Res No 089-14-14183RESOLUTION NO.:89-14-14183 A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to enter into a contract with Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc.for Pool Chemicals,Liquid Chlorine and Storage Tank Rental. WHEREAS,the CityofSouth Miami desiresto enter intoa contract forPoolChemical,Liquid Chlorine &Storage TankRental;and, WHEREAS,the Citywishes to utilizetheCityof Miami contract forPoolChemicals,Liquid Chlorine and Storage TankRental between the Commercial EnergySpecialists,Inc.and the Cityof Miami under the same terms and conditions as set forth inbid IFB#260254(I6);and, WHEREAS,the Cityhasreviewedsolicitationforbid#IFB#260254(I6)and agrees to the terms and conditions and further agrees to the fairand reasonableness of the pricing set forth in Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc.'s response to the solicitation;and, WHEREAS,Commercial EnergySpecialists,Inc.has agreed to provide such services under the same price(s),terms and conditions as stipulated inbid IFB#260254(I6);and, WHEREAS,representatives fromtheCityandCommercialEnergySpecialists,Inc.haveagreedonall the terms and conditions that are mentioned above. NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI,FLORIDA THAT: Section I.TheCity Manager isauthorizedto enter intoa contract withCommercial Energy Specialists, Inc.forPoolChemicals,Liquid Chlorine andStorageTankRentalunderthesame terms andconditions set forthin solicitationforbid#IFB#260254(I6)betweenCommercial Energy Specialists,Inc.andtheCityof Miami.Acopy of the piggyback contract is attached. Section 2.Severability.Ifanysection clause,sentence,orphraseofthisresolutionisforanyreason held invalid or unconstitutional byacourtofcompetent jurisdiction,the holding shall not affect the validity ofthe remaining portions ofthis resolution. Section 3.Effective Date.Thisresolution shall become effective immediately uponadoptionbyvote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this _5thday ofMay _,20I4. API MAYOR COMMISSION VOTE: Mayor Stoddard: ViceMayorHarris: Commissioner Edmond: Commissioner Liebman: Commissioner Welsh: ^iUL~£ 5-0 Yea Yea Yea Yea Yea To: Via: From: Date: Subject: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor&Membersof the City Commission Steven Alexander,CityManager Quentin Pough,Acting Director Parksand Recreation Department May5,2014 Agenda Item No. South Miami fc,T.f!fcli MHtmoicaCHy W 2001 Background: AResolutionauthorizingtheCityManagerto enter intoa contract with CommercialEnergy Specialists,Inc.forPoolChemicals,Liquid Chlorineand Storage Tank Rental. After completing a competitive bidding process,theCityof Miami awardeda contract toCommercial Energy Specialist,Inc.(CES)pursuanttobid IFB#260254(I6)forPool Chemical,Liquid Chlorine&StorageTank Rental.The contract periodisfromJune6,2011 throughJune5,2013 withfour(4) additional one-year periods.Thisbidisstillactiveandwas renewed forasecond year onMay 15,2013. TheCityofSouth Miami has reviewed andwishesto piggyback fromthe contract between the Cityof Miami and the Contractor under the same terms andconditionssetforthin solicitation for bid IFB#260254(I6). Vendors & Bid Amount Expense: Fund& Account: Attachments: Please find belowa breakdown of all submittedproposals Vendors Bid Amount Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc.N/A $0.00 Theexpenditure shall bechargedtoCommunityPoolContractual Services account number 001-2030-572-3450,whichhasabalance of $8,244.00 before this request wasmade. Resolutionforapproval Contract Award Sheet Cityof Miami Bid No.260254(16) Tabulation of Bids Ist and 2nd Contract Renewal Contract AwardSheet (City ofSouth Miami &Contractor sample) 70: CITY OFMIAMI,FLORIDA-- INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS and CONTRACT LIAISONS Kenneth Robertson,Director from:Purchasing Department DATE:June 15,2011 FllE: SU8JEGT:PoolChemicals,LiquidChlorine& Storage Tank Rental BidNo.260254(16) REFERENCES;' ENCLOSURES: Please find enclosed a copy of the recently approved term contract for Pool Chemicals,Liquid Chlorine &Storage Tank Rental.This contract has been established forthe department of Parks and Recreations.Unless a specific item isnot listed,using department in need of these goods or servicesisrequiredtoutilizethis contract Usingdepartmentisurgedtocarefullyreviewthecontractindetailtobecomefamiliarwithits prices,terms and conditions,and items awarded.Ifany department is unable to locate a particular item onthe contract,please contact the appropriate Buyerfor assistance.Noother goodsor services canbe purchased underthis agreement exceptthose specified inthe contract. When requesting this commodity orservice,theBidNo.,Resolution No.andthe corresponding catalogitem numbers must becitedin the requisition. Should anyusing department experience any difficulties withthe contractor,please document the matterand immediately adviseMaritza Suarez,Procurement Supervisor,at(305)416-1907 for assistance. CONTRACT BID NO.: DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PERIOD: TERM OF CONTRACT: COMMODITY CODE: 260254(16) POOL CHEMICALS,LIQUID CHLORINE &STORAGE TANK RENTAL JUNE 6,2011 THROUGH JUNE 5,2012 ONE (1)YEAR W/OTR FOR FOUR (4)ADDITIONAL ONE- YEAR PERIODS 988 SECTION #1 -VENDOR AWARD Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc. (Group 1) 860 Jupiter Park Dr. Jupiter,FL 33458 Contact:Alvaro Mendoza Phone:(800)940-1557 Fax:(561)746-5898 Email:amendoza@ceswaterquaHtv.com varruza@cesmail.org Pro Star Pool Supplies (Group 2) PO Box 970041 Coconut Creek,FL 33097 Contact:Dennis Miller Phone:(561)488-7023 Fax:,.(561)482-0791 , Email:dmm-23@comcast.net .info@prostarpoolsupplies.com SECTION #2 -AWARD/BACKGROUND INFORMATION/APPLICABLE ORDINANCES/NOTES C.C.AWARDDATE:MAY 26,2011 RESOLUTION NO:11-0217 ANNUAL CONTRACT AMOUNT:N/A Note:Funds allocated from the various sources of funds from the user departments and agencies, subject to availability of funds and budgetary approval at the time of need. SECTION #3 -REQUESTING DEPARTMENT CITY DEPARTMENTS Contract Administrator: Phone:(305)416-1733 Fax:(305)416-1710 SECTION #4 -PROCURING AGENCY AMENDED AMOUNT:N/A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:N/A PERFORMANCE BOND:N/A APPLICABLE ORDINANCES:N/A CITY OF MIAMI,PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Buyer:Maritza Suarez Phone:(305)416-1907 Fax:(305)416-1925 Prepared By:Aimee Gandarilla,6/6/11 A CONTRACT AWARD SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE TO ASSIST YOU WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREINIS AVAILABLE INTHE ISUPPLIER INFORMATION SECTION OF OUR WEBPAGE AT: www.miamiqov.com/procurement IFBNO.260254-SWIMMING TABULATIONOFBIDS! POOLCHEMICALSANDSUPPLIESANDBULKLIQUIDCHLORINEANDSTORAGETANKRENTAL |Commercial.EnergySpecialists,Inc.|Leslie'sPoolmart,Inc.|ProStarPoolSupplies §3925E.BroadwayRd.,#100^P.O.Box970041 Item;Description:• #1Group1:SwimmingPoolChemicals CalciumHypocloritePulsarBriquettes.Packaged50ib. #1.1pails.Nosubstitution., CalciumHypocloriteDryGranular70%availableC12. #1.2Packaged100Ib.drums.Nosubstitution. #1.3Muriataicacid20BaumePackaged4(gal.jugs). #1.4DiatomaceusEarthFilterPowderPackaged50Ib.bag. #1.5SodiumBicarbonatePackaged100Ib.bag. #1.6CalciumChloridePackaged"J00Ib.bag. i /^<lTrichloro-sTrazinetrionePackaged40lb.or50Ib.pail. ">v—•'i #1.8CyanuricAcidorpoolstabilizerPackaged100Ib.drum. i #1.9D-ClorPackagedin25Ib.pail'. : TOTALFORGROUP1: Preparedby:MaritzaSuarez,2/28/2011 |Est.Annual||Unit 1Quantity:lUOM:1Price: 420JPail 8iDrum 522 128 124 167 25 52 50 |CaseI |Bag |Bag| |Bag |PailI |Drum! Ii I Pail 860JupiterParkDr.iSuite2 Jupiter,FL33458 Extended Amount: $99.71/pail$'41,878.20 $99.71isthecostif12ormorepails areordered.If1-11pailsareordered thecostis$105.59perpail. $171.60/drum.$'1,372.80 $14.59/case$7,615.98 If25casesatatimeispurchased, shippingiswaived. $.29.57/bag$:3,784.96 $39.28/bag$•4,870.72 QuotePriceis$19.64fora50Ib.bag. ($19.64X2=$39.28) $49.46/bag$•'8,259.82 QuotePriceis$24.73fora50Ib.bag. ($24.73X2=$49.46) $150.15/pail$3,753.75 $193,05/drum'$!.10,038.60 QuotePriceis$106.18fora55Ib.bag. ($1.93/lbX100=$193.05) $33.88/pail$:1,694.00 $83,268.83j Phoenix,AZ85040CoconutCreek,FL33097 Extended|Extended UnitPriceAmount:IUnitPriceAmount: N o N R E S P 0 N S I V E |124/pail$52,080.001 135/drum$1,080.00| I14.12/case$7,370.64 jiQuotePriceis$3.53foraone |gallonjug.($3.53X4=$14.12) 28.5/bag$3,648.00 38.7/bag$4,798.80| |QuotePriceis$19.35fora50lb.I |bag.($19.35X2=$38.70)| I49.3/bag$8,233.101 !^QuotePriceis$24.65fora50Ib.| bag.($24.65X2=$49.30)£ §135/pail$3,375.001 11 I106/drum$5,512.001 I |42/pail$2,100.00 Isodiumthiosulfate25# n Page1of2 Approval!: Director/Designee j TABULATION OF BIDS IFB NO.2(60254 -SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES AND BULK UIQUID CHLORINE AND STORAGE TANK RENTAL i Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc.|Leslie's Poolmart,Inc.|Pro Star Pool Supplies 860 Jupiter.Park Dr.,,Suite2 Jupiter,FL 33458 13925 E.Broadway Rd.,#1001 P.O.Box 970041 Phoenix,AZ 85040 si I I Unit Price CoconutCreek,FL 33097 ) Item:Description: |Est.Annual ||Unit |Quantity;lUQIVI:!Price: Extended Amount: Extended |Extended Amount:I Unit Price Amount: #2 #2.1 U; I Group 2:Delivery of Bulk Liquid Chlorine and Storage Tank I Rental ;| .Delivery of bulk liquid chlorinejto storage tank 1 i P Storage tank rental 1500 gallop capacity.Rental of 3tanks.| #2.3 Storage tank rental 600 galloni capacity.Rental of1 tank. TOTAL FOR GROUP 2: n Prepared by:Maritza Suarez,2J28/2011 120000 12 12 •I II I !Gallon!$1.33 /gallon $159,600.00 1 I I Quote Price includes tank rental.'| I |Cost of rental is included in delivery of | I Month 1 bulk chlorine cost.'I &Cost ofrental isincluded in delivery of I Month 1 bulk chlorine cost 8 1 Page2 of 2 $159,600.00 N 0 N R E S P O N S I V E *Non-responsive for Groups 1&2 for failing to bid on all items within the group. Approval: 1.299/gallon $155,880.00 150/mo $1,800.00 Quote price is$50 per.month per tank 36/mo$432.00 $158,112.00 ctor/Designee ")o City of Miami Number: Title: Issue Date/Time: Closing Date/Time: Pre-Bid Conference: Pre-Bid Date/Time: Pre-Bid Location: Deadline for Request for Clarification: Buyer: Hard Copy Submittal Location: Buyer E-Mail Address: Buyer Facsimile: Purchasing Department Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2nd Avenue,6*Floor Miami,Florida 33130 WebSiteAddress:http://ci.mlami.fl.us/procurement 260254 Invitation for Bids for Pool Chemicals, Liquid Chlorine &Storage Tank Rental 14-JAN-2011 02/01/2011 @10:00:00 None Monday,January 24*2011 at 5:00 p.m. Suarez,Maritza City of Miami -City Clerk 3500 Pan American Drive Miami FL 33133 US msuarez@ci.miami.fl.us (305)400-5025 Page1 of 37 o o Certification Statement Pleasequoteonthis form,if applicable,netpricesfortheitem(s)listed:Returnsignedoriginaland retainacopyforyour files.Pricesshouldincludeallcosts,includingtransportationtodestination.The Cityreservestherighttoacceptorrejectalloranypartofthis submission.Pricesshouldbe firm fora minimum of 120daysfollowingthetimesetfor closing of the submissions. Intheeventoferrorsinextensionoftotals,theunitpricesshallgovernindeterminingthequoted prices. We(I)certify thatwe have readyour solicitation,completed the necessary documents,andproposeto furnishanddeliver,F.O.B.DESTINATION,theitemsorservicesspecifiedherein. The undersigned hereby certifies thatneitherthe contractual partynoranyofitsprincipalownersor personnelhavebeen convicted ofanyoftheviolations,ordebarredorsuspendedassetinsection 18-107 or Ordinance No.12271. Allexceptionstothissubmissionhavebeendocumentedinthesectionbelow(refertoparagraphand section). EXCEPTIONS: We(I)certifythatanyandallinformationcontainedinthissubmissionistrue;andwe(I)furthercertify thatthis submission ismadewithoutprior understanding,agreement,orconnectionwithany corporation,firm,orperson submitting a submission forthesamematerials,supplies,equipment,or service,andisinallrespectsfairandwithoutcollusionor fraud.We (T)agreetoabidebyalltermsand conditionsofthissolicitationandcertifythatIamauthorizedtosignthissubmissionforthesubmitter. Please print thefollowingandsignyourname; SUPPLIER NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE::FAX:. EMAIL:BEEPER:. SIGNED BY: TITLE:DATE: FAILURE TO COMPLETE.SIGN.AND RETURN THTS FORM SHALL DISQUALIFY THIS BID. Page 2 of 37 o o Certifications Legal Name ofFirm: EntityType:Partnership,Sole Proprietorship,Corporation,etc. Year Established: Office Location:City ofMiami,Miami-Dade County,orOther OccupationalLicenseNumber: Occupational LicenseIssuingAgency: Occupational LicenseExpirationDate: Respondent certifies that (s)he has read and understood the provisions ofCity ofMiami Ordinance No. 10032 (Section 18-105 of the City Code)pertaining totheimplementation ofa "First Source Hiring Agreement.":(Yes orNo) Doyouexpect to create new positions in your company inthe event your company was awarded a ContractbytheCity?(YesorNo) Inthe event your answer to question above is yes,how many new positions would you create to perform this work? Please listthe title,rate of pay,summary of duties,number of positions,and expected length or duration of allnewpositionswhich might becreatedasaresult ofthisaward of aContract. Will Subcontractor(s)beused?(YesorNo) Page3 of 37 o o If subcontractor^)willbe utilized,providetheirname,address andthetheportionoftheworktheywill be responsible forunderthiscontract(acopyof then license(s)mustbe submitted withyourbid response): Pleaselistandacknowledgeall addendum/addenda received.Listthe addendum/addenda number and dateofreceipt(i.e.Addendum No.1,7/1/07).If no addendum/addenda was/wereissued,pleaseinsert N/A. Reference No.1:Name of Company/Agency for which bidderis currently providing the services/goods as described inthis solicitation,orhasprovidedsuch services/goods inthepast: Reference No.1:Address,City,State,andZipforabovereference company/agency listed: ReferenceNo.1:NameofContactPersonandTelephoneNumberforabovereferenceno.1 Reference No.1:Date of Contract or Sale for above reference no.1 Reference No.2:Nameof Company/Agency forwhichbidderiscurrentlyprovidingtheservices/goods as described inthis solicitation,orhasprovidedsuch services/goods inthepast- Reference No.2:Address,City,State,andZipforabovereference company/agency listed: ReferenceNo.2:NameofContactPersonandTelephoneNumberforabove reference no.2 Reference No.2:Date of Contract or Sale for above reference no.2 Reference No.3:Nameof Company/Agency forwhichbidderiscurrentlyprovidingtheservices/goods as described inthis solicitation,orhas provided such services/goods inthe past: Reference No.3:Address,City,State,andZipforabovereference company/agency listed: Page 4 of37 o o ReferenceNo.3:NameofContactPersonand Telephone Numberforabovereferenceno.3 Reference No.3:Date of Contract or Sale for above reference no.3 Page 5 of 37 n rU Line:1 Description:Group 1:Swimming Pool Chemicals Line:1.1 Description:CalciumHypocloritePulsar Bricquettes.Packaged50lb.pails.No substitution.Price submitted is per Pail Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Each UnitPrice:$Number of Units:420 Total:$ Line:1.2 Description:Calcium Hypoclorite Dry Granular 70%avaUableC12.Packaged 100lb.drums.No substitution.Price submitted is per Drum Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Each UnitPrice:$Number of Units:8 Total:$ Line:1.3 Description:Muriataic acid20 Baume Packaged4(gal.jugs).Price submitted isperCase Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Each UnitPrice:$Number ofUnits:522 Total:$ Line:1.4 Description:DiatomaceusEarthFilterPowderPackaged50lb.bag.Price submitted isperBag Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Each UnitPrice:$NumberofUnits:128Total:$_ Page 6 of 37 o o Line:1.5 Description:Sodium Bicarbonate Packaged100lb.bag.Price submitted is per Bag Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Each Unit Price:$Number ofUnits:124Total:$ Line:1.6 Description:CalciumChloridePackaged100lb.bag.Price submitted isper Bag Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Each UnitPrice:$Number ofUnits:167 Total:$_ Line:1.7 Description:Trichloro-s Trazinetrione Packaged 40lb.or 50lb.pail.Price submitted is per Pail Category:88540-30 Unit of Measure:Each Unit Price:$Number ofUnits:25 Total:$_ Line:1.8 Description:Cyanuric Acid orpool stabilizer Packaged 100lb.drum.Price submitted is per Drum Category:88540-30 Unit of Measure:Each Unit Price:$Number of Units:52 Total:$ Page 7 of 37 o o Line:1.9 Description:D-Clor Packaged in25lb.pail.Price submittedisperPail Category:88540-30 Unit of Measure:Each UnitPrice:$NumberofUnits:50 Total:$_ Line:2 Description:Group2:Delivery ofBulkLiquidChlorineandStorageTankRental Line:2.1 Description:Delivery of bulk liquid chlorine tostorage tank Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Gallon UnitPrice:$NumberofUnits:120,000Total:$_ Line:2.2 Description:Storage tank rental 1500galloncapacity.Rental of 3 tanks. Category:88540-30 Unit ofMeasure:Month UnitPrice:$Number ofUnits:12 Total:$_ Line:2.3 Description:Storage tank rental 600 gaUon capacity.Rental of 1 tank. Category:88540-30 Unit of Measure:Month Unit Price:$Number of Units:12 Total:$ Page 8 of 37 o o Page 9 of37 ^-'K'-260254 Table of Contents Terms and Conditions Jl 1.General Conditions .11 1.1.