Res No 090-14-14184RESOLUTION NO.:90-14-14184 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with eLifeguard, Inc.for Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment. WHEREAS,theCityofSouth Miami desirestoenterintoacontractforcertaingoodsandequipment categorizedas Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipmentwith eLifeguard,Inc.;and, WHEREAS,theCity wishes to utilize theCityof Miami contraa for Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipmentbetween eLifeguard,Inc.andtheCityof Miami under the same terms andconditionsas set forthin Invitation for Bid IFB#35230I (18);and, WHEREAS,theCityhasreviewedthe Invitation for Bid IFB#35230I (18)andagreestothetermsand conditionscontainedtherein,andfurtheragreestothefairandreasonablenessofthe pricing setforthin eLifeguard,Inc's response to the solicitation;and, WHEREAS,eLifeguard,Inc.has agreed to provide such goodsand services underthesame price(s), termsandconditionsasstipulatedinitsresponseto IFB#352301 (18). WHEREAS,representativesfromtheCityand eLifeguard,Inc.haveagreedon all thetermsand conditions that are mentioned above. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section I.TheCity Manager isauthorizedtoenterintoacontractwith eLifeguard,Inc.fortheitems for which itwas awarded a contraa forthe general category of Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment underthe sametermsand conditions setforthin solicitation for bid IFB#35230I(I8)between eLifeguard,Inc.andtheCityof Miami,foranamountnottoexceed $5,000 per purchase unless the Commission approves the purchase fora greater sum.All funds shall bedisbursedfrom account Supplies No.0012030-5725210 witha current balanceof $3,000.00. Section 2.Severability.Ifany seaion clause,sentence,orphraseofthis resolution isforanyreason held invalid or unconstitutional byacourtofcompetentjurisdiaion,the holding shall notaffeathe validity ofthe remaining portions ofthis resolution. Section 3.Effective Date.Thisresolution shall becomeeffeaive immediately uponadoptionbyvote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5 th day ofMay ATTEST: X2j 2014. APPROVED: i MAY(#R COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: Vice Mayor Harris: Commissioner Edmond: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Welsh: 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea To: Via: From: Date: Subject: Background: Vendors & Bid Amount Expense: Fund& Account: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor&Membersof the CityCommission StevenAlexander,CityManager 2001 Quentin Pough,Acting Director Parksand Recreation Department May 5,2014 aAgendaItemNo..^ AResolutionauthorizingtheCityManager to enter intoa contract with eLifeguard,Inc.for Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipment. Aftercompletingacompetitive bidding process,theCityof Miami awardeda contract to eLifeguard,Inc.pursuant to bid IFB#352301(18)for Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipmentand Supplies.The contract periodisfrom April 22, 2013 throughApril 21,2015,two(2)yearswiththeoptiontorenewfor three (3)additional one-year periods. TheCityofSouth Miami hasreviewedandwishes to piggyback fromthe contract between the Cityof Miami and the Contractor under the same terms andconditions set forthinsolicitationforbid IFB#35230I (18). Please find belowabreakdownof all submittedproposals Vendors Bid Amount eLifeguard,Inc.n/a $0.00 Attachments: Expenditures shallbecharged to CommunityPoolSupplies account number 001-2030-572-5210,which hasa balance of$3,000.00beforethisrequestwas made. Resolutionforapproval Cityof Miami Contract AwardSheet IFB No.352301(18) Contract AwardSheet(CityofSouth Miami &Contractor sample) City of Miami Master Report Resolution R-13-0160 City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami,FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File ID #:13-00396 Version:1 Controlling CityCommission Body: Enactment Date:4/25/13 Status:Mayor's Office for Signature Title: Reference: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID RECEIVED FEBRUARY 22,2013,PURSUANTTOINVITATIONFORBIDNO.352301,FROMRECREONICS,INC.,FORGROUP1 ANDBYELIFEGUARD,INC.,FORGROUPSIANDII,FORTHEPROVISIONOFSWIMMINGPOOL AND LIFEGUARD EQUIPMENT ANDSUPPLIES,FORTHE DEPARTMENT OFPARKSAND RECREATION,ONANAS-NEEDED,CONTRACTUALBASIS,FORANINITIALCONTRACTPERIOD OFTWO(2)YEARS,WITHTHE OPTION TO RENEW FOR THREE (3)ADDITIONAL ONE(1)YEAR PERIODS;ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE VARIOUS SOURCES OF FUNDS OF THE USER DEPARTMENT,SUBJECT TO THE AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED. Introduced:3/22/13 Name:Accepting Bid-Recreonics,Inc Requester:Department of Parks and Recreation Notes: Cost:Final Action:4/25/13 Sections: Indexes: Attachments:13-00396 SummaryForm.pdf,13-00396 Award Recommendation Form.pdf,13-00396 Tabulationof Bids.pdf,13-00396 Emails -Additional Information tf352301.pdf,13-00396 Invitation forBid.pdf,13-00396 Legislation.pdf Action History Ver.Acting Body Date Action Sent To Due Date Returned Result Office of theCity 4/11/13Reviewed and Attorney Approved City Commission 4/25/13 ADOPTED ThisMatterwasADOPTEDontheConsentAgenda. Aye:5-Wifredo(Willy)Gort,MarcDavidSarnoff,FrankCarollo,FrancisSuarezandMichelle Spence-Jones City ofMiami Page 1 Printed on 4/30/2013 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 3.Specifications 3.1.SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK Itis the intention of theCityof Miami to establish a contract forthe purchase,onanas needed basis,of Swimming PoolandLifeguardEquipmentandSupplies. A.Group I -Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies MANUFACTURERS CATALOGS CURRENTLY USED BY CITY DEPARTMENTS: •Recreonics •Lincoln Aquatics B.Group II-Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies MANUFACTURERS CATALOGS CURRENTLY USED BY CITY DEPARTMENTS: •WaterSafetyProducts •TheLifeguardStore •Elifeguard.com Page34 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 terminated forthe convenience bytheCityof Miami the Contractor willbe compensated in accordance withan agreed upon adjustment of cost.Tothe extent thatthis Contract isfor services andso terminated,theCityof Miami shallbeliableonlyforpaymentin accordance withthe payment provisions oftheContractforthose services renderedpriortotermination. 2.22.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS No additional terms and conditions included as part of your solicitation response shall be evaluated or considered, andanyandallsuchadditional terms and conditions shall have no force oreffectandare inapplicable tothis solicitation.If submitted either purposely,through intent or design,or inadvertently,appearing separately in transmittal letters,specifications,literature,pricelistsor warranties,itis understood and agreed thatthe General Conditions and Special Conditions inthis solicitation aretheonlyconditions applicable tothis solicitation andthat the bidder's/proposer's authorized signature affixed tothebidder's/proposer's acknowledgment form attests to this.If a Professional Services Agreement (PSA)or other Agreement is provided bythe City and is expressly included as part of this solicitation,no additional terms or conditions which materially or substantially vary,modify or alter the terms or conditions ofthePSAor Agreement,inthesoleopinion and reasonable discretion oftheCitywillbe considered.Any and all such additional terms and conditions shall have no force or effect and are inapplicable to this PSA or Agreement.* 2.23.PRIMARY CLIENT (FIRST PRIORITY) The successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)agree upon award of this contract thattheCityof Miami shall beits primary clientandshallbe serviced first during a schedule conflict arising between this contract andanyothercontract successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)mayhavewithanyothercities and/or counties to perform similar services asa result ofanycatastrophic events such as tornadoes,hurricanes,severe storms or any other public emergency impactingvariousareasduringorapproximatelythesametime. Page33 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 allowedafterthebidisawardedunlesssoauthorizedbytheCity. TheCityreservestherighttoperformitsowntestingproceduresortosendanyandallsamplestoany certifiable laboratoryforanalysis.Anyandallcostsfortestingshallbebornebybidder.Onthebasis of thistestingand analysis,theCityshallbesolejudge oftheacceptability of thesampleinconjunctionwiththebidspecificationsand it's decisionshallbe final.Anysamplesubmittedshallcreateanexpresswarrantythatthewhole of thegoods and/orservicestobeprovidedbythebidderduringthecontractperiodshallconformtothesamplesubmitted.The biddershallberequiredtoprovideadequaterestitutiontotheCity,inthemannerprescribedbytheCity,if this warranty is violated during theterm of the contract. 2.19.BACK ORDERS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED TheCityshallnotacceptanybackordersofdeliveriesfromthebidder.Accordingly,thebidderisrequiredto deliver all itemstotheCitywithinthespecifiedinthissolicitation;andnograceperiodshallbehonored.Inthe eventthatthebidderfailstodelivergoodswithinthetimespecified,theCityreservestherighttocanceltheorder, seektheitemsfromanothervendor,andtochargethebidderforanyre-procurementcosts. 2.20,SPECIFICATION EXCEPTIONS Specifications arebasedonthemostcurrent literature available.Biddershall notify theCityofMiami Purchasing Department,inwriting,nolessthanten (10)dayspriorto solicitation closingdateofanychangeinthe manufacturers'specificationswhichconflictwiththe specifications.Forhardcopybidsubmittals,biddersmust explain any deviation fromthe specifications in writing asa footnote onthe applicable specification pageand encloseacopyofthemanufacturer'sspecificationsdatadetailingthechangeditem(s)with his/her submission.For electronic bid submittals,bidders must explain inthe Header Section orbyan Attachment and,if applicable,enclose ascannedcopyofthe manufacturer's specifications datadetailingthechangeditem(s)withhis/her submission. Additionally,biddersmustindicateanyoptions requiring theadditionofotheroptions,aswellasthosewhichare included asapartof another option.Failure of bidders to comply with these provisions will resultin bidders being held responsible forallcosts required tobringthe item(s)in compliance with contract specifications. 2.21.TERMINATION A.FOR DEFAULT If Contractor defaults inits performance underthis Contract anddoesnotcurethe default within30daysafter written notice of default,the City Manager may terminate this Contract,in whole orin part,upon written notice without penalty totheCityof Miami.In such event the Contractor shallbe liable for damages including the excess costof procuring similarsupplies or services:provided thatif,(1)itis determined forany reason thatthe Contractor wasnotin default or(2)the Contractor's failure to perform is without hisorhis subcontractor's control,faultor negligence,the termination willbe deemed tobea termination forthe convenience oftheCityof Miami. B.FOR CONVENIENCE TheCity Manager may terminate this Contract,in whole orinpart,upon30daysprior written notice whenitisin the best interests oftheCityof Miami.Ifthis Contract isfor supplies,products,equipment,or software,andso Page32 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 If catalog numbers shown in this Bid are incorrect or obsolete,itis the responsibility of the vendor toupdate or advise the City of this problem.The City will issue an addendum to correct and update catalog numbers,when applicable.The catalog number you show on your Product List(s)is the one the City will expect to receive on all ordersplaced under this contract. Upon request,the bidder shall provide additional sets of manufacturer's product catalogs and price lists atnocost to theCity. Failure tomeetthe above requirements,shall be grounds for default of contract 2.15.MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS The Bidder hereby acknowledges and agrees that all materials/products,except where recycled content is specifically requested,supplied bythe Bidder in conjunction withthisBid shall benew,warranted for their merchantability,and fit for a particular purpose.In the event any of the materials/products supplied to the City by the Bidder are found tobe defective ordonotconform to specifications,the Cityreserves theright to cancel the order and return such materials/products to the Bidder to replace the materials/products at the Bidder's expense. 2.16.EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT The Purchasing Department may,initssole discretion,make an equitable adjustment inthe contract terms and/or pricing if pricing oravailability of supply is affected by extreme orunforeseen volatility inthemarketplace,that is, by circumstances that satisfy all the following criteria:(1)the volatility is due to circumstances beyond the successful bidder(s)control,(2)the volatility affects the marketplace or industry,notjustthe particular contract source of supply,(3)theeffecton pricing oravailability of supply is substantial,and (4)the volatility so affects the successfulbidder(s)thatcontinued performance of the contract wouldresultina substantial loss.Successful bidder(s)might have to supply documentation to justify any requested percentage increase in cost totheCity ofMiami. 2.17.WARRANTY,FITNESS FOR PURPOSE The vendor warrants items supplied under this contract conform to specifications herein,and are fit for the purpose forwhichsuchgoodsare ordinarily employed;exceptif stated ina Special Condition,the material mustthen fit that particular purpose.The vendor andtheCity agrees that orders under this contract doesnot exclude,orinanyway limit,otherwarranties,providedinthis agreement orbylaw. 