCityafterthe goods and/orservices awarded toa Bidder/Proposer have been received,inspected,andfound to comply withaward specifications,free of damage or defect,and properly invoiced.No advance payments ofanykindwillbemadebytheCityof Miami. Paymentshallbemadeafter delivery,within45daysof receipt ofan invoice and authorized inspection and acceptance ofthe goods/services and pursuant to Section 218.74,Florida Statutes andother applicable law. 1.82.TIMELY DELIVERY -Timewillbeofthe essence foranyordersplacedasaresultofthis solicitation.The City reserves therightto cancel suchorders,oranypartthereof,without obligation,if delivery isnot made within the time(s)specified on their Response.Deliveries aretobe made during regular City business hours unless otherwisespecifiedintheSpecial Conditions. 1.83.TITLE -Titletothegoodsor equipment shall notpasstotheCity until aftertheCityhas accepted the goods/equipmentorusedthegoods,whichevercomesfirst. 1.84.TRADE SECRETSEXECUTIONTO PUBLIC RECORDSDISCLOSURE-All Responses submitted to theCityare subject topublic disclosure pursuant to Chapter 119,Florida Statutes.An exception maybe made for "trade secrets." Ifthe Response contains information that constitutes a"tradesecret",all material that qualifies for exemption from Chapter 119 mustbe submitted ina separate envelope,clearly identified as "TRADE SECRETS EXCEPTION," withyour firm's nameandtheSolicitationnumberandtitlemarkedontheoutside. Please be aware that the designation ofan item asa trade secret by you may be challenged in court byanyperson. Byyour designation of material inyour Response asa"tradesecret"youagreeto indemnify andhold harmless the Cityforany award toa plaintiff for damages,costs or attorney's fees andfor costs andattorney's fees incurred by theCitybyreasonofanylegalaction challenging yourclaim. 1.85.UNAUTHORIZED WORK ORDELIVERYOFGOODS-Neither the qualified Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)nor anyof his/her employees shall perform any work or deliver any goods unless a change orderor purchase orderis issued and received bythe Contractor.The qualified Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)shall notbe paid forany work performed or goods delivered outside the scope ofthe contract orany work performed byan employee not otherwise previously authorized. 1.86.USE OFNAME -TheCityisnot engaged in research for advertising,sales promotion,orother publicity purposes.No advertising,salespromotionorotherpublicity materials containing information obtainedfromthis Solicitation aretobe mentioned,orimplythe name ofthe City,without prior express writtenpermission oftheCity Manager orthe City Commission. 1.87.VARIATIONS OF SPECIFICATIONS -For purposes of solicitation evaluation,bidders/proposers must indicate any variances fromthe solicitation specifications and/orconditions,nomatterhow slight.If variations are notstatedontheirResponse,itwillbeassumedthattheproductfullycomplieswiththeCity'sspecifications. Page26 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 2.Special Conditions 2.1.PURPOSE The purpose of this Solicitation isto establish a contract,for the purchase of swimmingpooland lifeguard equipmentandsupplies,asspecified herein,from a source(s)ofsupplythatwillgivepromptandefficientservice fullycompliantwiththeterms,conditionsand stipulations of the solicitation. 2.2.DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION Any questionsor clarifications concerning this solicitation shallbesubmittedbyemailor facsimile tothe Purchasing Department,Attn:Maritza Suarez,CPPB;fax:(305)400-5025 or email:msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us. The solicitation titleandnumbershallbe referenced onall correspondence.Allquestionsmustbereceivednolater than Monday,January 28,2013 at5:00PM.All responses to questions will besenttoall prospective bidders/proposersintheformonanaddendum.NOQUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VERBALLY OR AFTER SAID DEADLINE. 23.TERM OF CONTRACT The Contract shall commence uponthe date of notice of award and shall beeffective for two(2)years withthe optiontoextendforthree(3)additional one(1)year periods,subjecttothe availability of fundsfor succeeding fiscal years. Continuation of thecontractbeyondtheinitialperiodisaCity prerogative;notaright ofthe.bidder.This prerogative will be exercised onlywhen such continuation is clearly inthebest interest oftheCity. 2.4.CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL Eachrenewal of thiscontractissubjecttothe following: (1)Continuedsatisfactory performance compliance withthe specifications,termsandconditions established herein. (2)Availability of funds 2.5.NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS In the event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise unavailable in any fiscal period for payments due under this contract,then the City,upon written notice to Contractor orhis assignee of such occurrence,shall havethe unqualified right to terminate the contract withoutany penalty orexpensetotheCity.No guarantee,warranty or representation ismadethatany particular orany project(s)will be awarded toany firm(s). 