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Ord. No. 40-05-1862
40-05-1,862 *RDINANCE NO WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Conunission wish to purchase a 2006 Rear Steer Loader (Crane), a 2006 26 -Cubic Yard Trash Truck and a 2005 Utility Truck (Expedition) for the Public Works Department; and WHEREAS, Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC has agreed to finance the vehicles at 4.17% interest rate under the Florida League of Cities Master Lease/Purchase Program; and WHEREAS, the purchase of the aforementioned vehicles will be accomplished by "piggybacking" on current municipal bids in accordance with purchasing procedures as outlined in the City Charter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR. AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the Mayor and City Commission authorize the City Manager to execute purchase and finance agreements for the purchase of one 2006 Rear Steer Loader (Crane), one 2006 26 -Cubic Yard Trash Truck and one 2005 Utility Truck (Expedition) for the Public Works Department. Section 2: That the funding will be provided through the Public Forks Department Lease Purchase -Truck accounts; charging $39,483.34 to account code 001 -1720- 534 -4455 with a current balance of $206,975.00 and charging $5,900.00 to account code 111- 1730 - 5414455 with a current balance of $8,807.00 Section 3: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed Section 4: That this ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of 2005. s 1 ` Reading - 10 18 0 2 °a Reading - 11 15 0 5 3rdReading- 12/15/05 (reconsideration) Commission Mote: 4-0 Mayor Russell: Yea Vice Mayor Palmer: Yea CommissionerWiscombe: absent Commissioner Birts- Cooper Yea Commissioner Sherar: Yea CADocaments and SettiugsAArickelMy DocumeniMord Docurueentts \OrdinancelnermedlutRatePwEquip .doe Additions shown by undezb, -mW and deletions shown by 9*m-kp� *�RDINANCE NO. 41 ! i. WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission wish to purchase a 2006 Rear Steer Loader (Crane), a 2006 26 -Cubic Yard Trash Truck and a 2005 Utility Truck (Expedition) for the Public Works department; and WHEREAS, Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC has agreed to finance the vehicles at 4.07% interest rate under the Florida :League of Cities Master Lease/Purchase Program; and the purchase of the aforementioned vehicles will be accomplished by "piggybacking" on current municipal bids in accordance with purchasing procedures as outlined in the City Charter.. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE Ci 1Y OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. That the Mayor and City Commission authorize the City er to execute purchase and llnance agreements for the purchase of one 2006 hear Steer Loader (Crane), one 2006 26 -Cubic Yard Trash Truck and one 2005 Utility Truck (Expedition) for the Public Works Department_ Section 2. That funding will be provided through the Public Works Department Lease Purchase - Truck accounts; charging $39,268.22 to account code 001- 1720- 534-4455 - *,dth a current balance of $206,975.00 and charging $5,807.00 to account cede I I1 -1730- 541 -4455 with a current balance of$8,807.00. Section .'r. That all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed. Section dd. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon approval. PASSER) AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: CLERK day of A , 2005. APPROVED: Is' Reading -1 0 / 18 / 0`5 2nd reading -1 1/ 15 / 0 5 READ AND APPROVED AS TO FORM: COMMISSION VOTE: 4-0 Mayor Russell: Yea Vice Mayor Palmer: Yea Commissioner Wiscombe: out �TTRNEY of room C Cortunissioner Birts- Cooper: Yea Commissioner Sherar: Yea C:Documents and SettingslAriokeWy DocumentskWord Document slOrdinance l'ruckPurchaseFinaneing.doc CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER INTER - OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor, Vice Mayor & City Commission ;From: Maria V. Davis 449� City Manager ORDINANCE: Date: South Miami AEI- AmetieaEity zoo? Agenda Item 4 Re: Authorizing the City Manager to purchase a Trash Truck, Utility Truck and a Knuckle -boom Crane AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE A 2006 REAR STEER LOADER (KNUCKLE -BOOM CRANE /LOADER), A 2006 26 -CUBIC YARD TRASH TRUCK AND A 2005 UTILITY TRUCK, AT A TOTAL COST OF $225,376.09 WITH THE FIRST YEAR'S. INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF FIVE PAYMENTS NOT TO EXCEED $45,075.22 TO BE CHARGED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT LEASE PURCHASE - TRUCKS ACCOUNT NUMBERS .001- 1720 -534 -4455 AND 111- 1730 -541- 4455; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS.' Our current Public Works Department Solid Waste fleet has been going through mechanical challenges due to the age of the vehicles, which include our trash trucks and cranes. The department has seven trash trucks. Three of the trucks are in fairly good condition; two of the trucks are fairly new, while the other two trucks are in very poor condition. Also, the department owns 4 trash pick-up cranes. Two of the cranes are not operational, one crane is in very good condition and the fourth crane is in very poor condition. In an effort to maintain our service level for trash pick -up, we need to continue replacing our fleet_ As approved with this year's budget, the department is recommending approval to purchase a new trash truck, a knuckle -boom crane and a utility truck to be used by the Public Works Department. The proposed trash truck is a 26 cubic yard truck with 2006 International Chassis, Model 4300 SBA 4x2. The proposed crane is a 2006 Rear Steer Loader (Knuckle -boom Loader) capable of being driven backwards and loaded from an elevated cab. The utility truck is a Ford 2005 4X2 XLT with 4 -speed automatic transmission. For the purchase of the trucks and crane, we intend to "piggyback" on current bids with the City of Coral Gables, City of Lakeland and Miami -Dade County. The cost of the trucks and crane will be financed through Banc of America at a very low rate of 4.07 %, under the Florida League of Cities Master Lease/Purchase Program. This year's lease payment of $45,075.22 will be paid from account numbers 001 -1720- 534 -4455 and 111.1730- 541 -4455, with current account balances of $206,975.00 and $8,807.00, before this request. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission approve the ordinance. ATTACHMENTS: © Proposed ordinance © Copies of purchase proposals © Copies of record of "piggyback" documents. © Banc of America Lease Terms Sep-23, 2006 1:22PM PETERSEN IND, INC. SH 676= 11 ATION Petersen Industries, Inc. 4000 State Road 50 W Fake Wales, FL 33859 -8234 BILL TO: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 4795 S.W. 75TH AVENUE MIAMI, FL 93155 SHIP TO: Ne•3M P. 2/2 l?Ai�]* 1aip: budTE NO CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI 4795 S.W_ 75TH AVENUE! MIAMI, FL 33155 LQfi }�}�piuUL. SHIP DT 81 lip VIA 09f16120I?S a001]DDOI70960e Net 30 03 A_S,A,P. DRIV AWAY Em 1� ® a-RS3 MODEL R53 SASE LOADER 1.00 EA 110,880.60 03_11SAI HEAVY DUTY SWING MOTOR 5AI 1.00 EA INCL 07 1 DSB60 STANDARD BUCKET 60" OPENING 1.00 EA INCL 12.06 51-8 FIRE EXTINGVISH0 5LB 1.00 EA INCL 11.02 1-165 LOADER-.Pt ORANGE 13ODY-PI BLACK 1.00 EA INCL. * Price includes extended warrants+ 1.00 LOADER AS CONFIGURED Ai30VE EA $1111,880.80 0.00 $110,8$a.fiQ 1.00 CHASSIS -R$ CHASSIS, FOR NEW REAR STEER EA $0.00 0.00 $0.00 SUBTOTAL $110,880.60 DELIVERY 414-65 TAX O.OD - - - -- TOTAL- QUOTE- .._... -- $'11'1,295.25 - -.. _. SIGNATURE DATE Sep-21. 20D5 9 :32AM— PETIRSEN IND. INC. 863 676 -'6844 PETERSEN INDUSTRIFES INN. IAR.1 ON RIDE 445 U,S_HVV`(_27 NORTH LAKE WALES, Ft, 338e3 ($53)676 -1433 w §sxm FUEL EGE3NGWY: DWENSION; ENGINE, DIESEL: TtfANSMISSION, AUTOMAT)C: CLUTCH: AXU; FRONT P► 0kLDRIiJING AXLE, REAR, ,';INGLEl CAB: ry► �- ME, FRO i . x `vREy BEAR{ ' stUS ENSION, RR, SPRING, SINGE P: e'de'l. Pra�[(e 208 4300 SRA 4xZ (MA625) No•2997 P. 11/23 PTE- Serffed By; Moore International Tracks ;-jolly LNerfelt 303D Hwy 27 Norfh DAVENPORT, FL 33537 (863)424 -2411 ` Requested GM R' 31o6o, Gale. GVWR: 31oc)o 0610. Geal-ed Speed: 106--9 MPH-. 9.38 MPG @ 55 MPH VVh Ibase. 58, GA: 9Ca.9, Axle to FcamaL 53 {fn't rna €un l DT466) 50 Sites, 225 HP, 554 lb-ft t vrque 14' 00 RPM, 26(90 RPM Go verned Speed, 92 BeII H6using (ALLISON $000 —PDS Pj Close Ratio, 5speed, With Overdrive; Or�foff HWy; Jncttsdes Oil Level Sensar; With PTO Prvvisson, Less Retarder, With 80,000 -lb GVVV & GCW Maw 'Omit Item (Clutch & Controo ffntleznaii£rnal [- I00SG; I- BeafDTyp°, IO,OOL -ib Gapa€city MUa Spicer 21060S3 Single Reduction, 21,00C L-lb Gapacriy, Hypaid Ga�ifing With 2 00 Wheel Ei ds Gear Ra€io: 3.90 FGol�ver�tsonal, SteeE (2) 11872.5 G'149 RSA (Go 'ODY ) Sol revfmile, load r; nge G, 14 -ply (4) 1IR22.5 Gi64 RtD M+S (GaaaYEAR� 499 revfmsls, load range G, 14 ply Vert -Rate; 23,500-lb CapaeRY, WKfi 4500 lb Au jllar} Rubber Spring I Rer.Pivad Tim, Li— fn n.I —. Proposal: 939 Sep-21. 