2.18.QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE The apparent silences of thesespecificationsastoanydetailsorthe apparent omissionfromit of adetailed description concerning any point,shall be regarded as meaning thatonly materials andworkmanship of first quality aretobeused.All interpretations of thesespecificationsshallbemadeuponthebasis of thisstatement. Specifications,brands and manufacturers'names,where given,are to establish product typeand quality required. Any equaltheretowillbeconsidered,subjecttothe approval of theCity ofMiami.BiddersshallindicateontheBid Sheets,the manufacturer,brandandmodelorstylenumbertheyintendtosupplytotheCity,foreachitembid.All materialsshallbenew,of currentmanufacture,andshallcarrystandardwarranties.Nosubstitutionsshallbe Page31 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 2.10.METHOD OF PAYMENT Full payment will bemadeupon receipt and acceptance of a complete unit(s).Nodownor partial down payments will be made. 2.11.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF PRODUCTS/SUPPLIERS Althoughthis Solicitation identifiesspecific items/products tobe provided,itishereby agreed and understood that any related item/products maybe added/deleted to/from this contract atthe option oftheCity.Whenan addition to the contract is required,the Successful Bidder(s)under this contract,and other suppliers,as deemed necessary,shall be invited to submit price quotes for these newitems/products.If these quotes are comparable withmarket prices offeredfor similar items/products,thesuppliers),if applicable,and item(s)shall be added tothe contract.An amendment and updated Blanket Purchase Agreement shall be issued bythe City.Thenewlyadded items/products shall be ordered via a Blanket Release /Purchase Order. 2.13.DISCOUNTS(FROM MANUFACTURERSCATALOGAND/OR PUBLISHED PRICELISTS) Bids shall be submitted onthe basis ofa percentage discount from one or more manufacturer's product catalog(s) and/or published price list(s).Bidder shall indicate inthe Header Section (if bidding electronically)orinthe Certifications Section (if bidding in hardcopy format)of their bid response,their single fixed percentage discount to be deducted from the catalog list prices and/or list prices,as listed on this same section ofthebid response. Such catalog and/or published price iist(s)mustbe common to,and accepted by,the industry in general. Bidders must bid a single fixed percentage discount,ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%is not.The single fixed percentage discount quoted bythe bidder mustapply to all items in the Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price List,unless bidder clearly states any exceptions in their bid response. 2.14.PRODUCT/CATALOG INFORMATION Ail Bidders must submit product information onthe items they propose to furnish onthisBid.The bidder shall provide a hardcopy oracopyin electronic format (viaa CD-ROM orasan attachment tothe Header Section of this IFB),of their current manufacturer's product catalog and/or price list.Any Bid received not containing this information maybe rejected for that reason and maybe deemed non-responsive. Upon contract award,the Successful Bidder(s)shall be required to submit,an electronic copy of their complete product price list that they intend to provide to the Cityunder this contract.This product list will serve as the Contractor's product catalog for the initial term of the awarded contract.The submitted catalog/product price list should include the following fields:product category,item description,item manufacturer,and item manufacturer number,Bidder's item stock keeping unit (SKU),unit of measure,Universal Product Code (UPC),current list price, the discount percentage the bidder is offering,and the net bid price ("City ofMiami Contract Price").The net bid price will bedetermined by the following formula:reference (list price X discount percentage (expressed as a decimal amount,i.e.,54%discount =0.54))equals thenetCity ofMiami Contract Price. The City in its sole discretion will determine which items within a catalog are acceptable and appropriate for the contract resulting from this bid.Any product additions ordeletions from these items during the term of the contract shall bedonein accordance withthe contract's Special Conditions. Page30 of 34 InvitationForBid352301,1 A.Limits of Liability BodilyInjuryand Property Damage Liability EachOccurrence $1,000,000 General Aggregate Limit $2,000,000 Products/CompletedOperations$1,000,000 PersonalandAdvertisingInjury$1,000,000 B.EndorsementsRequired City ofMiami included asan additional insured Premises &Operations Liability ContingentandContractualLiability II.Business Automobile Liability A.Limits of Liability BodilyInjuryandPropertyDamageLiability CombinedSingleLimit Any Auto,Owned Autos,Scheduled Autos Including Hired,Borrowed or Non-Owned Autos AnyOneAccident $300,000 B.EndorsementsRequired City of Miami included asan Additional Insured III.Worker's Compensation Limits of Liability Statutory-State of Florida Employer's Liability A.Limits of Liability $100,000 forbodilyinjurycausedbyanaccident,eachaccident. $100,000 forbodilyinjurycausedbydisease,each employee $500,000forbodilyinjurycausedbydisease,policylimit Theabove policies shall providetheCity ofMiami with written noticeof cancellation or material changes in accordance to policy provisions. CompaniesauthorizedtodobusinessintheStateofFlorida,withthefollowingqualifications,shallissueall insurance policies requiredabove: The company mustberatednolessthan "A-"asto management,andnolessthan"ClassV"asto Financial Strength, "bythelatesteditionofBest's Insurance Guide,published by A.M.Best Company,Oldwick,NewJersey,orits equivalent.All policies and/or certificates of insurance are subject to review and verification byRisk Management priortoinsuranceap Page29 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 purchase history,inordertodeterminethelowest responsive,responsible bidder(s).TheCityreservestherightto awardonaperGroupbasis,oronthetotal of allGroups,whicheverisinthebestinterest of theCity. 2.7.BIDDERS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bidswillbeconsideredonlyfromfirmsthatare regularly engagedinthebusiness of providingthegoodsas described inthisBid;thathavea record of performance foraminimum of three(3)years;andthathavesufficient financial support,equipmentand organization toinsurethattheycan satisfactorily providethegoods if awarded a Contract under the terms and conditions herein stated.Bidder shall: (1)Nothaveany member,officer,or stockholder thatisin arrears orisin default ofanydebtor contract involving theCity,isa defaulter suretyotherwise,uponany obligation totheCity,and/or has failed to perform faithfully on anypreviouscontractwiththeCity. (2)Have no record of pending lawsuits or criminal activities,and have never been declared bankrupt. (3)Provide two(2)letters of references where youhave provided swimming pool and lifeguard equipment and supplies (Large commercial business and/or Government Agencies)from whichthebidderhasan established business relationship regarding swimming pool and lifeguard equipment and suppliesfor at least one year.This letter 'shall beontheAgencies'signed letter headwitha contact person's nameandphonenumber. (4)Bea Manufacturer OR Manufacturer Authorized Distributor/Reseller ofthe swimming pooland lifeguard equipmentandsuppliesasspecifiedinthisInvitationforBid. (a)Prospective Biddermust provide,attime of bid submittal,manufacturer certification (i.e.letter,certificate,or otherverifiablesource)demonstratingthatbidderisamanufacturerORmanufacturerauthorized distributor/reseller. Failure to provide this information attimeofbid submittal,may deem bidder non-responsive. 2.8.FAILURE TO PERFORM Shoulditnotbe possible to reach the contractor or supervisor and/or shouldremedial action notbetakenwithin48 hours ofany failure to perform according to specifications,theCity reserves the right to declare Contractor in default ofthe contract ormake appropriate reductions inthe contract payment. 2.9.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INDEMNIFICATION Bidder shall pay onbehalf of,indemnify and save City and its officials harmless,from and against any and all claims,liabilities,losses,and causes of action,which may arise out of bidder's performance under the provisions of the contract,including all acts oromissions to act on the part of bidder,including any person performing under this Contract for oronbidder's behalf,provided thatanysuch claims,liabilities,losses andcauses ofsuch action arenot attributable to the negligence ormisconduct of the City and,from and against any orders,judgments ordecrees which maybe entered and which mayresult from this Contract,unless attributable tothenegligence ormisconduct of the City,and from and against all costs,attorneys'fees,expenses and liabilities incurred in the defense of any suchclaim,ortheinvestigationthereof. CommercialGeneralLiability Page28 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 2.Special Conditions 2.1.PURPOSE The purpose of this Solicitation isto establish a contract,for the purchase of swimming pool and lifeguard equipment and supplies,as specified herein,from a source(s)of supply that will give prompt and efficient service fully compliant withtheterms,conditions and stipulations of the solicitation. 2.2.DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION Any questions or clarifications concerning this solicitation shall be submitted by email or facsimile tothe Purchasing Department,Attn:Maritza Suarez,CPPB;fax:(305)400-5025 oremail:msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us. The solicitation title and number shall be referenced on all correspondence.All questions mustbe received no later than Monday,January 28,2013 at 5:00 PM.All responses to questions willbe sent to all prospective bidders/proposers intheformonan addendum.NOQUESTIONSWILLBERECEIVEDVERBALLY ORAFTER SAID DEADLINE. 23.TERM OF CONTRACT The Contract shall commence upon the date of notice of award and shall be effective for two (2)years withthe option to extend for three (3)additional one (1)year periods,subject to the availability of funds for succeeding fiscal years. Continuation of the contract beyondthe initial period isaCity prerogative;nota right ofthe.bidder.This prerogative willbe exercised onlywhen such continuation is clearly inthebest interest ofthe City. 2.4.CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL Each renewal ofthiscontractissubjecttothe following: (1)Continued satisfactory performance compliance withthe specifications,termsand conditions established herein. (2)Availability of funds 2.5.NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Intheeventno funds orinsufficient funds are appropriated and budgeted or are otherwise unavailable inany fiscal period forpaymentsdueunderthis contract,thentheCity,uponwrittennoticeto Contractor orhis assignee of such occurrence,shallhavetheunqualifiedrighttoterminatethecontractwithoutanypenaltyorexpensetotheCity.No guarantee,warrantyorrepresentationismadethatanyparticularoranyproject(s)willbeawardedtoanyfirm(s). 2.6.METHOD OF AWARD Award of GroupsIandIIshallbebasedonthepercentagediscountoffered,whichwillbeevaluatedagainstthe Manufacturer's Catalogand/orPublishedPriceListonasample of equalitemsbasedontheCity'sexistingcontract Page27 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 B.The City has determined thatsuch termination willbeinthebestinterest of the City toterminatethecontractfor its own convenience; C.Fundsarenotavailabletocoverthecost of thegoodsand/orservices.TheCity'sobligationiscontingentupon theavailability of appropriate funds. 1.81.TERMS OF PAYMENT -PaymentwillbemadebytheCityafterthegoodsand/orservicesawardedtoa Bidder/Proposer havebeen received,inspected,andfoundtocomplywith award specifications,free ofdamage or defect,andproperlyinvoiced.Noadvancepayments of anykindwillbemadebytheCity ofMiami. Paymentshallbemadeafterdelivery,within45days ofreceipt ofaninvoiceandauthorizedinspectionand acceptance of thegoods/servicesandpursuanttoSection 218.74,Florida Statutesandotherapplicablelaw. 1.82.TIMELY DELIVERY -Time willbe of theessenceforanyordersplacedasaresult of thissolicitation.The Cityreservestherighttocancelsuch orders,oranypartthereof,withoutobligation,if deliveryisnotmadewithin thetime(s)specifiedontheir Response.Deliveries aretobemade during regular Citybusinesshoursunless otherwisespecifiedintheSpecialConditions. 1.83.TITLE -Titletothe goods or equipment shall not pass totheCityuntilaftertheCityhas accepted the goods/equipmentorusedthegoods,whichevercomes first. 1.84.TRADE SECRETS EXECUTIONTOPUBLICRECORDS DISCLOSURE-AH Responsessubmittedto theCity are subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 119,Florida Statutes.An exception maybe made for "trade secrets." Ifthe Response contains information that constitutes a "trade secret",all material that qualifies for exemption from Chapter 119 mustbe submitted ina separate envelope,clearly identified as"TRADE SECRETS EXCEPTION," withyourfirm'snameandtheSolicitationnumberandtitlemarkedontheoutside. Please be aware that the designation ofanitemasa trade secret byyoumaybe challenged in court byany person. Byyourdesignation of material inyour Response asa "trade secret"you agree toindemnify and hold harmless the City for any award toa plaintiff for damages,costs or attorney's fees and for costs and attorney's fees incurred by theCityby reason of anylegalaction challenging yourclaim. 1.85.UNAUTHORIZED WORKORDELIVERYOF GOODS-Neither the qualified Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)nor anyof his/her employees shall perform anyworkor deliver any goods unless a change order or purchase order is issued and received by the Contractor.The qualified Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)shall notbe paid for any work performed or goods delivered outside the scope ofthe contract oranywork performed byan employee not otherwise previously authorized. 1.86.USE OFNAME-The City isnotengaged in research for advertising,sales promotion,orother publicity purposes.No advertising,sales promotion orotherpublicity materials containing information obtained from this Solicitation are tobe mentioned,orimply the name of the City,without prior express written permission of the City Managerorthe City Commission. 