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 11 2.Special Conditions 28 ! 2.1.PURPOSE 28 2.2.DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION 28 2.3.TERM OF CONTRACT 28 2.4.CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL 28 2.5.ESCALATION CLAUSE 28 2.6.EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT 28 2.7.NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS 29 2.8.METHOD OF AWARD 29 2.9.BIDDERS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS 29 2.10.DELIVERY 29 2.11.FAILURE TO PERFORM 31 2.12.EQUAL PRODUCT 31 2.13.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS 31 2.14.METHOD OF PAYMENT 32 2.15.PACKING SLIP/DELIVERY TICKET TO ACCOMPANY ITEMS DURING DELIVERY 32 2.16.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF FACILITIES/ITEMS/PRODUCTS 32 2.17.PRE-B1D/PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE .'.33 2.18.CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR 33 2.19.TIE BIDS 33 2.20.LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 33 2.21.USE OF PREMISES 33 222.DAMAGES TO PUBLIC/PRIVATE PROPERTY 34 223.NO SUBSTITUTION 34 224.PRODUCT/CATALOG INFORMATION 34 2.25.PRODUCT SUBSTITUTES 34 226.REFERENCES 34 227.SUBCONTRACTORS OF WORK SHALL BE IDENTIFIED .....34 2.28.CONTRACTOR TO BE REPRESENTED 35 2.29.SPECIFICATION EXCEPTIONS 35 2.30.PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY 35 2.31.SAFETY MEASURES 35 2.32.TERMINATION 35 2.33.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 36 2.34.PRIMARY CLIENT (FIRST PRIORITY)36 3.Specifications 37 3.1.SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORX 37 Page 10 of 37 V-v-260254 Terms and Conditions 1.General Conditions 1.1.GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Intent:The General Terms and Conditions described herein apply tothe acquisition of goods/equipment/services withan estimated aggregate cost of $25,000.00 ormore. Definition:A formal solicitation is defined as issuance ofanInvitation for Bids,Request for Proposals, Requestfor Qualifications,orRequestfor Letters of Interest pursuant totheCity of MiamiProcurementCodeand/orFloridaLaw,asamended.FormalSolicitationand Solicitation shallbe defined in the same manner herein. 1.1.ACCEPTANCEOFGOODSOREQUIPMENT -Any good(s)or equipment delivered underthis formal solicitation,ifapplicable,shall remain the property ofthe seller untila physical inspection and actual usage ofthe good is made,and thereafter is accepted as satisfactory tothe City.Itmust comply with the terms herein and be fully in accordance with specifications and ofthe highest quality.Intheeventthe goods/equipment supplied totheCity are found tobe defective ordoes not conform to specifications,the City reserves theright to cancel the order upon written notice totheContractor and return the product tothe Contractor atthe Contractor's expense. 1.2.ACCEPTANCE OFOFFER-The signed or electronic submission of your solicitation response shall be considered an offer onthepart ofthebidder/proposer;such offer shall be deemed accepted upon issuance by theCity of apurchaseorder. 1.3.ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION -TheCityreserves the right to accept or reject anyorallresponses or parts of after opening/closing dateand request re-issuance onthe goods/services described intheformal solicitation.Intheevent of such rejection,the Director of Purchasing shallnotifyallaffected bidders/proposers and make available a written explanation forthe rejection.TheCityalsoreserves the right to reject the response ofany bidder/proposer who has previously failed to properly perform underthe termsandconditions of acontract,todeliverontime contracts ofasimilarnature,andwhoisnotina position to perform the requirements defined inthis formal solicitation.TheCity further reserves theright towaiveany irregularities orminor informalities or technicalities inanyorall responses andmay,atits discretion,re-issue this formal solicitation. 1.4.ADDENDA-Itisthe bidder's/proposer's responsibility to ensure receiptof allAddenda.Addendaare available attheCity'swebsite at:htrp*y/www.ci.rmami.fl.us/procurement 1:5.ALTERNATE RESPONSESMAYBECONSIDERED-TheCitymay consider one(1)alternate response from thesameBidder/Proposer forthe same formal solicitation;provided,thatthe alternate responseoffersadifferentproductthatmeetsorexceedsthe formal solicitation requirements.Inorderfor theCityto consider an alternate response,the Bidder/Proposer shall complete a separate Price Sheet form andshallmark"Alternate Response".Alternate response shall be placed inthesameresponse.This provision only applies to formal solicitations for the procurement of goods,services,items,equipment, materials,and/or supplies. 1.6.ASSIGNMENT -Contractor agrees notto subcontract,assign,transfer,convey,sublet,or otherwise dispose ofthe resulting Contract,oranyorallofits right,titleor interest herein,withoutCityof Miami's priorwrittenconsent. 1.7.ATTORNEY'S FEES-In connection withanylitigation,mediation and arbitration arising out ofthis Contract,the prevailing partyshallbe entitled to recover itscostsandreasonable attorney'sfeesthrough andincludingappellatelitigationandanypost-judgmentproceedings. 1.8.AUDIT RIGHTS AND RECORDS RETENTION -TheSuccessful Bidder/Proposer agreesto provide access atall reasonable timestotheCity,ortoanyofitsduly authorized representatives,toany books,documents,papers,and records of Contractor whicharedirectlypertinenttothisformalsolicitation, forthe purpose of audit,examination,excerpts,andtranscriptions.The Successful Bidder/Proposer shall maintainand retain anyandail of thebooks,documents,papers andrecordspertinenttotheContractfor Page11 of 37 o ov-260254 three(3)yearsaftertheCitymakesfinalpaymentandallotherpendingmattersareclosed.Contractor's failuretoorrefusalto comply with thisconditionshallresultinthe immediate cancellation of this contract by theCity. 1.9.AVAILABILITY OF CONTRACT STATE-WIDE -Any Governmental,not-for-profitor quasi-governmental entityintheState ofFlorida,mayavail itself ofthiscontractandpurchaseanyandall goods/services,specifiedhereinfromthesuccessfulbidder(s)/proposer(s)atthe contract price(s) establishedherein,whenpermissibleby federal,state,andlocallaws,rales,andregulations. EachGovernmental,not-for-profitorquasi-governmentalentity which usesthisformal solicitation and resultingbid contract oragreementwillestablishitsown contract/agreement,placeitsownorders,issueits own purchase orders,beinvoicedtherefromandmakeitsownpayments,determineshippingtermsand issueitsownexemptioncertificates as required bythe successful bidder(s)/proposer(s). 1.10.AWARD OF CONTRACT: A.The Formal Solicitation,Bidders/Proposers response,anyaddendaissued,andthepurchaseordershall constitutetheentire contract,unlessmodifiedin accordance withanyensuing contract/agreement, amendment or addenda. B.The award ofacontractwherethereareTieBidswillbedecided by theDirector ofPurchasingor designeeintheinstancethatTieBidscan'tbe determined byapplying Florida Statute287.087,Preference toBusinesseswith Drug-Free Workplace Programs. C.The award of thiscontractmay be preconditioned onthesubsequentsubmission ofotherdocumentsas specifiedintheSpecialConditionsorTechnical Specifications.Bidder/Proposer shallbeindefault ofits contractual obligation ifsuchdocumentsarenotsubmittedinatimelymannerandintheformrequired by theCity.Where Bidder/Proposer isindefault ofthese contractual requirements,theCity,throughaction takenbythe Purchasing Department,willvoidits acceptance ofthe Bidder's/Proposer's Responseandmay accepttheResponse from thenextlowestresponsive,responsibleBidderor Proposal mostadvantageousto theCityorre-solicit the City's requirements.TheCity,atitssolediscretion,may seek monetary restitution from Bidder/Proposer anditsbid/proposalbondor guaranty,if applicable,asaresult of damagesor increasedcosts sustained asaresult oftheBidder's/Proposer'sdefault D.Theterm ofthecontractshallbe specified inone ofthree documents which shall be issued to the successful Bidder/Proposer.Thesedocumentsmayeitherbeapurchaseorder,notice ofawardand/or contract award sheet. E.TheCity reserves therightto automatically extendthis contract foruptoonehundredtwenty(120) calendar daysbeyondthestatedcontractterminordertoprovideCity departments withcontinualservice .andsupplies while,.anew.contractis being sojicited,evaluated,and/or awarded.If theright is exercised,, theCity shall notifythe Bidder/Proposer,in writing,ofitsintenttoextendthe contract atthesameprice, termsandconditionsfora specific number of days.Additional extensions overthefirstone hundred twenty(120)dayextensionmayoccur,if,theCityandtheSuccessful Bidder/Proposer areinmutual agreement of such extensions. F.Wherethecontractinvolvesasingleshipment of goodstotheCity,thecontracttermshallconclude uponcompletion oftheexpressedor implied warrantyperiods. G.TheCity reserves therighttoawardthe contract ona split-order,lumpsumorindividual-itembasis, orsuch combination asshallbestservethe interests oftheCityunlessotherwisespecified. H.A Contract/Agreement maybeawardedtothe Bidder/Proposer bytheCityCommissionbasedupon theminimum qualification requirementsreflectedherein.Asaresult ofaRFP,RFQ,or RFLI,theCity reservestherighttoexecuteornotexecute,as applicable,anAgreementwiththeProposer,whichever is determined tobeinthe City'sbest interests.Such agreement willbefurnishedbytheCity,willcontain certain termsas are intheCity'sbest interests,andwillbesubjectto approval astolegalform by theCity Attorney. 1.11.BIDBOND/BID SECURITY -Acashier'sorcertifiedcheck,oraBidBondsignedbyarecognized suretycompanythatislicensedtodobusinessintheState ofFlorida,payableto ihQ City ofMiami,forthe amountbidisrequired from all bidders/proposers,if soindicatedundertheSpecialConditions.This check orbond guarantees thata bidder/proposer willacceptthe order or contract/agreement,asbid/proposed,ifit is awarded to bidder/proposer.Bidder/Proposer shallforfeitbiddeposittotheCityshouldCityaward Page 12 of 37 V V J 260254 contract/agreement to Bidder/Proposer and Bidder/Proposer fails toacceptthe award.TheCityreservesthe righttorejectanyandallsuretytenderedtotheCity.Bid deposits arereturned tounsuccessful bidders/proposers within ten (10)days after the award and successful bidder's/proposer's acceptance of award.If sixty(60)days havepassedafterthedate of the formal solicitation closingdate,andnocontract hasbeen awarded,allbiddepositswillbereturnedon demand. 1.12.RESPONSEFORM (HARDCOPY FORMAT)-AH forms should be completed,signedand submitted accordingly. 1.13.BIDSECURITY FORFEITED LIQUIDATEDDAMAGES-Failure to execute anAgreement and/or file an acceptable Performance Bond,when required,as provided herein,shall bejust cause forthe annulment ofthe award andthe forfeiture oftheBid Security tothe City,which forfeiture shall be considered,notasa penalty,butin mitigation of damages sustained.Awardmaythenbemadetothe next lowest responsive,responsible Bidder orProposal mostadvantageous totheCityorall responses may berejected. 1.14.BRANDNAMES-If and wherever inthe specifications brand names,makes,models,names ofany manufacturers,trade names,orbidder/proposer catalog numbers are specified,itis for the purpose of establishing the type,function,minimum standard of design,efficiency,grade or quality of goods only. WhentheCitydoes notwish to rule outother competitors'brands ormakes,the phrase "OR EQUAL"is added.When bidding/proposing anapproved equal,Bidders/Proposers will submit,with their response, complete sets of necessary data (factory information sheets,specifications,brochures,etc.)in order for the Cityto evaluate and deterrnine the equality ofthe item(s)bid/proposed.TheCityshall bethe sole judge of equality and its decision shall be final.Unless otherwise specified,evidence inthe form of samples maybe requested ifthe proposed brand isotherthan specified bythe City.Such samples are tobe furnished after formal solicitation opening/closing onlyuponrequest ofthe City.If samples should be requested,such samples mustbe received bytheCityno later than seven (7)calendar days after a formal request is made. 1.15.CANCELLATION -TheCityreservestherighttocancelallformalsolicitationsbeforeits opening/closing.Intheeventof bid/proposal cancellation,the Director of Purchasing shallnotifyall prospectivebidders/proposers andmake available awritten explanation forthe cancellation. 1.16.CAPITAL EXPENDITURES -Contractor understands thatany capital expenditures thatthefirm makes,orprepares to make,in order to deliver/perform the goods/services required bytheCity,isa businessriskwhichthe contractor must assume.TheCitywillnotbe obligated to reimburse amortized or unamortizedcapital expenditures,ortomaintainthe approved status of any contractor.If contractor has been unable to recoup its capital expenditures during thetimeitis rendering such goods/services,itshall nothaveanyclaimupontheCity. 1.17.CITY NOTLIABLE FOR DELAYS.-Itis further expressly agreed thatin no..eyent.shajl the.City beliable for,or responsible to,the Bidder/Proposer/Consultant,any sub-contractor/sub-consultant,orto any other person for,oron account oft any stoppages or delay inthework herein provided forby injunction or other legal or equitable proceedings oron account ofany delay for any cause overwhichtheCityhasno control. 1.18.COLLUSION-Bidder/Proposer,by subrmtting a response,certifies thatits response is rnade without previous understanding,agreement or connection either withanyperson,firm or corporation submitting a response forthe same items/services orwiththeCity ofMiami's Purchasing Department or initiating department.The Bidder/Proposer certifies thatits response is fair,without control,collusion,fraud orother illegal action.Bidder/Proposer certifiesthatitisin compliance withtheConflictofInterestandCode of Ethics Laws.TheCitywill investigate all potential situations wherecollusion mayhave occurred andthe Cityreservestherighttorejectanyandall bids/responses wherecollusionmayhave occurred. 