2006 9:32A Pescrb'don PETERSEN IND, INC. 8'63 676'S844 206 4366 SBA 4x.2 (MAO 261 Ilo.2997 P. 12/23 Us;�irch 10 - 2005, Ba$$ Ch*tssis, Model 4300 SSA 4X2 w"sth 158 Wheelbase, 90.9 CA, and 53 A.xfe to Prams, `SOW HOOK, FRONT (2) Frame Mounted, FRAME FAILS Heat Treai ?d Alloy Steel (120,000 PSI Yield); 10.375" x 3 709 X 0,436" (283.5mm x 94.1 rnrn x 11.1 MM); 456.0" (115a2mm) Ma)jmum OAL BUMPf R, FRONT FbIl Width, Aerodynarnia, Steel, 0.142" Wtedail 'IbIckne!�s IrnGludes _ PLEASE DOTE, Powder Coat9d Gray (Argenf) Co4or WHEELBASE f-tANGE IM :' (340cm) Through and Including 197" (600cm) AXLE, E;R014T-N0N- DRIVrNG {Interna oral 1- 100SO) F80am Type, 10,MD-ill Capacity N SUSPENSION, FRONT, SPrRJ NG Parabolic; Taper Leaf, i0,0DUAb Capacity; Vfth Shod; Absorbers Includes SPRING PINS Rubber Sue fhbge, i Mabt nance ->°res BRAKE SYSTEM, AR Dui al Sys�tern for Straight Truo C Applications r��ludss . 'AIR COMPRESSOR AIR SUPPLY LIME international Engines Na':urally- AspiratEid BRAKE Ci 3WBERS, SPRING (2) Rear Parking BRAKE LINES Color Coded Nylon SLACK ADJUSTERS, FRONT AL,torna'6o SLACK X)JUSTERS, REAR Automatic - PARK NG BRAKE VALUE Color-God-ad Yeflaw Knob, Located on Instrument Parcel ` DRAN VALVE Twist Type SPRING DRAKE MODULAT,OR VALVE GAUGE, AlR PRESSORE Located in IrstrUrnent Clustor Air I and A1r 2 Gauges; DRAIN VALVE, Ak3ToNiA; IC BE rndm 011-2) Wifn Heater; for Air Tank AIR 13IAKE ABS {Ssndix Anlil-or* Brake. Stem} Full Vahicle bear Contof System (4- annef) AIR DRYER {JG andbc AD-9} AMb Heater i3RAKES, FRONT* AIR CAM S -Carr; 15-0"X4,0 , Includss 2} Sq, ln, MGM Long Str6ke Brake tharnbers BRAI -TS, REAR, AIR CAM 16-5')r 7.0 "; In Ludes I'JIG14I T R30�0 Long Vro€;e Brake ahamber and heavy Duty Spring Actuated Parldng Brake AER C- OMPRESSOR {Bebdix Tu-F)o 550) 13.2 CAM STEERING COLL&N ` inq STEERING WHEEL ?- Spoke, I e Dian-3_, Black STEERING GAR 7RW (Ross) TAS -66) Pourer 2 Proposal, 936 D_..._ i SeP.21. 2006 9:33AM Qescdap sort PETERSEN IND. INC. 863 6 -76 -6844 �esric €e 5 �cHl'fCdfFGS't5 ?-090 ¢$ufF $FAA 4r. (MA02;) No,2997 P. 13/23 f }harm I Q-, 2DCE 5 EXHAUST SYSTEM Single, HorizonW, Stainless Steel Muffler, With Internal Gatai rtiC Converter, Sham T ali Pipe, Frame Mounted Right Side, for 2004 Ernissioris Standard wf+ lnterriaVanal 16 Eric Ines I✓LEC'f-RiCAL SYSTEM 12 -VDIt, Standard Equipmerit includes FLISES, ELECTRICAL SAE Slade -Type TURN SIGNAL SWTCH Selff--Canob- Ing, Head #sght Dimmer (whh Flash- To -PWs Feature) HORN, EE.E&RIC Sirsgle FAZKfh€G LIGHT Integra€ v,h Front Turn Signal and Rear Tail Light STOP, T tlRN, TALI_ & $!U L1GHiS Dual, Roar, Gambirrabart wiFh Rsflectar STARTER SW€TCH EleuWc Key Opgrated TURN SIGNALS, FRONT FI€ii�b MDUnted Includes fZaf1wbis and Atvdilary We Turn Signals, Solid State FI-w -hers, DATA LINK CONNECTOR in Cab For Vehicle, Prvgrarhmirrg and Oiagno0cs WINDSHIELD WIPERS Single Motor, Elect-ie, Cowl Mounted VVINDSHIELD WIPI=P, SWI `GH 2 -Speed Integral With "hum Signal SWitch wfth ill {at h and Interrinittent Feature, WIRING, C€-€RSSIS Galar Cddgd and Gontinuoosly Nurribered CIGAR LIGHTER HORN, ELI =CTR)C (2) ALTERNATOR JL;3aoe.- NuAIIe 8LHP2172VAH} Srtis;h Type; 12 Volt 1 11 0 Amp- Gipaciiy, Pad Mounted a BODY RU €L DER WIRING Balk of &Enmdard Cab at Left France or Under fiend -d or Crept Cab at ,Left France'; iriclude5 Ssaled Conneekors for Tail /Ambsr TurrWaOrt 9acWp /A000ssory Pow or /Ground and Seated Connector for SEap Tum BATTERY SYwT1`E M �b6lpffl VVI 150 Metintenance --Frea (Z) 12-Volt 1400CCA Total RAGED {Y aniasonlc CQR. -1111 P.iVI K With Gassatte Player, Inchides MuMp €e Dual Gone Speakers [r�clurfes SPEAKERS III CAS (4) Caa:-Aal WRb �rerrtittm Inte; iar SPEAKERS fN CAl3 (2) Dua#. -Corte wfth Da €Lme Interior HORN, AIR {Graver} BIaok, Single Trumpet, Air Solenoid Opsrafed, Mounted B9hind Bumper on €jght'Rail HEADLIGHTS Halogen; Gorriposito Aefu Des;drt for Two Li ht System; Includes Dayfirne RunMng Lights ENGINE SHUTDOWN Autornafic; ll*h 30 Second Decay; With lnferriafiorisl Engines INDIORF -OR, LOW COOLANT LEVEL VVIA -h AtrdJb€e Alarm STARTING MOTOR {Lee-ce- Noville MI OORT 12- Vtt,t; less nermal Dtr� :�r��l; Prataciia€t CIRCUIT BREAKERS MantjaWeset (Main Part(51) SAE Tye III Wih Trip €ndicatom, Replaces Ali Fuses Except Far 5-Amp r>_ises GRILLE Chrome FRONT END Tilting, Fiberglass, With Three Piece Construction PAINT SCHEMATIC, PT -1 Single Color, Design 100 Proposal: 939 SeP.21, 2006 9:33AM PETERSEN DesOpVo IND. INC. 853 676-6844 VeN s rkevific fc�FSs 2006 4 -:M0 SRA 4Z-X7 (TAA02a) No-2997 P. 14/23 Ma"r::if i 4, 2006 = PAINT SCHEMA'hC ID LETTERS ',GAS PAINT TYPE Sense (_'oaVGlear Coat, 1-2 Tone CLLiTCH 0mit Item (Clutch & Control) BLOCK HEATER, ENGINE �Phitf ptj 120 Volt1l25D Watt €Dcludss BL:UCK HEATER SOCKET Receptacle Type', Mounted below Drivers Door EN.di CIE., t)ies ? �nternabanal DT4S6� 50 State, 225 HFI, 564 lb- ftTorgue 0 14DO RPM, 2KO RM Governed 5pesd, 2 Dell I o€�sIng lr�ciudes GAUGE, AIR GL€ =AVER RESTRICTION Air Ciearrer Mounted I= UELNVATF -P SEPARATOR Mounted on Engine and FUEL. FILTER in a Single Assembly, COLD STAi TiNG EQUIPMENT Intake Manifold Electric Grid Heater % Ah Ersgms ECM Control 1NET TYPE CYLINDER SLEEVES OR1�F ,E CONTROL Moctro0c; Gontroi3 Integral to Staerirlg VVhsei - ENGINE SHUTDOWN Electric, Key operated GOVERNOR' Road Speed, Electronic ENGINE € IL DRAIN. PLUG MagrietiG OIL FILTER, ENGINE Spin -Ott Type DAMPER, CRANKSHAFT Viscous = FAN Optirnized Pos€&vn FAN DRIVE �B,,)rg- Waiter SA85} Viscous $crew On Type lrzcludes : FAN Nylon RADIA T OR Aluminum, 2-Row, Gross Haw, Over Und6r Syst m, 51 6 Sgln Louv� red, Wih 274 Sqln Charge Air Cooler, 4.25" Care, With in -Tank- Transmission Cooler Irrofudes ANTI- FREEZE Shell Rotella tended Life Coolant -40F 40C) DEAERATIQN SYSTEM with tur'ga Tank RADIATOR HOSES Premium, Rubber Fr; DERAAL EM1SS10NS for 2004; for Interna'ional VT365, DT466 and DT570 Engiraea AIR CLEANER Single Element 7 BOTTLE, HAND CONTROL Engine Speed Control; Elecfron(c, St4onary, Variable Speed: 10ountsd on Steering Wheel ENGINE GOiq i FR0L, REMQT� MOUNTED Provision fbr; irisludes Module and t" of Remote Eng ine Speed Contrai, With SAE J1939 Gor. municaffon 5AN DRIVE SPECIAL EFFECTS Fan Oooling Ring with Fan Shroud Effects, Engine Mounted EKPANDED EOGINE TEMP EFFECTS to Allow Higher EnQ €rte OperatingTernperature Range; fncfttdes Nylon€ SLIrge Tank and 15 Pi Pressure Gap 4 Proposal: 939 Sei�`21. 2005 9:33AM PETERSEN IND. INC. 863 676'6844 P. 15/23 2006 *rx SBA e-r'2 ��S Cf€pfES�FS OIL CODLER,AUTO TRANSMISSION Air to Cif Type; forAliison TRANSMISSION, AU T OMA TIC {ALLISON 3000 RDS`P) Close Ratia, 5Speef, iltitfth Overdrive; On/Off Hwy; Irtdudes Oil Level Sensor, Vkh PTO Provision, Less Ret'ardar, Vkh 80,60 -04b GVW & GCVV Max. Includes TF�ANSMi6910N OIL PAN Magngt in Oil Pars TRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROL (ALLISON) Push -Mon Type, for Allison 30(30 & 4000 s6rias `l"ransmiF_sion ALLISON SPADE INPUT /OU i PUT for Rugged Duty Series (RDS); General Purposs Trucks, Constructioh AXLE, REAR, SINGLE,')?aria Spicer 211 050S} Single Redtscgon, 21,=14b Capacky, Hypoid Gaarirrg VUttl-, 200 Wnsel-Ends G gar Ratio: 3 -90 Ingludes REAR AXLE DRAIN PLUG CI) Magrsetic SUSPENSION, RR, SF'RI C,, SINGLE Vati -Rate; 23,505 -lb Otkpadty, Wi€ii 4500 lb AQ) iilary Ru5ber Spring EUELPNATER SEPARATOR (Flestguard) With Thermostato Fuef TerrtpeMTufa Gonirblfad Efe&bic Heater, and t=an] Filler, it) a Singie Assembly, Motinted on Engine; ilo Fu�VWater Separatar and Fuel FlfterAssembfy Included sr 4h Engine FUEL TANK -Tvp Dray; D Sfyle, Ste = €, 50 U_S, Gal., 1�9 L Cap l:' 16" Deep, With Quick Gc5rina'btOutl6t, Mounted Flight side, Under Cali fnGludes FUEL LINES Nylon Tubing With O--Ring Snap -on Qsrick Connact Flnhgs at Both Ends CA13 Convenffonal; Ste-31 In dudes GLEARANC.EIMARKER LIGHTS (5) Flush Mounted ARM REST (2) Molded Plastio, Smoke Oray; One Each Boor - FLUOR COVERING Rubbar, Black GOAT FiQ0K Locafsd on RearWalf, Centered Abova Rear Window GRAB HANDLE, CAR INTERIOR (1) "A" Pillar Mpunted, Passeiger Side GRAB HANDLE, CAS INTERIOR (2) "B° Pilfer Mounted, orr6 Each Side STEM} (2) Twq Steps Per Door GLASS, ALL WINDOWS Tinted GAUGE CLUSTER English With English EIBc$onic Speedorrsatar lr?o' OOONiIRi 1=R DISPLAY, Mlles, Trip Wiles, Engin Hours, Tdp E iauss, Fault cods 'Readout 171/ARNfNG SYSTEM Law Fuel, Low Oil Pressarr e, High Engine Qoala n*t Te3tnp, and Low, Sattery!