1.87.VARIATIONSOF SPECIFICATIONS -For purposes of solicitation evaluation,bidders/proposers must indicate any variances from the solicitation specifications and/or conditions,no matter how slight.'If variations are not stated on their Response,itwillbe assumed that the product fully complies withtheCity's specifications. Page26 of 34 InvitationForBid 352301,1 RFQ,or RFLI.NO EXCEPTIONS.Bidders/Proposers are welcome to attend the solicitation closing;however,no •award will be made at that time. A.Hardcopy responses shall beenclosed ina sealed envelope,box package.The face of the envelope,box or package must show the hour and date specified for receipt of responses,the solicitation number and title,and the name and return address of the Bidder/Proposer.Hardcopy responses not submitted onthe requisite Response Forms may be rejected Hardcopy responses received at any other location than the specified shall be deemed non-responsive. Directions to City Hall: FROM THE NORTH:1-95 SOUTH UNTIL IT TURNS INTO US 1.US 1 SOUTH TO27TH AVE.,TURN LEFT PROCEED SOUTH TO SO.BAYSHORE DR.(3RD TRAFFIC LIGHT),TURN LEFT,1 BLOCK TURN RIGHT ONPAN AMERICAN DR.CITYHALLISATTHEENDOFPAN AMERICAN DR.PARKING ISON RIGHT. FROM THE SOUTH:US1 NORTH TO 27TH AVENUE,TURN RIGHT,PROCEED SOUTH TOSO. BAYSHOREDR (3RDTRAFFICLIGHT),TURNLEFT,1BLOCKTURNRIGHTONPAN AMERICAN DR. CITYHALLISATTHEENDOFPANAMERICANDR.PARKINGISONRIGHT. B.Facsimile responseswillnotbeconsidered. C.Failure to follow these procedures is cause for rejection of bid/proposal. D.Theresponsibility for obtaining andsubmitting a response onor before theclose date is solely and strictly the responsibility of Bidder/Proposer.TheCityofMiami isnot responsible for delays caused bythe United States mail delivery or caused byanyother occurrence.Responses received after the solicitation closing date and time will be returned unopened,andwillnotbe considered foraward. E.Lateresponseswillberejected. F.All responses are subject tothe conditions specified herein.Those which donotcomply with these conditions aresubjecttorejection. G.Modification of responses already submitted willbe considered only if received atthe City before the time and datesetfor closing of solicitation responses.All modifications must be submitted viathe Oracle System orin writing.Once a solicitation closes (closed date and/or time expires),the City willnot consider any subsequent submissionwhichalterstheresponses. H.If hardcopy responses are submitted atthe same time for different solicitations,each response must be placed ina separate envelope,box,or package andeachenvelope,box or package mustcontain the information previously stated in 1.82.A. 1.79.TAXES -TheCity ofMiami is exempt fromanytaxesimposed by theStateand/orFederal Government. Exemption certificateswillbeprovideduponrequest.Notwithstanding,Bidders/Proposers shouldbeawareofthe factthatall materials andsupplieswhichare purchased bythe Bidder/Proposer forthe completion ofthecontractis subjecttotheFloridaStateSalesTaxinaccordancewithSection212.08,FloridaStatutes,asamendedand all amendments theretoandshallbepaidsolelybythe Bidder/Proposer. 1.80.TERMINATION -The CityManageronbehalfoftheCity ofMiami reservestherighttoterminatethis contractbywrittennoticetothecontractoreffectivethedatespecifiedinthenoticeshouldanyofthe following apply: A.Thecontractoris determined bytheCitytobeinbreachofanyofthetermsand conditions ofthe contract. Page25 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 (c)Compliancewithfiling requirements.Failureofapartytotimelyfileeitherthenoticeofintenttofileaprotestor thewritten protest,togetherwiththerequiredFilingFeeasprovidedin subsection (f),with the Chief Procurement Officerwithinthetimeprovidedinsubsection(a),above,shallconstitutea forfeiture ofsuch party's righttofilea protestpursuanttothissection.Theprotestingpartyshallnotbeentitledtoseekjudicial relief withoutfirsthaving followed the procedure setforthinthis section (d)StayofProcurementsduringprotests.Uponreceiptofawrittenprotestfiledpursuanttotherequirementsofthis section,thecityshallnotproceedfurtherwiththe solicitation orwiththeawardoftheContractuntiltheprotestis. resolvedbytheChief Procurement OfficerortheCity Commission asprovidedin subsection (b)above,unlessthe CityManagermakesawrittendeterminationthatthesolicitationprocessortheContractawardmustbecontinued withoutdelayinordertoavoidanimmediateandseriousdangertothepublichealth,safetyorwelfare. (e)Costs.Allcostsaccruingfromaprotestshallbeassumedbytheprotestor. (f)FilingFee.Thewrittenprotestmustbe accompanied bya filing feeintheformofa money orderorcashier's checkpayabletothecityinanamountequaltoonepercentoftheamountoftheBidor proposed Contract,or $5000.00,whichever isless,which filing fee shall guarantee the payment ofallcostswhichmaybe adjudged against theprotestorinany administrative orcourt proceeding.Ifa protest isupheldbytheChief Procurement Officer and/ortheCity Commission,as applicable,the filing feeshallbe refunded tothe protestor lessanycosts assessed under subsection (e)above.Ifthe protest is denied,the filing fee shall be forfeited tothecityinlieuof payment of costsforthe administrative proceedings as prescribed by subsection (e)above. 1.74.SAMPLES -Samples of items,when required,mustbe submitted withinthetime specified atno expense to the City.Ifnot destroyed by testing,bidder(s)/proposer(s)willbe notified to remove samples,attheir expense, within 30 days after notification.Failure to remove the samples will result inthe samples becoming the property of theCity. 1.75.SELLING,TRANSFERRING OR ASSIGNING RESPONSIBILITIES -Contractor shall notsell,assign, transfer or subcontract atany time during the term oftheContract,oranypartofits operations,or assign any portion of the performance required by this contract,except under and by virtue of written permission granted bythe City through theproperofficials,whichmaybe withheld or conditioned,intheCity'ssole discretion. 1.76.SERVICE AND WARRANTY -When specified,the bidder/proposer shall define all warranty,service and replacements thatwill be provided.Bidders/Proposer must explain on the Response to what extent warranty and service facilities are available.A copy ofthe manufacturer's warranty,if applicable,should be submitted with your response. 1.77.SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS -The apparent silence of these specifications andanysupplemental specification asto any detail or the omission from itof detailed description concerning any point shall be regarded as meaning that only the best commercial practices areto prevail and thatonly materials of first quality and correct type,sizeand design aretobeused.Ail workmanship and services istobefirst quality. All interpretations ofthese specifications shallbemadeuponthebasisofthis statement. If your firm has a current contract with the State of Florida,Department of General Services,to supply the items on this solicitation,the bidder/proposer shall quote not more than the contract price;failure to comply with this request willresultin disqualification of bid/proposal. 1.78.SUBMISSION AND RECEIPT OF RESPONSES -Responses shall be submitted electronically viathe Oracle System or responses maybe submitted in hardcopy format totheCity Clerk,City Hall,3500Pan American Drive,Miami,Florida 33133-5504,ator before,the specified closing date and time as designated inthe IFB,RFP, Page 24 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 filedwhenreceivedbythe Chief ProcurementOfficer;or ' ii.Any prospective bidder who intends to contest the Solicitation Specifications ora solicitation may protest to the Chief Procurement Officer.A written notice ofintent to file a protest shall be filed withtheChiefProcurement Officer withinthree days after the solicitation is published ina newspaper of general circulation.A notice of intent tofilea protest is considered filedwhen received bytheChief Procurement Officer. 2.Protest of Award. i.A written notice of intent to file a protest shall be filed with the Chief Procurement Officer within two days after receipt bythe proposer ofthe notice of theCity Manager's recommendation for award of Contract,whichwillbe posted ontheCity ofMiami Purchasing Department website,inthe Supplier Comer,Current Solicitations and Notice of Recommendation of Award Section.The notice of the City Manager's recommendation can be found by selecting the details ofthe solicitation andis listed as Recommendation of Award Posting Date and Recommendation ofAwardTo fields.If "various"is indicated inthe Recommendation of AwardTo field,the Bidder/Proposer must contact thebuyer for that solicitation to obtain the suppliers name.It shall bethe responsibility ofthe Bidder/Proposer tocheckthis section ofthe website daily after responses are submitted to receive thenotice;or ii.Any actual Responsive andResponsible Bidder whose Bidis lower than that ofthe recommended bidder may protest totheChief Procurement Officer.Awrittennoticeofintenttofilea protest shall befiledwiththeChief Procurement Officerwithintwodaysafterreceiptbythebidderof thenotice of thecity's determination of non responsiveness ornon responsibility.The receipt by bidder ofsuch notice shall be confirmed bythecityby facsimile or electronic mailorU.S.mail,return receipt requested.Anoticeofintenttofilea protest is considered filedwhen received by the Chief Procurement Officer. iii.A writtenprotestbasedonany of the foregoing mustbesubmittedtothe Chief Procurement Officerwithinfive (5)days after the date the notice of protest was filed.A written protest is considered filed when received by the Chief Procurement Officer. The written protest maynot challenge the relative weight ofthe evaluation criteria orthe formula for assigning pointsinmakinganawarddetermination. The written protestshallstatewith particularity the specific facts andlawuponwhichthe protest ofthe solicitation orthe award isbased,andshallinclude all pertinent documents andevidenceandshallbe accompanied bythe required FilingFeeasprovidedinsubsection(f).Thisshallformthebasisforreview ofthewrittenprotestandno facts,grounds,documentationorevidencenotcontainedintheprotester'ssubmissiontotheChief Procurement . Officeratthetime of filingtheprotestshallbepermittedinthe consideration of thewritten protest. Notimewillbeaddedtotheabovelimitsforservicebymail.Incomputinganyperiod oftime prescribed orallowed bythissection,theday oftheact,eventordefaultfromwhichthedesignatedperiod of timebeginstorunshallnot beincluded.Thelastday of theperiodso computed shallbeincludedunlessitisaSaturday,Sundayorlegalholiday inwhicheventthe period shall rununtiltheend of thenextdaywhichis neither a Saturday,Sunday or legal holiday. Intermediate Saturdays,Sundaysandlegalholidaysshallbeexcludedinthe computation of thetimefor filing. (b)Authority toresolveprotests.The Chief ProcurementOfficershallhavetheauthority,subjecttotheapproval of theCityManagerandthecityattorney,tosettleandresolveany written protest.The Chief procurement Officer shallobtaintherequisiteapprovalsand communicate saiddecisiontotheprotestingpartyandshallsubmitsaid decisiontotheCity Commission within30daysafterhe/shereceivestheprotest.Incasesinvolvingmorethan $25,000,thedecision of the Chief Procurement Officer shallbesubmittedforapprovalordisapproval thereof tothe City Commission afterafavorable recommendation by thecityattorneyandthe City Manager. Page23 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 287.017,forCATEGORYTWOforaperiodof36months from thedateofbeingplacedontheconvictedvendor list. 1.68.PUBLIC RECORDS -Contractorunderstandsthatthepublicshallhaveaccess,atallreasonabletimes,toall documentsandinformationpertainingtoCitycontracts,subjecttotheprovisionsofChapter 119,FloridaStatutes, andCity ofMiami Code,Section 18,Article III,andagreestoallowaccessbytheCityandthepublictoall documents subjectto disclosure under applicable law.Contractor'sfailureorrefusaltocomplywiththe provision ofthissectionshallresultin the immediate cancellation ofthisContractbytheCity. 1.69.QUALITY OF GOODS,MATERIALS,SUPPLIES,PRODUCTS,AND EQUIPMENT -All materials usedin the manufacturingorconstructionofsupplies,materials,orequipmentcoveredbythissolicitationshallbe new.The items bid/proposed mustbeofthe latest make or model,ofthebest quality,andofthe highest gradeof workmanship,unlessasotherwisespecifiedinthisSolicitation. 1.70.QUALITY OF WORK/SERVICES -The work/services performed mustbeofthe highest quality and workmanship.Materials furnished to complete theservice shall be new andofthe highest quality except as otherwise specified inthis Solicitation. 1.71.REMEDIES PRIOR TO AWARD (Sec.18-106)-IfpriortoContractawarditisdeterminedthataformal solicitation or proposed award isin violation of law,then the solicitation or proposed award shall be cancelled by theCity Commission,theCity Manager ortheChiefProcurement Officer,asmaybe applicable,or revised to complywiththe,law. 1.72.RESOLUTION OF CONTRACT DISPUTES(Sec.18-105) (a)Authority to resolve Contract disputes.TheCityManager,afterobtaining the approval ofthecity attorney,shall havethe authority to resolve controversies between the Contractual Partyandthecitywhichariseunder,or by virtue of,a Contract between them;provided that,in cases involving an amount greater than $25,000,the City Commission must approve theCityManager's decision.Such authority extends,without limitation,to controversies based upon breach of Contract,mistake,misrepresentation or lack of complete performance,andshall be invoked by aContractualPartybysubmissionofaprotesttotheCityManager. (b)Contract dispute decisions.Ifa dispute is not resolved by mutual consent,the City Manager shall promptly .render a written report stating the reasons for the action taken bythe City Commission orthe City Manager which shall befinal and conclusive.A copy of the decision shall be immediately provided to the protesting party,along witha notice of sucb party's righttoseekjudicial relief,provided thatthe protesting partyshallnotbe.entitled to suchjudicialreliefwithoutfirsthaving followed theproceduresetforthinthissection. 1.73.RESOLUTION OF PROTESTED SOLICITATIONS ANDAWARDS (Sec.18-104) (a)Right to protest.The following procedures shall be used for resolution of protested solicitations and awards exceptforpurchasesofgoods,supplies,equipment,and services,theestimatedcostofwhichdoesnotexceed $25,000. Protests thereon shall be governed bytheAdministrative Policies and Procedures of Purchasing. 