Res No 069-14-14163RESOLUTION NO. __ 6_9 -_1_4_-_1_4_1_6_3_ A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a settlement agreement between The Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Miami, Inc. and the City of South Miami. WHEREAS, the City filed suit against the YMCA in Case No. 13-01689 CA OS, titled City of South Miami, a Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff, v. The Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Miami, Inc., a Florida Not For Profit Corporation; and WHEREAS, the City's complaint sought to terminate the 50 year lease that the City had entered into with the YMCA in 2005 and obtain possession of the property; to obtain compensatory damages for breach of the lease, including attorney fees pursuant to the terms of the Lease; to obtain damages for breach of a unilateral contract and breach of the sales agreement; and to obtain damages for fraud; and WHEREAS, the YMCA counter sued the City for breach of the lease, breach of an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing, unjust enrichment, a declarations of the party's rights and liabilities and the YMCA sought damages in excess of $1 ,000,000 as well as attorney fees and costs; and WHEREAS, the City Attorney and the attorney for YMCA have negotiated a proposed settlement agreement; and WHEREAS, the terms of the proposed settlement are that (1) the lease between the City and the YMCA, that is the subject of the litigation, shall immediately terminate and, thus, the YMCA's leasehold interest in the subject property shall also immediately terminate; (2) the City of South Miami's claim for rent, maintenance, or other expenses associated with the subject lease shall be waived; (3) the claims of the City and the YMCA for damages (or other claim) against each other, for any cause of action arising out of or related to the sale of the property, the subject lease, or any other matter relating to the subject property, as well as any and all other matters shall be waived; (4) the City and the YMCA shall execute mutual general releases as to any and all claims that either may have against the other from the beginning of the world to the date of the signing of the release; (5) the general releases shall be delivered within 10 days after approval by the proposed settlement agreement by the City Commission; (6) both sides shall bear their own attorney fees and costs incurred in the subject litigation; (7) the complaint and the counterclaim shall immediately thereafter be dismissed with prejudice; and (8) an agreed order dismissing the complaint and the counterclaim with prejudice shall be filed with the court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City of South Miami accepts and approves of the settlement terms set forth in the recitals above and those terms are made a part hereof by reference. Page 1 of2 Res. No. 69-14-14163 Section 2. The City Manager is hereby authorized to execute a settlement agreement between The Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Miami, Inc. and the City of South Miami containing the same, or substantially the same, terms and conditions set forth in Section 1 of this resolution. Section 3. If any section clause, sentence, or phrase of this resolution is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, the holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this resolution. Section 4. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption by vote of the City Commission. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15ttday of April ,2014. ATTEST: APPROVED: (};gQ~ effYcLERK COMMISSION VOTE: 5-0 Mayor Stoddard: Yea Vice Mayor Harris: Yea Commissioner Edmond: Yea Commissioner Liebman: Yea Commissioner Welsh: Yea Page 2 of2 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11'1'11 JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA GENERAL JURISDICTION CASE NO. 13-01689 CA 05 CITY Of SOUTH MIAMI, a municipal corporation, Plamtiff, v. TIlE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF GREATER MIAMI, INC., a Flonda not for profit corporation, Defendant. THE YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION OF GREATER MIAMI, INC., a Florida not for protlt corporation, Counter-Plaintlft~ v. CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, a municipal corporation, Counter-Defendant. / ________________________ 1 STIPULATION AND MOTION FOR SETTLEMENT AND DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE Page 1 of'5 PlaintlfllCounter·Defendant) City of South Miami ("CITY") and The Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Miami, Inc. (tlYMCAH) heleby