1.19.COMPLIANCE WITH FEDERAL,STATE AND LOCAL LAWS -Contractor understands that contracts between private entitiesandlocal governments aresubjectto certain laws and regulations, includinglaws pertaining to public records,conflict ofinterest,records keeping,etc.Cityand Contractor agreetocomplywithandobserveallapplicablelaws,codesand ordinances asthatmayinanywayaffect thegoodsorequipmentoffered,includingbutnotlimitedto: A.ExecutiveOrder 11246,which prohibits discrimination against any employee,applicant,orclient becauseofrace,creed,color,national origin,sex,oragewith regard to,butnotlimitedto,the following: employment practices,rate ofpayorothercompensationmethods,andtrainingselection. Page13 of 37 O n K-'260254 B.Occupational,SafetyandHealthAct (OSHA),as applicable tothisFormal Solicitation. C.TheStateofFloridaStatutes,Section 287.133(3)(A)onPublicEntityCrimes. D.EnvironmentProtectionAgency(EPA),asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. E.UniformCommercialCode(FloridaStatutes,Chapter672). F.Americans withDisabilitiesActof1990,asamended. G.NationalInstimteof Occupational SafetyHazards (NIOSH),asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. H.NationalForestProductsAssociation(NFPA),asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. I.City Procurement Ordinance CityCodeSection 18,Article m. J.Conflict ofInterest,CityCodeSection 2-611;61. K.Cone ofSilence,CityCodeSection 18-74. L.TheFloridaStatutesSections 218.73 and 218.74 onPromptPayment. M.FirstSourceHiringAgreement,CityOrdinanceNo.10032,asapplicabletothisFormalSolicitation. Implemented tofosterthecreationofnewandpermanentjobsforCityofMiamiresidents;requiresasa conditionprecedenttotheexecutionofservicecontractsincludingprofessionalservices. Lackofknowledgebythebidder/proposerwillinnowaybeacausefor relief fromresponsibility. Non-compliance withalllocal,state,andfederal directives,orders,andlaws maybe consideredgrounds fortermination of contracts). Copies oftheCityOrdinancesmaybeobtainedfromtheCity Clerk's Office. 1.20.CONE OF SILENCE -PursuanttoSection18-74oftheCity ofMiamiCode,a"Cone of Silence"is imposeduponeach KFP,RFQ,RFLI,orIFBafter advertisement andterminatesatthetimetheCity ManagerissuesawrittenrecommendationtotheMiamiCityCommission.TheCone of Silenceshallbe applicable onlyto Contracts forthe provision of goods and services andpublicworksor improvements for amounts greaterthan $200,000.TheConeofSilenceprohibitsany cormnunication regarding RFPs,RFQs, RFLIor IFBs (bids)between,amongothers: Potential vendors,serviceproviders,bidders,lobbyists or consultants andtheCity'sprofessionalstaff including,butnotlimitedto,theCityManager andtheCityManager's staff;theMayor,City Commissioners,ortheirrespectivestaffsandanymemberoftherespectiveselection/evaluationcommittee. Theprovisiondoesnotapplyto,amongomer cornmunications-:-••- oral communications withtheCity purchasing staff,provided the communication islimitedstrictlyto matters ofprocessorprocedurealreadycontained intheformalsolicitation document;theprovisions of the Cone of Silence donotapplytooral cornmunications atdulynoticedsite visits/inspections,pre-proposalor pre-bid conferences,oral presentations before selection/evaluation committees,contract negotiations during anydulynoticedpublicmeeting,orpublic presentations madetotheMiamiCityCommissionduringaduly noticed public meeting;or corrmiunications in writing orby email atanytimewithanyCity employee, official ormemberoftheCity Commission unlessspecifically prohibited bythe applicable RFP,RFQ, RFLIorIFB(bid)documents (See Section 2.2.ofthe Special Conditions);or communications in connection withthe collection of industry comments orthe performance ofmarketresearch regarding a particularRFP,RFQ,RFLIORIFBbyCityPurchasingstaff. Proposers orbiddersmustfileacopyofanywritten communications withtheOfficeoftheCityClerk, which shallbemade available toanyperson upon request.TheCityshallrespond inwritingandfileacopy with theOffice ofthe City Clerk,which shall be made available toanyperson uponrequest.Written communications maybeintheformofe-mail,withacopytotheOfficeoftheCityClerk. In addition toanyotherpenalties provided bylaw,violation oftheConeof Silence byanyproposeror bidder shallrenderany award voidable.A violation bya particular Bidder,Proposer,Offeror,Respondent, lobbyist or consultant shallsubject same to potential penalties pursuant totheCity Code.Anyperson having personal knowledge ofaviolationofthese provisions shallreportsuchviolationtotheState Attorney and/ormayfilea complaint withtheEthics Commission.Proposersorbiddersshouldreference Section 18-74 oftheCityofMiamiCodeforfurtherclarification. Page 14 of 37 n V-'260254 This language is only a summary ofthekey provisions ofthe Cone of Silence.Please review Cityof Miami Code Section 18-74 for a complete and thorough description ofthe Cone of Silence.You may contacttheCityClerkat 305-250-5360,toobtainacopyofsame. 1.21.CONFIDENTIALITY -Asa political subdivision,theCityof Miami is subject totheFlorida Sunshine Act and Public Records Law.If this Contract/Agreement contains a confidentiality provision,it shall have no application when disclosure is required by Florida lawor upon court order. 1.22.CONFLICT OF INTEREST -Bidders/Proposers,byresponding to this Formal Solicitation,certify thattothebestof their knowledge or belief;no elected/appointed official or employee oftheCityof Miami is financially interested,directly or indirectly,inthepurchase of goods/services specified in this Formal Solicitation.Anysuch interests onthepartoftheBidder/Proposer orits employees mustbe disclosed in writing to the City.Further,you must disclose thename of any City employee who owns,directly or indirectly,an interest of five percent (5%)or more of the total assets of capital stock inyourfirm. 1.23.COPYRIGHTOR PATENT RIGHTS -Bidders/Proposers warrant thattherehasbeennoviolation of copyright or patent rights in manufacturing,producing,or selling the goods shipped or ordered and/or services provided asa result of this formal solicitation,and bidders/proposers agree to hold the City harmless from anyandall liability,loss,or expense occasioned byanysuch violation. 1.24.COST INCURRED BY BIDDER/PROPOSER -All expenses involved with the preparation and submission ofResponses to the City,or any work performed in connection therewith shall be bome bythe Bidder(s)/Proposer(s). 1.25.DEBARMENT ANDSUSPENSIONS (Sec 18-107) (a)Authority and requirement to debar and suspend.After reasonable notice toan actual orprospective Contractual Party,and after reasonable opportunity for such party tobeheard,theCity Manager,after consultation with the Chief Procurement Officer and the city attorney,shall have the authority to debar a Contractual Party,forthe causes listed below,from consideration for award ofcityContracts.The debarment shall befora period ofnot fewer thanthree years.TheCityManager shallalsohavethe authority to suspend a Contractual Party from consideration for award of city Contracts if there is probable cause for debarment,pending the debarment determination.Theauthority to debar and suspend contractors shall be exercised in accordance withregulations which shall be issued bytheChiefProcurement Officer after approval bytheCityManager,thecity attorney,andtheCity Cormnission. (b)Causes fordebarment or suspension.Causes fordebarment or suspension include thefollowing: (1)Conviction for commission ofa crrminal offense incident to obtaining or attempting to obtain a public orprivateContract or subcontract,or incident tothe performance ofsuchContractor subcontract. (2)Conviction under state or federal statutes of embezzlement,theft,forgery,bribery,falsification or destruction of records,receiving stolen property,oranyotheroffense indicating alackof business integrityorbusinesshonesty, (3)Conviction understateor federal antitrust statutes arising outofthe submission ofBidsor Proposals. (4)Violation of Contract provisions,whichis regarded bytheChiefProcurement Officertobe indicative of nonresponsibility.Such violation may include failure without good cause to perform in accordance withtheterms and conditions ofa Contract orto perform within thetimelimits provided in a Contract,provided that failure to perform caused by acts beyond the control ofapartyshallnotbe consideredabasisfordebarmentor suspension. (5)Debannent or suspension ofthe Contractual Partybyany federal,state orother governmental entity.* (6)False certification pursuanttoparagraph(c)below. (7)Foundinviolationofazoning ordinance oranyothercity ordinance orregulationandfor whichtheviolationremains noncompliant. (8)Found in violation ofa zoning ordinance oranyothercity ordinance or regulation andfor whichacivilpenaltyorfineisdueandowingtothecity. Page 15 of 37 n o 260254 (9)Any othercausejudgedbytheCity Manager tobesoseriousandcompellingastoaffectthe responsibility ofthe Contractual Partyperformingcity Contracts. (c)Certification.All Contracts forgoodsand services,sales,and leases bythecityshallcontaina certification that neither the Contractual Party norany ofits principal owners or personnel havebeen convicted ofanyoftheviolations set forth above ordebarred or suspended asset forth in paragraph (b)(5). (d)Debarment andsuspension decisions.Subjecttothe provisions of paragraph (a),theCity Manager shall render awritten decision statingthe reasons forthe debarment or suspension.Acopy of thedecisionshall be provided promptly tothe Contractual Party,along withanoticeof said party's righttoseek judicial relief. 1.26.DEBARRED/SUSPENDEDVENDORS -An entityoraffiliatewhohasbeenplacedontheState of Florida debarred or suspended vendorlistmaynotsubmita response ona contract toprovidegoodsor servicestoapublicentity,maynotsubmitaresponseonacontractwithapublicentityfortheconstruction or repair ofa public building orpublicwork,maynotsubmitresponse on leases ofrealproperty toapublic entity,maynot award orperformworkasa contractor,supplier,subcontractor,orconsultantundercontract withanypublicentity,andmaynot transact business withanypublicentity. 1.27.DEFAULT/FAILURE TO PERFORM -TheCityshallbethesolejudge of nonperformance,which shallinclude any failure onthepartof the successful Bidder/Proposer toacceptthe award,tofurnish required documents,and/or to fulfill anyportion of this contract withinthetimestipulated Upon default bythe successful Bidder/Proposer tomeetanytermsofthis agreement,theCitywillnotify the Bidder/Proposer ofthe default andwill provide the contractor three (3)days (weekends andholidays excluded)to remedy thedefault Failure onthe contractor's part to correct the default withinthe required three (3)days shall result inthe Contract beingterminated andupontheCitynotifyinginwritingthe contractor ofits intentions andtheeffectivedate ofthe termination.Thefollowingshallconstitutedefault: A.Failure toperformtheworkordeliverthe goods/services requiredundertheContractand/or within the time required or failing tousethe subcontractors,entities and personnel asidentifiedandset forth,andto thedegreespecifiedintheContract. B.Failure tobegintheworkunderthis Contract withinthetimespecified. C.Failure toperformtheworkwithsufficientworkersandequipmentorwithsufficientmaterialsto ensure timely completion. D.Neglecting or refusing toremove materials or perform newworkwherepriorworkhasbeenrejectedas nonconforming with theterms oftheContract. E.Becoming insolvent,being declared bankrupt,or committing anyactofbankruptcyorinsolvency,or makingan assignment forthebenefitof creditors,if the insolvency,bankruptcy,or assignment renders the successful Bidder/Proposer incapable of performing theworkin accordance withandas required bythe Contract. F.Failure tocomplywithany of thetermsofthe Contract inany material respect. All costs andcharges incurred bytheCityasaresultofa default ora default incurred beyondthetime limits stated,together withthecost of completing thework,shallbe deducted fromanymoniesdueor which maybecomedueonthisContract. 1.28.DETERMINATION OF RESPONSIVENESS -EachResponsewillbereviewedtodetermine if it is responsive tothe submission requirements outlined inthe Formal Solicitation.A "responsive"response is onewhichfollowsthe requirements of the formal solicitation,includesalldocumentation,issubmittedin the format outlined inthe formal solicitation,isoftimely submission,and has appropriate signatures as required oneach document.Failure tocomplywiththese requirements maydeemaResponse non-responsive. 1.29.DISCOUNTS OFFERED DURING TERM OF CONTRACT -Discount Prices offered inthe response shall be fixed after the award bythe Commission,unless otherwise specified inthe Special Terms and Conditions.Price discounts off the original prices quoted inthe response willbe accepted from successful Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)duringtheterm of thecontractSuchdiscountsshallremainin effect for a minimum of 120 days from approval bytheCity Commission Any discounts offered bya manufacturer to Bidder/Proposer willbepassedontotheCity. Page 16 of 37 o o 260254 130.DISCREPANCIES,ERRORS,AND OMISSIONS -Any discrepancies,ercors,or ambiguities in the Formal Solicitation or addenda (if any)should be reported in writing totheCity's Purchasing Department.Shoulditbe found necessary,awrittenaddendum willbe incorporated inthe Formal Solicitation andwill become part ofthe purchase agreement (contract documents).TheCitywillnotbe responsibleforanyoralinstructions,clarifications,orothercornmunications. A.Order of Precedence -Any inconsistency in this formal solicitation shall be resolved by giving • precedencetothe following documents,thefirstofsuchlistbeingthe governing documents. 1)Addenda (asapplicable) 2)Specifications 3)SpecialConditions 4)General Terms andConditions 1.31.EMERGENCY /DISASTER PERFORMANCE -In the event ofa hurricane orother emergency or disaster situation,the successful vendorshall provide theCitywiththe commodities/services defined withinthe scope ofthis formal solicitation atthe price contained withinvendor's response.Further, successful vendor shall deliver/perform forthecityona priority basis during suchtimes of emergency. 132.ENTIREBIDCONTRACTORAGREEMENT -TheBid Contract or Agreement consists ofthis Cityof Miami Formal Solicitation and specifically this General Conditions Section,Contractor's Response and anywritten agreement entered intobytheCityof Miami andContractor in cases involving RFPs, RFQs,and RFLIs,and represents the entire understanding and agreement between the parties withrespect tothe subject matter hereof and supersedes allother negotiations,understanding andrepresentations,if any, madebyandbetweenthe parties.Totheextentthatthe agreement conflicts with,modifies,alters or changes anyofthe tenns and conditions contained inthe Formal Solicitation and/or Response,the Formal Solicitation andthentheResponse shall control.This Contract maybe modified onlybyawritten agreementsigned by theCity ofMiamiand Contractor. 1.33.ESTIMATEDQUANTITIES-Estimated quantities or estimated dollars areprovided foryour guidance only.No guarantee is expressed orimplied asto quantities thatwillbe purchased during the contract period.TheCityisnot obligated to place an order foranygiven amount subsequent tothe award ofthiscontractSaidestimates maybeusedbytheCityforpurposes of determining thelow bidder ormost advantageous proposer meeting specifications.TheCityreserves the right to acquire additional quantities atthepricesbid/proposedoratlowerpricesinthis Formal Solicitation. 1.34.EVALUATION OF RESPONSES ARejecrion of Responses TheCitymayrejecta Response forany ofthefollowingreasons: 1)Bidder/Proposer fails toacknowledgereceipt of addenda; 2)Bidder/Proposer mistates or conceals any material fact inthe Response; 3)Responsedoesnotconformtothe requirements oftheFonnal Solicitation; 4)Response requires a conditional awardthatconflictswiththemethod of award; 5)Response does not include required samples,certificates,licenses as required;and, 6)Responsewasnot executed bythe Bidder*s/Proposer(s)authorized agent The foregoing isnot an allinclusive listof reasons for which a Response maybe rejected.TheCitymay rejectandre-advertiseforalloranypart oftheFormalSolicitation whenever itisdeemedinthebest interest of theCity. B.Elimination From Consideration 1)A contract shallnotbe awarded toany person orfirmwhichisin arrears totheCityuponanydebtor contract,or which isa defaulter assuretyorotherwiseuponanyobligationtotheCity. 2)Acontractmaynotbe awarded toanypersonorfirmwhichhasfailedtoperformunderthetermsand conditions of any previous contract withtheCityordeliverontime contracts of asimilarnature. 