(clts ga Visual and Audible) 0AUG5 CLUSTER_ (5) Engine Off Prassvra �ieotranl^;, : "J�Car Temperature Fuel (El —, a9�ic), Tschametcr (Eleatrohic), Voltmeter GAUGE, OIL TEMP, ALLISON TITAN SEAT, DRIVER {Gra -Mag) Non - Suspension, High Back VVR h Integral Headrest, Mriyl, VTO Fixed Back 5 proposal: 939 Sep-21. 2005 9:33AM PETERSEN IND. INC. 363 67626844 No-2997 P. 16/23 CkE S €�E; i Loiar�!_F a-! cfs S ac" rcations: IosiFCl 10t fEtg5 Desctiptlt�t� SEAT BELT 3- Point, L.ap and Ghoulder Belt Type SEAT, TVVO -MAN PASSENGEk (Gra -Mi g) V th Vivo Integral Headrsst, Vinyl, WM F €yed Back Less Under Seat Storage Compattrnen' Includes SEAT BELT (2) One 3-Point Shoulder Belt and One 2-Point Lap Ba €t (Caroler Posifion) MIRRORS (2) tLang Mekra) Rectangular, 7.44" X "14.64 ", Bracl1ets Breakaway Type, With ?02" Wide Spac€ng, With 7.44" sq. Convex Both Shea INSTRUIV EW PANEL CeDlar Sf Ct on, FIat Panel AIR CONDITIONER (International Blend- Air} With Integral }eater & Defroster Inclrjdes : REFRIGERANT f- iydrot'luorocarbnn HFC -134A : Ham, i rR HOS1 =s Premium CAD IN'T'ERIOR TRINE Deluxe Irtclucle� CONSOLE, OVEiRHI=,AD Wd°d PhAc wIt Duo! Storage Poc1cet3 and Ratainsr Nets and GE Radio Pocket; Smoke Gray with Mack Melting Over Storage Podcet� "A" PILLAR DOVER Mbided Plastic, Smoke Gray HEAbONER Print e' d moth r INSTRUMENT PANEL. TFW MDlderd Pladt, Drawbridge Gray with Black CariU!r SediDn, Hiddsh C up HDWi r arrd Ash Tray (r' - Out) DOME L.FGHT, CAB Rectangular, Center Mounted, Integral to Console DoorActivated, Treed 1- heater Dirnr,11tig, SUN VISOR (2) Padded Vinyl integral to Console with DdVBr Side Toll Ticket Sip, SToRAG5 PQGKE I`, DOOR (4) Molded Plastic, Smoke Grey, Fpll - Length; Driver Door GAB INTERIOR TRIM PANEI<S Molded Plasf9c, Full Height All Exposed Interior Sheet Metal is Covered Except for the Following= the Back Panel ie Completely Void of OoveriDg vAth a Two-ifan Passenga-r Seat the Saok Panel is ONY pafu . )DOOR TRIM PANELS (2) Molded PIas u; Driver and Passenger Doors WHEELS, FRONT DISC; 225" Painted Steel, I0 -SStUd (285.75101 4 BC) Hub Piloted, "Fanged Nut Manic Mount, 8.28 DC Rims; VAh Steel Hubs. Inciu es : WHEEL SEALS, FRONT Grease Lubdcated -includes Wheel Beatings 'PAINT IDENTITY, FRONT 1Nl--iEELS IWIte WHEELS, REAR DUAL DISC; 22.5" Paint=ed Steel, 1 U-Swd (285.75MM 8G) Hutt Piloted, Flanged Nut, Mef a Mount, 8.25 DC Rims;; `Kilt 5tssl Hubs - Irro tides = l VHF-C- _ SEALS, REAR. Oil Lubricated, Includws Wheal Hearinuga PAINT IDEN`CITY, REAR WHEALS Whka (4) TIRE, REAR 11 822.5 G154 RT°D M+S ( GOODYEAR) 499 r'Wmile, load range G,14 ply (2) TIRE, FRONT 11R22.5 G149 RSA (GOODYEAR) 501 revlrrt€Te, load range G, 14 ply l}raposai: 939 A 21 - 1005; 9 13AM�i,-,i,-,PET[RSEN I ND• INC. BU 576 -6844 N o - 2 9 9 7 P. 17/23 ca- .P, of coraf aabfex, FwtdR R,CAR S-ME9 nZASZL(7A0ER C-")V6 4.11.1 General These speoWcations are the uffiuuaum zeqWr==ts for a new, used, curmnt model, spe6akzod R= SteerTmh Collection Trwk Mounted Crane with specializtd buckets aiivira-um G 31,000 lbs — 4x2l 4-11.2 Track Cab Conventional sletl to imladc all item Eac�d as ramidard Nuipmmt. f Air Condidoiiing Seating; dtiver and two passengocs Grab handJes =,de and owmdc ba tizw -s to v�d indow iy(lometer to "lar miles, cue hoers, and fault cod-- mad out. Wazcdng systf= visual md audible low oil pressure- high coo t terrrp., low coolant IML 103W baulely voltage, 16W feel level Tram=smon oil tempumtum Air prcssw - pages with audible low press= warnmg Dliver aldc and passengex sidt sun vigor,3 EI ic born lights 1 RaAo AMWI 4.11-3 Truck Chassig 1�5 fre ytgNu Frame iails to b,- heat tmatad,.Uay steel "t"ith mirim= BRM of 120,000 PSI rcapanity Ininhmm '' Re araxle lob,� single red�ction2l,000 tbs. capazifyraw=um wlm� deLminined by crau maimfa -urf3z zad GAW R 496 va, -x— I- r cs LV air .3 LYPO WTEU aWvWdUv 5180-K, aUJUSICUS 1 Air dri&,with ajitoinatia moisture ej�et,-tDT VrO pne I r, Receflyd Timz Mar•10, 3:IJPM ,.SeP • 21 - 2005 ! 9: 34AM-; ,-,42PETERSEN IND. INC. 863 676ti No • 2997 P • 18%23 P_: cc OF' s.Ez-RrRASR LOAD EA CRAP& 4.11.3 Truck C1ixa5sis (Cotairrues) Front bUmpez to be M wide &te,.-I. t .-I IjT F-n&e;; InQlifte, 6 cylinckr, liquid COOK 225 ET MM-5M UM usion: Allison 3,000 RDS F close ratio S eed wid-t ovtx &ive, rko Retarde�r, Pro P priMsion aud cril level sensor. god -d n Mar Fl�a �nh IAGQ CCA Total 4.11-4 Rear Steer Trash Loader Crane CXWIT-VcCt YC21NU, to be- PaersojL Lightliug roar clear IMUCI& boom joa&c Modej RS-3 i Craa-- to havt oiMiggj��r stabffizeis �dir�r sjj;p'-'- ► =403I lcrokg� spniag applied aix rcica'se!7 4.11-5 CGfor :T� Cc�lor to �e � �_ W _.-.� _�.....^ =_..~ � -�-� � —_ _. _ ---- - � --`— ..�....��i ,_.� � � 4.11.6 Man u2ls COMFqi-- YESNC Tow (2) mch copies -Parts and repair shop rAguuals I Three (3) -ewh ocqies - Opemtors mwtWs rF8 Received Time ar,)0, 2:13PM Sep-21. 2005 9 :34AM PETERSEN IND. INC. 861 676 -6844 M -C CATIONS: 20 FOOT XN CIMEBOOM LOADER INTENT NQ-2997 P. 19/23 It is the int --at of these specifcations to desoribe a hydraulically operated kauckleboom. trash loader to be used is the collection of oversize bash items ,such as discarded appliances;, f n- niture, brash, Ieaves, bt ihng mateda.Is, etc. Specifically the Lightning Rear Steer is designed for mc rnan operation ofthe loader functiom and have the capability to drive the loader fronx a single, elevated at control station- In this cohfiguration, the loader is intended to be mounted over the rear axle of a short wheel base cab chassis. This configuration allows the operator to load shuttla tracks or trailers, leaving the loader itself on tbc' route to contime work_ The recommended vehicle for this appl cation has a minimim Gross Vehicle Weight off'31,000 lbs.(10k front, 211: rear) and a cab tt a -1e dimension of 90 ice.. �V'ehicls zest base an elec£ onk Mgine(210BP Mfi ), a World (MD3060P) transD.ssion and a rear axIe with a gear ratio whkh allows 16. mph ii3� reverse_ PEDESTAL ASMGEY To bean open A frame type to allow fee ng uz r repeated load shocks{ Total height not to ,mceed 7:k . froze mounting plate to top ofpedestaYmain boom connection point. Loader sub zrfcc>pxxierweigllfto be a. 4zz steel plate recuczz stress on trtcl frarr�e aszrov€clzz ad ional safe Effina cauadtv over the side_ Swing post to ba single piece high. strength solid steelsteel (ASTM 4140) t mdrig in (A,STM D4020- 81) cast nylQa bemrings. W61ded spindlelhead assembly is to be stress relieved prior to irLstallatioa. 8aam rotation to be accomplished by a direct drive 270 degree planet gearbox with radial piston hydrauk motor_ Model SAI 12501150, with a maximum torque rating of 150,000 ir#. I& This enclosed gearbox eliminates the metal- to-metal wear found in open, e)Tosed pinion and bull gear design.. To prevent spindle bending moments from being tramniiited to enclosed gearbox, the gearbm must be - mounted by means of a torque arm assembly: BOOM COINSTROCITON Faux boom' to be comprised of two ea., 4 in. x S im x 3f8 irL thick high tensile steel tubes connected to each other only at their comer line t avow a gho,,k abggbmLg fl . action of the baot� Tip boom to have an e*rtendibleretractable telescopic section controllable from the operator`s platfornx. Must leave mechanical stops to relieve cylinder stress. Rev_ 1012001 3.3-1 5ep,21. 2005 9:34AM PETERSEN IND. INC. 863 676 -6844 No-2997 P. 20/23 Me inner and outer sleeves of the telescopic section must be sepa -6t d by replaceable cast nylon wear blocks on all sides to prevent metal -to -metal wiew. Hydraulic hoses for the telescopic section must be en6losed in steel box for protection, No exposed tip extension hoses shall be permitted. BOOM RAMUS AND MT CAPAMY Boom radius is measured from the center of natation to the canter of the buoket- With outriggers fully extended an firm, level ground, capacities 5hoVM do not e ,Kceed 85% of vehicle tipping moment - With outriggers fully retracted and macbine, an tires Da firm, level ground, capacities -&hown do not exceed 75% ofveh%cle tipping momeIat. Loads marked with (* * *) are limited by stability of the loader - Note: Weight of bucket and/or- attache= to loom -must be subtracted from the lift capacities shown. Standard bucket weighs 1,000 lbs- LOA -DER -ON OUFRI QGERS . RADIUS SIDE I REAR REAR TIP EXTENSION RETPAC`!'ED TIP EXTENSION RETRACTED TIP EXTENSION . EXTENDED TIP 9XTEtdSION RETPACTED TIP EXrEMSION EXTENDED fia I 6,511 Ibs. '*'° 0,634 ft. '."