1.Protest of Solicitation. i.Any prospective proposer who perceives itself aggrieved in connection with the solicitation ofa Contract may protest totheChiefProcurement Officer.A written notice of intent tofilea protest shallbe filed with theChief Procurement Officer within three days after the Request for Proposals,Request for Qualifications or Request for Letters of Interest is published ina newspaper of general circulation.A notice of intent to file a protest is considered Page22 of 34 InvitationForBid 352301,1 OR YOUR RESPONSE MAY BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. 1.61.PRICE ADJUSTMENTS -Any price decrease effectuated during the contract period either by reason of market change or onthe part of the contractor to other customers shall be passed onto the City ofMiami. 1.62.PRODUCT SUBSTITUTES -In the event a particular awarded and approved manufacturer's product becomes unavailable during the term of the Contract,the Contractor awarded that item may arrange with the City's authorized representative(s)to supply a substitute product at the awarded price or lower,provided that asample is approved in advance of delivery and that thenew product meets orexceeds all quality requirements. 1.63.CONFLICT OF INTEREST,AND UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICE PROHIBITIONS - Contractor represents and warrants to the City that it has not employed or retained any person or company employed by the City to solicit or secure this Contract and that it has not offered to pay,paid,or agreed to pay any person any fee,commission,percentage,brokerage fee,orgiftof any kind contingent upon orin connection with,the award of this Contract. 1.64.PROMPT PAYMENT-Bidders/Proposers may offer a cash discount for prompt payment;however, discounts shaH'not be considered in determining the lowest net cost for response evaluation purposes. Bidders/Proposers are required to provide their prompt payment terms inthe space provided on the Formal Solicitation.If no prompt payment discount is being offered,the Bidder/Proposer must enter zero (0)for the percentage discount to indicate no discount.If the Bidder/Proposer fails to enter a percentage,itis understood and agreed that the terms shall be2%20 days,effective after receipt of invoice or final acceptance by the City, whichever is later. When the City is entitled toa cash discount,the period of computation will commence onthe date of delivery,or receipt ofa correctly completed invoice,whichever is later.If an adjustment in payment is necessary due to damage,the cash discount periodshall commenceonthe date final approval for paymentis authorized.Ifa discount is part ofthe contract,butthe invoice does not reflect the existence of a cash discount,theCityis entitled toa cash discount withthe period commencing onthedate itis determined bytheCity that a cash discount applies. Price discounts off the original prices quoted on the Price Sheet willbeaccepted from successful bidders/proposers duringtheterm of thecontract. 1.65.PROPERTY-Property owned bythe City ofMiami isthe responsibility oftheCity ofMiami.Such property furnished toa Contractor for repair,modification,study,etc.,shall remain the property ofthe City ofMiami. Damages tosuch property occurring whileinthe possession ofthe Contractor shallbethe responsibility of the Contractor.Damages occurring to such property while in route totheCity ofMiami shall bethe responsibility ofthe Contractor.Intheevent that such property is destroyed or declared a total loss,the Contractor shall be responsible for replacement valueofthe property atthe current market value,less depreciation ofthe property,if any. 1.66.PROVISIONSBINDING-Exceptas otherwise expressly provided inthe resulting Contract,all covenants, conditions and provisions of the resulting Contract shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto andtheirrespective heirs,legal representatives,successors and assigns. 1.67.PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES -A person or affiliate whohasbeen placed on.the convicted vendorlist following a conviction forapublicentity crime maynot submit a response ona contract to provide any goods or services toa public entity,maynot submit a response ona contract witha public entity for the construction or repair ofa public building orpublicwork,maynotsubmitresponses on leases of real property toa public entity,maynot be awarded or perform workasa contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under a contract withany public entity,andmaynot transact businesswithanypublicentityinexcess of the threshold amountprovided inSection Page21 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 willbeconsideredinresponsetothis Formal Solicitation.Whensubmittinganalternateresponse,pleaserefertothe hereinconditionfor"AlternateResponsesMayBeConsidered". 1.57.OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS -Itisunderstoodbyand between thepartiesthatanydocuments,records, files,oranyothermatterwhatsoeverwhichisgivenbytheCitytothesuccessfulBidder/Proposerpursuanttothis formalsolicitationshallatalltimesremainthepropertyoftheCityandshallnotbeusedbythe Bidder/Proposer for anyotherpurposes whatsoever without thewrittenconsent of theCity. 1.58.PARTIAL INVALIDITY -If any provision ofthisContractortheapplicationthereoftoanypersonor circumstanceshalltoanyextentbeheldinvalid,thentheremainder of thisContractortheapplication of such provision topersonsor circumstances otherthanthoseastowhichitisheldinvalidshallnotbeaffectedthereby,and eachprovisionofthisContractshallbevalidandenforcedtothefullestextentpermittedbylaw. 1.59.PERFORMANCE/PAYMENT BOND -A Contractor mayberequiredtofurnisha Performance/Payment Bondaspartofthe requirements ofthis Contract,inan amount equal toone hundred percent(100%)ofthe contract price. 1.60.PREPARATION OF RESPONSES (HARDCOPY FORMAT)-Bidders/Proposersareexpectedto examine the specifications,required delivery,drawings,andall special and general conditions.All bid/proposed amounts,ifrequired,shallbeeithertypewrittenorenteredintothespaceprovidedwithink.Failuretodoso will be atthe Bidder's/Proposer's risk. A.EachBidder/Proposer shall furnish the information required inthe Formal Solicitation.The Bidder/Proposer shallsignthe Response andprintininkortypethe name ofthe Bidder/Proposer,address,and telephone number on thefacepageandoneach continuation sheetthereofon which he/she makes an entry,as required. B.Ifso required,theunitpriceforeachunit offered shallbe shown,andsuchpriceshall include packaging, handling and shipping,and F.O.B.Miami delivery inside City premises unless otherwise specified.Bidder/Proposer shall include inthe response all taxes,insurance,social security,workmen's compensation,andanyotherbenefits normally paidbythe Bidder/Proposer toits employees.If applicable,aunitpriceshallbe entered inthe "Unit Price"column foreachitem.Basedupon estimated quantity,anextendedpriceshallbe entered inthe"Extended Price"column foreachitem offered.Incaseofa discrepancy between theunitpriceand extended price,theunit price will be presumed correct. C.The Bidder/Proposer muststatea definite time,if required,in calendar daysfor delivery of goods and/or services. D.The Bidder/Proposer shouldretainacopyofall response documents forfuture reference. E.All responses,as described,must be fully completed and typed or printed ininkandmust be signed ininkwith thefirm's name andbyanofficeror employee having authority tobindthe company orfirmby his/her signature. Bids/Proposals having anyerasures or corrections must be initialed ininkby person signing the response orthe response may be rejected. F.Responsesaretoremainvalidforatleast 180 days.Uponawardofacontract,thecontent of theSuccessful Bidder's/Proposer's response maybe included aspartofthe contract,attheCity's discretion. G.The City of Miami's Response Forms shall be used when Bidder/Proposer is submitting its response in hardcopy format.Useofanyother forms will result inthe rejection ofthe response.IF SUBMITTING HARDCOPY FORMAT,THE ORIGINAL AND THREE (3)COPIES OF THESE SETS OF FORMS,UNLESS OTHERWISESPECIFIED,ANDANYREQUIREDATTACHMENTSMUSTBERETURNEDTOTHECITY Page 20 of 34 Invitation ForBid352301,1 the issuance ofa change order,addendum,amendment,or supplement to the contract,purchase order oraward sheet asappropriate. 1.51.NOPARTNERSHIPORJOINTVENTURE -Nothing contained inthis Contract willbe deemed or construed to create a partnership orjoint venture between theCity ofMiami and Contractor,orto create any other • similarrelationship betweenthe parties. 1.52.NONCONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS -Items maybe tested for compliance with specifications under the direction of the Florida Department"of Agriculture and Consumer Services orby other appropriate testing Laboratories as determined bythe City.The data derived from anytest for compliance with specifications is public record andopento examination thereto in accordance with Chapter 119,Florida Statutes. Items delivered not conforming to specifications may berejected and returned at Bidder's/Proposer's expense. These non-conforming items not delivered as per delivery date inthe response and/or Purchase Order mayresult in bidder/proposer being found in default in which event any and all re-procurement costs maybe charged against the defaulted contractor.My violation of these stipulations may also result inthe supplier's name being removed from theCity of Miami'sSupplier'slist. 1.53.NONDISCRIMINATION -Bidder/Proposer agrees that it shall not discriminate asto race,sex,color,age, religion,national origin,marital status,or disability in connection withits performance under this formal solicitation.Furthermore,Bidder/Proposer agrees thatno otherwise qualified individual shall solelyby reason of his/her race,sex,color,age,religion,national origin,marital status ordisability be excluded from the participation in,be denied benefitsof,orbe subjected to,discrimination underany program or activity. In connection withthe conduct ofits business,including performance of services and employment of personnel, Bidder/Proposer shall not discriminate against any person onthe basis of race,color,religion,disability,age,sex, marital status or national origin.All persons having appropriate qualifications shall be afforded equal opportunity for employment. 1.54.NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT/PIGGYBACK PROVISION -Atsuchtimesasmay serve itsbest interest,theCity ofMiami reservestherightto advertise for,receive,and award additional contracts fortheseherein goods and/or services,andtomakeuse ofothercompetitivelybid (governmental)contracts,agreements,orother similar sources forthe purchase of these goods and/or services asmaybe available. Itishereby agreed and understood thatthis formal solicitation doesnot constitute .the exclusive rights ofthe successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)toreceiveall orders thatmaybe generated bytheCityin conjunction withthis Formal Solicitation. In addition,anyandall commodities,equipment,and services required bytheCityin conjunction with construction projects aresolicitedunderadistinctlydifferent solicitation process andshallnotbe purchased undertheterms, conditionsandawardsrenderedunderthissolicitation,unlesssuchpurchasesaredeterminedtobeinthebest interest of the City. 1.55.OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE -Any person,firm,corporation orjointventure,withabusinesslocationin theCity ofMiami andissubmittingaResponseunderthis Formal SolicitationshallmeettheCity's Occupational LicenseTaxrequirementsinaccordancewithChapter31.1,ArticleI of theCity ofMiami Charter.Otherswitha locationoutsidetheCity ofMiami shallmeettheirlocal Occupational LicenseTaxrequirements.Acopy of the licensemustbesubmittedwiththe response;however,theCitymayatitssoleoptionandinitsbestinterestallow the Bidder/Proposer tosupplythelicensetotheCityduringtheevaluationperiod,butpriorto award. 1.56.ONE PROPOSAL -Onlyone(1)Responsefroman individual,firm,partnership,corporation orjointventure Page19 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 faxore-mailtotheSr.Procurement Specialist issuingthe Solicitation.Tabulations alsoare available ontheCity's WebSitefollowing recommendation foraward. 1.46.INSURANCE -Withinten(10)daysafterreceiptofNotice of Award,thesuccessfulContractor,shallfurnish Evidence ofInsurancetothePurchasing Department,if applicable.Submitted evidenceofcoverageshall demonstratestrictcompliancetoallrequirementslistedontheSpecialConditionsentitled"insurance Requirements".TheCityshallbelistedasan"AdditionalInsured." IssuanceofaPurchaseOrderiscontingentuponthereceiptofproperinsurancedocuments.Iftheinsurance certificateisreceivedwithinthespecifiedtimeframebutnotinthemannerprescribedinthis Solicitation the Contractor shallbe verbally notified ofsuch deficiency andshallhavean additional five(5)calendar daystosubmit acorrectedcertificatetotheCity.If theContractorfailstosubmittherequiredinsurancedocumentsinthemanner prescribedinthisSolicitationwithinfifteen (15)calendardaysafterreceiptNoticeofAward,thecontractorshallbe indefaultofthe contractual termsand conditions andshallnotbe awarded the contract.Undersuch circumstances, the Bidder/Proposer may be prohibited from submitting future responses'to theCity.Information regarding any insurance requirements shallbe directed totheRisk Administrator,Department ofRisk Management,at 444 SW 2ndAvenue,9thFloor,Miami,Florida 33130,305-416-1604. The Bidder/Proposer shall be responsible for assuring thatthe insurance certificates required in conjunction withthis Section remain in effect forthe duration ofthe contractual period;including anyandall option terms that may be grantedtotheBidder/Proposer. 1.47.INVOICES -Invoicesshallcontainpurchaseordernumberanddetailsofgoodsand/orservicesdelivered (i.e.quantity,unit price,extended price,etc);and in compliance with Chapter 218 ofthe Florida Statutes (Prompt Payment Act). 