2.6.METHOD OF AWARD Award of Groups IandII shall be based onthe percentage discount offered,whichwillbe evaluated against the Manufacturer's Catalog and/or Published Price Listona sample of equal items based onthe City's existing contract Page27 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 purchase history,in order to determine the lowest responsive,responsible bidders).The City reserves the right to award ona per Group basis,oron the total of all Groups,which ever isin the best interest of the City. 2.7.BIDDERS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bids will be considered only from firms that are regularly engaged inthe business of providing the goods as described in this Bid;that have a record of performance for a minimum of three (3)years;and that have sufficient financial support,equipment and organization to insure that they can satisfactorily provide the goods if awarded a Contract under the terms and conditions herein stated.Bidder shall: (1)Not have any member,officer,orstockholder that isin arrears or isin default of any debt orcontract involving the City,isa defaulter surety otherwise,upon any obligation to the City,and/or has failed to perform faithfully on anypreviouscontractwith die City. (2)Have no record of pending lawsuits orcriminal activities,and have never been declared bankrupt. (3)Provide two (2)letters of references where you have provided swimming pool and lifeguard equipment and supplies (Large commercial business and/or Government Agencies)from which'the bidder has anestablished business relationship regarding swimming pool and lifeguard equipment and suppliesfor at least one year.This letter 'shall beonthe Agencies'signed letter head witha contact person's name and phone number. (4)Bea Manufacturer OR Manufacturer Authorized Distributor/Reseller of the swimming pool and lifeguard equipmentandsuppliesasspecifiedinthisInvitationforBid. (a)Prospective Bidder must provide,attimeofbid submittal,manufacturer certification (i.e.letter,certificate,or otherverifiablesource)demonstratingthatbidderisamanufacturerORmanufacturerauthorized distributor/reseller. Failure to provide this information attimeofbid submittal,may deem bidder non-responsive. 2.8.FAILURE TO PERFORM Shoulditnotbe possible to reach the contractor or supervisor and/or should remedial action notbetakenwithin48 hours ofany failure to perform according to specifications,theCity reserves the right to declare Contractor in default of the contract ormake appropriate reductions inthe contract payment. 2.9.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INDEMNIFICATION Bidder shall pay on behalf of,indemnify and save City and its officials harmless,from and against any and all claims,liabilities,losses,and causes of action,which mayarise outof bidder's performance under the provisions of the contract,including all acts or omissions to act on the part of bidder,including any person performing under this Contractfororonbidder'sbehalf,providedthatanysuchclaims,liabilities,lossesandcauses of suchactionarenot attributable tothe negligence or misconduct of theCity and,from and against any orders,judgments or decrees whichmaybe entered and whichmay result from this Contract,unless attributable tothe negligence or misconduct oftheCity,and from and against all costs,attorneys'fees,expenses and liabilities incurred inthe defense ofany suchclaim,ortheinvestigationthereof. Commercial General Liability Page28 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 A.Limits of Liability BodilyInjuryandPropertyDamageLiability Each Occurrence $1,000,000 GeneralAggregateLimit $2,000,000 Products/CompletedOperations$1,000,000 PersonalandAdvertisingInjury S1,000,000 B.EndorsementsRequired City of Miami included asan additional insured Premises &OperationsLiability ContingentandContractualLiability II.Business Automobile Liability A.Limits of Liability BodilyInjuryandPropertyDamageLiability CombinedSingleLimit AnyAuto,OwnedAutos,ScheduledAutos Including Hired,Borrowed or Non-Owned Autos AnyOne Accident $300,000 B.EndorsementsRequired City of MiamiincludedasanAdditionalInsured in.Worker's Compensation Limits of Liability Statutory-State of Florida Employer'sLiability A.Limits of Liability $100,000forbodilyinjurycausedbyanaccident,eachaccident. $100,000 forbodily injury causedbydisease,each employee $500,000forbodilyinjurycausedbydisease,policylimit Theabove policies shallprovidetheCityofMiamiwithwrittennoticeof cancellation ormaterialchangesin accordance to policy provisions. Companies authorized todobusinessintheStateof FIorida,with the following qualifications,shallissueall insurancepoliciesrequiredabove: The company must be rated no less than "A-"asto management,and no less than "Class V"asto Financial Strength, 'bythe latest edition ofBest's Insurance Guide,published by A.M.Best Company,Oldwick,New Jersey,orits equivalent.All policies and /or certificates of insurance are subject to review and verification by Risk Management priortoinsuranceap Page 29 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 2.10.METHOD OF PAYMENT Full payment willbe made upon receipt and acceptance ofa complete unit(s).No down or partial down payments will be made. 2.11.