`* 7,630 Ibs. 9;420 lbs. 16 ft 3,800 Ibs, "° 4,242 lbs- ..s.. 4,40D lbs. 5,240 lbs, 20 ft - 2,737 Ibs. 3,280 lbs, ,LOADER ON TIRES Rf�US SIDE I REAR TIP EXTENSION RETPAC`!'ED TIP EXTENSION EKTENDr:D TIP EXTEIAMN TIP EXTENSION RETRACTED EXTEI1 DE© 10 ft 4,74DIbs. "°" 4,550 Ibs. *"' 7340.Iba. 7,80D lbs. 76rt 2,285 lbs. 2422Cbs, 4470Ibs, 5,7201bs. 2-0 ft - 1,725 ft "*'° - 3.360 Ibs. 1300M CONNECTION PO�iTS LOADER ON OUTRIGGERS x LOADER ON TIRES "- Boom connection points must be equipped with replaceable cast nylon or brass bushings and a 2 in- bolt with castellated nut to prevent spreading of the connection pivot point_ ASH BECET To be. a special municipal trash bucket adtuated by a sintrle double- acting cylinder, The bucket shall be capable of continuous rotation with no need. for physical stops- Bucket rotation to be R-M 10/2001 Y.S: r 5�: �:- :� �� -.ice• Sep-21. 2005' 9:34AIM PETERSEN IND, INC. 863 676 -6544 No.2997 P. 21/23 accomplislied by a continuous rotatioii bucket motor, ?Model M, with 5,500 in. lbs. torque rang. The 1 wk ,t must incorporate. • a 3116 izk. plate, smooth steel clamshell scoop for Ieaves and sand. • a minimum of S ribs pez side to handle brmches, logs and appliances, • a trample ram in the, eer?ter for compressing trash its body, The bucket mint be 4 ft, long with an opened, width of S ft- between pickup blades. These blades must be high impac, tempered steel that fam a reverse curve in tho closed position to reduce „scalping" and egging of grass lawns. No hydraulic hoses below bucket rotator.. PQWER SOURCE To ,be a trans lion mounted Prot Shift power take off coupled directly to the hydraulic pump (uo drive shafts). Must be equipped with overspeed protf, -udo r Over- speeding the pump causes the hydraulic fluid to overheat. Overspeecl protection prevents daz zaga to eagin.e, hydraulic systen4 and Major system compoat is resulting from. over - speeding the mgine- HYDRAULIC COIeG ENTS Reservoir- 60 galioa diffused tank with suga rrn and retrirn fziters and cutoff velves for easy serving. Includes a, sight gauge with a themometer and a. vent fter- Cgliaders: Double act with chromed rods aad aluzi= pistons, main EGO M.- S in- �?- 32 in- with a 2 1/z in- shaft. Tip Rgam: S in. x 32 ii with a 21 /z iTL shaft, Tip FKtens#ou: 2 in- x 49 im with a l Y, izk. shaft, Bucket: 4 in- )z 12 in. with. a 2 h shaft, Control valves: aesen stack type vaifz port reliefs Safety Locking 'Valves: lnstalied on boom and Mtrigger cylinders to prevent a leakdovm or rollapsc in case of a hydraulic hose mpture- Pump: Taaaern Commercial Interteoh P -20 Conductors." Steel tubing and high tensile steel -wire braided hoses, 4,000 P SL 16,000 PSI mUmu*r+ best. Pressure: Mainz relief set at 2,400 PSI mum, ENGM CQ1 R.OE To bd a foot operated coatral- Rest. 14120x1. ?P.21. 2000 9:34AM PETERSEN 1ND• INC. 86 23 676 -6844 OPERATOR CO3jTRQLS No-2997 P• 22/23 Platform is to be mounted between the loader and cab with a Might not to exceed 7 ft. flora monmting plate- Operator platfoxm shall indude a steel, wii1dowed operator's cab.The cab shA have wiWows all around including the top. All endows are to be tinted. Alt weather cab will be cgaipped with the foRowing. Mectanical, = (6) fhcdon joystick controls (no electric or air allowed), padded air ride seat with arm rest seat belt, steering wheel, accelerator pedal, Foot brake, emergency /parlg brake (air), pto control, gear selector, air horn, engine shutoff button All hydraulic loader and outrigger controls will be wi6it easy reach of the operator and all loader and drive fanc6ons wM be available at this pla:#fonn- Top of cab is not to e -weed 12 feet above grade, Dirmensions .shall be approid ately 60 inches ta11y 54 inches wide azad 56 iaches deep. Cab wl be air Goaditioxa6d and heated. Air comdition€ng unit.will not be mounted on top of the truck or operator cab. Cab iS to be pasted the sane cnlo_ as f2he.lmuckleboom. Outriggers to be constricted with hydraal callly powered telescoping rectar� lar tubing to prevent side loading and bending of cylinder slia_fts. Outriggers to be equipped with large steel pads to miniLize damage to street_ Chu ggers must telescope out acid down to reach a horizontal distance of I I ff. 8 in_ between outer edges. Outward stabil .' movement of each stabilizer to be powered by .a cylinder with a. bare of 2 ia, and a stroke -of 20 in. The housing that acwmplishes this outward movement must be separated by oast nylon buslftigs oii all foal sides to prevent metal -to -metal wear axed to allow a greater area far grease. Downward movement to be powered by two liydrautic cylinders with a bore of in. and a stroke of 22 in. These cylinders roust be fully enclosed for protection_ S SPENSION LOCKS To improve loader stability while operating on tires, positive, mechanical suspmsion locks must be engaged on rear suspension- Suspension locks M to be spring applied and paelamatically releaser- Suspension locks are to be released during normal transit driving operations. PA WT Loader must receive I coat of high-grade primer and 2 coats of high- grade emamel (manufacturers sta_ dar-d colors). LUSCELLANEOUS 11tstailadon Molt?des iaEtxlla.Kcn ofback ap alarm 3 : V ►-111 A Three ym m-ajor structurstl and true year hydra Wic. ( ` *See Warranty Sheet** ) Ike to rDmtinuin� product provemczx, s60ifimtl= are szbita to chaage Rritho%notice or obli tio�n RAW. 10 /2401 33 -4 Sep•21. 2005 915AM PETERSEN IND, INC, HS 616-6844 No.2991 P. 23/23 24165 Highway 27 Trash Lake Wales, Florida 33853 ° (863) 57f>--14n • (863) 676 -$844 Lightning Londe ° www.petersenind -oom Warranty Petersen industries, Inc. ("Petersen") warrants each new Lightning Loadera and /or Trash Fk4y it manufactures and each new part ansl component sold by Poterben texcept those excluded by Section 5 below) to be free from defects in material and workmanship, provided the Lightning LoaderO pars and components are operated and maintained in accordance With Petersen's published operating and maintenance instructions applicable thereto. This warranty Is subject to the terms and conditions stated below. 1 • Warrantor: This warranty is granted by Petersen Industries, fnc_ 20185 Highway 27, Lake Wales. Florida 33653_ All warranty work must be accomplished by Petersen Industries, Inc- at its factory In Lake Wales, Florida or by such other facility specifically - authorized by Petersen. All warranty work performed by a facility other than Petersen must be approved by Petersen In Writing prior to commencement of said work 2. art e o W W is Extended- This warranty shall be extended to any buyor and to any person to whom this product is transferred during the duration of this warranty. g. f The time per'lods applicable to the warranty of the specified component parts of this Lightning LoaderO are as folfows, a) Lightning Loadere' (Major Structural Component Parts - 3 ye8rs b) Non - hydraulic Replacement Parts - i year c) Hydraulic Components - t year 4. Parts and component parts installed by Petersen are covered by this warranty except those parts and component parts excluded by Section 5 below. 5- sand om o Covered: The fallowing parts and components are not covered by time warranty; a) any part or component not knstalied by Petersen Industries. Inc.; b) any part of the vehicle cab, Chassis, tires or engine (any warranty of these parts ard components is provided f5y the original manufacturer); C) any part or component Mat s6ail have been subject to misuse, negllganee, or accident; d) any part or rQmponent that shall have deteriorated from extraordinary wear or exposure: a) expendable Items Itrat would normally be replaced within the warranty pedod (e g. hydraulic hoses on end of boom, brake washers betWoen bucket and boom, oil, filters, light bulbs). g, Pr re for Qtbining Performance Under this Warranty: In order to qualify under this warranty, the owner must notify Petersen Industries, ]no, within thirty (36) days of discovery of the defect and promptly deliver the Lightning Loadero or defective part to Patemen Industries, Inc. at its factory in Lake Wales, Rorida, or if requested by Petersen to such other authorized facillty designated by Petersen. Upon raoeipt of such Lightning f_oader ®, part or component, If it is found not to be defective in material or workmanship, Petersen shall notify the owner of such fact and request instructions for the return of such Lightning Loaderm, part or component to the owner. Alf costs oft s n LlghtnlnQ LDader�(s) to end firm Petersen Indus #rtes, Inc. or such othrer authorized facility designated by Petersen shelf be paid by owner 7. RQmGk. If, within the durationr of this warranty; a part or component covered by this warranty proves to be defective in material or workmanship, then the sole and exclusive remedy and Petersen's sole responsibility shall be at Petersen's option, the reoaHn❑ of the defective part or component or emplacing of the same. Parts and labor shelf be at the expense of Petersen. The replacement part or component supplied pursuant to this warranty shall be warranfod only for the remainder of the warranty period applicable to the defactive part dr component. 