1.48.LOCAL PREFERENCE A.CityCodeSection 18-85,states,"whena responsive,responsible non-local biddersubmitsthelowestbid price,andthebid submitted byoneor more responsive,responsible local bidders who maintain alocal office,as defined in Section 18-73,is within fifteen percent (15%)ofthe price submitted bythe non-local bidder,then that non-local bidder andeach of the aforementioned responsive,responsible local bidders shall have the opportunity to submit a best and final bid equal toor lower than the amount ofthe low bid previously submitted bythe non-local bidder.Contract award shallbemadetothe lowest responsive,responsible bidder submitting the lowest bestand final bid.Inthecaseofatieinthebestand final bid between a local bidderanda non-local bidder,contract award shall be made to the local bidder." B.CityCode Section 18-86,states,"the RFP,RFLI or RFQ,as applicable,may,inthe exercise ofthe reasonable professional discretion of the City Manager,director of the using agency,and the ChiefProcurement Officer, include afive(5%)percent evaluation criterion infavorof proposers who maintain alocaloffice,as defined in Section 18-73.Insuchcases,this five (5%)percent evaluation criterion in favor of proposers whomaintain alocal office will bespecifically defined in the RFP,RFLI or RFQ,as applicable;otherwise,it will not apply. 1.49.MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION -The City reserves the right to request from bidders/proposers a separate Manufacturer's Certification ofall statements made inthe bid/proposal.Failure to provide such certification mayresult inthe rejection of bid/proposal or termination of contract/agreement,for which the bidder/proposer mustbearfullliability. 1.50.MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES IN PURCHASE ORDERS AND CONTRACTS ^No contractor understanding to modify this Formal Solicitation and resultant purchase orders or contracts,if applicable,shall be binding upon the City unless made in writing by the Director ofPurchasing of the City ofMiami,Florida through Page18 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 PHI shall maintain its protected status regardless of the form and method of transmission (paper records,and/or electronic transfer of data).The Bidder/Proposer must give its customers written notice of its privacy information practices including specifically,a description of the types of uses and disclosures that would be made with protected health information. 1.42 INDEMNIFICATION -Contractor shall indemnify,hold harmless and defend the City,its officials,officers, agents,directors,and employees,from liabilities,damages,losses,and costs,including,butnot limited to reasonable attorney's fees,tothe extent caused bythe negligence,recklessness or intentional wrongful misconduct of Contractor and persons employed or utilized byContractor in the performance of this Contract and will indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City,its officials,officers,agents,directors and employees against,any civil actions, statutory or similar claims,injuries or damages arising or resulting from the permitted work,even ifitis alleged that theCity,its officials and/or employees were negligent.Theseindemnifications shall survive thetermofthis Contract.Inthe event thatany action or proceeding is brought against City by reason of any such claim or demand, Contractor shall,upon written notice from City,resist and defend such action orproceeding by counsel satisfactory to City.The Contractor expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection required by this Contract or otherwise provided by Contractor shall inno way limit the responsibility to indemnify,keep and save harmless and defend theCityorits officers,employees,agents and instrumentalities as herein provided. The indemnification provided above shall obligate Contractor to defend at its own expense to and through appellate, supplemental or bankruptcy proceeding,orto provide for such defense,at City's option,anyandall claims of liability and all suits and actions of every name anddescription which may be brought against City whether performed by Contractor,or persons employed or utilized by Contractor. This indemnity will survive the cancellation or expiration ofthe Contract This indemnity willbe interpreted under thelawsoftheStateof Florida,including without limitation and which conforms tothe limitations of §725.06 and/or §725.08,Fla.Statues,as amended fromtimetotimeas applicable. Contractor shall require all Sub-Contractor agreements to include a provision thatthey will indemnify the City. The Contractor agrees and recognizes thatthe City shall notbe held liable or responsible forany claims which may result from any actions or omissions ofthe Contractor in which theCity participated eitherthrough review or concurrence ofthe Contractor's actions.In reviewing,approving or rejecting any submissions bythe Contractor or otheractsofthe Contractor,theCityinnoway assumes orsharesany responsibility or liability ofthe Contractor or Sub-Contractor,underthisAgreement. 1.43.FORMATIONAND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE -Bidders/Proposer must furnish all information requested inthespacesprovidedintheFormal Solicitation.Further,asmaybe specified elsewhere,each Bidder/Proposer mustsubmitfor evaluation,cuts,sketches,descriptive literature,technical specifications,and MaterialSafetyDataSheets (MSDS)as required,covering the products offered.Reference to literature submitted withapreviousresponseoronfilewiththeBuyerwillnotsatisfythis provision. 1.44.INSPECTIONS-TheCitymay,at reasonable timesduringthetermhereof,inspectContractor's facilities and performsuchtests,astheCitydeemsreasonably necessary,to determine whetherthegoodsand/orservices requiredtobeprovidedbythe Contractor underthisContractconformtothetermsandconditions of theFormal Solicitation.ContractorshallmakeavailabletotheCityallreasonablefacilitiesandassistancetofacilitatethe performance oftestsor inspections byCity representatives.Alltestsand inspections shallbesubjectto,andmadein accordancewith,theprovisions of theCity ofMiami OrdinanceNo.12271 (Section 18-79),assamemaybe amendedorsupplementedfromtimetotime. 1.45.INSPECTION OF RESPONSE -Responses receivedbytheCitypursuanttoaFormalSolicitationwillnot bemade available untilsuchtimeastheCity provides noticeofa decision or intended decisionorwithin30days afterbidclosing,whicheverisearlier.Bid/Proposal resultswillbe tabulated andmaybefurnisheduponrequestvia Page17 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 1.37.FIRM PRICES -Thebidder/proposerwarrantsthatprices,terms,andconditionsquotedinitsresponsewill befirmthroughouttheduration of thecontractunlessotherwisespecifiedintheFormalSolicitation.Suchprices willremainfirmfortheperiod of performanceorresulting purchase ordersorcontracts,whicharetobeperformed orsuppliedoveraperiod of time. 1.38.FLORIDA MINIMUM WAGE -The Constitution of theState of Florida,Article X,Section 24,states that employersshallpayemployeewagesnolessthanthe minimum wageforallhoursworkedin Florida.Accordingly, itisthe contractor's andits'subcontractors)responsibility tounderstandand comply with thisFlorida constitutional minimum wagerequirementandpayits employees thecurrentestablishedhourly minimum wagerate,whichis subjecttochangeoradjustedbytherate of inflationusingtheconsumerpriceindexforurbanwage earners and• clerical workers,CPI-W,orasuccessorindexascalculated by theUnitedStates Department of Labor.Each adjusted minimum wageratecalculatedshallbedeterminedandpublished by the Agency Workforce Innovationon September30th of eachyearandtake effect onthefollowingJanuary 1st. Atthetime ofresponding,itisbidder/proposerand his/her subcontractors),if applicable,fullresponsibilityto determinewhetherany of itsemployeesmaybeimpactedbythis Florida Lawatanygivenpointintimeduringthe term of the contract.If impacted,bidder/proposer must furnish employeename(s),jobtitle(s),job description(s), andcurrentpayrate(s).Failure tosubmitthisinformationatthetime of submittingaresponseconstitutesuccessful bidder's/proposer's acknowledgement and understanding thatthe Florida MinimumWageLawwillnotimpactits prices throughout theterm of contractandwaiver ofany contractual price increase requests).TheCityreservesthe righttorequestandsuccessfulbidder/proposer must provide foranyandall information tomakeawageand contractualpriceincrease(s)determination.. 1.39.GOVERNINGLAWANDVENUE-Thevalidityandeffectofthis Contract shall be governed bythelaws of theState of Florida.Thepartiesagreethatanyaction,mediationor arbitration arisingout of thisContractshall takeplaceinMiami-DadeCounty,Florida. 1.40.HEADINGS AND TERMS -Theheadingstothevarious paragraphs of thisContracthavebeeninsertedfor convenient reference only and shall notinany manner be construed as modifying,amending or affecting inanyway theexpressedtermsandprovisionshereof. 1.41.HEALTHINSURANCE PORTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (HIPPA)-Any person or entitythat performs or assists theCity ofMiami witha function oractivityinvolvingtheuseor disclosure of "individually identifiable health information (IIHI)and/or Protected Health Information (PHI)shall comply withthe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)of 1996 andtheCity ofMiami Privacy Standards. HIPAA mandatesforprivacy,securityandelectronictransfer standards,whichincludebutarenotlimitedto: A.Use of information only for performing services required bythe contract oras required by law; B.Use of appropriatesafeguardstoprevent non-permitted disclosures; C.ReportingtotheCity ofMiami of anynon-permitteduseordisclosure; D.Assurances that anyagents and subcontractors agree tothe same restrictions andconditions that apply tothe Bidder/Proposerand reasonable assurancesthat IIHI/PHI willbeheldconfidential; E.MakingProtectedHealthInformation(PHI)availabletothecustomer; F.Making PHI available tothe customer for review and amendment;and incorporating any amendments requested by the customer; G.Making PHI available totheCity ofMiami foran accounting of disclosures;and H.Making internal practices^books and records related to PHI available totheCity ofMiami for compliance audits. Page16 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 A.Rejection of Responses TheCitymayrejecta Response foranyofthe following reasons: 1)Bidder/Proposer fails to acknowledge receipt of addenda; 2)Bidder/Proposer mistates or conceals any material fact inthe Response ; 3)Response doesnot conform tothe requirements ofthe Formal Solicitation; 4)Response requires a conditional award that conflicts withthe method of award; 5)Response does not include required samples,certificates,licenses as required;and, 6)Response was not executed by the Bidder's/Proposer(s)authorized agent. The foregoing is not an allinclusive list of reasons for which a Response may berejected.The City may reject and re-advertiseforalloranypart of theFormalSolicitationwhenever'itisdeemedinthebestinterestofthe City. B.Elimination From Consideration 1)A contract shall notbe awarded to any person or firm which isin arrears tothe City upon any debt or contract,or which isa defaulter as surety or otherwise upon any obligation tothe City. 2)A contract maynotbe awarded toanyperson or firm which has failed to perform under the terms and conditions ofanypreviouscontractwiththeCityordeliverontimecontracts ofasimilarnature. 3)A contract maynotbe awarded toanyperson or firm which has been debarred bythe City in accordance with theCity'sDebarmentandSuspensionOrdinance. C.Determination of Responsibility 1)Responses will only be considered from entities who are regularly engaged inthebusiness of providing the goods/equipment/services required bytheFormal Solicitation.Bidder/Proposer must be able to demonstrate a satisfactory record of performance and integrity;and,have sufficient financial,material,equipment,facility, personnel resources,and expertise tomeetall contractual requirements.The terms "equipment andorganization"as used herein shall be construed to mean a fully equipped and well established entity in line with the best industry practices inthe industry as determined bytheCity. 2)TheCity may consider anyevidence available regarding thefinancial,technical and other qualifications and abilities ofa Bidder/Proposer,including pastperformance (experience)with theCityorany other governmental entityinmakingtheaward. 3)TheCitymay require the Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)toshowproofthattheyhavebeen designated asan authorized representative ofa manufacturer orsupplierwhichisthe actual source of supply,if required bythe Formal Solicitation. 1.35.EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS - Exceptions tothe specifications shall be listed onthe Response and shall reference the section.Anyexceptions to the General or Special Conditions shall be cause forthebid (IFB)tobe considered non-responsive.Italsomaybe causeforaRFP,RFQ,orRFLItobeconsidered non-responsive;and,ifexceptionsaretakentothetermsand conditions of theresultingagreementitmayleadtoterminatingnegotiations. 1.36.F.O.B.DESTINATION -Unless otherwise specified inthe Formal Solicitation,all prices quoted/proposed by the bidder/proposer mustbeF.O.B.DESTINATION,inside delivery,withalldeliverycostsandchargesincluded in thebid/proposalprice,unlessotherwisespecifiedinthisFormal Solicitation.Failuretodosomaybecausefor rejectionofbid/proposal. Page 15 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 this Contract. 1.28.DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIVENESS -Each Response willbereviewedto determine ifitis responsive tothe submission requirements outlined inthe Formal Solicitation.A "responsive"response isone which followsthe requirements of the formal solicitation,includesall documentation,issubmittedinthe format outlinedin the formal solicitation,isoftimely submission,and has appropriate signatures as required on each document.Failure tocomplywiththese requirements maydeemaResponse non-responsive. 