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF PRODUCTS/SUPPLIERS Although this Solicitation identifies specificitems/products tobe provided,itis hereby agreed and understood that anyrelated item/products maybe added/deleted to/from this contract attheoptionoftheCity.Whenan addition to the contract is required,the Successful Bidder(s)under this contract,andother suppKers,as deemed necessary,shall be invited to submit price quotes for these new items/products.If these quotes are comparable with marketplaces offeredforsimilaritems/products,thesuppliers),if applicable,and item(s)shallbe added tothe contract.An amendment andupdated Blanket Purchase Agreement shall be issued bythe City.Thenewly added items/products shall be ordered via a Blanket Release /Purchase Order. 2.13.DISCOUNTS(FROM MANUFACTURER'S CATALOG AND/OR PUBLISHEDPRICE LISTS) Bidsshall be submitted onthe basis ofa percentage discount from oneor more manufacturer's product catalog(s) and/or published price list(s).Bidder shall indicate inthe Header Section (if bidding electronically)orinthe Certifications Section (if bidding in hardcopy format)oftheirbid response,their single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the catalog list prices and/or listprices,as listed onthissame section ofthebid response. Suchcatalog and/or published pricelist(s)mustbe common to,and accepted by,theindustryingeneral. Biddersmustbidasinglefixed percentage discount,ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%isnot.Thesingle fixed percentagediscountquotedbythebiddermustapplytoallitemsintheManufacturer'sProductCatalogand/orPrice List,unlessbidderclearlystatesanyexceptionsintheirbid response. 2.14.PRODUCT/CATALOG INFORMATION AllBiddersmustsubmitproductinformationontheitemstheyproposetofurnishonthisBid.Thebiddershall provideahardcopyoracopyinelectronicformat(viaa CD-ROM orasanattachmenttotheHeaderSection ofthis IFB),oftheircurrent manufacturer's productcatalogand/orprice list.AnyBidreceivednotcontainingthis informationmayberejectedforthatreasonandmaybedeemed non-responsive. Uponcontractaward,theSuccessfulBidder(s)shallberequiredtosubmit,anelectroniccopy of theircomplete productpricelistthattheyintendtoprovidetotheCityunderthis contract.Thisproductlistwillserveasthe Contractor'sproductcatalogfortheinitialterm of theawardedcontract.Thesubmittedcatalog/productpricelist shouldincludethefollowingfields:productcategory,itemdescription,itemmanufacturer,anditemmanufacturer number,Bidder'sitemstockkeepingunit(SKU),unitof measure,Universal ProductCode(UPC),currentlistprice, thediscountpercentagethebidderisoffering,andthenetbidprice("CityofMiamiContractPrice").Thenetbid pricewillbedeterminedbythefollowingformula:reference(listpriceXdiscountpercentage(expressedasa decimalamount,i.e.,54%discount=0.54))equalsthenetCity of MiamiContractPrice. TheCityinitssolediscretionwilldeterminewhichitemswithinacatalogareacceptableandappropriateforthe contractresultingfromthisbid.Anyproductadditionsordeletionsfromtheseitemsduringtheterm of thecontract shallbedoneinaccordancewiththecontract'sSpecialConditions. Page30 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 If catalognumbersshowninthisBidare incorrect orobsolete,itisthe responsibility of thevendortoupdateor advisetheCity of thisproblem.TheCitywillissueanaddendumtocorrectandupdatecatalognumbers,when applicable.The catalog numberyoushowonyour Product List(s)istheonetheCitywillexpecttoreceiveonail ordersplaced under thiscontract. Upon request,thebiddershallprovide additional sets of manufacturer's productcatalogsandpricelistsatnocostto theCity. Failureto meet theaboverequirements,shallbegroundsfordefault ofcontract. 2.15.MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS TheBidderhereby acknowledges and agrees thatall materials/products,exceptwhererecycledcontentis specificallyrequested,suppliedbytheBidderin conjunction withthisBidshallbenew,warranted fortheir merchantability,andfit for a particular purpose.Intheeventanyofthe materials/products supplied totheCityby theBidderare found tobedefectiveordonot conform to specifications,theCity reserves therightto cancel the order andreturn such materials/products totheBidderto replace the materials/products attheBidder's expense. 