agree to the settlement and to the dismissal of the case with Prejudice under the follO\,.,ing terms' 1. The City med suit against the YMCA to terminate the 50 year lease that the City had entered into with the YMCA in 2005 and obtain possession of the property; to obtain compensatOlY damages for breach of the lease, including altOllley fees pursuant to the terms of the Lease; to obtain damages for breach of a unilateral contract and breach of the sales agreement; and to obtain damages for thud. 2. The YMCA counterclaimed for breach of the lease, breach of an Implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing) unjust enrichment, a declarations of the party's lights and liabilities and the YMCA sought damages in excess of $1,000,000 as well as attorney fees and costs 3. Notwithstanding the City's and the YMCA's positions, in an effort to avoid the costs and uncertainties of litigation, the Pm tIes have negotiated a compromise and reached a settlement in this matter which must be first approved by resolution of the City of South Miami City CommIssion at a duly noticed publIc meeting. The YMCA and the City agree that immediately Page 2 ot'S upon approval by the City CommiSSIon of this stipulation and motion for settlement and dismissal with prejudice, (1) the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney shall thcleatter sign this jomt motion; (2) the lease that is the subject of the litigation shall immediately terminate and, thus, the YMCA's leasehold interest in the subject propelty shall also immediately terminate, (3) the City of South Miami's claim for rent, maintenance, or other expenses associated with the subject lease shall thereupon be waived; (4) the YMCA and the City's claims for damages (or olher claim) against each other, for any cause of action arising out of or related to the sale of the property, the subject lease, OI any other matter lelatmg to the subject property, as well us any and all other matters shall thereupon be waived; (5) both sides shall thcrcaftel execute mutual general releases as to any and all claims that either may have against the other from the beginning of the world to the date of the signing of the release and deliver the release to the opposing party within 10 days aftel approval by the City Commission; (6) both sides shall bear their own attorney fees and costs incurred 111 the subject litigation; (7) the complaint and the counterclaim shall immediately thereafter be dismissed with prejudice; and (8) either party may thereafter transmit thIS joint motion to the trial judge assigned to the instant case along with an agreed order dlsl11lssmg the complamt and the counterclaim with pi ejudice. Page 3 ofS 4 The parties request that the Court retain jurisdiction to enforce the terms of the Settlement Agreement, If necessary. WHEREFORE, the Parties respectfully request that this Court dismiss this case, with prejudice, and approve the terms of the settlement referenced herein. Michael C Foster, Esq. Ttipp Scott, P.A. 110 S13 6th Street, 15th Floor Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 P: 954-525-7500 F: 954-761-8475 By.--->.,;!.}-_______ ~- M ichafi't!+-F-~~rF Florida Bar No. The Young Men's Christian Association of Greater Miarni, Inc, By: 94t~ Ralph Yahe , as president & CEO ATTESTED: Signat la Menendez City Clerk Read and Appro Legality and """"' .... ..,"'LA Thomas F, Pepe, Esq. P13PE & NEMIRE(RET), LLC 1450 Madruga Avenue, Ste 202 Coral Gables, Floncla 33146 Tel: (305) 66 :)4 Fax: (305 584 ' E:'~7=~~~~===7=7~~ Page 4 of'S CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that 011 this __ Ih day of AplIl, 2014, I electronically flled the fOlcgoing document wIth the CICIk of the COUlt using the FloIida Courts eFiling POI taL I also cemfy that the forcgomg document is being served this day on all counsel of record or pro se parties identified below III the mannel' specified, clther via transmission of Notices of Electronic Filing generated by the Florida Courts eFiling Portal or m some othel authonzed manner for those counselor parties who me not authorized to Icceive electrol1lcally Notices of Electronic Filing. Michael C. Foster, Esq. TllPP Scott, P.A 110 SE 6th Street, 15 1h FloO! Fort Laudel dale, FL 33301 P: 954-525-7500 F: 954-761-8475 E: PtirnalY: mcf\(l.llllPPSCOtl com E: Seeondm y: 8xm@trippscott.c0111 THOMAS P. PEPE, ESQ. City Attorney fOI CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 1450 Madruga Avenue, SUIte 202 Coral Gables, FL 33146 T: 305-667-2564 F: 305-341-0584 E: tpcpcqiJsQulhmiHlllill.goy By: Is/ ThollJas F Pcpe. Flodda Bar No. 183230 Puge 50f5