1.29.DISCOUNTSOFFEREDDURINGTERMOFCONTRACT -Discount Prices offered inthe response shall befixedafterthe award bythe Commission,unlessotherwise specified inthe Special Termsand Conditions. Price discounts offthe original prices quoted inthe response willbe accepted from successful Bidder(s)/Proposer(s) during the term ofthe contract Such discounts shall remain ineffect for a minimum of 120 days from approval by theCity Commission Any discounts offered bya manufacturer to Bidder/Proposer willbe passed ontothe City. 1.30.DISCREPANCIES,ERRORS,AND OMISSIONS -Any discrepancies,errors,or ambiguities inthe Formal Solicitation or addenda (ifany)shouldbe reported inwritingtotheCity's Purchasing Department.Shoulditbe found necessary,awrittenaddendum willbe incorporated inthe Formal Solicitation andwillbecome part of the purchase agreement(contract documents).TheCitywillnotbe responsible foranyoral instructions,clarifications, or other communications. A.Order of Precedence -Any inconsistency inthis formal solicitation shallberesolvedbygiving precedence tothe following documents,thefirst of suchlistbeingthe governing documents. 1)Addenda(asapplicable) 2)Specifications 3)SpecialConditions 4)General Terms and Conditions 1.31.EMERGENCY /DISASTER PERFORMANCE -Intheevent of a hurricane orotheremergencyordisaster situation,the successful vendorshall provide theCitywiththe commodities/services definedwithinthescopeof this formal solicitation attheprice contained withinvendor's response.Further,successfulvendor shall deliver/perform forthecityonaprioritybasisduringsuchtimes of emergency. 1.32.ENTIRE BID CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT -TheBid Contract orAgreementconsists of thisCity of Miami Formal SolicitationandspecificallythisGeneralConditionsSection,Contractor'sResponseandanywritten agreemententeredintobytheCity ofMiami andContractorincases involving RFPs,RFQs,and RFLIs,and represents theentire understanding andagreementbetweenthe parties withrespecttothesubjectmatterhereofand supersedesallother negotiations,understanding and representations,if any,madebyandbetweenthe parties.Tothe extentthattheagreementconflictswith,modifies,altersorchangesany of thetermsandconditionscontainedinthe Formal Solicitationand/orResponse,the Formal SolicitationandthentheResponseshallcontrol.This Contract may bemodifiedonlybyawrittenagreementsignedbytheCity ofMiami andContractor. 1.33.ESTIMATED QUANTITIES -Estimated quantitiesorestimateddollarsareprovidedforyourguidance only.No guarantee isexpressedorimpliedastoquantitiesthatwillbepurchasedduringthecontractperiod.The Cityisnotobligatedtoplaceanorderforanygivenamountsubsequenttotheaward of thiscontract.Saidestimates maybeusedbytheCityfor purposes of determining thelowbidderormost advantageous proposer meeting specifications.TheCity reserves therightto acquire additional quantities atthe prices bid/proposed oratlower pricesinthisFormal Solicitation. 1.34.EVALUATION OF RESPONSES Page14 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 theviolationremainsnoncompliant. (8)Found in violation ofa zoning ordinance oranyothercity ordinance or regulation andfor which a civilpenaltyorfineisdueandowingtothecity. (9)AnyothercausejudgedbytheCity Manager tobesoseriousand compelling astoaffectthe responsibilityoftheContractualPartyperformingcityContracts. (c)Certification.'All Contracts for goods and services,sales,and leases bythecityshall contain a certification that neither the Contractual Party noranyofits principalowners or personnel have been convicted of any ofthe violations set forth above or debarred or suspended asset forth in paragraph (b)(5). (d)Debarment and suspension decisions.Subject to the provisions ofparagraph (a),the City Manager shall render a written decision stating the reasons forthedebarment or suspension.A copy of the decision shall be provided promptly tothe Contractual Party,along witha notice ofsaidparty's righttoseekjudicial relief. 1.26.DEBARRED/SUSPENDED VENDORS -An entity or affiliate who has been placed onthe State of Florida debarred orsuspended vendor list may not submit a response ona contract toprovide goods orservices toa public entity,may not submit a response on a contract with a public entity for the construction orrepair ofa public building orpublic work,may not submit response on leases ofreal property toa public entity,may not award orperform work asa contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant under contract with any public entity,and may not transactbusinesswithanypublicentity. 1.27.DEFAULT/FAILURE TO PERFORM -The City shall bethesolejudge of nonperformance,which shall include any failure on the part of the successful Bidder/Proposer to accept the award,to furnish required documents, and/or to fulfill any portion ofthis contract within the time stipulated. Upon default bythe successful Bidder/Proposer tomeet any terms of this agreement,the City will notify the Bidder/Proposer ofthe default and will provide the contractor three (3)days (weekends and holidays excluded)to remedy the default Failure onthe contractor's part to correct the default within the required three (3)days shall result in the Contract being terminated and upon the City notifying in writing the contractor ofits intentions and the effective date ofthe termination.The following shall constitute default: A.Failure to perform the work-or deliver the goods/services required underthe Contract and/or within the time required or failing touse the subcontractors,entities and personnel as identified and setforth;and to the degree specified inthe Contract. B.Failure to begin thework under this Contract within thetime specified. C.Failure toperform the work with sufficient workers and equipment or with sufficient materials to ensure timely completion. D.Neglecting or refusing to remove materials or perform new work where prior work has been rejected as nonconforming withtheterms of theContract. E.Becoming insolvent,being declared bankrupt,orcommitting any act of bankruptcy or insolvency,or making an assignment forthe benefit of creditors,ifthe insolvency,bankruptcy,or assignment renders thesuccessful Bidder/Proposer incapable of performing the work in accordance with and as required bythe Contract. F.Failure to comply withanyofthe terms ofthe Contract inany material respect. All costs and charges incurred bytheCityasa result ofa default ora default incurred beyond the.time limits stated, together with the cost of completing thework,shall be deducted from any monies due or which may become due on Page13 of 34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 board,commissionoragencyoftheCitywithinthepasttwoyears.Bidder/Proposerfurtherwarrantsthathe/she/it isnotrelated,specificallythespouse,son,daughter,parent,brotherorsister,to:(i)anymemberofthecommission; (ii)themayor;(iii)anycityemployee;or(iv)anymemberofanyboardoragencyoftheCity. C.A violation ofthis section may subject the Bidder/Proposer to immediate termination ofany professional servicesagreementwiththeCity,impositionofthemaximumfineand/oranypenaltiesallowedbylaw. Additionally,violationsmaybe considered byandsubjecttoactionbythe Miami-Dade County Commission on Ethics. 1.23.COPYRIGHT OR PATENT RIGHTS -Bidders/Proposerswarrantthattherehasbeennoviolationof copyright orpatentrightsin manufacturing,producing,orsellingthegoodsshippedororderedand/orservices provided asaresult of thisformalsolicitation,and bidders/proposers agreetoholdtheCityharmlessfromanyand allliability,loss,orexpenseoccasionedbyanysuchviolation. 1.24.COST INCURRED BY BIDDER/PROPOSER -All expenses involvedwiththepreparationandsubmission of Responses totheCity,oranywork performed in connection therewith shallbebornebythe Bidder(s)/Proposer(s). L25.DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSIONS (Sec 18-107) (a)Authority and requirement to debar and suspend.After reasonable noticetoan actual or prospective Contractual Party,andafter reasonable opportunity forsuchpartytobe heard,theCity Manager,after consultation withthe Chief Procurement Officerandthecity attorney,shallhavethe authority todebara Contractual Party,forthecauses listedbelow,from consideration foraward ofcity Contracts.The debarment shallbeforaperiodofnotfewerthan threeyears.TheCityManagershallalsohavetheauthoritytosuspenda Contractual Partyfrom consideration for award ofcity Contracts ifthereis probable causefor debarment,pending the debarment determination.The authority todebarand suspend contractors shallbe exercised in accordance with regulations whichshallbe issued bytheChiefProcurement Officer after approval bytheCity Manager,thecity attorney,andtheCity Commission. (b)Causes for debarment or suspension.Causes for debarment or suspension include the following: (1)Conviction for commission ofa criminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting toobtaina publicorprivate Contract or subcontract,or incident tothe performance ofsuchContractor subcontract. (2)Conviction under stateor federal statutes of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records,receiving stolen property,oranyotheroffense indicating alackof business integrityorbusinesshonesty. (3)Conviction understateor federal antitrust statutesarisingoutofthe submission ofBidsor Proposals. (4)Violation of Contractprovisions,whichisregardedbythe Chief ProcurementOfficertobe indicative of nonresponsibility.Suchviolation may include failure without goodcause to perform in accordance withthe terms and conditions ofa Contract orto perform withinthetimelimits provided ina Contract,provided that failure to perform caused byactsbeyondthe control ofapartyshallnotbe considered abasisfor debarment orsuspension. (5)Debarment or suspension ofthe Contractual Partybyany federal,stateorother governmental entity. (6)Falsecertificationpursuanttoparagraph(c)below. (7)Foundin violation ofazoningordinance oranyothercity ordinance or regulation andfor which Page 12 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 Potential vendors,service providers,bidders,lobbyists or consultants and the City's professional staff including,but not limited to,the City Manager and the City Manager's staff;the Mayor,City Commissioners,ortheir respective staffsandanymember of therespective selection/evaluation committee. The provision doesnotapplyto,amongother communications: oral communications withtheCity purchasing staff,provided the communication is limited strictly to matters of process or procedure already contained inthe formal solicitation document;the provisions of theConeof Silence do notapplyto oral communications atduly noticed site visits/inspections,pre-proposal or pre-bid conferences,oral presentations before selection/evaluation committees,contract negotiations during anyduly noticed public meeting, or public presentations made tothe Miami City Commission during adulynoticed public meeting;or communications in writing orby email atanytimewithanyCity employee,officialor member oftheCity Commission unless specifically prohibited bythe applicable RFP,RFQ,RFLI or IFB (bid)documents (See Section 2.2.of the Special Conditions);or communications in connection withthe collection of industry comments orthe performance of market research regarding a particular RFP,RFQ,RFLI OR IFB byCity Purchasing staff. Proposers or bidders mustfileacopyofany written communications withtheOfficeoftheCity Clerk,which shall be made available toany person upon request.TheCity shall respond in writing and file acopywiththeOfficeof theCity Clerk,whichshall be made available toany person upon request.Written communications maybeinthe form of e-mail,withacopytotheOffice of theCity Clerk. In addition toany other penalties provided by law,violation ofthe Cone of Silence byany proposer or bidder shall render any award voidable.A violation bya particular Bidder,Proposer,Offeror,Respondent,lobbyist or consultant shall subject same to potential penalties pursuant totheCity Code.Any person having personal knowledge ofa violation of these provisions shall report such violation tothe State Attorney and/or may file a. complaint withthe Ethics Commission.Proposers or bidders should reference Section 18-74 oftheCity ofMiami Code for further clarification. This language isonlya summary of thekey provisions ofthe Cone of Silence.Please review City ofMiami Code Section 18-74 for a complete and thorough description ofthe Cone of Silence.Youmay contact theCityClerkat 305-250-5360,toobtainacopy of same. 1.21.CONFIDENTIALITY -Asa political subdivision,theCity ofMiami issubjecttothe Florida Sunshine Act and Public Records Law.Ifthis Contract/Agreement contains a confidentiality provision,it shall have no application whendisclosureisrequiredbyFloridalaworuponcourtorder. 1.22.CONFLICT OF INTEREST -Bidders/Proposers,by responding tothis Formal Solicitation,certifythatto thebestof their knowledge or belief,no elected/appointed official or employee oftheCity ofMiami is financially interested,directly or indirectly,inthe purchase of goods/services specified inthis Formal Solicitation.Anysuch interests onthe part ofthe Bidder/Proposer orits employees mustbe disclosed in writing tothe City.Further,you mustdisclosethename of anyCityemployeewhoowns,directlyor indirectly;aninterest of fivepercent(5%)or more of thetotalassets of capital stock inyourfirm. A.Bidder/Proposer further agrees nottouseor attempt touseany knowledge,property or resource whichmay bewithin his/her/its trust,or perform his/her/its duties,to secure a special privilege,benefit,or exemption for himself/herself/itself,or others.Bidder/Proposer maynot disclose oruse information not available tomembers of the general public and gained by reason of his/her/its position,except for information relating exclusively to governmental practices,for his/her/its personal gain orbenefitorforthe personal gainorbenefit ofanyother person orbusinessentity. B.Bidder/Proposer hereby acknowledges thathe/she/ithasnot contracted or transacted anybusinesswiththe Cityorany person oragencyactingfortheCity,andhasnot appeared in representation of any third party beforeany Page11 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 for,or responsible to,the Bidder/Proposer/Consultant,any sub-contractor/sub-consultant,ortoany other person for, oron account of,any stoppages ordelayintheworkhereinprovided forby injunction orotherlegalor equitable proceedings oron account of anydelayforanycauseoverwhichtheCityhasno control. 