3)A contract maynotbe awarded toany person or firm whichhasbeen debarred bytheCityin accordancewiththeCity'sDebarmentandSuspension Ordinance. Page17 of 37 o n ^260254 C.Determination of Responsibility 1)Responses willonlybe considered from entities whoare regularly engaged inthe business ofproviding the goods/equipment/services requiredbytheFormal Solicitation.Bidder/Proposer mustbeableto demonstrate asatisfactoryrecordofperformanceandintegrity;and,havesufficientfinancial,material, equipment,facility,personnel resources,and expertise tomeetall contractual requirements.Theterms "equipment and orgamzation"asusedhereinshallbeconstruedtomeanafullyequippedandwell established entityinlinewiththebest industry practices inthe industry as determined bytheCity. 2)TheCitymay consider any evidence available regarding the financial,technical andother qualifications and abilities ofa Bidder/Proposer,including past performance (experience)withtheCityoranyother governmentalentityinmakingtheaward. 3)TheCitymayrequirethe Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)toshowproofthattheyhavebeendesignatedasan authorized representative ofa manufacturer orsupplierwhichistheactualsource of supply,ifrequiredby the Formal Solicitation. 1.35.EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL AND/OR SPECIAL CONDITIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS - Exceptions tothe specifications shallbelistedontheResponseandshallreferencethesection.Any exceptions totheGeneralorSpecial Conditions shallbecauseforthebid(IFB)tobeconsidered non-responsive.ItalsomaybecauseforaRFP,RFQ,orRFLItobeconsiderednon-responsive;and,if exceptions aretakentothetermsandconditionsoftheresultingagreementitmayleadtoterminating negotiations. 1.36.F.O.B.DESTINATION -Unless otherwise specified intheFormal Solicitation,allprices quoted/proposed bythe bidder/proposer mustbeF.O.B.DESTINATION,insidedelivery,withalldelivery costsandchargesincludedinthebid/proposalprice,unlessotherwisespecifiedinthisFormal Solicitation.Failuretodosomaybecauseforrejectionofbid/proposal. 1.37.FIRM PRICES -The bidder/proposer warrantsthatprices,terms,andconditionsquotedinits response willbefirm throughout the duration ofthecontractunlessotherwisespecifiedintheFormal Solicitation.Suchpriceswillremainfirmfortheperiodof performance orresultingpurchaseordersor contracts,whicharetobeperformedorsuppliedoveraperiodoftime. 1.38.FIRST-SOURCE HIRING AGREEMENT (Sec.18-105) (a)The Commission approves implementation ofthe first-source hiring agreement policyandrequires asa condition precedent tothe execution ofservicecontracts for facilities,services,and/or receipt ofgrants andloans,for projects ofanaturethatcreatenewjobs,the successful negotiation offirst-source luring agreements betweenthe organization or individual receiving saidcontractandtheauthorizedrepresentative unless suchan agreement isfound infeasible bythecitymanagerandsuchfindingapprovedbytheCity Commissionata public hearing. (b)Forthepurposeofthissection,thefollowingtenns,phrases,wordsandtheirderivationsshallhave thefollowingmeanings: Authorized representative meansthe Private Industry Council ofSouthFlorida/South Florida Employment andTrainingConsortium,orits successor aslocalrecipientof federal andstatetrainingandemployment funds. Facilities means all publicly financed projects,including but without limitation,unified development projects,municipal publicworks,and municipal improvements totheextenttheyarefinancedthrough publicmoneyservicesortheuseofpubliclyownedproperty. Grants andloansmeans,without limitation,urban development action grants (UDAG),economic development agency construction loans,loans fromMiami Capital Development,Incorporated,andall federal andstategrants administered bythecity. Service contracts means contracts forthe procurement of services bythecitywhich include professional services. Services includes,without limitation,public works improvements,facilities,professional services, commodities,supplies,materialsandequipment. (c)The authorized representative shall negotiate each first-source hiring agreement. (d)Theprimarybeneficiaries ofthe first-source hiring agreement shallbe participants ofthecity Page 18 of 37 o-o^*-'260254 trainingandemploymentprograms,andotherresidents ofthecity. 1.39.FLORIDA MINIMUM WAGE -TheConstitution oftheState of Florida,ArticleX,Section24, statesthatemployersshallpayemployeewagesnolessthantheminimumwageforallhoursworkedin Florida.Accordingly,itisthe contractor's andits'subcontractor(s)responsibility tounderstandand complywiththis Florida constitutional minimumwage requirement andpayitsemployeesthe current established hourly minimum wagerate,whichis subject to change or adjusted bytherateof inflation using .theconsumerpriceindexforurbanwage earners and clerical workers,CPI-W,orasuccessorindexas calculated bythe United States Department ofLabor.Each adjusted minimumwagerate calculated shall be determined and published bytheAgency Workforce Innovation on September 30th of eachyearand take effect onthefollowingJanuary 1st. Atthetimeof responding,itis bidder/proposer andhis/her subcontractors),ifapplicable,full responsibility to determine whetheranyofits employees maybe impacted bythis Florida Lawatanygiven point intime during theterm ofthe contract If impacted,bidder/proposer must furnish employee name(s), jobtitle(s),job descriptions),and current pay rate(s).Failure tosubmitthisinformationatthetime of submitting aresponse constitute successful bidder's/proposer's acknowledgement andunderstanding that the Florida Mirirmum WageLawwillnotimpactits prices throughout theterm of contract andwaiver of any contractual price increase requests).TheCity reserves the right torequestandsuccessful bidder/proposer must provide for any and all information tomake awage and contractual price increase(s) determination. 1.40.GOVERNINGLAWANDVENUE-The validity andeffectofthis Contract shallbegovernedby the laws ofthe State of Florida.The parties agree thatany action,mediation or arbitration arising outofthis ContractshalltakeplaceinMiami-DadeCounty,Florida. 1.41.HEADINGSAND TERMS -The headings tothe various paragraphs ofthis Contract havebeen inserted for convenient reference only and shall notinanymanner be construed asmodifying,amending or affectinginanywaytheexpressedtermsandprovisionshereof. 1.42.HEALTH INSURANCE PORTABILITY ANDACCOUNTABILITYACT (HIPPA)-Any personorentitythat performs orassiststheCity ofMiamiwitha function oractivityinvolvingtheuseor disclosure of "individually identifiable health information (DHI)and/or Protected Health Information (PHI) shall complywiththe Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HEPAA)of 1996andtheCity ofMiami Privacy Standards.HIPAA mandates for privacy,security and electronic transferstandards, which include but are not limited to: A.Useof information only for performing services required bythe contract oras required by law; B.Use ofappropriate safeguards toprevent non-permitted disclosures; C.ReportingtotheCity of Miami of anynon-permitteduseor disclosure; D.Assurances that anyagents andsubcontractors agree tothe same restrictions andconditions thatapplyto the Bidder/Proposer andreasonable assurances that HHI/PHI willbeheld confidential; E.Making Protected HealthInformation(PHI)availabletothe customer; F.Making PHIavailable tothe customer forreviewandamendment;andincorporating any amendments requested by thecustomer; G.MakingPHI available totheCity ofMiamiforan accounting of disclosures;and H.Makinginternal practices,booksand records related toPHI available totheCity of Miamifor compliance audits. PHI shall maintain its protected status regardless ofthe form andmethod oftransmission (paper records, and/or electronic transfer of data).TheBidder/Proposermustgiveitscustomerswrittennotice of its privacy information practices including specifically,a description ofthetypes ofusesand disclosures that wouldbemadewithprotectedhealthinformation. 1.43.INDEMNIFICATION -TheContractorshall indemnify andsaveharmlessforevertheCity,andall theCity's agents,officersandemployeesfromand against all charges orclaimsresultingfromanybodily injury,lossoflife,or damage to property from any act,omission orneglect,byitselforits employees;the Contractor shall become defendant ineverysuitbroughtforany ofsuch causes of actionagainsttheCityor theCity'sofficials,agents andemployees;the Contractor shall further mdemnity Cityastoallcosts, attorney's fees,expensesandliabilitiesincurredinthedefenseofanysuchclaimsandanyresulting Page19 of 37 o o 260254 investigation. 1.44.INFORMATION AND DESCRIPTIVE LITERATURE -Bidders/Proposer mustfurnishall information requested inthe spaces provided inthe Formal Solicitation.Further,asmaybespecified elsewhere,each Bidder/Proposer mustsubmitforevaluation,cuts,sketches,descriptiveliterature,technical specifications,andMaterial SafetyDataSheets(MSDS)as required,coveringthe products offered. Reference to literature submitted witha previous response oronfilewiththeBuyerwillnotsatisfythis provision. 1.45.INSPECTIONS-TheCitymay,at reasonable times during thetermhereof,inspectContractor's facilities and perform such tests,astheCity deems reasonably necessary,to determine whetherthegoods and/orservicesrequired tobeprovidedbythe Contractor underthis Contract conformtothetermsand conditions ofthe Format Solicitation.Contractor shall make available totheCityallreasonable facilities andassistance to facilitate the performance oftestsor inspections byCity representatives.All testsand inspections shall be subject to,andmadein accordance with,the provisions oftheCity ofMiami Ordinance No.12271 (Section 18-79),assamemaybe amended or supplemented from timetotime. 1.46.INSPECTIONOF RESPONSE -Responses receivedbytheCity pursuant toaFormalSolicitation willnotbemade available untilsuchtimeastheCityprovidesnotice of a decision orintendeddecisionor within 10 days after bid closing,whichever is earlier.Bid/Proposal results willbe tabulated andmaybe furnished upon request viafaxor e-mail totheSr.Procurement Specialist issuingthe Solicitation. Tabulations alsoare available ontheCity'sWebSitefollowing recommendation foraward. 1.47.INSURANCE-Withinten(10)days after receipt ofNotice of Award,the successful Contractor, shall furnish Evidence of Insurance tothe Purchasing Department,if applicable.Submittedevidence of coverage shall demonstrate strictcompliance toall requirements listedonthe Special Conditions entitled "InsuranceRequirements".TheCityshallbelistedasan "Additional Insured." Issuance ofa Purchase Orderiscontingentuponthereceipt ofproper insurance documents.If the insurance certificate is received withinthe specified time frame butnotinthe manner prescribed inthis Solicitation the Contractor shall be verbally notified of such deficiency and shall have an additional five (5) calendar days to submit a corrected certificate totheCity.Ifthe Contractor fails to submit the required insurance documents inthe manner prescribed inthis Solicitation within fifteen (15)calendar daysafter receiptNotice ofAward,the contractor shallbeindefault ofthe contractual termsandconditionsandshall notbe awarded the contract.Under suchcircumstances,the Bidder/Proposer maybe prohibited from submitting future responses totheCity.Information regarding any insurance requirements shallbe directed totheRisk Administrator,Department ofRisk Management,at444SW2ndAvenue,9th Floor,Miami, Florida 33130,305-416-1604. The Bidder/Proposer shall be responsible for assuring thatthe insurance .certificates,required in conjunction withthis Section remain ineffect for the duration ofthe contractual period;including any and alloptiontermsthatmaybe granted tothe Bidder/Proposer. 1.48.INVOICES -Invoices shall contain purchase order numberand details of goodsand/orservices delivered (i.e.quantity,unit price,extended price,etc);and in compliance with Chapter 218 ofthe Florida Statutes(PromptPayment Act). 1.49.LOCAL PREFERENCE -City Code Section 18-85,states that theCity Commission mayoffertoa responsible and responsive bidder/proposer,whomaintains a Local Office,the opportunity of accepting a bidatthelowbid amount,if the original bidamountsubmittedbythelocalvendorisnotmorethanten percent (10%)in excess ofthe lowest other responsible andresponsive bidder/proposer. 1.50.MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATION -The City reserves therighttorequestfrom bidders/proposers a separate Manufacturer's Certification of all statements made inthebid/proposal. Failure to provide such certification may result in the rejection of bid/proposal or termination of contract/agreement,forwhichthe bidder/proposer mustbearfull liability. 1.51.MODIFICATIONS OR CHANGES IN PURCHASE ORDERS AND CONTRACTS -No contract or understanding tomodifythis Formal Solicitation andresultant purchase orders or contracts,if apphcable,shall be binding upon theCity unless made in writing bythe Director of Purchasing oftheCity of Miami,Florida through the issuance ofa change order,addendum,amendment,or supplement tothe contract,purchaseorderorawardsheetas appropriate. Page 20 of 37 o o 260254 1.52.NO PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE -Nothing contained inthis Contract willbedeemed. or construed to create a partnership orjoint venture betweentheCity ofMiami and Contractor,ortocreate anyothersimilar relationship betweenthe parties. 1.53.NONCONFORMANCE TO CONTRACT CONDITIONS -Items maybetested for compliance with specifications under the direction ofthe Florida Department of Agriculture andConsumer Servicesor by other appropriate testing Laboratories as determined bythe City.The data derived from anytestfor compliance with specifications ispublic record andopento examination theretoin accordance with Chapter 119,Florida Statutes.Items delivered notconforrning to specifications maybe rejected and returned atBidder's/Proposer's expense.These non-conforming items not delivered asper delivery date in the response and/or Purchase Order may result in bidder/proposer being found in default inwhichevent anyand allre-procurement costs maybe charged against the defaulted contractor.Any violation ofthese stipulations may also result inthe supplier's name being removed from theCityof Miami's Supplier's list 154.NONDISCRIMINATION -Bidder/Proposer agrees that it shall not discriminate asto race,sex, color,age,religion,national origin,marital status,ordisability in connection withits performance under this formal solicitation.Furthermore,Bidder/Proposer agrees that no otherwise qualified individual shall solely by reason of his/her race,sex,color,age,religion,national origin,marital status or disability be excluded from theparticipation in,be denied benefits of,orbe subjected to,discrimination under any programoractivity. In connection withthe conduct ofits business,including performance of services and employment of personnel,Bidder/Proposer shall not discriminate against anyperson onthebasis of race,color,religion, disability,age,sex,marital status or national origin.All persons having appropriate qualifications shall be affordedequal opportunity foremployment. 1.55.NON-EXCLUSIVE CONTRACT/PIGGYBACKPROVISION-Atsuchtimes asmayserveits bestinterest,theCity ofMiamireservestherightto advertise for,receive,andawardadditionalcontracts fortheseherein goods and/or services,and tomakeuseof other competitively bid (governmental) contracts,agreements,orothersimilarsources for the purchase ofthesegoods and/or servicesasmaybe available. Itis hereby agreed and understood that this formal solicitation does not constitute the exclusive rights of the successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)to receive all orders thatmaybe generated bytheCityin conjunction with this Formal Solicitation. In addition,any and allcommodities,equipment,and services required bytheCityin conjunction with construction projects are solicited under a distinctly different solicitation process and shall notbe purchased underthe terms,conditions and awards rendered underthis solicitation,unlesssuch purchases are determinedtobeinthebestinterest ofthe City.-......... 