8. oesian Petersen reserves the right to rnaKe changes in the design or matertal of its products wtthDut incurring any obligation to incorporate such changes in any produot previously manufactured. g, I- xyiusion and Disciaimers1 This warranty does not eXtend to normal maintenance services such as cleaning, greasing, mechanical adjustments and maintenancs inspeottons or to any defect due to the negligence of others, failure to operate or maintain the Lightning Lvadera' in accordance with the published operating and maintenance instructions furnished by Petersen, unreaeonable use, accidents, alteration or wear and tear [NO 07riF.R WARRAN-1 -Y WHETHER OF fu M0hAr\tiAalUTY, FIT NESS OR OTH2RWISEi EXPRESS OR UPLf1 D IN FACT OR DY LAW, 1-s Cff1EN BY PETERSEN I -ATH Ri SOPEC i TO A`Y NEW LIG i : NING-` LOAD'E,9s, Fr+r�?T rJ� CJIIrFFOf�iE#�I 1, O� W1TH RESPECT TO ANY WORK. AND NO OTHM OR FURTHER OBLIGATION OR LIAZLITY SIdALL BE INCURRED BY PETERSEN taY REASON OF THE NIANUFACTUPE, SAL> =, OR LEAST= OF ANY LIC -i :TNfNG LOADEA9, PART, QR COMPONENT DR OF ITS USE. kNHETHEP FOR BREACH 01= WARRANTY, NEGLIGENCE OF MANU1=AMRE OR OTHERWISE,) In the event Ihat the provision relieving Peterson of liaMilty for rinligenca atrDtrld for arty faasOrl be held ineffactivs, the remainder of this paragraph shall remain in full force and effect. The obligation of Ps ;B, slap set forth in Section 7 above shall be the exclusive mrnsdy for any breach of warranty. In no event ahaf! Petersen be liable for any general, cons3qushtf&I, or incidental damages ralating to property damages or economic loss, inc €uding without firrritstion any damages for oss of � or lass of pmffts. No distributor, dealer, agent or employee of Petersen is authouYzed toe fend any other or further warranty or Incur any additional obligation on Fein sen'a behaff in con necticn vyllh the safe of its products Sep -21. 2006 9:32AM PETERSEN IND. INC. 86'3 676 -6544 CITY OF CORAL GABLES PHONE (305) 460 -5102 TAX EXEMPT # 23- 02- 324903 -54G INDUSTRIES U PETERSEN r INC. p 4000 sR 60 WEST - P LAKE WADS, FL 33859 L L R V?,T4: 0897000 BILL TO: No.2997 P. 10/23 PuIRCwASE OADER No.. 69083 GapFi 9PON N BUST SHIPMENTS k AND 1N ala's. CITY OF CORAL GABLES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PO BOX 141549 GgP-R1L GABLES, FL 33114 -1543 SH €PTO: CITY OF CORAL GABLES ,AUTOMOTIVE DEPARTMENT 2800 SW 72 AVENUE MIAMI, i L 33155 1 2 EACH REAR STEER TRASH MME LOADERS PETERSEN LIGHTING MODEL RS -3 XNUCKLE BOOM LOADER /. INT' L CHASS18 AND CAB. COLOR: WHITE. REPLACE14EN`P EQUIPMENT PER BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 2004/2005. RESOLUTION .# R2005-84, AGENDA .ITEM MAY 10/2005, H5, 2 0 EACH THIS IS A SOLE SoUR08 PURCHA5E AS THE ONLY MANUFACTURER OF REAR STEER TRASH LOADER CRANE IS PETERSEN INDUSTRIES WHO MAKES THE LIGETING LOADER MODEL RS-3 AGENDA ITEM # 145, MAY 1@%2005 RESOLUTION # R2005 --84 4'6 Tilt CITY OF CORAL GABLES EkCOURAtES T14E f$ I HD US, OF RECYC3.I D AMD RECYCLABLE PA r, 110685.321 221,370.64 r r t, ti ri h CONFIRM ORDER VIA FAX TO ,30E AT 305 - 460 -5116. PO-TOTAL 221,370.64 JOE / R Q 9 17358 / AUTOMOTIVE - RES 005 --s4 WAGE I OFi- - -- .- - - - -- -.. ... -- --- --- = °— PUAGHASiNOAQENT.— -- cr���� Tc� AND SEND INVOICE IN DUPLICATE PREPAY $HIPMEPi AN!) ADD TO INVOICE, C.O.D.s REFUSED 9 kd TI= —RHAT MN ALt Prepared For: CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI RUDY_DE LA TORRE 4755 Spar 75 Ave. Miami, FL 33155 1305- 6687208 September 26, 2005 Presented Ely: Rechtien International Trucks, Inc. Mike Audette 7227 NW 74th Avenue Miami, FL 33166 (305)888 -0111 Mode 2006 4300 SBA 4x2 (MA025) MISSION: Requested GVVVR: 35000_ Calc. GVWR: 35000 talc. Start / Grade Ability: 24.3% f 2.179A @ 55 MPH. Calc. Geared Speed: 68.2 MPH. FUEL ECONOMY: 7.37 MPG @ 55 MPH DIMENSION: Wheelbase: 242, CA: 174.9, Axle to Frame: 67 DT466150 State:, 245 HP, 520 113 -ft Torque @ 1400 RPM, 2600 RPM ENGINE, DIESEL: (international Governed Speed, # 2 Bell Housing TRANSMISSION, AUTOMATIC: (ALLISON 30D0_RDS_P) Close Ratio, 5- Speed, With Overdrive; On fOf# Hwy-, Sensor, With PTO Provision, Less Retarder, With 50,000 -1b GVW Includes Oil Level & GCW Max. CLUTCH: Omit Item (Clutch & Control) AXLE, FRONT NON - DRIVING: {International 1- 120SG} I- Beam Type, 12,000 -lb Capacity AXLE, Rl _AR, SINGLE: {Dana Spicer S23 -170D} Single Reduction; 23,000 -lh Capacity, With Driver Control Lacking Differential, wjth °R" Wheel Ends Gear Ratio: 6.14 CAB: Conventional, Steel TIRE, FRONT: (2) 11822.5 G149 RSA (60ODYFAR} 501 revimile, load range G, 14 ply (4) 11R22.5 UNiSTEEL G167A (GOODYEAR) 497 revimile, load range G, 14 ply TiRE, REAR: SUSPENSION, RR, SIRING, SINGLE: Vari -Rate; 31,000 -lb Capacity, With 4500 lb Auxiliary Rubber Spring 1 proposal: 688 a,}apnV e)l!W 999 :60 9Q 97 day INTERNATIONAL!' Yettirle 5 eci#icatians September 26, 2005 2005 4300 SBA 4x2 (M A025) ptaai2tidii Base Chassis, Model 4304 SBA 4X2 with 242 Wheelbase, 174.9 CA, and 67 Axle to Frame. TOW HOOK, FRONT (2) France Mounted. FRAME RAILS Heat Treated Alloy Steel (120,000 PSI Yield); 10.375" x 3.705" x 0.438" (263.5mm x 94.lmm x i 1.1rnm); 456.9" (11582mm) Maximum OAt BUMPER, FRONT Full Width, Aerodynamic, Steel; 0.142" Material Thickness Includes : PLEASE NOTE: Powder Coated Gray (Argent) Color WHEELBASE RANGE 199" (5o5crn) Through and Including 254" (645crn) AXLE, FRONT NOR- DRIVING (international 1- 120SG) I -Beam Type, 12,1700 -1b Capacity SUSPENSION, FRONT, SPRING Parabolic, Taper Leaf; 12,000 -ib Capacity; With. Shock Absorbers Includes SPRING PINS Rubber Bushings, Maintenance Free BRAKE SYSTEM, AIR Dual System for Straight Truck Applications Includes AIR COMPRESSOR AIR SUPPLY LINE International Engines Naturally- Aspirated BRAKE CHAMBERS, SPRING (2) Rear Parking BRAKE LINES Golar Coded nylon SLACK ADJUSTERS, FRONT Automatic SLACK ADJUSTERS, REAR Automatic PARKING 13RAKE VALVE Color -Coded Yellow Knob, Located on instrument Panel DRAIN VALVE Twist -Type SPRING BRAKE MQt3ULATOR VALVE GAUGE, AIR PRESSURE Air 1 and Air 2 Gauges; Located in Instrument Cluster AIR BRAKE ABS {Bendix AntiLock Brake System) Full Vehicle Wheel Control System (4- Channel) A] R DRYER (Meritor -Wabco System Saver 12001 Mounted in Standard Location BRAKE CHAMBERS, SPRING Relocated To Rear Of Rear Axle For Maximum Ground Clearance BRAKES, FRONT, AIR i-'AM S -Cam; 15.0" x 4.0'; Includes 20 Sq. In. MGM tong Stroke Brake Chambers BRAKES, REAR, AIR CAM 16.5" x 7.0 "; Includes MGM TR3030 Long Stroke Brake Chamber and Heavy Duty Spring Actuated Partying Braise AIR COMPRESSOR {Bendix Tu -Fla 550) 13.2 CFM STEERING COLUMN Stationary STEERING WHEEL 2- Spoke, 18" Diam., Black STEERING GEAR {Sheppard M --1001 Puwer EXHAUST SYSTEM Single, Horizontal, Stainless Steel Muffler, With Internal Catalytic Converter, Short Tail Pipe, Frame Mounted Right Side, For 2004 Emissions Standard with International 16 Engines ELECTRICAL SYSTEM i2-V4, Standard Equipment 2 Proposal: 688 IN1 EPHATIONAV Vehicle S eci #icatlons September 26, 205 2006 4300 SBA 442 (M 25y Descri "on Includes FUSES. ELECTRICAL SAE Blade -Type TURN SIGNAL SWITCH Se €f- Cancelling, Headlight Dimmer (with Flash -To -Pass Feature) : HORN, ELECTRIC Single PARKING LIGHT integral with Front Turn Signal and Rear Tail Light STOP, TURN, TAIL & B[I1 LIGHTS Dual, Rear, Combination moth Reflector STARTER SWITCH Electric Key operated TURN SIGNALS, FRONT Includes Reflectors and Auxiliary Side Turn Signals, Solid State Flashers; Flush Mounted DATA LINK CONNECTOR For Vehicle Programming and Diagnostics In Cab WINDSHIELD WIPERS Single Motor, Electric, Cowl Mounted WINDSHIELD WIPER SWITCH 2 -Speed with Wash and Intermittent Feature, Integral with Turn Signal Switch WIRING, CHASSIS Color Coded and Continuously Numbered CIGAR LIGHTER HORN, ELECTRIC (2) ALTERNATOR (Leese- Neville 8LHP2172VAH) Brush Type; 12 Volt 110 Amp. Capaedy, Pad Mounted BODY Born or WIRING ber Turn[Markerl Bck p /Acue spry Power/Ground and Sealed Connector forr St piTur Includes Sealed Conner . BATTERY SYSTEM {international} Maintenance -Free (2) 12-Volt 130OCCA Total. RADIO Tanasonic CQR -111) AMIFM, With Cassette Player, Includes Multiple Dual Cone Speakers Includes SPEAKERS IN CAB (4) Coaxial m ith Premium Interior SPEAKERS IN CAIN (2) Dual -Cane with Deluxe interior BACK -UP ALARM Electric, 102 dBA HORN, AIR (Grover) Black, Single Trumpet, Air Solenoid Operated, Mounted Behind Bumper on Right Rail HEADLIGHTS Halogen; Composite Aero Design