1.18.COLLUSION -Bidder/Proposer,bysubmittinga response,certifiesthatitsresponseismadewithout previous understanding;agreement or connection either withany person,firm or corporation submitting a response forthesame items/services orwiththeCity of Miami's Purchasing Department or initiating department.The Bidder/Proposer certifiesthatits response is fair,without control,collusion,fraud orotherillegalaction. Bidder/Proposer certifiesthatitisin compliance withtheConflict of Interest andCode of EthicsLaws.TheCity will investigate all potential situations where collusion mayhave occurred andtheCity reserves therighttoreject anyandallbids/responseswherecollusionmayhaveoccurred. 1.19.COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL LAWS -Contractor understands thatcontracts betweenprivateentitiesandlocalgovernmentsaresubjecttocertainlawsandregulations,includinglaws pertaining topublic records,conflict of interest,recordskeeping,etc.Cityand Contractor agreetocomplywithandobserveall applicable laws,codesand ordinances asthatmayinanywayaffectthe goods or equipment offered,including but not limited to: A.ExecutiveOrder 11246,whichprohibitsdiscriminationagainstanyemployee,applicant,orclientbecause of race,creed,color,national origin,sex,oragewith regard to,butnotlimitedto,the following:employment practices,rate of payorothercompensationmethods,andtrainingselection. B.Occupational,SafetyandHealthAct(OSHA),asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. C.TheState of FloridaStatutes,Section 287.133(3)(A)onPublicEntityCrimes. D.EnvironmentProtectionAgency(EPA),asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. E.UniformCommercialCode(FloridaStatutes,Chapter672). F.Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,asamended. G.NationalInstitute of OccupationalSafetyHazards (NIOSH),asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. H.NationalForest Products Association (NFPA),asapplicabletothis Formal Solicitation. I.CityProcurementOrdinanceCityCodeSection 18,ArticleIII. J.Conflict of Interest,CityCodeSection 2-611;61. K.Cone of Silence,City Code Section 18-74. L.The Florida StatutesSections218.73and218.74onPromptPayment. Lack of knowledge by thebidder/proposerwillinnowaybeacausefor relief fromresponsibility.Non-compliance withalllocal,state,and federal directives,orders,andlawsmaybeconsideredgroundsfortermination of contracts). Copies oftheCityOrdinances may be obtainedfromtheCity Clerk's Office. 1.20.CONE OF SILENCE -PursuanttoSection 18-74 of theCity ofMiami Code,a"Cone of Silence"isimposed uponeachRFP,RFQ,RFLI,orIFBafteradvertisementandterminatesatthetimetheCityManagerissuesawritten recommendationtotheMiamiCityCommission.TheCone of SilenceshallbeapplicableonlytoContractsforthe provision of goodsandservicesandpublicworksorimprovementsforamountsgreaterthan$200,000.TheCone of Silenceprohibitsanycommunication regarding RFPs,RFQs,RFLIor IFBs (bids)between,amongothers: Page10 of 34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 G.TheCity reserves therighttoawardthe contract ona split-order,lumpsumor individual-item basis,orsuch combination as shall bestserve the interests ofthe City unless otherwise specified. H.A Contract/Agreement may be awarded totheBidder/Proposer bytheCity Commission based upon the minimum qualification requirements reflected herein.Asa result ofa RFP,RFQ,or RFLI,the City reserves the rightto execute ornot execute,as applicable,an Agreement withthe Proposer,whichever is determined tobeinthe City's best interests.Such agreement will be furnished bythe City,will contain certain terms asareinthe City's best interests,andwillbe subject to approval asto legal form bythe City Attorney. 1.11.BID BOND/BIDSECURITY -A cashier's or certified check,oraBidBond signed bya recognized surety company thatis licensed,todo business intheStateof Florida,payable totheCity ofMiami,forthe amount bidis required from all bidders/proposers,ifso indicated under the Special Conditions.This check or bond guarantees thata bidder/proposer will accept theorderor contract/agreement,as bid/proposed,ifitis awarded to bidder/proposer.Bidder/Proposer shall forfeit bid deposit to the City should City award contract/agreement to Bidder/Proposer and Bidder/Proposer fails to accept theaward.TheCity reserves the right to reject any andall surety tendered tothe City.Bid deposits are returned to unsuccessful bidders/proposers within ten (10)days after the award andsuccessful bidder's/proposer's acceptance of award.If sixty (60)days have passed after thedateofthe formal solicitation closing date,andno contract hasbeen awarded,allbid deposits willbe returned on demand. 1.12.RESPONSE FORM (HARDCOPY FORMAT)-All forms should be completed,signed and submitted accordingly. 1.13.BID SECURITY FORFEITED LIQUIDATED DAMAGES -Failure to execute an Agreement and/or file an acceptable Performance Bond,when required,as provided herein,shallbejustcauseforthe annulment ofthe award and theforfeiture oftheBid Security tothe City,which forfeiture shall be considered,notasa penalty,butin mitigation of damages sustained.Award may then be made tothenext lowest responsive,responsible Bidder or Proposal most advantageous totheCityorall responses maybe rejected. 1.14.BRAND NAMES -Ifandwherever inthe specifications brand names,makes,models,names ofany manufacturers,trade names,orbidder/proposer catalog numbers are specified,itis for the purpose of establishing the type,function,minimum standard of design,efficiency,grade or quality of goods only.When the City does not wish torule out other competitors'brands ormakes,the phrase "OR EQUAL"is added.When bidding/proposing an approved equal,Bidders/Proposers will submit,with their response,complete sets of necessary data (factory information sheets,specifications,brochures,etc.)inorder for the City to evaluate and determine the equality of the item(s)bid/proposed.TheCityshall bethesolejudge of equality andits decision shall be final.Unless otherwise specified,evidence in the form of samples may be requested if the proposed brand is other than specified by the City.Such samples are tobe furnished after formal solicitation opening/closing only upon request of the City.If samples should berequested,such samples must be received bythe City no later than seven (7)calendar days after aformalrequestismade. 1.15.CANCELLATION -The City reserves the right to cancel all formal solicitations before its opening/closing. Inthe event of bid/proposal cancellation,the Director of Purchasing shall notify all prospective bidders/proposers andmakeavailableawrittenexplanationforthe cancellation. 1.16.CAPITAL EXPENDITURES -Contractor understands thatany capital expenditures thatthe firm makes,or prepares to make,inorderto deliver/perform the goods/services required bytheCity,isa business riskwhichthe contractor must assume.TheCitywillnotbe obligated to reimburse amortized or unamortized capital expenditures, orto maintain the approved statusofany contractor.If contractor has been unable to recoup its capital expenditures during thetimeitis rendering such goods/services,it shall nothaveanyclaimuponthe City. 1.17.CITYNOT LIABLE FOR DELAYS -Itis further expressly agreed thatinno event shall theCitybe liable Page9 of34 Invitation For Bid 352301,1 proceedings. 1.8.AUDITRIGHTSANDRECORDS RETENTION -The Successful Bidder/Proposer agreesto provide access atall reasonable timestotheCity,ortoanyofitsduly authorized representatives,toany books,documents,papers, andrecordsofContractorwhicharedirectlypertinenttothisformalsolicitation,forthepurposeofaudit, examination,excerpts,andtranscriptions.TheSuccessfulBidder/Proposershallmaintainandretainanyandall of thebooks,documents,papersandrecordspertinenttotheContractforthree(3)yearsaftertheCitymakesfinal paymentandallotherpendingmattersare closed.Contractor's failure toorrefusaltocomplywiththiscondition shallresultintheimmediatecancellationofthiscontractbytheCity. 1.9.AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACT STATE-WIDE -Any Governmental,not-for-profit or. quasi-governmentalentityintheState of Florida,mayavailitself ofthiscontractandpurchaseanyandall goods/services,specifiedhereinfromthesuccessfulbidder(s)/proposer(s)atthecontractprice(s)establishedherein, whenpermissiblebyfederal,state,andlocallaws,rules,andregulations. EachGovernmental,not-for-profitorquasi-governmentalentitywhichusesthisformalsolicitationandresultingbid contractoragreementwillestablishitsowncontract/agreement,placeitsownorders,issueitsownpurchaseorders, beinvoicedtherefromandmakeitsownpayments,determineshippingtermsandissueitsownexemption certificatesasrequiredbythesuccessfulbidder(s)/proposer(s). 1.10.AWARD OF CONTRACT: A.TheFormalSolicitation,Bidder's/Proposer's response,anyaddendaissued,andthepurchaseordershall constitutetheentirecontract,unlessmodifiedinaccordancewithanyensuingcontract/agreement,amendmentor addenda. B.Theaward of acontractwherethereareTieBidswillbedecidedbytheDirector of Purchasingordesigneeinthe instancethatTieBids can't be determined byapplyingFloridaStatute 287.087,Preference to Businesses with Drug-FreeWorkplacePrograms. C.Theawardofthiscontractmaybepreconditionedonthesubsequentsubmissionofotherdocumentsasspecified intheSpecialConditionsorTechnicalSpecifications.Bidder/Proposershallbeindefault of itscontractual obligationifsuchdocumentsarenotsubmittedinatimelymannerandintheformrequiredbytheCity.Where Bidder/Proposerisindefault of thesecontractualrequirements,theCity,throughactiontakenbythePurchasing Department,willvoiditsacceptance of the Bidder's/Proposer's ResponseandmayaccepttheResponsefromthe nextlowestresponsive,responsibleBidderorProposalmostadvantageoustotheCityorre-solicitthe City's requirements.TheCity,atits sole discretion,mayseekmonetary restitution from Bidder/Proposer andits bid/proposalbondorguaranty,if applicable,asaresultofdamagesorincreasedcostssustainedasaresultofthe Bidder's/Proposer's default. D.The term of the contract shall be specified inone of three documents which shallbe issued tothe successful Bidder/Proposer.Thesedocumentsmayeitherbeapurchaseorder,notice of award and/or contractawardsheet. E.TheCityreservestherighttoautomaticallyextendthiscontractforuptoonehundredtwenty (120)calendar daysbeyondthestatedcontractterminordertoprovideCitydepartmentswithcontinualserviceandsupplieswhile anewcontractisbeingsolicited,evaluated,and/or awarded.If therightisexercised,theCityshallnotifythe Bidder/Proposer,inwriting,of itsintenttoextendthecontractatthesameprice,termsandconditionsfora specific number ofdays.Additional extensions overthefirstonehundredtwenty (120)day extension mayoccur,if,theCity andthe Successful Bidder/Proposer arein mutual agreement of such extensions. F.Wherethecontractinvolvesasingleshipment of goodstotheCity,thecontracttermshallconcludeupon completionoftheexpressedorimpliedwarrantyperiods. Page8 of34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 Terms and Conditions 1.General Conditions 1.1.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Intent:The General Terms and Conditions described herein apply tothe acquisition of goods/equipment/services withanestimated aggregate cost of $25,000.00ormore. Definition:A formal solicitation is defined as issuance of an Invitation for Bids,'Request for Proposals,Request for Qualifications,orRequestfor Letters of Interest pursuant totheCity ofMiami Procurement Code and/or Florida Law,as amended.Formal Solicitation and Solicitation shallbe defined inthesamemannerherein. '1.1.ACCEPTANCE OF GOODS OR EQUIPMENT -Any good(s)or equipment delivered under this formal solicitation,if applicable,shall remain the property of the seller until a physical inspection and actual usage of the good is made,and thereafter is accepted as satisfactory to the City.ItWist comply with the terms herein and be fully in accordance with specifications and of the highest quality.In the event the goods/equipment supplied to the City are found tobe defective or does not conform to specifications,theCity reserves the right to cancel the order upon written notice tothe Contractor and return the product to the Contractor atthe Contractor's expense. 1.2.ACCEPTANCEOFOFFER-The signed or electronic submission of your solicitation response shall be considered an offer onthe part of the bidder/proposer;such offer shall be deemed accepted upon issuance by the City of apurchase'order. 13.ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION -The City reserves the right to accept orreject any or all responses orparts of afteropening/closing date and request re-issuance onthe goods/services described inthe formal solicitation.In the eventof such rejection,the Director of Purchasing shall notifyall affected bidders/proposers and makeavailable a written explanation for the rejection.The City also reserves the right to reject the response of any bidder/proposer who has previously failed to properly perform under the terms and conditions ofa contract,to deliver ontime contracts ofa similar nature,and whoisnotina position to perform the requirements defined inthis formal solicitation.TheCity further reserves the right towaiveany irregularities orminorinformalities or technicalities in anyorallresponsesandmay,atitsdiscretion,re-issuethisformalsolicitation. 1.4.ADDENDA -Itisthe bidder's/proposer's responsibility to ensure receipt ofall Addenda.Addenda are available attheCity'swebsite at:http://www.ci.miami.fl.us/procurement 1.5.ALTERNATE RESPONSES MAYBE CONSIDERED -TheCitymay consider one(1)alternate response from the same Bidder/Proposer for the same formal solicitation;provided,that the alternate response offers a different product that meets orexceeds the formal solicitation requirements.In order for the City to consider an alternate response,the Bidder/Proposer shall complete a separate Price Sheet form and shall mark "Alternate Response".Alternate response shall be placed inthe same response.This provision only applies to formal solicitations for the procurement of goods,services,items,equipment,materials,and/or supplies. 1.6.ASSIGNMENT -Contractor agrees not to subcontract,assign,transfer,convey,sublet,orotherwise dispose of the resulting Contract,or any or all ofits right,titleor interest herein,without Cityof Miami's prior written consent. 1.7.ATTORNEY'S FEES-In connection withany litigation,mediation and arbitration arising outofthis Contract, each party shall bear their own attorney's fees through and including appellate litigation and any post-judgment Page7 of34 Invitation ForBid 352301,1 Table of Contents Terms and Conditions..7 1.General Conditions 7 1.1.