1.56.OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE -Any person,firm,corporation orjointventure,withabusiness location fn theCityofMiamiandissubmittinga Response underthisFormal Solicitation shallmeetthe City's Occupational LicenseTax requirements in accordance with Chapter 31.1,ArticleI oftheCity of Miami Charter.Others witha location outside theCityof Miami shall meet their local Occupational License Tax requirements.Acopy ofthe license mustbe submitted withthe response;however,theCity mayatitssole option and initsbest interest allow the Bidder/Proposer tosupplythe license totheCity duringthe evaluation period,butpriortoaward 1.57.ONEPROPOSAL-Onlyone(1)Response from anindividual,firm,partnership,corporation or jointventurewillbe considered in response tothis Formal Solicitation.When submitting an alternate response,pleaserefertothehereinconditionfor"AlternateResponsesMayBe Considered". 1.58.OWNERSHIPOFDOCUMENTS-Itis understood byandbetweenthe parties thatany documents, records,files,orany other matter whatsoever whichis given bytheCitytothe successful Bidder/Proposer pursuant tothis formal solicitation shallatalltimes remain the property of theCityandshallnotbeusedby the Bidder/Proposer foranyother purposes whatsoever withoutthewrittenconsentoftheCity. 1.59.PARTIAL INVALIDITY -Ifany provision ofthis Contract orthe application thereoftoanyperson or circumstance shall toanyextentbeheld invalid,thenthe remainder of this Contract orthe application of such provision topersonsor circumstances otherthanthoseasto which itis held invalid shall not be affectedthereby,andeachprovision of thisContractshallbevalidandenforcedtothefullestextent permitted by law. Page21 of 37 O 'o 260254 1.60.PERFORMANCE/PAYMENT BOND -A Contractor mayberequiredto furnish a Performance/Payment Bondaspart of the requirements ofthis Contract,inanamountequaltoonehundred percent (100%)ofthecontractprice. 1.61.PREPARATIONOFRESPONSES(HARDCOPYFORMAT)-Bidders/Proposers areexpectedto examinethe specifications,requireddelivery,drawings,andall special and general conditions.All bid/proposed amounts,ifrequired,shall be either typewritten or entered intothe space provided withink. Failure todosowillbeatthe Bidder's/Proposer*s risk. A.Each Bidder/Proposer shallfurnishthe infonnation requiredintheFormalSolicitation.The Bidder/Proposer shall signtheResponseandprintininkortypethename ofthe Bidder/Proposer,address, andtelephonenumberonthefacepageandoneach continuation sheet thereof onwhich he/she makes an entry,asrequired. B.Ifso required,theunitpriceforeachunitofferedshallbe shown,andsuchpriceshallinclude packaging,handling andshipping,andF.O.B.Miami delivery inside City premises unless otherwise specified.Bidder/Proposer shall include inthe response all taxes,insurance,social security,workmen's compensation,and any other benefits normally paidbythe Bidder/Proposer toits employees.If applicable,aunitprice shall be entered inthe "Unit Price"column for each item.Based uponestimated quantity,anextendedpriceshallbeenteredinthe "Extended Price"column foreach item offered.Incase ofa discrepancy betweentheunitpriceand extended price,theunitpricewillbe presumed correct. C.The Bidder/Proposer muststateadefinitetime,ifrequired,in calendar daysfordelivery of goods and/or services. D.The Bidder/Proposer shouldretainacopy of allresponsedocumentsforfuturereference. E.All responses,as described,mustbefully completed andtypedor printed ininkandmustbesignedin inkwiththe firm's nameandbyanofficeror employee having authority tobindthe company orfirmby his/her signature.Bids/Proposals having any erasures or corrections mustbe initialed ininkby person signingtheresponseortheresponsemaybe rejected. F.Responsesaretoremainvalidforatleast 180 days.Upon award of acontract,thecontent of the Successful Bidder's/Proposer's response maybeincludedaspartofthe contract,attheCity's discretion. G.TheCityof Miami's Response Forms shall beusedwhen Bidder/Proposer is submitting its response in hardcopy formatUseofanyotherforms willresultinthe rejection ofthe response.IFSUBMITTING HARDCOPYFORMAT,THEORIGINALANDTHREE(3)COPIES OFTHESESETSOFFORMS, UNLESSOTHERWISESPECIFIED,AND ANY REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS MUST BE RETURNED TO THE CITY OR YOUR RESPONSE MAY BE DEEMED NON-RESPONSIVE. 1.62.PRICE ADJUSTMENTS -Any price decrease effectuated during the contract period either by reason ofmarketchange oronthepartofthe contractor to other customers shallbe passed ontotheCity of Miami. 1.63.PRODUCT SUBSTITUTES -Intheeventa particular awarded and approved manufacturer's product becomes unavailable during theterm ofthe Contract,the Contractor awarded thatitemmay arrange withtheCity's authorized representative(s)to supply a substitute product atthe awarded priceor lower,provided thata sample is approved in advance of delivery and thatthenew product meetsor exceeds allqualityrequirements. 1.64.CONFLICT OF INTEREST,AND UNETHICAL BUSINESS PRACTICE PROHIBITIONS - Contractor represents and warrants totheCity that ithasnot employed or retained any person or company employed bytheCityto solicit or secure this Contract and that it has not offered to pay,paid,or agreed to payany person any fee,commission,percentage,brokerage fee,orgiftofanykind contingent uponorin connection with5 theaward of thisContract. 1.65.PROMPT PAYMENT-Bidders/Proposers may offer a cash discount for prompt payment;however, discounts shall notbe considered in determining the lowest net cost for response evaluation purposes. Bidders/Proposers are required to provide their prompt payment tenns inthe space provided onthe Formal Solicitation.Ifno prompt payment discount is being offered,the Bidder/Proposer must enter zero(0)for the percentage discount to indicate no discount.Ifthe Bidder/Proposer fails to enter a percentage,itis understood and agreed that the terms shall be2%20 days,effective after receipt of invoice or final Page 22 of 37 o n -"^260254 acceptance by the Chy,whichever islater. WhentheCityis entitled toacash discount,theperiodof computation willcommenceonthedate of delivery,or receipt ofa correctly completed invoice,whichever is later.If an adjustment inpaymentis necessary dueto damage,the cash discount period shall commence onthe date final approval tor payment isauthorized.If adiscountispart ofthe contract,buttheinvoicedoesnotreflecttheexistence of acash discount,theCityis entitled toa cash discount withthe period commencing onthe date itis determined by the City thatacashdiscountapplies. Price discounts offthe original prices quoted onthe Price Sheetwillbe accepted from successful bidders/proposersduringtheterm of thecontract 1.66.PROPERTY -Property ownedbytheCityof Miami isthe responsibility oftheCity ofMiami.Such property furnished toa Contractor for repair,modification,study,etc.,shall remain the property oftheCity ofMiami.Damages tosuchproperty occurring whileinthe possession of the Contractor shallbethe responsibilityofthe Contractor.Damages occurring tosuch property whileinroutetotheCity ofMiami shall bethe responsibility ofthe Contractor.Intheeventthatsuchproperty is destroyed or declared atotal loss,the Contractor shall be responsible for replacement valueofthe property atthe current marketvalue; lessdepreciation of theproperty,if any. 1.67.PROVISIONS BINDING-Exceptasotherwiseexpresslyprovidedinthe resulting Contract,all covenants,conditions andprovisions ofthe resulting Contract shallbebindinguponandshallinuretothe benefitofthe parties hereto and their respective heirs,legal representatives,successors andassigns. 1.68.PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES-A person or affihate whohasbeen placed onthe convicted vendorlist following a conviction for a public entitycrime maynot submit a response ona contract to provide any goods or services toa public entity,maynot submit a response ona contract witha public entityforthe construction or repair ofapublicbuildingorpublicwork,maynotsubmit responses on leases ofreal property toapublicentity,maynotbe awarded or perform workasa contractor,supplier,subcontractor,or consultant undera contract withanypublicentity,andmaynot transact businesswithanypublicentityin excess ofthe threshold amount provided inSection287.017,forCATEGORYTWOforaperiodof 36 monthsfromthedateofbeingplacedontheconvictedvendorlist. 1.69.PUBLICRECORDS-Contractor understands thatthepublicshallhave access,atall reasonable times,toall documents andinformation pertaining toCity contracts,subjecttothe provisions of Chapter 119,Florida Statutes,andCity ofMiamiCode,Section18,ArticleHI,and agrees toallow access bythe Cityandthepublictoall documents subjectto disclosure under apphcable law.Contractor's failure or refusal to comply with 1heprovision ofthissectionshallresultintheimmediatecancellation ofthis Contract by theCity. 1.70.QUALITY OF GOODS,MATCRIALS,SUPPLIES,PRODUCTS,AND EQUIPMENT -AD materialsusedinthemanufacturingor construction of supplies,materials,orequipmentcovered by this sohcitation shallbenew.Theitems bid/proposed mustbe ofthelatestmakeormodel,ofthebestquality, and ofthehighest grade ofworkmanship,unlessasotherwisespecifiedinthis Solicitation. 1.71.QUALITY OF WORK/SERVICES -The work/services performed mustbe ofthehighestquality andworkmanship.Materials furnished to complete the service shall benewandofthehighestquality except as otherwise specified inthisSolicitation. 1.72.REMEDIES PRIOR TO AWARD (Sec.18-106)-If priortoContractawarditisdeterminedthata formal solicitation or proposed award isin violation oflaw,thenthe sohcitation or proposed award shallbe cancelledbytheCity (Amission,theCity Manager ortheChief Procurement Officer,asmaybe applicable,orrevisedtocomplywiththelaw. 1.73.RESOLUTION OF CONTRACT.DISPUTES (Sec.18-105) (a)AuthoritytoresolveContract disputes.TheCity Manager,after obtaining the approval ofthecity attorney,shallhavetheauthoritytoresolvecontroversies between theContractualPartyandthecity which ariseunder,or by virtue of,aContractbetweenthem;providedthat,incasesinvolvinganamountgreater than$25,000,theCityCommissionmustapprovetheCity Manager's decision.Suchauthorityextends, withoutlimitation,to controversies baseduponbreach of Contract,mistake,misrepresentation orlack of completeperformance,andshallbeinvokedbyaContractualPartyby submission of aprotesttotheCity Manager. Page23 of 37 o ow-J 260254 (b)Contractdisputedecisions.If adisputeisnotresolvedbymutualconsent,theCityManagershall promptlyrenderawrittenreportstatingthereasonsfortheactiontakenbytheCity Commission ortheCity Manager whichshallbefinaland conclusive.Acopy ofthedecisionshallbeimmediatelyprovidedtothe protesting party,alongwithanotice ofsuchparty'srighttoseekjudicialrelief,providedthattheprotesting partyshallnotbeentitledtosuchjudicialreliefwithoutfirsthavingfollowedtheproceduresetforthinthis section. 1.74.RESOLUTION OF PROTESTED SOLICITATIONS AND AWARDS (Sec 18-104) (a)Righttoprotest.Thefollowing procedures shallbeusedforresolution ofprotestedsolicitationsand awardsexceptforpurchases of goods,supplies,equipment,andservices,the estimated cost ofwhich does not exceed $25,000. Protests thereonshallbegovernedbytheAdministrativePoliciesand Procedures of Purchasing. LProtcst of Solicitation. i.Any prospectiveproposerwhoperceivesitself aggrievedinconnectionwiththesolicitation ofaContract may protest totheChief Procurement Officer.Awrittennotice ofintenttofileaprotestshallbefiledwith theChiefProcurement Officerwithinthree days after theRequestfor Proposals,Requestfor Qualifications orRequestforLettersofInterestis published ina newspaper of general circulation.Anotice ofintentto fileaprotestisconsideredfiledwhenreceivedbythe Chief ProcurementOfficer;or ii.Any prospective bidder who intends to contest the Solicitation Specifications ora sohcitation may protesttotheChief Procurement Officer.Awrittennoticeofintenttofileaprotestshallbefiledwiththe ChiefProcurement Officer withinthree days after the solicitation is published ina newspaper of general circulation.Anoticeofintenttofilea protest is considered filed whenreceivedbytheChief Procurement Officer. 2.Protest of Award. j.Awrittennotice of intenttofileaprotestshallbefiledwiththe Chief Procurement Officer within two days after receipt bythe proposer ofthenoticeoftheCity Manager's recommendation for award of Contract,which willbe posted onthe City of Miami Purchasing Department website,inthe Supplier Corner,Current Solicitations and Notice of Recommendation of Award Section.The notice oftheCity Manager's recommendation canbefoundby selecting the details ofthe solicitation andislistedas Recommendation of AwardPostingDateandRecommendation of AwardTofields.If"various"is indicated intheRecommendation of Award To field,the Bidder/Proposer mustcontact the buyer for that sohcitation to obtain the suppliers name.It shall betheresponsibility ofthe Bidder/Proposer tocheckthis. section ofthewebsitedailyafterresponses are submitted to receive the notice;or ii.Any actual ResponsiveandResponsibleBidderwhoseBidislowerthanthat of therecommendedbidder may protest totheChiefProcurement Officer.A written notice ofintenttofilea protest shall befiledwith• the Chief Procurement Officer within two days after receipt bythebidder ofthenotice ofthecity's determination ofnon responsiveness ornonresponsibility.The receipt by bidder ofsuchnotice shall be confirmed bythecityby facsimile or electronic mail orU.S.mail,return receipt requested.A notice of intenttofileaprotestis considered filedwhenreceivedbytheChief Procurement Officer. iii.Awrittenprotestbasedonany ofthe foregoing mustbesubmittedtotheChiefProcurementOfficer within five (5)days after the date thenotice of protest was filed.A written protest is considered filed when received by the Chief ProcurementOfficer. Thewrittenprotestmaynot challenge the relative weight of the evaluation criteria orthe formula for assigningpointsinmakingan award detennination. The written protest shall state with particularity the specific facts and law upon which theprotest ofthe sohcitation orthe award is based,and shall include allpertinent documents andevidence and shall be accompanied bythe required Filing Fee as provided in subsection (f).This shall form thebasisfor review of the written protest and no facts,grounds,documentation or evidence notcontained in the protester's submission to the Chief Procurement Officer at the time of filing the protest shall be permitted inthe consideration of thewrittenprotest. No time will be added tothe above limits for service by mail.In computing any period of time prescribed orallowed by this section,the day of the act,event ordefault from which the designated period oftime begins to run shall notbe included.The last day of the period so computed shall be included unless itisa Saturday,Sunday or legal holiday in which event the period shall run until the end of the nextday which is Page 24 of 37 o o 260254 neither a Saturday,Sunday or legal holiday.Intermediate Saturdays,Sundays and legal holidays shall be excluded inthe computation ofthetimefor fihng. (b)Authority to resolve protests.The Chief Procurement Officer shall have the authority,subject tothe approval of the City Manager and the city attorney,to settle and resolve any written protest The Chief Procurement Officer shall obtain the requisite approvals and communicate said decision to the protesting party and shall submit said decision tothe City Commission within 30 days after he/she receives the protest.In cases involving morethan $25,000,the decision of theChief Procurement Officershallbe submitted for approval or disapproval thereof to the City Commission after a favorable recommendation by thecityattorneyandtheCity Manager. (c)Compliance with filing requirements.Failure ofa party to timely file either thenotice of intent tofilea protest or the written protest,together withtherequired Filing Fee as provided in subsection (f),withthe ChiefProcurement Officer within thetime provided in subsection (a),above,shall constitute a forfeiture of such party's right to file a protest pursuant to this section.The protesting party shall notbe entitled toseek judicial reliefwithout first having followed the procedure set forth inthis section (d)Stay of Procurements during protests.Upon receipt ofawritten protest filed pursuant tothe requirements ofthis section,thecityshallnot proceed further withthe sohcitation orwiththe award of the Contract until the protest isresolved ]by theChief Procurement Officer or the City Commission as provided in subsection (b)above,unless the City Manager makes awritten determination that the sohcitation process orthe Contract award must be continued without delay in order to avoid an immediate and serious danger tothepublic health,safetyorwelfare. (e)Costs.All costs accruing from a protest shall be assumed bytheprotestor. (f)Filing Fee.Thewritten protest mustbe accompanied bya filing fee inthe form ofamoneyorder or cashier's check payable tothecityinanamount equal to one percent ofthe amount oftheBidor proposed Contract,or S5000.00,whichever is less,which filing fee shah guarantee the payment ofallcostswhich maybe adjudged against theprotestor in any administrative or court proceeding.Ifa protest is upheld by theChief Procurement Officer and/or theCity Commission,as apphcable,thefihngfee shall be refunded tothe protestor less anycosts assessed under subsection (e)above.Ifthe protest is denied,the filing fee shall be forfeited tothecityin lieu of payment of costs for theadministrative proceedings as prescribed by subsection(e)above. 