for Two Light System; Includes Daytime Running Lights ENGINE SHUTDOWN Automatic; With 30 Second Delay, With International Engines INDICATOR, LOW COOLANT LEVEL With Audible Alarm STARTING MOTOR (I..eece- Neville M100R) 12 -Volt; less Thermal over -Crank Protection CIRCUIT BREAKERS Manual -Reset (Main Panel) SAE Type III With Trip Indicators, Replaces All Fuses Except For 5-Amp Fuses GRILLE Chrome FRONT END Tilting, Fiberglass, With Three Piece Construction PAINT SCHEMATIC, PT -1 Single Color, Design 100 Includes : PAINT SCHEMATIC 11) LETTERS "GN PAINT TYPE Base CoaYClear Coat, 1 -2 Tone CLUTCH Omit Item (Clutch & Control) T. 3 Proposal: 648 ottiannu avitnr s.oc-rn cr) o7 dee rtd"rr.RNAT10t1AV Vehicle S ecificatians Septernber 26, 2005 2006 4300 SSA 4x2 JMA025) DesZ!j on ENGINE, DIESEL {International DT466} 50 State, 245 HP, 620 lb -ft Torque @'1400 RPM, 26t?0 RPM Governed Speed, # 2 Bell Housing I ncludes GAUGE, AIR CLEANER RESTRICTION Air Cleaner Mounted FI 1ELlIl�fATER SEPARATOR and FUEL FILTER in a Single Assembly, Mounted on Engine COLD STARTI EQUIS EE Stake Manifold Electric Grid Heater rith Engine ECM Control WET TYPE CYLINDER CRUISE CONTROL Electronic; Controls Integral to Steering Wheel ENGINE SHUTDOWN Electric, Key Operated GOVERNOR Road Speed, Electronic ENGINE OIL DRAIN PLUG Magnetic : OIL FILTER ENGINE Spiry -On Type DAMPER, CRANKSHAFT Viscous FAN optimized Position FAN DRIVE {Sorg -Warner SA851 Viscous Screw On Type Includes FAN Nylon log, Over Under System, 516 Sqln Lauvered,ltUith 270 SgEn Charge Air GooEer, 4.25" RADIATOR Aluminum; 2 -Row, Cross F Core, With In -Tank Transmission Cooler includes ANTI- FREEZE Shell Rote] la Extended Life Coolant 4 DF (40C) DEAF RATION SYSTEM v►rith Surge Tank RADIATOR HOSES Premium, Rubber FEDERAL EMISSIONS for 2404; for International VT365, DT466 and DT570 Engines AIR CLEANER Single Element CONTROL Engine Speed Control for PTO; Electronic, Stationary Pre-Set Two Speed Settings; Mounted on THROTTLE, HAND Steering Wheel ENGINE CONTROL, REMOTE MOUNTED - No Provision Furnished for Reroute Mounted Engine Control FAN DRIVE SPECIAL EFFECTS Fan Cooling Ring with Fan Shroud Effects, Engine Mounted EXPANDED ENGINE TEMP EFFECTS to Allow Higher Engine Operating Temperature Range; Includes Nylon Surge rank and 15 psi Pressure Cap OIL COOLER, AUTO TRANSMISSION Air to Oil Type; for Auto or Auto Shits Transmissions TRANSMISSION, AUTOMATIC {ALLISON 3000_RDS_P) Close Ratio, 5- Speed, With Overdrive; OnfOlf Hwy; includes Oil Level Sensor, With PTO Provision, Less Retarder, With 80,000-1b GVW & GGW Max. includes : TRANSMISSION OIL PAN Magnet in ail Pan TRANSMISSION SHIFT CONTROL (ALLISON) Push- Button Type; for Allison 3000 & 4000 Series Transmission TRANSMISSION OIL {Castrol TranSynd} Synthetic, 29 thru 42 Pints Geiierai Purpose 7n�clss; Construction - ALLISON SPARE INpt,IT{QUTPUT for Rugged Duty Series 4€?D5 }; rp 4 Proposal: 688 jm-rr =Rr4AT1UNAL' t{eilicle 5[ cificatians $eptember 26, 2005 2006 4300 SBA 4x2 (MA02-5) Description AXLE, REAR, SINGLE (Dana Spicer S23 -170D} Single Reduction, 23,0WO -ib Capacity, With Driver Control Locking Differential, with °R" Wheel Ends Gear Ratio: 5.11 Includes : REAR AXLE DRAIN PLUG (1) Magnetic SUSPENSION, RR, SPRING, SINGLE +Earl -Rate; 31,000 -Its Capacity, With 4500 lb Auxiliary Rubber Spring FUEL TANK Top Draw; D Style, Steel, 50 U.S. Gal., 189 L Capacity, 16" Deep, With Quick Connect Outlet, Mounted Right Side, Under Cab Includes : FUEL LIMES Nylon Tubing With .0-Ring Snap -On Quick- Connect Fittings at Both Ends CAB Conventional, Steel Includes CLEARANCEIMARKER UGHTS (5) Flush Mounted ARM REST (2) Molded Plastic, Smoke Gray; One Each Door FLOOR COVERING Rubber, Black COAT HOOK Located on Rear Wall, Centered Above Rear Window GRAB HANDLE, CAB INTERIOR (1) "A" Pillar Mounted, Passenger Side GRAB HANDLE. CAB INTERIOR (2) "B" Pillar Mounted, One Each Side _ STEP (2) Two Steps Per Door GLASS, ALL WINDOWS Tinted GAUGE CLUSTER English With English Electronic Speedometer Includes ODOMETER DISPLAY, Miles, Trip Miles, Engine Hours, Trip Hours, Fault Code Readout WARNING SYSTEM Law Fuel, Low oil Pressure, High Engine Coolant Temp, and Low Battery Vaitage (Visual and Audible) GAUGE CLUSTER (5) Engine Dil Pressure (Electronic), Water Temperature (Electronic), Fuel (Electronic), Tachometer (Electronic), Voltmeter GAUGE, OIL TEMP. ALLISON TRAN SEAT, DRIVER {Gra -Mag) Non - Suspension, Mid Back, Vinyl, With Fixed Back Includes SEAT BELT 3- Point, Lap and Shoulder Belt Type SEAT, TVVO -MALI PASSENGER (Gra -Mag} Vinyl, Less Linder Seat Storage Compartment Includes : SEAT BELT (2) One 3 -Point Shoulder Belt and One 2 -Point Lap Beit (Center Position) MIRRORS (2) {Lang Mekra} Rectangular, 7.44" x 94.84 ", Brackets Breakaway Type, With 1 OZ 'Wide Spacing, With 7.44" sq. Convex Both Sides GRAB HANDLE (2) Black, Aluminum; for Cab Entry Mounted Left and Right INSTRUMENT PANEL Center Section, Flat Panel ..AIR CONDITIONER_finternational Blend Air} With Integral Heater & Defroster 5 Proposal. 688 T E R N -AT I all-d A U 2066 43W SBA *x?t 0MA025) mambpz9a inshvir I IREFRIGERAM HEATER HO'S ES PF" F R SIF, A UR, E R jtq-F,E�K,�ORTRW Deluxe mr-14 &-6,tcka - - e--,q -,: z4r -A6 CONSDUE', OVERHF-Af PA"Jed pashc Wh Dual SIONITS Pc,*Ots n-,rnd F',—elt ts pzncl, (;,9 Ra6o Plf Sici-age Pockelv', PlU-,A.R CCIVER, P&D'WeC4 o k, e G ray HEADLINER Pfilfft-d �--'Xlh R q a P-r D-namkm-idge Gra- wftb Siack Cantew SF,,cjjcn, 1-410de?l CAA HOI'der nd As Tray I NSI -RU M E N" r N T p 1 ! d 1 y Out) imed Theqer�, eg a to 0i so AB Recta ,jg Liiar� f3cx,)r, Act VWd, T Center f,0jotinted, Vitt jr, I C DOM Ul GHN, G 'Vap, tntegraj to SUIN (2) jm-addr D ,d,Vjr�ylviith qvyiQdwTnAT0keMY :SIVIRAGE POCM-71, DOOR (1) fAlolded pjasfic srnoke Ggrhya Ftj Diive, DfX-L Intedor 8-',heet r =,,cept tor the 0evr, 1, TERIOR TM M PANELS MOV�ed Pbstic� Ft.,li Heig ht, Al Up J _Y B 14 1 Bnmb ,cat thS SOck POW is p -,Se �, sew ve Back Parielix, On�Y f4dyy Cavwed and M a Fd F,Alol,mling, WMN 0 TWO-f ngp 0 R emger ,LS (2) pjastk.; Diver u� D 0 T M M, P A NIF 2167 Pamte'd Steel, (235,75f-IiM 3C; Hub Mall-ed, Flanged Nut, Nle �,:- MOUK 8,2' WHEEL'S, Lohl,,c Ls WHEEL Grw�se LU5X'PC;Mk,-d, PAINT IDENMITY", Whfte,, -r5(.-,) ,c,,,ub Piloted, Flanged 01A, M t c m r, , 0-25 Dc VVI-FELS, REAR tNUAL, UIIS�,-`, Z lNith HubG "nefrops lu'v'HEEL SEALS, REAR Oil Lubdcated- 'Whe�4 RParinVs PfJN'T WENMIY, u'r-,kR kAlhA-9-, (2) TIRE, FRON'"I 1,1 R22-5 C3149 RSA (GOi).UYEA) M, 71 PaVNMW read mange G, '14 rj'y PFE. REAR 11 R22,5 U-NISTFEEL (3167A (,G00WEPE R) 497 revy'n-ile, _0 G, 14 pty STEEL SURCHARGE m PrDpnsah 663 su'll-IN"IrIV Z31)MM ajq:r��,;n qF� q?� da,,:�, FHTr=RtdATIOMAL� FinareciaE Surnmar Septernber 26, 2005 2005 4300 $BA4?t2 (MA025} (USA DOLLAR) Price pesoriipttorr $71,920.57 Net Sales Price_ Memo Etem(s)- $2,825.00 Warranty: $14,800-00 Body /Allied Equipment Nate: Memo item(s) shown here are included in the above Net Sales Price. P d by Seller; We Date Aut prized Signature This proposal is not binding upon the seller without Seller's Authorized Signature. ra I Ik (J Accepted by PurchaSer. Firm or Business Name Authorized Signature and Pate 6 -Mclal Title and Bate 7 proposal:. 688 INTERMATIONAV Body Ailiedf -qq pmen# September 26, 200-5 2005 4300 SBA 4x2 (MA025) Description GAR -P 26 YARD TRASH BODY PER ATTACHED QUOTE #D4Q1B -1001 Price (USA DOLLAR) Total Body AliiedfEquipment: $14,8QO.OD B Proposal: 688 suamw e�MAJ ean:nn Gn q7. deq IraTERNArtoHAL.h Warran Sepiernber 26, 2005 �� 2006 4300 SBA 4x2 (MA025) 22s #ion ENGINE ONLY 5YFJI50,000 MILES ALLISON TRANSMISSION 5 YR UNLIMITED MILES Price (USA DOLLAR) Total Warranty_ $2,825.00 Proposal: 588 __ at�ann4, aurrnr non -an an o7 dac Gar- Industnes, Inc. Tel: (305) 888 -7252 1089() N.W. South River Drive Fax: (305) 888 -4098 TRUCK BODIES � M a ffley) Florida 33178 (goo) 662.rare (4277) An Inc.544 company jami wwrw. ar -p.cnm Saturday, September 24, 2005 Mr. Mike Audette Rechtien Miami Florida Vfa: Fax #05Q09 -0924 We Are Pleased To Provide You With Our Following Specifications For One (01), Gar P 22" Model #22GP8575454, Steel "Trash" Dump Body. 5 eeifications: (Approximate) 605. Length ft.Jmm : 22� g6" 243 $.4 Width O.D. in. /rnm : Width I.D. (in/mm): 87" _11209.8 Side Hey ht I.D. n. /mm : �„ 1219�2R 2 Tailgate Hei ht I.D. in jrnm 54„ 1 Cubic Yards: 26 Materials: roximate Floor: 3/16" Steel Tailgate: 3/16" Steel Sides 3/16" Steel Understrueture: t Longitudinal: 7" x 9.8 lb. Structural Channel + Cress - Members: 4" x 4.1 lb. Structural Channel ♦ Sub - Frame: Not lieable CONFIDE AL QUOTATION-PA Aliv)m 1 aNiim uAQ,.R l Qf3 47 dad f. ar -P Industries, Inc. Tel' (305) 888 -7252 CW 0% III 10S90 X.w. South Raver Drive Fax.