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 7 2.Special Conditions 21 2.1.PURPOSE 27 2.2.DEADLINEFORRECEIPTOFREQUESTFORADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION 27 2.3.TERM OF CONTRACT 27 2.4.CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL 27 2.5.NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS 27 2.6.METHOD OF AWARD 27 2.7.BIDDERSMINIMUMQUALIFICATIONS 28 2.8.FAILURE TO PERFORM ;28 2.9.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ...-.!'.28 2.10.METHOD OF PAYMENT 30 2.11.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF PRODUCTS/SUPPLIERS 30 2.13.DISCOUNTS(FROM MANUFACTURER'S CATALOGAND/ORPUBLISHEDPRICELISTS). 30 2.14..PRODUCT/CATALOG INFORMATION 30 2.15.MATERIALS SHALL BE NEW AND WARRANTED AGAINST DEFECTS 31 2.16.EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT 31 2.17.WARRANTY,FITNESS FOR PURPOSE 31 2.18.QUALITY AND MANUFACTURE 31 2.19.BACK ORDERS SHALL NOT BE ALLOWED 32 2.20.SPECIFICATION EXCEPTIONS 32 2.21.TERMINATION 32 2.22.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 33 2.23.PRIMARYCLIENT(FIRSTPRIORITY)33 3.Specifications 34 3.1.SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK 34 Page6 of34 In lieu ofa "Punchout"site,as described above,indicate if Successful Bidder will have the capability and ability to receive Purchase Orders/Releases via e-mail or fax and provide goods as requested in the Purchase Order/Release.The Purchase Order constitutes the City's official request for contracted items and the Successful Bidder shall not require the City to manually enter the goods requested viaa Purchase Order/Release,inthe Successful Bidder's online ordering system.Indicate yesor no. Page5 of 34 GroupI:Manufacturer'sProductCatalogand/orPriceList Number and/orDate,and effective period:(Catalog#3) GroupII:LifeguardEquipmentandSupplies-Singlefixedpercentagediscounttobedeductedfromthe manufacturer's cataloglistpricesand/orpricelists.Biddersmustbidasinglefixedpercentagediscount, ex.12%isacceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog#1) GroupII-Manufacturer'sProductCatalogand/orPriceList Number and/orDate,and effective period:(Catalog#l) Group II:Lifeguard EquipmentandSupplies-Singlefixed percentage discounttobedeductedfromthe manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders mustbida single fixed percentage discount, ex.12%isacceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog#2) GroupII-Manufacturer's ProductCatalogand/orPrice ListNumberand/orDate,and effective period:(Catalog#2) Group II:Lifeguard EquipmentandSupplies-Singlefixed percentage discounttobe deducted fromthe manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders mustbida single fixed percentage discount, ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog #3) GroupII-Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or Price ListNumberand/orDate,andeffective period:(Catalog #3) Pleaselistand acknowledge alladdendum/addendareceived.Listtheaddendum/addendanumberand date of receipt (i.e.Addendum No.1,7/1/07).Ifno addendum/addenda was/were issued,please insert N/A. Indicate,if upon contract award,will the Successful Bidder have the capability and ability to have an online based ordering system that can integrate withthe City's Oracle {Procurement module to create a "Punchout"sitethatwill enable buyers (i.e.City employees)toclick alink,withinthe Oracle iProcurement module,that goes tothe Successful Bidder's electronic catalog,search for itemsonthe Successful Bidder's webiste,and return those items directly tothe buyer's electronic shopping cart. Indicateyesorno. Page4 of34 Certifications Legal Name of Firm: Entity Type:Partnership,SoleProprietorship,Corporation,etc. Year Established: Office Location:City ofMiami,Miami-Dade County,or Other Occupational License Number: OccupationalLicenseIssuingAgency: OccupationalLicenseExpirationDate: Group I:Swimming Pool Equipment and Supplies -Single fixed percentage discount tobe deducted from the manufacturer's catalog list prices and/or price lists.Bidders must bida single fixed percentage discount,ex.12%is acceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog #1) Group I:Manufacturer's Product Catalog and/or PriceList Number and/orDate,and effective period: (Catalog #1) GroupI:SwimmingPoolEquipmentandSupplies-Singlefixedpercentagediscounttobededucted from the manufacturer's catalog listprices and/or price lists.Bidders mustbidasinglefixed percentage discount,ex.12%isacceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog#2) GroupI:Manufacturer'sProductCatalogand/orPriceListNumberand/orDate,andeffective period:(Catalog #2) GroupI:SwimmingPoolEquipmentandSupplies -Singlefixedpercentagediscounttobededucted fromthe manufacturer's cataloglistprices and/or pricelists.Biddersmustbidasinglefixedpercentage discount,ex.12%isacceptable,11.075%isnot.(Catalog#3) Page 3 of 34 Certification Statement Pleasequoteonthisform,if applicable,netpricesfortheitem(s)listed.Returnsignedoriginaland retainacopyforyourfiles.Pricesshouldincludeallcosts,includingtransportationtodestination.The Cityreservestherighttoacceptorrejectalloranypart of this submission.Prices should be firm fora minimum of 180daysfollowingthetimesetforclosing of the submissions. Intheeventoferrorsinextension of totals,theunitpricesshallgovernindeterminingthequoted prices. We(I)certifythatwehavereadyour solicitation,completed thenecessarydocuments,andproposeto furnishanddeliver,F.O.B.DESTINATION,theitemsorservicesspecifiedherein. Theundersignedherebycertifiesthatneitherthecontractualpartynorany of itsprincipalownersor personnelhavebeenconvictedofanyoftheviolations,ordebarredorsuspendedassetinsection 18-107 or Ordinance No.12271. Allexceptionstothissubmissionhavebeen documented inthesectionbelow(refertoparagraphand section). EXCEPTIONS: We(1)certifythatanyandallinformationcontainedinthissubmissionistrue;andwe(I)furthercertify thatthissubmissionismadewithoutpriorunderstanding,agreement,orconnectionwithany corporation,firm,orpersonsubmittingasubmissionforthesamematerials,supplies,equipment,or service,andisinallrespectsfairandwithoutcollusionorfraud.We(I)agreetoabidebyalltermsand conditions of thissolicitationandcertifythatIamauthorizedtosignthissubmissionforthesubmitter. Pleaseprintthefollowingandsignyourname: SUPPLIER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE:FAX: EMAIL:BEEPER: SIGNED BY: TITLE:DATE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE.SIGN.AND RETURN THIS FORM SHALL DISQUALIFY THIS BID. Page 2 of 34 City of Miami Invitation For Bid Bid Number: Title: Issue Date/Time: Bid Closing Date/Time: Pre-Bid Conference: Pre-Bid Date/Time: Pre-Bid Location: Deadline for Request for Clarification: Buyer: Hard Copy Submittal Location: Buyer E-Mail Address: Buyer Facsimile: Purchasing Department Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue,6th Floor Miami,Florida 33130 Web Site Address:http://ci.miami.fl.us/procurement 352301,1 Invitation toBidfor Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies 22-JAN-2013 02/12/2013@ 12:00:00 Monday,January 28,2013 at5:00 PM Suarez,Maritza City ofMiami -City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 US msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us (305)400-5025 Page1 of 34 TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO.352301:SWIMMING POOLAND LIFEGUARD EQUIPMENTANDSUPPLIES Item No.g Description Group I:Swimming Pool Equipment and Suppli< The following are sample of equal items based on theCity'sexisting contract purchase history: 1 I 2 3 4 5 Water Noodles Recreonics Superboard,Dimensions:20"x11"x1 3/32",Weight:12oz SwimPower Handpaddle (small) Rope %"blue/white,Item 14438BW Umbrella,LifeguardChair,vinyl,6 1/2"in diameter,Item No.12-344.BW Group II:Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies Prepared by:Maritza Suarez,3/18/2013 Est. Qtv.UOM 24 I Ea. 200|Ea. 100 §Ea. 133 Ea. 24 Ea. Page1 of 1 Recreonics,Inc. Unit Price Total 12%off catalog $3.02 $72.48 $10.06 $2,012.00 $22.46 $2,246.00 $0.92 $122.36 75.22 $1,805.28 No Bid Approva eLifeguard,Inc. Unit Price Total 5%off catalog Item not on catalog 7.5 $1,500.00 Item not on catalog 0.4 $53.20 $53.19 $1,276.56 5%off catalog Departmeni.Director/Designee CONTRACT IFB NO.: DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PERIOD: TERM OF CONTRACT: COMMODITY CODE: 352301(18) SWIMMING POOL AND LIFEGUARD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES APRIL 22,2013 THROUGH APRIL 21,2015 TWO(2)YEARSWITHTHEOPTIONTO RENEW FOR THREE (3)ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS 650 SECTION #1 -VENDOR AWARD Recreonics,Inc.(Group 1) 4200 Schmitt Avenue Louisville,KY 40213 Contact:Lance Livesay Phone:(800)428-3254 Fax:(800)428-0133 Email:lancel@recreonics.com Elifeguard,Inc.(Groups 1 and 2) 265 Barnes Blvd. Rockledge,FL 32955 Contact:Michael Rogers Phone:(321)433-3630 Fax:(321)433-3631 Email:info@elifequard.com SECTION#2-AWARD/BACKGROUND INFORMATION/APPLICABLE ORDINANCES/NOTES C.C.AWARD DATE:APRIL 1,2013 RESOLUTION NO:13-0160 ANNUAL CONTRACT AMOUNT:N/A Note:Funds allocated from the various sources of funds fromthe user departments and agencies, subject toavailabilityof funds and budgetary approval at the time of need. SECTION #3 -REQUESTING DEPARTMENT POLICE AND FIRE-RESCUE DEPARTMENTS Contract Administrator:Maria DeCardenas SECTION #4 -PROCURING AGENCY CITY OF MIAMI,PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Buyer:Maritza Suarez Phone:(305)416-1907 Fax:(305)416-1925 Prepared By:Aimee Gandarilla,5/1/13 AMENDED AMOUNT:N/A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:YES PERFORMANCE BOND:N/A APPLICABLE ORDINANCES:N/A A CONTRACT AWARD SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDETO ASSIST YOU WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREINIS AVAILABLE INTHEISUPPLIERINFORMATIONSECTIONOFOUR WEBPAGE ATI www.miamigov.com/procurement CITYOFMIAMI,FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM T0^ALL DEPARTMENTDIRECTORS DATG..May1,2013 FILE. AND CONTRACT LIAISONS subject -Swimming Pool and Lifeguard EquipmentandSupplies IFBNo.352301(18) from;Kenneth Robertson,Director references: Purchasing Department ENCLOSURES: Please find enclosed acopyofthe recently approved term contract for Swimming Pooland Lifeguard Equipment and Supplies.This contract hasbeen established forthe Department of Parksand Recreation.Unless a specific itemisnot listed,using department inneedofthesegoods or services is required toutilizethis contract.Using department isurgedtocarefullyreviewthe contractindetailtobecomefamiliarwithitsprices,termsandconditions,anditemsawarded.If any department isunableto locate a particular item onthe contract,pleasecontactthe appropriate Buyerfor assistance.Noothergoodsorservicescanbepurchasedunderthisagreementexcept thosespecifiedinthecontract.When requestingthis commodity orservice,theIFB No,, Resolution No,andthe corresponding catalogitem numbers must becitedinthe requisition. Itshallbethe responsibility oftheusing department toproperlyadministerthecontracttoensure thatthe contractor andtheCity perform all contractual obligations.Inthe execution ofthis responsibility,departments should monitor vendor performance,inspectgoodsattimeof delivery,andcheckforaccuracyinbilling. Should anyusing department experience any difficulties withthe contractor,please document the matterand immediately adviseMaritza Suarez,Procurement Supervisor,at(305)416-1907for assistance. CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this U day of By: (typenameandtitle of signatoryabove) _^_y _,,2014,by and between the City of South Miami,a Florida municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred to'as "City")and Elifeguard,Inc., (hereinafter referred toas "Contractor"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,the City ofMiami solicited bids,pursuant to IFB [Invitation to Bid]#352301 (18),for SwimmingPoolandLifeguardEquipment;and WHEREAS,the City ofMiami,after completing a competitive bidding process,awarded a contract to Elifeguard,Inc.;and WHEREAS,the City of South Miami desires to utilize the City ofMiami contract pursuant to IFB #352301 (18),and pursuant to authority oftheCityof South Miami's Charter. NOW,THEREFORE,the City and the Contractor,each through their authorized representative/official, agree as follows: 1.The City desires to enter into a Contract,for the items awarded to it under the general category of Swimming Pool and Lifeguard Equipment,under the same terms and conditions asset forth in IFB #352301 (18)and the agreement between City ofMiami and Elifeguard,Inc.,pursuant IFB #352301 (18). 2.The City has reviewed the contract and agrees to the terms and conditions and further agrees to the fair and reasonableness of the pricing.Contractor hereby agrees to provide such services under the same price(s),terms and conditions as IFB #352301 (18)and the agreement between City ofMiami and Elifeguard, Inc.,pursuant IFB #352301 (18),a copy ofwhich,including any amendments thereto,is attached hereto and ' madeaparthereofbyreference. 3.All references in the contract between City of Miami and Elifeguard,Inc.,shall be assumed to pertain to,andare binding upon Contractor and the City of South Miami.All decisions thataretobe made on behalf of the City,as set forth in the City ofMiami IFB and its agreement with Elifeguard,Inc.,shall be made by the City Manager for the City of South Miami.The term of the contract,including all extensions authorized by the contract shall not exceed five years.Notwithstanding anything contained in the IFB orthe City ofMiami contract to the contrary,this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida and venue for all dispute resolutions or litigation shall bein Miami-Dade County,Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,and as the duly authorized act ofthe parties,the undersigned representatives ofthe parties hereto have caused this instrument to be signed in their respective names by their proper officials and tobe attested bytheir respective Clerksthedayandyearfirst above written.— CITY OF Steven Alexander City Manager