1966-539ORDINANCE NO. 539 ORDINANCE OF CITY OF SOUTH MIAMI, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE CERTAIN RIGHT-OF-WAY-DEEDS CONVEYING CITY OWNED PROPERTY FOR THE PURPOSES OF USE AS RIGHT- OF-WAY; SAID PROPERTIES BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED HEREIN. WHEREAS, the City owns certain property within the City extending into the zoned right-of-way, and WHEREAS, tie City Counci l finds that it is to the best interest of the City to dedicate such lalids for use as public thoroughfares and streets; NOW, THEREFORE, . BE IT'6AbMNfb­BY THE MAYOR AND C I ITY COUNCIL OF C I ITY OF SOUTR'MIAM­I, 'FLORIDA: The city Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute proper right-of-way ded'i'Cation deeds covering "those certain lands legally described as, to-wit: 1. The North 5 feet of Lots ,10 Oieu,' 17 inciViii'V6, and Oie_ W"t 5 'feet of Lots 17 fhru 27 inclusive, all in Block 16, tdw&6I'T­h OF LARKINS as recorded in Platbook 2 at t-PAge 105 of the Public Records of Dade,Cotinty, Florida. 2. The North 15 fe-6t Of the fc� lT ng ribed property, Be'lg`j n 35 feet South and _1 2.0, lee t West 6i`N_E corner of NW4 of i:NA ­_ 4 of 4 Of NE Section 36, Township "54 South, Range-4- 40 East; thence West 210 tfeet; thence 86iith JIS feet; thence East 1:60 'feet; thence Nofth l'5'b feet; thence East JO'feet;'the'nce North 1-65 feet to the Point -of Beginning. 3. The North 56 ke­6-t of the 'fOf'l64iW4'_descr'ibed proper . n 0 B64i- 20 feet West f the NE corner of the NW4 of NWh of NE4 of Section 36, Township 54 South, Range, 4 . 0 East; thence West 160 "feet; thence South 100 -'feet; thence East-'100 * feet; thence North 100 feet to Point of Beginning. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of June A.D. 1966. ATTEST: Cit Clerk APPROVED: NZ 7 Mayor