- (305) 888-4098 TRUCK BODIES � Medle Florida 33178 (800) 662 -Ga=P (4277) An lnc_50o Company Miami ( .g Email: sales gAr- . caxxx �,u- gar- p_c�orrt It Saturday, September 24, 2005 Standard Features: No Cab Shield Twin &rn7 Door$ Vertical Bracing Throughout Semi - Automatic Tarp System, with Ground Level ContWl, and Mesh Cover Boxed Top Rail Front and Rear Corner Posts Heavy Duty 3/16•` Steel Floor 45- Degree Sloping Rub Rail Inside T' Radius Sides W Floor Full -Structural Channel" Crossmembers Understructure Crossmembers Fully Gusseted at 12" Centers Heavy Duty "Structural Channel" Longitudinal Heavy Duty - Weld- -On" Rear Hinges Heavy Duty 2" Diameter Cold Rolled Steel Fringe Pins Commercial Intertech'r" Direct Mount Hydraulic Pump -- No Drnreline Side Mourn Hydraulic Reservoir * Inlet Screen * dented Cap a Emergency Shut-Off Value Heavy Duty Steel Hydraulic Cylinder Base Rear Apron Gar -P Light Package, Includes Re- Install Factory Supplied Rear Lights (Stop%Tum/Taii) Four (4) Recessed Mounted Side Marker Lights (2 Red j 2 Amber) Reflectors Audible Back -Up Alarm Rear Rubber Mud Flaps with Gar -P Logo 1 Car Dealers' Gar -P In -Cab Controls, Include. * Fluor Mounted Control CDnsole + Pump Lever with Center Safety Lock + PTO Engaged Warning Light Rubberized Undercoating to Body Understructure "SpedalFeature Two Coats Sherwin - Williams Primer j Sealer, and Two Coats Your Choice Color Enamel - C`pNFIDE TTAL �F1oTf4 �oX - P; GY 2 W5 AnannN MAIN f? 'RR Qn A7 deq Gar-P fndustries, Inc. Tel: (30S) 888 -7252 10840 N.W. SolLth River Drive Fax: (305) 888 -40$$ TRUCK BODIES wile Florida 331' 8 (goo) 662rGasP (4277) it�Ix�mi- (Medley), �x�.ail: sale ar -�- u- ��?'�` An trtc.5(iEi Cor�rpany www. ar -p.com Saturday, September 24, 2005 Hydraulic Co milerciallntertech rm #73124. Hoist: Snap -On Mass - Fillets Bearings for Contaminants Absorption. Threaded Stop Rings. External Packing Nuts for Added Tube Support and Easier Servicing. Wave Springs and Chevron Packing for Positive, Self - Compensating Seals. High Tem rature Resistant Hytrel Rod Wipers. + Nominal Diameter din.): 7" f NUrni7er of stage,-.- 3 a Ca act 71,000 Lb. Ccininerdal7m # C102 2.5 Pump and Valve Combination. Pump: Three Position Valve. Direct Mount Type (No PTO Drivdine) 48 gpm @ 1800 rpm. Maximum rated Pressure 2500 psi. Includes Patented Internal Belief Valve to Protect Pump and Cylinder. Relief Valve Pre -set at 2000 psi. Maximum Speed 2400 rpm. Muncie Clutch shift PTO, forAutornatic Transmissions * ofAtfisan Automatic Transmissions required power-Take-Off (PTO): Programming for Automd6c Dlsen a e, Reservoir: Steel Side Mounted, Vented Cap, and Emergency Shut-Off Valve f- nmmerdal IntertechT" C -102 2.5 hydraulic Pump CDNFjUENT . !2uoTA rjoN - WAGE 3 of 5 al3epnH GIitn1 uRq :6(N 9D 9Z deS l ay., -P Industries, Inc.. Tel: (305) 885 -7252 M=P 10890 N.W. South River Drive rax: (305) 888 -4098 TRUCK BODIES � Munn. (Medley), Florida 33178 (800) GGZ -GarP (4277) www.gar -p.com Fanail. sale �p.enr An l�c.500 Company Saturday, September 24, 2005 NOTICE, Due to recent volatility in steel prices, this quotation is object to Price (SI: change prior to our final acceptance_ Minimum Units: one (01) Total Price: 14,800.00 unit Cost: $ 14.800.{70) Option (s): Add Per Unit Piu Insulamed i�rin W Hame -, Color Coded J rin . Included in Rubberized flndefcoatr "n to a Undersfiru�ure InrJt�ded LOA Ground Control Crank for Semi Automatic Tar Included Rear sum per for Under -ride rofecbtan Included Hat - Shift' PTO fear Allison Automatic Transmission GPSDD Included Automatic Over speed Control Disengage May be Available with Allison MD3060 Transmission. (c�ow) Included Gar -P Electric Tarp system with Inside -Cab Controls, Cab - Shield Mounted Wind Reflector, Chain Guard, and Mesh Cover. * *New Direct— SifentDriveMotor 485.00 other Options and Models Available upon Request Notes: Recommended C/A (Single Rear Axle) = 168" = 48" Body overhang Recommended C/A (Single Rear Axle) = 174" = 42" Body Overhang All Price (s) Quoted EXW Our Medley (Miami) Florida Plant Federal, State & Local Taxes Which May Be Applicable Not Included Pori: Delivery Charges it Applicable Are Not Included This Quotation Valid for Thirty (30) Days Subject to Change Prior to Our Final Acceptance PRIVACY AND CONPIDEP mLIIY NoTicE THE woRMATiON CONTAINED IN THIS COMMUNICATION IS CONFIDENTIAL AND INTENDED SOLELY FOR THE USE DFTHE rNDIVIDUALTO WHOM IT 19 ADDRESSED AND OTHERS AUT am_ED TO RECErUE IT. IF YOU ARE NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT ANY DISCLOSURE, CDPYITI6, DISTRIBUTION OFt TAKING OF ANY ACTION IN RELIANCE ON THE CONTENTS OF TFUS INFORMATION IS PROHIBITED. IF YDU HAVE REEVED THS COMMUNiCA71ON IN ERROR, ?LEASE IMMEI3IATFLy NonFr THE SENDER AT THE PHONE NUMBER INDICATED. Jorge J. Garcia Vice President -CoyFr EimAL (?uoTAfir©rv- -P,,4GF 5 aF5- - - p t'd 1V989_Z96-1796 allopny a,>1! W u00:0[. �) 9Z doS E .0 Q >.� 41 r• F- �. m Qb 00 W o cc Ei 9 V a T r IS LLF T Nr zwm ca �qq w ?. Ul � V3 ��. 5 In _ Y/ Q m , E .0 Q >.� 41 F- �. m Qb 00 W o cc Ei 9 V a T E .0 LC F- Qb W o cc a< tn LLF T Nr zwm w ?. � V3 5 In _ Y/ t rL W 4 • 111 2 VM MM d apapny asi!W e9tr : 50 9Z: deS tn T Nr 5 _ rL W 4 • 111 2 VM MM d apapny asi!W e9tr : 50 9Z: deS 10/34/05 10:24 PLANTRTION FORD FLEET 4 515056687208 NO. 002 Page 1 Of 2 Window Sticker - Zoo5EMEDITI.QN p}=ie'an�: This window sti cker s sl e'uaE zn d aw sfi k r an the Icicle Itself. Peeare see Ywr retailer sticker, and may Or:naY nGt Me fo€ further Infnrmu6n- VIN 1 FMPUi SSESL A90647 vehicle pescripfion /exterior EXPEDITION 28GS 4X2 xt�T OXFORD WHITE GLIraRCar�T 5.4L -3V SOHC V Ehi9ll�ii= Intel<ior t PEED At13'C3�!A'fll Dl 1'iFtANS MEDIUM PARCHMENT CLOTH CAPTAIN'S CHAIRSICONSOLE price Information MSRP Standard Eq�Iifsnier+t INCI_l1DI<C T iVI CH VEHICLE PRICE $35tt155 STANDARD T R OVERHEAD Rover CO SPLIT EWISTO Key pdard equipmP -nt PZ65fi0R17 BSW AIS TIRES OW CONSOLE U1t15iQI�AGE ORi3I =R CODE 13OA KLT 17" BRIGHT ALUMINUM WHEELS 2ND ROW FL LIGHTS Bt�D`l SIDE CtDRIN . CAP•F`ETEQ FLOUR MATS AEJX yI:ATERIAiIZ CONES ({SEAR) 9 OUPHOLCIERS RUNNING gC7ARP5 -BLACK PV�R MIRRORS ttlflSFCURITY LMF FE1N�T•�� TIRE PRESS MONITOR' 5Y5 RUNNING S8ARDSIROOF RAILS _ UNGTlREAR . SUSPENSION CpAi1I �E7G REFLECTOR PiitV 1s5 WfNIDoEN AhITFNN , STASILv-F-R BAR, FRONTIREAR �� oLAMPS LIFTGATE, WlFLIP -UP GLASS i7 ALUMINUM WHEEL �. REAR INT WPERNUAsI+IDEFRST _ TRA E� TOW CLASS IgTEERING p FRONT F08 UTO t OlAt . au-raLAl;rlla�uzo Dhi1OFF �aLIInP . POWER Poirn'S (�) FULL sIZE sPAREI IREII�VHEEL 1 GALI-ON FUEL TANK SECURI 23DS MODS YEAR INTERIOR pERSt�NAL SAFETY SYSTEM t�CFt]RD WNiTE: CLEARCaaT AMfFM DUAL MEDIA v�ilvLt�CK SPEED UAL ON R OLI TEMP CDNTR REMOTE KEY W2 KEYFOBS CHR CL H PARCHMENT CA M/rl�! 5ECURILOC3CfPA5SAAiTiTIIEFT �-SP SOHO V15 EN MA7ICIOIDTRANS POWER DOOR LOCKS & 1tVINE]CIWS . B5Il0ii -i7 H5W ALL -sWON DAyINIGiHT REARVIEW MIRROR AR FR dQ1Ap PV DR SPLITBENOI .36 f 36 BUMPER To BUMPER � 495 jos #2 2Nd /aU qp pl4Q SPLiTSNCH 24 HR I OAI sjUE ASSISTAI$CE 3RD ROW p WERFOLD SEAT 595 CLOTH CAPTAIN -S CHAIRSIOONSOLE FRQNT LICENSE PLATE SRACKFT O& OPTIONS X36, 45 TOTAL V 795 OESTINT DELIVERY TOTAL M60 �36,i��•04 Dl=-taimer: 000ll goring will he blank for any Item that is Drired as o or "No cha€ge "• FWd We W. OMPSPW Ing,jr os swWrV" This Vehicle qualifies for auto insurance discounts, call 1-966- 367 -3131 Or visit v vtr.fo.� i i ', for avalabirdy your state- Vfjblaie Engine infCRnatl¢n 2005 EXPEDITION 2tNf3. 