1.75.SAMPLES-Samples ofitems,when required,mustbe submitted wf&in thetime specified atno expense tothe City.If not destroyed by testing,bidder(s)/proposer(s)will be notified to remove samples, at their expense,within 30 days after notification.Failure to remove the samples will result inthe samples becoming theproperty of theCity. 1.76.SELLING,TRANSFERRINGORASSIGNINGRESPONSIBILITIES-Contractor shall notsett, assign,transfer or subcontract atanytime during thetennofthe Contract,orany part ofits operations,or assignany portion ofthe performance required bythis contract,exceptunderandbyvirtue ofwritten permission granted bytheCitythroughtheproperofficials,whichmaybewithheldorconditioned,in the City's sole discretion. 1.77.SERVICEAND WARRANTY -When specified,the bidder/proposer shalldefineall warranty, service andreplacements thatwillbe provided.Bidders/Proposer must explain ontheResponsetowhat extentwarranty andservice facilities areavailable.Acopy ofthe manufacturer's warranty,if apphcable, shouldbesubmittedwithyourresponse. 1.78.SILENCE OF SPECIFICATIONS -The apparent silenceofthese specifications andany supplemental specification astoany detail orthe omission fromitof detailed description concerning any point shall be regarded asmeaning thatonlythebest commercial practices are to prevail andthatonly materials of firstqualityandcorrecttype,sizeanddesignaretobeused.All workmanshipandservicesis tobefirstquality. All interpretations of thesespecificationsshallbemadeuponthebasis ofthisstatement. If yourfirmhasa current contract withtheStateof Florida,Department of General Services,to.supplythe itemsonthis solicitation,the bidder/proposer shallquotenotmorethanthe contract price;failure tocomply withthisrequestwillresult^disqualification of bid/proposal. 1.79.SUBMISSION AND RECEIPT OF RESPONSES -Responsesshallbesubmittedelectronicallyvia Page25 of 37 ^^260254 the Oracle Systemor responses maybesubmittedin hardcopy format totheCity Clerk,CityHall,3500 PanAmericanDrive,Miami,Florida 33133-5504,atorbefore,thespecifiedclosingdateandtimeas designated intheIFB,RFP,RFQ,orRFLI.NO EXCEPTIONS.Bidders/Proposers arewelcometoattend the solicitation closing;however,noaward will be made atthat time. A.Hardcopy responses shall be enclosed ina sealed envelope,box package.The face ofthe envelope, boxor package mustshowthehourand date specified forreceiptof responses,the sohcitation numberand title,andthe name andreturn address ofthe Bidder/Proposer;Hardcopy responses not submitted onthe requisite Response Forms maybe rejected.Hardcopy responses receivedatanyotherlocationthanthe specifiedshallbedeemednon-responsive. Directions to City Hall: FROMTHE NORTH:1-95 SOUTH UNTILITTURNSINTOUS1.US1SOUTHTO27TH AVE., TURN LEFT,PROCEED SOUTH TOSO.BAYSHOREDR.(3RD TRAFFIC LIGHT),TURNLEFT,1 BLOCK TURN RIGHT ON PAN AMERICAN DR CITY HALL IS AT THE END OF PAN AMERICAN DR.PARKING IS ON RIGHT. FROMTHE SOUTH:US1NORTHTO27THAVENUE,TURNRIGHT,PROCEED SOUTHTOSO. BAYSHORE DR (3RDTRAFFICLIGHT),TURNLEFT,1BLOCKTURNRIGHTON PAN AMERICAN DR.CITY HALL IS AT THEENDOF PAN AMERICAN DR.PARKING ISON RIGHT. B.Facsimileresponseswillnotbeconsidered. C.Failure to follow these procedures is cause forrejection ofbid/proposal. D.The responsibility for obtaining and subrnitting a response onorbefore the close date issolelyand strictly theresponsibility of Bidder/Proposer.TheCityof Miami isnotresponsible for delays caused by the United States maildelivery or caused byany other occurrence.Responses received after the sohcitation closing date andtimewillbe returned unopened,andwillnotbe considered for award. E.Lateresponseswillberejected. F.All responses are subject to the conditions specified herein.Those which do notcomply withthese conditionsaresubjectto rejection. G.Modification of responses already submitted willbe considered only if received attheCitybefore the timeanddate setfor closing of solicitation responses.All modifications mustbe submitted viathe Oracle System orin writing.Once a solicitation closes (closed date and/or time expires),theCitywillnot consider anysubsequentsubmission which alters the responses. H.If hardcopy responses are submitted atthe same time for different sohcitations,each response mustbe placed in a separate envelope,box,orpackage and each envelope,boxorpackage mustcontain the informationpreviouslystatedin1.82.A. 1.80.TAXES-The City of Miami isexempt from any taxes imposed bythe State and/or Federal Government.Exemption certificates will be provided upon request.Notwithstanding,Bidders/Proposers should be aware of the fact that all materials and supplies which are purchased by the Bidder/Proposer for the completion of the contract is subject to the Florida State Sales Tax in accordance with Section 212.08, Florida Statutes,as amended and all amendments thereto and shall be paid solely by the Bidder/Proposer. 1.81.TERMINATION-The City Manager onbehalf of the City of Miami reserves the right to terminate this contract by written notice to the contractor effective the date specified in the notice should any of the followingapply: A.The contractor is determined bytheCitytobein breach ofany of thetermsand conditions ofthe contract. B.The City has determined that such termination willbein the best interest of the City to terminate the contractforitsownconvenience; C.Funds are not available to cover the cost of the goods and/or services.The City's obligation is contingent uponthe availability ofappropriate funds. 1.82.TERMSOFPAYMENT-Payment willbe made bytheCity after the goods and/or services awarded toa Bidder/Proposer have beenreceived,inspected,and found to comply with award Page26 of 37 o o 260254 specifications,free of damage or defect,and properly invoiced.No advance payments ofanylandwillbe made by the City of Miami. Payment shah be made after delivery,within 45 days of receipt ofaninvoice and authorized inspection and acceptance ofthegoods/services and pursuant to Section 218.74,Florida Statutes and other applicable law. 1.83.TIMELY DELIVERY-Timewillbeofthe essence for any orders placed asa result ofthis sohcitation.TheCity reserves the right to cancel such orders,orany part thereof,without obligation,if delivery isnotmade within the time(s)specified on their Response.Deliveries are tobe made during regular City business hours unless otherwise specified in fh&Special Conditions. 1.84.TITLE-Title to the goods orequipment shall notpass tothe City until after theCityhas accepted, thegoods/equipmentorusedthegoods,whichevercomesfirst. 1.85.TRADE SECRETS EXECUTION TO PUBLIC RECORDS DISCLOSURE-All Responses submitted totheCity are subject to public disclosure pursuant to Chapter 119,Florida Statutes.An exception may bemadefor "trade secrets." IftheResponse contains information that constitutes a 'trade secret",allmaterial that qualifies for exemption from Chapter 119mustbe submitted ina separate envelope,clearly identified as'TRADE SECRETSEXCEPTION,*'withyourfirm'snameandtheSolicitationnumberandtitlemarkedonthe outside. Please be aware that the designation of an itemas a trade secret byyoumaybe challenged in court by any person.Byyour designation of material inyourResponse asa "trade secret"you agree to indernnify and holdharmless theCity for any award toa plaiirtiff for damages,costs or attorney's feesand for costs and attorney's fees incurred bytheCityby reason ofany legal action challenging your claim. .1.86.UNAUTHORIZED WORK OR DELIVERY OFGOODS-Neither the qualified Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)norany ofhis/her employees shall perform anyworkor deliver anygoodsunlessa change orderor purchase orderisissuedandreceivedbythe Contractor.Thequalified Bidder(s)/Proposer(s)shall notbe paid for anyworkperformed or goods delivered outside the scope ofthe contract oranywork performed byanemployeenot otherwise previously authorized. 1.87.USEOFNAME-TheCityisnot engaged in research for advertising,sales promotion,orother publicitypurposes.No advertising,sales promotion orotherpublicitymaterials containing information obtained from this Solicitation areto be mentioned,orimplythe name oftheCity,withoutprior express writtenpermission oftheCityManagerortheCityCommission. 1.88.VARIATIONS OFSPECIFICATIONS-For purposes of sohcitation evaluation,bidders/proposers must indicate any variances from the sohcitation specifications and/or conditions,nomatterhow slight.If variations are not stated on their Response,itwillbe assumed thatthe product fully complies withthe City's,specifications. Page27 of 37 n 260254 2.Special Conditions 2.1.PURPOSE The purpose ofthis Solicitation isto establish a contract,forSwimmingPoolChemicalsandDelivery of BulkLiquidChlorineandStorageTankRental,asspecified herein,fromasource(s)of supplythat will givepromptand efficient service fullycompliant with theterms,conditionsand stipulations ofthe solicitation. 2.2.DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CLARIFICATION Any questionsor clarifications concerningthissohcitationshallbesubmitted by emailorfacsimiletothe Purchasing Department,Attn:Maritza Suarez,CPPB;fax:(305)400-5025or email:msuarez@ci.miarni.fl.us.Thesolicitationtitleandnumbershallbereferencedonall correspondence.AllquestionsmustbereceivednolaterthanMonday,January 24,2011 at5:00p.m..All responses toquestionswillbesenttoallprospectivebidders/proposers intheformonanaddendum.NO QUESTIONS WILL BE RECEIVED VBRBALLY OR AFTER SAID DEADLINE. 2.3.TERM OF CONTRACT The Contract shall commence uponthe date of notice of award and shall beeffectiveforone(1)yearwith theoptiontoextendforfour(4)additional one(1)yearperiods,subjecttotheavailability of funds for succeeding fiscalyears. Continuation ofthe contract beyondthe initial periodisaCity prerogative;notaright ofthebidder.This prerogative willbe exercised onlywhensuch continuation is clearly inthebestinterest oftheCity. 2.4.CONDITIONS FOR RENEWAL Eachrenewal ofthiscontractissubjecttothe following: (1)Continued satisfactory performance compliance withthe specifications,tennsandconditions established herein. (2)Availability of funds 2.5.ESCALATION CLAUSE TheCity acknowledges the fluctuating nature of prices foritems specified.Accordinglyan escalator/de-escalator clause willbe accepted onlyunderthe following conditions: (1)Price increase(s)and price decrease(s)comparable to documented manufacturer's price changes shall be allowed.Escalated prices afterthefirst year ofthe Contract,if any,shall remain firmduringthe applicable contract year. (2)Receipt of proper notification tothePurchasing Department,in writing,of all items affected by price increases/decreases. (3)Where allprices shall haveremained firm for a minimum of 365 days after effective date of contract. (4)All prices increase(s)anddecrease(s)tobe approved bythe Purchasing Director. TheCitymay,after review,refuse to accept the adjusted costs iftheyare not properly documented, increases areconsideredtobeexcessive,or decreases areconsideredtobeinsufficient.Inthe event the Citydoesnotwishtoaccepttheadjustedcosts,andthematter cannot beresolvedtothesatisfaction of the City,theCityreserves the right to cancel the contract upon giving thirty (30)days notice tothe Successful Bidder. 2.6.EQUITABLE ADJUSTMENT Page28 of 37 o ^260254 The Purchasing Department may,in its sole discretion,make an equitable adjustment inthecontract terms and/or pricing ifpricing oravailability ofsupply isaffected by extreme orunforeseen volatility inthe marketplace,that is,bycircumstances that satisfy all the following criteria:(1)the volatility is due to circumstances beyond the successful bidder(s)control,(2)the volatihty affects the marketplace orindustry, not justthe particular contract source ofsupply,(3)the effect on pricing or availability ofsupply is substantial,and (4)the volatility so affects the successful bidder(s)that continued performance ofthe contract would result ina substantial loss.Successful bidder(s)might have to supply documentation to justifyany requested percentage increase incosttotheCityof Miami. 2.7.NON-APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS Inthe event no funds or insufficient funds are appropriated andbudgeted orare otherwise unavailable in any fiscal period for payments due under this contract,then the City,upon written notice to Contractor or his assignee ofsuch occurrence,shall have the unqualified right to terrninate the contract without any penalty or expense to the City.No guarantee,warranty orrepresentation is made that anyparticular or any projects)willbe awarded toany firm(s). 2.8.METHOD OF AWARD Award ofthiscontract willbe made tothe lowest responsive and responsible bidder ona group by group,oratotalofallgroupsbasis,whichever isinthebestinterestoftheCity.Biddersmustbidonall itemswithina group inordertobe considered for award ofthat group.Failuretobidonallitemswithina groupshalldeemanybid non-responsible forthat group. 2.9.BIDDERS MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Bidswillbe considered onlyfrom firms thatare regularly engaged inthe business of providing goods and/or services as described inthisBid;thathavea record of performance fora reasonable periodof time; and thathave sufficient financial support,equipment andorganization to insure thatthey can satisfactorily provide thegoods and/or services if awarded a Contract under thetermsand conditions herein stated. Bidder shall: (1)Nothaveany member,officer,or stockholder thatisin arrears orisin default ofanydebtorcontract involvingtheCity,isadefaultersurety otherwise,uponany obligation totheCity,and/orhasfailedto performfaithfullyonanypreviouscontractwiththeCity. (2)Haveno record of pending lawsuits or criminal activities,andhaveneverbeen declared bankrupt. 2.10.DELIVERY Requirements for Group It Time:TheSuccessfulbidder(s)shallmakedeliverieswithintwo(2)workingdaysaftertheParksand RecreationDepartmentplacestheorder(s).ThetimeofthedeliveryofservicesshallbeMondaythrough Friday,10a.m.through4p.m.Timeofdeliverymaybeextendedforaspecificperiodwhenthecause of suchdelayisbeyondthecontrolofthe successful bidderandprovidedthatnoticeisgiventotheCity immediatelyupontheknowledgeofimpendingdelay. Delivery of anyitemsshouldbe made in conjunction withthe Contract Adrninistrator. Point:Allitemswillbe priced anddelivered F.O.B.Miami,insidedelivery,tothebelowlistedlocations: 1.AthalieRangePool 525 NW 62 Street Miami FL 2.Curtis Pool 2300NWNo.RiverDr Miami FL Page 29 of 37 *>o 260254 r 3.Elizabeth Virrick Pool 3255 Plaza Street Miami FL 4.Gibson Pool 1245 NW Fourth Avenue Miami FL 5.HadleyPool 4800 NW 12 Avenue Miami FL 6.Jose Marti Pool 351 SW Fourth Avenue Miami FL 7.MorningsidePool 850 NE 55 Terrace Miami FL 8.Shenandoah Pool 1805 SW 22 Avenue Miami FL 9.West End Pool 250 SW 60 Avenue Miami,FL 10.Williams Pool 1717 NW 5 Avenue Miami,FL 11.GrapelandWaterPark 1550 NW 37 Ave Miami,Fl 33126 Requirements forGroup2; Time;The Successful bidder(s)shall make deliveries within two (2)working days after the Parks and • Recreation Department places the order(s).The time of the dehvery of services shall be Monday through Friday,10 a.m.through4p.m. Tune of delivery mayhe extended for a specific period when the cause of such delay is beyond the control of the successful bidder and provided that notice is given to the City immediately upon theknowledge of impending delay. Deliveryofanyitems should bemadein conjunction withthe Contract Administrator. £ojiLk All items willbe priced and delivered F.O.B.Miami,inside dehvery,tothebelowlisted locations: 1.HadleyPool 4800 NW 12 Avenue Miami,FL 2.Jose Marti Pool 351 SW Fourth Avenue Miami,FL Possible locations tobe awarded ata future date for dehvery of bulk liquid chlorine only,norental of storage tank required: 1.Shenandoah Park(existing 300 gallon tank) 1800 SW 21 Street Miami,FL Page 30 of 37 o 2.Roberto Clemente Park (existing 50 gallon tank) 101 NW 34th Street Miami,FL 2.11.FAILURE TO PERFORM 260254 Shoulditnotbe possible toreachthe contractor or supervisor and/orshould remedial actionnotbetaken within 48 hours of any failure toperform according to specifications,the City reserves theright to declare Contractor in default of the contract or make appropriate reductions inthe contract payment. 