2.16.EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT The'Purchasing Department may,initssole discretion,makean equitable adjustment inthe contract terms and/or pricing if pricing or availability of supply is affected by extreme or unforeseen volatilityinthe marketplace,thatis, by circumstances thatsatisfyallthe following criteria:(1)the volatility isdueto circumstances beyondthe successful bidder(s)control,(2)the volatility affects the marketplace or industry,notjustthe particular contract source of supply,(3)theeffecton pricing or availability of supplyis substantial,and(4)the volatility soaffectsthe successfulbidder(s)thatcontinuedperformance of thecontractwouldresultinasubstantialloss.Successful bidder(s)mighthavetosupplydocumentation tojustifyany requested percentage increase incosttotheCity of Miami. 2.17.WARRANTY,FITNESS FOR PURPOSE The vendor warrants items supplied under this contract conform to specifications herein,and are fit for the purpose for whichsuch goods are ordinarily employed;except if stated ina Special Condition,the material mustthenfitthat particular purpose.The vendor and the City agrees that orders under this contract does not exclude,orinanyway limit,otherwarranties,providedinthis agreement orbylaw. 2.18.QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE The apparent silences ofthese specifications astoany details orthe apparent omissionfromit of a detailed description concerning any point,shall be regarded as meaning that onlymaterials and workmanship of first quality are tobe used.All interpretations ofthese specifications shall bemadeuponthebasis of this statement. Specifications,brands and manufacturers'names,where given,are to establish product typeand quality required. Any equal theretowillbe considered,subjecttothe approval of theCity of Miami.Biddersshallindicate ontheBid Sheets,the manufacturer,brand and model or style number they intend to supply to the City,for each item bid.All materials shall benew,of current manufacture,and shall carry standard warranties.No substitutions shall be Page31 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 allowed after thebidis awarded unless so authorized by the City. The City reserves the right toperform its own testing procedures ortosend any and allsamples to any certifiable laboratory for analysis.Any and all costs for testing shall be borne bybidder.On the basis of this testing and analysis,the City shall besole judge ofthe acceptability ofthe sample in conjunction with the bid specifications and it's decision shall be final.Any sample submitted shall create an express warranty that the whole ofthe goods and/or services tobe provided by the bidder during the contract period shall conform to the sample submitted.The bidder shall berequired to provide adequate restitution to the City,in the manner prescribed bythe City,if this warrantyisviolatedduringthetermofthe contract 2.19.BACK ORDERS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED The City shall not accept any back orders ofdeliveries from the bidder.Accordingly,the bidder is required to deliver all items tothe City within thespecified in this solicitation;andno grace period shall be honored.Inthe event thatthe bidder fails to deliver goods within the time specified,theCity reserves theright to cancel the order, seekthe items from another vendor,andto charge the bidder forany re-procurement costs. 2.20.SPECIFICATION EXCEPTIONS Specifications are based onthe most current literature available.Bidder shall notify the City of Miami Purchasing Department,in writing,noless than ten(10)days prior to solicitation closing dateofany change inthe manufacturers'specifications which conflict withthespecifications.Forhard copy bid submittals,bidders must explain any deviation from the specifications in writing asa footnote on the applicable specification page and enclose acopyofthe manufacturer's specifications data detailing the changed item(s)with his/her submission.For electronic bidsubmittals,bidders must explain inthe Header Section orbyan Attachment and,if applicable,enclose a scanned copyofthe manufacturer's specifications data detailing the changed item(s)with his/her submission. Additionally,bidders mustindicate any options requiring the addition ofotheroptions,aswellas those which are included asapartof another option.Failure of bidders to comply with these provisions will result in bidders being heldresponsible forall costs required to bring the item(s)in compliance with contract specifications. 