6.4 LI R ENGINE (F.F.S.) FUEL INJECTION, $ CYLINDERS, CITY MPG CATAUYST -EI F- cTRONIC Pp AM 11 TRANS. TFiAfaS. �r A"I Mileag® WID vary Frith apiiaans, drMng conditinns<d01ng habits and -vahl to s can ttion offs re nftad to EPA indlaate that the MaJodtf 01 veh"In with these esiir€ratas v�llt HI HVIfAY Rey p 1�,d sti_„ 1414f2Uu5 httP:llfltn.deilercoEltte ciion. OOmlPageg1preSen t /JIM]notLc�ealizedlstvazC ve#Stal�' up pr <= =.; CONTRACT AWARD SHEET DEPARTMENT OF PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT `.' BIDS AND CONTRACTS DIVISION BID NO.: 5204 -0106 Previous Bid No.: 5204 -0105 TITLE: 2005 Pick-Up Trucks, Various Types COMMODITY CODE NO.: 070-48 OTR YEARS: n/a LIVING WAGE APPLIES: ❑ YES ® NO CONTRACT PERIOD: 02/16/2005 through 02/15/2006 AWARD BASED ON MEASURES: ❑ YES ® NO ® SR.PROCUREMENT AGENT: Nazario Soto El PROCUREMENT AGENT: E] PROCUREMENT TECHNICIAN: PHONE: 305- 3754424 ❑ Set Aside ❑ Bid Preference ❑ Goal ❑ BBE ❑ HBE ❑ WBE Owned Firms ❑ Local Preference ❑ CSBE Level ❑ Prevailing Wages (Reso. 90 -143) ❑ Living Wage PART #1: VENDOR AWARDED F.E.I.N.: VENDOR: STREET. CITYISTATEIZIl': F.O.B. TERMS: PAYMENT TERMS: DELIVERY: PHONE: FAX: E -MAIL: CONTACT PERSON: F.E.I.N.: VENDOR: STREET: CITY /STATE /ZIP: F.O.B. TERMS: PAYMENT TERMS: DELIVERY: PHONE: FAX: E -MAIL: CONTACT PERSON: 592336101 Gus Machado Ford 1200 W. 49th Street Hialeah, F133012 Destination Net30 As Needed 305 -820 -2596 305- 820 -2592 edmachado00hotmail. com Victor Benitez 650944183 Maroon Chevrolet Llc 8600 Pines Blvd Pembroke Pines, Fl 33084 Destination Net30 As Needed 954447 -2150 954 -433 -8503 daef @ maroonefleet.com David Fridgant 592441916 Plantation Ford 707 N. State Rd 7 Plantation, F133317 Destination Net30 As Needed 954 -797 -3767 954 -792 -2545 fleet@plantationford.com Alex R. Oscanch 650944614 Maroon Ford Miami 16800 NW 57' Ave Miami, fl 33015 Destination Net30 As Needed 305 -493 -5310 305 -653 -8250 Schenryl @comcast.com Steven Hebry 650944181 Maroon Dadge LIc 21151 Nw 2 Av Miami, F133169 Destination Net30 As Needed 305 -493 -5310 305 - 653 -8250 schenry@attnet Steven Henry DEPARTMENT_. OF PROCUREMENT MAN- AGEMENT BIDS AND CONTRACTS DNISION AWARD SHEET_doc Revised 09/19/60 Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC GA3- 003 -04-01 2059 North]ake Parkway, 0 Floor 'sucker, GA 30084 Tel 770.270.8443 Fax 770.270.8565 October 3, 2005 City of South Miami, FL To Whom It May Concern: Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC ("Lessor ") is pleased to submit the following bid to you pursuant to the Master Lease/Purchase Program established on behalf of the Florida League of Cities, Inc. Lessee: City of South Miami, FL Amount Financed-, $ 214,202.82 (soft costs cannot exceed 20 %) Lease Term: Sixty (60) months Equipment One (1) new 2006 Rear Steer Loader (knuckle boom crane), one (1) new 2006 26 -cubic Description: yard trash truck, and one (1) new 2005 Model XLT 42 Utility Truck Interest Rate: 4.07 %, or 97% of the 5 -year Treasury. This rate will be held for 30 days from the above date. Thereafter, the Interest Rate will be recalculated at the percent of the 5 -year Treasury quoted under the Florida League of Cities Master Lease/.P urchase Program for the month in which funding occurs, and the rate will be fixed at the time of funding. As of October 3rd, 2005, the 5 -year Treasury was 4.20 %. Periodic P &I: Annually /Advance: $ 45,075.22 (five annual payments /first due on commencement date) Total P &I: Annually /Advance: $ 225,376.09 Servicing Fee: A servicing fee of 10 basis points ($243) will be charged to Lessee for processing this transaction as part of the Florida League of Cities Master Lease Program with Lessor. This transaction will be subject to the terms and conditions and documentation of the Florida League of Cities Master Lease/Purchase Program. If you wish Lessor to proceed with this transaction, please submit the application provided, along with the specified financial information requested. We look forward to the opportunity to provide financing to you. If you have any questions, please give me a call at (770) 270 -8525. Very truly yours, BANC OF AMERICA LEASING & CAPITAL, LLC By: Beth C. Morgan Title: Assistant Vice President MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI -DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING FOR 11/1/2005 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 10/21/2005 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this veltise or publication in the said newspaper. „ j Swom to and subscribed before me this 21 ay o CTOSER D. 2005 v (SEAL) AAaria 1. Men O.V. FERBEYRE personall l writ &rilmission DD20SD55 og EuDtF95 BRarch 04, 2005 NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the City Commissi Miami, Florida will conduct Public Hearhg6 at its.rec meeting scheduled for Tuesday, Novernberl, 2C p.m., in the City Commission Charnbers 61. consrderthe following items: AN 6RDI0ANCE, OF THE MAYOR AND' OF` THE CITY OF; :'SOUTH ;7VIIANII 'FLOR CHAPTER 21, POWER OF-EMWENT DOMA AN ORDINANCE OF OF THE -CITY' OF S THE CITY:MANAGE LOADER (KNUCKI_f CUBIC YARD TRASI AT A TOTAL COST C !Pursuant to Florida Statutes 286.0105i the City hereby advisE that if a person decides to appeal arty decision made by this B cy or Commission with respect to any matter considered at it_; hearing, he or she will need a'reco d of the proceedings; anti i purpose, affected person may need to ensure that a verbati the proceedings Is mace which record includes the testimb .dance upon which the appeal into be based •.10121 05 -5- MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal !Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI PUBLIC HEARING - NOVEMBER 15, 2005 in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 11/04/2006 Aff€ant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and afflant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this/advertise publication in the said ne'NSpaper_,/ _ & Sworn to and subscribed before me this 04 d f NOVEMB ' ` A-D. 2005 (SEAL) Mari& i. i+�1e2, O.V. FERBEYRE personalXG ta me MMissian DD2938a5 g Ex March 9lr '2D9�q- ISMART B® _ I HOW TO REACH YOUR GOVERNMENT CORAL. G+ABLEG CITY COMMISaiON I o Mayor Don Slesnick: 305 - 460 -5220, I donslesn[ck @cbralgables.COm I n Vice- MayorllariaAnderson:305 -460 -5223, j rnanderson @cgralgables.com o Commissioner Raiiael `Ralph' Cabrera, Jr.: I 305- 569 -7817, rcabrera @coraigables.com o Commissioner William H. Kerdyk, Jr., 305- 569 -1817, wkerdyk @cora€gables.com o Commissioner Wayne E. `Chip' Withors: ? 305 - 460 -5323, wwithers @coraigables.com e City :Attorney Elizabeth M. Hernandez: 3057460-5219 I e City Clerk Walter Foeman:305- 460 -5208 i o City Manager David.L. grown: 305 -460 5201 I CITY DEPARTMENTS o Building and Zoning: 305 -460 -5235 e City Hall - 305- 446 -6800 e City Hall Annex: 305- 460 -5000 e Finance - 305 -460 -5276 o Parking: 305-460-5540 ' o Parks and Recreation: 305 - 460 -5620 © Police and Five: 305 - 442 -7600 a Public Service: 305 -460 -5131 C PLiblic Worhs: 305 -460 -5000 a Youth Center: 305- 460 -5600- o Maintenance Facilities: 305- 460 -5040 a Hearing or Speech impaired Telecolvlt unIcation TTY /TDD:305- 460 -5010 i COURTESY NOTICE C97Y OF SOUTH MOAMI, FLORIDA On Tuesday, November 15, 2005, beginning at 7:30 p.m., in the City_ Commission Chambers, 6130 Sunset Drive, the City Commission will hold Public clearings to consider the following Items: BAN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PURCHASE A 2006 REAR STEER LOADER (KNUCKLE -BOOM CRANE /LOADER), A 2006 26 -CUBIC YARD TRASH 'TRUCK AND A 2005 UTILITY TRUCK, AT A TOTAL COST OF $226,376.09 WITH THE FIRST YEAR'S INSTALLMENT PAYMENT OF FIVE PAYMENTS NOT TO EXCEED $45,075:22 TO BE CHARGED TO THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT . ACCOUNT AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A FIVE YEAR AGREEMENT WITH ' THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP. FOR "MAINTENANCE OF ELEVATORS FOR THE AMOUNT OF $20,100 WITH THE FY 2005 -06 SERVICE FEE OF $4,020 TO BE CHARGED 'TO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT, AN ORDINANCE .RELATING TO GARBAGE AND TRASH; AMENDING SECTION 11 -23(a) OF THE CODE OF, ORDINANCES ENTITLED "REFUSE COLLECTION FEE SCHEDULE ". AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING AND TRANSMITTING THE.2005 EVALUATION -AND APPRAISAL_ REPORT OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR REVIEW AND COMMENT AND REQUESTING THAT THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DELEGATE THE SUFFICIENCY REVIEW OF THE EVALUATION AND APPRAISAL REPORT (EAR) OF THE CITY'S .COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO THE SOUTH FLORIDA P.EGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL (SFrRPC) PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS ACT. Inquiries concerning this Item should be directed to the City Clerk's office at 305 -663 -6340. ALL interested parties are invited to attend and will be heard. Maria M. Menendez City Clerk Pursuant in Honda Stalutes 266.4105, the City hereby ad+r]ses the pu64c that 9 a person d-ldes to appeal any decision made by this Board, Agency or cbn hsion vdth reap i to any matter considered at its meetlng or hex ig, he or she wIT need a Nmrd o1 the proceedings, and that tor . suth purpose, affected person may need to eneuca that a'verbaffrr r$co"rd oilhe'proceedings ts: made, which record Includes the testimony and evidence upon, which the appea[ fs.te be bawd. W6 tale the Comics very' seriously.... That's why you'll find all your favorites in The Herald. _ i7EF�7AZb EWE SAWS � r � � o _ o � �8Y avxv.tr�is�+stecc IgRESAW -' .utaTaam nrnx6vr, oar�,ly! Ogg sRItE3adQFF v1FANT A IF-REE NIER Fun TWOT I t� 7ELOME GER4GFGGtiCO Al sB fl� Batts From SICILIA s,dLLGHERO GOOD CU&Tole C"D RALYO a FO MEV AELF Hp11S Vs 758 rur��tiduu � 1.311112MM. 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