2.12.EQUAL PRODUCT Manufacturer's name,brand name and model/style number when used in these specifications areforthe solepurpose of establishing minimum requirements of levels of quality,standards of performance and design required and isinnoway intended to prohibit thebidding of other manufacturer's brands of equal material,unless otherwise indicated.Equal (substitution)maybe bid,provided product sobidis found to beequal fn quality,standards of performance,design,etc.toitem specified,unless otherwise indicated. Whereequalisproposed,bidmustbeaccompaniedbycompletefactoryinformationsheets (specifications,brochures,etc)andtestresultsofunitbidasequal.Failuretodosoattimeofbid may deem your bid non-responsive. 2.13.INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS INDEMNIFICATION Biddershahpayonbehalfof,mdemnifyandsaveCityanditsofficialsharmless,fromandagainstanyand allclaims,nihilities,losses,andcausesof action,whichmayariseoutofbidder'sperformanceunderthe provisions ofthe contract,including allactsor omissions toactonthepartof bidder,including anyperson performingunderthisContractfororonbidder'sbehalf,providedthatanysuchclaims,habilities,losses andcauses of suchactionarenotattributabletothenegligenceormisconduct oftheCityand,fromand againstanyorders,judgmentsordecreeswhich maybe enteredandwhichmayresultfromthis Contract, unlessattributabletothenegligenceormisconduct of theCity,andfromandagainstallcosts,attorneys' fees,expensesandhabilitiesincurredinthedefenseofanysuchclaim,ortheinvestigationthereof. The bidder shallfurnishtoCity ofMiami,c/o.PurchasingDepartment,444 SW.2nd Avenue,6.thFloor, Miami,Florida 33130,Certificate^)ofInsurancewhichindicatethatinsurancecoveragehasbeenobtained whichmeetstherequirementsasoutlinedbelow: (1)Worker's Compensation A.Limits of Liability-Statutory -State of Florida (2)Commercial General Liability: A Limits ofLiability Bodily Injury andProperty Damage Liability-EachOccurrence:$1,000,000.00 GeneralAggregateLimit:$2,000,000.00 PersonalandAdv.Injury.ProductsandCompletedOperationsandFireDamage:$1,000,000.00. B.EndorsementsRequired: City of MiamiincludedasanAdditionalinsured.Employeesincludedasinsured.Contractual Liability. (3)BusinessAutomobile Liability A.Limits of Liability Bodilyinjuryandpropertydamageliabilitycombinedsinglelimits.AnyAuto,including hired, borrowed or owned,or non-owned autos used in connection with the work -$1,000,000.00 B.Endorsements Required: Page 31 of 37 o o"^260254 City ofMiamiincludedasanAdditional Insured.... (4)Employer's Liability $100,000for bodily injury caused by anaccident,eachaccident. $100,000forbodilyinjurycausedbydisease,eachemployee. $500,000forbodilyinjurycausedbydisease,policylimit. BINDERS ARE UNACCEPTABLE. The insurance coverage required shall include those classifications,aslistedin standard liabilityinsurance manuals,whichmostnearlyreflectthe operations ofthebidder. All insurance policies required aboveshallbeissuedby companies authorized todobusinessunder the laws oftheState ofFlorida,withthe following qualifications: TheCompanymustberatednolessthan "A"astomanagement,andnolessthan "Class V"astofinancial strength,bythelatestedition of Best's Insurance Guide,pubhshed by AM.Best Company,Oldwick,New Jersey,oritsequivalent Ah policies and/or certificates of insurance aresubjecttoreviewand verification byRiskManagementpriorto insurance approval. Certificates will indicate no modification orchange in insurance shall be made without thirty(30)days written advance notice to the certificate holder. NOTE:CITY BID NUMBER AND/OR TITLE OFBID MUST APPEAR ON EACH CERTIFICATE. Compliance withthe foregoing requirements shall notrelieve the bidder ofhis liability and obligation underthissectionorunderany other section ofthis Agreement. -Ifinsurancecertificates are scheduled toexpire during the contractual period,theBidder shall be responsible for submitting neworrenewed insurance certificates totheCityata rninimum often (10) calendar daysin advance of such expiration. -In theeventthatexpired certificates arenotreplacedwithneworrenewedcertificates whichcover the contractual period,theCity shall: (4)Suspend the contract until such time as the new orrenewed certificates are received bytheCity in themannerprescribedintheInvitationToBid. (5)The City may,at its sole discretion,terminate this contract for cause and seek re-procurement damages from the Bidder in conjunction withthe General and Special Terms and Conditions oftheBid. The Bidder shall beresponsible for assuring that theinsurance certificates required in conjunction withthis Section remain in force for the duration of the contractual period;including any and all option terms that may begrantedtothe Bidder. 2.14.METHOD OF PAYMENT Full payment will bemade upon receipt and acceptance ofa complete unit(s).No down or partial down payments will be made. 2.15.PACKING SLIP/DELIVERY TICKET TO ACCOMPANY ITEMSDURING DELIVERY The successful bidder shall enclose a complete packing shp ordelivery ticket with any items tobe delivered in conjunction with this bid sohcitation.The packing shp shah beattached to the shipping carton(s)which contain the items and shall be made available to the City's authorized representative during delivery.The packing shp or dehvery ticket shah include,at a minhnum,the following information: purchase order number;date of order;acomplete listing ofitems being delivered;and back-order quantities and estimated dehvery of back-orders if apphcable. 2.16.ADDITIONS/DELETIONS OF FACILITIES/ITEMS/PRODUCTS Although this Sohcitation identifies specific facihties/items/products tobe serviced,itis hereby agreed and understood that any facihty/item/products may be added/deleted to/from this contract at the option of the City.When an addition to the contract isrequired,the successful bidder(s)under this contract shall be invited to submit price quotes for these new services/items/products.If these quotes are comparable with Page 32 of 37 o o 260254 market prices offered for similar services/items/products,they shall be added tothecontract whichever isin the best interest ofthe City and an addendum and a separate purchase order shall be issued by the City. 2.17.PRE-BID/PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE None 2.18.CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR Upon award,contractor shah report and work directly with Lilliam Rodriguez,who shall be designated as the Contract Administrator. 2.19.TIE BIDS Whenever two or more Bids which are equal with respect toprice,quality and service are received bythe Cityforthe procurement ofcommodities or contractual services,aBidreceivedfromabusinessthat certifies that is has implemented a drug-free workplace program shall be given preference inthe award process.Established procedures forprocessingtieBidswillbefollowedifnoneofthetiedvendorshavea drug-free workplace program,hi ordertohavea drug-free workplace program,a business shall: (1)Publish a statement notifying employees that theunlawful manufacture,distribution,dispensing, possession,oruseofa controlled substance is prohibited intheworkplace and specifying the action that willbetakenagainstemployees forviolationsofsuch prohibition. (2)Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse intheworkplace,the business'policyof mamtaining a drug-free workplace,any available drug counseling,rehabilitation,and employee assistance programs,andthe penalties mat maybe imposed upon employees for drug abuseviolations. (3)Giveeachemployeeengagedinprovidingthe commodities orcontractualservicesthatareunderBida copyofthestatementspecifiedinsubsection(1). (4)Inthe statement specified in subsection (1),notify the employees that,asa condition of working onthe commodities or contractual servicesthatareunder Bid,theemployeewillabidebythetermsofthe statement andwill notify the employer ofany conviction of,orpleaof guilty ornolo contendere to,any violation of Chapter 893orofany controlled substance lawoftheUnitedStatesoranystate,foraviolation occurringinthe workplace nolaterthanfive(5)daysaftersuch conviction. (5)Imposea sanction on,orrequirethe satisfactory participation inadrugabuse assistance or rehabilitation program,ifsuchis available inthe employee's community,byany employee whoisso convicted. (6)Makeagoodfaithefforttocontinueto maintain a drug-free workplace throughimplementation ofthis section. 2.20.LIQUIDATED DAMAGES Biddershah provide allitemsatthe guaranteed dehvery timespecifiedbytheCityintheDeliverySection ofthis solicitation.Ifthesuccessfulbidderfailstodehverwithinthespecifieddeliverytime,itis understood that1%oftheunitpriceper calendar dayperitemwillbe deducted,as liquidated damages,for eachdaybeyondthespecifieddehverytime(nottoexceedthetotalamountofthecontract),notasa penaltybutasaformofcompensationforthelossofnothavingtheabilitytousetheproduct. 2.21.USE OF PREMISES Thecontractorshallconfine his/her equipment,apparatus,thestorageofmaterials,andtheoperationof his/herworkmen tothelimitsindicatedbylaw,ordinances,permits,or direction oftheproject manager, andshallnotunreasonably encumber thepremiseswith his/her materials.Thecontractorshalltakeall measures necessaryto protect his own materials. Page 33 of 37 o ov-—'260254 2.22.DAMAGES TO PUBLIC/PRIVATE PROPERTY The contractor shallcarryouttheworkwithsuchcareandmethodsasnottoresultindamageto public or privateproperty adjacent tothe work.Shouldanypubhcorprivatepropertybedamagedordestroyed,the contractor,at his/her expense,shallrepairor make restorationasispracticalandacceptabletothe City and/or owners of destroyed or damaged property promptlywithina reasonable length oftime.(Notto exceedone month fromdatedamagewasdone). 2.23.NO SUBSTITUTION When "NoSubstitution"isusedincombination with a manufacturer's name,brandname and/or model numberthatnameditemistheonlyitemthatwillbe accepted by theCity. 2.24.PRODUCT/CATALOG INFORMATION 'All bidders must submit product information ontheitemsthey propose to furnish onthisbid.Anybid receivednot containing this information maybe rejected forthat reason.If catalog numbersshowninthis bid are incorrect orobsolete,itisthe responsibility ofthe vendor to update or advise theCityofthis problem.TheCitywill issue an addendum to correct and update catalog numbers,when apphcable.The catalog number voushowonvourbidistheonethe City willexpectto receive. All bidsthatincludesubstancesfoundonthecurrentFloridaToxic SubstanceList must be submitted with a Material Data Sheet,in accordance with Florida Statutes -Chapter 422.106. 2.25.PRODUCT SUBSTITUTES Inthe event a particular approved and awarded manufacturer's product becomes unavailable during the term of the Contract,the Contractor awarded that item may arrange with the authorized City representative, to supply a substitute product atthebid price or lower,provided that a sample is approved beforehand and that the new product meets or exceed all quality requirements.Contractor shall replace items purchased by theCity which are of unacceptable quality orwhich are determined bytheusing department unserviceable foranyreasons.Items covered by express warranty shall be governed by terms and conditions therein. 2.26.REFERENCES Each bid must be accompanied bya list ofreferences,which shall include the name of the company,dates of contract,description of goods supplied,a contact person and the telephone number.NO BID WILLBE CONSIDERED WITHOUT THIS LIST. 2.27.SUBCONTRACTORS OF WORK SHALL BE IDENTIFIED As part ofitsBid,theBidder is required toidentifyany and ah Subcontractors thatwillbeusedinthe performance of the proposed contract,their capabilities,experience,minority designation,as defined in Ordinance 10062 and the portion of the work tobedone by the Subcontractor.Failure to identify any and all subcontractors intheBid shall render theBid non-responsive;unless,thelow bidder submits this documentation totheCitywithin five (5)working days after thebid opening. The Contractor shah not,at any time during the tenure of the contract,subcontract any part ofhis operations or assign any portion orpart ofthe contract,to Subcontractors)not originally mentioned in their Bid,except under and byvirtue of permission granted by the City through the proper officials. Nothing contained in this specifications shall be construed as establishing any contractual relationship betweenany subcontractor andtheCity. The contractor shall befully responsible totheCityfortheactsand omissions ofthe subcontractor and their employees,as for acts and omissions of persons employed by contractor. Page34 of 37 O o 260254 2.28.CONTRACTOR TO BE REPRESENTED The contractor atall times must either be personally present atthe worksite or berepresented at the worksite byaresponsible agent or agents designated bythe contractor inwritten notice to the City prior to the beginning of work.Such notification shall include pertinent data such as addresses,phone numbers, etc.,where said agent or agents may becontacted at any time of the day or night The agent or agents shall be clothed with full authority to act for the contractor in all cases,and to carry out any instructions relative totheworkmaybegivenbytheCity. 2.29.SPECIFICATION EXCEPTIONS Specifications are based onthemost current literature available.Bidder shall notifythe Cityof Miami Purchasing Department,inwriting,no less than ten (10)days prior to sohcitation closing date of any change inthe manufacturers'specifications which conflict with the specifications.For hard copybid submittals,bidders mustexplain any deviation from the specifications in writing asa footnote onthe apphcable specification page and enclose a copy ofthemanufacturer's specifications data detailing the changed item(s)withhis/her submission.For electronic bid submittals,bidders mustexplain intheHeader Section orby an Attachment and,if applicable,enclose a scanned copy ofthemanufacturer's specifications data detailing thechanged item(s)with his/her submission.AdditionaUy,bidders mustindicate any options requiring the addition of other options,aswellasthose which are included as a part of another option. Failure of bidders to comply with these provisions will result in bidders being heldresponsible for all costs requiredtobringtheitem(s)incompliancewith contract specifications. 