2.21.TERMINATION A.FOR DEFAULT If.Contractor defaults inits performance underthis Contract anddoesnotcurethe default within30daysafter written notice of default,theCity Manager may terminate this Contract,in whole orinpart,uponwritten notice withoutpenaltytotheCityof Miami.Insucheventthe Contractor shallbeliablefor damages including theexcess costofprocuringsimilarsuppliesor services:provided thatif,(1)itis determined foranyreasonthatthe Contractor wasnotindefaultor(2)theContractor'sfailuretoperformiswithouthisorhissubcontractor'scontrol,faultor negligence,the termination willbe deemed tobea termination forthe convenience oftheCityof Miami. B.FOR CONVENIENCE TheCityManagermayterminatethisContract,inwholeorinpart,upon30dayspriorwrittennoticewhenitisin thebest interests oftheCityofMiami.IfthisContractisforsupplies,products,equipment,orsoftware,andso Page32 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 terminatedforthe convenience bytheCity of MiamitheContractorwillbe compensated in accordance withan agreedupon adjustment of cost.TotheextentthatthisContractisforservicesandsoterminated,theCity of Miami shallbeliableonlyforpaymentinaccordancewiththepaymentprovisionsoftheContractforthoseservices renderedpriorto termination. 2.22.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Noadditionaltermsandconditionsincludedaspartofyoursolicitationresponseshallbeevaluatedorconsidered, andanyandallsuchadditionaltermsandconditionsshallhavenoforceoreffectandareinapplicabletothis solicitation.Ifsubmittedeither purposely,through intentor design,or inadvertently,appearing separatelyin transmittalletters,specifications,literature,pricelistsorwarranties,itisunderstoodandagreedthattheGeneral ConditionsandSpecialConditionsinthissolicitationaretheonlyconditionsapplicabletothissolicitationandthat thebidder's/proposer'sauthorizedsignatureaffixedtothe bidder's/proposer's acknowledgment formatteststothis.If aProfessionalServicesAgreement(PSA)orotherAgreementisprovidedbytheCityandisexpresslyincludedas partofthis solicitation,noadditionaltermsor conditions which materially or substantially vary,modifyoralterthe termsorconditions of thePSAorAgreement,inthesoleopinionandreasonablediscretionoftheCitywillbe considered.Anyandallsuch additional termsand conditions shallhavenoforceoreffectandare inapplicable to this PSA or Agreement. 2.23.PRIMARY CLIENT (FIRST PRIORITY) The successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)agreeuponawardofthis contract thattheCityof Miami shallbeitsprimary clientandshallbeservicedfirstduringascheduleconflictarisingbetweenthiscontractandanyothercontract successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)mayhavewithanyothercities and/or countiestoperformsimilarservicesasa result ofany catastrophic events such as tornadoes,hurricanes,severe storms orany other public emergency impactingvariousareasduringorapproximatelythesametime. Page33 of 34 CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this tSSday of MAY m,2014,byand between the City ofSouthMiami,aFloridamunicipal Corporation (hereinafterreferredtoas "City")andRecreonics,Inc., (hereinafter referred toas "Contractor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,theCity ofMiamisolicitedbids,pursuanttoIFB[InvitationtoBid]#352301 (18),for Swimming PoolandLifeguardEquipment;and WHEREAS,theCity ofMiami,aftercompletingacompetitivebidding process,awardedacontractto Recreonics,Inc.;and WHEREAS,theCity of SouthMiami desires toutilizetheCity ofMiami contract pursuant toIFB #352301(18),and pursuant to authority oftheCity ofSouthMiami's Charter. NOW,THEREFORE,theCityandthe Contractor,each through theirauthorized representative/official, agreeasfollows: 1.TheCity desires toenterintoa Contract,fortheitems awarded toitunderthe general category of SwimmingPoolandLifeguardEquipment,underthesametermsandconditionsassetforthin IFB #352301 (18)andthe agreement between City ofMiami andRecreonics,Inc.,pursuant IFB #352301 (18). 2.The City has reviewed the contract and agrees tothe terms and conditions and further agrees tothe fair and reasonableness ofthe pricing.Contractor hereby agrees to provide such services under the same price(s),terms andconditions as IFB #352301 (18)and the agreement between City ofMiami and Recreonics, Inc.,pursuant IFB #352301 (18),acopy ofwhich,including any amendments thereto,is attached hereto and madeapart hereofby reference. 3.All references inthe contract betweenCity ofMiamiand Recreonics,Inc.,shallbeassumed to pertain to,andarebindingupon Contractor andtheCity of South Miami.All decisions thataretobemade onbehalfoftheCity,asset forth intheCity ofMiami IFB and its agreement with Recreonics,Inc.,shall be made by the City Manager for the City of South Miami.The term of the contract,including all extensions authorized bythe contract shall notexceed five years.Notwithstanding anything contained inthe IFB orthe City ofMiami contract tothe contrary,this agreement shall be governed bythe laws ofthe State ofFlorida and venue for all dispute resolutions or litigation shall bein Miami-Dade County,Florida. INWITNESS WHEREOF,and asthe duly authorized act ofthe parties,the undersigned representatives ofthe parties hereto have caused this instrument tobesigned intheir respective names by their proper officials and tobe attested bytheirrespective Clerks theday and year first above written. By}Th&i-Q. MariaM.Menendez, CityClerk »-AllJf/iJ Mn,(Li J/. MIKE GARLAND -VICE PRESIDENT (typenameandtitle of signatoryabove) Steven Alexander CityManager