2.30.PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND SAFETY The contractor shall conduct hisworksoasto interfere as little as possible with private business orpubhc travel.He shall,athisownexpense,whenever necessary or required,maintain barricades,maintain lights, andtakesuchotherprecautions asmaybe necessary to protect hfeand property,andheshallbeliablefor ah damages occasioned inanywaybyhis actions orneglect orthatofhis agents or employees. The contractor shahmeetthefollowingnoise abatement performance standards forallconstruction equipment Between the hours of7:00 AM.and6:00 P.M.noise levels shall not exceed 80 dBA at the nearest •residential orcommercialproperty hne* Operation of equipment should beavoidedbetweenthehoursof 6:00 P.M.and7:00A.M.,but ifrequired, the noise level shall not exceed 65 dBA 231.SAFETY MEASURES Contractor shalltakeallnecessary precautions forthesafetyofemployees,andshaherectandproperly maintainatahtimesall necessary safeguards forthe protection oftheemployeesandthepubhc.Danger signs warning against hazards created byhis/her operation andworkin progress mustbeposted. Allemployees of contractor shahbeexpectedtowearsafety glasses orgoggles,appropriate clothing,and hearingprotectionwhenandwherever applicable.The contractor shalluseonlyequipmentthatisfully operational andinsafe operating order.Contractor shallbeespeciallycarefulwhenservicingproperty when pedestrians and/or vehiclesareincloseproximity-workshallceaseuntilitissafeto proceed. 2.32.TERMINATION Page35 of 37 o o 260254 IfContractordefaultsinitsperformanceunderthisContractanddoesnotcurethedefaultwithin30days afterwrittennotice of default,theCityManagermayterminatethis Contract,inwholeorinpart,upon writtennoticewithoutpenaltytotheCityofMiami.InsucheventtheContractorshallbeliablefor damagesincludingtheexcesscostofprocuringsimilarsuppliesorservices:providedthatif,(1)itis determinedforanyreasonthattheContractorwasnotindefaultor(2)the Contractor's failureto perform is withouthisorhis subcontractor's control,faultornegligence,the termination will be deemed tobea terminationfortheconvenience oftheCityofMiami. B.FOR CONVENIENCE TheCityManagermayterminatethis Contract,inwholeorin part,upon30dayspriorwrittennoticewhen itisinthebest interests oftheCityof Miami.Ifthis Contract isfor supplies,products,equipment,or software,andso terminated forthe convenience bytheCityofMiamitheContractorwillbecompensated inaccordancewithanagreeduponadjustmentofcost.TotheextentthatthisContractisforservicesandso terminated,theCityof Miami shallbe liable onlyfor payment in accordance withthepaymentprovisions oftheContractforthoseservicesrenderedpriorto termination. 2.33.ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS No additional termsand conditions included withthe sohcitation responseshallbeevaluatedor considered,and any andall such additional terms,and conditions shah have no force or effect and are inapplicable tothis sohcitation.If submitted either purposely,through intentor design,or inadvertently, appearing separatelyin transmittal letters,specifications,literature,pricehstsorwarranties,itisunderstood andagreed thatthe General andSpecial Conditions in this solicitation arethe only conditions apphcable to thissolicitation and thatthe bidder's/proposer's authorized signature affixed tothe bidder's/proposer's acknowledgment formatteststothis. 2.34.PRIMARY CLIENT (FIRST PRIORITY) The successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)agreeuponawardofthis contract thattheCityofMiamishahbeits primary chent and shall be serviced first during a schedule conflict arising between this contract andany other contract successful bidder(s)/proposer(s)may have with any other cities and/or counties to perform similar services asa result ofany catastrophic events such as tornadoes,hurricanes,severe storms orany other pubhc emergency impacting various areas during or approximately the same time. Page 36 of 37 o 260254 3.Specifications 3.1.SPECIFICATIONS/SCOPE OF WORK Group 1:Swimming Pool Chemicals RefertotheLineItemDescription for detailed specifications for each oftheitems. Group2:DeliveryofBulkLiquid Chlorine andStorage Tank RentalforSwimmingPools 1.DELIVERY -Onsitebulk dehvery ofhighpurity,high strength 12%Sodium Hypochlorite directly by tankertostorage tank. 2.CHLORINE -This continuous process bleach shah be guaranteed to maintain atleast 10.5%strength forafuh60 days.Bleachshahbe guaranteed tocontainlessthan0.3%of excesscausticsodalevels.This bleach solution shah be treated witha secondary filtration process (amodifiedversion ofion-exchange technology),which removes copper,magnesium,iron,and othermetals.This process shalloccurat manufacturingsourcebeforebeginloadedontotankersfordehvery. 3.STORAGE—Storage tankshahbe maintained ona maintenance free arrangement bysuccessful bidder,which includes maintenance ofhard piping from tanks to chemical feed equipment,including all interface such as valves. 4.QUALITY CONTROL-Successfulbiddershallincludemonthlywaterquahtycontrolchecksusingan approved waterquahtycontrolprogram. 5.TESTING -Successfulbiddershahincludeongoingmonitoringandtesting of environmental conditionssuchasBlackandMustardAlgae,CloudyWater,Clarity,FilterEfficiency,Chloramine, Bacteriological Analysis,Iron,Copper,Manganese,Cyanuric Acid,Nitrates,Chlorides,Phosphates, Chlorine demand,Ammonia and other associated conditions. 6.SUPPORT-Successfulbiddershallinclude toll-free supportondifferentaspects of poolwaterand HRScodecompliance.Supportshallincludeon-sitereview and/or trainingonanasneededbasis. 7.CODE -Storagetankshall meet bulk tankrequirements of•U.S.EnvironmentalProtection Agency, FloridaDepartment ofAgriculture,FloridaDepartment ofEnvironmentalRegulation,and Visual Tank InspectionasrequiredbytheSouthFloridaBuildingCode. 8.FEES -Successfulbiddershallgiveaflatpergallonratefortheapproximateannualamount of chlorineused,asstipulatedonthePriceSheet 9.STORAGETANK RENTAL -Successfulbiddershahgiveamonthlyrentalratefora1500gallon capacitystorage tank andfora600galloncapacitystoragetank. Page37 of 37 City of Miami ci*mi _ *3500 Pan American Drive Miami,FL 33133 www.miamigov.com Text File Report File ID:11-00269 Type:Resolution Status:Passed Enactments R-l 1-0217 Enactment Date:5/26/11 Version:I Introduced:3/17/11 Controlling Body:Office ofthe City Clerk A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BIDS RECEIVED FEBRUARY 1,2011,PURSUANTTOINVITATIONFORBIDNO.260254,FROM COMMERCIAL ENERGY SPECIALIST,INC.FORGROUP 1,AND FROMPRO STAR POOLSUPPLIESFOR GROUP2,ASTHELOWESTRESPONSIVEAND RESPONSIBLE BIDDERS,ONA GROUP-BY-GROUP BASIS,FORTHE PROVISION OF SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS AND SUPPLIES ANDBULK LIQUID CHLORINE ANDSTORAGETANKRENTAL,FORTHE DEPARTMENT OFPARKS AND RECREATION,FOR AN INITIAL CONTRACT PERIODOFONE (1)YEAR,WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR FOUR (4)ADDITIONAL ONE (1)YEAR PERIODS;ALLOCATING FUNDSFROMTHE VARIOUS SOURCES OFFUNDS FROM THE USER DEPARTMENT,SUBJECT TOTHE AVAILABILITY OFFUNDS AND BUDGETARY APPROVAL AT THE TIME OF NEED. BEIT RESOLVED BYTHE COMMISSION OFTHE CITY OFMIAMI,FLORIDA; Section 1.The bids received February 1,2011,pursuant toInvitation for Bid No.260254,from Commercial Energy Specialist,Inc.for Group 1,and Pro Star Pool Supplies for Group 2,asthe lowest responsive and responsible bidders,ona group-by-group basis,for the provision ofSwimming Pool Chemicals and Supplies and Bulk Liquid Chlorine and Storage Tank Rental,for the Department ofParks and Recreation,for an initial contract period of one (1)year,with option to renew forfour(4)additional one(1)year periods,areaccepted,with funds allocated from various sources of funds from theuser department,subject tothe availability of funds andbudgetary approval atthe time of need. Section 2.This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature ofthe Mayor.{1} City of Miami Page x Prjnted on 6/)5/2(n, TO: FROM: CITY OFMIAMI,FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS and CONTRACT LIAISONS Kdiri^Robertson)Dii-ectoi Purchasing Department DATE: SUBJECT: -REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: May 15,2012 FILE: Swimming Pool Chemicals & Supplies&BulkLiquidChlorine& Storage Tank Rental BidNo.260254(16) FIRST RENEWAL Pleasefindenclosedacopy of therecentlyapprovedfirstrenewalterm contract forthe Swimming Pool Chemicals &Supplies &Bulk Liquid Chlorine &Storage Tank Rental. Using department is urged tocarefullyreviewthe contract in detail tobecomefamiliarwithits prices,termsandconditions,anditemsawarded.Ifyourdepartmentisunabletolocatea particular item onthe contract,pleasecontactthe appropriate Buyerfor assistance.Noother goodsor services canbe purchased underthis contract exceptthosespecifiedinthe contract When requestingthis commodity orservice,theBid No,,Resolution No.and the corresponding catalogitem numbers must becitedintherequisition. Shouldanyusing department experience any difficulties with the contractor,pleasedocumentthe matterand immediately adviseMaritza Suarez,Procurement Supervisor,at(305)416-1907 for assistance. CONTRACT AWARD FIRST RENEWAL BID NO.: DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PERIOD: FIRST RENEWAL: TERM OF CONTRACT: COMMODITY CODE: 260254(16) SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS &SUPPLIES &BULK LIQUID CHLORINE &STORAGE TANK RENTAL JUNE 6,2011 THROUGH JUNE 5,2012 JUNE6,2012 THROUGH JUNE 5,2013 ONE(1)YEAR W/OTR FORFOUR(4)ADDITIONAL ONE- YEAR PERIODS SECTION #1 -VENDOR AWARD Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc. (Group 1) 860 Jupiter ParkDr. Jupiter,FL 33458 Contact:Alvaro Mendoza Phone:(800)940-1557 Fax:(561)746-5898 Email:amendo2a@ceswater0ualitv.com varruza@cesmail.org Pro Star Pool Supplies (Group 2) PO Box 970041 Coconut Creek,FL 33097 Contact:Dennis Miller Phone:(561)488-7023 Fax:(561)482-0791 Email:dmm-23@comcast.net info@prostarpoolsupplies.com SECTION #2 -AWARD/BACKGROUND INFORMATION/APPLICABLE ORDINANCES/NOTES C.C.AWARDDATE:MAY26,2011 RESOLUTION NO:11-0217 ANNUAL CONTRACT AMOUNT:N/A Note:Funds allocated from the various sources offundsfromtheuserdepartmentsandagencies, subject to availability offundsandbudgetary approval at the time of need. Please find enclosed a copy ofthe recently approved first renewal term contract for the swimming pool chemicals &supplies&bulk liquid chlorine &storagetank rental. SECTION #3 -REQUESTING DEPARTMENT CITY DEPARTMENTS Contract Administrator:MariaDe Cardenas Phone:(305)960-3004 Fax:(305)400-5360 SECTION #4 -PROCURING AGENCY AMENDED AMOUNT: INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: PERFORMANCE BOND: APPLICABLE ORDINANCES: CITYOF MIAMI,PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Buyer:Maritza Suarez Phone:(305)416-1907 Fax:(305)416-1925 Prepared By:Aimee Gandarilla,5/15/12 A CONTRACT AWARP SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE TOASSIST YOU WITH THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS AVAILABLE INTHE ISUPPLIER INFORMATION SECTION OFOURWEBPAGE AT: www.miamiqov.com/Drocurement N/A N/A N/A N/A CITY OF MIAMI,FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM T0.ALL DEPARTMENT DIRECTORS DATE.May 15,2013 FILE. and CONTRACT LIAISONS subject:SwimmingPoolChemicals& Supplies&BulkLiquidChlorine& Storage Tank Rental BidNo.260254(16) from KennethRobertson,Director references:SECOND RENEWAL PurchasingDepartment ENCLOSURES: Please find enclosed acopyofthe recently approved second renewal term contract forthe SwimmingPool Chemicals &Supplies &BulkLiquidChlorine&Storage TankRental. Using department isurgedtocarefully review thecontractindetailtobecome familiar withits prices,termsand conditions,and items awarded.Ifyour department is unable to locate a particular itemonthe contract,please contact the appropriate Buyerfor assistance.Noother goodsor services canbe purchased under this contract exceptthose specified inthe contract. When requesting this commodity orservice,theBidNo.,Resolution No.andthe corresponding catalog item numbers must becitedinthe requisition. Should anyusing department experience any difficulties withthe contractor,please document the matterandimmediatelyadviseMaritzaSuarez,ProcurementSupervisor,at(305)416-1907for assistance. (Etttj 0!JifttHmt co CT SECOND RENEWAL BID NO.: DESCRIPTION: CONTRACT PERIOD: FIRST RENEWAL: SECOND RENEWAL: TERM OF CONTRACT: COMMODITY CODE: 260254(16) SWIMMING POOL CHEMICALS &SUPPLIES &BULK LIQUID CHLORINE &STORAGE TANK RENTAL JUNE 6,2011 THROUGH JUNE 5,2012 JUNE 6,2012 THROUGH JUNE 5,2013 JUNE 6,2013 THROUGH JUNE 5,2014 ONE(1)YEAR W/OTR FOR FOUR (4)ADDITIONAL ONE- YEAR PERIODS 988 SECTION #1 -VENDOR AWARD Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc. (Group 1) 860 Jupiter Park Dr. Jupiter,FL 33458 Contact:Alvaro Mendoza Phone:(800)940-1557 Fax:(561)746-5898 Email:amendozaOtoeswateraualitv.com rbaker(6).cesmail.ora Pro Star Pool Supplies (Group 2) PO Box 970041 Coconut Creek,FL 33097 Contact:Dennis Miller Phone:(561)488-7023 Fax:(561)482-0791 Email:dmm-23(Steomcast.net info(5)prostarpoolsupplies.com SECTION #2 -AWARD/BACKGROUND INFORMATION/APPLICABLE ORDINANCES/NOTES C.C.AWARDDATE:MAY 26,2011 RESOLUTION NO:11-0217 ANNUAL CONTRACT AMOUNT:N/A Note:Funds allocated from the various sources of funds from the user departments and agencies, subject toavailabilityof funds and budgetary approval at the time of need. Please find enclosed a copy ofthe recently approved second renewal term contract for the swimming pool chemicals&supplies &bulkliquidchlorine&storagetankrental. SECTION #3 -REQUESTING DEPARTMENT CITY DEPARTMENTS Contract Administrator:Maria De Cardenas Phone:(305)960-3004 Fax:(305)400-5360 SECTION #4 -PROCURING AGENCY CITYOF MIAMI,PURCHASING DEPARTMENT Buyer:Maritza Suarez Phone:(305)416-1907 Fax:(305)416-1925 Prepared By:Aimee Gandarilla,5/15/13 AMENDED AMOUNT:N/A INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS:N/A PERFORMANCE BOND:N/A APPLICABLE ORDINANCES:N/A A CONTRACT AWARD SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDETO ASSIST YOUWITHTHEINFORMATION CONTAINEDHEREINIS AVAILABLE INTHEISUPPLIERINFORMATIONSECTIONOFOUR WEBPAGE AT: www.miamiqov.com/Drocurement CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this b_day of Al^y .2014,by and between the City of South Miami,a Florida municipal Corporation (hereinafter referred toas4*City")and Commercial Energy Specialists,Inc.,(hereinafter referred toas"Contractor*'). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,theCityof Miami solicited bids,pursuant to IFB [Invitation to Bid]#260254 (16),for Pool Chemical,Liquid Chlorine &Storage Tank Rental;and WHEREAS,theCityof Miami,aftercompleting a competitive bidding process,awarded a contract to CommercialEnergySpecialists,lnc;and WHEREAS,theCity of South Miami desires toutilizetheCity of Miami contract pursuant toIFB #260254 (16),and pursuant toauthorityof theCity of SouthMiami's Charter. NOW,THEREFORE,theCityandthe Contractor,eachthroughtheirauthorized representative/official, as follows: 1.TheCitydesirestoenterintoa Contract,forPoolChemical,LiquidChlorine&Storage TankRental,underthesametermsandconditionsassetforthinIFB#260254 (16)andtheagreement betweenCity of MiamiandCommercialEnergy Specialists,lnc,pursuant IFB#260254(16). 2.TheCityhasreviewedthecontractandagreestothetermsandconditionsand further agrees tothefairand reasonableness ofthepricing.Contractor herebyagreestoprovidesuchservicesunderthesame price(s),termsandconditionsas IFB #352301 (18)and theagreementbetweenCity of Miamiand Eliteguard, Inc.,pursuant IFB#260254(16),acopy of which,includinganyamendmentsthereto,is attached heretoand madeapart hereof byreference. 3.AllreferencesinthecontractbetweenCity of MiamiandCommercialEnergy Specialists, Inc.,shallbeassumedtopertainto.andarebindinguponContractorandthe Chy ofSouthMiami.All decisionsthataretobemadeonbehalf ofthe Chy,asset forth intheCity of Miami IFB and hs agreement with CommercialEnergySpecialists,Inc.,shallbemadebytheCityManagerfortheCity of SouthMiami.The term ofthe contract,includingallextensionsauthorizedbythecontractshallnotexceed five years. Notwithstanding anything contained intheIFBortheCityof Miami contract tothe contrary,this agreement shallbegovernedbythelaws oftheState of Florida andvenueforalldisputeresolutionsor litigation shallbe inMiami-Dade County,Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,andastheduly authorized act ofthe parties,the undersigned representatives ofthe parties heretohavecausedthis instrument tobe signed intheirrespective namesbytheir proper officialsand tobeattestedbytheirrespectiveClerksthedayandyearfirstabovewritten. Alvaro Merfdoza (typenameand title ofsignatoryabove)